20 Rasgueo Exercises (II) Lesson

20 Rasgueo Exercises (II)

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  • Hi and welcome to the second issue of this series of rasgueo exercises. Today we are going to work on the independence of fingers, doing some exercises that changes the order of the attacks. We will focus on the Rasgueos Pinzados, that are all the rasgueos that uses the thumb as a platform where the rest of fingers starts the movement. Great part of the success of this kind of rasgueos is to hold properly all fingers. Try to bend the thumb for this (remember, like if you would want to throw a paper)

    I play each exercise that appears in the screen twice.

    The tempo of the metronome is 90. Practice slowly first, adapting to your own level. It´s important to add tempo to the movements, because most of these rasgueos should be played in a toques with strict tempo, where rubato isn´t allowed.

    As I say in the rasgueo exercises (I), practice each exercise independently but also from the begginning to the end, like in a whole piece.

    A note about name of fingers. Sometimes this name changes depending of the program of writing scores you use. For thumb the usual name is p (from spanish name - pulgar); in Guitar Pro the name assigned is T (thumb). Index an middle (índice y medio) has no problem -ever i and m -. For ring finger most of the time you will find a (from anular in spanish). And the most variations are in little finger. The name in Encore is c, in Guitar Pro is o, and in most part of spanish scores is ñ (from meñique).

    See you!

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