Mastering Diatonic Patterns - CAGED Method Lesson

Mastering Diatonic Patterns - CAGED Method

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  • Hey GMC, welcome to new series of lessons called "Mastering Diatonic Pattern".

    Diatonic Scales are very important step in learning to play gutiar and creating music in general. This pattern contains major scale and the modes, and it is most often in use in most music styles.

    This series will contain 2 lessons, and in each lessson we will cover one method of learning the Diatonic Pattern over the whole guitar fretboard. Each method is position oriented, and in this lesson number 1 we are doing the CAGED method. If you already practiced boxes of the pentatonic scale it will be very easy for you to understand CAGED here as well. We are doing the same positions with only a couple of notes added. The next lesson in the series will cover 3 notes per string patterns. There are 7 of them, and they are equally important as CAGED patterns so stay tuned for that one as well.

    The lesson is divided into 5 practice-along videos. You can practice along with me during the playback of the video. The metronome will click over the video at 60bpm, and we will change note durations to get faster. This kind of method has a bit faster tempo changes but it is good because we cover more rhythmic territory, which will later show in our playing as well. We will cover these note durations:

    - quarter notes

    - eight notes

    - eight note triplets

    - sixteen notes

    - sixteen note triplets

    Have fun with the lesson :)

    Diatonic Scale Pattern (C Major Key):

    From this course:

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