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GMC Forum _ Cosmin Lupu _ Scorpiotic's Phrasing Workshop

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu May 19 2012, 12:07 PM

Hey my friend smile.gif needless to say, this thread here belongs to...YOU biggrin.gif thanks for choosing me!

Tell me a bit about yourself, your playing/ sources of inspiration and your future musical plans, please, so we can start rockin' wink.gif


Posted by: Scorpiotic May 20 2012, 01:26 PM

Ok cool smile.gif

I've been playing guitar for about 6 years, with varying interest/motivation/progress...
Inspiration comes from a wide specter of bands/artists, from soft rock like John Mayer to harder bands like Children of Bodom and Slipknot. Recently had increased interest in prog metal (Dream Theater and Beyond the Bridge in particular) and also orchestral/epic metal (Delain, Hammerfall and Kamelot would be examples). Also, bands like Anberlin, Avenged Sevenfold (quite a devoted fan of their music) Disturbed, Alter Bridge (saw ur lesson on them, look'em up and now about 10-20 songs of theirs fills my ipod tongue.gif ) and Three Days Grace are bands that have inspired me over the years. The list goes on and on, and varies over weeks. Some days Anberlin is all i listen too, then suddenly Dope and Disturbed is what keeps my ears busy...

These days my guitar playing is limited to the GMC lessons and a few "spur-of-the-moment" recordings. I can never seem to finish a song. I will get a really cool riff in my head, recording in, and through the process of adding bass, drums and putting it all together, the interest and inspiration slips away and another project is ended half-way... really hoping to get to the finish line at some point tongue.gif

My future plans; the dream (and here goes unoriginality) is to play in a band, full-time as my job. However, right now I'm content with developing my abilities as a guitarist and songwriter, sort of making materials for when the time to form a band that will stand the test of time comes. I've been in a few bands, never lasted long though; some where school projects, other bands were formed to participate in school and festival talentshows, but never really went beyond that.

As with my inspiration and the bands I listen to, what I want to write is all over the board. I just can't seem to decide what kind of genre i'm better at writing or what i enjoy the most. Of course one can write anything, but thinking forward about forming a band at some point, the material needs to be cohesive in some way so that all the pieces (songs) compliment each other to make an understandable image that listeners can relate to easily without being "confused"

A bit of rambling on there, maybe a bit more than you wanted, I get carried away with thoughts when I write hehe
Well, thats about where I stand now...

As I mentioned in the first message i sent you, I think the fields i want to work on are writing/producing songs and guitar techniques/fluency. I feel i have a fairly good knowledge of music theory, so thats not so much an issue smile.gif

Looking forward to get started smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu May 20 2012, 05:20 PM

smile.gif mate, your so called 'ranting' is a very good starting point for our work together. The more I know, the more I can help you with wink.gif

Your listening preferences are very, very close to mine - aside from the epic metal, which I am not into - biggrin.gif which is another good thing wink.gif we can relate so that's good! Song writing/ orchestrating is a very lengthy process, which requires time, patience and dedication. A good song idea can pop out at any time, but transforming that idea into a full fledged 'audio story', well that's a different thing.

Living off of music is a great thing to be and a good goal, once you can earn sufficient money out of music so that it will sustain all your needs, you are there. There are a lot of ways in which you can earn money out of music, not only gigging and selling albums (even though that's the most beautiful and soul rewarding part)

Here's how i would start smile.gif first of all, I would be very glad if you could send me some recordings of yourself, so that i may see where we stand. After that, we can take your riffs and ideas and start working on them smile.gif create structures and orchestrate them together.

What do you think man?


Posted by: Scorpiotic May 21 2012, 12:42 AM

Sounds good cool.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu May 21 2012, 04:29 PM

Great! We'll start as soon as you send some materials!


Posted by: Scorpiotic May 30 2012, 11:55 AM

Hi Cosmin,

Exams recently started, or the studying for it at least, so I'm a bit busy with that, I'll try to do some recordings within the week.


