Hello and welcome to the Music Theory Series. In todays lesson we will take a final look at the introducton to scales.

We will cover the Chromatic and the Whole-Tone Scales today.

Let's start with the Chromatic Scale.

Chromatic Scale:

A chromatic scale is a scale which divides the octave into its semitones. There are twelve semitones, or half steps, to an octave in the chromatic scale.

Let's show this with an example:

A C major Scale consists of these notes:


If we add the half steps to this scale, then the scale will look like;

C C# D # E F F# G G # A A# B C

-The reason that i didn't add a note like E# between E and F, and B# between B and C, the intervals between
E-F and B-C are already a half step.

Thats it for the chromatic scale.

Now let's continue with the Whole-Tone Scale.

Whole-Tone Scale:

A whole-tone scale is a scale which made by entirely whole-steps and has only six notes.

The formula is: W-W-W-W-W-W

It's very easy to remember.

Let's explain this scale with an example:

Let's start with a C note to find this whole-tone scale:

C D E F# G# A#

As you see all intervals within the scale are whole-steps.

Let's give another example and start with a D flat.

Db Eb F G A B

As you see all intervals within the scale are whole-steps again.

Now, it is important to remember that there are only two whole tone scales; C and Db.

It is because if you start a scale on a different note, you are still playing the same notes as the C and Db whole tone scales but in different order.

Thats it for todays lesson. If you have questions feel free to ask from here or send a pm anytime. See you in another lesson of the Music Theory Series. Keep rocking cool.gif