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GMC Forum _ Todd Simpson _ Adams Bootcamp

Posted by: Todd Simpson Oct 15 2018, 01:21 AM

Welcome to SHRED BOOTCAMP! I'll be your Drill Instructor! And I do mean DRILL! As in a large power tool used in slasher films and Paul Gilbert concerts. Here is were you EARN THE LIVING DEATH out of your fingers and break through any speed bumps/barriers to become a MASTER CHIEF of Shred!
*Make sure you get both hands in the shot when shooting your video*Make sure you use a metronome for the first several Missions and that the metronome can be heard.*After you complete a mission, shoot me a PM and let me know it's ready and I'll give you a debrief! These are pass / fail, so if you pass you BADGE UP and if not, I'll give you some feedback and you head in to the breach once again.
*The first several missions are VERY simple. They are just to get you used to the bootcamp process.
*Most importantly, there is NEVER a speed requirement in bootcamp. I want you to push yourself to play as brisk as you can, but NEVER at the expense of precision. If you find you are missing a note here and there, slow down a bit. Speed is just a byproduct of precision so my goal is to make you a very precise player. At that point, speed just happens.



1.)Your mission is to go all the way back to the very start. The base of the mountain.


Which you will play SUPER PERFECT!. Speed it up bit by bit until you feel your ready to take it to WAR (Any speed, it's up to you, no points for speed, only points for playing in a precise manner as speed is simply a byproduct of precision) Shoot a video and post it as a reply to this post. Make sure to EMBED the video by clicking on INSERT SPECIAL ITEM above the smiley face and then you'll get a drop down menu. Click on INSERT YOUTUBE VIDEO and follow the instructions in the Pop Up Menu. I'll then offer a constructive and brutally honest critique.


Upon nailing the crap out of lesson one at a speed you didn't think possible, and playing it a clean as a freshly waxed floor, you will be given your first insignia of Rank in BOOTCAMP! You will then proceed to Lesson #2 and so forth. Here is the link to the entire 400 plus Lesson Library.

Here is the link to your own PRIVATE HOUSE OF PAIN!...Er I mean.. SHRED!


Posted by: Adam M Nov 6 2018, 01:53 PM

Posted by: Todd Simpson Nov 8 2018, 07:57 AM

Welcome to Bootcamp Adam!!! You are on your way to Earning Your Stripes!!!! Let's Debrief!!!

*MUTE: Well Done on your mute technique. You are doing it just right imho. Your palm remains planted and your articulating the pick with the thumb and first finger. Is this your normal technique or did you read me going on about this in a post somewhere? Either way, NICE!!!
*SYNCH: The point of this Mission is to test your hand synch and let me know if there are issues wit it. The Good News is that I don't see any issues. You have very tight right/left hand synch!
*PACE: Another aspect of this mission is pace. I want to see if you can play without rushing or lagging.

These first few Missions are not likely to challenge you very much but that's OK as they are just designed to get you familiar with the process. As you go forward, the Missions will get harder and harder as you get better and better.

In short, you just.......


QUOTE (Adam M @ Nov 6 2018, 08:53 AM) *

Posted by: Adam M Nov 14 2018, 10:11 PM

Thank you for kind words!

Here is my take on second lesson, again 150 bpm. I just noticed the picking hand is barely visible but it's pretty much the same as on first lesson. I did my very best to get a quick recording just before the nighttime. I can re-record it tomorrow if that's problem but I could also upload lesson 3 tomorrow afternoon - it doesn't look like something I've never done before smile.gif

As I said in the other topic, I'll be buying the interface - probably Scarlett 2i2 - but in that case I'll have to wait until next month. I don't earn that much doing both university and part-time job, so the tablet's camera will have to do for now.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Nov 14 2018, 11:23 PM

Good to see you in the Fight Soldier!! The video quality is more than ok. As long as I can see and hear you are good to go!!! If you ever get the desire to do more than one at a time, it's ok. Some folks prefer it. Honestly whatever works for you is what works for me Soldier!! Let's debrief!!
*FORM: You are displaying solid technique here Soldier. keep it up! Muting, hand synch, clean strikes. Nice!
*TEMPO: Not rushing or lagging, Spiff!
*AGGRESSION: Jumping in with aggressive style!! Score!!
You clearly have all the elements well in hand Soldier. You are ready for what awaits you!
You just ...
These missions will get more complex as you go. The first several are really foundational. It's good to see you are comfortable with most important techniques!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Nov 14 2018, 05:11 PM) *
Thank you for kind words!

Here is my take on second lesson, again 150 bpm. I just noticed the picking hand is barely visible but it's pretty much the same as on first lesson. I did my very best to get a quick recording just before the nighttime. I can re-record it tomorrow if that's problem but I could also upload lesson 3 tomorrow afternoon - it doesn't look like something I've never done before smile.gif

As I said in the other topic, I'll be buying the interface - probably Scarlett 2i2 - but in that case I'll have to wait until next month. I don't earn that much doing both university and part-time job, so the tablet's camera will have to do for now.

Posted by: Adam M Nov 16 2018, 10:40 PM

Here's my next video. For this one I stayed at 130 bpm and (I'm sorry for that!) I had the metronome in the headphones. For some reason that made it much easier for me but also its clicking is a bit loud and it's late hour. Honestly, I believed it would be much easier, guess it's descending run for a reason smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Nov 17 2018, 05:48 AM


*PICKING TECHNIQUE: Solid picking technique. The picking is really the core of everything we are going to be doing so it's great to see you have a good handle on it!!!

*MUTING: Without a solid palm mute, all is lost. Your palm mute is spot on and no string noise is escaping. Keep that up!!!!!

*SYNCH: Keeping your right/left hand synch is another crucial part of this. You've got very solid hand synch and you are ready for what's next!!!
In other words you just.....


QUOTE (Adam M @ Nov 16 2018, 05:40 PM) *
Here's my next video. For this one I stayed at 130 bpm and (I'm sorry for that!) I had the metronome in the headphones. For some reason that made it much easier for me but also its clicking is a bit loud and it's late hour. Honestly, I believed it would be much easier, guess it's descending run for a reason smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Nov 17 2018, 11:00 PM

I don't like my performance here. I recorded that after 48 hrs with almost no sleep but still, I did it. 140bpm today.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Nov 18 2018, 05:21 AM

Nice!!!!!! Soldier this is impressive. Mission 3 is a chance for me to really look at your precision and synch. mission 4 is a good chance to see what your endurance is like. The video is fine for our purposes here but it a pinch dark ( a bit more light wouldn't hurt) and your pick hand is mostly in the shot but if you backed up just a pinch I could see more of it which would be handy smile.gif
Let's Debrief!!

*PALM MUTE STEADY ON: Keeping a steady palm mute without moving your pick hand all over the place is key. You have a good and centered technique here. keep that up!
*PICKING STEADY ON: Your picking is very even and solid as it should be. If your picking rushes or drags, it will ruin your ability to play briskly with precision. Great to see your picking is solid and steady!! This will serve you well as you work on your speed.
*ENDURANCE: I have not had a chance to really see your endurance on display until Mission 4 and I'm impressed. This Mission is one that can burn your arm off if you are not doing it correctly which is sorta the point of Mission 4. if one tries this mission using the STIFF ARM picking technique, for example, it won't last long.

You are doing very well in these foundational Missions. Keep going!! They will keep getting harder as you go but you are more than ready Soldier!! In other words you just.... LEVELED UP!!!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Nov 17 2018, 06:00 PM) *
I don't like my performance here. I recorded that after 48 hrs with almost no sleep but still, I did it. 140bpm today.

Posted by: Adam M Nov 25 2018, 10:13 PM

Here is my take on the next mission. To be frank, I had a gut feeling it will be a milk run. I was right. The previous mission took me some time but this one I did with no practice at all. I'm not proud of it because maybe I should practice at a higher tempo or something. But then, the nighttime was near and I really wanted to turn it in smile.gif It's in 120 bpm.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Nov 25 2018, 10:44 PM

Nice!! The speed is more than fine. There is never a speed requirement in bootcamp. Speed is just a byproduct of precision. You will get more precise as you get more Missions under your belt. You are better off completing more missions and expanding your musical vocabulary than spending too much time trying to bump up the speed on a single mission. Each Mission will add something to y our skill set. You will notice that you just start getting faster as you go through them. smile.gif

This one is about handy synch and picking and you did great on both. Let's debrief! Also, the lighting is much better smile.gif I don't mind if vids are dark, as sometimes, folks have to shoot with a cell phone at night and don't want to wake folks up. It's always handy to have more light if possible wink.gif

Let's Debrief!!!

*TRAVERSE: String Traverse is a tricky thing. It's easy to stumble on it. You play it clean and confident. Well done!!
*PACE:It's tempting to rush or lag these bits based on which sections feel easier or harder. You play very evenly which is what I like to see.
*ARTICULATION: You are not picking from the elbow which is great. It's easy to stiffen the entire arm and elbow pick which is a bad habbit and hard to break. You are articulating the pick very well. I would suggest trying to reduce the overall range of pick motion just to keep things as minimal as possible which reduces the amount of time required to make the next pick strike.
You killed this one, you just...... LEVELED UP!!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Nov 25 2018, 05:13 PM) *
Here is my take on the next mission. To be frank, I had a gut feeling it will be a milk run. I was right. The previous mission took me some time but this one I did with no practice at all. I'm not proud of it because maybe I should practice at a higher tempo or something. But then, the nighttime was near and I really wanted to turn it in smile.gif It's in 120 bpm.

Posted by: Adam M Nov 27 2018, 05:11 PM

Here's the mission #6 smile.gif After a warmup i had fun. I was used to a different pattern and had no idea that these patterns are pedal points too.

It seems my hand can reach this many frets with no major issues but if I were to fret just one position further (17th), there would be a problem. This is also a reason I have bad time learning JB's Altitudes (sweep section). Will my hand stretch accordingly as I progress or should I make some extra effort? I know this is one of the reasons it's best to start playing as a child, when one's still growing but then, I was worried I wouldn't be able to play on higher frets at all with my big hands and now it's alright.

For the second exercise I lowered the tempo and used triplet option in the metronome. I just couldn't play it with regular clicking. I'll look for mobile version that can do that, so I can put it in the video as well.

Edit: I also put my amp on a chair this time which makes it about equal height as recording tablet. Is it any better now, regarding trebles and stuff?

Posted by: Adam M Nov 27 2018, 10:37 PM

I'm back! And this time, I bring not one video but two smile.gif
#7 is in 120bpm and #8 is 140 bpm, IIRC

Posted by: Todd Simpson Nov 28 2018, 02:58 AM

Well Done!! This is exactly what I want out of this Mission. You nailed it! let's debrief!!

ALT PICKING: Your doing great on your Alternate Picking here. It's consistent and that's what I'm looking for. Nice!!
MUTE: Very solid work on the palm mute. Also critical. If you can't mute, you will get string noise. Not a problem here!!!
SYNCH: Right/Left hand synch is the core of this drill. If your synch is off, the entire thing will fall apart. Again, not a problem here! Your synch is spot on!
Sound is much improved and lighting is better! Score!! Your finger stretch will get better as you go but I'd say try to stretch before you practice as a warmup, and after you practice as a cooldown. Here are my standard stretches. STOP if you feel any pain. Don't think you have to stretch as far as I am. I've been stretching a long time. It will take time.

For now, well done you just...

QUOTE (Adam M @ Nov 27 2018, 05:37 PM) *
I'm back! And this time, I bring not one video but two smile.gif
#7 is in 120bpm and #8 is 140 bpm, IIRC

Posted by: Todd Simpson Nov 30 2018, 03:46 AM

Well Fought Soldier!! This is exactly what I hoped to see. This drill requires intense single string work and Alternate Picking. It also requires you play single strike and an asymetrical single/double strike pattern. Learning to use both strike patterns will serve you well in the Wars to come and you nailed it!! Let's Debrief!!

ALTERNATE PICKING MADNESS - Alternate Picking is the core of these drills. If you alt picking is weak, this will show it. Good news is your alt picking is quite strong. Nice!!

TRAVERSE IN STYLE - In addition to Alternate picking, this requires nearly non stop string traverse. Each time you switch strings, you risk missing the strike, or catching the pick on the string and missing a beat. Not you!! Smooth as glass!

SILENT AS DEATH - Palm muting is always critical. Any gaps in the mute and string noise raises it's ugly head. Not here!! Quiet as a mouse!!
Great job on these. You have a solid picking technique, good muting and traverse. You are ready for the WARS TO COME Soldier!! You just...

QUOTE (Adam M @ Nov 27 2018, 05:37 PM) *
I'm back! And this time, I bring not one video but two smile.gif
#7 is in 120bpm and #8 is 140 bpm, IIRC

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 1 2018, 03:55 AM



TRAVERSE OF KINGS You may have noticed that these licks have a LOT of string traverse. This is something that many players struggle with. Often, the pick will snag on a string an ruin the bit. By looping the drill I get to see if you have the endurance to play at pace and not miss a strike/fret/etc. The good news is you didn't miss a thing!!

Any looping lick like these is about pacing. It's giving you a chance to rush or lag depending on which part of the bit is easy to play. It takes control to play it all at the same pace. Nice!!

ALT PICKING FROM HELL Pretty much non stop alternate picking. This is a "shred lick" so it's a good one to work up speed on. You can do it in "bursts" ala Ben Higgins on your way to being able to play the entire thing in a bit loop at break neck pace ala Paul Gilbert. Score!!

In short you made short work of it Soldier!! You are ready for the wars to come!!

You just..



Posted by: Adam M Dec 1 2018, 10:15 PM

It's maybe a bit too early, not a whole week passed, but I don't think I'll improve much in the next few days.
110 bpm was the fastest tempo I could push and it wasn't as perfect as I want it to be. I need to use an online metronome with triplet clicks. I'll probably get used to triplets with the most basic metronome pattern over time but for now it confuses me instead.

I'm waiting for the buyer to receive my pickup and pay C.O.D. and I'll use that money to buy a replacement, so for now I'm stuck with the other guitar (loaded with PAFs) but it turned out to be just fine for the Bootcamp smile.gif

I watched some other students' takes on this mission and I'm horrified by how fast they can go. It just motivated me even more to progress quickly.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 3 2018, 04:20 AM


Well Fought Soldier!!!! It's always a good day to make a new Mission Vid!!! Great to see you are digging in with aggression!! Let's Debrief!!

SNIPER Picking with the the tactical precision of a Sniper. It's good to see! Never hitting the wrong strike, always making a clean hit. keep that up!!
CONSISTENCY This is the most important thing you can do and your doing it well. Being able to play with consistent pace, strikes, hand synch, is crucial. You've shown great ability with it thus far. Keep that up too!!
MUTE TO KILL Also crucial is a good palm mute. One that covers the entire bridge so that you dont have to lean on the left hand for muting strings. This way you can play open string licks and wads of other things without worrying about string noise. Nice!!
You are getting the fundamentals down Soldier!!! Keep this up!! You are on a roll. keep that going to!! Keep putting them and I"ll keep debriefing. Don't be thrown off by the speed you see others playing at. Everyone, I mean everyone, had to start at square one at some point. The more Missions you complete, the better you'll get. Keep going!
You just ...

QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 1 2018, 05:15 PM) *
It's maybe a bit too early, not a whole week passed, but I don't think I'll improve much in the next few days.
110 bpm was the fastest tempo I could push and it wasn't as perfect as I want it to be. I need to use an online metronome with triplet clicks. I'll probably get used to triplets with the most basic metronome pattern over time but for now it confuses me instead.

I'm waiting for the buyer to receive my pickup and pay C.O.D. and I'll use that money to buy a replacement, so for now I'm stuck with the other guitar (loaded with PAFs) but it turned out to be just fine for the Bootcamp smile.gif

I watched some other students' takes on this mission and I'm horrified by how fast they can go. It just motivated me even more to progress quickly.

Posted by: Adam M Dec 5 2018, 05:50 PM

Blood, sweat and tears. Well, not exactly but close. After about 2 hours of recording session I did a clean run. At first, I felt my endurance being put to test. Left hand was uncomfortable until I got used to it, much later. I probably should take a break or two and cool down a bit but I had quite a nice streak there. THough, later I started feeling frustrated a bit and started making silly mistakes. The worst were those when my finger slipped at the last two notes, literally.

Nobody said it would be a milk run but that's how it works. Here's mission 10:

I tried playing a few parts of Stream of Consciousness and there's this main riff where the fingers cover 2 notes across half the fretboard. After a warm-up and a moment of practice, I got it! It's more extreme stretching than Arpeggios From Hell! I can't play this progression smoothly but I can play the separate chords relatively clean! smile.gif

I also browsed Quick Licks section and I decided to give it a try when I have a moment. Is it okay if I do each one twice: once just to play it properly and twice in higher tempo after a few months of progress? I think they are only graded once, so I'm asking if you could make an exception in my case?

Posted by: Adam M Dec 6 2018, 06:01 PM

Next mission might appear tonight. At first it was a pain to memorize. Then I tried grouping the notes by 4 and it was better. Then I played your video and when I heard you play it, I got the pattern at once!

Posted by: Adam M Dec 7 2018, 02:05 AM

Now, I know I'll be repeating this but I still uploaded it because of few reasons. I didn't say I'd do it for sure but in my mind it was decided. It's the middle of the night here and that's why I'm playing unplugged. Neighbours would be furious.
Secondly, somethhing quite bad happened today and I was all nervous when I was recording earlier. In that state I kept making really silly mistakes and got even more upset. I know I wouldn't be able to fall asleep like that. It was a battle for my honour, so it doesn't matter if I fail the lesson. This small victory over my own limits was somehow satisfying and it feels lighter now.

It's all muted tightly and tempo = 100 in triplets:

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 7 2018, 06:26 AM

If there is a vid with the Mission, always try to watch that before you dig in to the Tablature.It will show you what I'm looking for in the Mission and the tab will usually make more sense smile.gif


QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 6 2018, 01:01 PM) *
Next mission might appear tonight. At first it was a pain to memorize. Then I tried grouping the notes by 4 and it was better. Then I played your video and when I heard you play it, I got the pattern at once!

Well fought Soldier!! It's always good to go ahead and give a Mission a whirl!!! I can't really hear it but I can see your hands and it looks good. I think you have a god handle on this. Good effort and clean playing never gets a Fail!! This is solid work here. When you get a chance, just make a "Mission Version" where you are plugged in to whatever you normally use so that I can hear as well as see. It's important to hear it with your normal tone so that any string noise, etc can be heard in order to properly critique it. You can record the vid when you go to record your next Mission if you like.

Keep it up!!
QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 6 2018, 09:05 PM) *
Now, I know I'll be repeating this but I still uploaded it because of few reasons. I didn't say I'd do it for sure but in my mind it was decided. It's the middle of the night here and that's why I'm playing unplugged. Neighbours would be furious.
Secondly, somethhing quite bad happened today and I was all nervous when I was recording earlier. In that state I kept making really silly mistakes and got even more upset. I know I wouldn't be able to fall asleep like that. It was a battle for my honour, so it doesn't matter if I fail the lesson. This small victory over my own limits was somehow satisfying and it feels lighter now.

It's all muted tightly and tempo = 100 in triplets:

Posted by: Adam M Dec 7 2018, 11:32 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Dec 7 2018, 05:26 AM) *
If there is a vid with the Mission, always try to watch that before you dig in to the Tablature.It will show you what I'm looking for in the Mission and the tab will usually make more sense smile.gif


Well fought Soldier!! It's always good to go ahead and give a Mission a whirl!!! I can't really hear it but I can see your hands and it looks good. I think you have a god handle on this. Good effort and clean playing never gets a Fail!! This is solid work here. When you get a chance, just make a "Mission Version" where you are plugged in to whatever you normally use so that I can hear as well as see. It's important to hear it with your normal tone so that any string noise, etc can be heard in order to properly critique it. You can record the vid when you go to record your next Mission if you like.

Keep it up!!

Sometimes you get the tabs with no demo included. While you're right saying it makes much more sense, I want to try it by myself and see if I get it right smile.gif

I'm much more calm today and some of the issues from yesterday may solve themselves today. I'll get to recording in a second.
Did you miss my mission 10 video? Maybe it drowned in my spam or it's because we moved to page 2 now. Seems I'll have no problem passing at least number 11, so I'll get straight to 12 afterwards!


Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 7 2018, 11:48 PM

Per your question about quick licks, jump in!!! Feel free to make 2 versions of the quick licks vids so that you can have a video of pushing the envelope as well as your take for critique. I'll be able to tell which is which. So it's completely fine. You can do a fast take on Bootcamp as well, as long as you have one take that's played under control. That way you can have a video trail of progress both of pushing the edge and of where you are in terms of playing a given bit with precision. In short, go for it!!

Let's look at Mission 10. This is a bit of a BEAR. It's a serious finger twister. It's tempting to try to play this briskly. It's what I call a "speed trap". Your fingers want to try to shred it, but the complexity of the lick makes it feel like swimming up stream. Don't feel bad about this, this lick is very very complex and is mostly about having control over your fingers and picking rather than playing it fast. As for the speed, your playing this plenty fast. There are some licks in bootcamp that are built to shred. This just isn't one of them. Let's Debrief!!!..

*SYNCH OR SWIM: Hand synch is CRUCIAL on this lick. If you slip just once, it sticks out like a sore thumb as I'm sure you found out. So it's critical that each pick strike matches up with a fretted note. You have to stick the landing each and every time, which you do!!
*MUTE OR DIE: Due to the massive amount of string/fret traverse, you gotta keep a good palm mute on this guy or string noise will just wreck it. Your mute is spot on.
*AGGRESSIVE STYLE: This is a hard lick to play. You jumped right in and pushed the envelope and still kept it under control. Nice!!! In short you just....

You are on a roaring roll Soldier!! Keep it up!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 5 2018, 12:50 PM) *
Blood, sweat and tears. Well, not exactly but close. After about 2 hours of recording session I did a clean run. At first, I felt my endurance being put to test. Left hand was uncomfortable until I got used to it, much later. I probably should take a break or two and cool down a bit but I had quite a nice streak there. THough, later I started feeling frustrated a bit and started making silly mistakes. The worst were those when my finger slipped at the last two notes, literally.

Nobody said it would be a milk run but that's how it works. Here's mission 10:

I tried playing a few parts of Stream of Consciousness and there's this main riff where the fingers cover 2 notes across half the fretboard. After a warm-up and a moment of practice, I got it! It's more extreme stretching than Arpeggios From Hell! I can't play this progression smoothly but I can play the separate chords relatively clean! smile.gif

I also browsed Quick Licks section and I decided to give it a try when I have a moment. Is it okay if I do each one twice: once just to play it properly and twice in higher tempo after a few months of progress? I think they are only graded once, so I'm asking if you could make an exception in my case?

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 8 2018, 07:20 PM

Well Fought Soldier!!! Yet another one of very important foundational bits Soldier. This finger shape is one you will see quite often as you go forward. Also, you'll see a LOT of this type of string/fret traverse. This is a deceptively simple lick. It's got enough complexity to get your fingers thinking about what note comes next, but it's the same idea repeated so it's not overly complex. Let's Debrief!!...
LOOPY: You may notice that I have you play licks often in a "Loop". This is so that you focus on the lick itself. Also, it allows me to see your playing over a distance of ground. If you rush/lag, it will stand out. Part of what I'm trying to teach you is Playing like a Robot in order to Shred Like a God. Paul Gilbert is a good example of putting loops of a given lick to good use. It's one way to build up steady speed. Of course, you can play one loop fast and then settle back in to a comfy speed for a "burst" approach as well.
NON STOP TRAVERSE: As with a few others, this lick traverses strings and frets non stop. Partially to build endurance, partially to get your hands accustomed to playing long sequences of notes. This will serve you well when we start doing very long scale runs.

ARTICULATION: You are doing a very good job of articulating the pick with your thumb/first finger and avoiding the dreaded "Picking from the Elbow" keep that up!!
You've got this down pat Soldier!! You just...

You are only one Mission away from your next Chevron Badge Soldier!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 7 2018, 06:32 AM) *
Sometimes you get the tabs with no demo included. While you're right saying it makes much more sense, I want to try it by myself and see if I get it right smile.gif

I'm much more calm today and some of the issues from yesterday may solve themselves today. I'll get to recording in a second.
Did you miss my mission 10 video? Maybe it drowned in my spam or it's because we moved to page 2 now. Seems I'll have no problem passing at least number 11, so I'll get straight to 12 afterwards!


Posted by: Adam M Dec 9 2018, 11:12 PM

I guess this is the last "easy" mission. Is it why I get the Chevron Badge after clearing it?

I checked number 13 and getting used to the pattern will take a few practice sessions. Nothing I can't do.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 11 2018, 05:19 AM

Well Fought!! Very perceptive as well. This is the end of the "Starter" Missions. Youhave gotten your production process going, your accustomed to the process, youare able to adapt to a wide variety of techniques, in short, your ready!!! It's whythe Double Chevron starts at 13. The badge ups are tied to the levels and you badgeup a chevron when you make it to the next range of difficulty. Sort of like being
at a given level of power in a Video Game like Destiny or something similar.
You may be at a given level for a bit until you level out if it. Same here, once youare well versed in a given range of techniques, you level out and head to the next thing.You will get "reminder" drills as you go since these skills are perishable. For now,
let's Debrief!!!!!
ALT PICK OF DESTINY: Alternate Picking is at the core of this lick. Without good alt picking technique, this lick won't work. It's the kind of thing you just cant play with all downstrokes and have it work well. Nice!!
TRAVERSAL OF FORTUNE: Non stop fret traverse is required on this one. You gotta slide a bit to make this work and you slide quite well!!!
PINKY TIME: Good use of the pinky here! On the lower frets, Pinky Power is crucial.

You are ready for the next chapter Soldier! You are ready to Badge up to 13!!! It's a bit more challenging to be sure. You can nail it!!
You just leveled up...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 9 2018, 06:12 PM) *
I guess this is the last "easy" mission. Is it why I get the Chevron Badge after clearing it?

I checked number 13 and getting used to the pattern will take a few practice sessions. Nothing I can't do.

Posted by: Adam M Dec 11 2018, 01:28 PM

Just a quick update. I won't be recording anything for a few days. I just got the info 2 of my exams are on next Monday. The lecturer doesn't like me, so I need to pass both with high grades. I also have to turn in a chapter of thesis on Monday, so I'll be busy. I'll try to practice during what little fretime I'll have but to use that time efficiently, I can't focus on recording.

Also, thank you. I will add your father to my prayers too.


Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 12 2018, 01:57 AM

No worries Soldier!! You've earned a break!! Thanks for thinking of my Dad smile.gif He needs all the help we can get.

QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 11 2018, 08:28 AM) *
Just a quick update. I won't be recording anything for a few days. I just got the info 2 of my exams are on next Monday. The lecturer doesn't like me, so I need to pass both with high grades. I also have to turn in a chapter of thesis on Monday, so I'll be busy. I'll try to practice during what little fretime I'll have but to use that time efficiently, I can't focus on recording.

Also, thank you. I will add your father to my prayers too.


Posted by: Adam M Dec 19 2018, 08:08 PM

I just played around for a warm-up. I noticed AP-heavy riffs like Iron Maiden are much easier for me to play. All my practice was your drills, so that's what helped me. Thanks! smile.gif

I'll edit this post later when I have a video ready, so I don't spam too much in this thread. Just wanted to let you know I'm starting to notice my progress.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 20 2018, 03:04 AM

Awesome!!! It's great to hear that your hard work is paying off!!! Keep it up smile.gif


QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 19 2018, 03:08 PM) *
I just played around for a warm-up. I noticed AP-heavy riffs like Iron Maiden are much easier for me to play. All my practice was your drills, so that's what helped me. Thanks! smile.gif

I'll edit this post later when I have a video ready, so I don't spam too much in this thread. Just wanted to let you know I'm starting to notice my progress.

Posted by: Adam M Dec 23 2018, 11:37 PM

I'm back with another video. Descending run was very easy but there was a tricky part in the ascending one. It's where I moved from G string to B string and had to go up by 1 fret. I got it eventually but I could use much more practice for fluency.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 24 2018, 09:35 AM

Nice!!!!! I could not have asked for better Soldier! You didn't rush it, which is a good thing imho. This lick is all about hitting the right notes in the right order. It's not really a shred lick. When I play this lick in a solo, if I want it to sound fast, I'll usually multi pick it (doubles/quads) since it doesn't lend ifself to shreddery. That B string fret jump is part of what makes this tricky. It's great that you didn't have to struggle on this. It's a complicated bit of finger work and that's why it makes a great drill. It also makes a cool lick for solo work! I often use just a few strings of it as a transition piece in a guitar solo. It's a great way to get from one lick to another. Let's Debrief!!

*TACTICAL PRECISION: Very well done on pick strikes and fretting. Without a high degree of precision, this lick just falls apart.

*STEADY PACE: Didn't rush, didn't lag. Being able to play at a steady pace and not rush the easy bits and then drag the difficult bits is crucial to being a well rounded player. Well done!

*QUIET AS DEATH: On these types of licks that use all the strings, it's very hard to keep it from generating string noise. Not a problem here! Silent as the grave!
Well fought Soldier! You just..
*Congrats on your first BADGE UP to a new CHEVRON level. This is your first Double Chevron Badge!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 23 2018, 06:37 PM) *
I'm back with another video. Descending run was very easy but there was a tricky part in the ascending one. It's where I moved from G string to B string and had to go up by 1 fret. I got it eventually but I could use much more practice for fluency.

Posted by: Adam M Dec 29 2018, 12:32 AM

I tried getting it done before going to work. There's single, double and triple empty string version in vid 1. I'm not sure what mission 15 is about. I mean there's the tab but no task to complete, so I recorded 3 runs on this.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 29 2018, 03:37 AM

Well fought Soldier!!! This is a great lick to work on your single string technique. Keep doing this lick in your practice sessions and you will continue to gain precision and speed. Let's Debrief!!!!

*PICKING-This is all about single string picking technique. Being able to alternate pick on a single string without getting the pick caught, losing track of the strike pattern, etc. You did a great job on picking this one.

*TIMING-Timing is crucial in this lick. If the timing is off at all, it sound very obvious. That's why this lick is structured as it is. The good news is your timing is spot on and you played this very well.

*DIFFERENT STRINGS-Being able to pull this lick off on different string shows that you can traverse to new strings without losing control of your technique. It's great to see!! Well done.
In short, you KILLED IT Soldier!!! You just...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Dec 28 2018, 07:32 PM) *
I tried getting it done before going to work. There's single, double and triple empty string version in vid 1. I'm not sure what mission 15 is about. I mean there's the tab but no task to complete, so I recorded 3 runs on this.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Dec 30 2018, 07:07 PM

Well fought Soldier !Thisi lick is about getting you read for the basics of sweep motion combined with scales as a sort of combo/hybrid lick. So we start with a double down stroke semi sweep, then in to a scale pattern. Eventually, you'll be playing full sweeps and transitioning in to full scales back to back. Let's Debrief!!


*Sweep Shape: This starts with a sweep type shape with two down strokes. This is the
most important part. Being able to play the sweep shape without lagging or rushing is key. Nice!
*Follow Up: Following the sweepish bit, you go right in to a scaleish bit. Getting this
transition to be smooth is the entire point of the drill. It's very smooth so well done!!
*Precision: A high degree of precision is required for this entire thing. If you falter at any point it will stick out like a sore thumb. The good news is you never slipped. Score!!
In short you KRUSHED it and are ready to move on. You just....

Here is the updated tab and guitar pro file for 15.
 15fix.gp5 ( 1.68K ) : 1541


Posted by: Adam M Jan 2 2019, 01:55 AM

Here's my take on next mission. Mentally I'm at the next lesson as I need to prepare to it instead of just playing a vista. I think you said before that from time to time I should revise the past lessons, so I think it's a way to do it plus transposing skills which is always nice to have smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Jan 2 2019, 10:42 PM

I made this video today. Matching the patterns to an E minor scale was much more difficult than just moving a pattern up or down. It's the first part, Missions 1 - 6 included. I'll do some more during my next session.

Now I noticed I missed one mission, so I'll do that as well smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 3 2019, 09:25 PM

Well Fought Soldier!! Yet another Mission that requires a bit of finger twisting. All of these are intended to give you the basic skills needed to compete in the REC lessons and be able to WIN each and every time. Great to see you making such progress!! Let's Debrief!

*SOLID MUTE: Without a good mute this would sound like a huge mess of noise. Good job keeping it clean. It's a crucial skill.

*SYNCH OR SWIM: Hand synch is getting better and better. Keep up your missions and it will keep getting better!

*ARTICULATION: Well done using the fingers/hand on the picking and NOT using the stiff arm / picking from the Elbow. Avoiding that bad habit is key to progressing. In short you KILLED IT!! Nicely done on your lesson Revision Video as well!! You've got all of these in Memory which is impressive!! Keep up your practice routine!!! If you have not done so, add learning your favorite songs by ear. Without tablature to help develop your ear.
You just.. LEVELED UP!!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 1 2019, 08:55 PM) *
Here's my take on next mission. Mentally I'm at the next lesson as I need to prepare to it instead of just playing a vista. I think you said before that from time to time I should revise the past lessons, so I think it's a way to do it plus transposing skills which is always nice to have smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Jan 4 2019, 05:55 PM

I'm on a pretty good streak, so I'm not stopping now smile.gif I had a little hard time figuring out the pattern because the tab is split into 3 parts here. Your demo is great smile.gif It's both promising and terrifying.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 5 2019, 08:59 AM

Well Fought Soldier!!! The Video demo shows a few key things.
1.)Economy of Motion: Notice that my left and right hands are barely moving. It sounds like they should be flailing about like mad, but instead, they both look like they are barely moving at all. This is the key to shredding at full tilt.

2.)Right Hand is Relaxed: Notice that there is barely any tension on my right hand,. Go back and watch just the right hand. Note that the strikes barely move beyond the string. This too is key. Being able to hit the next note is easier when one doesn't drift to far away from the string.

3.)Pick as Sharp as a Scalpel: Using a very stiff, 1.0 MM or thicker, very sharp and very beveled pick with a rounded side edge can really make the difference. I'm currently using a MATHAS GUITARS "Impaler" 3.0 MM pick. It's the only pick I've found that is honestly perfect. It's similar to my custom VON HOTCH pick that took me and Vonhotch about a year to design. He doesn't make picks anymore sadly.

You have a very good start on this. Your technique is solid and that's the most important thing. Let's Debrief!!!!

PLAYING WITHIN ABILITY: It's always tempting, on a lick like this, to push the envelope well past where one actually can play,. I see it all the time. In an earnest effort to shred, folks end up trading precision for an attempt at speed and end up getting neither. Quite easily it slips in to sloppy playing. Not so here!!! You are in control the entire time.
NOT TENSING UP: Not tensing your arms is the key to shredding. Tension is Death for shredding. It wrecks your speed, kills your precision and causes injury. Great to see you not tensing!!
PACING: It's also tempting on a lick lick this to play the parts that are easier for the hand faster than the parts that are more difficult. Good news is you don't fall in to that trap!!!
Keep this lick in your warm up routine. Eventually, you will be playing this as fast or faster than I'm playing it in the video. Just be patient with yourself and keep it up!!! In other words you just..

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 4 2019, 12:55 PM) *
I'm on a pretty good streak, so I'm not stopping now smile.gif I had a little hard time figuring out the pattern because the tab is split into 3 parts here. Your demo is great smile.gif It's both promising and terrifying.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 7 2019, 09:57 PM

I misunderstood the task for Mission 18. Also, I suppose quite a number of students don't get past this but I'm not one of them! Can't say when exactly I'll upload a vid but it should be this week. I want a take that will satisfy me.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 8 2019, 03:01 AM

Now that you mention it, WADS of folks get stuck right here at 18. To wit, I have added this bit to help explain the Mission. It's really just, make a solo using the supplied track as a backing, record a vid.


Play a solo over the backing track. Try to use some of the licks that we have worked on in previous Bootcamp Missions. If you feel that your solo is better served by using other licks, that's entirely up to you. I just want to see you creating a guitar solo over a backing. Also, I"m not going to tell you what key this is. I want you to listen to the track and see what notes sound good. If I just give you the key, you may just play notes in that scale and that's not really what I want. I want you to listen to the track, and respond musically. Trust yourself!!

Your video take can have as many or as few notes as you see fit. Just make it good!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 7 2019, 04:57 PM) *
I misunderstood the task for Mission 18. Also, I suppose quite a number of students don't get past this but I'm not one of them! Can't say when exactly I'll upload a vid but it should be this week. I want a take that will satisfy me.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 15 2019, 06:49 PM

This is officially the toughest mission at GMC and I'm taking level 10 shred lessons into account. I have a few ideas already. Now I need a few more and then I'll just combine them.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 15 2019, 09:37 PM

I always thought it was the easiest of all the missions but nobody seems to agree smile.gif Many of the students have found this one a big of a speed bump on the road to greatness. Don't stress. You can play anything you like. Doesn't have to shred, doesn't need to be fast. Just any notes that are in key. Thats the only requirement.

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 15 2019, 01:49 PM) *
This is officially the toughest mission at GMC and I'm taking level 10 shred lessons into account. I have a few ideas already. Now I need a few more and then I'll just combine them.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 15 2019, 10:21 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Jan 15 2019, 09:37 PM) *
I always thought it was the easiest of all the missions but nobody seems to agree smile.gif Many of the students have found this one a big of a speed bump on the road to greatness. Don't stress. You can play anything you like. Doesn't have to shred, doesn't need to be fast. Just any notes that are in key. Thats the only requirement.

I think the difficulty in this one comes mostly from the improvisation task itself. With the tabs given, even in rank 10 lessons, you don't need to worry about that. Just memorize the pattern and phrase it in a way that you see fit. Here, the student must get familiar with the scale and not just 5 boxes but also see them as a whole. Then they must come up with a few melodic licks to make it sound right. My takes don't sound like playing scales up and down but it's not enough to make it sound good. All the tools needed to improvise better I'm hoping to learn here at GMC but it's not going to happen over a night.

From a student's point of view, I can say that I joined GMC with no proper education. I mean, I have some knowledge but nobody taught me how to improvise because I mostly learned from tabs. I think this lack of experience poses that difficulty and I imagine that any student who wasn't taught it before will have a hard time. But it's better this way because this forces a person to think and come to conclusions.

I think that changing this mission the way you did - to figure out the key before anything else is really going to help me and others. Especially today, when there are tabs and transcriptions for most of the pieces. I read many comments saying that e.g. in the 80's people had one CD and figured the songs by themselves. Even YJM used a tape recorder and analyzed the piece's structure with ears only. This is a very important skill if someone aims to become a real virtuoso. Not all of the classical pieces have their score sheets available and even those that do have it probably take weeks to put it on a fretboard. And I don't just mean getting a sequence right but also literally putting it on the fretboard. The same sound appears in few positions and some are easier and more accessible than other. Learning to do it is another crucial skill. My recent experience with Paganini's Sonata proves it beyond doubt.

I honestly hope there are more missions in Bootcamp like this one. Also it's just my idea but I think it would make a very interesting challenge to get a simple recorded melody, even just a sound file with no video, and be expected to reproduce it with no hints such as the key, etc. For example a pass grade for doing it properly and bonus points for dynamics, stressing the notes and ornamentation used. This way, both beginners and advanced players could enjoy it. Also, the feedback from such challenge would probably help any student improve further.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 16 2019, 08:36 AM

The improv aspect is what makes this one such a challenge for many folks. Improv is something that is hard to actually teach since so much of it comes down to person doing the improv. Even if a student knows all their scales, knows how to play "in key" and all, they still may struggle with even a short improv where they have to write a solo from scratch. The good news is, I've got the answer key so I can share a bit smile.gif

1.)Once you find the key, pick your scale. Here's a hint. Minor and Pentatonic work great.

2.)Land on the Root/Key note now and then to resolve your licks.

That's it. It's really not more complex than that. You can use single note licks like BB king if you like. You don't even have to use polytonal chops. The important thing is that you dive in and try it. If I don't like it, you'll get more practice by doing it again smile.gif

I like your idea for ear training! The good news is you don't need an instructor for something like that. You can grab any guitar bit ever played and use your ear to work it out not by note. I did that same thing when I was learning and it did help. I still like learning songs that way and only use tab if I hit a sticking point.