Posted by: Cosmin Lupu May 30 2012, 10:03 PM

Alright man! No biggie - I am here once you are ready and you can send some stuff my way smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Jun 3 2012, 03:00 PM


Unfortunately I've not been able to get any recordings done with studying and exams...
instead of setting a new deadline for any takes which i may or may not break, all i can say is i will get the takes done as soon as possible.

Cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Jun 3 2012, 08:11 PM

Hey man! Take care with the exams, finish the studies and then put your focus into the guitar smile.gif I am here when you are ready wink.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Aug 2 2012, 05:19 AM

Hi Cosmin, I'm back smile.gif
took longer than intended though...

Anyway, I'm having some recording issues... I prefer recording guitar playing while jamming to songs - thats usually how my ideas spawns. Problem is, I cant find a way to record live without having 1 of 2 problems;

Using FL Studio and ASIO4ALL driver, I can record easily with virtually no latency, but I can't run iTunes or youtube or anything else to jam along to, as ASIO mutes everything but FL Studio.

The other problem is, if I use Reaper I can record guitar while listening to other songs from other programs, but with a latency that is really annoying and throws my rhythm out the window...

Made a thread about it
but nothing yet... Can you think of any work-arounds or programs that could help with this?

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Aug 2 2012, 03:14 PM

Hey mate, glad to have you back smile.gif

I tend to agree with Todd abotu upgrading your PC and interface - but until then, a simple recording with a camera that also captures sound will do, as long as you place it in the right spot and make a few tests to make sure that the volumes are ok - both backing and guitar smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Aug 6 2012, 12:51 AM

ok thanks smile.gif i'll get on the recordings

btw - to play songs in drop C or drop B, is it necessary with a baritone guitar or a special set of strings, or can you use a regular guitar with regular strings?

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Aug 6 2012, 09:49 AM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Aug 5 2012, 11:51 PM) *
ok thanks smile.gif i'll get on the recordings

btw - to play songs in drop C or drop B, is it necessary with a baritone guitar or a special set of strings, or can you use a regular guitar with regular strings?

Alright mate, well, for drop C and B, you can use a regular guitar but you need higher gauge strings - 10-52s will work ok for drop C and for drop B, 11-54s are perfect.

You can also use 11-54s for drop C, but string bending will become a bit of a nuisance... smile.gif


Posted by: Scorpiotic Aug 8 2012, 03:39 PM

ok thanks i'll remember that next time i buy strings smile.gif

here's the first recording - i'm not too happy with it, but i figured if i am to wait and work with anything until i'm completely happy with it, i miht never actually get to share anything with you x] so here it is anyways... I think its ok, (mixing/balance could use some work though), but how I would add a lead guitar or vocals to it; i'm pretty clueless... I guess thats why i'm here tongue.gif


 GMC1.mp3 ( 893.5K ) : 185

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Aug 9 2012, 09:37 AM

Hey man! This is very nice! It has a grungy 90's rock vibe to it wink.gif

Now - in order to see what you can play over it as a lead line:

1) How did you come up with it in the first place?
2) Did it come to you fast, or you had to arrange, trim, cut, play, until it was there?
3) Listen to it and sing what you hear in your head as a lead melody first.
4) Shape it until it's clear and you can transpose it on the guitar smile.gif
5) Analyze it and see what happened from the theoretical perspective

Points 3)-5) are my way of writing biggrin.gif

What do you think?


Posted by: Scorpiotic Aug 25 2012, 02:21 AM

1. tinkering with '5-chords
2. fairly quick

steps 3-5 is underway... having trouble finding something that harmonizes well with it, my usual point of frustration. I guess I construct the riffs kind of single minded, so when its done I just can't add to it as it is a part on its own...
Could you make a take on it? Would be interesting to different ways of working from the same base.
I will make mine without listening to yours though, trying to make it "my way", if that makes sense...

