Pentatonic Solo Lesson

Pentatonic Solo Lesson

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  • Hi everybody, even though I am still without internet at home I finally had the chance to upload my second lesson, this time a nice little Hard Rock type of solo based on the pentatonic scale. This scale has always been my fave scale, it is easy to play and always sounds nice in my opinion, and it has been the basis for many of the greatest riffs and licks in rock history ("Black night" from Deep Purple or "God of Thunder" from Kiss, to name just two examples).

    Most of my solo is based on the A minor Pentatonic, which I am using in different boxes here, only towards the end I break things up a bit and also use the A minor harmonic scale and the A minor scale to add some more color, other techniques you will find in this lesson are alternate picking and hammering on / pulling off and there are backing tracks in different speeds for you to play along.

    I hope you'll like this lesson and have fun practicing it, Cheers

    A Minor Pentatonic.jpg

    A Minor.jpg

    A Harmonic Minor.jpg
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