You can put up a test solo if you want some feedback before your take. Look forward to hearing it! There are other solo lessons in bootcamp. You just gotta work towards them.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 16 2019, 11:58 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Jan 16 2019, 08:36 AM) *
The improv aspect is what makes this one such a challenge for many folks. Improv is something that is hard to actually teach since so much of it comes down to person doing the improv. Even if a student knows all their scales, knows how to play "in key" and all, they still may struggle with even a short improv where they have to write a solo from scratch. The good news is, I've got the answer key so I can share a bit smile.gif

1.)Once you find the key, pick your scale. Here's a hint. Minor and Pentatonic work great.

2.)Land on the Root/Key note now and then to resolve your licks.

That's it. It's really not more complex than that. You can use single note licks like BB king if you like. You don't even have to use polytonal chops. The important thing is that you dive in and try it. If I don't like it, you'll get more practice by doing it again smile.gif

I like your idea for ear training! The good news is you don't need an instructor for something like that. You can grab any guitar bit ever played and use your ear to work it out not by note. I did that same thing when I was learning and it did help. I still like learning songs that way and only use tab if I hit a sticking point.

You can put up a test solo if you want some feedback before your take. Look forward to hearing it! There are other solo lessons in bootcamp. You just gotta work towards them.

To be honest, you didn't remove the info about the key completely after changing the mission - I just realized that. The description is still hinting at it. Also, the backing track didn't change, so I'm pretty sure the key stays the same.

The main problem I'm having here is that this track is much more dynamic than what I've tried from YouTube and slow ballad-type playing doesn't sound too well here. I'm a perfectionist and unfortunately playing a nice solo won't satisfy me unless it fits the track's character. I need to do some trial and error and see for myself how to make it work. That's the best partt about it! smile.gif

Is there a place where I can post a video when I work out some piece? All I can think of is the Practice Room section but as long as I can get some feedback, it works for me smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 17 2019, 04:51 AM

I'm not trying to make it impossible, really not trying to make it even that difficult. So some hints about the key are ok smile.gif Using the same track. This lesson is intimidating enough evidently without me making it too much harder. I'm glad you dove in!!!
The bad news is that I can't hear the backing track in the video sad.gif I need to be able to hear the backing and the solo to be able to tell how you are doing. Since the mission is about playing over a backing, I really do need to hear the backing. You can put up a test pass with the backing and I'd be happy to give you some feedback on it. I can't really say much without the backing other than it looks like your playing is solid, so yeah, add the backing!
Part of what I"m trying to teach on this Mission and in fact every mission, is the importance of not getting in your own way. We all have our demons to overcome. Perfectionism, some folks have procrastination, some folks it's something else. Everyone has something. The missions are designed to keep you moving forward and not allow you to get too stuck on one thing for too long. I've seen many players get stuck and give up so don't allow yourself to get trapped. As for the practice vids, you can put them up right here. It's a great place for them. Make as many as you like as often as you like. The more the merrier. It's by working through this that you gain something from it. There are plenty of missions where you will need to solo so please don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. That too is a key lesson that I"m trying to teach. Learning to let go, and move on, is part and parcel to learning how to learn. That lesson will help you in every aspect of the gig called life. Guitar, after all, is just a sort of metaphor for life itself. The journey is without end. Getting stuck along the way due to a bump in the road doesn't help the traveler or the road.

Look forward to your practice vid!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 16 2019, 06:58 AM) *
To be honest, you didn't remove the info about the key completely after changing the mission - I just realized that. The description is still hinting at it. Also, the backing track didn't change, so I'm pretty sure the key stays the same.

The main problem I'm having here is that this track is much more dynamic than what I've tried from YouTube and slow ballad-type playing doesn't sound too well here. I'm a perfectionist and unfortunately playing a nice solo won't satisfy me unless it fits the track's character. I need to do some trial and error and see for myself how to make it work. That's the best partt about it! smile.gif

Is there a place where I can post a video when I work out some piece? All I can think of is the Practice Room section but as long as I can get some feedback, it works for me smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Jan 17 2019, 11:26 PM

It seems I did it. I've been listening to this track looped for a few days now, hoping to come up with some licks but it's very difficult when there's no vocal track.

I hope this one gets a pass grade, I gave it my 300% today just to make it to the next mission. Now I'm a little behind schedule with thesis but there's still some time before deadline for next part.

As a bonus, I'm including a photo of my t-shirt I was wearing for this occasion. The writing says it all smile.gif

Could you criticize my previous video as it is, just so I know how bad it is? I borrowed some licks from Vivaldi's Four Seasons and tried transposing them to what I think is the lesson's track key. I said I'd try learning classical pieces by ear and I mean it. The earlier I start, the earlier I learn to play this concerto suite smile.gif

Also, what you're hearing here is my new Merlin pickup and Zombie amp with V30 stack. It's a bit far away from recording device, so the mic doesn't capture nuances but the difference is huge hearing it live! I'm in love with it and I want a mic with DI box so much more now!
I didn't have time to do reviews for any of this yet, but I thought I'd let you know. Maybe you can hear the difference in my vids smile.gif

I'm also happy because I managed to find someone who would trade my EMG H4 for H3. I bought two H4's for about 60% price of one and I really like them but many folks say H3 is much better at neck and seeing how H4 is so brutal, they could be right. I'm not using the EMG's currently but I keep them safe. If I manage to find a cheap used Explorer-type guitar, I would swap them for pure Metallica tribute axe. We're trading by mailing them by C.O.D. and I only hope I won't get tricked to pay for a potato in a box or something like that.


Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 18 2019, 04:27 AM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! I like your pedal point lick that you start off with! I like all the licks you chose You have a good sense of what is going on in the backing and you selected licks that worked well with it. Given your still new to all of this, I'm impressed with what you came up with. There are some issues, as is to be expected, since this is all still fairly new ground. Toward the end, it sounds like you lost track of the beat just a bit. But honestly, that's small potatoes at this point. The entire reason this Mission exists is to get you to jump in with both feet and make a solo up from scratch and then record yourself and fight off the curse of the "red light" and play all the way through. You did it! Let's debrief!!

AGGRESSIVE STYLE: Great to see you diving in to the solo and going for it! At some point, one just has to take a deep breath, hit record and go for it.

TECHNIQUE ON POINT: Your Missions have served you well! Good technique on display here. Keep that up!

DIVING IN WITH BOTH FEET: Your playing is not hesitant or timid in any way. It's bold and speaks for itself. Nice.

In short I"m very proud of you Soldier! You jumped in and fought through it. It's not an easy mission. Especially if soloing is very new to you as a player. With each improv you will get better. So make doing improv soloing part of your practice routine! After all, the entire point of all of this work is to get you to the point where you can play, off the cuff, with any music your present with.

*As for your last vid, it's sorta tough to critique it as a solo vid as it's all by itself. There is no musical context since there is no audible backing. I can say that the playing looks mostly solid and technique looks solid. I don't recognize it as a classical piece yet, but it's still early days so keep at it and I'm sure you will get a version that reminds one of the piece that it's based on. There are guitar versions of just about every classical piece on earth on youtube which is a good reference. If you want to try it on your own, that's good as well, it will just take a bit longer. But keep at it!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 17 2019, 06:26 PM) *
It seems I did it. I've been listening to this track looped for a few days now, hoping to come up with some licks but it's very difficult when there's no vocal track.

I hope this one gets a pass grade, I gave it my 300% today just to make it to the next mission. Now I'm a little behind schedule with thesis but there's still some time before deadline for next part.

As a bonus, I'm including a photo of my t-shirt I was wearing for this occasion. The writing says it all smile.gif

Could you criticize my previous video as it is, just so I know how bad it is? I borrowed some licks from Vivaldi's Four Seasons and tried transposing them to what I think is the lesson's track key. I said I'd try learning classical pieces by ear and I mean it. The earlier I start, the earlier I learn to play this concerto suite smile.gif

Also, what you're hearing here is my new Merlin pickup and Zombie amp with V30 stack. It's a bit far away from recording device, so the mic doesn't capture nuances but the difference is huge hearing it live! I'm in love with it and I want a mic with DI box so much more now!
I didn't have time to do reviews for any of this yet, but I thought I'd let you know. Maybe you can hear the difference in my vids smile.gif

I'm also happy because I managed to find someone who would trade my EMG H4 for H3. I bought two H4's for about 60% price of one and I really like them but many folks say H3 is much better at neck and seeing how H4 is so brutal, they could be right. I'm not using the EMG's currently but I keep them safe. If I manage to find a cheap used Explorer-type guitar, I would swap them for pure Metallica tribute axe. We're trading by mailing them by C.O.D. and I only hope I won't get tricked to pay for a potato in a box or something like that.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 18 2019, 10:32 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Jan 18 2019, 04:27 AM) *
WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! I like your pedal point lick that you start off with! I like all the licks you chose You have a good sense of what is going on in the backing and you selected licks that worked well with it. Given your still new to all of this, I'm impressed with what you came up with. There are some issues, as is to be expected, since this is all still fairly new ground. Toward the end, it sounds like you lost track of the beat just a bit. But honestly, that's small potatoes at this point. The entire reason this Mission exists is to get you to jump in with both feet and make a solo up from scratch and then record yourself and fight off the curse of the "red light" and play all the way through. You did it! Let's debrief!!

AGGRESSIVE STYLE: Great to see you diving in to the solo and going for it! At some point, one just has to take a deep breath, hit record and go for it.

TECHNIQUE ON POINT: Your Missions have served you well! Good technique on display here. Keep that up!

DIVING IN WITH BOTH FEET: Your playing is not hesitant or timid in any way. It's bold and speaks for itself. Nice.

In short I"m very proud of you Soldier! You jumped in and fought through it. It's not an easy mission. Especially if soloing is very new to you as a player. With each improv you will get better. So make doing improv soloing part of your practice routine! After all, the entire point of all of this work is to get you to the point where you can play, off the cuff, with any music your present with.

*As for your last vid, it's sorta tough to critique it as a solo vid as it's all by itself. There is no musical context since there is no audible backing. I can say that the playing looks mostly solid and technique looks solid. I don't recognize it as a classical piece yet, but it's still early days so keep at it and I'm sure you will get a version that reminds one of the piece that it's based on. There are guitar versions of just about every classical piece on earth on youtube which is a good reference. If you want to try it on your own, that's good as well, it will just take a bit longer. But keep at it!

Thank you. Pedal points and ostinato I remember well from Luca Turilli's free course. At my current level I can't play it in super speed but only hours of practice will make it possible someday. I can't arrange triads in some nice sounding progression (I bet this will come with more theoretical knowledge and experience), so I decided to alter the pedal point itself among the scale's notes. I'm really glad you liked it! smile.gif

I think I need some rest after Number 18's intensity. I tried to match its high-octane tempo with my playing and I'm a bit exhausted, if that's the word to describe it.

The current mission was enjoyable, though the scale's mood felt bizzare. It's like positive but not exactly positive - it's hard to describe. I tried the scale's shape for a while and I'd describe it as somewhat energetic.

Starting today, I'll try to get a video every day so there's some routine and discipline to follow. At least until I reach next improvisation task smile.gif

I'm so sleepy I almost forgot to include the video.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 19 2019, 08:29 PM

Well Fought Soldier!! This is four note per string tapping piece. It's got a quasi neo-classical vibe to it which is why I dig it wink.gif Sounds like you have a good plan for the future of your practice btw! Let's Debrief!!

*TAPPING TO GLORY-This is NOT an easy tapping bit as it requires a 4 note per string tap that includes an open string. Most Eddie VanHalen style tapping uses fretted strings only and 3 notes. So this is quite a bit more advanced. Well Done!
*QUIET AS DEATH-The open string is there partially to test your muting. Without solid muting, the string noise kills this lick. Not so here! Nice!
*PULLING FOR POWER-In addition to the tapping, there are pull offs that fit in as well. Without the pull offs, the lick doesn't work at all. No problem for you. Great pull offs! This is a very advanced tapping lick. You can use any scale you like, on any open string and build your own 4 note per string tapping licks! Well played Soldier you just.. LEVELED UP!!!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 18 2019, 05:32 PM) *
Thank you. Pedal points and ostinato I remember well from Luca Turilli's free course. At my current level I can't play it in super speed but only hours of practice will make it possible someday. I can't arrange triads in some nice sounding progression (I bet this will come with more theoretical knowledge and experience), so I decided to alter the pedal point itself among the scale's notes. I'm really glad you liked it! smile.gif

I think I need some rest after Number 18's intensity. I tried to match its high-octane tempo with my playing and I'm a bit exhausted, if that's the word to describe it.

The current mission was enjoyable, though the scale's mood felt bizzare. It's like positive but not exactly positive - it's hard to describe. I tried the scale's shape for a while and I'd describe it as somewhat energetic.

Starting today, I'll try to get a video every day so there's some routine and discipline to follow. At least until I reach next improvisation task smile.gif

I'm so sleepy I almost forgot to include the video.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 19 2019, 10:18 PM

Here's another one.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 20 2019, 01:00 AM

Could you recommend me some exercises for strength and endurance of my legato? It's something I need to start improving in my practice routine.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 20 2019, 05:09 AM

There are a ton of legato licks coming your way in bootcamp but they are mixed in with other techniques. For pure legato work, all you have to is take the MISSION you are working on, and pull your picking hand off of the guitar. Whatever it is, try to play it with one hand. You may not even be able to play all the notes, but just trying these licks with one hand will give you the hand power you are looking for. Eventually, picking will become a tone choice. You won't have to use the pick at all if you don't want to during a solo. You will be able to do anything you want with your left hand alone. Here is a video demo.

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 19 2019, 08:00 PM) *
Could you recommend me some exercises for strength and endurance of my legato? It's something I need to start improving in my practice routine.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 20 2019, 08:03 AM

Well fought yet again Soldier! You are growing in skill with each Mission. Let's Debrief!!

*CONTROL- You are showing a better level of control each time. Control over your fingers is one of the most important things I'm trying to teach here. If your fingers are out of control, out of synch, you will never be able to shred. The good news is your hands are talking to each other and your hand synch is getting better as you get better.

*ARTICULATION - Very nice articulation on this one. It's got several bits to test your picking and you nailed it!!! Nice. It's important to not let the pick pass too far beyond the point of the string so as to not get hung up in the strings.

*MUTE- These licks are built to show flaws in muting and picking. They simply can't be played properly if there are gaps in someones skill level. Good news. Your skill level is very impressive and continues to grow.

You KRUSHED it and stuck the landing on all of them. Nice.

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 19 2019, 05:18 PM) *
Here's another one.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 20 2019, 09:49 PM

This was one of the easiest and the most pleasant missions so far. Mostly because the riff sounds much like BFMV (example below) and I spend months playing their riffs, though not as fast as they do. I've had this guitar on the wall dressed instead of the Christmas tree and I took the decorations off just today. cool.gif

This one is PAF-loaded and somehow, it sounds much better at high, Marshall-y gain, though the pups are medium output. It surprised me, because I thought that high output pups in the red guitar would sound better in this scenario. The red's are perfect for Mesa-type of gain and pristine clean sound. Perhaps I should study pickups' types and features in the future to get a better understanding smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 21 2019, 06:21 AM

Yet again Well Fought!!!! Another fine example of your fighting spirit. This lick is another finger twister and you hit every note. Keep working on this one as it does sound really cool when done fast. I'd not heard that BFMV song but I think they stole my riff!!! smile.gif It's very close to what they are playing. Good ear! Let's Debrief!!
*MUTE OR DIE Right hand is firmly planted on the bridge and you are starting to articulate the pick very well with a pinch of wrist and some finger action. Well done there!

*PRECISION Precise as a Scalpel. This is a very good workout for either alt picking or econ depending on how you approach it it.

*CONTROL No extra string noise, no unwanted notes and very even and deliberate pacing. Score!!!

In short you KILLED IT!! Glad you enjoyed it smile.gif Back to the fight soldier you just....

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 20 2019, 04:49 PM) *

This was one of the easiest and the most pleasant missions so far. Mostly because the riff sounds much like BFMV (example below) and I spend months playing their riffs, though not as fast as they do. I've had this guitar on the wall dressed instead of the Christmas tree and I took the decorations off just today. cool.gif

This one is PAF-loaded and somehow, it sounds much better at high, Marshall-y gain, though the pups are medium output. It surprised me, because I thought that high output pups in the red guitar would sound better in this scenario. The red's are perfect for Mesa-type of gain and pristine clean sound. Perhaps I should study pickups' types and features in the future to get a better understanding smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Jan 21 2019, 10:55 PM

Here are two next vids. As I said before, my legato needs some intense practice but I nailed it (I think). I'll make sure to practice this lick everyday now smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 22 2019, 06:52 AM

Very Close!! Sooo Close!! You have a very good legato here. The only thing keeping you from leveling up is that your timing is drifting. sad.gif Are you using a metronome here? If not, it's time to break out the metronome before your record the vid again. I don't need to hear the metronome if I can hear that you are on time. It's not hard for me to tell if the time is drifting. If you don't have a metronome you can download one for free off the web. Metronome are not expensive though so if you can grab a real one so much the better. Your timing on this Missions needs to be spot on to prepare you for what's next. So keep up your legato technique, it looks great!! Give it one more pass with a bit tighter timing and you've got it!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 21 2019, 05:55 PM) *
Here are two next vids. As I said before, my legato needs some intense practice but I nailed it (I think). I'll make sure to practice this lick everyday now smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Jan 22 2019, 10:34 PM

Re-take for 22

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 23 2019, 08:45 AM

Nice!! You pulled the pace back a bit at the start so that it matched the pace at the end. IT was very nice and evenly played. As you keep working on this lick, it will get faster and faster. Eventually, you will be able to shred the living daylights out of this lick using only your left hand. Let's Debrief!!
*Left hand POWER! This lick requires left hand power. It will not work without it. You are doing well with your left hand here! Keep at this and it will get better each time!

*Pacing This is a very tough one to keep evenly paced, you did very well on keeping it nice and smooth!! Not rushing or dragging.

*Mute Solid Muting on this one. If you let your mute slip, it's a noise fest but not here! Quiet as Death.

In short, you just ...

Here is a demo of how it will sound once you get it shred ready!! This vid shows a picked version and then legato version.

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 22 2019, 05:34 PM) *
Re-take for 22

Posted by: Adam M Jan 24 2019, 06:57 PM

I did it yesterday but since I uploaded 2 vids before, there was no hurry smile.gif

How does QUick Licks section work? Should I Start from 1 and move up by one or should I do one section before moving to another? The first way makes more sense with the badge that I get from it but I thought I'd ask just to make sure.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 25 2019, 07:56 AM

QUICK LICKS INFO: Before doing your debrief, let's talk QUICK LICKS!!! I saw your question and wanted to give you the quick and dirty!! Just like Bootcamp, It's best to start on the First one and work your way up. You can do more than one at a time if you like, I"ll then grade them on per day to maximize feedback. Quick Licks is fairly new and I had been experimenting with doing things differently than bootcamp, but in the end, it just made it more confusing. So I've gone back to doing things the same basic way. Start at 1, and work your way up. The handy thing about quick licks is that they are meant to be "Quick", so I'm not nearly as picky about technique for example. It's meant to allow you to add licks to your library of licks in a quick way. So they have just one drill for each badge, where as bootcamp can have up to 10 drills for a given badge. They are graded a bit more loosely than Bootcamp as they are meant to be done quicker. It's a great way to get new licks under your belt!! ONETABMATT is currently the TOP DAWG on rank and the only GMCer to complete every single quick lick. His badge has the "STAR OF HONOR" signifying top rank. YONCOPIN has the STAR OF HONOR for BOOTCAMP currently. On to the debrief!!!

-------------MISSION 23-------------
Another Clean Victory!!! This Mission involves the most feared technique of all, the dreaded and much feared, "PINKY SLIDE!". It requires you to use the weakest finger to slide up the neck and stick the landing. Leading with the pinky is something that opens up a whole range of licks. It's required if you want to do those crazy scale runs that start on a low fret and end up on the high frets.

Let's debrief!!!!!


PINKY TRAVEL Nice fret travel! Not only traversing strings, but traveling up the fretboard in a very smooth and precise fashion. Precision is the key to this one.

PACING The pacing is nice and even and deliberate as it should be. If you rush or lag, the lick falls apart and you get to start over. Good news is, you nailed it!

MUTING Nothing is so under rated as a technique as palm muting. You may have noticed that most of the missions have some element of muting. That's because it's the one technique that gets overlooked and ends up biting folks in the rear. Without a good mute, you get wads of string noise if you open string licks, long scale runs, etc. The good news here is that your muting is top notch! Keep it up!

In short, you just ...


Posted by: Adam M Jan 25 2019, 10:42 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Jan 25 2019, 07:56 AM) *
QUICK LICKS INFO: Before doing your debrief, let's talk QUICK LICKS!!! I saw your question and wanted to give you the quick and dirty!! Just like Bootcamp, It's best to start on the First one and work your way up. You can do more than one at a time if you like, I"ll then grade them on per day to maximize feedback. Quick Licks is fairly new and I had been experimenting with doing things differently than bootcamp, but in the end, it just made it more confusing. So I've gone back to doing things the same basic way. Start at 1, and work your way up. The handy thing about quick licks is that they are meant to be "Quick", so I'm not nearly as picky about technique for example. It's meant to allow you to add licks to your library of licks in a quick way. So they have just one drill for each badge, where as bootcamp can have up to 10 drills for a given badge. They are graded a bit more loosely than Bootcamp as they are meant to be done quicker. It's a great way to get new licks under your belt!! ONETABMATT is currently the TOP DAWG on rank and the only GMCer to complete every single quick lick. His badge has the "STAR OF HONOR" signifying top rank. YONCOPIN has the STAR OF HONOR for BOOTCAMP currently. On to the debrief!!!

Thank you, I'll start doing the Quick Licks regularly now!

Does that mean nobody's done more than 88 Bootcamp missions, though there is much more than that? Sounds like it gets really difficult quite fast. Maybe it's a good idea to check what's up ahead and prepare mentally. And technically, I could claim the title if I keep up my current tempo? smile.gif

By the way, I managed to record all missions up to 29 and I'll post them sometime later. Number 30 I left for today, because the night time dinged while I was at it.

Edit: I'm posting up to 29. I'm trying to play the patterns with legato as a warm-up and practice and it's not a bad idea, though it sounds horribly from me. Over the weekend I'll be at work as usual. I do need a lot of sleep and rest because all the assignments at Uni are wearing me down. If I post something, and I will, it will be Quick Licks, since they are quick, easy and very enjoyable. Bootcamp feels like a hard work at school but it does bring results. Without further ado:






Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 26 2019, 06:37 AM

Yup! Nobody has EVER broken triple Digits on BOOTCAMP. Nobody. Ever. It's been over half a decade. Still nobody has managed it. It does start to get tough once you are knocking on Heavens Door past Mission 75. I recently went in and actually reduced the difficulty a bit as it is apparently a solid wall of difficulty. So it's more in line with previous lessons in terms of effort now. So yea, you may be the first one EVER to break 100 and get the, never before bestowed,
"100 Missions" adornment to your Bootcamp Badge! There are four such adornments. One for each 100 missions completed. I've never given one out. I hope you are the first! keep it up and you will be!!! Let's debrief!!

*This Mission, per the demo video, is about striking once on a given string and then hammering on the rest of the notes. It's about working on your left hand finger power. In your vid, you strike every single note, which you do quite well and with precision! I'm looking for a strike once, hammer many approach on this Mission though. I hate sending soldiers back to the front!! I need you to do one more on this where you strike each string one time, then hammer on the other notes with the left hand. It's NOT easy. It requires some work on the left hand but it's a great way to be able to run a scale/lick without having to pick all of it. I"ll replace that tablature with a new one that shows the strike pattern and hammer ons with notation. It's not clear in the current tablature. Only by watching the vid can a soldier see what I''m looking for. This tablature was made long ago and I now see that it needs to be corrected. That's my bad soldier. I'll fix that and you give me one more vid! One more time Soldier!!
QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 24 2019, 01:57 PM) *

I did it yesterday but since I uploaded 2 vids before, there was no hurry smile.gif

How does QUick Licks section work? Should I Start from 1 and move up by one or should I do one section before moving to another? The first way makes more sense with the badge that I get from it but I thought I'd ask just to make sure.

Posted by: Adam M Jan 27 2019, 12:13 AM

24 re-take. I hope this works fine smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 27 2019, 05:52 AM


Now your talking Soldier!! This is what I was looking for. Solid left hand work including the Pinky!!!! Let's debrief.

PICK AND HAMMER!: The "Pick and Hammer" is very important and you have a very good grasp here both ascending and descending. Some players find if very hard to do to one or the other, just depends on the player and you manage to do both with style!!

MUTE OF DEATH: Very good control of leaving your palm in one place and using your fingers to make notes. This is something I try to teach all the time and it takes folks quite a while to get the hang of it, and you have it!!!!!!!!

Very tight and very evenly played. This is not easy to pull off on this lick and you used your PINKY!! Well done!!!

In short, you just ...

QUOTE (Adam M @ Jan 26 2019, 07:13 PM) *
24 re-take. I hope this works fine smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 28 2019, 05:06 AM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!!! This one is packed with "Back and Forth" bits. Shredding in general features this technique a LOT. Retracing ones steps over the same notes in a brisk fashion can fool the ear of a listener to sound like one is playing a wad of notes without it sounding like being the same notes repeated in a certain sequence. You've got this one sorted, keep playing it and eventually you'll be playing my signature lick. I use this in wads of solos as it's one of my fave licks ever.

on to the debrief!!!!


PACING Slow and Steady wins the race! : You do a great job of pick control on this one. Steady pace and even playing. Nice!!

NO MUTE NO DEAL: Very clean palm mute per usual as I've come to expect.

BACK AND FORTH Back and Forth like a champ!: This can a VERY VERY confusing lick Score!!!
In short, you just ...



Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 29 2019, 04:42 AM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! These are "Shred Licks" so keep working them up in pace and speed and they will serve you well. Each one is built to be played fast so as you work on them they will get faster and faster!!Let's Debrief!

Planted palm mute and using your fingers to control the pick. Nice!

TRAVERSE FOR THE WIN Traverse is just plain difficult for many a Soldier. Traverse of course, just talking about moving from one string to another. Once you get this, it can be leveraged in to so many other things.

PACE WINS THE RACE: Even handed timing and synch. Not rushing or dragging, just right.

In short, solid technique all around!! I'm glad to see you making such great progress!! Keep it up!! you just..

LEVELED UP!!!!*You also got your first 3 Chevron badge!!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 30 2019, 07:42 AM


Nice!!! You played this one smooth and evenly just as I was wanting to see. Also, muting is good and hand synchronization is spot on. Most of all, you used the pinky!!! Using the first three fingers on a stretch lick like this is not great form. I'm glad to see you sticking the landing with weakest finger! This lick is a great drill for working up your speed. Use it as a warm up / cool down. You nailed so you just...

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jan 31 2019, 01:33 AM


You are on a roll Soldier!! Each one of these is better than the last!!! I'm stoked to see that you are doin so well!


TRAVERSE OR DIE With skill and grace, you traverse like a champ!

SILENCE IS GOLDEN: Solid mute resulting in clean tone without string noise. KEY to playing a bit like this. Without good muting, it's a mess.

PICK ARTICULATION: is some of the best from you I've seen: AWESOME!


Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 1 2019, 04:45 AM


I keep setting them up and you keep knocking em down!! I like the fight in you Soldier!! You are really on a roll. Keep it up!!!


CLEAN KILL: Doing a great job managing the string noise that is very hard to escape in licks like these! Nice!

SMOOTH AS GLASS: Pick articulation is smooth and consistent. Nice!
PACE BY PACE You don't lose your mute, you don't start rushing or dragging, solid as a rock.

You are well prepped for the uphill climb before you soldier!!!You are on a roll Soldier!! In short, you just...


Posted by: Adam M Feb 2 2019, 01:10 AM

I almost forgot I ran out of vids already. Here's 30. I'm having fun playing clean tone or with slight overdrive, I hope that's okay?

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 2 2019, 05:30 AM

The tone works well for these. Too much gain and notes get buried under it. Too little gain, not enough sustain. So yeah, works great!

SYNCH IT Your right/left hand synchronization is spot on Soldier. This workout, like most, will help show you if there are any gaps hiding from view. The good news is I don't see any!!!

TECHNIQUE ON POINT Your right hand is well planted to prevent unwanted string noise, and it's doing a good deal of the muting. This is something else that stumps many players as they often rely on right hand muting which results in not being able to play certain licks without generating string noise.

STEADY AS A ROCK our picking is very clean and even. That's one of the hardest of all. This is VERY important and you've got a really good handle on it. Like I always say, you gotta learn to play like a robot if you wanna shred like a God!!!

You are killing it Soldier!!! Keep it up!!!
In short you just....


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 1 2019, 08:10 PM) *
I almost forgot I ran out of vids already. Here's 30. I'm having fun playing clean tone or with slight overdrive, I hope that's okay?

Posted by: Adam M Feb 3 2019, 12:41 AM


Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 3 2019, 02:55 AM

This mission requires quite a bit of picking precision that makes you find picking direction and then keep it clean. Then I add a stretch in to things. This is one lesson on which many warriors have stumbled, but not you! You have the pinky going strong and tempo is nice and smooth. Let's Debrief!


Precise and clean picking, even with a stretch.

SYNCHING AND SWIMMING Very tight and controlled, right/left hand synch.
SILENCE IS GOLDEN Very good muting and noise control with the right hand
I know this Mission is not easy. You have demonstrated impressive ability and are ready for what awaits!

Congrats Soldier, you just ...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 2 2019, 07:41 PM) *

Posted by: Adam M Feb 3 2019, 11:43 PM


Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 4 2019, 10:26 PM

I wanted to make sure I'd given you a copy of the new version of the MISSION 24 Tablature. I can see that the old versions, before I started using GUITAR pro are just sorta confusing!!!! I'm going to try to replace all of the old ones with guitar pro files.  24_FIXa.gp5 ( 1.92K ) : 4339

 24_FIXb.gp5 ( 1.97K ) : 4336


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 3 2019, 06:43 PM) *


You may have noticed that this lesson has a wide variety of techniques all pulled together in to a series of drills. If you had not been working hard up to this point, you'd not have been able to pull this off. The good news is that you have been working hard so you pulled it off just fine!! Let's Debrief!!!
SYNCH OR DIE TIGHT right and left hand synchronization. You may have noticed how much emphasis I put on hand synch. It's part of nearly every drill in bootcamp. If one has poor hand synch, one is a poor player. It's that simple. If your synch is bad, your playing is bad. Good news here is your synch is spot on!
MUTE OF DEATH right hand for a solid mute.. You may have also noticed how much I focus on palm muting. I make these licks so that it's hard to cheat and use the left hand to mute. This is so that hen you want to play open string licks, etc, you will be able to.

PRECISION KILLS picking with very good articulation. I always encourage picking from the thumb/finger then back along the hand/wrist. The only way to get used to picking this way, dare I say the "proper way", is by repetition. Each one of these drills is designed to try to allow you to work through any of your weak spots so that you progress in technique every time you badge up.

Ticked every single box I was looking for and did so with grace and apparent ease!!!! You are more than ready to move forward Soldier!!!!

In other words Soldier, you just...


QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 4 2019, 05:11 PM) *
I wanted to make sure I'd given you a copy of the new version of the MISSION 24 Tablature. I can see that the old versions, before I started using GUITAR pro are just sorta confusing!!!! I'm going to try to replace all of the old ones with guitar pro files.  24_FIXa.gp5 ( 1.92K ) : 4339

 24_FIXb.gp5 ( 1.97K ) : 4336


Posted by: Adam M Feb 6 2019, 09:53 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 4 2019, 10:26 PM) *
I wanted to make sure I'd given you a copy of the new version of the MISSION 24 Tablature. I can see that the old versions, before I started using GUITAR pro are just sorta confusing!!!! I'm going to try to replace all of the old ones with guitar pro files.  24_FIXa.gp5 ( 1.92K ) : 4339

 24_FIXb.gp5 ( 1.97K ) : 4336


They were a litle bit confusing, yes. But I believe it's a part of learning process to figure things out and reach the solution. Nothing is more satisfying than a job well done smile.gif

Could you please take a look at video for 34? I'm not sure if it's alright or if I need to re-record it.



Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 7 2019, 06:20 AM

Neither one of these are easy bits Soldier!! 33 and 34 have some crazy stretch work! 33 is just prep for 34 and it looks like you have a good handle on it! For your final Video for 34, make sure that you have PART A, PART B and PART C in your vid. There are 3 drills in 34. It looks like you left out part C in 34? But onward with 33!


MUTE AND MORE MUTE You continue to impress with your solid planted palm on the bridge!

SYNCH MUTE Both of these require the dreaded "Synch Mute", e.g. hand synch while doing a palm mute. Well played!

TRAVERSING NOT TRAVESTY This one is non stop string traverse so if your traverse is bad, the lick falls apart. Not so! Your traverse game is good.

You are doing well on all of these so far! I know you have heard me say "no points for speed" on here as it's about precision. I must say though that I think you could be pushing the speed just a bit harder at this point. You are up in the 30+ set of Missions and by now Soldiers start to speed up just a pinch as a matter of course just due to practice. Your pace is nice and steady, but I don't see it improving along with the rest of your technique. I'm not saying "Shred" these. Just try to push the speed a bit beyond where it is now. As you progress, your speed should match your precision. Once you get in to the 40/50 level missions, you should have gained some speed to match your articulation. As for now you killed it and ..


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 6 2019, 04:53 PM) *
They were a litle bit confusing, yes. But I believe it's a part of learning process to figure things out and reach the solution. Nothing is more satisfying than a job well done smile.gif

Could you please take a look at video for 34? I'm not sure if it's alright or if I need to re-record it.



Posted by: Adam M Feb 7 2019, 06:58 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 7 2019, 06:20 AM) *
You are doing well on all of these so far! I know you have heard me say "no points for speed" on here as it's about precision. I must say though that I think you could be pushing the speed just a bit harder at this point. You are up in the 30+ set of Missions and by now Soldiers start to speed up just a pinch as a matter of course just due to practice. Your pace is nice and steady, but I don't see it improving along with the rest of your technique. I'm not saying "Shred" these. Just try to push the speed a bit beyond where it is now. As you progress, your speed should match your precision. Once you get in to the 40/50 level missions, you should have gained some speed to match your articulation. As for now you killed it and ..


Thank you for pointing out the missing part. Also, I'm sorry about the speed. I'll do my best to push it bit by bit. In fact, I find it much easier now to play faster than before.

AP is quite natural to me, so I will push the tempo in licks using it. As for economic picking I sometimes get confused about "should I downstroke or upstroke now" because even if I look at the tabs and try to focus, my hands are used to AP. I won't be able to go faster there without until I get used to this technique. Similar case is with legato. I feel like I can go faster than with Economic but slowr than with AP licks. In legato drills most of my focus goes to playing clean. I'm sure my hands will be able to mute without thinking about it after some more practice.

As I said in the other thread, next two weeks I'll have limited time for playing because of an exam I can't fail. But I thought of a solution to how to push the tempo and not end up without a video to submit. I'll just start at tempo I'm comfortable with and slowly go up. Until now, I've been recording vids after the practice time but recording the whole thing won't pose a problem smile.gif On the other hand, I won't be doing Quick Licks until then because I want to give them proper amount of practice time. The Bootcamp missions are my number one priority.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 8 2019, 05:29 AM

This is a BEAST of a Mission Soldier!! It requires you to traverse every string, then requires you to traverse, go back, traverse again. Miss one note and it's wrecked, but you didn't miss! One shot, one kill!!! Let's debrief.
PINKY POWER Great use of the pink to reach and hammer the notes

TRAVERSE THE UNIVERSE string traverse without any unwanted notes/noise.

RETRO ACTIVE Back and forth on the strings without missing the strike or finger. Nice!

You ticked every box I was looking for soldier and did it with style. Congrats!! you just..


As for your speed, as you mention, it's fine to just record your entire practice session as long as you play the lick at least once correctly. Saves time on editing and such. Gives me more to watch and helps me see where you are. For timing/speed, working with a metronome is key. Finding what your max comfy speed is, then pushing it up by 1bpm and going again is just part of process. You can also do a Ben Higgins approach and try to speed up one string, then speed up on two strings, then eventually all the strings in a given lick. Whatever works for you. Having a metronome just lets you know where you are and gives you a reference as to where your new max speed is for a given lick.
QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 7 2019, 01:58 PM) *
Thank you for pointing out the missing part. Also, I'm sorry about the speed. I'll do my best to push it bit by bit. In fact, I find it much easier now to play faster than before.

AP is quite natural to me, so I will push the tempo in licks using it. As for economic picking I sometimes get confused about "should I downstroke or upstroke now" because even if I look at the tabs and try to focus, my hands are used to AP. I won't be able to go faster there without until I get used to this technique. Similar case is with legato. I feel like I can go faster than with Economic but slowr than with AP licks. In legato drills most of my focus goes to playing clean. I'm sure my hands will be able to mute without thinking about it after some more practice.

As I said in the other thread, next two weeks I'll have limited time for playing because of an exam I can't fail. But I thought of a solution to how to push the tempo and not end up without a video to submit. I'll just start at tempo I'm comfortable with and slowly go up. Until now, I've been recording vids after the practice time but recording the whole thing won't pose a problem smile.gif On the other hand, I won't be doing Quick Licks until then because I want to give them proper amount of practice time. The Bootcamp missions are my number one priority.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 8 2019, 09:51 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 8 2019, 05:29 AM) *
As for your speed, as you mention, it's fine to just record your entire practice session as long as you play the lick at least once correctly. Saves time on editing and such. Gives me more to watch and helps me see where you are. For timing/speed, working with a metronome is key. Finding what your max comfy speed is, then pushing it up by 1bpm and going again is just part of process. You can also do a Ben Higgins approach and try to speed up one string, then speed up on two strings, then eventually all the strings in a given lick. Whatever works for you. Having a metronome just lets you know where you are and gives you a reference as to where your new max speed is for a given lick.

That Ben Higgins approach sounds very interesting! Once I'm done with the exams, I'll do my very best to push the speed some more with plain metronome exercises.

For now, I'm putting up the Mission 35 video. Descending runs seem easier to me and ascending ones are just the opposite. Also I came upon an obstacle today while practicing and I decided to change my thumb positioning. I don't know how it works but until now I had it parallel to the neck. I watched some of GMC videos and YouTube covers and realized most of the players place thumb differently. It will take me a while to get used to it, so I may not play too fast for a while but I imagine it will bear profits in the future.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 9 2019, 03:44 AM

Well Fought Soldier!! I can see the SPEED bump at the end as well!!! The last bit has a good bit of speed and precision which is always a good thing. One without the other is just no good at all as it leads to sloppy playing and there is no place for that in Bootcamp. let's Debrief!!
*PINKY POWER ON TURBO: This lick requires a lot of articulate use of the pinky. It's tempting to use the first 3 fingers instead, but you nailed it just like I was hoping. Also, you hit it at a brisk pace and didn't stumble once!! This is a complex way to run a scale but it works in any and every scale once you understand the pattern. *PACE STEADY AS A CLOCK: Being able to play at a steady pace is something many folks struggle with. It's easy to play certain bits quick, then tricky bits slow. It results in a very stuttery/uneven playing style which lacks precision and control. Good news here is that you don't suffer from this at all!!!
*CLEAN AS A WHISTLE: This is a tricky pattern and requires string traverse and muting and synch. You may not realize it, but you are now using a HUGE amount of technique all at once. Score!!!

You have a great roll going here Soldier! Keep it up!! You just..

QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 8 2019, 04:51 PM) *
That Ben Higgins approach sounds very interesting! Once I'm done with the exams, I'll do my very best to push the speed some more with plain metronome exercises.

For now, I'm putting up the Mission 35 video. Descending runs seem easier to me and ascending ones are just the opposite. Also I came upon an obstacle today while practicing and I decided to change my thumb positioning. I don't know how it works but until now I had it parallel to the neck. I watched some of GMC videos and YouTube covers and realized most of the players place thumb differently. It will take me a while to get used to it, so I may not play too fast for a while but I imagine it will bear profits in the future.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 9 2019, 11:38 PM

Mission 36

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 10 2019, 09:55 AM

He's on a killing Spree!!! Let's Debrief!!