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Aug 25 2012, 12:18 PM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Aug 25 2012, 01:21 AM) *
1. tinkering with '5-chords
2. fairly quick

steps 3-5 is underway... having trouble finding something that harmonizes well with it, my usual point of frustration. I guess I construct the riffs kind of single minded, so when its done I just can't add to it as it is a part on its own...
Could you make a take on it? Would be interesting to different ways of working from the same base.
I will make mine without listening to yours though, trying to make it "my way", if that makes sense...

Hey mate sure, I'll try and think about something and see what comes out biggrin.gif then post it here wink.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 3 2012, 04:53 PM

Hey there mate! Would you please send me the drum track? smile.gif I got some ideas biggrin.gif I have been working on for your phrase!

Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 15 2012, 11:23 AM

Hey mate, finally got around to recording it. I think I had other ideas too, but they got lost as I put off recording it... anyway here is drum track and my recording with a lead. Again, even mixing hasn't been done, just focused on putting the idea on the table (the lead isn't as clear and smooth as I want it, but again, just to get the idea out, and I think I was able to do that)

Hope we can work with it

Already felt that I'm tired of this riff and just want to chuck it out and make something else to be honest... Like that what I got so far is not representative of what I want to have as "my music". Its recorded more of convenience (I was able to sort of) as opposed me thinking "oh yea, this is f**** great, I wanna make this song something special"

So yea, lets see where it ends up... smile.gif

as regarding your steps 3-4-5, I sort of cheated. I initially did sort of work around with it in my head, but then it eventually ended up just recording this while having the first track on loop, and this section here is what had the best fit from my jamming... i had other stuff too, which maybe was better, but it felt more like soloing, something to be heard once in the song, as opposed to repeatedly with the main riff...

So step 3-4 I skipped I guess, as for 5 and theory, its built around A minor... thats what I got tongue.gif

 GMC1_drumtrack.mp3 ( 2.52MB ) : 168
 GMC2.mp3 ( 2.52MB ) : 171

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 16 2012, 02:19 PM

Alright! I'll record my ideas tomorrow wink.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 21 2012, 05:50 PM

Looking forward to hear your ideas smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 22 2012, 05:17 PM

Gimme a bit more time mate, pls smile.gif I also found a vocal line laugh.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 23 2012, 10:02 AM

No problem bud smile.gif Excited to hear the vocal line

I've also had an idea for another song (I dont think it will fit well into the riff we already have) and I feel better about this one.
Going to harmonize it, I expect something like a Bullet For My Valentine or Avenged Sevenfold feel, which I really hope I can pull off smile.gif

Also; initially I said that I would mostly work on songs, but I've realised that to execute my thoughts well and produce music, I need more training actually playing; do you know any good exercises for improving fret-hand speed?
My picking is fast enough, but my fretting hand seems to not be able to keep up, hit well/clean and also sort of gets out of control (saying I play 1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2 etc with 1 finger pr fret, suddenly my ring-finger will stop intermittently, leading to 1-2-2-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-2-2-1-2 etc for instance). This is really problematic when playing fast passages, and therefore also writing them (I can think them, but not execute them).

Cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 24 2012, 09:13 AM

Hey mate, it's all about getting your body used for a certain movement and it's achieved through practicing slowly and then gradually building up speed, once you can play correct and in good timing.

We can work on that sort of stuff as well - I suggest legato and alternate picking combined - 1 hr / day of these should do the trick, if done with great focus and determination wink.gif

What say you?


Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 24 2012, 01:56 PM

Yea thats pretty much what I had in mind too smile.gif I was wondering if you know of any licks/etudes here on GMC or extracts from a song with passages that fit this kind of practice?
Sure I can just do the "generic" half-steps and similar or make something up, but it'll likely engage me more if there is a "soundtrack" to back up my practicing smile.gif


Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 25 2012, 08:34 AM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Sep 24 2012, 12:56 PM) *
Yea thats pretty much what I had in mind too smile.gif I was wondering if you know of any licks/etudes here on GMC or extracts from a song with passages that fit this kind of practice?
Sure I can just do the "generic" half-steps and similar or make something up, but it'll likely engage me more if there is a "soundtrack" to back up my practicing smile.gif


Mate, I would DEFINITELY start working out on a certain series here, called 'Ben's Land of Legato' - I suggest we start working on them together and try to get your hands in shape, eh?

Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 25 2012, 01:09 PM

sure thing, i'll check it out smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 26 2012, 08:33 AM

So, what do you think so far mate?

Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 26 2012, 11:21 AM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Sep 26 2012, 08:33 AM) *
So, what do you think so far mate?

So far of what? Anything specific?

If you mean in general I'll say it feels good to get some projects going and staying with them. Working with you gives somewhat of a band feeling, in the way that other people expect that I deliver something, which is good because it makes me stay with things longer than I normally would, which might give results. I'm just looking forward to, at some point, finish a song and really feel proud of it. I'm not sure it'll be this first one, but its a start smile.gif Maybe your ideas can make it more exciting/alive tongue.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 27 2012, 10:21 AM

Glad to know we're on the right path wink.gif

I will help out in the 'band' direction for certain - that's the final goal right? Making music!

How about the legato series? are you ready to record something for me? biggrin.gif


Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 27 2012, 03:08 PM

Making music it is wink.gif

hehe, not really, still on Bens land of legato pt 1 and i can bare finish it, need to work stamina in fingers... also be better at hitting the string cleanly, and lastly be able to move around.... for a lvl 3 lesson, its tough...
have also looked at the first lesson i ever learned here at GMC; 5/4 solo by Juan Valero... not as fast as Ben's legato stuff but still challenging to me to pick it back up, build finger strength and thicker skin on fingertips tongue.gif
i'll keep on it for a couple more days and see if i'm comfortable with recording it wink.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 28 2012, 09:51 AM

Good morning mate! I say - 2 recordings you should send me biggrin.gif

1) Ben's lesson
2) The 5/4 lesson

Both at 75% of the actual tempo, but focused on playing tight and in good timing wink.gif

What do you think?


Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 28 2012, 02:55 PM

yea i'll do them, but i'd rather do them at full speed and take a bit extra time practicing...
I'll record within the week, hopefully (its assignment season at my university the coming weeks)


Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Sep 29 2012, 12:10 PM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Sep 28 2012, 01:55 PM) *
yea i'll do them, but i'd rather do them at full speed and take a bit extra time practicing...
I'll record within the week, hopefully (its assignment season at my university the coming weeks)


As you wish mate, but it would be better to have something recorded slow, at first so that we may discuss on the way you approached it and then kick it to full speed wink.gif

The choice is yours!


Posted by: Scorpiotic Sep 30 2012, 03:57 AM

good point... i'll get some done asap smile.gif
how are your takes coming?

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 1 2012, 01:36 PM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Sep 30 2012, 02:57 AM) *
good point... i'll get some done asap smile.gif
how are your takes coming?

Hey mate, I think I can send you a take tomorrow smile.gif Looking forward to your feedback - I will record the vocal line with the guitar though biggrin.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 3 2012, 11:54 AM

Hey mate smile.gif This here is my take on your groove and riff - I transformed it as I felt, so please let me know on what you think.


 Riff_idea.mp3 ( 723.25K ) : 133

Posted by: Scorpiotic Oct 3 2012, 02:45 PM

wow I love it smile.gif i could hear the base riff I made for the first 2 bars or so, then it disappeared, donnu if if it got lost or you removed it.... doesnt matter, that was really cool smile.gif Mine sounds way crude in comparison... btw you never told me what you thought of the lead line I made?

but yea, your version sound way more interesting to work with smile.gif i think i remember reading you saying alter bridge was one of - if not THE- favvorite band, and i feel i heard that there... wink.gif

I know that programs etc wont make me a better musician, its more about how you know to use the tools as opposed to what tools you are using, I've understood that... However, I'm using FL Studio 10 and I often hear that I should switch to an "actual" DAW, as FL Studio is viewed more of a sampling mixer etc as opposed to an actual DAW...

