Deep Swing Lesson
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  • Hi GMC!

    This is lesson on jazz guitar and swing rhythm, piece has only three chords, F min7, Db7, C7. It is a jazz version of Fminor-Db. We have Db7 which is a small variation, though it doesn’t has harmonic function in this lesson, it lasts for half second or so. However you can play Db7 arpeggio over it if you like, or F# harmonic minor scale, you really need to think fast if you want to improvise fast.

    There are lots of repetitions, fragments, which in different rhythmical contexts sounds different. There are also lots of rhythmical variations and displacements, and finally what is very important you need to “swing” the notes, to follow the rhythm, in other words when you play 8th notes, one is slightly longer then the other one, I am sure you already hear that. And finally, when you learn the whole solo, maybe you can try to improvise using some of the licks you learned.

    Enjoy playing!

    Vasilije Vukmirovic

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