*AGRESSIVE STYLE: Points for shear aggression on this one Soldier! You attacked it with verve and precision. Also I could see a bit more "going for it" in terms of precision/speed combo. Nice.

*PICKING: Not only did you tear through the Mission, you articulated the pick quite well with thumb and first finger. Score!

*TECHNIQUE: Solid palm mute, precise picking, not rushing or lagging, BAM!

In short you just ...


I can see you pushing the envelope a bit which is good to see as well. Keep it up Soldier!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 9 2019, 06:38 PM) *
Mission 36

Posted by: Adam M Feb 11 2019, 12:15 AM


Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 14 2019, 04:13 AM

Well Fought Soldier!!! You are very close to your next CHEVRON stripe. Let's Debrief!!


SYNCH SO TIGHT IT SHINES: Both hands are synched up, your strikes are very certain and strong. Nice!

MUTE IT OR SHOOT IT You have gotten a very good handle on picking while keeping your mute solid. Well done!

TICK TICK TOCK SHOOT THE CLOCK This Mission, like many, falls apart if your timing slips even just a bit. Not here, timing is spot on.
This one has some very tricky bits indeed. Lots of back and forth. Easy to get it twisted but not!! Spot on.


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 10 2019, 07:15 PM) *

Posted by: Adam M Feb 14 2019, 10:07 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 14 2019, 04:13 AM) *
Well Fought Soldier!!! You are very close to your next CHEVRON stripe. Let's Debrief!!

I'm ready for it, sir!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 15 2019, 04:22 AM

Look at him go!!!! Now your drilling and killing it Soldier!! You've got some great takes, all with precision and then some with some extra AGGRESSION thrown in for good measure. I can see you pushing the envelope with your speed. Keep that up! It's only at the edges of our ability where we achieve progress. It's hard to ride that edge without going over it and pushing to far and playing in a sloppy manner. Great to see you pushing and keeping it high and tight!!! Let's Debrief!!
PICKING FROM HELL!: Straight from the land of flame and cerberus, your picking is borderline Demonic!!
HANDY SYNCHY! Top notch hand synch from start to finish. These bits require synch. You got it!
MUTE OR SHOOT! Just enough to control any errant string noise, but not so much it kills all the fun.

There is a LOT of meat on the bone in this one. Lot's of bits to get right. One mistake and you get to start over. Good news! No mistakes!!

In short you just ....


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 14 2019, 05:07 PM) *
I'm ready for it, sir!

Posted by: Adam M Feb 16 2019, 12:38 AM


This pattern was confusing because it sounds out-of-scale and my reaction was to stop playing until I got used to it.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 16 2019, 05:53 AM

Nice!! Lots of bits involved in this chunk of Missions. Good to see you keeping them clean. You are still in the batch of teaching your fingers to move in difficult ways. None of these shreds well at first. Eventually, you can shred anything, until your fingers get used to this odd patterns, it may feel like running uphill. The good news is you look to be a fine runner! Let's Debrief!

CLEAN AS GLASS: Each strike is measured and even and strong.

SO TIGHT YOU COULD BOUNCE A QUARTER OFF OF IT: Right/Left hand Synch is Spot On, Per usual!!

STILL STRONG Palm Muting so solid that it's got it's own gravity!

You got this one Soldier! You are ready for what's next. You are in the TALL weeds now. Keep swinging!
You just..
*Not many 4 Chevron Badges Floating about and I've been granting badges for more than half a decade. You must be doing something right Soldier!!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 15 2019, 07:38 PM) *

This pattern was confusing because it sounds out-of-scale and my reaction was to stop playing until I got used to it.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 17 2019, 12:06 AM

The description of this mission was quite confusing to me. I inferred the "pick once per string" refers to the warm-up only and I wasn't sure if the second exercise is a reversed pattern from some other or if I should play it in reverse. If I got it wrong, I'll re-record it tomorrow.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 17 2019, 02:25 AM

Sorry for the confusion sad.gif I"ll put some more info on the lesson to try to make it more clear. You nailed it btw. I call it "strike once hammer many". smile.gif You can clearly play this lick well. I would like to see you push yourself a bit on this one as it's the same shape on each string it's meant to be a speed building workout. You've got the precision, give me one more vid where you push to the edge of your ability. You are in deep at this point! I think you are ready to walk the path of the Shredder!
quote name='Adam M' date='Feb 16 2019, 07:06 PM' post='766356']The description of this mission was quite confusing to me. I inferred the "pick once per string" refers to the warm-up only and I wasn't sure if the second exercise is a reversed pattern from some other or if I should play it in reverse. If I got it wrong, I'll re-record it tomorrow.


Posted by: Adam M Feb 17 2019, 10:04 PM

Here it is! I tried pushing as much as possible. The last takes of each part are done without a metronome. Could you tell me if my timing is okay while we're at it?

I can't play for long at those speeds because my fretting hand goes sore. I'm doing the stretches before playing - without it I wouldn't even be able to play at this point at all.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 18 2019, 04:42 AM

SCORE!! Good one Soldier! Same precision, more aggression. Even without the metronome your timing is still solid which is great. When you play live, you may have to go without any sort of reference other than the drummer. Learning to count time on your own is skill worth working on.

Let's Debrief!! MEDALS OF HONOR
LEFT HAND SKILLS THAT KILL I made use of every string on purpose so that you can try to mute without moving your hand too much. You did a great job of keeping your mute stable and not moving your right hand around. It's easy to get pulled in to moving the hand instead of just rotating the wrist.
RIGHT HAND SKILLS THAT KILLL Didn't miss a beat or a note! These licks are designed to get you to strike then hammer without striking. Some folks get their strikes and non strikes mixed up and it's easy to hear when it happens. Not you! Spot on.

THAT SYNCHING FEELING This drill is also designed to show any gaps in right/left hand synch. The good news is, you don't have any!! If there are gaps it's easy to spot. You have really good right left synch.

I like the sheer aggression Soldier!!! You didn't lose your precision which is key. One thing I would say to try is the "Thumbless Technique", which is just to pull your left hand thumb entirely off the guitar neck and only use the tips of your fingers for pressure. You may need a pinch more gain/distortion. It's a great way to train the hand not to "clamp" down on the neck which is a natural thing but something to be avoided. The hand wants to clamp on when it speeds up. This can ruin your endurance. Learning to play mostly with finger pressure and using the thumb only as a guide is important as you move up the Shred Ladder! I think you are ready to give it a whirl on the next mission. You don't have to record it if you don't want to, just try it in practice to help re set your thumb and hand pressure.


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 17 2019, 05:04 PM) *
Here it is! I tried pushing as much as possible. The last takes of each part are done without a metronome. Could you tell me if my timing is okay while we're at it?

I can't play for long at those speeds because my fretting hand goes sore. I'm doing the stretches before playing - without it I wouldn't even be able to play at this point at all.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 19 2019, 01:38 AM

Here's mission 41. I tried playing thumbless but it takes a huge amount of effort (I don't want to mask my flaws with more gain etc.) I'll keep it in my practice routine. I wasn't able to push speed much this time. I realized it was almost nighttime and had 15 minutes to shoot the video.

Today I realized how very important it is to have friends who support you. I don't think I would make it to the point I'm at today without everyone's support. Not even halfway there. The pressure and expectations upon me are much too big to handle alone. I'm the firstborn child in my family. I'm not sure why but it seems to be related to the problem.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 19 2019, 05:26 AM

Not to worry about the thumbless Soldier! It's really just for practice, not really for recording your take. It's a technique to help you reduce the amount of pressure you are using. A light touch on the frets can increase your endurance and reduce strain on your hand. Too much pressure on the left hand reduces your ability to play and play well. Keep trying thumbless in practice and see how much you can reduce your finger pressure and still play the notes. Eventually, you'll find the light touch and notice that your speed goes dramatically up along with your endurance. For now, let's debrief!!

FINGER TRAVERSE: This lesson requires very delicate traverse of strings with fretting and picking. You do a very good job of it. It requires you to traverse all the strings which is a way to test if you have the ability to traverse non stop. You did it!

PALM MUTE: Keeping your hand planted while playing is a skill. Most folks just can't do it. You can do it quite well!!!

PICK ONCE HAMMER MANY: Your use of pick once, hammer many is very good and tightly controlled. Try the pick once hammer many on every scale you know. It's a great technique. Well done!

In short Solder, you just...

QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 18 2019, 08:38 PM) *
Here's mission 41. I tried playing thumbless but it takes a huge amount of effort (I don't want to mask my flaws with more gain etc.) I'll keep it in my practice routine. I wasn't able to push speed much this time. I realized it was almost nighttime and had 15 minutes to shoot the video.

Today I realized how very important it is to have friends who support you. I don't think I would make it to the point I'm at today without everyone's support. Not even halfway there. The pressure and expectations upon me are much too big to handle alone. I'm the firstborn child in my family. I'm not sure why but it seems to be related to the problem.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 20 2019, 11:29 PM

42 is the answer to the life and everything in the universe!

The first video consists of the tabbed drills and the second one is the second part: somewhat-improvised scale run in D minor. And a small bonus of something I've been trying to learn lately smile.gif

I must say I fell in love with the tension which augmented 7th creates while leading to the Tonic. Please, excuse me for using it, it was out of scale.

I'm slowly learning Harmonic minor and Phrygian major scales when I finish my usual practice and there's still some time. Please, excuse me for using it, though it was out of scale. Do you know any exercises and/or drills on a beginner's level that could help me?

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 21 2019, 07:30 AM

Soldier your scale work is spot on!! The only problem is that I can't hear the backing track in your solo vid! Without being able to hear the backing I have no idea what you are playing over which part of the backing and so I can't really critique it. sad.gif I need to hear you and the backing track so that I can tell what you are playing over which part. Otherwise I won't know if it's in key or not or in time or not, or anything sadly. Any method of recording will work, even a cell phone, web cam, anything at all that lets me hear you and the backing. Once more in to the breach Soldier! Your first vid is great! No need for a redo on that.

As for lessons that might help, I'd say take a look at our EXOTIC SCALES lessons. They cover wads of killer scales that you don't run in to every day. Here is the link!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 20 2019, 06:29 PM) *
42 is the answer to the life and everything in the universe!

The first video consists of the tabbed drills and the second one is the second part: somewhat-improvised scale run in D minor. And a small bonus of something I've been trying to learn lately smile.gif

I must say I fell in love with the tension which augmented 7th creates while leading to the Tonic. Please, excuse me for using it, it was out of scale.

I'm slowly learning Harmonic minor and Phrygian major scales when I finish my usual practice and there's still some time. Please, excuse me for using it, though it was out of scale. Do you know any exercises and/or drills on a beginner's level that could help me?

Posted by: Adam M Feb 21 2019, 06:52 PM

Here's another one. I tried syncing it with the mix the best I could. I hope that turned out well.

Thank you for the link to scales course. I'll try that and let you know how it goes smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 22 2019, 04:46 AM

Well fought Soldier! Your first vid shows yours up to snuff on your technique and the second vid here shows that you are getting a good handle on applying the bits to creating a solo. The entire point of all of this after is to give you the skills to be able to express yourself musically. The most important thing you can do, is practice creating solos to backing tracks imho. There are wads of backing tracks on youtube and wads of tracks in the REC program that work great for just this purpose. Try to spend just a pinch of time each day putting on a backing, and play just a bit of improvisation soloing. It's the only way to get better at being a lead player, e.g. actually playing lead guitar. smile.gif

This debrief is a little different as this Mission is a bit different. It's more of a conversation than a bullet list. Your technique is coming along really well soldier. Picking, muting, synch, it's all there. These are the building blocks of being able to play solos. Your solo is well built and well played. A couple of pointers on soloing. Try to add in some spots where you make use of bends and make use of vibrato. Try to land on a root note now and then and let it ring with vibrato. Try to add in some more hammering, maybe harmonics, open strings, etc. Just things to create variation in the solo. A solo, like a song, should build to a climax. So starting off slow and building speed lets it raise tension over time. Holding out whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, playing two note quasi chord licks, bends etc. all come together to build a solo. This is something that simply takes time. Once you have have the mechanics under your belt you are of to a good start and you are clearly off to a good start!

Here is the collab vid that this backing track comes from. It's got GMCers doing very spiff bits over the backing and it's worth a watch to see how they interpreted the backing. Keep this backing as a practice bit. Record yourself soloing over it to see your progress over time.

In short, well played and you are making amazing progress! Keep this up and the Never Before Granted GRAND MASTER 400 Badge will be yours!! You just...



QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 21 2019, 01:52 PM) *
Here's another one. I tried syncing it with the mix the best I could. I hope that turned out well.

Thank you for the link to scales course. I'll try that and let you know how it goes smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Feb 22 2019, 08:47 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 22 2019, 04:46 AM) *
Well fought Soldier! Your first vid shows yours up to snuff on your technique and the second vid here shows that you are getting a good handle on applying the bits to creating a solo. The entire point of all of this after is to give you the skills to be able to express yourself musically. The most important thing you can do, is practice creating solos to backing tracks imho. There are wads of backing tracks on youtube and wads of tracks in the REC program that work great for just this purpose. Try to spend just a pinch of time each day putting on a backing, and play just a bit of improvisation soloing. It's the only way to get better at being a lead player, e.g. actually playing lead guitar. smile.gif

This debrief is a little different as this Mission is a bit different. It's more of a conversation than a bullet list. Your technique is coming along really well soldier. Picking, muting, synch, it's all there. These are the building blocks of being able to play solos. Your solo is well built and well played. A couple of pointers on soloing. Try to add in some spots where you make use of bends and make use of vibrato. Try to land on a root note now and then and let it ring with vibrato. Try to add in some more hammering, maybe harmonics, open strings, etc. Just things to create variation in the solo. A solo, like a song, should build to a climax. So starting off slow and building speed lets it raise tension over time. Holding out whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, playing two note quasi chord licks, bends etc. all come together to build a solo. This is something that simply takes time. Once you have have the mechanics under your belt you are of to a good start and you are clearly off to a good start!

Here is the collab vid that this backing track comes from. It's got GMCers doing very spiff bits over the backing and it's worth a watch to see how they interpreted the backing. Keep this backing as a practice bit. Record yourself soloing over it to see your progress over time.

In short, well played and you are making amazing progress! Keep this up and the Never Before Granted GRAND MASTER 400 Badge will be yours!! You just...



I had a hunch it was a something like old power metal ballad! smile.gif The original collab looks great and there's something to learn from it too! I yet need to learn to use harmonics in a creative way to ornament the playing and changing pace is something I thought about but I wasn't sure if I could do it well and still pass the lesson.

Here's my next one, a quickie before the work.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 23 2019, 06:38 AM

You are in the Thick of the fighting Soldier! These are finger twisting lessons and you are just chewing through it!! I don't know if you realize how well you are playing these complicated bits. If you would have tried these drills on your first Mission, it would have been tough. You've come a long way. NONE of these are easy. Let's Debrief!

TRICKY PICKING: You nailed it Soldier. The picking on this is very very tricky indeed.

SPIFF SYNCH: The tricky picking can make your synch drift, but not here!!! Not you!!Spot on.

TRAVERSE GALORE: This entire mission is one big String Traverse Drill. It gives ample chance for the fingers to lose track of which string is being picked/fretted. If there are gaps in your Traverse, this would show them. Good news. Smooth as glass!!

In short, you FREAKING KRUSHED IT!!!!!!! and..


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 22 2019, 03:47 PM) *
I had a hunch it was a something like old power metal ballad! smile.gif The original collab looks great and there's something to learn from it too! I yet need to learn to use harmonics in a creative way to ornament the playing and changing pace is something I thought about but I wasn't sure if I could do it well and still pass the lesson.

Here's my next one, a quickie before the work.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 23 2019, 11:03 PM

Here's 44. I wasn't sure if I need to use the backing track in final video or not, so I did both versions.

Could you take a look on my improvisation in Mission 42 and tell me if what I did in the later part was sweeping? I'm just curious. At this point I understand it will be easier to master sweeping later, after I take time to learn its actual foundations.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 24 2019, 05:18 AM

Well Fought!!! I enjoyed your Solo! The more Soloing, the better!!!

PICKED CLEAN: Solid Picking Soldier!! You are developing a very strong picking technique, which is great to see!!
SMOOTH AS SILK: Not rushing or lagging, smooth and in the zone!!PICKING WHILE MUTED: This is one of the hardest things both to teach and to learn. Super Congrats, you have managed it. It's at the heart of my very own style and you show a great deal of promise using it here!

I saw your question about SWEEPING. What you did was sort of like sweeping. One can play an arpeggio without it being a sweep picking lick. Sweep picking is typically done using a series of down and up strokes. E.G. Sweep Picking. Dragging the pick along in one direction. There are some sweep picking drills in our upcoming missions. It's a technique worth learning to be sure.
In short you just ....


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 23 2019, 06:03 PM) *
Here's 44. I wasn't sure if I need to use the backing track in final video or not, so I did both versions.

Could you take a look on my improvisation in Mission 42 and tell me if what I did in the later part was sweeping? I'm just curious. At this point I understand it will be easier to master sweeping later, after I take time to learn its actual foundations.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 25 2019, 03:12 AM

I just realized I'm halfway there!

Lately I need more time to do the daily missions. They are more challenging than before and that's good! Sometimes, like today, I thought about skipping the day because I was really tired after all day at work. But I have those two big posters of Jason Becker on the wall and they reminded me that not even ALS was enough to can stop Jason from composing music. So who am I to complain about being tired? Making excuses won't get me anywhere.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 25 2019, 04:50 PM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!! Jason Becker is truly an inspiration. As you say, even ALS could not stop him. Even to this day he is making amazing music and living as an inspiration to us all. Let's Debrief!
These are some of the toughest Missions in the bunch Soldier. You do yourself proud by pushing through these. Each one pushes you to learn new things and ways of playing. Also each one has several parts so it's only natural for it to take a bit of time to work through. The good news is that are indeed about half way to the big 1oo!!! Keep it up Soldier and you will be there before you know it!

Let's debrief....

RIGHT HAND CONTROL: Without good right hand control, the pull off bit starts getting soaked in extra string noise. Not so with you. Your right hand stays firm and helps kill any unwanted noise so well done there.

FINGER POWER: Being able to do Hammer ons is the entire point of the first two bits. Good news is you have developed some very good finger power. You killed it!

PRECISION IN TRAVERSE: The third bit is non stop string traverse in a very tight pattern. Miss one note and the entire thing starts to fall to bits. As there are no gaps in the timing, one off note sticks out. Good news here is that you were very precise in your picking and fretting so it worked great

This is NOT an easy Mission, it's got a lot of parts and all of them require solid work. You nailed it! Congrats you just...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 24 2019, 10:12 PM) *
I just realized I'm halfway there!

Lately I need more time to do the daily missions. They are more challenging than before and that's good! Sometimes, like today, I thought about skipping the day because I was really tired after all day at work. But I have those two big posters of Jason Becker on the wall and they reminded me that not even ALS was enough to can stop Jason from composing music. So who am I to complain about being tired? Making excuses won't get me anywhere.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 26 2019, 01:11 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 25 2019, 04:50 PM) *
These are some of the toughest Missions in the bunch Soldier. You do yourself proud by pushing through these. Each one pushes you to learn new things and ways of playing. Also each one has several parts so it's only natural for it to take a bit of time to work through. The good news is that are indeed about half way to the big 1oo!!! Keep it up Soldier and you will be there before you know it!

I meant to say I'm halfway to Yoncopin's score but he's close to 100 too smile.gif

I wanted to ask something for a while now but I kept forgetting. Let's say I do an almost perfect run and accidentally hit the string I shouldn't (I mean only once, not few times). Would it be a fail because I shouldn't do it in the first place or would it be a pass because I managed to mute it instantly and keep on playing without changing pace etc. ?

The open string lick was hard to get used to. I'm so used to minor tonality, it sounded off.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 26 2019, 06:36 AM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! The licks in this one go well with the backing track. Grab the backing and use it as a test bed for your solo work. I created a lead track that has a bit of VAI in it and it's still one of my fave tracks.
This demo track is at the very bottom of the lesson and I just now put it up top as a soundcloud link for preview.
Let's debrief!!

As for your question, if I notice anything out of place, and it sticks out enough for me to actually notice, I usually will have a Soldier go back and at least re do that bit over again. Make sense?


PRECISION: Playing with precision is the only goal of this entire affair and it's great to see you playing with more and more precision each time you do a mission. The speed will happen by itself if you just stay focused on precision! You do have to push it though as progress happens at the edge of ones ability. Not in the comfort zone.

NOISE CONTROL: Despite using some distortion, I don't hear any unwanted string noise. Very well done on that. Adding gain makes any extra string noise show up and requires muting to be on point!

DEXTERITY: You the both licks with precision and dexterity making fine use of the weakest finger, THE PINKY! Developing PINKY POWER is just critical. Great to see you playing with the pinky on lower frets instead of trying to stretch the third finger!

P.S. You are getting very close to your next Chevron Strip on your Badge!

In short you just...



QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 25 2019, 08:11 PM) *
I meant to say I'm halfway to Yoncopin's score but he's close to 100 too smile.gif

I wanted to ask something for a while now but I kept forgetting. Let's say I do an almost perfect run and accidentally hit the string I shouldn't (I mean only once, not few times). Would it be a fail because I shouldn't do it in the first place or would it be a pass because I managed to mute it instantly and keep on playing without changing pace etc. ?

The open string lick was hard to get used to. I'm so used to minor tonality, it sounded off.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 27 2019, 02:28 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 26 2019, 06:36 AM) *
WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! The licks in this one go well with the backing track. Grab the backing and use it as a test bed for your solo work. I created a lead track that has a bit of VAI in it and it's still one of my fave tracks.
This demo track is at the very bottom of the lesson and I just now put it up top as a soundcloud link for preview.
Let's debrief!!

As for your question, if I notice anything out of place, and it sticks out enough for me to actually notice, I usually will have a Soldier go back and at least re do that bit over again. Make sense?

I like this track and I tried jamming over it but at my current level... I think I need to get better. Kris makes it look so easy when he's shredding over tracks in similar speed during his live streams but he's got years of experience I'm lacking. Nevertheless, this mission was surely a nice experience! smile.gif

About my question. Your answer is pretty much what I thought you'd say but it's also understandable. After all, we should learn to avoid mistakes, not cover them up.

On to the next mission!

It was the toughest and the most extreme drill so far but I'm glad I came across it this early, at about 10% of all the Bootcamp. I'll get to start practicing it sooner and by the time I'm required to do such stretches more often, I will be able to. I hope they won't appear too often until I'm ready to.

Honestly, after 5 minutes of attempting to play the 5-12 part I thought I won't make it. THat I should call it a day, take a break today and start tomorrow much earlier. But I don't want to lag behind the schedule and eventually I did it. My hand was really sore after this.
Playing thumbless also was quite demanding but I imagine it will become effortless with some practice, a good investment. I didn't focus on speed this time, just playing it clean.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 27 2019, 06:16 AM

Well Fought Soldier!! Near the half way point to triple digits, there are some really challenging Missions, like this one. The good news is you attacked it and made it yours! The stretch in this one is extreme. Are you doing the warm up stretches that are in the stretch warmup video that I link in my lessons? Doing your stretches every day is a great to work on your flexibility. I've been doing my stretches every day for years and as you can see in the video, it's really helped my flexibility and my reach. Just like guitar, getting flexible takes time and repetition. Here is the vid in question.

Let's Debrief!!...

CLEAN EXECUTION: Despite the flurry of picking, I don't hear any random string noise. You keep everything high and tight and well muted!

ASSASSIN GRADE PRECISION: Speed is a byproduct of precision and your playing in a very precise manner here.

SYNCH, SYNCH, SYNCH: In this one, you can't miss one strike without it being very obvious. Good news is you don't miss strikes!

**(You are only 3 Missions away from the much Vaunted, RARELY given FOUR CHEVRON BADGE!)

QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 26 2019, 09:28 PM) *
I like this track and I tried jamming over it but at my current level... I think I need to get better. Kris makes it look so easy when he's shredding over tracks in similar speed during his live streams but he's got years of experience I'm lacking. Nevertheless, this mission was surely a nice experience! smile.gif

About my question. Your answer is pretty much what I thought you'd say but it's also understandable. After all, we should learn to avoid mistakes, not cover them up.

On to the next mission!

It was the toughest and the most extreme drill so far but I'm glad I came across it this early, at about 10% of all the Bootcamp. I'll get to start practicing it sooner and by the time I'm required to do such stretches more often, I will be able to. I hope they won't appear too often until I'm ready to.

Honestly, after 5 minutes of attempting to play the 5-12 part I thought I won't make it. THat I should call it a day, take a break today and start tomorrow much earlier. But I don't want to lag behind the schedule and eventually I did it. My hand was really sore after this.
Playing thumbless also was quite demanding but I imagine it will become effortless with some practice, a good investment. I didn't focus on speed this time, just playing it clean.

Posted by: Adam M Feb 27 2019, 11:28 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Feb 27 2019, 06:16 AM) *
Well Fought Soldier!! Near the half way point to triple digits, there are some really challenging Missions, like this one. The good news is you attacked it and made it yours! The stretch in this one is extreme. Are you doing the warm up stretches that are in the stretch warmup video that I link in my lessons? Doing your stretches every day is a great to work on your flexibility. I've been doing my stretches every day for years and as you can see in the video, it's really helped my flexibility and my reach. Just like guitar, getting flexible takes time and repetition. Here is the vid in question.

I'm doing the stretches quite often - not only before playing guitar but also while driving (waiting for the green lights, of course) or while walking or in the classroom. It's just this one exercise was really a tough one. I've noticed some improvement already, but as you say, it needs time.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Feb 28 2019, 06:32 AM

Good Fight Soldier!!! This is one of tough ones to be sure. You showed grit and toughness here soldier. Let's Debrief!!.....


TIMING TIMING: All of these licks are built to show you if there are any gaps/problems in your timing. There is a distinct LACK of space between notes, demanding that you get to the next spot, without any kind of gap or hand reset. This is to encourage you to find a 'center strategy" with your right hand which you have done quite well!
I have noticed that you have been playing in a very precise manner for quite some time now and it's great to see. Without precision, the rest of it falls apart.

PICKING AND OR TAPPING: Whether picking, or tapping, you have very good right/left hand synch and very tight picking. Also, nicely muted through out which is also key. In short, YOU ARE GETTING IT!!!!

You are very close to your next CHEVRON badge. You are already in rare air my friend. Very few folks make it this far. You are doing great and making amazing progress. Keep it up!!
You just..


QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 27 2019, 06:28 PM) *
I'm doing the stretches quite often - not only before playing guitar but also while driving (waiting for the green lights, of course) or while walking or in the classroom. It's just this one exercise was really a tough one. I've noticed some improvement already, but as you say, it needs time.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 1 2019, 02:29 AM

I'm really sorry about your loss. I'm not even sure what to say but if I can be of any help, just feel free to talk to me. I'll pray for you, that's probably all I can do.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 1 2019, 05:41 AM

Well Fought Soldier!!! This is PACKED with very hard tapping bits. It requires you to go way beyond the VanHalen type of tapping. Add these licks to your bag of tricks and pull them out in your next solo!! let's Debrief!..


PUSHING TO TARGET: You attacked this lesson, in all it's complexity and made it your B***H! Score.

*PRECISION REIGNS: With Four Note tapping sequences, especially involving open strings, any gap in playing or any pull / tap that's not quite right sticks out like a sore thumb. Good news is you nailed it!
PULLING TO OPEN: Pulling off to an open string is something that some folks struggle with, if this gave you pause, you sure didn't show it here. You RAWKED through the mission with aggressive style.

Thank you for thinking of me concerning the loss of my Father. It's been hard. It's going to be hard for a while. But, as they say, "The show must go on".

You just...

QUOTE (Adam M @ Feb 28 2019, 09:29 PM) *
I'm really sorry about your loss. I'm not even sure what to say but if I can be of any help, just feel free to talk to me. I'll pray for you, that's probably all I can do.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 1 2019, 11:33 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 1 2019, 05:41 AM) *
Well Fought Soldier!!! This is PACKED with very hard tapping bits. It requires you to go way beyond the VanHalen type of tapping. Add these licks to your bag of tricks and pull them out in your next solo!! let's Debrief!..

This one was really demanding a lot of focus to hit the right note in the right moment but overall, I think legato drills are much harder for me. Today's mission was like a moonlight walk on the verge of insanity! But I am my own enemy in this Bootcamp and the only way to win is by attacking the weak spots. I do notice more endurance and stretchiness already - Mission 51's pattern was easier than few days ago but I still had to maintain focus. Playing it thumbless made the whole thing easier, I think. To me the "classical" position is a default choice, I play this way from the very beginning but now I know why it's the thing. I didn't think it's about wrist tension.

Now, about Mission 50, I didn't play it 100% clean. I don't know if it's possible for a beginner like me, maybe someone did it before. I tried finding the balance between muting string noise and not muting them completely which was really hard too without a pick. I do hope it's clean enough to pass. I was tempted to use a hairband after an hour of practice but I didn't!
I thought at first that since it's a legato drill, meant to improve legato's endurance and strength it's logical to use more force when hammering the notes but I remembered what you said earlier about playing thumbless etc. and I tried using as little force as I could instead. Well, it worked!

I'm posting vid for Mission 51 too. Tomorrow I'm spending all day at work and I go to Metallica concert straight from there. I'm glad I remembered it early enough because if I didn't start recording sooner, I wouldn't be able to do 2 videos. If I pass number 50, could you take a look at 51 and tell me if it'll be okay?

PS. He makes it look so easy but maybe I'll at least get closer to such mastery in 1 year of daily practice in the Bootcamp. That's not just pickless or thumbless. It's a completely different level of playing!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 2 2019, 06:39 AM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! These two Missions ARE FLAT OUT HARD. I'm glad you embraced the THUMBLESS Technique. It can really make a big difference on certain licks. It helps train the hand not to "over do it" when clamping down and use too much pressure. Also, your left hand work is just fine. You are using very little distortion so it sounds like it should sound. I can hear the strikes with your left hand which is what I"m looking for. Both vids look good.

Let's Debrief!!

TUFF BY DESIGN: This lesson is designed to make you work your bum off in terms of your LEFT HAND. It forces you to play a complex, reversing, pattern, using only the power in your fingers. NO PICKS ALLOWED once you get past the first bit. This one makes lesser men weep. Well played!
THUMBLESS: One of the hardest things for some folks to get a handle on is playing without their thumb connected to the neck in any way. Some folks can do it, some folks really struggle. Either way it's not natural, especially at first. Once you get it, it's a great way to reduce the pressure from your hand and focus on the fingers. Score!

PRECISION: These Missions are all about precision. Especially in a lesson like this where even one mistake will blow the entire thing. There is nowhere to hide when you can't pick, and you can't even use your thumb!! Any mistake is glaringly obvious. Good news is you didn't make any!

In short Soldier, you just....


One more to your next Chevron Stripe!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 1 2019, 06:33 PM) *
This one was really demanding a lot of focus to hit the right note in the right moment but overall, I think legato drills are much harder for me. Today's mission was like a moonlight walk on the verge of insanity! But I am my own enemy in this Bootcamp and the only way to win is by attacking the weak spots. I do notice more endurance and stretchiness already - Mission 51's pattern was easier than few days ago but I still had to maintain focus. Playing it thumbless made the whole thing easier, I think. To me the "classical" position is a default choice, I play this way from the very beginning but now I know why it's the thing. I didn't think it's about wrist tension.

Now, about Mission 50, I didn't play it 100% clean. I don't know if it's possible for a beginner like me, maybe someone did it before. I tried finding the balance between muting string noise and not muting them completely which was really hard too without a pick. I do hope it's clean enough to pass. I was tempted to use a hairband after an hour of practice but I didn't!
I thought at first that since it's a legato drill, meant to improve legato's endurance and strength it's logical to use more force when hammering the notes but I remembered what you said earlier about playing thumbless etc. and I tried using as little force as I could instead. Well, it worked!

I'm posting vid for Mission 51 too. Tomorrow I'm spending all day at work and I go to Metallica concert straight from there. I'm glad I remembered it early enough because if I didn't start recording sooner, I wouldn't be able to do 2 videos. If I pass number 50, could you take a look at 51 and tell me if it'll be okay?

PS. He makes it look so easy but maybe I'll at least get closer to such mastery in 1 year of daily practice in the Bootcamp. That's not just pickless or thumbless. It's a completely different level of playing!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 3 2019, 06:22 AM

Soldier, you have just crossed the line. In to AWESOME. 51 is a landmark. Few make it this far and for good reason. The Missions in this range are just flat out hard and they are meant to be hard. Anyone you see with a 50+ badge has earned it. There are no "gimme" badges in this range. It's blood, sweat and tears. Let's Debrief!!..

PRECISION: An increase in precision is an increase in speed, nice.

FOCUS: Never missed a note. SCORE!

TIMING: Never lagged or pushed. DOUBLE SCORE!

In other words you just ...

LEVELED UP!!!!! *I have given out very few of these badges Soldier. You earned it. Congrats!!


QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 2 2019, 01:39 AM) *
WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! These two Missions ARE FLAT OUT HARD. I'm glad you embraced the THUMBLESS Technique. It can really make a big difference on certain licks. It helps train the hand not to "over do it" when clamping down and use too much pressure. Also, your left hand work is just fine. You are using very little distortion so it sounds like it should sound. I can hear the strikes with your left hand which is what I"m looking for. Both vids look good.

Let's Debrief!!

TUFF BY DESIGN: This lesson is designed to make you work your bum off in terms of your LEFT HAND. It forces you to play a complex, reversing, pattern, using only the power in your fingers. NO PICKS ALLOWED once you get past the first bit. This one makes lesser men weep. Well played!
THUMBLESS: One of the hardest things for some folks to get a handle on is playing without their thumb connected to the neck in any way. Some folks can do it, some folks really struggle. Either way it's not natural, especially at first. Once you get it, it's a great way to reduce the pressure from your hand and focus on the fingers. Score!

PRECISION: These Missions are all about precision. Especially in a lesson like this where even one mistake will blow the entire thing. There is nowhere to hide when you can't pick, and you can't even use your thumb!! Any mistake is glaringly obvious. Good news is you didn't make any!

In short Soldier, you just....


One more to your next Chevron Stripe!

Posted by: Adam M Mar 3 2019, 10:33 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 3 2019, 06:22 AM) *
[color="#000000"]Soldier, [color="#000000"]you have just crossed the line. In to AWESOME. 51 is a landmark. Few make it this far and for good reason. The Missions in this range are just flat out hard and they are meant to be hard. Anyone you see with a 50+ badge has earned it. There are no "gimme" badges in this range. It's blood, sweat and tears.

Lately I'm starting to feel the difficulty level rising between single missions instead of tiers, like in the beginning. I browsed some of the final missions and they are a bit terrifying but then I'll improve before then too.

I did some extra work in today's mission, as I had more time than usual.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 4 2019, 05:59 AM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER! Looks like you are getting more comfortable with the THUMBLESS technique, which is great! It's a wonderful way to prevent overpressure on the hand which is the death of precision/speed.
These are some really tough missions to be sure as they are adding new bits each time. It will actually get easier once you cross the triple digit barrier. You'll have all the techniques you will need for the next 100 Missions!
Let's Debrief!!


SYNCH: Great to see you getting so comfy with hand synch. This is something I've seen folks really struggle with and you seem like you are really getting a good handle on it. SCORE!!

MUTE: Just enough palm mute. Too much, and you squash all the tone, too little, and you get too much ring and notes are not distinct. You are not pressing too hard or light. Nice!
TRAVERSE: Yet another area where folks really struggle. This Mission is built to show you any gaps in your traverse and / or your mute. The good news is your technique is on point!

In other words you just..



QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 3 2019, 05:33 PM) *
Lately I'm starting to feel the difficulty level rising between single missions instead of tiers, like in the beginning. I browsed some of the final missions and they are a bit terrifying but then I'll improve before then too.

I did some extra work in today's mission, as I had more time than usual.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 4 2019, 08:14 PM

It is done! This one wasn't half bad. I actually started wondering where's the catch. I double checked and I hope I didn't miss any part of it.

I'd like to ask a question about Harmonic minor. The 7th step makes the scale stand out but I'm wondering how to use it to achieve the best effect. Second and seventh (intervals) are theoretically the sound that are leading to the Tonic, if I'm not mistaken. So it makes sense to use them before or after the Tonic. But playing 6th step of the scale before or after 7th step creates this specific vibe or tension. Is there some harmony rule about how to use the character of Harmonic minor efficiently or is it up to the player?

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 5 2019, 08:22 AM

This one is just about as hard as the one before it but you are getting better and you are now more comfortable with thumbless technique so it probably seems a bit easier! That's what is great about Bootcamp smile.gif Bits are only hard at first, upon repetition they get easier. The crazy bits to come will seem crazy on round one. By round three you will think it's no problem! Congrats on all your progress Soldier!!

This one has a really tricky bit in the three note per string Harmonic Scale. It requires a BIG pinchy stretch that you had no problem with! Per your question, like just about any scale, it's just a collection of tones so it really comes down to the player to interpret which notes to play and in what order and with how much vibrato and how long to hold each one and which ones to focus on. So in short, you nailed it. Comes down to the player really. Trust your ears on this and the more practice you get playing this scale to a harmonic minor or minor backing the more practice the ears will get!
Let's Debrief!!

*MULTIFINGER POWER: Switching from third finger to pinky finger in less than a beat and keeping pace. Nicely done!
*PACE CAR: Keeping a solid pace with all this traverse going on is not always easy. You make it look easy though. Being able to play at a steady pace is key. It's the secret sauce to eventually playing at any speed you want for as long as you like.
*CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS: Pick and Played clean as glass. Super Nice!

The Harmonic Minor is a great scale. Add it in to your solos!
You just..LEVELED UP!!!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 4 2019, 03:14 PM) *
It is done! This one wasn't half bad. I actually started wondering where's the catch. I double checked and I hope I didn't miss any part of it.

I'd like to ask a question about Harmonic minor. The 7th step makes the scale stand out but I'm wondering how to use it to achieve the best effect. Second and seventh (intervals) are theoretically the sound that are leading to the Tonic, if I'm not mistaken. So it makes sense to use them before or after the Tonic. But playing 6th step of the scale before or after 7th step creates this specific vibe or tension. Is there some harmony rule about how to use the character of Harmonic minor efficiently or is it up to the player?

Posted by: Adam M Mar 5 2019, 11:04 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 5 2019, 08:22 AM) *
Per your question, like just about any scale, it's just a collection of tones so it really comes down to the player to interpret which notes to play and in what order and with how much vibrato and how long to hold each one and which ones to focus on. So in short, you nailed it. Comes down to the player really. Trust your ears on this and the more practice you get playing this scale to a harmonic minor or minor backing the more practice the ears will get!

I really like this scale and I'm it appeared in the Bootcamp this early! That means I may get more missions involving it that would help me to master it sooner! smile.gif Are there Phrygian Major exercises in here as well?

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 6 2019, 02:08 AM

The Dominant Phrygian can be understood as simply another mode of the Harmonic Minor. I'm including a note map that covers the entire neck. Once you understand how a scale is constructed and can play that scale on a single string, you can then build longer versions of it across several strings. This requires you to know what all the notes on the fret board are of course, but that's not very hard as they repeat. It's the same sequence of notes over and over, it just starts on E at the E string and A on the A string and so on.
If you want to build more bits using phrygian, I'd say use the patterns that you have learned so far and make use of this scale map to build some cool drills and licks. In bootcamp, I focus much more on the mechanics of playing such as striking, muting, hand synch etc. Most of the scales we use are intended to be familiar. I threw in some harmonic Minor for spice smile.gif Now that you know it, you really already know Phrygian Dominant. Just using a different root position. Here is the map. I hope this makes sense.


You are developing a really solid right hand technique by keeping your hand planted on the bridge for quick access to muting and rotating your hand to get to different strings. I did hear a couple of very tiny slips but not enough to throw it off.