So what DAW's/plugins have you found useful for recording, editing and mixing? I feel I have a good working basic knowledge which can be applied to most music software, but no particular advanced skill anywhere...

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 4 2012, 09:08 AM

Thanks mate! Glad ya like it! Well, taking things one at a time smile.gif

Alter Bridge is definitely among my favorite bands and I think I mentioned I liked your lead line but it needed a bit more development (that's the next recording I'll try over this riff).

Regarding the DAW - man, I learned to use them in time without any tutorials or stuff, just by experimenting and having my good friend and band mate near. He experimented long before me and I learned a lot from him.

I now use Samplitude and before that I have used Logic Audio. About pluggins, I use Variverb for all the delays/ reverb effects you would hear in the riff.

Posted by: Scorpiotic Oct 4 2012, 02:27 PM

all good bud smile.gif
btw, could you upload a GP file or some sort of tab for your take? Would be interesting to see how you approached it

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 5 2012, 08:57 AM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Oct 4 2012, 01:27 PM) *
all good bud smile.gif
btw, could you upload a GP file or some sort of tab for your take? Would be interesting to see how you approached it

Mate, I have a better idea - How about if we turn this into an ear training exercise and I send you the separate guitar tracks wink.gif so that you can figure out the riffage. I can assist of course smile.gif

Are you up for the challenge?


Posted by: Scorpiotic Oct 6 2012, 11:18 AM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Oct 5 2012, 08:57 AM) *
Mate, I have a better idea - How about if we turn this into an ear training exercise and I send you the separate guitar tracks wink.gif so that you can figure out the riffage. I can assist of course smile.gif

Are you up for the challenge?


haha yea sure tongue.gif
i gotta warn you, it might take quite a while... on a scale from 1-10 i'm a 4 at plucking individual notes (under a certain tempo) and close to 1-2 for chords... but sure, challenges are what we grow by doing, thats why im here i guess tongue.gif

So our working list currently;

Me to do;
5/4 at 75%
Bens Legato at 75%
Pluck your riff when you send the guitar track
Start second riff

You to do;
Send guitar track
Vocal line

Thats pretty extensive tongue.gif i'll have more time available when I go back home late November, but what I send may change as I have a different rig back home, and different guitars (too much hassle and costs bringing everything back and forth Norway-Australia...)

Is there anything else on our schedule/"to do" that I missed?


Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 9 2012, 09:19 AM

Hey mate! What a list! biggrin.gif I'll send the tracks a bit later on today, as I got caught up with stuff regarding my band's video - we're shooting tomorrow and there are still a lot of things to be taken care of smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Oct 12 2012, 05:54 PM

np bud, good luck with the video biggrin.gif

the 5/4 solo full speed (felt comfortable enough with it)
did about 10-15 takes, this is the best one of them. im fairly happy with it. i drop it one place as u'll probably hear, but it was the best of the ones I did so... tongue.gif

will get back to you about bens legato but i gotta say - my fingers are aching... even that first one requires a lot of stamina tongue.gif

 5.4_full.wav ( 22.75MB ) : 151

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 13 2012, 08:01 AM

Hey man!! I'll get to ya about the tracks and the violin pluggin biggrin.gif I didn't forget about it wink.gif

Anyway, your take seems correct, but there would be two main spots where you need to work on a bit more:

- articulation: there are some bends which seem unsure, especially when you don't reach the correct pitch perfectly
- timing - it is good, but you need to interpret the piece now, that you have got it in your system smile.gif

The 5/4 time signature is not necessarily the easiest thing, but I think that if you get the pulse, you can understand it and apply it in more contexts rather than just this lesson.

