B Minor Ballad Solo Lesson

B Minor Ballad Solo

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  • Hi! This is another minor solo in my lesson list. Here I wanted to focus on vibrato and precise bends with controling the long notes. If you remember my "neoclassical solo for beginners" where vibrato was executed in 8th notes, here I am vibrating in 16th notes to match the song feel. The lesson requires a bit of concentration and serious control with bends. You need some good sustain in your sound if you want your notes to last long enough. I compensate with both sound and vibrato which can also extend the note duration. If you are in need for slow powerful bends and vibrato in a ballad feel then this lesson might be for you. Pay attention on little slides which I usually play when entering the phrase. They add more interesting vibe into your phrasing. (See GP file)

    The whole solo is in pure B minor scale (aeolian) and the chord progression is also within that chord scope.

    I hope you will enjoy practicing this one. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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