STEADY AS SHE GOES: Your playing is very steady and well paced. Even that last lick which is very hard to keep together toward the end is very tight. Good synch is good playing!
PICKING LIKE A BOSS: Your picking is very good, even during string traverse. Your hands look like they are getting more comfy with precision picking!
Well done on a very tricky bit. You just...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 5 2019, 06:04 PM) *
I really like this scale and I'm it appeared in the Bootcamp this early! That means I may get more missions involving it that would help me to master it sooner! smile.gif Are there Phrygian Major exercises in here as well?

Posted by: Adam M Mar 6 2019, 10:30 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 6 2019, 02:08 AM) *
The Dominant Phrygian can be understood as simply another mode of the Harmonic Minor. I'm including a note map that covers the entire neck. Once you understand how a scale is constructed and can play that scale on a single string, you can then build longer versions of it across several strings. This requires you to know what all the notes on the fret board are of course, but that's not very hard as they repeat. It's the same sequence of notes over and over, it just starts on E at the E string and A on the A string and so on.
If you want to build more bits using phrygian, I'd say use the patterns that you have learned so far and make use of this scale map to build some cool drills and licks. In bootcamp, I focus much more on the mechanics of playing such as striking, muting, hand synch etc. Most of the scales we use are intended to be familiar. I threw in some harmonic Minor for spice smile.gif Now that you know it, you really already know Phrygian Dominant. Just using a different root position. Here is the map. I hope this makes sense.

Thank you! I will definitely take time to study this scale along the minor scales, as I was suggested in the other thread.
Here is the video, quickie today. I have probably my most important exam in my whole university career tomorrow and I don't think I'll make it. I'm really tired of everything lately and I probably wouldn't mind failing and getting kicked out at this point. I really like spending time at the campus, though. I'm doing it mostly because of my parents expectations.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 7 2019, 09:38 AM

Take Heart Soldier!!! I know University can seem like an endless SLOG. I've been there in your Boots Soldier!! I managed to push through the burnout and pain and get a Masters Degree (Graduate Degree) in Digital Media. It has served me well. Push on Soldier!!! It's worth it in the end. Just like your guitar skills, nobody can take your education away from you. You've earned it, it's a badge of honor that you take with you wherever you go for the rest of your life. Onward!!
Let's talk a bit about your playing here. In a word. .... NICE!!!!!!!!! This is a bit of using the MAJOR scale to create a long scale run. You can use this same note sequencing on Minor, Harmonic Minor, or any other scale you want. Once you get the idea of the pattern in your head you can apply it to anything!!!! Let's Debrief.

TENSION IS DEATH: Playing with too much tension restricts precision, speed, and endurance. It's a great way to stunt one's playing. Very glad to see you are starting to be able to play with a lighter touch!! Your THUMBLESS practice has really helped!

I've seen folks try this with the first three fingers only. It's quite a lot of work doing this with the first three. It's not a great way to go about it. You have a really good command of the weakest finger and it's great to see.

MINIMUM WAG: If you let any one pick strike go to far from the string, you increase the amount of time needed to make it back to the string and it can throw off timing. Great to see you keeping it high and tight Soldier!!!

In short, I'm seeing all your work add up to constant improvements in your playing Soldier!! CONGRATS!! Not to mention, you just...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 6 2019, 05:30 PM) *
Thank you! I will definitely take time to study this scale along the minor scales, as I was suggested in the other thread.
Here is the video, quickie today. I have probably my most important exam in my whole university career tomorrow and I don't think I'll make it. I'm really tired of everything lately and I probably wouldn't mind failing and getting kicked out at this point. I really like spending time at the campus, though. I'm doing it mostly because of my parents expectations.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 8 2019, 07:40 AM

Edit: I passed this exam!!!!!! I'm so happy now!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 9 2019, 06:41 AM

This Mission is packed with tricky bits. The good news is that you've had so many tricky bits thrown at you that you don't seem to even notice anymore! This has one of my fave "Scale Inversions" in it which is a finger twister and we do it over every single string through Minor Scale in 3 Note Per string form. Also, some double tap hammering fun. These bits would have thrown you for a loop a while back, but now you just plow through it!! You have adapted to some very difficult terrain Soldier!!! Let's Debrief!!!
VAN HALEN WHO? Forget the standard tapping/hammering, we are going straight to the complicated stuff. Well done on the double taps!
TRAVERSAL OF FORTUNE: Scale inversion using every string up and down? No problem for you!!! Nice.
LOW GAIN HIGH YIELD: Playing with very low gain as you are doing means you can't hide behind distortion. No problem as you have nothing to hide!

In short, you made short work of it Soldier!!! You are ready for the path that lay ahead!!
In other words you just...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 8 2019, 02:40 AM) *

Edit: I passed this exam!!!!!! I'm so happy now!

Posted by: Adam M Mar 9 2019, 11:53 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 9 2019, 06:41 AM) *
This Mission is packed with tricky bits. The good news is that you've had so many tricky bits thrown at you that you don't seem to even notice anymore! This has one of my fave "Scale Inversions" in it which is a finger twister and we do it over every single string through Minor Scale in 3 Note Per string form. Also, some double tap hammering fun. These bits would have thrown you for a loop a while back, but now you just plow through it!! You have adapted to some very difficult terrain Soldier!!!

Mostly I'm quite used to it by now but 5-frets-wide fingerings still require me to stay completely focused. I think if I were to play them 4 months ago, I would just get stuck. If anyone told me I could progress so much back then, I wouldn't believe them but it's happening! And the best part is, I'm not stopping there!

About the Quick Lick, thanks for the info! It really sounds awesome! I already tried it without recording and I'm beginning to like this mode more smile.gif


In the mission briefing in the Natural Minor part, the ascending run has the tabs for descending run instead.

I made a pickguard from transparent sheet for my Avion and here's what it looks like:


Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 11 2019, 03:58 AM

Well Fought soldier!!!! 57 is the gateway drug to crazy bits on the way. Using the Harmonic Minor shape is a workout for the fingers. Doing it with our finger twisting patterns is something that many Soldiers find a bridge to far and call for their Mommy! Not you!! You fought through with grit and determination. Let's Debrief!!

PINKY POWER PREVAILS Without a powerful pinky, these 3 Note Per String Harmonic Minor Licks are a NIGHTMARE. Good news is you've put the time in and your pinky is prepped!!

STREEEEETCH You have developed a good stretch technique solider. keep it up! It wills serve you well in the wars to come.

TRICKY BITS Playing in "Threes" as we are doing here is complicated. You've got it in hand though! Try it on other scales that you know. It's a great way to approach any mode. YOU ARE PLOWING THROUGH SOLDIER!!! You just..

*P.S. Good start in 58! That one has a LOT of moving parts. Make sure to play each part as written at least once in your Mission Vid. I've streamlined the Mission a bit as it had some repetition which I'd rather skip and have you focus tighter on what remains. Fight On!!Sarge

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 9 2019, 06:53 PM) *
Mostly I'm quite used to it by now but 5-frets-wide fingerings still require me to stay completely focused. I think if I were to play them 4 months ago, I would just get stuck. If anyone told me I could progrearss so much back then, I wouldn't believe them but it's happening! And the best part is, I'm not stopping there!

About the Quick Lick, thanks for the info! It really sounds awesome! I already tried it without recording and I'm beginning to like this mode more smile.gif


In the mission briefing in the Natural Minor part, the ascending run has the tabs for descending run instead.

I made a pickguard from transparent sheet for my Avion and here's what it looks like:

Posted by: Adam M Mar 11 2019, 11:02 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 11 2019, 03:58 AM) *
*P.S. Good start in 58! That one has a LOT of moving parts. Make sure to play each part as written at least once in your Mission Vid. I've streamlined the Mission a bit as it had some repetition which I'd rather skip and have you focus tighter on what remains. Fight On!!Sarge

I did the mission again just to be sure it's okay but then I realized I put the Natural Minor run twice and no Harmonic Minor runs. But I did that in the previous video, so I'm hoping it's fine smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 12 2019, 05:35 AM

This one has a LOT of bits stuffed in to one Mission to be sure!!! I was not very clear about the first backing bit. You did play it on A, and E as requested. So you followed directions. It was me not being clear on what I was hoping to see. I was hoping to see the backing lick played on at least two different strings without a gap in order to show you transitioning between strings in under one beat. However, this is a pretty small issue overall and certainly not enough to prevent you badging up. I"ll add a bit more text in mission description to make it more clear for the next Soldier!! All of the bits are well played. let's Debrief!!
INVERSIONS GALORE: That finger twisting scale run is called an "Inversion" and also called playing in "Threes" by some folks. It's a very complex way to run a scale. it's even harder when running a complex scale like harmonic minor. Nailed it!!
CLEAN AS GLASS: Muting is key on this type of scale lick since you are going back and forth between strings over and over. It's ripe for string noise but nope! Good mute.
OPEN STRING WORK: The open string lick that we lead off with can be used as a rythm or lead lick. Requires just enough mute to prevent rampant string ring/noise. You nailed that too!
This one and the one before are a bundle of tricky bits and you killed it!!!!!! Nice. You are ready for the next section to come. Sharpen your knife, load your weapon and get ready to fight!
You just..

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 11 2019, 06:02 PM) *
I did the mission again just to be sure it's okay but then I realized I put the Natural Minor run twice and no Harmonic Minor runs. But I did that in the previous video, so I'm hoping it's fine smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Mar 12 2019, 11:59 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 12 2019, 05:35 AM) *
This one has a LOT of bits stuffed in to one Mission to be sure!!! I was not very clear about the first backing bit. You did play it on A, and E as requested. So you followed directions. It was me not being clear on what I was hoping to see. I was hoping to see the backing lick played on at least two different strings without a gap in order to show you transitioning between strings in under one beat. However, this is a pretty small issue overall and certainly not enough to prevent you badging up. I"ll add a bit more text in mission description to make it more clear for the next Soldier!!

I did that part and this time I switched from one string to another in an instant. I wasn't sure about mission 59 - the title says "triplets" but in the tabs there are duplets too, so I did it twice not to miss a part of it again smile.gif

About the overhanded tapping, I can't do it. I never could play a keyboard with my left hand and this is the same case here. I hope that doesn't get me to fail at some point.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 13 2019, 01:51 AM

I must take the blame for again not being very clear in my Mission instructions so I've modified the text of the Mission. Give it one more read and one more pass on the Mission vid. I want to see if the text makes sense by itself, so I'm going to avoid detailing here. Again, my bad on this for not being clear. I appreciate your patience on this. As for the Tapping, it's just a Bonus lick so it's not required for the badge. It's a bit outside anything you might ever need to actually play as it's just or show. You can play the tapping bit using the standard method so it's purely for the sake of being flashy/tacky to play it over hand like that smile.gif I made sure to change that as well in the Mission text.

Once More in to the FRAY Soldier!!!! For King and Country!! You are making more progress than I've seen anyone make in quite some time. Keep it up!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 12 2019, 06:59 PM) *
I did that part and this time I switched from one string to another in an instant. I wasn't sure about mission 59 - the title says "triplets" but in the tabs there are duplets too, so I did it twice not to miss a part of it again smile.gif

About the overhanded tapping, I can't do it. I never could play a keyboard with my left hand and this is the same case here. I hope that doesn't get me to fail at some point.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 13 2019, 09:32 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 13 2019, 01:51 AM) *
I must take the blame for again not being very clear in my Mission instructions so I've modified the text of the Mission. Give it one more read and one more pass on the Mission vid. I want to see if the text makes sense by itself, so I'm going to avoid detailing here. Again, my bad on this for not being clear. I appreciate your patience on this. As for the Tapping, it's just a Bonus lick so it's not required for the badge. It's a bit outside anything you might ever need to actually play as it's just or show. You can play the tapping bit using the standard method so it's purely for the sake of being flashy/tacky to play it over hand like that smile.gif I made sure to change that as well in the Mission text.

Once More in to the FRAY Soldier!!!! For King and Country!! You are making more progress than I've seen anyone make in quite some time. Keep it up!!


It's also my fault. I'm a stereotypical programmer when it comes to following the instructions smile.gif I'm glad I can help to test run the missions and improve/correct where needed! I also realized it's only one more month until I may break the 89 barrier. I'll do my best to get there and not to fall behind the schedule!

I did this without a metronome because it kept confusing me (the duplets that followed triads, couldn't fit it into the ticking pattern.) I hope I did alright as far as timing is concerned and I hope this time I'll get a Pass grade.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 14 2019, 05:45 AM

NAILED IT! Timing was solid so didn't miss the metronome. The metronome is more intended for folks who drift a bit on timing to help them have a reference so they can tell if they are rushing or lagging. You've done solid work with keeping time and your sense of time is quite solid. So if it's getting in the way, you can skip the click track. I don't think you'll need it most of the time at the level your playing. It's still good to practice with one now and then to make sure one's internal clock is still working smile.gif

Let's Debrief!!!!

*PICKING VARIATION: This one mixes triple strikes and double strikes in the same riff. This makes it a confusing bit of music to play. To make it more fun, there are fret/shape changes!! You adapted and played it without a hitch!
*PINKY POWER RETURNS: Your pinky is on point here yet again!! Well done not using the third finger instead of PINKY POWER!!

*STEADY AS A ROCK: Pace is nice and smooth, no rushing or lagging.
Well Fought Soldier! You are fast approaching your next CHEVRON Badge Upgrade!! Also fast approaching the TRIPLE ...... DIGIT ...... BARRIER!!!!

You just....


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 13 2019, 04:32 PM) *
It's also my fault. I'm a stereotypical programmer when it comes to following the instructions smile.gif I'm glad I can help to test run the missions and improve/correct where needed! I also realized it's only one more month until I may break the 89 barrier. I'll do my best to get there and not to fall behind the schedule!

I did this without a metronome because it kept confusing me (the duplets that followed triads, couldn't fit it into the ticking pattern.) I hope I did alright as far as timing is concerned and I hope this time I'll get a Pass grade.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 14 2019, 11:23 PM

Somehow, it's much easier to play this exercises faster than slower. Most of the time, I skip the metronome but I still try to use it regularly (mostly for recording the missions) to keep track of my progress. Also, I was suggested to listen to Bach for 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday and I'm starting tomorrow. It's supposed to help me in the path I've chosen! smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 15 2019, 03:23 AM

Well Fought Soldier!!! This one is all about the LEFT HAND. It's the LEFT HAND PATH as it were smile.gif Once you get your left hand power up to snuff, picking becomes a tone choice, not something that has to be done. As you continue, your hand will get stronger and stronger and eventually, your ears won't really hear much difference between left hand only and picked notes, other than extra attack on picked notes. Let's Debrief!!
PINKY POWER: Well done on using the tiny finger without a pick! You may notice that I keep coming back to the PINKY. It's the least appreciated finger. Yet it's CRUCIAL to becoming a better player. One can only get so far using the first 3 fingers on the left hand. Keep up your PINKY PROVING GROUND!

PACE: You have a good sense of timing on these which is impressive given that you can't use the pick on this one!! You may also notice I mention the pace quite a bit. It's yet another crucial element. If you rush/lag, then it wrecks your ability to make progress imho. It's almost instinctual to play easy bits faster and harder bits slower. This yields wildly uneven playing. Good news is, you don't do that.

PRECISION: Hitting all of these with enough power to make a note without hitting the wrong fret is not easy. Nice! You are moving at a good clip as well!!

Keep doing these types of drills and apply them to every scale and lick that you know. It will make your left hand stronger and that's the key to a huge library of licks. In other words you just..


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 14 2019, 06:23 PM) *
Somehow, it's much easier to play this exercises faster than slower. Most of the time, I skip the metronome but I still try to use it regularly (mostly for recording the missions) to keep track of my progress. Also, I was suggested to listen to Bach for 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday and I'm starting tomorrow. It's supposed to help me in the path I've chosen! smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Mar 15 2019, 05:28 PM

Here's the 61!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 16 2019, 06:40 AM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! Yet another chance to work the living crap out of your PINKY!!! This one is almost a vacation compared to the ones before/after. I tried to ease up a bit and keep your hand from melting/burning off. You kept your precision and technique and turned in a killer mission!
Let's Debrief!!


*AGGRESSION: Jumped in and started shooting!!! Love it.
*PRECISION: Per usual, attention paid to precision and control. Score!!
*BLOOD ON THE FRETBOARD: You have earned it Soldier. You deserve to be here at this spot.
This Mission is just a short break on your way to triple digits. There are still many ups and downs ahead of you. You are more than ready for it Soldier!! You just..


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 15 2019, 12:28 PM) *
Here's the 61!

Posted by: Adam M Mar 16 2019, 09:47 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 16 2019, 06:40 AM) *
WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!! Yet another chance to work the living crap out of your PINKY!!! This one is almost a vacation compared to the ones before/after. I tried to ease up a bit and keep your hand from melting/burning off. You kept your precision and technique and turned in a killer mission!

This is true. I'm already noticing improvements in how much I can stretch and with this obstacle out of the way it's mostly a workout for the pinky. But it all requires a constant effort, I think. Taking a break would probably set me back for days now.

Here's 62! It wasn't much of a trouble to do quad picking in general but definitely a skill worth practicing and improving!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 17 2019, 06:45 AM

Well fought Soldier!! I only meant that the previous lesson was a "break" in that it was not quite as difficult as most of the other recent lessons. Still a good workout though smile.gif As for this one, another GOOD FIGHT well FOUGHT!!!!! Let's Debrief!!

MUTE GAME IS STRONG: If you skimp on muting, this Missions sounds like MUSH, well done.

PICK GAME IS STRONG: Precision picking, hitting only the strings you plan to hit. Not easy with this much traverse.

ARTICULATION: These shapes are tricky and so is the picking, you nailed em!!!
Your Multi Picking is coming along great!! These lessons have quite a bit of multi picking madness. It will serve you well as you move forward. You got this well in hand Soldier. You are ready for your next CHEVRON BADGE in the next Mission!

In other words, you just ..


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 16 2019, 04:47 PM) *
This is true. I'm already noticing improvements in how much I can stretch and with this obstacle out of the way it's mostly a workout for the pinky. But it all requires a constant effort, I think. Taking a break would probably set me back for days now.

Here's 62! It wasn't much of a trouble to do quad picking in general but definitely a skill worth practicing and improving!

Posted by: Adam M Mar 17 2019, 10:15 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 17 2019, 06:45 AM) *
Well fought Soldier!! I only meant that the previous lesson was a "break" in that it was not quite as difficult as most of the other recent lessons. Still a good workout though smile.gif As for this one, another GOOD FIGHT well FOUGHT!!!!! Let's Debrief!!

Your Multi Picking is coming along great!! These lessons have quite a bit of multi picking madness. It will serve you well as you move forward. You got this well in hand Soldier. You are ready for your next CHEVRON BADGE in the next Mission!

I know and it did feel like a "break" but it made me think how I can't imagine taking a break, I mean completely stop playing for a few days/weeks. When I suffered from depression few years ago I didn't play at all for 1-2 years. Then after I somewhat recovered, I played once or twice a week. The guitar was in the gig bag when not used. Now that I have my amp ready to play and guitars are up on the wall I play few times a day, so just this change made a big difference. I wish I realized that sooner!

Anyway, I'm ready for what's to come! I tried mission 89 and if I got the instructions right, it wasn't that bad. So when the time comes, I'll be ready as always!

EDIT: I've found a super cheap RG-Prestige-like guitar. It's not an Ibanez but I have 2 guitars made by this luthier's brand already and there's not a SINGLE bad thing about either. I trust it well enough to get another one! Well, it does have the same stock pups as my first guitar but I have that EMG set just for the occasion. I'll just make sure they fit but H4 is often used cheap F-spaced guitars and it does have rails instead of pole pieces.

I know your attitude towards Ibanez but I feel the same towards Samick and I believe that I was destined to stay up this late and find this auction smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 18 2019, 05:35 AM

Great to hear you've hung your guitars up and leave your amp at the ready!! having ones gear ready to go is a BIG deal imho. I've seen so many players who feel the need to put every bit of their gear away, in cases, under the bed, in a closet etc. Just to keep dust from getting on it. Sadly, this results in playing a bit less often as it's just a bit of a pain to pull everything out. I always suggest that folks have at least once guitar that is simply always at the ready. Let it get a bit dusty if it has to. It's just dust. After all, a guitar is meant to be played, not kept in a vacuum sealed bubble. If an instrument is so precious that one is reluctant to play it, I'd say sell it. It's useless. smile.gif I have gotten down to only a few guitars at this point. I had gotten up to more than a a dozen. Some of them I barely ever played. I realized the folly of this and sold the ones I had not played for a couple of weeks.

As for the new one, if you feel led to grab it then grab it!!! smile.gif Look forward to seeing it smile.gif I'm a big Ibanez/RG fan due to the fact I LOVE the ultra thin Wizard neck. The wizard II and wizard III neck are a bit more bulky and don't feel as fast or as easy to play, but that's just me. Every player is different. Some people hate thin guitar necks.

On to our Mission! Let's DEBRIEF!!!!

SYNCH: Per usual you have really tight right and left hand synch. One slip and it would show up.

STRETCH: This requires a huge stretch and you nail it!

PRECISION: If you play this Mission sloppy, it shows up quick. You handled it with a high degree of precision.
You have handled yourself well soldier. You have gotten a good grip on all the bits that are required ot make it to this point. From this point forward, you are in the deeeeeep end of the swimming pool. Many a fine Soldier have seen their hopes dashed against the rocks of the higher echelon of Missions. I don't think you will be stopped though. I think you will be the first one to tackle this next section of Missions and push through to FINAL VICTORY and break the dreaded TRIPLE DIGIT BARRIER!!!!!!!! There have been several staunch fighters who have come up just short of Triple Digits. This is your chance to set a new record!!!! So begins the long night of the soul. From 60 to 100. You got this!!!! You just..


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 17 2019, 05:15 PM) *
I know and it did feel like a "break" but it made me think how I can't imagine taking a break, I mean completely stop playing for a few days/weeks. When I suffered from depression few years ago I didn't play at all for 1-2 years. Then after I somewhat recovered, I played once or twice a week. The guitar was in the gig bag when not used. Now that I have my amp ready to play and guitars are up on the wall I play few times a day, so just this change made a big difference. I wish I realized that sooner!

Anyway, I'm ready for what's to come! I tried mission 89 and if I got the instructions right, it wasn't that bad. So when the time comes, I'll be ready as always!

EDIT: I've found a super cheap RG-Prestige-like guitar. It's not an Ibanez but I have 2 guitars made by this luthier's brand already and there's not a SINGLE bad thing about either. I trust it well enough to get another one! Well, it does have the same stock pups as my first guitar but I have that EMG set just for the occasion. I'll just make sure they fit but H4 is often used cheap F-spaced guitars and it does have rails instead of pole pieces.

I know your attitude towards Ibanez but I feel the same towards Samick and I believe that I was destined to stay up this late and find this auction smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Mar 18 2019, 11:37 PM

With this mission I had a blast re-visiting Wasted Years and I almost forgot to record the video!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 19 2019, 05:07 AM

Well Fought Soldier!! This is the officially your BAPTISM OF FIRE to prepare you to break new ground and go where no Soldier has EVER gone before!!! You are well on your way to breaking records!!!!
Let's Debrief......


ZERO NOISE: Any string noise sticks on on single string work as you are only wanting to hear one string. Sympathetic vibrations of the other strings can ring unless muted. Not here well done!

Spot on right and left hand synch. Tight as a drum!

CONFIDENCE IS HIGH: You are playing with the confidence of a seasoned pro, I sense no hesitation in your playing at all. Nicely done!

You hit all the bits that I was looking for on this one Soldier. Each Mission has certain bits that are hit or miss. If it's a miss, you get to fight it over, but you hit it square center mass!! This bodes well for what's to come. There are a LOT of moving parts in this one. If you were going to fold, this could have been the one. No sign of folding!! Just like they say "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE". You could be the one Soldier!!! keep it up!!
In other words you just.....


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 18 2019, 06:37 PM) *
With this mission I had a blast re-visiting Wasted Years and I almost forgot to record the video!

Posted by: Adam M Mar 20 2019, 02:07 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 19 2019, 05:07 AM) *
Well Fought Soldier!! This is the officially your BAPTISM OF FIRE to prepare you to break new ground and go where no Soldier has EVER gone before!!! You are well on your way to breaking records!!!!

I'm more than ready for that! If I'm to blaze the trails for other GMC-ers, so be it! Meanwhile, here's my video for 65 smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 20 2019, 05:56 AM

Perhaps the thing I"m most proud of is that you can keep a palm mute while you articulate the pick. That one thing is something that can barely be taught. The hand has to find it's own way. Every person approaches is slightly differently in terms of angle/pressure/separation of pick and mute, etc. It should develop naturally so that it's not forced. Your technique has developed very naturally without me banging on about it. SUPER SCORE!!!!


STICKING THE LANDING: The last note in each bit is just as important as the first note. It needs the same focus and power. Some folks back off by the time they hit the last note. Not you!!
CLEAN AS A WHISTLE: Not skipping notes, not missing beats, nice.
PICKING LIKE A MAD MAN: LOTS of picking on this one. Every single note needs a strike. No problem for you!!!

In other words, you are more than ready for the next mission, ...
You just.


quote name='Adam M' post='767009' date='Mar 19 2019, 09:07 PM']I'm more than ready for that! If I'm to blaze the trails for other GMC-ers, so be it! Meanwhile, here's my video for 65 smile.gif


Posted by: Adam M Mar 20 2019, 11:08 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 20 2019, 05:56 AM) *
Perhaps the thing I"m most proud of is that you can keep a palm mute while you articulate the pick. That one thing is something that can barely be taught. The hand has to find it's own way. Every person approaches is slightly differently in terms of angle/pressure/separation of pick and mute, etc. It should develop naturally so that it's not forced. Your technique has developed very naturally without me banging on about it. SUPER SCORE!!!!

I'm happy you like my muting technique. I suppose I have Metallica to thank for that - ever since I first picked up guitar I tried learning their songs (still can't play any start to finish) and palm muting is probably the only thing I picked up. I also got a book called Art of James Hetfield years ago and there it says that proper palm muting and downpicking is crucial to thrash genre. Also, hence I made the other post about BFMV's track and downpicking - I feel like it's time to get serious about it! And BFMV first started by playing Metallica's famous songs in pubs etc. so that's probably where they got it.

Lately I've been struggling to learn sweep picking which also requires precise muting. I still can't do it (I'll make a demo video soon, so maybe you could give me some advice about it) but my muting did improve a little.

About my new-to-be guitar, I feel really bad about buying it because its stock pickups are OEM versions of Duncans Jazz Neck and JB and imho they sound better than USA versions. I just found out about it and compared the two sets. I'm going to put my Legend set that is currently in my SG and I plan putting passive EMGs into the SG, so I'd have a guitars tuned specifically for shreddy stuff and the other one for thrash and metalcore. That only means this OEM Duncan set will waste away unused which is a bit sad. I already have an OEM SH-6 set that's great too but too few guitars to use it.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 21 2019, 03:38 AM

Muting is very much crucial for playing any type of heavy music. It's really important in lead work as well, which is something that somehow gets overlooked sometimes. Not by me though!!BFMV kick ass! They do great covers of Thrash tunes. I think they should make a double cd of nothing but thrash covers. Maybe they will at some point!

Congrats on your new axe! sounds like you have a plan for all the bits as well. Look forward to seeing it in action!!!
Sweep picking is an art in and unto itself. The same rules apply though that exist for any technique. Start slow, play in a precise and clean manner. Push the speed up each chance you get. Allow it to fall apart by playing much too fast just to see how it feels. This is just part of the process. IT's ok to shoot for something way over ones current level. Eventually, it won't be over your current level. You just have to close the gap between current level and future level. We do have some sweep bits in bootcamp. Gabe has a killer sweep technique and I'm sure he can isolate some gmc lessons to focus on. Between the two of us, we will turn you in to a PURE MONSTER!!
Let's Debrief!!!..

FINGER TWISTING: This little diddy is built to turn your fingers in to a knot. Any tension and the hands just fail. Not here!!!
TRAVERSE: This one is non stop string traverse. Without the ability to traverse, one is stuck. You traverse like a Mad man!!

TIME: Smooth as glass and like clockwork! Nice and tight!!!

In other words you just...


Can't wait to see you chew through the next few Soldier!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 20 2019, 06:08 PM) *
I'm happy you like my muting technique. I suppose I have Metallica to thank for that - ever since I first picked up guitar I tried learning their songs (still can't play any start to finish) and palm muting is probably the only thing I picked up. I also got a book called Art of James Hetfield years ago and there it says that proper palm muting and downpicking is crucial to thrash genre. Also, hence I made the other post about BFMV's track and downpicking - I feel like it's time to get serious about it! And BFMV first started by playing Metallica's famous songs in pubs etc. so that's probably where they got it.

Lately I've been struggling to learn sweep picking which also requires precise muting. I still can't do it (I'll make a demo video soon, so maybe you could give me some advice about it) but my muting did improve a little.

About my new-to-be guitar, I feel really bad about buying it because its stock pickups are OEM versions of Duncans Jazz Neck and JB and imho they sound better than USA versions. I just found out about it and compared the two sets. I'm going to put my Legend set that is currently in my SG and I plan putting passive EMGs into the SG, so I'd have a guitars tuned specifically for shreddy stuff and the other one for thrash and metalcore. That only means this OEM Duncan set will waste away unused which is a bit sad. I already have an OEM SH-6 set that's great too but too few guitars to use it.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 22 2019, 01:48 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 21 2019, 03:38 AM) *
Muting is very much crucial for playing any type of heavy music. It's really important in lead work as well, which is something that somehow gets overlooked sometimes. Not by me though!!BFMV kick ass! They do great covers of Thrash tunes. I think they should make a double cd of nothing but thrash covers. Maybe they will at some point!

Congrats on your new axe! sounds like you have a plan for all the bits as well. Look forward to seeing it in action!!!
Sweep picking is an art in and unto itself. The same rules apply though that exist for any technique. Start slow, play in a precise and clean manner. Push the speed up each chance you get. Allow it to fall apart by playing much too fast just to see how it feels. This is just part of the process. IT's ok to shoot for something way over ones current level. Eventually, it won't be over your current level. You just have to close the gap between current level and future level. We do have some sweep bits in bootcamp. Gabe has a killer sweep technique and I'm sure he can isolate some gmc lessons to focus on. Between the two of us, we will turn you in to a PURE MONSTER!!

BFMV's covers sound much more alive than the original versions! I know they added their covers to certain editions of their albums but a whole CD made just of covers would be great! And they do have amazing acoustics too!

I used the wrong words or I misunderstood you here. I'm 99% sure I'll be getting this guitar but I don't have it yet smile.gif I like to plan such things ahead so there's nothing overlooked. It might need a luthier's touch too but I'll use it in my videos as soon as I can!

About sweeping, I've heard it's a pinnacle of skill, at least as far as electric guitar is concerned. And it's about right when I think about players such as Jason Becker or Luca Turilli. It's just like your advice on downpicking mastery but I'm sure it will work great for me! I'll ask Gabriel for some insight into the subject but currently we're working on picking hand, bending in tune and vibrato. Sweeping will come next, once I pass those techniques.

I don't like the kind of bending licks as in today's mission and I often avoid it. I prefer learning a solid vibrato but then I guess it's wise to be able to do both - turn my weakness into my strength. And to become the pure monster I will need both! I like how that plan sounds!!!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 22 2019, 05:06 AM

Well, whenever you do get that new axe, I hope it's a great addition to your collection and look forward to seeing it in action smile.gif

As for sweeping, It's a stretch to call it the "pinnacle of skill" imho, in that it's just another technique. It's a complex technique when done briskly and played well, but in the end, it's just yet another technique. Like any other technique on guitar, it's just a matter of simple repetition. The more you do it, the better you'll get at doing it. You will run in to some arp/sweeping drills in your bootcamp journey, but if you want to gets started right away i'd say try the SWEEP/ARP Quick Licks section, since those are all built to be fairly straightforward and can get you going on the basic mechanics involved in sweeps/arps. Here are all the Sweep/Arp quick licks in one chunk! I"m guessing that this type of thing is what you are looking for in this vid?

You are welcome to do Quick Licks videos in any order you like so you can just do these and skip all the others for now and go back and do them later. But, like you said, Gabe probably has a batch on deck he can point you to as soon as your hands are ready!
As for todays Mission, it's a BEAR. It's got those bends in there just to force your hand to bend to pitch without having any time to get in and out of the bend. That way you have to nail the bend "on the fly" just as you would in a solo. When soloing, one often doesn't get a pause coming in or out of a given lick/technique.

Speaking of Missions, LET'S DEBRIEF!!!

FORM IS ON POINT: I've watched your form get better and better. Keep it up!!

TIMING IS ON POINT: I'm starting to think you are hearing a Metronome in your head. This is the key to being able to keep time IMHO. If you can hear the beat/click in your head, then you don't need the metronome.

NOISE FREE: Your Muting Game remains Strong! A nice planted right hand. A very handy technique that you've adopted well.

You are putting it all to good use Soldier!! Keep it up!!!!!
You just...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 21 2019, 08:48 PM) *
BFMV's covers sound much more alive than the original versions! I know they added their covers to certain editions of their albums but a whole CD made just of covers would be great! And they do have amazing acoustics too!

I used the wrong words or I misunderstood you here. I'm 99% sure I'll be getting this guitar but I don't have it yet smile.gif I like to plan such things ahead so there's nothing overlooked. It might need a luthier's touch too but I'll use it in my videos as soon as I can!

About sweeping, I've heard it's a pinnacle of skill, at least as far as electric guitar is concerned. And it's about right when I think about players such as Jason Becker or Luca Turilli. It's just like your advice on downpicking mastery but I'm sure it will work great for me! I'll ask Gabriel for some insight into the subject but currently we're working on picking hand, bending in tune and vibrato. Sweeping will come next, once I pass those techniques.

I don't like the kind of bending licks as in today's mission and I often avoid it. I prefer learning a solid vibrato but then I guess it's wise to be able to do both - turn my weakness into my strength. And to become the pure monster I will need both! I like how that plan sounds!!!

Posted by: Adam M Mar 22 2019, 09:13 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 22 2019, 05:06 AM) *
Well, whenever you do get that new axe, I hope it's a great addition to your collection and look forward to seeing it in action smile.gif

As for sweeping, It's a stretch to call it the "pinnacle of skill" imho, in that it's just another technique. It's a complex technique when done briskly and played well, but in the end, it's just yet another technique. Like any other technique on guitar, it's just a matter of simple repetition. The more you do it, the better you'll get at doing it. You will run in to some arp/sweeping drills in your bootcamp journey, but if you want to gets started right away i'd say try the SWEEP/ARP Quick Licks section, since those are all built to be fairly straightforward and can get you going on the basic mechanics involved in sweeps/arps. Here are all the Sweep/Arp quick licks in one chunk! I"m guessing that this type of thing is what you are looking for in this vid?

You are welcome to do Quick Licks videos in any order you like so you can just do these and skip all the others for now and go back and do them later. But, like you said, Gabe probably has a batch on deck he can point you to as soon as your hands are ready!
As for todays Mission, it's a BEAR. It's got those bends in there just to force your hand to bend to pitch without having any time to get in and out of the bend. That way you have to nail the bend "on the fly" just as you would in a solo. When soloing, one often doesn't get a pause coming in or out of a given lick/technique.

I thought one has to do these in the order. In that case I'll definitely leave out Economic Picking ones for the last smile.gif I'll try the Arpeggio section (and others too!) soon. Even if I don't have the tools to do it now, I can practice the shapes and whatever technique I have right now.

About today's mission, I was tempted to play Harmonic Minor and Melodic Minor both ways too (since the instruction doesn't specify one scale and they are technically minor scales as well) but I need to leave for work. smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 23 2019, 06:27 AM

Pure Blood and Guts!!! Another good fight Soldier. This is yet another tricky bit. You have done several missions with this open string matched to a scale idea and you are getting a really good handle on it. It seems wonky on the hands sometimes at first, but you have taken to it like a fish to water. You can take this same idea and apply it to any scale, any mode, anything!! It's a great way to work your fingers. It forces you to lift off the neck, and then stick the landing over and over and over. Let's Debrief!!!
STICKING THE LANDING: Gotta stick it each time. One miss and the entire drill falls apart.

SYNCHING AND SWIMMING: You drift, you die! Good news, no drift!!

AGGRESSION: Big part of what we do is about jumping in and KILLING IT!! You've got that to spare!!!!You got this Soldier!! It's about to get sticky!!!! You are ready for it though smile.gif You just...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 22 2019, 04:13 PM) *
I thought one has to do these in the order. In that case I'll definitely leave out Economic Picking ones for the last smile.gif I'll try the Arpeggio section (and others too!) soon. Even if I don't have the tools to do it now, I can practice the shapes and whatever technique I have right now.

About today's mission, I was tempted to play Harmonic Minor and Melodic Minor both ways too (since the instruction doesn't specify one scale and they are technically minor scales as well) but I need to leave for work. smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Mar 23 2019, 11:25 PM

This mission seemed a little off. I mean in the first exercise it says to switch to the G string for the last 2 bars. I hope I didn't misunderstand it because I did it all on the B ( C ) string assuming that was your intention. Then the final exercise skips example D and is named E instead. Is there anything missing in between? The last 2 frets in ex. E were a real pain to make them sound properly. They are so narrow... I wasn't sure if I was allowed to skip those notes just because of that. They do belong to the scale, after all. The guitar I'll be getting next week has a larger scale length, so pushing licks down the neck should be much easier with it.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 24 2019, 02:42 AM

Good catch Soldier!! That first part should all be on the same string. I"ll have that bit of tab replaced. Good eye!! Here is what that tab should look like with the guitar pro file as well. Debrief to follow! The tapping bit was meant to be a bonus, as it's different from the rest, and you nailed it!
 69afix.gp5 ( 1.93K ) : 617

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 23 2019, 06:25 PM) *
This mission seemed a little off. I mean in the first exercise it says to switch to the G string for the last 2 bars. I hope I didn't misunderstand it because I did it all on the B ( C ) string assuming that was your intention. Then the final exercise skips example D and is named E instead. Is there anything missing in between? The last 2 frets in ex. E were a real pain to make them sound properly. They are so narrow... I wasn't sure if I was allowed to skip those notes just because of that. They do belong to the scale, after all. The guitar I'll be getting next week has a larger scale length, so pushing licks down the neck should be much easier with it.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 25 2019, 01:15 AM

Well fought Soldier!! This is yet another tricky bit of play. It requires you to put together several bits in one lick. One needs to be able to do open string and single string with 2 and 3 note sets. Also, good muting is required since one can't mute with the left hand on licks that require you to pull your hand away from the strings to set up for the next note. If there are any gaps in one's mute, open string licks will make it plain as day. You have a strong grip on all of it. let's Debrief!!

SEQUENCE: In this one, you have to play groups of notes in different places. It's easy to get it twisted and play the wrong notes in the wrong place as they are constantly changing. No problem for you! You stick the landing each time.

PICKING YOUR BATTLES: Picking is again crucial here. Miss a single strike and each lick falls apart. You are getting really good at never missing a strike. Nice!
MUTE OR SHOOT: Without good muting, open string licks are a noise fest. Some folks get really dependent on the left hand to help mute things. This makes some licks nearly impossible to play. No problem here. You can mute anything needed with your right hand.
You are putting all the skills together just as I hoped you would Soldier!! Good catch on the Tablature BTW. I"m having it replaced with the help of FRAN! As for this one, YOU GOT THIS!! And you just..

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 23 2019, 06:25 PM) *
This mission seemed a little off. I mean in the first exercise it says to switch to the G string for the last 2 bars. I hope I didn't misunderstand it because I did it all on the B ( C ) string assuming that was your intention. Then the final exercise skips example D and is named E instead. Is there anything missing in between? The last 2 frets in ex. E were a real pain to make them sound properly. They are so narrow... I wasn't sure if I was allowed to skip those notes just because of that. They do belong to the scale, after all. The guitar I'll be getting next week has a larger scale length, so pushing licks down the neck should be much easier with it.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 26 2019, 12:24 AM

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 26 2019, 05:22 AM

Well Fought Soldier!!! This one is a LONG haul. It's about endurance. The good news is that you have worked up your endurance to a very good level. It takes time and effort to get one's endurance level up to par. You've earned it! Let's Debrief!! MEDALS OF HONOR

STAMINA: The name of the game and the entire point of this mission.