Do we have a deal, mate?


Posted by: Scorpiotic Oct 13 2012, 09:49 AM

All good smile.gif

Yes sir, I'll keep it in mind smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 13 2012, 11:24 AM

Perfect! smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 16 2012, 09:36 PM

Howdy mate! Here are the guitar tracks biggrin.gif

Have fun and let me know what you discover wink.gif


Posted by: Scorpiotic Oct 30 2012, 01:57 AM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Oct 16 2012, 09:36 PM) *
Howdy mate! Here are the guitar tracks biggrin.gif

Have fun and let me know what you discover wink.gif


hey there,

been really busy, so all GMC has been put on hold for the moment...
that second link doesnt work, but first one is ok.
I'll get back to it as soon as I can smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Oct 30 2012, 10:54 PM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Oct 30 2012, 12:57 AM) *
hey there,

been really busy, so all GMC has been put on hold for the moment...
that second link doesnt work, but first one is ok.
I'll get back to it as soon as I can smile.gif

Alright mate! No worries, maybe it has expired? If so, when you are here and ready to jam, let me know and I can send'em again wink.gif



Posted by: Scorpiotic Nov 30 2012, 06:47 PM

took me a while, but I'm back.
Please upload both your tracks again so i can download and start "decoding". I remember hearing your acoustic part, and I think I can get some way if you give me the first few notes... Finding the start is the hardest I think, so maybe you can help me out on these starts, and i can try on others later ?

Excited to get back at this biggrin.gif


Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Dec 1 2012, 02:32 PM

Hey mate! Will send the tracks again - hope I can still sort out what I played laugh.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Dec 1 2012, 04:14 PM

well if you can't then i got a funky task ahead of me... tongue.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Dec 18 2012, 08:40 AM

hey bud, still waiting on those tracks

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Dec 18 2012, 08:47 AM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Dec 18 2012, 07:40 AM) *
hey bud, still waiting on those tracks

Hey mate, haven't forgotten, just had a bit of a hard time finding them. I finally discovered where I saved the project and I will send'em your way in a few minutes smile.gif Sorry for the delay..

Here ya go mate!

 ScorpioticGTRS2.mp3 ( 723.25K ) : 116
 ScorpioticGTRS1.mp3 ( 723.25K ) : 119

Posted by: Scorpiotic Dec 21 2012, 11:07 PM

awesome, got'em smile.gif I might be able to do this tongue.gif lets see...

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Dec 22 2012, 02:38 PM

biggrin.gif Well, let me know how you are faring mate smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Jan 21 2013, 08:45 PM

Hey man
i've been busy with so many things, and have completely forgot the mentoring thing, and for that i'm sorry, had really been hoping to get somwhere through the winter, but alas, that did not happen.

I'll try to get some good time management in the next couple of weeks before returning to australia, where my working facilities as far as music goes are not as good as home... but we'll see how I can fare with it wink.gif

cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Jan 21 2013, 11:26 PM

Howdy mate! As i said before, life has this annoying habit of getting in our way, doesn't it... u let me know, as I am here and all you have to do is write me smile.gif

How's music/ guitar playing going otherwise?


Posted by: Scorpiotic Jan 30 2013, 05:59 PM

Been at pluckin' for a while, but can't figure it out... I think this is was sort of "running before even crawling" thing, bit too soon.
And music/guitar has been really slow, just been busy doing other stuff.

Thinking this time I'll stay dedicated is something I've thought many times before, but we'll see how it goes...

but could you send me the tabs for the tracks, I'll re-record them myself and try to arrange it into a song?
However, I don't have any drum looper anymore, it crashed too often to be of any good use, so only got samples of individual drums now, so making drum tracks are way hard and slower than they were before :S

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Jan 31 2013, 08:57 AM

Hey mate smile.gif I have a suggestion, how about starting with something easier for the ears and then going over to more complex and layered things? This one may have been too tough on you and I don't want you to get frustrated over it - Deal?

