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GMC Forum _ REC _ Metal Essentials #2

Posted by: Jaisor May 23 2022, 09:12 PM

Original lesson: by http:///instructor/Darius-Wave

Need to work on those pinch harmonics. I think the rest of it came together well enough. Thanks for the amazing tutorial Darius!

EDIT: I can't seem to reply to the thread, but I wanted to say how grateful I am for the received feedback. Very much appreciated, and will do my best to incorporate in my next post. You all rock!

Posted by: Monica Gheorghevici May 24 2022, 07:21 AM

Hi Jaisor!

Welcome to the REC section! Your take sounds very promising. There are a few details that need more work but I'm sure you will be able to manage them.

First of all, because of the fact that your video doesn't contain the last bars of the lesson, your take can't qualify for grading. But...don't worry, we will still give you feedback for your performance.

Tone - the beauty in the metal lessons made by Darius is the fact that he uses less gain. All the juice comes from the hand strength. At this moment, you play very softly and this affects the tone.
Because it's a speed-friendly rhythm lesson, it's worth work to get that tone from the hand. All you need to do is to use a heavy strum and a proper amount of gain. This will allow you to have good separation between notes, avoid a blurry sound and also will make you understand how much strength you need to apply to your right hand to get the right amount of attack in your tone.

Be careful of unwanted noises. This lesson requires a very clean and tight playing. Assure yourself that you use both hands for muting.

You have some little timing issues. Try not to rush things. As examples: 0:33; 1:02 - let the slide sound and move your hand at the last moment.

0:22; 0:28; 0:32; 0:37; 1:01; 1:06 - don't add an additional pick before you go on the slide. The pick should be at the end of the slide. Look closely at this part and try to fix this detail because it's an important one.

0:58 - the final part should not be played anymore with downstroke picking. Pay attention to the picking direction. You need to use the alternate picking because the purpose is to catch a different flavor in sound.

I hope to see a new take from you. Try to work at all the details that I pointed out and also, if you can, maybe next time you will also add the pinch harmonics.
If you have any questions or you need help, let us know and we will give you additional explanations.

Keep up your awesome work!

Posted by: Kristofer Dahl May 24 2022, 08:25 AM

Very cool Jaisor - this is a promising take and really cool home studio btw 😎

Overall you are doing good here with all the important bits in place. You need to keep the good work up and pay attention to details.

Monica is right about the tone and this is especially true when overdubbing. So in other words if you record two guitars (typically hard panned left and right in metal) - you should dial in a tone that feels like it's not distorted enough, then when you put the guitars together it will sound just right.

As an important bonus - this will also give you punch & dynamics (which too much distortion kills).

Another important aspect of using less distortion - is that this will force you to improve your right hand strumming attack. And I think this should me the main take away from your take:

With less distortion you will be forced to hit the string a little harder. When doing so - you will notice it's easy to cramp up - and thereby loose speed and momentum.

If you look at Darius' right hand you will see it looks pretty relaxed yet with a fairly large movement. The key to getting good attack and tone when riffing with medium gain sounds is to think of your right hand as a heavy pendulum which is relaxed and flexible - yet able to hit the strings with some attack.

Hopefully this makes sense.

I am looking forward to following your progress mate 😎

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 24 2022, 10:56 PM

Welcome to REC! smile.gif Some great feedback so far. You are doing great so keep it up! your pinch harmonics do need a bit of work but that's ok as it's a simple thing to fix. the trick is using a bit of the meat of the thumb and a bit of deep vibrato to make it ring out. If there is not enough vibrato, or if the vibrato is tepid/shallow, the pinch will die out early.

Here is a quick vid that may help with your pinch harmonics.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 30 2022, 06:57 AM

Hi Jaysor!

First of all, I have to say that your practice room looks great! The lights look spectacular in the video.

And your performance is nothing to sneeze at either, you're on a very good path with this lesson. The most important element you need to work on (besides pinch harmonics) is timing. Those slow tempo riffs are harder than they look because we always tend to rush. But at the same time, they're good training so that we don't have rhythm problems later (even) at faster speeds.

There are parts that are a little tighter, and others, like in the second 00:22, where you have to work a little harder.

What will help you over time is to accompany the rhythm with movements of your head or body. This way you'll feel the beat better and be able to play tighter.

So, buddy, that's it for today, keep practicing!

Posted by: Fran Jun 23 2022, 09:26 AM

Closing this one cool.gif

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