Your technique is on point Soldier!! There are a lot of moving parts here so that is saying quite a bit.

You attack each drill with verve. Score!!

This is one that burns the arm off of many a fine Soldier. You didn't even break a sweat!!!! You are fighting your way through the thick of it! Keep it up!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 25 2019, 07:24 PM) *

Posted by: Adam M Mar 27 2019, 01:36 AM

This stuff here is really tough to do. Today's mission's last section was a real pain when I had to switch pattern in a split second but that part was also a challenge by itself!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 27 2019, 03:07 AM

This one is about as tough as they come Soldier! It requires you to summon your talent at will and then expand on it. There is no gap to allow you a moment to make changes in hand position, so you gotta play this stuff correct or it just won't play. You have developed very solid technique so you were able to pull it off!! Let's Debrief!!!


CLEAN AS A WHISTLE: Not a note out of place, not a finger out of fret range. Precision is the key to speed. Speed is just a byproduct of precision and repetition of precision = speed.

This bit covers most of the strings in fast traverse. This requires good muting of nearly every string, while playing them. It's hard to keep these bits from being noisey but you do it!

SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE: You attacked the Mission with Verve and Aggression. That's what I like to see. No pause, no doubts, just FULL BORE!!!

In short you just killed it and ..


You continue to impress me with your sheer will power Soldier!!! These are getting tough but you are pushing through!!!! Keep it up!!! You are getting closer to the magic barrier every day!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 26 2019, 08:36 PM) *
This stuff here is really tough to do. Today's mission's last section was a real pain when I had to switch pattern in a split second but that part was also a challenge by itself!

Posted by: Adam M Mar 27 2019, 11:12 PM


Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 28 2019, 04:10 AM

Impressive Work Soldier!! This one requires some serious stretching and some serious pinky work in addition to serious picking and muting, and tapping. In short, it requires a bit of nearly everything we have been working on. You may have noticed that these upper level Missions require quite of bit from you. They are designed to push you and your abilities. Let's Debrief!!!

PINKY POWER: This really leans on the pinky for each one. If your pinky is not up to speed, these just don't work. You have earned it with the small finger Soldier!!

TRAVERSE LIKE A WYLDE MAN: This one requires non stop string traverse. Being able to get from string to string without tripping up and losing the beat, and without making wads of string noise is an Art form. It's an Art you have learned well!!
PRECISION: It's all about precision and you display plenty of it here.

These are NOT easy bits. Soldier. You play them well!!! Keep pushing to the very edge of your ability in terms of speed as that's where growth happens!! As for this, one, stick a fork in it! It's Done!!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 27 2019, 06:12 PM) *

Posted by: Adam M Mar 29 2019, 01:56 AM

I got the guitar! Maybe I'll make a separate post about it but let me just say it's just as good as Prestige RG's I've tried. It's very comfortable and the neck is super thin. There's not only 24 frets but also they are easier accessible (in my SG and LP reaching the highest frets is near impossible). They don't look like Jumbos but that's fine. The action is really low, even lower than in my SG which I thought was already too low but somehow I'm okay with that. The stock pickups sound great but I'll probably swap them on occasion. I expected it to be heavy and a bit larger, like a bass maybe, but it's just a little heavy and quite short. But there's one quite serious problem. How do I palm mute a Floyd-type bridge? I'll try finding that sweet spot tomorrow or I can't use it for lessons until then. But overall, I'm very happy with it! smile.gif Great value for the money spent and it's like a brand new too. No signs of ever being used.

Now on to the Mission:

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 29 2019, 05:21 AM

Gere us a better copy of all of the guitar pro files for this mission! ( 119.07K ) : 595

Congrats on your new AXE!!! As for muting on a floyd rose, I LOVE doing it. It's my fave bridge for palm muting to be honest. IT has a flat top that lets you mute without sharp things poking in to your hand. Just rest the heel of your palm as you usually would for muting on the flat part where you see the strings go in. Once you find the sweet spot, it's great. I really hate muting on other types of bridges as there are always bits poking in to my hand. Let's talk Debrief!!!!
PINKY RULES: Great to see you using the pinky whenever possible. One can't get enough practice imho using the pinky. So the more the better.

SYNCHING FEELING: Hand synch is the key to speed. If you can't get your hands doing the same thing at the same time, you cant play fast. It's that simple. Your hands have very tight synch. keep pushing your speed as you go!
COMPLEX PATTERNS: I'm throwing lots of complex patterns at you to force you to memorize strange bits and be able to play them back. It's easy to get notes confused when there are so many. Not you! Notes where they should be!
You are killing it Soldier!! It's gonna get a bit tricky soon but you are ready!!!

You just...
*You are almost 3/4 to triple digits!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 28 2019, 08:56 PM) *
I got the guitar! Maybe I'll make a separate post about it but let me just say it's just as good as Prestige RG's I've tried. It's very comfortable and the neck is super thin. There's not only 24 frets but also they are easier accessible (in my SG and LP reaching the highest frets is near impossible). They don't look like Jumbos but that's fine. The action is really low, even lower than in my SG which I thought was already too low but somehow I'm okay with that. The stock pickups sound great but I'll probably swap them on occasion. I expected it to be heavy and a bit larger, like a bass maybe, but it's just a little heavy and quite short. But there's one quite serious problem. How do I palm mute a Floyd-type bridge? I'll try finding that sweet spot tomorrow or I can't use it for lessons until then. But overall, I'm very happy with it! smile.gif Great value for the money spent and it's like a brand new too. No signs of ever being used.

Now on to the Mission:

Posted by: Adam M Mar 29 2019, 08:57 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 29 2019, 05:21 AM) *
Congrats on your new AXE!!! As for muting on a floyd rose, I LOVE doing it. It's my fave bridge for palm muting to be honest. IT has a flat top that lets you mute without sharp things poking in to your hand. Just rest the heel of your palm as you usually would for muting on the flat part where you see the strings go in. Once you find the sweet spot, it's great. I really hate muting on other types of bridges as there are always bits poking in to my hand.

I think I'm getting the hang of it after today's practice. It's just so different than TOM-type I'm used to.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 30 2019, 06:16 AM

Well Fought!!! This Mission has the dreaded "PINKY SLIDE" and it has multi picking. It's got some really tricky bits. You were not thrown off at all!! Great to see that you can dive in to the advanced Missions and just KILL IT!!!!! Let's Debrief!!
PINKY SLIDE: This is an advanced technique to be sure. Being able to slide with the weakest finger allows you to play wads of licks that require the pinky reach. Score!
MULTI PICKING: Being able to double pick (two strikes per note) as well as triple and quad pick, is yet another way to add to your personal bag of tricks. You can take any lick you like, and multi pick it and it gives the lick a different feel. Double Score!
SHEER AGGRESSION: You have jumped in to the fray with both feet Soldier. You have not let off, you have stuck with it. You have freaking EARNED IT!! TRIPLE SCORE!!
In short, yet another one for the books!! You just..

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 29 2019, 03:57 PM) *
I think I'm getting the hang of it after today's practice. It's just so different than TOM-type I'm used to.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 31 2019, 12:41 AM

I feel quite bad now. I've been practicing daily but I don't seem to become any faster not just in the pieces that I'm new to because that's understandable but also in the pieces I'm familiar with. Am I doing something wrong? I feel like I'm not pushing hard enough but then I can't get past certain bpm's over a night.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Mar 31 2019, 03:24 AM

Not to worry Soldier. It takes time. It's a step by step thing. Pushing your speed one BPM at a time on a metronome takes a great deal of work. Once you know a pattern, say one that your hands feely comfortable playing. Keep that pattern as a speed test and play it often. Try to push past your previous practice session BPM by 1 BPM. If that works, push by 2 BPM and so on until it starts to fall apart. Only at the very edge of your ability will you make progress on your speed. The Missions are teaching your hands how to move and stay in synch and play various techniques. One evening with a given Mission is enough to learn and play the Mission. Getting faster on any given bit of music means repetition. Lots of repetition. Once your hands get used to playing briskly, you'll be able to apply it to everything new that you learn. So try to pick something, a scale, a pattern, something that feels comfy and play it each time you practice for a while and try to bump the metronome. Of course, this requires that you play with the metronome during this kind of work. Some folks find that tedious. Some folks find practice tedious. But then again, if it were easy, eveyrone would shred like a God from the moment they picked up the guitar. You are putting in the work Soldier. It's probably time to add that one drill that you use to push your BPM and spend some time on it each day. After a while, you can add another pattern/scale what not and do the same. It's just practice that separates Paul Gilbert from the rest of us smile.gif Well, practice and his freakishly long pinky!

Let's Debrief!


PINKY POWER: This one is all about pinky power and you really stick the landing! This is impressive just by itself. Score!

REAAAACH: This one requires a big stretch and you nail it!!!

TECHNIQUES O PLENTY: All of your previous work leading up to this is on display. Muting, hand synch, strikes, it's all there.

This is one of the toughest of the entire series. There are so many moving parts going on and you nailed it!!! You just..

QUOTE (Adam M @ Mar 30 2019, 07:41 PM) *
I feel quite bad now. I've been practicing daily but I don't seem to become any faster not just in the pieces that I'm new to because that's understandable but also in the pieces I'm familiar with. Am I doing something wrong? I feel like I'm not pushing hard enough but then I can't get past certain bpm's over a night.

Posted by: Adam M Mar 31 2019, 10:30 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Mar 31 2019, 03:24 AM) *
Not to worry Soldier. It takes time. It's a step by step thing. Pushing your speed one BPM at a time on a metronome takes a great deal of work. Once you know a pattern, say one that your hands feely comfortable playing. Keep that pattern as a speed test and play it often. Try to push past your previous practice session BPM by 1 BPM. If that works, push by 2 BPM and so on until it starts to fall apart. Only at the very edge of your ability will you make progress on your speed. The Missions are teaching your hands how to move and stay in synch and play various techniques. One evening with a given Mission is enough to learn and play the Mission. Getting faster on any given bit of music means repetition. Lots of repetition. Once your hands get used to playing briskly, you'll be able to apply it to everything new that you learn. So try to pick something, a scale, a pattern, something that feels comfy and play it each time you practice for a while and try to bump the metronome. Of course, this requires that you play with the metronome during this kind of work. Some folks find that tedious. Some folks find practice tedious. But then again, if it were easy, eveyrone would shred like a God from the moment they picked up the guitar. You are putting in the work Soldier. It's probably time to add that one drill that you use to push your BPM and spend some time on it each day. After a while, you can add another pattern/scale what not and do the same. It's just practice that separates Paul Gilbert from the rest of us smile.gif Well, practice and his freakishly long pinky!

Thank you, I'll do my best! It makes perfect sense that achieving PG's level is reserved for those willing to do the hard work smile.gif

My brother got sick and went to bed early, so I did today's mission without any distortion to keep things quiet. I tried pushing the speed a bit, though.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 1 2019, 04:46 AM

No worries Soldier! I hope your Brother gets well soon!!! This Mission takes the open string idea and moves it way up the neck. These licks get way trickier when you do them up near the 12th fret and beyond. Some guitars don't have great action when playing the upper decks, this can make this even more tricky. You seem to have no trouble at all! Let's Debrief!!

PICK ARTICULATION: This one is Looooong and when the arm gets tired, it starts to do wacky things, like pick from the elbow. The good news is that you have worked up some serious stamina Soldier! Not once did I see you picking from elbow. Good news is that you don't fall victim to this!

DUAL MUTE: You use both hands to keep string noise at bay which is needed when doing bits with traverse. You keep your picking hand planted and steady and use your fretting hand as a back up mute, just as it should be.

SYNCH: Your right and left hand synch is getting better and better. Your precision is increasing and as a result so is your speed ( a byproduct of precision ). Keep it up and keep pushing the envelope! You are getting better with each Mission Soldier. Keep it up! You are past the 3/4 mark on the way to TRIPLE DIGITS. You've adapted to each new technique along the way. Nice!! In other words you just... LEVELED UP!!


Posted by: Adam M Apr 2 2019, 12:20 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 1 2019, 04:46 AM) *
No worries Soldier! I hope your Brother gets well soon!!! This Mission takes the open string idea and moves it way up the neck. These licks get way trickier when you do them up near the 12th fret and beyond. Some guitars don't have great action when playing the upper decks, this can make this even more tricky. You seem to have no trouble at all!

My brother is quite the fighter. He's got a fever and is generally weakened but he's adamant about going to school tomorrow (he's got a gig there). Just like yesterday, he went to bed, so I didn't use distortion not to disturb him - I had to use as little volume as possible, actually. I just hope you can hear what there is to be heard smile.gif

I was browsing the GMC lessons, looking for a challenge and I came across an old Blind Guardian lesson:
It uses few patterns we are working on in the Bootcamp, so I might give it a try!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 2 2019, 06:15 AM

Well Fought Yet again!! This one is looooooooooong. It's got more moving parts than a race car engine. This one is meant to push your pinky, push your endurance and push you mental ability to remember complex patterns and shapes that are all somewhat similar, but all a bit different. It's quite easy to let one bleed in to the next. Not so for you! Let's Debrief... MEDALS OF HONOR

TECHNIQUE: I don't see any gaps worth mentioning. You are well prepared for the road ahead soldier. You have absorbed tons of techniques and you are ready for more!

AGGRESSION ON POINT: There is no timidity in your playing. No sense of uncertainty. This is something that is very important. You are playing with confidence as it should be.

STYLE COMING THROUGH: Even though these licks are guided, you are able to put your own spin on them which is awesome. Some you do clean, some semi dirty, etc. Focus on allowing your inner sense of the notes/music, to pervade your playing as you go forward.

Soldier, you have passed through the Ring of Fire and walk the path of the Warrior. It's time for ..

It's your focus and concentration that is your best ally as you continue your fight!! Fight on!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 1 2019, 07:20 PM) *
My brother is quite the fighter. He's got a fever and is generally weakened but he's adamant about going to school tomorrow (he's got a gig there). Just like yesterday, he went to bed, so I didn't use distortion not to disturb him - I had to use as little volume as possible, actually. I just hope you can hear what there is to be heard smile.gif

I was browsing the GMC lessons, looking for a challenge and I came across an old Blind Guardian lesson:
It uses few patterns we are working on in the Bootcamp, so I might give it a try!

Posted by: Adam M Apr 2 2019, 10:59 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 2 2019, 06:15 AM) *
Well Fought Yet again!! This one is looooooooooong. It's got more moving parts than a race car engine. This one is meant to push your pinky, push your endurance and push you mental ability to remember complex patterns and shapes that are all somewhat similar, but all a bit different. It's quite easy to let one bleed in to the next. Not so for you!
Soldier, you have passed through the Ring of Fire and walk the path of the Warrior. It's time for ..

It's your focus and concentration that is your best ally as you continue your fight!! Fight on!!

I'm really sorry but I don't get this reference. I haven't seen this movie sad.gif But I do get the message!

I liked the bonus section and decided to add something to the mix.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 3 2019, 04:16 AM

The movie is called DUNE. It's based on the book of the same name. It's a bit of a huge sci fi cheese fest, but I really love that Movie smile.gif It's effects are very dated as it's quite old. Still a very watch. Give it a go if you get a chance smile.gif The clip is just about being able to focus ones mind which I think you got. Onward!
Good work here Soldier. I notice you didn't use any distortion on most of it then added distortion for the chord bits at the end. I hope your bro is feeling better? These licks that live at the upper portion of the neck are intended to show any gaps in your palm mute. If you don't have any distortion, there isn't much to mute. Hopefully your bro gets well so you can use some distortion on these next few Missions as I'd like to see you play some of these with a bit of gain. Still, life goes on so let's work with what we have here and Debrief!!

It's instinctive to tense up when playing something one is not certain about or when playing a bit brisk. Sadly, this is THE WORST thing one can do. It's an AWFUL habit that simply wrecks ones ability to make progress. The good news is that you have learned to play without "tensing up", at least, it looks like you are not. This is a very good thing.

NOT ELBOW PICKING: Picking from the elbow is a cardinal sin IMHO. The good news is that you never make that sin. You have learned to pick from the fingers back instead of the elbow forward. This is the key to unlocking the precision / speed that all of us have within us.

. Folks often don't lock to the beat, even if that beat is just their own internal metronome. Some folks never develop an internal metronome. So you can hear them rush/lag when no drums/click is present. Most of these folks simply can't play/record without that click track going for example, when using their daw. Having an internal Metronome is crucial to being able to actually play music with other musicians.

BONUS: Nailed it! That bonus lick is what some of the licks before it were actually based on smile.gif Good ear!!!
In short you just...
LEVELED UP!!!!!!!!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 2 2019, 05:59 PM) *
I'm really sorry but I don't get this reference. I haven't seen this movie sad.gif But I do get the message!

I liked the bonus section and decided to add something to the mix.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 3 2019, 04:14 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 3 2019, 04:16 AM) *
The movie is called DUNE. It's based on the book of the same name. It's a bit of a huge sci fi cheese fest, but I really love that Movie smile.gif It's effects are very dated as it's quite old. Still a very watch. Give it a go if you get a chance smile.gif The clip is just about being able to focus ones mind which I think you got. Onward!
Good work here Soldier. I notice you didn't use any distortion on most of it then added distortion for the chord bits at the end. I hope your bro is feeling better? These licks that live at the upper portion of the neck are intended to show any gaps in your palm mute. If you don't have any distortion, there isn't much to mute. Hopefully your bro gets well so you can use some distortion on these next few Missions as I'd like to see you play some of these with a bit of gain. Still, life goes on so let's work with what we have here and Debrief!!

I'm more into books and a local library seems to have one, so I'll definitely try it someday!
Thank you for asking! My brother seems to feel better now, at least he doesn't have the high temperature.
I didn't use the distortion because at the first exercise you said to use little or no distortion for grading it. I'm not sure if you meant the whole set or just that one exercise but I enjoy playing clean tone as much as distorted, so that's not a problem for me smile.gif

You said previously that the Bonus section isn't for grading but to add something extra to my arsenal and once I identified what kind of riff that is... well, distortion is a must in such cases! About that Master's riff, I've been using this and similar Metallica riffs as a warm-up before joining GMC and finally I can play the riff fast enough. But I can only do this once before I run out of stamina and need to relax my left hand. I was going to ask for some tips for building the stamina and relaxing muscles but I think it's the same as you said in the other thread (BFMV - Waking the Demon). I'm looking forward to the progress!

Edit: I thought Djent is just a phase that eventually dies out, like many other and I only know the name - no details at all.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 4 2019, 04:36 AM

THUMBLESS TECHNIQUE!!!!! This one really throws some folks for a loop. Not you!!!! Playing without the thumb is a great way to re set the pressure on your fingers. A complicated pattern sometimes causes the hand to tense up. Much like that Master of puppets licks. The key is to stay loose so that you can keep playing without your hand burning out. Any lick that is causing tension, try it a pinch slower and without your thumb on the neck. Without the thumb, you can't "over pressure" your hand since there is no longer a thumb to create pressure with. smile.gif Once you can play the given lick without the thumb, gently lay the thumb back on the neck just as a guide, not as something to pull against. This one trick can open up WADS of ability that you didn't know you had!
As for gain, just a pinch is enough. Playing entirely clean sometimes doesn't create the same problems as playing with some distortion. Distortion can amplify any mistakes. So just a bit is often handy to allow any mistake to be plainly audible. Too much gain and one looses clarity.

Let's Debrief!!!!

Just memorizing all of this crazy stuff can be a challenge. Playing it well even more so. Nice!!
QUIET AS DEATH: Your palm muting just keeps getting better. You are able to mute and lift with great efficiency which provides a great sense of dynamics to you playing.
MEMORY MAN: How many drills/riffs can I stuff in to one Mission? Now you know! You didn't back away, you dove right in and plowed through. SUPER SCORE!!!

You are burning towards TRIPLE DIGITS!!!

You just...

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 3 2019, 11:14 AM) *
I'm more into books and a local library seems to have one, so I'll definitely try it someday!
Thank you for asking! My brother seems to feel better now, at least he doesn't have the high temperature.
I didn't use the distortion because at the first exercise you said to use little or no distortion for grading it. I'm not sure if you meant the whole set or just that one exercise but I enjoy playing clean tone as much as distorted, so that's not a problem for me smile.gif

You said previously that the Bonus section isn't for grading but to add something extra to my arsenal and once I identified what kind of riff that is... well, distortion is a must in such cases! About that Master's riff, I've been using this and similar Metallica riffs as a warm-up before joining GMC and finally I can play the riff fast enough. But I can only do this once before I run out of stamina and need to relax my left hand. I was going to ask for some tips for building the stamina and relaxing muscles but I think it's the same as you said in the other thread (BFMV - Waking the Demon). I'm looking forward to the progress!

Edit: I thought Djent is just a phase that eventually dies out, like many other and I only know the name - no details at all.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 4 2019, 03:43 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 4 2019, 04:36 AM) *
THUMBLESS TECHNIQUE!!!!! This one really throws some folks for a loop. Not you!!!! Playing without the thumb is a great way to re set the pressure on your fingers. A complicated pattern sometimes causes the hand to tense up. Much like that Master of puppets licks. The key is to stay loose so that you can keep playing without your hand burning out. Any lick that is causing tension, try it a pinch slower and without your thumb on the neck. Without the thumb, you can't "over pressure" your hand since there is no longer a thumb to create pressure with. smile.gif Once you can play the given lick without the thumb, gently lay the thumb back on the neck just as a guide, not as something to pull against. This one trick can open up WADS of ability that you didn't know you had!
As for gain, just a pinch is enough. Playing entirely clean sometimes doesn't create the same problems as playing with some distortion. Distortion can amplify any mistakes. So just a bit is often handy to allow any mistake to be plainly audible. Too much gain and one looses clarity.

Is it even possible to play these songs thumbless at 180bpm? I'll definitely give it a try! That's a great idea to learn things thumbless and then add the thumb for guidance! I didn't think of it.

If that's the case, I'll make sure to use the distortion more often. Thank you for explaining this!

I must admit when I first started the Bootcamp I was wondering why can't I turn in few missions and binge through it faster but lately I began to understand! It's not just the unfair advantage toward others who don't have as much spare time. Since I ranked up to my current Chevron Stripes the exercises require a lot more attention and binging through them is the last thing one should do! Some parts are easier but that allows me to push the speed and some parts demand lots of focus and attention. By rushing the missions just to clear them I would progress much less, if at all.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 5 2019, 04:21 AM

Glad to hear you are getting a lot out of it Soldier!! Thumbless Technique is something I don't even introduce until the upper level. It's so that, after you have worked out how to move your fingers, you can now work out how to move them without using the pressure often applied by the thumb. I used to teach this early on and it did not go well. Teaching students complicated patterns and having them play without their thumb, and keep a perfect mute, was just too much happening at once and resulted in a lot of confused students. So i take a more modular approach now. Also you noticed that the lessons tend to drift between allowing time for speed, and taking more time to learn. This is to hopefully balance out learning complex bits, with having time to loops certain bits and increase their speed. Finally, you nailed it on taking it a bit slower, especially with the advanced lessons. Up til about Lesson 50, it's possibl to do several at once and still get a lot out of it. After that point, they get a bit more intense and require a bit more time. Burning through them in big chunks robs the student of the practice needed to get better. I allow students to do lessons in big chunks if that is what their schedule calls for. However, I only typically grade one per day. So it still ends up at about one badge per day.

GRACE UNDER PRESSURE: Resisting the instinctual urge to tighten up, pick from the elbow with a tense arm, bear down to hard when playing briskly, fret to hard when traversing, etc. are all things that can really destroy ones ability to make progress. You have managed to develop a very balanced strike/fret pressure that works very well no matter what you are playing.

TRAVERSING THE GAP: You traverse strings and frets in a smooth and deliberate fashion. Neither rushing nor lagging, always on the beat and in time. I can hear your metronome going and you match it quite well.
PINKY POWER TO THE MAX: Fretting, hammering, shifting, and making use of the weakest finger. That's usually when the pinky fails, during licks that stress it. Not here. You have PINKY POWER!!!!

In short, I'm thrilled to see you step up and KRUSH it yet again!.. You just..
Within Striking Distance of TRIPLE DIGITS!!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 4 2019, 10:43 AM) *
Is it even possible to play these songs thumbless at 180bpm? I'll definitely give it a try! That's a great idea to learn things thumbless and then add the thumb for guidance! I didn't think of it.

If that's the case, I'll make sure to use the distortion more often. Thank you for explaining this!

I must admit when I first started the Bootcamp I was wondering why can't I turn in few missions and binge through it faster but lately I began to understand! It's not just the unfair advantage toward others who don't have as much spare time. Since I ranked up to my current Chevron Stripes the exercises require a lot more attention and binging through them is the last thing one should do! Some parts are easier but that allows me to push the speed and some parts demand lots of focus and attention. By rushing the missions just to clear them I would progress much less, if at all.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 5 2019, 07:26 PM

Today's first exercise reminds me of pieces from one of my favourite series, Final Fantasy:

One is a slightly tweaked version of the other. They certainly are spooky and fit their respective scenes really well. Now that I got these stuck in my head, I'll probably end up learning to play them soon smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 6 2019, 05:45 AM

Well Fought Again Soldier!! Good ear as wel!! These bits do have a FINAL FANTASY vibe in parts. This shape is a great way to work your stretch and you can build some great riffs from it! I see you using your THUMBLESS technique as well!!! It's a great way to get your fingers focused on the tips where the pressure should be!!!! Let's Debrief!!!


TOIGHT! Your playing is really nice and tight. Hand synch is key as these licks have any gaps in them so any slip up would stick out like a sore thumb. No problem here!!

LIKE A GOD: With all this constant string traverse, yet again, we have lots of chances for unwanted string noise. You have developed a very strong muting technique and as a result, you keep string noise at bay.

REARRANGE YOUR NEURONS: being able to switch gears and play something entirely different from one bit to the next without getting the bits twisted up and confused is a serious achievement. You've gotten really at this. It's great to see!!In other words you just...


You are getting ever closer to the never before breached TRIPLE DIGIT MARK!!!!!! Keep it up!!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 5 2019, 02:26 PM) *
Today's first exercise reminds me of pieces from one of my favourite series, Final Fantasy:

One is a slightly tweaked version of the other. They certainly are spooky and fit their respective scenes really well. Now that I got these stuck in my head, I'll probably end up learning to play them soon smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Apr 6 2019, 09:40 PM

I'm still getting used to this new axe. She needs a strap because I found some old spare one but it's not that comfortable.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 7 2019, 08:01 AM

NICE AXE!!!!! That's your new one? Looks very spiff! I like the flamed maple red and the pickup covers look cool as well. She's a keeper!!!!! Well Fought Soldier! Let's Debrief!!!

SPICE IT UP: If variety is the spice of life, then this Mission is packed full of LIFE!!! Lot's of moving parts going on. You handled them all.
TECHNIQUE ON POINT: You show uncommon valor in ripping through it and making it look easy. Nice use of proper fingering as well!

AGGRESSIVE STYLE: I like how I can feel you pushing the edge of your ability. You never push to far, never slip up, but you are always pushing the edge a bit.

In other words you just...



QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 6 2019, 04:40 PM) *
I'm still getting used to this new axe. She needs a strap because I found some old spare one but it's not that comfortable.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 8 2019, 12:04 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 7 2019, 08:01 AM) *
NICE AXE!!!!! That's your new one? Looks very spiff! I like the flamed maple red and the pickup covers look cool as well. She's a keeper!!!!!

Thank you! I'm loving it, she definitely is a KEEPER! I'll post some photos and maybe demos soon.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 8 2019, 04:42 AM

Look at him go!! It's hard to believe you are already pushing up against the TRIPLE DIGIT THRESHOLD!!!!! You have earned the crap out of it Soldier!!!! You are in rare air up here. Very few people have ever attained Badge Rank of 80+. I can count all of them on one hand and not even need my thumb!

Let's Debrief!!

TECHNICAL PROWESS: You've fought your way up to this point Soldier!! You've earned it. Your technical ability is clear. You never miss.

LIKE A CLOCK : Timing is everything. You have developed a very good sense of TIME. This is crucial for any player who wants to be a great player.

MEMORY MAN: Soooooo many moving parts on this one. Not to mention the HUGE stretch. It would be easy to mix these together and forget a note here or there. Not for you!!!! You never miss a single one. You memorized every lick and played it back perfectly.
You have taken your first steps toward being a truly great player Soldier. This is just the Start of the Journey!!! You are ready for what awaits. Nobody has every cracked Triple Digits, until now, I didn't think anybody ever would. I"m glad to to be proven wrong!!!!!
You just...


QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 7 2019, 07:04 PM) *
Thank you! I'm loving it, she definitely is a KEEPER! I'll post some photos and maybe demos soon.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 8 2019, 11:59 PM

You may notice a significant change in the sound/tone. THat's because I swapped the pickups here for passive EMG's. The fun part is: they are passive counterpart of EMG 81 and they really perform well. I don't need ANY other piece of equipment to get that Kirk Hammett's tone on the neck without even aiming for it (he uses 2x 81, I think). Just as I did that, an auction came up with what I want to put in neck position and I already contacted the seller! I want that guitar tuned solely for Hetfield's kind of playing and I'll tune it down by a half step when the replacement arrives. Will that be okay for the Bootcamp purpose? I'll use different a guitar whenever the lesson's requirements hint at it.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 10 2019, 04:02 AM

The tone choice is really down to the player. Which is to say it sounds good and works well! I usually suggest folks not use crazy amounts of gain, but you've never used crazy gain so I"ve never had to mention it. What is you setup ? Guitar/pedals/amp?

You can also use any guitar you like for any Mission. Just like the tone, it's up to the player!
Let me say how Impressed I am with your progress Soldier! You are just a few Missions away from being the HIGHEST RANKING GMCER EEEVVVVVEEERRRR IN BOOTCAMP!!! The TOP DAWG Rank is currently 88. Nobody, not in 10 years, has made it higher. Til now smile.gif

Let's Debrief!!
PINKY TO THE RESCUE: Good use of the Runt Finger!! It never can get enough work no matter what so the more work the pinky gets, on any hand, the better! Your pinky is coming along great!

PENTATONIC PROGRESS: The Pentatonic Shapes are critical. They are the foundation on which all Rock playing is built. You are getting very smooth on these!

TRAVERSE TIL YOU DROP: You are doing really well on your string traverse. Keep it up!!
You continue to put all the pieces together Soldier!! You are only a few Missions away from being the TOP DAWG!!!!!!!!
You just...

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 8 2019, 06:59 PM) *
You may notice a significant change in the sound/tone. THat's because I swapped the pickups here for passive EMG's. The fun part is: they are passive counterpart of EMG 81 and they really perform well. I don't need ANY other piece of equipment to get that Kirk Hammett's tone on the neck without even aiming for it (he uses 2x 81, I think). Just as I did that, an auction came up with what I want to put in neck position and I already contacted the seller! I want that guitar tuned solely for Hetfield's kind of playing and I'll tune it down by a half step when the replacement arrives. Will that be okay for the Bootcamp purpose? I'll use different a guitar whenever the lesson's requirements hint at it.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 10 2019, 10:51 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 10 2019, 04:02 AM) *
The tone choice is really down to the player. Which is to say it sounds good and works well! I usually suggest folks not use crazy amounts of gain, but you've never used crazy gain so I"ve never had to mention it. What is you setup ? Guitar/pedals/amp?

You can also use any guitar you like for any Mission. Just like the tone, it's up to the player!
Let me say how Impressed I am with your progress Soldier! You are just a few Missions away from being the HIGHEST RANKING GMCER EEEVVVVVEEERRRR IN BOOTCAMP!!! The TOP DAWG Rank is currently 88. Nobody, not in 10 years, has made it higher. Til now smile.gif

That's a great news to hear! But if there's a mission that requires improvising over a particular scale it would be more comfortable to use a standard tuning, I think. Anything more than Pentatonics could be confusing even if it's just 1 fret difference. I'll do a small demo of my gear tomorrow morning, I'm really sleepy right now.

A month ago or two months ago reaching this rank seemed so distant but it's happening! I'm looking forward to it and I hope blazing the trail of untouched missions won't slow me down much. There's probably a reason the current Top Dawg stopped but nothing is impossible if you try hard enough. I'll do longer practice session if needed!

I was wondering if you know Jason Becker's Serrana. At first I was devastated by the arpeggio section but the whole piece is great and the shreddy patterns in the first and second movements are very similar to what we're doing in the Bootcamp (except they are more complex). This piece has a LOT of Paganini's influence to it but it's little easier than his compositions (at least the two sections up to the arpeggios), so I thought it's okay for learning purpose. Below I've included two parts of live performance (Jason's ALS probably developed before he had a chance to record it, so the official song is more orchestral) and the best tabs I've found for it. Could we break down this piece in our thread to help me learn it bit by bit and absorb JB's style?

I think the best way to end up playing his music is by progressing in the Bootcamp that's exactly a place designed for learning to shred and polishing the technique but if you don't mind some extracurricular activity, I'll be happy to do even more practice! smile.gif

And last but not least, the actual lesson video:

 Jason_Becker___Serrana.gp4 ( 48.43K ) : 594

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 11 2019, 06:22 AM

Becker is a God among men to be sure. The Bootcamp path is really about the currated lessons and my familiarity with them more than other bits, but Gabes Mentor program is perfect for this kind of thing and Gabe may already have created lessons about this very piece. In Bootcamp, You've still got another 300 Lessons to go after you break triple Digits, which is quite a bit of playing. However, when you do make it to the end of the line, and I create the never before seen 400 Badge, at that point we will be breaking new ground so the skys the limit!

It's great to see you making such killer Progress Soldier!!! Let's Debrief!!!


PINKY POWER MONGER: Yet again, the runt of the finger litter is in the spotlight! Forcing it to stick the landing and do its part out there by itself or next to it's nearest kin. These are things the pinky does not typically enjoy. Especially if the pinky has been neglected. Throwing it four frets out and asking it to stick a landing on every string can over tax it. No so here. You have clearly spent time in the woodshed bringing the weakest finger to heel. Nice!!!
STAGE LEFT: Some of these drills require you to use only your right hand to mute. Being able to pull your left hand away, for open string licks for example, and keep a good mute is crucial. The good news is that you have clearly worked on your mute so there are no gaps here!! Toight!!!
Per usual, no space between notes means any mistakes are glaringly bad. That's the purpose of making really long traverse drills. To see if your synch will just wear out and start to fall apart. Good news is you KRUSHED IT!
You have this one sorted Soldier. You just...
LEVELED UP!!! You are just a few levels away from being our TOP DAWG!!!!!!!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 10 2019, 05:51 PM) *
That's a great news to hear! But if there's a mission that requires improvising over a particular scale it would be more comfortable to use a standard tuning, I think. Anything more than Pentatonics could be confusing even if it's just 1 fret difference. I'll do a small demo of my gear tomorrow morning, I'm really sleepy right now.

A month ago or two months ago reaching this rank seemed so distant but it's happening! I'm looking forward to it and I hope blazing the trail of untouched missions won't slow me down much. There's probably a reason the current Top Dawg stopped but nothing is impossible if you try hard enough. I'll do longer practice session if needed!

I was wondering if you know Jason Becker's Serrana. At first I was devastated by the arpeggio section but the whole piece is great and the shreddy patterns in the first and second movements are very similar to what we're doing in the Bootcamp (except they are more complex). This piece has a LOT of Paganini's influence to it but it's little easier than his compositions (at least the two sections up to the arpeggios), so I thought it's okay for learning purpose. Below I've included two parts of live performance (Jason's ALS probably developed before he had a chance to record it, so the official song is more orchestral) and the best tabs I've found for it. Could we break down this piece in our thread to help me learn it bit by bit and absorb JB's style?

I think the best way to end up playing his music is by progressing in the Bootcamp that's exactly a place designed for learning to shred and polishing the technique but if you don't mind some extracurricular activity, I'll be happy to do even more practice! smile.gif

And last but not least, the actual lesson video:

Posted by: Adam M Apr 11 2019, 08:54 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 11 2019, 06:22 AM) *
Becker is a God among men to be sure. The Bootcamp path is really about the currated lessons and my familiarity with them more than other bits, but Gabes Mentor program is perfect for this kind of thing and Gabe may already have created lessons about this very piece. In Bootcamp, You've still got another 300 Lessons to go after you break triple Digits, which is quite a bit of playing. However, when you do make it to the end of the line, and I create the never before seen 400 Badge, at that point we will be breaking new ground so the skys the limit!

It's great to see you making such killer Progress Soldier!!! Let's Debrief!!!

I'll try asking Gabe then and focus on the Bootcamp.

I'll probably take a break from making videos and I'm not sure for how long. I'm just tired lately. I have a depression that's dormant most of the time but I can't be cured of it completely, if it makes sense. Some things just stay there in the shadows for over two decades and make their big return when the time comes. And it's come now again. I'll return to recording when I feel more alive.

I've recorded clips for mission 86 all but the last task and I'll probably process it in the morning when I feel like it. It doesn't matter as long as there's not every exercise included but I thought I'd just explain.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 12 2019, 10:15 AM

Sorry to hear your not feeling well sad.gif Take heart Soldier!!! You are very close to being at the top of the heap. These Missions at this level can be very demanding. You are right at the "stick point". One thing I'd say to spend time on if you don't make vids each day, is to find some drills that you feel comfortable with and work on your speed. You've got enough technique now to where it's just a matter of repetition to get your speed up.


QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 11 2019, 03:54 PM) *
I'll try asking Gabe then and focus on the Bootcamp.

I'll probably take a break from making videos and I'm not sure for how long. I'm just tired lately. I have a depression that's dormant most of the time but I can't be cured of it completely, if it makes sense. Some things just stay there in the shadows for over two decades and make their big return when the time comes. And it's come now again. I'll return to recording when I feel more alive.

I've recorded clips for mission 86 all but the last task and I'll probably process it in the morning when I feel like it. It doesn't matter as long as there's not every exercise included but I thought I'd just explain.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 13 2019, 03:53 AM

It sounds like you are needing a break from Bootcamp for a bit. Once you are stopping recording vids, it's probably time to do something else for a while, to wit! I found a vid and tab for that Becker tune you mentioned. Take a look and see if it's something you think you can play? I'd be happy to help you work through it. We can get back to bootcamping later on. Til then, we may as well use this thread as it's already here smile.gif

Here is the Guitar Pro File for the song btw. (Gp3 version should open in any version of GP)

 becker_jason_serrana.gp3 ( 8.02K ) : 640

And here is the is the vid.

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 11 2019, 03:54 PM) *
I'll try asking Gabe then and focus on the Bootcamp.

I'll probably take a break from making videos and I'm not sure for how long. I'm just tired lately. I have a depression that's dormant most of the time but I can't be cured of it completely, if it makes sense. Some things just stay there in the shadows for over two decades and make their big return when the time comes. And it's come now again. I'll return to recording when I feel more alive.

I've recorded clips for mission 86 all but the last task and I'll probably process it in the morning when I feel like it. It doesn't matter as long as there's not every exercise included but I thought I'd just explain.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 21 2019, 10:00 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 13 2019, 03:53 AM) *
It sounds like you are needing a break from Bootcamp for a bit. Once you are stopping recording vids, it's probably time to do something else for a while, to wit! I found a vid and tab for that Becker tune you mentioned. Take a look and see if it's something you think you can play? I'd be happy to help you work through it. We can get back to bootcamping later on. Til then, we may as well use this thread as it's already here smile.gif

Here is the Guitar Pro File for the song btw. (Gp3 version should open in any version of GP)

 becker_jason_serrana.gp3 ( 8.02K ) : 640

And here is the is the vid.

I'm slowly making progress on Serrana. Very slowly but it's the way to go, as you said. Some parts are stretch-heavy, so it will be a nice practice too! And maybe I'll learn sweeping through this exercise.

