Dream Theater: Overture 1928 Lesson

Dream Theater: Overture 1928

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  • Welcome to the “Overture 1928” song lesson!

    For me this song summarizes a lot of what John Petrucci’s playing is about in Dream Theater in an intermediate level.

    You can find the nice open chords riffing, the palm mutes, the odd time signatures, the melodic solos, the shredding solos, the unisons and the overall great composition.

    There’s nothing better than practicing an instrument with music that you love and for me this was one of the songs that really helped me go a step above from where I was at the time. It was a challenge that I was set to achieve that eventually made me a greater guitarist, so my advice is that you take it! Not only this but many other great tracks that are available here in GMC!



    Intro (10 bars)

    Main Riff (8 bars)

    Bridge (8 bars)

    Odd time section (8 bars)

    Odd time section end

    Main Riff (Keys solo) (8 bars)

    Guitar solo 1 - Section 1 (8 bars)

    Guitar solo 1 - Section 2 (8 bars)

    Bridge (8 bars)

    Guitar solo 2 - Section 1 (9 bars)

    Unison Guitar and Keyboards (7 bars)

    Chromatic riff (2 bars)

    Keyboard solo (4 bars)

    Keyboard solo 2 (4 bars)

    Outro (4 bars)

    End Riff (2 bars)

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