Legato and Picking - Beginner Lesson

Legato and Picking - Beginner

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  • Hi GMCers!

    Today's lesson is for all our beginners out there and it's gonna help you with legato and picking at the same time. The idea is very simple as we play same lick twice using legato and then picking.

    You'll notice that your muting would have to change or adapt for one of these technique and that's good test to prepare us for clean and articulated improvising later on.

    Tempo is 80 bpm, it's in key of D tho it modulates into key of Dm near the end, 4/4 bar.

    For my tone I used Guitar Rig 3, ask for the preset in my Instructor Board if you need it and I'll post it. :)


    Muris Varajic

    From this course:

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