Meanwhile I'm posting the exercises for Mission 86. The tapping part was a pain but I eventually got it. It's been a rude awakening to face this lesson after taking a break and it was noticeable for me. I'll try not to do it again or at least to practice even if I'm not recording.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 22 2019, 02:57 AM

NICE!! This is a very tricky Mission. It's got pieces that feel like they work fast, then bits that won't let you play them brisk at all. Like hitting a wall. The good news is you played to the piece which is the point of this one. Let's Debrief!
*PERFECT PACE: Pacing traps are everywhere in this one and you didn't fall for any of them!!
*SINGLE STRING MADNESS: Your fret traverse on the single string is impressive. Never missed a note. Even used your pinky and went thumbless!
*PINKY POWER: Congrats on your PINKY POWER!! Very well done. Never overpressuring the notes as well, thumbless technique is your friend smile.gif

It's great to see you back in the saddle Soldier!!! You jumped in on a very hard Mission and pushed through!!!! That tapping bit in particular is very very tricky. Using multi note taps with open strings is just hard!

Good news is you just....

Great to see you back in the fight Soldier!! You really attacked this one head on! It's great to see smile.gif


QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 21 2019, 05:00 PM) *
I'm slowly making progress on Serrana. Very slowly but it's the way to go, as you said. Some parts are stretch-heavy, so it will be a nice practice too! And maybe I'll learn sweeping through this exercise.

Meanwhile I'm posting the exercises for Mission 86. The tapping part was a pain but I eventually got it. It's been a rude awakening to face this lesson after taking a break and it was noticeable for me. I'll try not to do it again or at least to practice even if I'm not recording.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 22 2019, 10:00 PM

I loved this lesson even if it was a little tricky. It has "Neoclassical" in the title and it's enough to win me but I like the idea of switching strings and the pedal point type of licks. I tried transcribing excerpts from classical pieces and Final Fantasy and the kind-of pedal point where few notes stay the same and one note is changed appeared there often (e.g. one movement in Dancing Mad uses this very concept). I mean the last exercise. Does it have a name? I think pedal point happens when one note is sustained while the other change, so I'd call it some reversed pedal point?

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 23 2019, 02:09 AM

Glad you liked it! It's got a very neoclassical vibe to it. Once you get the licks down, you can create your own licks based on the licks you've learned and it looks like you have them down! You've got a good handle on pedal and modified pedal!! These make great speed training licks.


STICKING THE LANDING: Per usual there is no gap between notes to allow your hand to recover, this is to get your hand used to being just ahead of the beat for placement. Otherwise things can sound laggy. Good job!

CLEAN AS A WHISTLE: Your playing here is very clean which is what I like to see. Once you have a lick down, it's just a matter of repetition.
PICKING LIKE A MAD MAn: Your use of muted alternate picking is quite good. There is a lot of picking in this one and you killed it!Super congrats Soldier. This is one of the tough ones and you blitzed through it!!! Also, you are just barely behind the TOP DOG!!!!!!Congrats you just..
You just..

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 22 2019, 05:00 PM) *
I loved this lesson even if it was a little tricky. It has "Neoclassical" in the title and it's enough to win me but I like the idea of switching strings and the pedal point type of licks. I tried transcribing excerpts from classical pieces and Final Fantasy and the kind-of pedal point where few notes stay the same and one note is changed appeared there often (e.g. one movement in Dancing Mad uses this very concept). I mean the last exercise. Does it have a name? I think pedal point happens when one note is sustained while the other change, so I'd call it some reversed pedal point?

Posted by: Adam M Apr 23 2019, 07:43 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 23 2019, 02:09 AM) *
Glad you liked it! It's got a very neoclassical vibe to it. Once you get the licks down, you can create your own licks based on the licks you've learned and it looks like you have them down! You've got a good handle on pedal and modified pedal!! These make great speed training licks.

They are fun to play and a good practice but also I can practice my scales with it if I keep 2-3 notes and alter the highest or the lowest between the notes of a scale in different positions. THat helps a lot to learn the fretboard better!

I did some research on pedal point yesterday and I learned that usually the highest or the lowest notes are pedal points but if I modify it, like in yesterday's exercise, it still sounds nice and is fun to play! Now I know how it works a little better.

I couldn't just sit around today, so I'm done with video much earlier than usually. I'm really hyped about what's to come soon!

Today's licks remind me of Anesthesia that I sometimes practice but the confusing part about it was pulling back from the highest note to the previous one. That was new for me! smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 24 2019, 07:51 AM

Nice!!! You can use a pedal point as the starting tone, or really nearly any repeated tone while a pattern dances around it. This is not the strictest definition but still makes for some cool licks smile.gif Yngwie uses tons of pedal point and Jason Becker did as well. Nice job on the bonus round! Your Arp/Sweep work is paying off! Let's Debrief!


*DEALERS CHOICE: Doesn't matter what gets thrown your way, you handle with no problem at all. Your picking technique is solid as a rock, Soldier!
*PINKY POWER PREVAILS: You have developed a good habit of using your pinky where some folks would resort to the first three fingers only. This is a very habit to have and will serve you well as you fight on! Also using thumbless technique helps reduce hand pressure. Double Score!
*PRECiSION/SPEED: I've said it before and I"ll say it again, speed is a byproduct of precision. I've seen your precision increase and your speed increase with it. Keep it up!!! The more repetitions you put in on a single drill the faster it will get. Pick a few and play them every practice just a few times and try to push the speed. You have solid technique. I think you are ready to start pushing the speed barrier!
In other words you just...
**You are also tied for TOP DAWG!!!!!!! Thus you get the STAR OF HONOR on your Badge. Congrats!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 23 2019, 02:43 PM) *
They are fun to play and a good practice but also I can practice my scales with it if I keep 2-3 notes and alter the highest or the lowest between the notes of a scale in different positions. THat helps a lot to learn the fretboard better!

I did some research on pedal point yesterday and I learned that usually the highest or the lowest notes are pedal points but if I modify it, like in yesterday's exercise, it still sounds nice and is fun to play! Now I know how it works a little better.

I couldn't just sit around today, so I'm done with video much earlier than usually. I'm really hyped about what's to come soon!

Today's licks remind me of Anesthesia that I sometimes practice but the confusing part about it was pulling back from the highest note to the previous one. That was new for me! smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M Apr 25 2019, 01:12 AM

Practicing and recording is probably the only thing that makes me really happy.

Today's exercises were a bit tricky and I practiced for another hour with phones but I didn't push the speed more than in the video. I also tried moving the third part down the fretboard but to make it more interesting, I tried using G minor scale (if I got it right, that's the one you originally used).

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 25 2019, 05:30 AM

SUPER CONGRATS SOLDIER!!! You have made it further than anyone else has in 10 years. Through dogged persistence you have pushed your way to the top!!! Let's Debrief!

DRILLING AND KILLING PER USUAL: Over time your technique has improved quite a bit. Go back and watch your first couple dozen missions and then come back and watch this one. Notice how much more smooth your delivery is and how much more confidence you have in your pick strikes? I sure do!!!
PINKY TO SPARE: Rarely if ever do I see you fall on the crutch of using the third finger in stead of the pinky. As a bonus, you use a LOT of thumbless technique to help focuse on the finger tips. These bits take time in the wood shet and you have put in the time!!
MUTED PICKING: This one thing is something some folks just never ever ever get. You got it down cold. The ability to palm mute while picking from the thumb/first finger is the true key to opening the world of shred imho.

You are now in RARE territory Soldier. There is no frame of reference for what you are about to achieve as you'll be the first!!! Now that you are our TOP DAWG, I"m going to start asking more of you than before. For example, try to "multi Pick" a verison of each drill. E.G. For parts A/B/C, single pick it, then do another take that's double picked or triple picked. This will start working your picking speed/precision and you left hand will have to adapt to keep up. You are blazing a trail soldier!! You are officially our


QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 24 2019, 08:12 PM) *
Practicing and recording is probably the only thing that makes me really happy.

Today's exercises were a bit tricky and I practiced for another hour with phones but I didn't push the speed more than in the video. I also tried moving the third part down the fretboard but to make it more interesting, I tried using G minor scale (if I got it right, that's the one you originally used).

Posted by: Adam M Apr 26 2019, 01:34 AM

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 26 2019, 03:17 AM

Soldier I think you are playing this well from what I can hear, but your fretting hand is out of frame for a good chunk of it so I can't really see what your doing? I can't critique your technique if I can't see your hands, but from just the sound, it sounds like you are on the right track! I can see your hands when they do get in the frame and they are on target. So it's not enough call for a reshoot I don't think, just try to get both hands in frame next time if possible. Let's Debrief!!!


STREEEETCH: Without a good stretch, this just doesn't work. The good news is you have put in the time and worked your stretch! Nice!.

PINKY TO THE RESCUE: Yet again the weakest finger is crucial in this Mission. Yet again you nail it with flying colors!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRIPEGGIOS: Tripeggios are a great way to build speed as they are part hammer on / pull off and you don't have to pick each note. Focus on these in your practice. You can build some crazy speed.
In short, you have gone where you GMCer has ever gone before. You have tackled MISSION 90 and not been taken Prisoner!!! Nay! You have emerged, the VICTOR!!! You are officially as far down the Path of Glory as anyone has ever gotten in 10 years. Super Congrats you just...

*You are the TOP DAAAAWWWGG!!!!

Darn Proud of ya Soldier!!
QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 25 2019, 08:34 PM) *

Posted by: Adam M Apr 26 2019, 04:18 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 25 2019, 05:30 AM) *
You are now in RARE territory Soldier. There is no frame of reference for what you are about to achieve as you'll be the first!!! Now that you are our TOP DAWG, I"m going to start asking more of you than before. For example, try to "multi Pick" a verison of each drill. E.G. For parts A/B/C, single pick it, then do another take that's double picked or triple picked. This will start working your picking speed/precision and you left hand will have to adapt to keep up. You are blazing a trail soldier!! You are officially our

It sounds like this honour is exclusive to the Top Dawg, then, but I'm sure it will help me make even more progress!
I admit that sometimes I wasn't sure what to do exactly and I peeked at the former Top Dawg's videos for clues, so I don't get asked to re-try a mission. I can't do this anymore but that's just another reason to give it my best!

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 26 2019, 03:17 AM) *
Soldier I think you are playing this well from what I can hear, but your fretting hand is out of frame for a good chunk of it so I can't really see what your doing? I can't critique your technique if I can't see your hands, but from just the sound, it sounds like you are on the right track! I can see your hands when they do get in the frame and they are on target. So it's not enough call for a reshoot I don't think, just try to get both hands in frame next time if possible. Let's Debrief!!!

I wasn't sure if I should go down the fretboard in the first place but I re-recorded that part just so I don't feel bad about leaving loose ends. It's pretty much like the part that's visible and to loop the lick I had to use the open string for moving my hand back upwards.

I won't be able to record later, so I did it in the afternoon.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 27 2019, 07:35 AM

WELL FOUGHT!!!!!!! Yet again you continue to impress soldier!!! Thanks for doing the redo your fingers look great!

Let's debrief 91!!!!


I must take the blame for not explaining this properly and not doing a great job on the tablature as well. It's been a few years since I created this lesson and I didn't realize until just now seeing again that it's not correct. You are playing it as written, It's just written not quite right. This is not you fault it's mine. Still I don't want to leave it up as a passing version as you are the ONLY solider to EVER make it this far and I want your example vid to be correct for other students in case anyone, ever makes it this far. Here is the corrected version of 91 B. I want you do use your left hand for the 7th/8th frets and your RIGHT hand to tap the 3rd fret tap/pull off. It feels very odd which is the point of this lick and then loop the pattern. I've corrected the tab and image below.

In the new versions I make mention of which hand and which finger to use. This is a bizarre, reach over type of hammering lick where you are using the right hand to tap the lower frets and the left hand to tap the higher frets which is the reverse of what one normally does. I created this to give players the chance to play something entirely outside of the range of anything normal. Plus, it looks cool when being played this way smile.gif

 91A.gp5 ( 1.69K ) : 643

 91B.gp5 ( 1.66K ) : 674

 91C.gp5 ( 1.76K ) : 629

I"ll scout ahead the next few missions to make sure things are ship shape before you get there. I've not been through these in many years as nobody has ever done this well before. Super Congrats on getting this far Soldier!!!

This last part is a continuation of Part B. Keeping extra string noise down is a real challenge, but that's why it's built this way. You are in the tall weeds now Soldier!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 26 2019, 11:18 AM) *
It sounds like this honour is exclusive to the Top Dawg, then, but I'm sure it will help me make even more progress!I admit that sometimes I wasn't sure what to do exactly and I peeked at the former Top Dawg's videos for clues, so I don't get asked to re-try a mission. I can't do this anymore but that's just another reason to give it my best!

I wasn't sure if I should go down the fretboard in the first place but I re-recorded that part just so I don't feel bad about leaving loose ends. It's pretty much like the part that's visible and to loop the lick I had to use the open string for moving my hand back upwards.

I won't be able to record later, so I did it in the afternoon.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 27 2019, 10:47 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 27 2019, 07:35 AM) *
WELL FOUGHT!!!!!!! Yet again you continue to impress soldier!!! Thanks for doing the redo your fingers look great!

Let's debrief 91!!!!


I must take the blame for not explaining this properly and not doing a great job on the tablature as well. It's been a few years since I created this lesson and I didn't realize until just now seeing again that it's not correct. You are playing it as written, It's just written not quite right. This is not you fault it's mine. Still I don't want to leave it up as a passing version as you are the ONLY solider to EVER make it this far and I want your example vid to be correct for other students in case anyone, ever makes it this far. Here is the corrected version of 91 B. I want you do use your left hand for the 7th/8th frets and your RIGHT hand to tap the 3rd fret tap/pull off. It feels very odd which is the point of this lick and then loop the pattern. I've corrected the tab and image below.

In the new versions I make mention of which hand and which finger to use. This is a bizarre, reach over type of hammering lick where you are using the right hand to tap the lower frets and the left hand to tap the higher frets which is the reverse of what one normally does. I created this to give players the chance to play something entirely outside of the range of anything normal. Plus, it looks cool when being played this way smile.gif

 91A.gp5 ( 1.69K ) : 643

 91B.gp5 ( 1.66K ) : 674

 91C.gp5 ( 1.76K ) : 629

I"ll scout ahead the next few missions to make sure things are ship shape before you get there. I've not been through these in many years as nobody has ever done this well before. Super Congrats on getting this far Soldier!!!

This last part is a continuation of Part B. Keeping extra string noise down is a real challenge, but that's why it's built this way. You are in the tall weeds now Soldier!!

I'll skip today's lesson because there was a lot to do today and I have some lessons long overdue that Gab is waiting for. I focused this during my today's practice and I'll do the same tomorrow but there's a chance I'll be able to record 91 tomorrow if I'm finished with the other lessons as scheduled.

Don't worry about the missions' description smile.gif There's no rush and no time limit. I'll give it as much time as needed and besides, the more challenging they get, the better I become when I clear them! Patience is one's best friend when seeking development smile.gif

I watched my very first vids at GMC and the improvement is HUGE! Not just the technique but I gained a ton of confidence since I joined. There's a lot more to be done and having milestones like upping Chevron Badges' stripes is a nice motivation! If there was only start and finish, it would feel somewhat unattainable and the motivation would slowly drop to zero.

About the Mission 91, I've seen some players do it this way and until I started doing tapping myself, I didn't know why they did that. I thought it's to show off.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 28 2019, 02:00 PM

You have made some very good progress since you started out here at GMC. It's something you should be really proud of. You've progressed and earned it every step of the way. You've earned a day off smile.gif

As for the tapping bit, it really is just to show off. One could play it in a standard way, but it does look cooler on stage to reverse the hand position, or pull a jason becker and shred with one hand while doing Yoyo, etc. smile.gif

QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 27 2019, 05:47 PM) *
I'll skip today's lesson because there was a lot to do today and I have some lessons long overdue that Gab is waiting for. I focused this during my today's practice and I'll do the same tomorrow but there's a chance I'll be able to record 91 tomorrow if I'm finished with the other lessons as scheduled.

Don't worry about the missions' description smile.gif There's no rush and no time limit. I'll give it as much time as needed and besides, the more challenging they get, the better I become when I clear them! Patience is one's best friend when seeking development smile.gif

I watched my very first vids at GMC and the improvement is HUGE! Not just the technique but I gained a ton of confidence since I joined. There's a lot more to be done and having milestones like upping Chevron Badges' stripes is a nice motivation! If there was only start and finish, it would feel somewhat unattainable and the motivation would slowly drop to zero.

About the Mission 91, I've seen some players do it this way and until I started doing tapping myself, I didn't know why they did that. I thought it's to show off.

Posted by: Adam M Apr 28 2019, 10:59 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Apr 28 2019, 02:00 PM) *
You have made some very good progress since you started out here at GMC. It's something you should be really proud of. You've progressed and earned it every step of the way. You've earned a day off smile.gif

As for the tapping bit, it really is just to show off. One could play it in a standard way, but it does look cooler on stage to reverse the hand position, or pull a jason becker and shred with one hand while doing Yoyo, etc. smile.gif

Thanks, I really needed that day off! I had an intense weekend at work but I also got invited for Chris Norman's concert on Friday. I admit I only knew the band Smokie by the name and a few songs that are played on radio but it was a great experience!

I got some sleep and rest and managed to record the 91st mission too! Not only that! I nailed Becker's Serrana - currently it's just the first part but I hope it's good enough to let me move on to the tabs and video you posted the other day! This part was a great practice on playing a longer piece in one go not so much for stamina but rather fingering - this was VERY confusing and my fingers couldn't nail it for a long time before finally learning the patterns! I'm looking forward to the next part and I think I'll break it up just before the arpeggio section, so it will be another CRAZY finger twister!

I know there's a little slip but that was just a practice run for a warm-up that I recorded. I must admit applying THUMBLESS technique here was a HUGE step forward because prior to learning it I was groping in the dark with not much progress!

If you play the video at 200% speed it's what it should sound like normally. I was terrified of watching Jason do it so quickly when I first discovered the piece but not anymore! I can see myself doing just that in maybe even a year's time!

Now for the proper lesson:

I still believe doing tapping this way isn't just to show off but can has its technical advantages. I found it MUCH easier to mute the other strings and I believe that's an issue at higher speeds. The only downside to it is that the right hand gets tired if not used to it.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Apr 29 2019, 11:50 PM

Well done on the Becker tune!! you are quickly getting it down. It's a serious bit of music. It's worth learning for the huge variety of things involved in playing it. He uses so many techniques to create his unique style. It's the way he blends them that makes it sound so unique. Keep it up!!
BACK TO FRONT: You nailed it! You are correct about this technique having some advantages over the regular approach. You can use part of your arm as a mute for example. It's a bit awkward feeling to play this way which is why it's mostly used on stage as a live sort of party trick. smile.gif

PACING TO PLAY: Keeping this thing smooth and on pace is not easy due to the awkward positioning. You kept it nice and clean!
ADVANCED TAPPING: This is a very advanced technique. Not only does it have a four note per string tap that includes pulling of to an open string, it has you reverse the position of your hands. You nailed it!
In other words, you just....


QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 28 2019, 05:59 PM) *
Thanks, I really needed that day off! I had an intense weekend at work but I also got invited for Chris Norman's concert on Friday. I admit I only knew the band Smokie by the name and a few songs that are played on radio but it was a great experience!

I got some sleep and rest and managed to record the 91st mission too! Not only that! I nailed Becker's Serrana - currently it's just the first part but I hope it's good enough to let me move on to the tabs and video you posted the other day! This part was a great practice on playing a longer piece in one go not so much for stamina but rather fingering - this was VERY confusing and my fingers couldn't nail it for a long time before finally learning the patterns! I'm looking forward to the next part and I think I'll break it up just before the arpeggio section, so it will be another CRAZY finger twister!

I know there's a little slip but that was just a practice run for a warm-up that I recorded. I must admit applying THUMBLESS technique here was a HUGE step forward because prior to learning it I was groping in the dark with not much progress!

If you play the video at 200% speed it's what it should sound like normally. I was terrified of watching Jason do it so quickly when I first discovered the piece but not anymore! I can see myself doing just that in maybe even a year's time!

Now for the proper lesson:

I still believe doing tapping this way isn't just to show off but can has its technical advantages. I found it MUCH easier to mute the other strings and I believe that's an issue at higher speeds. The only downside to it is that the right hand gets tired if not used to it.

Posted by: Adam M May 1 2019, 12:42 AM

This pattern was really difficult to nail in just one practice session but I did it!

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 1 2019, 03:22 AM

Well Played!! This is a very fun way to work on your picking. It's a great riff that you can speed up as you practice it. It works great as a backing riff to solo over as well. Let's Debrief!!!

PINKY POWER TO THE MAX: This one requires a bit of mastery on the weakest finger and you have have it!!!! Way back on Mission 1 I remember thinking that your pinky, like everyone's pinky, needed some work. You've worked it!!!!!! It's working great smile.gif
STREEEEETCH: Huge stretch in this one. One missed note and it falls apart as I'm sure you found out. You can fudge through this one. Every note has to be there or it won't work. You gotta stick the landing over and over and over. This will really help you as you move forward. Sooooo many techniques require a big stretch.

PACE: Not rushed or lagged. Keep this one in your warm up and run it once a day. This one riff will help your picking, especially for this type of riffing.

In other words, you just..

*You remain out TOP DAWWWWGG!!!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ Apr 30 2019, 07:42 PM) *
This pattern was really difficult to nail in just one practice session but I did it!

Posted by: Adam M May 1 2019, 11:50 PM

I think I know what gets me depressed so much lately. My friends' circle I used to hang out with has found some online game and spend time in the game's chat room instead of our and it's impossible to get them to go out anymore. I don't want to get into MMO's because I know how these games are addictive. I've been playing one for about ten years. I made friends and we've had a great time together but other hobbies and interests, I wasn't able to spend time doing other stuff. At the same time I feel the friends getting more and more distant and I could join them just to be able to talk to them...
But listening to and watching bands like Sabaton is so energizing and uplifting that I somehow manage to stay somewhat positive!
This one is probably the BEST OF THE BEST of their live performances of this song. Brings back memories from the Woodstock smile.gif

I've been uploading videos since Mission 86 from the other channel and now I'm moving them all to my practice channel. Should I update all the links in previous posts if someone wants to check them?

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 2 2019, 02:39 AM

I feel your pain on games. I've had friends who just lost themselves in different games online. Like everything in life, BALANCE is key. Games are fine, as long as one can just play now and then, enjoy it for what it is, and put it down and get back to improving ones skills on something real like guitar. smile.gif I still game on my PS4, but I avoid CLAN gaming these days as it's just too much of a time suck. Also avoid gaming in groups. And avoid battle royale games like the plague. I recently played FAR CRY 5 and JUST CAUSE 4. Both were fun and I could play for a bit and put it down. Being able to just put the controller down after an hour or so takes practice. Just like getting better at guitar. For some folks, it's just better to avoid it. Just like some people are better off avoiding booze. Depends on the person.

Sabaton are a killer band and their shows are something that are best experienced live and with other people. Those are real experiences. Not synthetic like a game imho.
As for your vids, you can just make a playlist of vids on your main channel and keep adding vids from anywhere you put them smile.gif
On to the Mission!! This one is a bit of a MONSTER. It takes several hard lessons to build up to something like this. That's why it's not lesson 10, it's lesson 93. By now you have developed your stretch, developed your pinky, developed your pinky and are ready to attack!!!!

STREEEETCH: This one is built to be just flat out hard to play. It's not based on any known scale, it's just a hard pattern that forces the hand to stretch and the pinky to stick the landing. It's doing complex forms in Karate. It's intended to be difficult. Good news is you KRUSHED IT!!
STICKING THE LANDING: Gotta stick the landing. Sticking it with the pinky is even better. Nice!!!!
PLACEMENT: Moving around the neck while playing challenging bits is just plain hard! You did it with precision. SUPER SCORE!!!
In short, you are where you should be. You are in the deep end of the pool where no other Bootcamper has ever been. Keep it up Soldier!!!
You just..

*You are still the TOP DAWG EVER!!!!


QUOTE (Adam M @ May 1 2019, 06:50 PM) *
I think I know what gets me depressed so much lately. My friends' circle I used to hang out with has found some online game and spend time in the game's chat room instead of our and it's impossible to get them to go out anymore. I don't want to get into MMO's because I know how these games are addictive. I've been playing one for about ten years. I made friends and we've had a great time together but other hobbies and interests, I wasn't able to spend time doing other stuff. At the same time I feel the friends getting more and more distant and I could join them just to be able to talk to them...
But listening to and watching bands like Sabaton is so energizing and uplifting that I somehow manage to stay somewhat positive!
This one is probably the BEST OF THE BEST of their live performances of this song. Brings back memories from the Woodstock smile.gif

I've been uploading videos since Mission 86 from the other channel and now I'm moving them all to my practice channel. Should I update all the links in previous posts if someone wants to check them?

Posted by: Adam M May 2 2019, 10:42 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ May 2 2019, 02:39 AM) *
I feel your pain on games. I've had friends who just lost themselves in different games online. Like everything in life, BALANCE is key. Games are fine, as long as one can just play now and then, enjoy it for what it is, and put it down and get back to improving ones skills on something real like guitar. smile.gif I still game on my PS4, but I avoid CLAN gaming these days as it's just too much of a time suck. Also avoid gaming in groups. And avoid battle royale games like the plague. I recently played FAR CRY 5 and JUST CAUSE 4. Both were fun and I could play for a bit and put it down. Being able to just put the controller down after an hour or so takes practice. Just like getting better at guitar. For some folks, it's just better to avoid it. Just like some people are better off avoiding booze. Depends on the person.

Sabaton are a killer band and their shows are something that are best experienced live and with other people. Those are real experiences. Not synthetic like a game imho.
As for your vids, you can just make a playlist of vids on your main channel and keep adding vids from anywhere you put them smile.gif
On to the Mission!! This one is a bit of a MONSTER. It takes several hard lessons to build up to something like this. That's why it's not lesson 10, it's lesson 93. By now you have developed your stretch, developed your pinky, developed your pinky and are ready to attack!!!!

I didn't give up on video games completely but I'm more into Single Player type or local co-ops. As an entertainment or a break from other activities it's definitely nice. And I must say I developed a nice reflex and strategic sense just playing the games. There's a difference between a MMO where the player spends weeks or months developing a single character (after that it's harder to let it go, which I think is a strategy to keep the player base involved) and a co-op campaign or even arena games where the folks can enter any time, play a match or two and move on to other things. Card games and board games can be fun to with right people! It's just like you said, all things are fine with moderation and balance.

Before I got into music I thought a live show is just a live show now I know how much effort it takes and how it separates an "okay" band from a "brilliant" one. To some people it comes naturally and it's a real gift to be able to entertain, involve and interact with the audience while being natural self. I think forcing oneself to do it can do more harm than good but it can probably be developed as every other skill.

Today's lesson felt like a calm before the storm. It wasn't exactly hard but not easy either, as I had to remain focused all the time.

Also, thanks for the idea of making a playlist with my Bootcamp videos. It's simple yet I didn't think about it smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 3 2019, 10:44 AM

The fact that you didn't think this was a tough lesson says a lot about how far you've come. This one requires a lot of focus as the hand positions change each time you move. If you lose focus, you end up playing the wrong shape when you move to the next position or lose a pick strike along the way and have to start over. You've made great strides in your precision. It's great to see! Let's Debrief!!
CHANGE IS GOOD: There are a lot of shape changes in this one. You nail each one. It doesn't even seem to make you break a sweat!!!

PRECISION: Nice and precise as it should be!!!
STRIKING DISTANCE: Never over overcommitting to a single pick strike! Nice.
You are showing all of the skills that you've learned here Soldier. You are knocking on Heavn's Door, as it were. You are inches from the TRIPLE DIGIT BARRIER!!!!
You just..
LEVELED UP!!!!!*You remain the TOP DAWG and Highest Ranking Bootcamp Soldier EVER!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ May 2 2019, 05:42 PM) *
I didn't give up on video games completely but I'm more into Single Player type or local co-ops. As an entertainment or a break from other activities it's definitely nice. And I must say I developed a nice reflex and strategic sense just playing the games. There's a difference between a MMO where the player spends weeks or months developing a single character (after that it's harder to let it go, which I think is a strategy to keep the player base involved) and a co-op campaign or even arena games where the folks can enter any time, play a match or two and move on to other things. Card games and board games can be fun to with right people! It's just like you said, all things are fine with moderation and balance.

Before I got into music I thought a live show is just a live show now I know how much effort it takes and how it separates an "okay" band from a "brilliant" one. To some people it comes naturally and it's a real gift to be able to entertain, involve and interact with the audience while being natural self. I think forcing oneself to do it can do more harm than good but it can probably be developed as every other skill.

Today's lesson felt like a calm before the storm. It wasn't exactly hard but not easy either, as I had to remain focused all the time.

Also, thanks for the idea of making a playlist with my Bootcamp videos. It's simple yet I didn't think about it smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M May 3 2019, 11:28 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ May 3 2019, 10:44 AM) *
The fact that you didn't think this was a tough lesson says a lot about how far you've come. This one requires a lot of focus as the hand positions change each time you move. If you lose focus, you end up playing the wrong shape when you move to the next position or lose a pick strike along the way and have to start over. You've made great strides in your precision. It's great to see! Let's Debrief!!

I called it! The previous mission was easy but the one that followed gave me a hard time. I think it;s mostly because the picking pattern is descending and sharing attention between proper picking pattern, stretching the hand and hitting the Pinky Notes was a real challenge. I know being able to do it thumbless is a game-changer and I'm really glad I took time earlier to learn it! I'm not sure if it's even possible to do this mission without it.

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 4 2019, 08:06 AM

Well Fought Soldier!! This is a tricky one for sure and you can probably see which ones led up to it. I'll often put in drills that are not really music, just pure finger drills to prep you to play something that is actually a riff/music using the same skills. The riff in this one is tricky. Trying to play it at speed can melt your hand/brain. You play it well and with precision. Each bit you play here is done well. Let's Debrief!!

PINKY PRECISION: You've earned it on the Pinky Soldier. You'll be glad you did. I see folks reaching with the 3rd finger all the time on youtube as they have not worked the pinky hard enough. You have!
TRICKY BITS: Some Very tricky bits in this one but you are not thrown off at all!! It's as if your fingers just expect it and know how to cope. Which is great!!
PICKING THE STRANGE: You were not thrown off by the odd picking required on this one. Your skills are serving you well!!
In other words you just...
*You Remain our TOP DAWG!!! The highest ranking Soldier EVER.


QUOTE (Adam M @ May 3 2019, 06:28 PM) *
I called it! The previous mission was easy but the one that followed gave me a hard time. I think it;s mostly because the picking pattern is descending and sharing attention between proper picking pattern, stretching the hand and hitting the Pinky Notes was a real challenge. I know being able to do it thumbless is a game-changer and I'm really glad I took time earlier to learn it! I'm not sure if it's even possible to do this mission without it.

Posted by: Adam M May 4 2019, 11:36 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ May 4 2019, 08:06 AM) *
Well Fought Soldier!! This is a tricky one for sure and you can probably see which ones led up to it. I'll often put in drills that are not really music, just pure finger drills to prep you to play something that is actually a riff/music using the same skills. The riff in this one is tricky. Trying to play it at speed can melt your hand/brain. You play it well and with precision. Each bit you play here is done well.

I'm glad this was not a music piece. I can't see myself playing such finger twisters on a daily basis, let alone do it for a living smile.gif But maybe with some practice it could sound nice when thrown into improvisation. As you say, I tried it at full speed at first and failed miserably. I'm not sure if there's anything left of my brain to melt biggrin.gif

Today's bits and pieces were relaxing, on the other hand. I thought it would come slower but it seems I'm making some progress on legato and tapping. Most notably, I don't need to use as much force as I used to!

I can play almost whole Bismarck, riff by riff for now, not all in one go but I'm struggling with the second half of solo to make it sound as it should be. Once I get that, I'll go for it! Maybe I'll record my very first cover video in a few days! smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 5 2019, 09:14 AM

Another Well Fought Mission!!! This one has it all, tapping, strike once hammer many, complex shapes that change, etc. It's a beast. You tore it up like it was MISSION #2!!!!! Also can't wait for your cover tune video!

Let's Debrief!

PROGRESS: Can't help but notice how you switch between a variety of techniques without being thrown off at all. Nice!!!!
STRIKE ONCE HAMMER MANY: This technique is just hard. It only lets you pick once and then you have to use hammer ons for several notes in a row. If ones left hand is weak, it just falls apart. Good news, your left hand has POWER!
CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS: Played nice and clean with care and precision. Nice!

You just..
*You remain TOP DAAAAWG!!!!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ May 4 2019, 06:36 PM) *
I'm glad this was not a music piece. I can't see myself playing such finger twisters on a daily basis, let alone do it for a living smile.gif But maybe with some practice it could sound nice when thrown into improvisation. As you say, I tried it at full speed at first and failed miserably. I'm not sure if there's anything left of my brain to melt biggrin.gif

Today's bits and pieces were relaxing, on the other hand. I thought it would come slower but it seems I'm making some progress on legato and tapping. Most notably, I don't need to use as much force as I used to!

I can play almost whole Bismarck, riff by riff for now, not all in one go but I'm struggling with the second half of solo to make it sound as it should be. Once I get that, I'll go for it! Maybe I'll record my very first cover video in a few days! smile.gif

Posted by: Adam M May 6 2019, 12:31 AM

Today I had a chance to imagine what my life would be like without a passion for guitar and it would be really boring and monotonous! I'm going all in and once I get my degree in July I'll be able to give it 300%! For a starter, I'm taking that Triple Digit Barrier trophy for myself!

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 6 2019, 11:09 AM

Life without passion is not worth living IMHO!! You have shown a great deal of passion for guitar here in BOOTCAMP!!!!!

Let's Debrief..
PINKY SLIDE: The MUCH feared PINKY SLIDE is required to pass this one. Many folks stumble, stumble on this technique, and some give up guitar. Not you! Nailed it! It takes a string pinky to pull this off.

PRECISION DRILLS: As I've come to expect you are not sloppy, not rushing or lagging and not missing strikes. Nice!
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: These higher level missions combine a variety of techniques as a way to get you to integrate what you've learned. You are doing it quite well!!
In short, yet another complicated bit of work that you just KRUSHED!!! You are inches away from TRIPLE DIGITS!!!!!!!! Super congrats on your progress!! You just..



QUOTE (Adam M @ May 5 2019, 07:31 PM) *
Today I had a chance to imagine what my life would be like without a passion for guitar and it would be really boring and monotonous! I'm going all in and once I get my degree in July I'll be able to give it 300%! For a starter, I'm taking that Triple Digit Barrier trophy for myself!

Posted by: Adam M May 7 2019, 12:16 AM

I'm starting to like this party/stage trick. The right hand gets tired really quickly, so I'll have to build some stamina!

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 7 2019, 06:15 AM

SUPER MEGA Well done on this one. It's a FLAT OUT MONSTER. It's got more drills in it than a hardware store. Each one is it's own set of challenges. Just playing all of them is saying a lot about your ability. Let's debrief!!!

LIKE A TROOPER: This one is a serious challenge to any players ability. There are so many separate bits to play that one could easily get tripped up. Not so here, you play each one with detail and precision. Nice!!!
TECHNIQUES O PLENTY: Not just the amount of drills but the variety of techniques. This one has a LOT of dept. Didn't phase you at all!!!!! Even the "Party Trick" lick is no problem!!

AGGRESSIVE STYLE: It's great to see you stepping on the gas as you head in to the TRIPLE DIGIT GALACTIC BARRIER that NOBODY in the history of GMC has ever cracked.

It's been a pleasure to watch you grow as a player Soldier. You've made HUGE gains in your technique and precision. You are inches from BREAKING THE CHAINS and pushing through to TRIPLE DIGITS!!! I think you will find that once you are on the other side, you will be able to focus more on your speed and less on your technique as you will have already sorted most of the technique. I look forward to bearing witness!
For now you just...

QUOTE (Adam M @ May 6 2019, 07:16 PM) *
I'm starting to like this party/stage trick. The right hand gets tired really quickly, so I'll have to build some stamina!

Posted by: Adam M May 7 2019, 10:31 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ May 7 2019, 06:15 AM) *
It's been a pleasure to watch you grow as a player Soldier. You've made HUGE gains in your technique and precision. You are inches from BREAKING THE CHAINS and pushing through to TRIPLE DIGITS!!! I think you will find that once you are on the other side, you will be able to focus more on your speed and less on your technique as you will have already sorted most of the technique. I look forward to bearing witness!

And it's been a pleasure to learn from you! I'm looking forward to it but taking one step at a time is how it's done. The skill gap doesn't seem that big between 2 lessons but it's HUGE between Lesson 1 and 99! I meant to say with such small steps the change isn't noticeable for someone who's been gradually improving. It's like losing weight - I'm so used to seeing myself everyday I don't really see a difference but when I meet someone I haven't seen for a while they are shocked by it.

Do you think that at my current progress rate I have a chance to be able to play Iron Maiden songs live within 11 months? I mean sort of busking during a major event. I've been practicing Phantom of the Opera and Hallowed... but the tempo and the solos still seem impossible to master. I'll ask Gabe for a more detailed program maybe but I thought I'd ask you what you think since you see my videos everyday. Tbh, there's a girl that will be there and she's a hardcore Maiden fan, I want to impress her...

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 8 2019, 03:36 AM

It's all very incremental to be sure. Weight loss is a great example. It seems so slow from inside ones own body. But if someone has not seen you for a while and you lose 20 pounds it sure seems like a big change to them! So yeah, you are making great gains, it's just harder to see one lesson at at time smile.gif But like you say, take a look at lesson1 and lesson 97 and BAM!!!
As for Maiden, I think you could be able to play anything you want in about 11 months if you are willing to put the time in to learning and practicing it. If you want to play a certain song, I'd say learn it asap and then play it at least once each time you pick up your guitar. Work toward playing it at pace and get to that point as soon as you can. From there it's just repetition. The tricky bit is once you get a song down, you will find things change when you are trying to play it in front of other people. This is the "red dot" effect. This is simply the impact of seeing the red recording light for example. It makes people tense up and make mistakes until you get used to it. Same for playing live or in front of other people. Just takes practice. So as soon as you can play the maiden songs at proper speed, record yourself playing them on video. Then invite anybody you can find to watch you play. The more time you can get in front of any humans the better. One to the Debrief!!

ENDURANCE: You may not have noticed but you have built up quite a bit of endurance over these missions. This Mission requires quite a bit of endurance by itself. You didn't even break a sweat! Nice
SHAPE SHIFTER: You may have noticed that we are now shifting patterns/shapes quite a bit instead of just moving one shape up the neck, we are changing the shape each time we move it. This requires you to memorize new shapes and execute them while traversing frets and strings. You handle it deftly!
STEADY ON: Not rushing or lagging, you are spot on the beat. Spiff!!
In short, yet another one for the books and knocking on heavens door for TRIPLE DIGITS!!! You just.. LEVELED UP!!!!!!!


Well done!!! Once you get over the hump, you will have all of the techniques you need under your belt. It will finally be time to actually focus on Speed!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ May 7 2019, 05:31 PM) *
And it's been a pleasure to learn from you! I'm looking forward to it but taking one step at a time is how it's done. The skill gap doesn't seem that big between 2 lessons but it's HUGE between Lesson 1 and 99! I meant to say with such small steps the change isn't noticeable for someone who's been gradually improving. It's like losing weight - I'm so used to seeing myself everyday I don't really see a difference but when I meet someone I haven't seen for a while they are shocked by it.
Do you think that at my current progress rate I have a chance to be able to play Iron Maiden songs live within 11 months? I mean sort of busking during a major event. I've been practicing Phantom of the Opera and Hallowed... but the tempo and the solos still seem impossible to master. I'll ask Gabe for a more detailed program maybe but I thought I'd ask you what you think since you see my videos everyday. Tbh, there's a girl that will be there and she's a hardcore Maiden fan, I want to impress her...

