Planet X Style Lesson

Planet X Style

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  • Hello GMC'ers! I prepared this lesson in 5/4 using only a C-chord on the bass. However in the harmonic section, there are chords formed with melodic structures such as root, 2nd, and 5th. These chords give a rigid feel and with lots of space.

    In the melodic section I used notes from the C- pentatonic scale, and then continued with a pattern in sixteenths on the C-scale using alternate picking. It´s a simple pattern yet very rewarding when generating a rush of notes. It goes well with some simple bends and some open pentatonic phrases. It then ends with a fast phrase using legato.

    Pay close attention to the rhythmic part at the beginning which goes on for the rest of the theme and together with bass drum. It´s very important to study rhythms such as 5/8 or 5/4 called odd meters, which are so often used in progressive music styles with great bands such as Yes, King Crimson, Rush, or newer bands such as Dream Theater or Planet X.

    * Riffing
    * Legato
    * Alternate Picking
    * Bends

    C Minor Pentatonic

    If you have any questions:
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    Enjoy!/ Juan

    C Minor Pentatonic:

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