Posted by: Adam M May 8 2019, 11:02 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ May 8 2019, 03:36 AM) *
As for Maiden, I think you could be able to play anything you want in about 11 months if you are willing to put the time in to learning and practicing it. If you want to play a certain song, I'd say learn it asap and then play it at least once each time you pick up your guitar. Work toward playing it at pace and get to that point as soon as you can. From there it's just repetition. The tricky bit is once you get a song down, you will find things change when you are trying to play it in front of other people. This is the "red dot" effect. This is simply the impact of seeing the red recording light for example. It makes people tense up and make mistakes until you get used to it. Same for playing live or in front of other people. Just takes practice. So as soon as you can play the maiden songs at proper speed, record yourself playing them on video. Then invite anybody you can find to watch you play. The more time you can get in front of any humans the better. One to the Debrief!!

Thank you, that's a great way to go! Playing for an audience could be even harder than learning songs but I'll make sure to do it once I get there.

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 9 2019, 01:52 AM

It's been a long and bloody trail Soldier. You have endured, you have even thrived under the constant pressure and torment of this brutal BOOT CAMP. You are unbowed, unbent, UNBROKEN!!!

let's Debrief.

PERSISTENCE: The key to success in ANY endeavor in life is persistence. More than talent, more than luck, more than anything, this one aspect of your character will see you through. Your ability to persist has lead you to this achievement. Your persistence shows in this lick as well. Each drill is played with intent and deliberation.

PRIDE: You are playing with Pride soldier. I can hear your confidence rise with each mission. Going back to the start I can hear a bit of timidity as you are finding your footing. But recently, I've heard a big change. You are playing with precision and pride.

PERFORMANCE: Turning on the camera to record is something that often wrecks many Soldiers ability to execute a given performance. Not so with you. The record light no longer softens your attack in any way. Solid!!
In short soldier, I can say with pride that you are the first GMCer EVER, in the entire 10 year history of Bootcamp to BREAK TRIPLE DIGITS!!! That's right. You just..


There are many who have tried. None have as yet succeeded until now. I"m impressed Soldier!! You are the TOP DAWG and you have done something nobody has ever done before here at GMC. You have BROKEN THE TRIPLE DIGIT BARRIER!!!!!

Now your real work begins!!!

QUOTE (Adam M @ May 8 2019, 06:02 PM) *
Thank you, that's a great way to go! Playing for an audience could be even harder than learning songs but I'll make sure to do it once I get there.

Posted by: Adam M May 9 2019, 11:48 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ May 9 2019, 01:52 AM) *
It's been a long and bloody trail Soldier. You have endured, you have even thrived under the constant pressure and torment of this brutal BOOT CAMP. You are unbowed, unbent, UNBROKEN!!!

let's Debrief.

PERSISTENCE: The key to success in ANY endeavor in life is persistence. More than talent, more than luck, more than anything, this one aspect of your character will see you through. Your ability to persist has lead you to this achievement. Your persistence shows in this lick as well. Each drill is played with intent and deliberation.

PRIDE: You are playing with Pride soldier. I can hear your confidence rise with each mission. Going back to the start I can hear a bit of timidity as you are finding your footing. But recently, I've heard a big change. You are playing with precision and pride.

PERFORMANCE: Turning on the camera to record is something that often wrecks many Soldiers ability to execute a given performance. Not so with you. The record light no longer softens your attack in any way. Solid!!
In short soldier, I can say with pride that you are the first GMCer EVER, in the entire 10 year history of Bootcamp to BREAK TRIPLE DIGITS!!! That's right. You just..

There are many who have tried. None have as yet succeeded until now. I"m impressed Soldier!! You are the TOP DAWG and you have done something nobody has ever done before here at GMC. You have BROKEN THE TRIPLE DIGIT BARRIER!!!!!

Now your real work begins!!!

I'm really happy to have gotten this far! It's been a crazy journey but it's not over yet! I'll try spending even more time with each set of exercises to get the best results and if I understood you correct, now I'll just keep polishing what I've learnt. It's a bit like in martial arts - some think of the blackbelts as masters but the truth is that being promoted to a black belt rank means one is ready to start learning. All the ranks below it are a preparation for it and it takes just as much determination and hard work to get there. At least in aikido.

I'm a bit ahead of the others now and I'm by no means trying to binge play through these missions and I have a request to ask. I'm in a very bad situation regarding my thesis - it should be done at least in 66% by next Wednesday and I'm not even at 20% of it. I spend too much time on other activities. If it's okay, could you please give me some task to work on during my exercises until then, so I don't have a break from practice (even if it's 30 mins daily) but not grade my takes after today's video? This way I won't feel the pressure to record the missions and hopefully I'll be able to finish the thesis in time. I wouldn't ask for this unless the situation was really dire.

PS. Mission 101 was a real pain and I see my stamina is still lacking a LOT. Economy picking makes it even harder, as I'm not used to it and until now I've tried avoiding it.

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 10 2019, 02:20 AM

Firstly, always put your Education first. Bootcamp will be here once your done with any requirements your education has for you. Don't worry Soldier. Bootcamp is going to be here when you are ready! Get your studies sorted, and prioritize them above everything until you are out of School. We can do bootcamp along the way! Just after you've studied, written papers etc. I'd hate to think that you didn't get a proper education because you were distracted. Also, once you have gotten to a stopping point on your thesis/etc. You will be able to better focus on bootcamp for a given day.

Now then!!! Let's Debrief!!
Congrats again Soldier. You are in the DEEEEP end of hte pool now! Nobody has ever been this far so you are blazing a trail!!! As you noticed, this Mission is sort of an enhanced version of bits you've drilled thus far. We just added some complex bits like wads of ECON picking to take it further. I can see that you are struggling with it but that's ok. Each Mission is a chance to spend a bit of time on a given technique. No need to kill yourself over each one. Learning them and playing them in a precise manner is the only goal. Then on to the next one. As you go, you will continue to rack up practice time and learn new things.

ECON IS HELL: Economic picking is a huge stumbling block for the hand in general. The good news is that you have a firm grasp of the essentials and we just need to keep moving through in order to get more practice time built in to your fingers. You will get better/faster/smoother along the way.
ALT PICKING IS HELL: Alternate picking can also be a huge stumbling block. Especially at speed. The good news is that you have a good grasp of Alt as well!
PRECISION KILLS: The best news is that you are playing in a deliberate and controlled fashion. It's just about repetition now and you will start to see a huge jump in your precision/speed.
In short, you have this well in hand and you are ready for what is ahead!!!
You just..
LEVELED UP!!!! *You remain our TOP DAWG and you have now earned the badge that has never been seen before now. This is BADGE 101!![size="4"][/size]


QUOTE (Adam M @ May 9 2019, 06:48 PM) *
I'm really happy to have gotten this far! It's been a crazy journey but it's not over yet! I'll try spending even more time with each set of exercises to get the best results and if I understood you correct, now I'll just keep polishing what I've learnt. It's a bit like in martial arts - some think of the blackbelts as masters but the truth is that being promoted to a black belt rank means one is ready to start learning. All the ranks below it are a preparation for it and it takes just as much determination and hard work to get there. At least in aikido.

I'm a bit ahead of the others now and I'm by no means trying to binge play through these missions and I have a request to ask. I'm in a very bad situation regarding my thesis - it should be done at least in 66% by next Wednesday and I'm not even at 20% of it. I spend too much time on other activities. If it's okay, could you please give me some task to work on during my exercises until then, so I don't have a break from practice (even if it's 30 mins daily) but not grade my takes after today's video? This way I won't feel the pressure to record the missions and hopefully I'll be able to finish the thesis in time. I wouldn't ask for this unless the situation was really dire.

PS. Mission 101 was a real pain and I see my stamina is still lacking a LOT. Economy picking makes it even harder, as I'm not used to it and until now I've tried avoiding it.

Posted by: Adam M May 15 2019, 07:11 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ May 10 2019, 02:20 AM) *
Firstly, always put your Education first. Bootcamp will be here once your done with any requirements your education has for you. Don't worry Soldier. Bootcamp is going to be here when you are ready! Get your studies sorted, and prioritize them above everything until you are out of School. We can do bootcamp along the way! Just after you've studied, written papers etc. I'd hate to think that you didn't get a proper education because you were distracted. Also, once you have gotten to a stopping point on your thesis/etc. You will be able to better focus on bootcamp for a given day.

Now then!!! Let's Debrief!!
Congrats again Soldier. You are in the DEEEEP end of hte pool now! Nobody has ever been this far so you are blazing a trail!!! As you noticed, this Mission is sort of an enhanced version of bits you've drilled thus far. We just added some complex bits like wads of ECON picking to take it further. I can see that you are struggling with it but that's ok. Each Mission is a chance to spend a bit of time on a given technique. No need to kill yourself over each one. Learning them and playing them in a precise manner is the only goal. Then on to the next one. As you go, you will continue to rack up practice time and learn new things.

I'm very happy to say everything went fine, more than fine! My professor (is there a name in English for the person who guides and provides help when writing a thesis under their tutelage?) is VERY nice for me. I didn't get a well-deserved slating for submitting the thesis chapter so late but instead he calmly explained to me what I should change based on the previous bits I submitted. Maybe that's how most of the students do and he is used to it but still, I'm very grateful.

With that said, I'm back in the Bootcamp game! I decided not to record today but to revise Mission 101 instead, maybe try pushing the tempo a little and try recording a few takes for Gabe's collab. The deadline is near and I don't want to keep him waiting.
I somehow don't feel the haste to charge forward after reaching such milestone - one more day won't change much anyway smile.gif

PS. I ordered Vai's guitar theory book and it should arrive tomorrow. I'm hoping to learn a lot and hone my skills even more! Ditching tabs is what I'm looking forward to the most!

Posted by: Todd Simpson May 16 2019, 02:36 AM

Glad it went well! We typically call the prof in that spot an "Advisor" or "Thesis Advisor" along that line. Glad you have one that you get along with! Nothing is worse than getting a bad one sad.gif You have pushed to get this far and are well ahead of the pack Soldier. See if you can push your next mission a bit beyond where you would normally stop in terms of speed. Your technique is on point, you should be able to play the upcoming missions, so there should be some space to allow you to push the envelope and see where your limits can go!

QUOTE (Adam M @ May 15 2019, 02:11 PM) *
I'm very happy to say everything went fine, more than fine! My professor (is there a name in English for the person who guides and provides help when writing a thesis under their tutelage?) is VERY nice for me. I didn't get a well-deserved slating for submitting the thesis chapter so late but instead he calmly explained to me what I should change based on the previous bits I submitted. Maybe that's how most of the students do and he is used to it but still, I'm very grateful.

With that said, I'm back in the Bootcamp game! I decided not to record today but to revise Mission 101 instead, maybe try pushing the tempo a little and try recording a few takes for Gabe's collab. The deadline is near and I don't want to keep him waiting.
I somehow don't feel the haste to charge forward after reaching such milestone - one more day won't change much anyway smile.gif

PS. I ordered Vai's guitar theory book and it should arrive tomorrow. I'm hoping to learn a lot and hone my skills even more! Ditching tabs is what I'm looking forward to the most!

Posted by: Adam May 30 2019, 11:44 PM

Through the gates of hell, as we make our way to heaven...
These lines say it all. This mission was the most challenging piece in many aspects and I expect it only gets harder with every mission. Yes, this definitely is a nightmare that will continue until I get past that 400-ish threshold but I voluntarily signed up for it smile.gif

I'm really tired of everything lately. There's a lot of work for uni and I started a project for fan-made RPG game. On top of that I got back to practicing martial arts (I barely manage to get up the mornings after training session) and one of my closest friends turned away from me for no reason. I may not be able to upload videos daily, like this one because of that but they are much more demanding, so extra practice is always nice!

I had to give up on my Klon Centaur project, or postpone it for later. The kit I ordered was faulty and I had to return it. I'll get it eventually because I'm into tinkering but I was thinking if there's a better alternative. I did some research and Boss OD-3 looks really interesting. I built my first OD based on TS808 because it was simple but I don't like its tone much. It's okay for pushing the tube but I don't like it as a stand-alone pedal. Have you tried the OD-3 by any chance?

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jun 1 2019, 09:27 AM

ANOTHER KILL!!!! Well fought Yet again Soldier!!! I hear what you are saying, it's easy to get burned out. Folks deal with it in different ways. You just have to find what works for you. It will take some trial and error.
I"m sorry to hear you lost a friend. I hope it ends up working out. Sometimes folks just change, sometimes it's only temporary. Try to stay focused and keep making progress on all that you are doing. Friends will come and go, the really good ones will stay a while smile.gif

I've tried wads of overdrive units. A student here built me a Klon clone which I liked quite a bit. I've got a mini ibanez tube screamer which is workable, but to be honest, I was most impressed with the pro tone misha overdrive and he now has a new one of his own making. Very pricey though. I had a KRANK Shaft (Dimebag) overdrive that was amazing. They are not made anymore and are hard to find, but are awesome. Here is a demo of the krank pedal
This is a demo of the klon clone. Much more low gain type tone.
The boss od3 is a fine pedal. See if you can try a few before you buy if possible or buy used ones on ebay so that you can sell them again and try others. It's hard to pick the perfect pedal without actually playing through it.
For home recording, I no longer use pedals. Or amps. I use a plugin called Overloud TH-U. It's got wads of pedals/cabs/rack gear and sounds just far better than anything I've ever been able to get by recording an actual amp at home.

Onward!! Let's Debrief!!

Bold and Aggressive: You have made great strides in the confidence of your playing. It's great to see!

Synching Feeling: Like many of these Missions, hand synch is key. if you slip on hand synch, it ruins everything and you gotta do it again. Not a problem here!

Finger Power: Making use of all the fingers including the pinky!!!
These Missions are in the deep end of the pool Soldier. Each one may take a bit more time to get through. They contain a range of techiques and various types of drills. If it takes a bit longer to get through, that's understandable. You are doing great! Keep it up!!
You just..
You remain our TOP DAWG and yet again are making history with the first 102 Badge EVER!!!


QUOTE (Adam @ May 30 2019, 06:44 PM) *
Through the gates of hell, as we make our way to heaven...
These lines say it all. This mission was the most challenging piece in many aspects and I expect it only gets harder with every mission. Yes, this definitely is a nightmare that will continue until I get past that 400-ish threshold but I voluntarily signed up for it smile.gif

I'm really tired of everything lately. There's a lot of work for uni and I started a project for fan-made RPG game. On top of that I got back to practicing martial arts (I barely manage to get up the mornings after training session) and one of my closest friends turned away from me for no reason. I may not be able to upload videos daily, like this one because of that but they are much more demanding, so extra practice is always nice!

I had to give up on my Klon Centaur project, or postpone it for later. The kit I ordered was faulty and I had to return it. I'll get it eventually because I'm into tinkering but I was thinking if there's a better alternative. I did some research and Boss OD-3 looks really interesting. I built my first OD based on TS808 because it was simple but I don't like its tone much. It's okay for pushing the tube but I don't like it as a stand-alone pedal. Have you tried the OD-3 by any chance?

Posted by: Adam Jun 5 2019, 09:20 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Jun 1 2019, 09:27 AM) *
ANOTHER KILL!!!! Well fought Yet again Soldier!!! I hear what you are saying, it's easy to get burned out. Folks deal with it in different ways. You just have to find what works for you. It will take some trial and error.
I"m sorry to hear you lost a friend. I hope it ends up working out. Sometimes folks just change, sometimes it's only temporary. Try to stay focused and keep making progress on all that you are doing. Friends will come and go, the really good ones will stay a while smile.gif

I've tried wads of overdrive units. A student here built me a Klon clone which I liked quite a bit. I've got a mini ibanez tube screamer which is workable, but to be honest, I was most impressed with the pro tone misha overdrive and he now has a new one of his own making. Very pricey though. I had a KRANK Shaft (Dimebag) overdrive that was amazing. They are not made anymore and are hard to find, but are awesome. Here is a demo of the krank pedal
This is a demo of the klon clone. Much more low gain type tone.
The boss od3 is a fine pedal. See if you can try a few before you buy if possible or buy used ones on ebay so that you can sell them again and try others. It's hard to pick the perfect pedal without actually playing through it.
For home recording, I no longer use pedals. Or amps. I use a plugin called Overloud TH-U. It's got wads of pedals/cabs/rack gear and sounds just far better than anything I've ever been able to get by recording an actual amp at home.

Onward!! Let's Debrief!!

Bold and Aggressive: You have made great strides in the confidence of your playing. It's great to see!

Synching Feeling: Like many of these Missions, hand synch is key. if you slip on hand synch, it ruins everything and you gotta do it again. Not a problem here!

Finger Power: Making use of all the fingers including the pinky!!!
These Missions are in the deep end of the pool Soldier. Each one may take a bit more time to get through. They contain a range of techiques and various types of drills. If it takes a bit longer to get through, that's understandable. You are doing great! Keep it up!!
You just..
You remain our TOP DAWG and yet again are making history with the first 102 Badge EVER!!!


Something came up and I'm on a tight budget. I probably won't afford either for now. I was looking for something transparent yet something that can pack a punch if needed.

Today I tried building a 3 note-per-string pattern for Phrygian Dominant and it's playable but it's much harder than any sequence I came up against in Bootcamp so far. It's good for stretching!

I can't focus on the next mission now, with the deadline for the whole thesis coming soon but I tried to get some practice nonetheless. I get out of energy very quickly over past days and I just want to graduate. It's not exactly stress but I can't relax either.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jun 5 2019, 10:45 PM

Not to worry Sioldier!! Bootcamp is here for you anytime you are ready. It will still be here after your thesis is done. You are still the top DAWG!! You've earned a break smile.gif

QUOTE (Adam @ Jun 5 2019, 04:20 PM) *
Something came up and I'm on a tight budget. I probably won't afford either for now. I was looking for something transparent yet something that can pack a punch if needed.

Today I tried building a 3 note-per-string pattern for Phrygian Dominant and it's playable but it's much harder than any sequence I came up against in Bootcamp so far. It's good for stretching!

I can't focus on the next mission now, with the deadline for the whole thesis coming soon but I tried to get some practice nonetheless. I get out of energy very quickly over past days and I just want to graduate. It's not exactly stress but I can't relax either.

Posted by: Adam Jul 26 2019, 12:33 AM

I'm ready to start anew. I couldn't think of songs I could try playing to enjoy but the Bootcamp is fun too!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Jul 26 2019, 03:31 AM

WELCOME BACK SOLDIER! It's good to see you back in the FIGHT! Breaking new ground yet again as nobody has every attempted this Mission before you. Super Congrats there!! Let's Debrief!


PINKY POWER: Thrilled to see you playing this with the pinky and not the first three fingers. It's really meant to almost force the hand to use the pinky. NICE!

SHIFTING PATTERNS: This one changes pattern as it moves up the neck so you have to be able to shift on the fly. Otherwise it falls apart. Good news is you have no problem with the pattern shifting. Score!!

PACING: It's tempting to rush the easier bits and lag the harder bits, but you kept it nice and smooth. Double Score!!!
You clearly have this well in hand. You just.


*You remain the TOP DAWG and Highest Ranking Member of Bootcamp EVVVVVEERRR!!


QUOTE (Adam @ Jul 25 2019, 07:33 PM) *
I'm ready to start anew. I couldn't think of songs I could try playing to enjoy but the Bootcamp is fun too!

Posted by: Adam Aug 1 2019, 01:55 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Jul 26 2019, 03:31 AM) *
WELCOME BACK SOLDIER! It's good to see you back in the FIGHT! Breaking new ground yet again as nobody has every attempted this Mission before you. Super Congrats there!! Let's Debrief!


PINKY POWER: Thrilled to see you playing this with the pinky and not the first three fingers. It's really meant to almost force the hand to use the pinky. NICE!

SHIFTING PATTERNS: This one changes pattern as it moves up the neck so you have to be able to shift on the fly. Otherwise it falls apart. Good news is you have no problem with the pattern shifting. Score!!

PACING: It's tempting to rush the easier bits and lag the harder bits, but you kept it nice and smooth. Double Score!!!
You clearly have this well in hand. You just.

*You remain the TOP DAWG and Highest Ranking Member of Bootcamp EVVVVVEERRR!!


I want to say I will go back to regular posting vids but currently I'm almost done with thesis but I had to re-organize my room completely. While at it, I thought, I would adapt it to a bedroom studio, so I need to look through all the stuff, decide what to keep and what not to and plan ahead to be able to have my future rig where I want it without need to move things around to fit it. It takes a lot of time and effort because there's a lot stuff I gathered over years.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 1 2019, 02:53 AM

Putting your home studio in order is crucial. I've seen a LOT of students who lose way too much time each practice session due to having to reconnect everything from scratch each time they want to practice and or record. If at all possible, set up your own rig/computer/guitar so that you can just sit down and play. This is not always possible for various reasons. Get creative. Try to see if you can create a small home studio setup that is ready to go when you are. When you sit down, you should be able to just pick up the guitar and play. This is the ideal scenario. Your situation will dictate how smooth you can set this up.

I Have my laptop connected so that it turns itself on and launched my DAW software at a certain time each day and so It's ready when I sit down to practice/record. It saves time and energy. Time is hard to come by and wasting it on re connecting your gear each time you want to practice is a waste of precious time. If you need any help, post in the forum as everyone here has a home studio! smile.gif


QUOTE (Adam @ Jul 31 2019, 08:55 PM) *
I want to say I will go back to regular posting vids but currently I'm almost done with thesis but I had to re-organize my room completely. While at it, I thought, I would adapt it to a bedroom studio, so I need to look through all the stuff, decide what to keep and what not to and plan ahead to be able to have my future rig where I want it without need to move things around to fit it. It takes a lot of time and effort because there's a lot stuff I gathered over years.

Posted by: Adam Aug 1 2019, 04:40 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 1 2019, 02:53 AM) *
Putting your home studio in order is crucial. I've seen a LOT of students who lose way too much time each practice session due to having to reconnect everything from scratch each time they want to practice and or record. If at all possible, set up your own rig/computer/guitar so that you can just sit down and play. This is not always possible for various reasons. Get creative. Try to see if you can create a small home studio setup that is ready to go when you are. When you sit down, you should be able to just pick up the guitar and play. This is the ideal scenario. Your situation will dictate how smooth you can set this up.

I Have my laptop connected so that it turns itself on and launched my DAW software at a certain time each day and so It's ready when I sit down to practice/record. It saves time and energy. Time is hard to come by and wasting it on re connecting your gear each time you want to practice is a waste of precious time. If you need any help, post in the forum as everyone here has a home studio! smile.gif


It's not just studio, though I agree the comfortable and accessible positioning is crucial. I also have to tear down old wallpapers and put on new ones and that alone is a lot of work for one person.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 1 2019, 07:55 AM

Wallpaper won't really have much of an impact on your recording/practicing will it? A few well placed posters might be able to sort that out smile.gif

QUOTE (Adam @ Jul 31 2019, 11:40 PM) *
It's not just studio, though I agree the comfortable and accessible positioning is crucial. I also have to tear down old wallpapers and put on new ones and that alone is a lot of work for one person.

Posted by: Adam Aug 1 2019, 12:01 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 1 2019, 07:55 AM) *
Wallpaper won't really have much of an impact on your recording/practicing will it? A few well placed posters might be able to sort that out smile.gif

No it won't but last time I rushed it and now the results stir me right in the eyes everyday. I figured if I'm doing all this, why not put on a new one. Trust me, it's too much to be covered by just posters smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 1 2019, 10:40 PM

I hear ya smile.gif You gotta do what you gotta do! smile.gif I hope you can wrap it up without stress and get back to your journey!!!

QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 1 2019, 07:01 AM) *
No it won't but last time I rushed it and now the results stir me right in the eyes everyday. I figured if I'm doing all this, why not put on a new one. Trust me, it's too much to be covered by just posters smile.gif

Posted by: Adam Aug 20 2019, 12:49 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 1 2019, 09:40 PM) *
I hear ya smile.gif You gotta do what you gotta do! smile.gif I hope you can wrap it up without stress and get back to your journey!!!

I'm fighting sleep deprivation and uni papers but not playing guitar does not help one bit, so I might just post something.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 20 2019, 03:28 AM

Great to see you back in the fight Soldier. Your previous experience is service you well. Let's debrief!

SYNCHING IT: Your hand synch has come a long way! you can play these advanced bits without to much trouble.. That's a very good thing! keo\ep it up

PINKY WORK: You are making great use of your pinky! Not doing so get many a solder sent back to the wood shed! Keep that up too!

Great job on your reach! This one requires a big stretch and you had no problems. Nice!

You tore it apart Soldier! You are ready for what awaits you!

You also remain our TOP DAWG!!!!!

You just ... LEVELED UP!

QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 19 2019, 07:49 PM) *

I'm fighting sleep deprivation and uni papers but not playing guitar does not help one bit, so I might just post something.


Posted by: Adam Aug 20 2019, 11:18 PM

I've tried mission 105 just for practice and the first part has kind of harmonic vibe to me. Is it the case or is it a Neoclassical syndrome that makes me hear it everywhere? smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 21 2019, 06:23 AM

Good ear! It's a bit of a bear with a big stretch. You can do it Soldier!

QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 20 2019, 06:18 PM) *
I've tried mission 105 just for practice and the first part has kind of harmonic vibe to me. Is it the case or is it a Neoclassical syndrome that makes me hear it everywhere? smile.gif

Posted by: Adam Aug 22 2019, 01:54 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 21 2019, 05:23 AM) *
Good ear! It's a bit of a bear with a big stretch. You can do it Soldier!

I can and I did! smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 22 2019, 07:36 AM

Another impressive showing Soldier!!! This one has some tricky bits in it to be sure. It requires a good control of the Pinky without doubt! You've earned your PINKY POWER over these last hundred plus missions. I dare say not everybody can play the licks in this one. It takes reach, and you gotta stick the landing. Let's Debrief!

PINKY POWER: Without enough PINKY POWER this entire Mission falls apart. The good news is your PINKY POWER has grown and grown with each mission!
STICKING THE LANDING: If you don't stick the landing on these, they sound very sloppy. This means having tight hand synch. You've earned your hand synch again, over the past 100 plus Missions!
REACH FOR IT: These require a good stretch. If one has not worked up a good finger stretch and reach by this point in the Missions, something is badly wrong. The good news is you've earned your reach. Nice! In short Soldier you have yet again...


*You remain our TOP DAWG! Nobody has EVER gotten this far.

SargeShred Combat Battallion
Aug 22, 2019
QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 21 2019, 08:54 PM) *

I can and I did! smile.gif

Posted by: Adam Aug 24 2019, 12:38 AM

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 24 2019, 06:10 AM

WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!!! This is yet another Advanced Mission not for the faint of heart. It requires serious reach. Without working up ones reach, one simply can't play these types of licks. For players just starting out, this kind of thing is nearly impossible. After 100 Plus, you continue to show how far a player can come. Let's Debrief!!
SYNCHING FEELING: As with so many Missions, HAND SYNCH IS CRUCIAL. If synch slips, even a little, it shows. It sounds sloppy. Good news is our synch is spot on!
REACHING FOR THE SKY: You may have noticed I'm throwing big stretch drills one after another on this mission. If your hand is too tense, it will fatigue and fall apart. You've developed good stamina Soldier!!
QUIET AS DEATH: Keeping a good palm mute means no crazy string noise and you keep a solid Mute Soldier!!
In other words you just..

*You remain our TOP DAWG!! The Highest Rank EVER Achieved in Bootcamp.

You are ready for the crazy bits that await Soldier!! They once seemed NUTS now they will probably seem like nothing you can't handle!!

QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 23 2019, 07:38 PM) *

Posted by: Adam Aug 25 2019, 12:15 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 24 2019, 05:10 AM) *
WELL FOUGHT SOLDIER!!!! This is yet another Advanced Mission not for the faint of heart. It requires serious reach. Without working up ones reach, one simply can't play these types of licks. For players just starting out, this kind of thing is nearly impossible. After 100 Plus, you continue to show how far a player can come. Let's Debrief!!
SYNCHING FEELING: As with so many Missions, HAND SYNCH IS CRUCIAL. If synch slips, even a little, it shows. It sounds sloppy. Good news is our synch is spot on!
REACHING FOR THE SKY: You may have noticed I'm throwing big stretch drills one after another on this mission. If your hand is too tense, it will fatigue and fall apart. You've developed good stamina Soldier!!
QUIET AS DEATH: Keeping a good palm mute means no crazy string noise and you keep a solid Mute Soldier!!
In other words you just..

*You remain our TOP DAWG!! The Highest Rank EVER Achieved in Bootcamp.

You are ready for the crazy bits that await Soldier!! They once seemed NUTS now they will probably seem like nothing you can't handle!!


Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 26 2019, 02:17 AM

Well Fought Soldier!! This Mission is the "Level UP from the Mission exactly 100 Missions ago. Thus being a bit tougher. However, as you have progressed, it may not have seemed much more complex than 100 times previous? Either way well done here. Let's Debrief!

MULTI PICKING This one requires some multi picking which I've seen many a soldier struggle with. Not you! Attacked it like a champ!

COMBO TECHNIQUE Also required are shapes that are not just linear. You have to jump around a bit and combine triad shapes with scales shapes. Yet another stumbling block for some, not for you!

SYNCH RULES As always, there are no gaps to allow the hand to "catch up" so hand synch is critical and yet again. you nailed it.

In short, you made brief work of this one Soldier! They do get a bit tougher from here but you are ready. You just..
*You still remain our TOP DAWG!!!! As well! Congrats!

QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 24 2019, 07:15 PM) *

Posted by: Adam Aug 26 2019, 05:40 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 26 2019, 01:17 AM) *
Well Fought Soldier!! This Mission is the "Level UP from the Mission exactly 100 Missions ago. Thus being a bit tougher. However, as you have progressed, it may not have seemed much more complex than 100 times previous? Either way well done here. Let's Debrief!

MULTI PICKING This one requires some multi picking which I've seen many a soldier struggle with. Not you! Attacked it like a champ!

COMBO TECHNIQUE Also required are shapes that are not just linear. You have to jump around a bit and combine triad shapes with scales shapes. Yet another stumbling block for some, not for you!

SYNCH RULES As always, there are no gaps to allow the hand to "catch up" so hand synch is critical and yet again. you nailed it.

In short, you made brief work of this one Soldier! They do get a bit tougher from here but you are ready. You just..
*You still remain our TOP DAWG!!!! As well! Congrats!

To be fair, I didn't recognize it at first but now it does ring a bell! And it's properly tuned to fit the 100+ difficulty too!

For me, this lesson and few other remind me of old Nightwish pasages like Crownless, Wanderlust or Gethsemane (the last one I'm including below) smile.gif


Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 27 2019, 05:44 AM

Good ear Soldier!! Many of these have a quazi folkish type vibe to them as if something that could be played as a melody on a bagpipe or other traditional instrument. Also 100-200 are advanced versions of things you have already beaten so they should be familiar yet provide a bit more challenge to deepen your existing skills set. That was my plan in building the first 200 Missions smile.gif

Let's Debrief!!
CONFIDENCE-Go back and watch Mission. Then re watch Mission 207. Notice the vast amount of confidence in your playing that you have earned? Well done.

ABILITY-Also after Watching Mission 7, notice the change in ability? From pushing your way through to playing with verve and authority? Nice.

GRACE UNDER PRESSURE-Also after watching Mission 7 notice the grace with which you play these pieces.The fluidity. The nearly casual manner despite the difficulty. This is truly the goal of Bootcamp. To maker refined players out of raw material. You are killing it Soldier!! keep it up!!!
Congrats you just..
*You remain our TOP DAWG Soldier, wear itwith pride!!!


QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 26 2019, 12:40 PM) *
To be fair, I didn't recognize it at first but now it does ring a bell! And it's properly tuned to fit the 100+ difficulty too!

For me, this lesson and few other remind me of old Nightwish pasages like Crownless, Wanderlust or Gethsemane (the last one I'm including below) smile.gif

Posted by: Adam Aug 27 2019, 10:26 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 27 2019, 04:44 AM) *
Good ear Soldier!! Many of these have a quazi folkish type vibe to them as if something that could be played as a melody on a bagpipe or other traditional instrument. Also 100-200 are advanced versions of things you have already beaten so they should be familiar yet provide a bit more challenge to deepen your existing skills set. That was my plan in building the first 200 Missions smile.gif

Let's Debrief!!
CONFIDENCE-Go back and watch Mission. Then re watch Mission 207. Notice the vast amount of confidence in your playing that you have earned? Well done.

ABILITY-Also after Watching Mission 7, notice the change in ability? From pushing your way through to playing with verve and authority? Nice.

GRACE UNDER PRESSURE-Also after watching Mission 7 notice the grace with which you play these pieces.The fluidity. The nearly casual manner despite the difficulty. This is truly the goal of Bootcamp. To maker refined players out of raw material. You are killing it Soldier!! keep it up!!!
Congrats you just..
*You remain our TOP DAWG Soldier, wear itwith pride!!!



I knew Nightwish played folk tunes but I didn't study it to be able to point one out when I hear it. I think your plan is working because it takes some effort to play the overtuned missions smile.gif The difference between tier 1 and tier 100 in my videos is immense. I can tell the surge of confidence by just looking!

Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy 6 is another great example of pedal point and reverse pedal point use as well as other techniques but it was composed on baroque convention, so it sounds very classical. I especially like Project Grissini version, many people say it's the only one fully projecting the nihilistic insanity of the character it was composed for. I would love to play it on guitar in the future and the bad news is, it will take a lot of time and regular hard work. But the good news is, the further I progress in the Bootcamp, the less impossible it sounds!

I woke up today around 12pm to get just enough time to prepare for work. Doing a 16h shift tonight, hence I wanted to sleep longer so I don't sleep at work. Hence no video tonight. Maybe I'll shoot one in the morning when I'm back home smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 28 2019, 01:47 AM

Thats the thing about work and sleep, they get in the way of important stuff like learning to play final fantasy riff!!! Follow your bliss!!! smile.gif Keep at it. Your making TONS of progress.

The traditional eurofolk stuff is all through much of european metal. Listen carefully and you'll heard reworkings of ancient melodies that date back to the first melodies sung in great halls and on long ships. These melodies never die. They just get rerworked smile.gif

We have our own folk music here in the Americas (Bluegrass/etc.) that is semi peculiar to our shores. Bits of common ballads came and got reworked to be able to be played on instruments that could be tooled by hand by the same items used to make shoes and farm implements. The violin did make its way here as the "fiddle", but such instruments were fragile and rare. Other instruments such as the mandolin arose. It required very little wood to make, almost no metal, and could be strung with cat gut. Farmers make simple instruments. Music survived here as it had in much of Europe through the rise of the Church, in our case mostly protestant vs catholic. Non religious music flourished in the Hills of Kentucky, leading to it's name "Bluegrass" as kentuck is known as the "Bluegrass State" as the long grass in the hills looks blue tipped. I"m actually from Kentucky so I've heard quite a bit of it and I swear to you it's actually SHREDDING done on simple instruments. smile.gif


QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 27 2019, 05:26 PM) *
I knew Nightwish played folk tunes but I didn't study it to be able to point one out when I hear it. I think your plan is working because it takes some effort to play the overtuned missions smile.gif The difference between tier 1 and tier 100 in my videos is immense. I can tell the surge of confidence by just looking!

Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy 6 is another great example of pedal point and reverse pedal point use as well as other techniques but it was composed on baroque convention, so it sounds very classical. I especially like Project Grissini version, many people say it's the only one fully projecting the nihilistic insanity of the character it was composed for. I would love to play it on guitar in the future and the bad news is, it will take a lot of time and regular hard work. But the good news is, the further I progress in the Bootcamp, the less impossible it sounds!

I woke up today around 12pm to get just enough time to prepare for work. Doing a 16h shift tonight, hence I wanted to sleep longer so I don't sleep at work. Hence no video tonight. Maybe I'll shoot one in the morning when I'm back home smile.gif

Posted by: Adam Aug 28 2019, 11:11 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 28 2019, 12:47 AM) *
Thats the thing about work and sleep, they get in the way of important stuff like learning to play final fantasy riff!!! Follow your bliss!!! smile.gif Keep at it. Your making TONS of progress.

The traditional eurofolk stuff is all through much of european metal. Listen carefully and you'll heard reworkings of ancient melodies that date back to the first melodies sung in great halls and on long ships. These melodies never die. They just get rerworked smile.gif

We have our own folk music here in the Americas (Bluegrass/etc.) that is semi peculiar to our shores. Bits of common ballads came and got reworked to be able to be played on instruments that could be tooled by hand by the same items used to make shoes and farm implements. The violin did make its way here as the "fiddle", but such instruments were fragile and rare. Other instruments such as the mandolin arose. It required very little wood to make, almost no metal, and could be strung with cat gut. Farmers make simple instruments. Music survived here as it had in much of Europe through the rise of the Church, in our case mostly protestant vs catholic. Non religious music flourished in the Hills of Kentucky, leading to it's name "Bluegrass" as kentuck is known as the "Bluegrass State" as the long grass in the hills looks blue tipped. I"m actually from Kentucky so I've heard quite a bit of it and I swear to you it's actually SHREDDING done on simple instruments. smile.gif


It makes a lot of sense. In Poland some of folk songs evolved into "forbidden" anti-communist songs people chanted during soviet occupation decades and one of the melodies made its way to Metallica's To live is to die (clean section's Hetfield solo). I doubt he learned it as the anti-soviet song, so he must have heard its folk predecessor smile.gif
I like Irish melodies and folk rock/metal bands but probably the most popular Polish folk you are likely to hear comes from The Witcher 3, as it got really big world-wide.
And it's true about the shredding part - I tried a few tunes and they all resembled shredding pieces I'm familiar with. But thinking backwards, electric guitar shred had to originate somewhere before electric instruments were invented, so in a sense we should be thankful to all the folk artists! In Polish culture many highlanders' non-religious songs involve Harmonic Minor scale and this specific interval. On the contrary, the oldest as well as modern religious songs rarely use anything besides Natural Minor and on rare occasions Natural Major. But the Church has a thing for order and harmony to a point they even considered diminished fifth as evil. And since it originated from Gregorian choir, it's slow and steady. I guess that's how a duality in culture is born smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 30 2019, 10:00 AM

Well Said! Harmonic Minor is all through Classical Music and of course Neo Classical as well. Minor construction gets adoring treatment in massive amounts of religious music and in folk music as well. Swedish folk comes to mind for it's use of minor themes to a great extent and Polish Folk as you mentioned as well!

On to the Debrief!!!
TRICKY PICKING BITS : There are some truly tricky picking bits on this one. Bits with up strokes etc. It's thick with all manner of tricky picking and you never missed a strike!
COMPLEX SYNCH BITS : As if the picking bits weren't tricky enough, the riffs combine synching an open string riff with a scale bit and you have to keep it all in synch. No Problem!!
SCALES AS RIFFS: We throw some scales in here as part of the riff. As if the open / closed fretting were not enough, you have to end with a scale run.

The only thing I'd like to see if you try to loop the last drill, but it's not a deal killer. Try it to see how it feels!!
Your playing continues to improve. You just..


QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 28 2019, 06:11 PM) *
It makes a lot of sense. In Poland some of folk songs evolved into "forbidden" anti-communist songs people chanted during soviet occupation decades and one of the melodies made its way to Metallica's To live is to die (clean section's Hetfield solo). I doubt he learned it as the anti-soviet song, so he must have heard its folk predecessor smile.gif
I like Irish melodies and folk rock/metal bands but probably the most popular Polish folk you are likely to hear comes from The Witcher 3, as it got really big world-wide.
And it's true about the shredding part - I tried a few tunes and they all resembled shredding pieces I'm familiar with. But thinking backwards, electric guitar shred had to originate somewhere before electric instruments were invented, so in a sense we should be thankful to all the folk artists! In Polish culture many highlanders' non-religious songs involve Harmonic Minor scale and this specific interval. On the contrary, the oldest as well as modern religious songs rarely use anything besides Natural Minor and on rare occasions Natural Major. But the Church has a thing for order and harmony to a point they even considered diminished fifth as evil. And since it originated from Gregorian choir, it's slow and steady. I guess that's how a duality in culture is born smile.gif

Posted by: Adam Aug 30 2019, 07:49 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 30 2019, 09:00 AM) *
Well Said! Harmonic Minor is all through Classical Music and of course Neo Classical as well. Minor construction gets adoring treatment in massive amounts of religious music and in folk music as well. Swedish folk comes to mind for it's use of minor themes to a great extent and Polish Folk as you mentioned as well!

On to the Debrief!!!
TRICKY PICKING BITS : There are some truly tricky picking bits on this one. Bits with up strokes etc. It's thick with all manner of tricky picking and you never missed a strike!
COMPLEX SYNCH BITS : As if the picking bits weren't tricky enough, the riffs combine synching an open string riff with a scale bit and you have to keep it all in synch. No Problem!!
SCALES AS RIFFS: We throw some scales in here as part of the riff. As if the open / closed fretting were not enough, you have to end with a scale run.

The only thing I'd like to see if you try to loop the last drill, but it's not a deal killer. Try it to see how it feels!!
Your playing continues to improve. You just..


I could loop it and in fact it appeared again in today's lesson. I hope that's good enough! It's a great exercise for many areas and it's a great addition to daily practice routine! In one of the exercises I couldn't chain multiple positions in one go, I had just enough stamina to play these once before I had to shake off tension from my hand.
Sabaton uses scales as riffs quite much but they are common in Finnish power metal or even vintage Blind Guardian. With that said, I'm looking forward to master this aspect biggrin.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Aug 31 2019, 06:47 AM

Nicely Done ! I see that you did loop it and did so quite smoothly. That riff has a very power metal vibe as many such tunes are part riff and part scale. It makes them wads of fun to play wink.gif A way to challenge your fingers is to take a riff like that and try to double pick it. Play each note twice. Eventually, even quad pick it, playing each note four times. Yet another way for the joys of finger torture smile.gif

Onward! Let's Debrief!
BETTER AND BETTER: With each and every Mission I can see you getting better Soldier!! Keep drilling and killing!!!!

MODAL MADNESS: You burn through the scale bits here with style and grace. Using the PINKY POWER that you've gained to get good reach. Nice!

ROCKS AND SHOALS: That Riff is NOT an easy bit to loop as it switches back to a groove right after a scale run, you had zero problem. Score!!!
You keep knocking em down Soldier!!! You just..
*You are still the TOP DAWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QUOTE (Adam @ Aug 30 2019, 02:49 PM) *
I could loop it and in fact it appeared again in today's lesson. I hope that's good enough! It's a great exercise for many areas and it's a great addition to daily practice routine! In one of the exercises I couldn't chain multiple positions in one go, I had just enough stamina to play these once before I had to shake off tension from my hand.
Sabaton uses scales as riffs quite much but they are common in Finnish power metal or even vintage Blind Guardian. With that said, I'm looking forward to master this aspect biggrin.gif

Posted by: Adam Sep 7 2019, 08:55 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Aug 31 2019, 05:47 AM) *
Nicely Done ! I see that you did loop it and did so quite smoothly. That riff has a very power metal vibe as many such tunes are part riff and part scale. It makes them wads of fun to play wink.gif A way to challenge your fingers is to take a riff like that and try to double pick it. Play each note twice. Eventually, even quad pick it, playing each note four times. Yet another way for the joys of finger torture smile.gif

Onward! Let's Debrief!
BETTER AND BETTER: With each and every Mission I can see you getting better Soldier!! Keep drilling and killing!!!!

MODAL MADNESS: You burn through the scale bits here with style and grace. Using the PINKY POWER that you've gained to get good reach. Nice!

ROCKS AND SHOALS: That Riff is NOT an easy bit to loop as it switches back to a groove right after a scale run, you had zero problem. Score!!!
You keep knocking em down Soldier!!! You just..
*You are still the TOP DAWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I noticed a bunch of similarities between this riff and power metal riffswhile playing it in loop smile.gif

I have lot of time to think at work and I just thought about our recent conversation abiut folk. It's also VERY noticeable in Irish rock. Sounds simple but when I tried playing it, it's nothing but shred. If I reverse what you said, learning folk should help me embrace non-classical aspects of shred which means I'm in! Folk melodies and score sheets are super easy to get and cheap too. Such drills could also help me to learn to read and use score sheet a-vista, so it's nothing but profits!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 7 2019, 09:18 PM

Very true! Irish music has very identifiable melodies that stand out. Irish Rock Music borrows from that same tradition. Vocal melodies and lead guitar melodies in Irish Rock can be traced back to irish folk. Same with many of the other european folk traditions.

In much of Modern Power/Folk Metal, it's blatantly similar on purpose smile.gif

I think you are spot on, learning Folk music is a good thing for any musician. It's a great source of melody and harmony inspiration. Do share as you learn new bits!

QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 7 2019, 03:55 PM) *
I noticed a bunch of similarities between this riff and power metal riffswhile playing it in loop smile.gif

I have lot of time to think at work and I just thought about our recent conversation abiut folk. It's also VERY noticeable in Irish rock. Sounds simple but when I tried playing it, it's nothing but shred. If I reverse what you said, learning folk should help me embrace non-classical aspects of shred which means I'm in! Folk melodies and score sheets are super easy to get and cheap too. Such drills could also help me to learn to read and use score sheet a-vista, so it's nothing but profits!

Posted by: Adam Sep 9 2019, 11:37 PM

My thesis advisor gave me a fail grade for his subjects because I didn't submit my thesis week ago, as we both agreed on. The system says it's the first term, so maybe something can be still done about it. I don't really care about master's because I already have a bachelor's and neither is much use outside the world of philology and translations. I spent past 4 days trying to finish the whole thing and I might do so by the morning but it may be pointless now. Still, I'm going to do one more all-nighter and give it my best. I studied in a system that didn't require me to pay anything besides the fuel costs to get there and exam re-takes, so it won't be a huge loss if this grade is a final one.

I had a bad time concentrating on it, being loaded with other duties in personal and professional life. Coming home tired from training at gym and outdoors or after 16hrs shifts didn't really help either and even after I took a break in activities I could afford to, it still didn;t help much. I myself don't care that much but being a disappointment to my family is going to sting for next few years.

The good news is, regardless of tomorrow's outcome, I will finally afford to re-subscribe to GMC and push my progress a lot more than I have over the past weeks. It's really hard to pay with just a part-time job but I got lots of overtime in August and that's enough to let me invest in my true passion. I know the monthly fee isn't much but I'm in a situation where every bit counts, so I'm really happy about it.

Update: tables keep turning around, or whatever the saying was, and I'm close to losing my job. I spend whole night to finish the dissertation and wasted half of day trying to submit it and no printing service was open near a big campus in the center of a huge city at the peak hours. I'll have to ride there again in the morning, hoping my advisor will accept it despite the huge delay. While at it, my mind was occupied with college and I forgot i had a night shift today. I got there two hours late but boss who replaced me let me keep the job. Though one tiny mistake or slip up and I'm out, even if it's just an unanswered phone call. I am stuck at work until morning, sleep-deprived for days because of the thesis and all these minor things happened too and i wonder what will come next.

I feel there should be a limit of bad stuff happening per day because today i got like a whole month's share of bad luck.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 11 2019, 06:15 AM

Very sorry to hear sad.gif I finally completed my masters degree after getting in a near fatal car wreck in my final year of the program and breaking my back. I also had a severe concussion and amnesia for a week with later memory loss. Going back to school was hard after the wreck. My brain just didn't work right anymore. It took me an additional 2 years to complete my thesis project but I finally did. I hope your school issues smooth out and you can enjoy learning as much as possible smile.gif I actually miss graduate school sometimes and think about going back for a Ph.D or M.F.A, some type of terminal/final degree. But, I'm happy to study on my own and I don't need a Ph.D. smile.gif
I do hope your works smooths out as well! never fun to have work issues sad.gif All these things life throws at you can really get you down. Try to enjoy even the bad times if possible, as any day above ground is a good day. smile.gif

QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 9 2019, 06:37 PM) *
My thesis advisor gave me a fail grade for his subjects because I didn't submit my thesis week ago, as we both agreed on. The system says it's the first term, so maybe something can be still done about it. I don't really care about master's because I already have a bachelor's and neither is much use outside the world of philology and translations. I spent past 4 days trying to finish the whole thing and I might do so by the morning but it may be pointless now. Still, I'm going to do one more all-nighter and give it my best. I studied in a system that didn't require me to pay anything besides the fuel costs to get there and exam re-takes, so it won't be a huge loss if this grade is a final one.

I had a bad time concentrating on it, being loaded with other duties in personal and professional life. Coming home tired from training at gym and outdoors or after 16hrs shifts didn't really help either and even after I took a break in activities I could afford to, it still didn;t help much. I myself don't care that much but being a disappointment to my family is going to sting for next few years.

The good news is, regardless of tomorrow's outcome, I will finally afford to re-subscribe to GMC and push my progress a lot more than I have over the past weeks. It's really hard to pay with just a part-time job but I got lots of overtime in August and that's enough to let me invest in my true passion. I know the monthly fee isn't much but I'm in a situation where every bit counts, so I'm really happy about it.

Update: tables keep turning around, or whatever the saying was, and I'm close to losing my job. I spend whole night to finish the dissertation and wasted half of day trying to submit it and no printing service was open near a big campus in the center of a huge city at the peak hours. I'll have to ride there again in the morning, hoping my advisor will accept it despite the huge delay. While at it, my mind was occupied with college and I forgot i had a night shift today. I got there two hours late but boss who replaced me let me keep the job. Though one tiny mistake or slip up and I'm out, even if it's just an unanswered phone call. I am stuck at work until morning, sleep-deprived for days because of the thesis and all these minor things happened too and i wonder what will come next.

I feel there should be a limit of bad stuff happening per day because today i got like a whole month's share of bad luck.

Posted by: Adam Sep 13 2019, 11:52 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Sep 11 2019, 05:15 AM) *
Very sorry to hear sad.gif I finally completed my masters degree after getting in a near fatal car wreck in my final year of the program and breaking my back. I also had a severe concussion and amnesia for a week with later memory loss. Going back to school was hard after the wreck. My brain just didn't work right anymore. It took me an additional 2 years to complete my thesis project but I finally did. I hope your school issues smooth out and you can enjoy learning as much as possible smile.gif I actually miss graduate school sometimes and think about going back for a Ph.D or M.F.A, some type of terminal/final degree. But, I'm happy to study on my own and I don't need a Ph.D. smile.gif
I do hope your works smooths out as well! never fun to have work issues sad.gif All these things life throws at you can really get you down. Try to enjoy even the bad times if possible, as any day above ground is a good day. smile.gif

I'm sad to hear it! I hope you are alright now! smile.gif Back injuries are very dangerous. It's good though that you can still rock a guitar and managed to finish your thesis! Brain takes some time (especially after a comma) to put the events/memories in proper order and we perceive it as amnesia and sometimes we hallucinate during that process too. I know Iwould probably be heartbroken beyond repair if I lost my skills at guitar after an injury or worse, be unable to re-learn it and keep playing, so I really am glad you can still do it!!!

I submitted my thesis and I'm praying that it will be accepted and I'll be allowed to graduate (I missed the deadline by a week) and I won't ask for a good final grade, just a positive passing one will be enough!

My work issues settled, hopefully. Nobody even talks about it and I don't mention it either. Like it never happened. Even my boss gave me a father-like speech explaining my mistakes and how I can avoid it next time but next time I mess up I'll get fired for sure.

I had a bit of problem with the last one (had to download tabs to make sure I play it right way) and I hope that's good enough! It really is tough in 100+ section but it's also fulfilling to clear it. I just don't know if I'd get halfway here without the thumbless technique. It's like a cheat code and a game-changer!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 14 2019, 07:09 PM

Well fought Soldier!! Yeah, these Missions past the 100 stage are the deep end of the pool!! You've earned your way this far and are doing great. Keep going! Your finger dexterity is getting better and smoother with each one.

Let's Debrief!!

FANCY FINGER WORK : These bits are real finger twisters. There is a lot of back an forth going on which can make it hard to play. You did a great job of keeping it together.
SYNCH MASTERY : Handy synch gets more and more important as you go forward. Slip up even a bit and the licks fall apart. Good news, no slip ups!!
FUIDITY: I see more fluidity in your playing which is great. Good playing flows like water. It takes lots of practice to get to that point.
In other words you just...
You also are still our TOP DAWG!!!

QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 13 2019, 06:52 PM) *
I'm sad to hear it! I hope you are alright now! smile.gif Back injuries are very dangerous. It's good though that you can still rock a guitar and managed to finish your thesis! Brain takes some time (especially after a comma) to put the events/memories in proper order and we perceive it as amnesia and sometimes we hallucinate during that process too. I know Iwould probably be heartbroken beyond repair if I lost my skills at guitar after an injury or worse, be unable to re-learn it and keep playing, so I really am glad you can still do it!!!

I submitted my thesis and I'm praying that it will be accepted and I'll be allowed to graduate (I missed the deadline by a week) and I won't ask for a good final grade, just a positive passing one will be enough!

My work issues settled, hopefully. Nobody even talks about it and I don't mention it either. Like it never happened. Even my boss gave me a father-like speech explaining my mistakes and how I can avoid it next time but next time I mess up I'll get fired for sure.

I had a bit of problem with the last one (had to download tabs to make sure I play it right way) and I hope that's good enough! It really is tough in 100+ section but it's also fulfilling to clear it. I just don't know if I'd get halfway here without the thumbless technique. It's like a cheat code and a game-changer!

Posted by: Adam Sep 16 2019, 12:32 AM

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 17 2019, 12:27 AM

There he is doing his thing!!! These are tricky bits bud and you nailed em. You may have noticed that once you crossed the 100 barrier that things get a pinch more tricky in all directions. After 100, you should have all the skills needed to play these bits. You've earned your way here bud. Congrats and well done! Let's Debrief!
SQUIRRLEY BITS: These drills are squirrley. You adapted quite well to these and didn't miss a beat.

MOVING BITS: Not just tricky, but these move!! So you gotta move your hand around, no problems here!!

TRICKY BITS: IT's all tricky from here on out bud and you and more than ready.

You just ...

QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 15 2019, 07:32 PM) *

Posted by: Adam Sep 17 2019, 11:46 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Sep 16 2019, 11:27 PM) *
There he is doing his thing!!! These are tricky bits bud and you nailed em. You may have noticed that once you crossed the 100 barrier that things get a pinch more tricky in all directions. After 100, you should have all the skills needed to play these bits. You've earned your way here bud. Congrats and well done! Let's Debrief!
SQUIRRLEY BITS: These drills are squirrley. You adapted quite well to these and didn't miss a beat.

MOVING BITS: Not just tricky, but these move!! So you gotta move your hand around, no problems here!!

TRICKY BITS: IT's all tricky from here on out bud and you and more than ready.

You just ...


If number 113 was supposed to be an endurance/focus test, it did its job perfectly!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 18 2019, 09:28 PM

NICE!! 113 is a BEAR of a Mission. The drills go from high to low string and back again. Then we do some multi picking and then scale inversions. So yeah, if you have not gotten a good grip on relaxing your arms as you play, then booth arms will get burnout. You do a good job here of NOT tensing up which takes a LOT of work to get used to. You've put in the work so now you can play without TENSING! I don't know if you remember, but you struggled with tensing, as everyone does, at first. It's great to see you no longer struggling but playing it like a pro!!!
Let's Debrief!!

ENDURANCE: As you noticed, this one is an endurance marathon. Without having built up your endurance over the past 100 plus Missions, playing these drills might have melted your arm off smile.gif The good news is that you aveh been diligent and built up your endurance over time, the only way that it can be!

KEEPING PACE: Despite being very complex, you keep pace just fine and are starting to hear the metronome in your head I think!!! It takes a while to hear the click in the mind but I think you are finally getting it!!!!!! Congrats.
PINKY POWER: Great to see you using the pinky so well. I remember way back when, you fought with the pinky, as we all do. Not anymore!!!!!
Congrats man you are kicking Ass and taking names!!!!!
You just....

Keep up your momentum!!
QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 17 2019, 06:46 PM) *
If number 113 was supposed to be an endurance/focus test, it did its job perfectly!

Posted by: Adam Sep 20 2019, 12:50 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Sep 18 2019, 08:28 PM) *
NICE!! 113 is a BEAR of a Mission. The drills go from high to low string and back again. Then we do some multi picking and then scale inversions. So yeah, if you have not gotten a good grip on relaxing your arms as you play, then booth arms will get burnout. You do a good job here of NOT tensing up which takes a LOT of work to get used to. You've put in the work so now you can play without TENSING! I don't know if you remember, but you struggled with tensing, as everyone does, at first. It's great to see you no longer struggling but playing it like a pro!!!
Let's Debrief!!

ENDURANCE: As you noticed, this one is an endurance marathon. Without having built up your endurance over the past 100 plus Missions, playing these drills might have melted your arm off smile.gif The good news is that you aveh been diligent and built up your endurance over time, the only way that it can be!

KEEPING PACE: Despite being very complex, you keep pace just fine and are starting to hear the metronome in your head I think!!! It takes a while to hear the click in the mind but I think you are finally getting it!!!!!! Congrats.
PINKY POWER: Great to see you using the pinky so well. I remember way back when, you fought with the pinky, as we all do. Not anymore!!!!!
Congrats man you are kicking Ass and taking names!!!!!
You just....

Keep up your momentum!!

I did have a bit of muscle tension at the end of the practice but that probably came from a long session that I had while recording the video. I still need more practice to play in such pace completely relaxed.

I'm really exhausted today. My friends all gathered today since forever because everyone has a different work schedule and we've played a long session of Heroes of Might and Magic 3. It was a lot of fun but I didn't feel the time passing and I barely had a while to shoot the Bootcamp video. It was nighttime before I could shoot Quick Licks for today, so I guess I'll skip it today.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 20 2019, 01:48 AM

WELL FOUGHT!!! This one is all about working your SINGLE STRING technique. Traverse is a critical skill, but so is being able to focus on a single string or even a single note.

let's Debrief!!!

LINEAR MECHANICS: This one is all about staying focused on a single string. There are many ways to run a scale on one string. These drills are intended to open your mind to the idea of linear scales. One set of intervals on one string. You can single, double, quad pick, or use all of the above. It's a great way to integate pedal point licks in to your playing. As long as what your are playing makes use of one of the open string notes, any scale will work. You have this technique well in hand.
MUTE: Just like nearly every drill, this requires muting while alternate picking. Nothing sounds quite as cool imho as a strong mute while doing some fancy picking. Well played!!
PACE: it can be tempting to rush or lag given stress and other factors, you don't let yourself drift in time and instead keep a steady and even pace. Nice!!
In short you made short work of this one and ..
*You also still are our TOP DAWWWWWGGG!!!!!!


QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 19 2019, 07:50 PM) *
I did have a bit of muscle tension at the end of the practice but that probably came from a long session that I had while recording the video. I still need more practice to play in such pace completely relaxed.

I'm really exhausted today. My friends all gathered today since forever because everyone has a different work schedule and we've played a long session of Heroes of Might and Magic 3. It was a lot of fun but I didn't feel the time passing and I barely had a while to shoot the Bootcamp video. It was nighttime before I could shoot Quick Licks for today, so I guess I'll skip it today.

Posted by: Adam Sep 20 2019, 11:44 PM

This one was pretty hard and it wasn't even the stretch that made it so. The inversion part took me some time before my brain could process what was going on there.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 21 2019, 01:38 AM

Well Fought Soldier!!!! This one is yet another BEAR of a Mission. Not only are there several bits that you have to play, but you gotta do fret and string traverse as well. Not to mention you gotta stick the landing with the pinky. Great too see you reaching for pinky power and using everything you've learned to pull off something like this!!!
Let's Debrief!!!

STRETCH AND STICK: For starters, right out of the gate, you gotta stick the landing with the pinky and you gotta keep loose so you can reach all the notes. I see you using the THUMBLESS technique!! Well done.
MULTI PICKING MADNESS: Just for fun, we have some MULTI PICKING!!! You fought with multi picking for a short bit but now you have no problem at all with it. Nice!!
INVERT ME: Also, no problem with scale inversions. Inversion playing is just complex and many players struggle ith i. You have clearly put the time in are reaping the benefits.It's great to see you doing so well in Bootcamp Soldier!!! These are NOT easy bits and you are ripping through them like an old Pro! Keep it up! You just..


*Also, you are still our TOP DAWWWGGGG!!!!!!!!


QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 20 2019, 06:44 PM) *
This one was pretty hard and it wasn't even the stretch that made it so. The inversion part took me some time before my brain could process what was going on there.

Posted by: Adam Sep 22 2019, 11:11 PM

I've fallen asleep yesterday in front of computer trying to process the video, hence I'm posting it today.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 23 2019, 06:00 AM

Well Fought Soldier!!! This one has a LOT of moving parts. Well done on getting every single bit of it working well!!

Let's Debrief!!!


MULTI PICKING: I remember when you first hit multi picking! You have come a long way. You had no trouble at all with the multi picking. Score!!
STICKING THE LANDING: This one requires a LOT of traverse. Fret traverse and string traverse. Miss one note, start over. You don't miss a single note for the entire vid. Double Score!!
PINKY POWER: You do a great job of using your pinky on these Soldier. You have really got PINKY POWER these days. It only takes about 100 missions, then bam!! smile.gif Seriously, well played.
In other words you just..

QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 22 2019, 06:11 PM) *
I've fallen asleep yesterday in front of computer trying to process the video, hence I'm posting it today.

Posted by: Adam Sep 25 2019, 12:08 AM

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 25 2019, 05:54 AM

Well Fought Soldier!! You continue to impress with your ability to jump back in to the fight and start swinging!!!!

let's Debrief!!

THUMBLESSNESS: I see you are using the thumbless technique! Well done. It's a great way to let the fingers do the work and reduce tension on the hand. Very often, the thumb applies "overpressure" and as a result, the hand gets fatigued. Thumbless technique helps prevent that. Nice!

TO PICK OR NOT TO PICK: Well done on playing both with a pick and without pick. At this level, being able to play with the left hand only is a requirement. Some folks just can't play with only one hand. For those, they will hit a brick wall in Bootcamp. You are not one of those people. For you, the pick is a tone choice at this point, as it should be. Very Nice!!

MEMORY MAN: Memorizing all of these drills is tough bit to pull off. You do it every time!! Super congrats on being able eto memorize all of these!! Mega Kill!! You have fought through Hell yet again Soldier!! and..



QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 24 2019, 07:08 PM) *

Posted by: Adam Sep 26 2019, 12:06 AM

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 26 2019, 03:40 AM

Well Fought Soldier!!! This is a great run to be sure. I throw a LOT of bits at you in this Mission. A lesser man would crumble under the strain!! Not you Soldier!! You push through to the target and move in for the kill!
Let's Debrief!!!!!

BLIND GUARDIAN: You are doing a great job of memorizing these drills to the point where you don't even have to look at the guitar neck when you play them. This is a great example of learning a lick so well that eyes are no longer needed. You can play it blind!

MULTI PICK FOR THE WIN: Lots of Multi Picking in this group of Missions. It can really be a stumbling block if one is not ready. You sir are more than ready. Your multi picking is on point. I think you could do these drills in Quad Pick and Beyond without trouble. Try to push your multi picking! See if you can double whatever the drill says. If it says doubles, play quads, if it says quads play Octa (8 strikes per note)

READY FOR BATTLE: You are more than ready for these Missions Soldier. I think you are also ready for what is coming for you in near future. Stand ready Soldier!! in other words you just...


*You are still our TOP DAWWWWWG!!!!!!


QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 25 2019, 07:06 PM) *

Posted by: Adam Sep 26 2019, 10:45 PM

I'll try adding x4 multipicking to my routine, as you suggest.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 27 2019, 12:48 AM

5 Note Per String Tapping is not a thing that everybody can play. It's something that some folks find great difficulty in pulling off (no pun intended). Then to add a 6th note with the double tap is asking even more. Let's Debrief!
TAPPING ON HEAVENS DOOR: This is a HUGE ask for tapping licks. Not only do you have to play all these bits, you gotta connect all these bits in to one long tapping sequence at the end. No Problem!!

DOUBLE TAPPING ON HEAVENS DOOR: The Double Tap at the end is pretty advanced stuff. Just like other bits, some folks just can't seem to double tap. Not a problem for you!! Nice.

PINKY TAPPING FOR GOOD MEASURE: Using the pinky is the only way to play long stretchy bits so it's good to see your pinky on point!!!
You got this soldier. The only thing I'd suggest is just a pinch more gain. I don't know if it's even possible with your current setup, but if it is, I'd say add just a bit more. Just a suggestion.
You just..


QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 26 2019, 05:45 PM) *
I'll try adding x4 multipicking to my routine, as you suggest.

Posted by: Adam Sep 28 2019, 12:03 AM

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 28 2019, 02:19 AM

Congrats on getting this far Soldier!! You continue to impress with your consistent brutality!! Keep it up!!
Let's Debrief!!

OPEN STRING MADNESS: Open string licks are sometimes very hard to keep clean. You do a good job of keeping your mute while playing these. If one doesn't keep a good mute, these licks get really noisey. If you can add a pinch more gain I'd suggest it. You may not be able to add any more depending on your rig. It's not a deal killer, just a suggestion.
SYNCH: Synch is crucial in licks like these. Gotta strike at the right spot or these will not work. Your synch has improved great over these Missions!
TRAVERSAL: These licks are all about string traverse. They are built to make your fingers get used to moving between strings. Players sometimes get stuck on the same two or three strings when riffing and even soloing. It's important to be able to be comfortable on all the strings which you are!!
You've got these down Soldier!! You are ready for whats next!!!!
You just.....

QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 27 2019, 07:03 PM) *

Posted by: Adam Sep 29 2019, 01:40 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Sep 28 2019, 02:19 AM) *
Congrats on getting this far Soldier!! You continue to impress with your consistent brutality!! Keep it up!!
Let's Debrief!!

OPEN STRING MADNESS: Open string licks are sometimes very hard to keep clean. You do a good job of keeping your mute while playing these. If one doesn't keep a good mute, these licks get really noisey. If you can add a pinch more gain I'd suggest it. You may not be able to add any more depending on your rig. It's not a deal killer, just a suggestion.
SYNCH: Synch is crucial in licks like these. Gotta strike at the right spot or these will not work. Your synch has improved great over these Missions!
TRAVERSAL: These licks are all about string traverse. They are built to make your fingers get used to moving between strings. Players sometimes get stuck on the same two or three strings when riffing and even soloing. It's important to be able to be comfortable on all the strings which you are!!
You've got these down Soldier!! You are ready for whats next!!!!
You just.....


Thank you! I'm trying to push fast and hard. There's a lot of ground to cover, so the sooner I get used to the speed, the sooner I can move on to the more advanced stuff! I did some research and it seems I won't even get close to YJM, Becker or Turilli without being efficient at Econ Picking, so I'm using some of my practice time just for that. I'm almost certain it's also a necessary skill to start sweep picking at a reasonable efficiency.

This solo below is the thing that got me into playing guitar and it's still inspiring today. Hopefully I'll be able to play it someday wink.gif

Regarding the gain, that was all my smaller amp can do without any stompboxes, in today's vids I plugged my Keeley DS1, so hopefully that makes it better!

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 29 2019, 02:45 AM

That is a great solo in that Song! I noticed he starts out using a LOT of open string technique that is very similar to some of the open string licks we do in bootcamp/quick licks, and he makes use of just about every technique that we cover in one Solo. smile.gif It's a great solo to start learning but yeah it's going to be a long term project but that's ok. Every solo you've ever heard was written the same way that it's learned. One note at a time. Try to grab the tablature for it if you don't have it already and see which parts of the solo are somewhat in your range Focus on those bits and as your playing grows, add more parts of the solo.

You are spot on on ECON picking in terms of YGM and others. They have very well developed econ skills. The only player I can think of that avoids econ is Paul Gilbert. For him, it's all about alt picking, even when econ would be more efficient, such as playing "Technical Difficulties". He does the entire thing alt pick, which burns my hand off.

Econ is related to sweeping in that a sweep is often initiated with a down stroke followed by a down rake across the strings, as you get to the high string it's often strings one often reverses to a down stroke and heads back down the strings with a downward rake. So in essence it's one BIG Econ lick. smile.gif

Let's Debrief!!
MULTI PICK RAMPAGE Multi picking is on point! You continue to impress me with how well you have adapted to it!

SYNCH OR SWIM Hand synch is very solid. Great to see your hands so handy on this. Without it, precision is impossible.

FINGER DANCE Finger agility is key in all of this. Your fingers have gotten much more agile over these missions and I hope to see them get even more so!!

TONE CAMP!I don't hear much extra distortion on your signal here. If you added a distortion pedal, it sounds like the dist/gain knob may be down? Whatever it's set at I'd say double it or roof it and see how that sounds. Adding gain adds noise so you may need to add a noise gate. I'd like to hear your "lead tone" whatever that may be. The tone you would use if you were playing a show or recording a new track. Part of playing is finding a tone that works with your style of play and the amount of pressure used in your hands.

You got this soldier!
You just..

QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 28 2019, 08:40 PM) *

Thank you! I'm trying to push fast and hard. There's a lot of ground to cover, so the sooner I get used to the speed, the sooner I can move on to the more advanced stuff! I did some research and it seems I won't even get close to YJM, Becker or Turilli without being efficient at Econ Picking, so I'm using some of my practice time just for that. I'm almost certain it's also a necessary skill to start sweep picking at a reasonable efficiency.

This solo below is the thing that got me into playing guitar and it's still inspiring today. Hopefully I'll be able to play it someday wink.gif

Regarding the gain, that was all my smaller amp can do without any stompboxes, in today's vids I plugged my Keeley DS1, so hopefully that makes it better!

Posted by: Adam Sep 30 2019, 02:23 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Sep 29 2019, 02:45 AM) *
That is a great solo in that Song! I noticed he starts out using a LOT of open string technique that is very similar to some of the open string licks we do in bootcamp/quick licks, and he makes use of just about every technique that we cover in one Solo. smile.gif It's a great solo to start learning but yeah it's going to be a long term project but that's ok. Every solo you've ever heard was written the same way that it's learned. One note at a time. Try to grab the tablature for it if you don't have it already and see which parts of the solo are somewhat in your range Focus on those bits and as your playing grows, add more parts of the solo.

You are spot on on ECON picking in terms of YGM and others. They have very well developed econ skills. The only player I can think of that avoids econ is Paul Gilbert. For him, it's all about alt picking, even when econ would be more efficient, such as playing "Technical Difficulties". He does the entire thing alt pick, which burns my hand off.

Econ is related to sweeping in that a sweep is often initiated with a down stroke followed by a down rake across the strings, as you get to the high string it's often strings one often reverses to a down stroke and heads back down the strings with a downward rake. So in essence it's one BIG Econ lick. smile.gif

Let's Debrief!!
MULTI PICK RAMPAGE Multi picking is on point! You continue to impress me with how well you have adapted to it!

SYNCH OR SWIM Hand synch is very solid. Great to see your hands so handy on this. Without it, precision is impossible.

FINGER DANCE Finger agility is key in all of this. Your fingers have gotten much more agile over these missions and I hope to see them get even more so!!

TONE CAMP!I don't hear much extra distortion on your signal here. If you added a distortion pedal, it sounds like the dist/gain knob may be down? Whatever it's set at I'd say double it or roof it and see how that sounds. Adding gain adds noise so you may need to add a noise gate. I'd like to hear your "lead tone" whatever that may be. The tone you would use if you were playing a show or recording a new track. Part of playing is finding a tone that works with your style of play and the amount of pressure used in your hands.

You got this soldier!
You just..


I have the tabs and it is true. Turilli used pretty much every shred concept in this piece. This song has a Classical guitar intro which I've been focusing on, as it's much easier and I'm learning a lot from it as well. This solo here starts with Econ picking but it's smooth like a sweep, hence my question about these two. With a proper tempo, I should be able to play most of it as I get used to the fingering over time.

The amp I use for most of my practice is a small solid-state Kustom. I'm not sure how much quality is lost through recording though, because when I crank up the stompbox it sounds like a stack of Marshall (but again, that's not a hi-gain thing).

I used Zombie, which is designed after Mesa Mk IV or Dual Recto, with an OD in front of it and this is what I'd use for recording serious stuff. It might need some adjusting but I hope this has enough gain. I recorded a part of previous lesson just for comparison.

Today's lesson was a real trip to hell and back and I don't mean the legato itself. With no picking hand, the only way to keep the strings muted while letting them ring when hammered down required having the picking hand on the fretboard and keeping it this way for too long was a bit... let's just say I don't have that kind of stamina.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Sep 30 2019, 03:18 AM

Well Fought !!!! This one requires a massive amount of stamina on the fretting hand. These drills are all great for working up your left hand power. Do enough of these and you really won't need the pick at all unless you want to have picking tone. Keep one of these as your daily warmup. It will improve your stamina and give you FINGER POWER!!
Let's Debrief!

FINGER POWER Without finger power, these licks just don't make any sound. You have developed good finger power over the series. Keep it up!!

GRACE UNDER PRESSURE These are very tricky and you didn't even flinch!!! Points for that!!

OVER HAND MUTE The overhand mute is quite difficult. It obstructs the view of the neck and just feels sorta wrong. Sometimes, it's the only way that works. Well done!!
This was ROUGH mission Soldier but you killed it!!
You just...


QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 29 2019, 09:23 PM) *
I have the tabs and it is true. Turilli used pretty much every shred concept in this piece. This song has a Classical guitar intro which I've been focusing on, as it's much easier and I'm learning a lot from it as well. This solo here starts with Econ picking but it's smooth like a sweep, hence my question about these two. With a proper tempo, I should be able to play most of it as I get used to the fingering over time.

The amp I use for most of my practice is a small solid-state Kustom. I'm not sure how much quality is lost through recording though, because when I crank up the stompbox it sounds like a stack of Marshall (but again, that's not a hi-gain thing).

I used Zombie, which is designed after Mesa Mk IV or Dual Recto, with an OD in front of it and this is what I'd use for recording serious stuff. It might need some adjusting but I hope this has enough gain. I recorded a part of previous lesson just for comparison.

Today's lesson was a real trip to hell and back and I don't mean the legato itself. With no picking hand, the only way to keep the strings muted while letting them ring when hammered down required having the picking hand on the fretboard and keeping it this way for too long was a bit... let's just say I don't have that kind of stamina.

Posted by: Adam Oct 1 2019, 02:20 AM

I've managed to snipe Marty Friedman's Introduction album! Not only these are super rare in Polish used market but also mine was listed at a really good price! smile.gif

Posted by: Todd Simpson Oct 1 2019, 06:38 AM

Enjoy the Marty! I had Dragons Mistress is that the one you got?

Lets Debrief!!

MOVING ZONE This one requires you to traverse frets and and strings. Without good traversal skills, these bits are impossible to play. You've developed a very good traverse technique. Nice!

DANCING FINGERS PART II This one requires serious finger agility and you've earned your way to it!!

TIMING Solid timing, not rushing or laggins. Score!You got this Soldier, you just..


the one called
QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 30 2019, 09:20 PM) *
I've managed to snipe Marty Friedman's Introduction album! Not only these are super rare in Polish used market but also mine was listed at a really good price! smile.gif

Posted by: Adam Oct 2 2019, 02:44 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Oct 1 2019, 06:38 AM) *
Enjoy the Marty! I had Dragons Mistress is that the one you got?

Lets Debrief!!

MOVING ZONE This one requires you to traverse frets and and strings. Without good traversal skills, these bits are impossible to play. You've developed a very good traverse technique. Nice!

DANCING FINGERS PART II This one requires serious finger agility and you've earned your way to it!!

TIMING Solid timing, not rushing or laggins. Score!You got this Soldier, you just..


the one called

That one is more guitar-oriented and shreddy. Introductions and Scenes are multi-instrumental and classical sounding but it's a nice change from high-paced tracks. I'm trying to get that album and Scenes too, they are all great and really underrated!

Today's lesson was a blitz in a sense that it was pretty easy (compared to a few previous missions, on its own it's still a tough one!). I had much more trouble with the Quick Licks I did but I'd run out of time if the Bootcamp mission took longer than it did.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Oct 2 2019, 04:44 AM

Soldier you have come a LONG way! This Mission has some complex bits in but you've made it so far along that they seem easy!!! Well done there. The multi picking inversion is something that not everyone can play. You had no problem! That's progress!!! Sadly your tone took a bit of a step back and we lost your distortion! is there a way to add your pedals to your Bootcamp Misssions? I'd like to try to help you with your tone to get it "Gig Ready!"
Let's Debrief!!
MULTI PICK INVERSION: Not only did you nail the multi pick but you did it while doing a scale inversion!! That's a killer combo.
FINGER DANCE III: Non stop finger dancing on this one. You have come a long way to find this easy!
PRECISION PATROL: More and more precision each mission. Keep it up!!
You just..


QUOTE (Adam @ Oct 1 2019, 09:44 PM) *
That one is more guitar-oriented and shreddy. Introductions and Scenes are multi-instrumental and classical sounding but it's a nice change from high-paced tracks. I'm trying to get that album and Scenes too, they are all great and really underrated!

Today's lesson was a blitz in a sense that it was pretty easy (compared to a few previous missions, on its own it's still a tough one!). I had much more trouble with the Quick Licks I did but I'd run out of time if the Bootcamp mission took longer than it did.

Posted by: Adam Oct 2 2019, 01:30 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Oct 2 2019, 04:44 AM) *
Soldier you have come a LONG way! This Mission has some complex bits in but you've made it so far along that they seem easy!!! Well done there. The multi picking inversion is something that not everyone can play. You had no problem! That's progress!!! Sadly your tone took a bit of a step back and we lost your distortion! is there a way to add your pedals to your Bootcamp Misssions? I'd like to try to help you with your tone to get it "Gig Ready!"
Let's Debrief!!
MULTI PICK INVERSION: Not only did you nail the multi pick but you did it while doing a scale inversion!! That's a killer combo.
FINGER DANCE III: Non stop finger dancing on this one. You have come a long way to find this easy!
PRECISION PATROL: More and more precision each mission. Keep it up!!
You just..



I'm sorry about the tone! I was trying to record the last part (Quick Licks) just after nighttime started and I didn't want any trouble, so I only used slight overdrive. As for the rest of the video, the speaker cab is about 2 meters away from my recording tablet (perhaps I should have said so much sooner) and I had to turn down the volume a bit, even before the nighttime started. That's probably why I hear quite a lot of gain but some of it is lost in the video. There's a chance I will get a mic and a mixer console after graduation, so hopefully, all the issues will be gone then.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Oct 2 2019, 09:32 PM

Can you add your pedals to the Bootcamp setup so that you can play quietly, and not disturb people, but still get more gain/distortion on your signal?


QUOTE (Adam @ Oct 2 2019, 08:30 AM) *
I'm sorry about the tone! I was trying to record the last part (Quick Licks) just after nighttime started and I didn't want any trouble, so I only used slight overdrive. As for the rest of the video, the speaker cab is about 2 meters away from my recording tablet (perhaps I should have said so much sooner) and I had to turn down the volume a bit, even before the nighttime started. That's probably why I hear quite a lot of gain but some of it is lost in the video. There's a chance I will get a mic and a mixer console after graduation, so hopefully, all the issues will be gone then.

Posted by: Adam Oct 2 2019, 10:56 PM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Oct 2 2019, 09:32 PM) *
Can you add your pedals to the Bootcamp setup so that you can play quietly, and not disturb people, but still get more gain/distortion on your signal?


When I'm playing at my usual time of the day nobody minds it when it's louder. I'll just try to overcome my laziness and keep playing during the daytime until I get the mic.

Posted by: Todd Simpson Oct 3 2019, 01:43 AM

Whatever works for you works for me smile.gif What pedals do you have in your chain?

QUOTE (Adam @ Oct 2 2019, 05:56 PM) *
When I'm playing at my usual time of the day nobody minds it when it's louder. I'll just try to overcome my laziness and keep playing during the daytime until I get the mic.

Posted by: Adam Oct 3 2019, 04:03 AM

QUOTE (Todd Simpson @ Oct 3 2019, 01:43 AM) *
Whatever works for you works for me smile.gif What pedals do you have in your chain?

I have OD3, DS1 (regular) and DS1 (Keeley), as far as the distortion/od is concerned but with Zombie amp I mostly use OD3 because it's not lacking gain, only the tone. In effects loop I use either DD7 or ISP 1 noise gate or nothing.

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