Posted by: Scorpiotic Feb 7 2013, 12:41 AM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Jan 31 2013, 08:57 AM) *
Hey mate smile.gif I have a suggestion, how about starting with something easier for the ears and then going over to more complex and layered things? This one may have been too tough on you and I don't want you to get frustrated over it - Deal?

yea im all for it smile.gif anything in particular you had in mind?

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Feb 7 2013, 10:21 AM

Yes sir wink.gif What would you say if we begin by sorting out some chords!

The drill goes like this:

- record 10 various chords (all sorts of chord types you know) played randomly with a 2-3 second break between them
- write down their names in ANOTHER order on a piece of paper
- DON'T try to remember the order in which they were recorded

The next day, without looking at the paper - try to recognize what you have played. How many points can you score out of 10? biggrin.gif Be honest with me and with yourself and tell me the results!

Posted by: Scorpiotic Feb 7 2013, 07:09 PM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Feb 7 2013, 10:21 AM) *
Yes sir wink.gif What would you say if we begin by sorting out some chords!

The drill goes like this:

- record 10 various chords (all sorts of chord types you know) played randomly with a 2-3 second break between them
- write down their names in ANOTHER order on a piece of paper
- DON'T try to remember the order in which they were recorded

The next day, without looking at the paper - try to recognize what you have played. How many points can you score out of 10? biggrin.gif Be honest with me and with yourself and tell me the results!

yea, sounds good smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Feb 7 2013, 08:31 PM

Let's get to it then wink.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Feb 17 2013, 06:50 AM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Feb 7 2013, 08:31 PM) *
Let's get to it then wink.gif

ok, my brother recorded the chords before I left for Australia, about a week ago I think, so its been a long time and I though I picked the chords, he played them in whatever sequence he felt like, and after a busy week, I could barely remember any chords I had listed at all... so it was a fairly "sincere" test.

Results; I was able to detect 4 chords correct, while I had the right tonality of all 10 (major/minor, didn't go any more advanced than that)
I'd say thats about what I expected; just about ok.

long way to go on the ears... and its unfortunately something I really don't like practicing, too tedious... =/
I know its an important skill to have as a musician, but still...

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Feb 17 2013, 08:08 AM

Hey mate, congrats smile.gif It may seem as a small step but - out of what I am figuring out, this is the first time you did this, right?

Anyway, here's what I suggest - let's keep working in this direction and get your ears further and further and in the same time, tell me what else would interest you so that I may come up with a way to make things interesting smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Feb 17 2013, 08:45 AM

Yea, was first try. Sure, I'll keep peeking at that track until I got it perfect, then I'll make a new one.
As for other direction, I'm not really sure... Recently bought ProTools 10 and a bundle of instruments from EWQL, so I've had a lot of fun fiddling around with those instruments. However, I'm still not able to turn pieces into a cohesive song.
Also I'd like to develop guitar technique, but with the abundance of videos here its tricky to find one to start with. I went with the Land of Legato series for a while, but again, grew tired of it and forgot...

Here's to dedication of 2013, cheers

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Feb 20 2013, 09:33 AM

smile.gif Let's put it another way biggrin.gif What's your favorite technique?

Posted by: Scorpiotic Feb 25 2013, 02:06 AM

Hm thats a tough one... I'm thinking usually whatever sounds best, which differs on whats playing in the background...
But I use a lot of hammer-on/pull-offs, and I'm a fan of sweeping and tapping, but I've never had the patience to develop any real skills at that. I also like general speed-picking buildups (think John Petrucci or Dan Donegan).
Maybe better describe what styles I like; Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold, John Petrucci of Dream Theater, Jorn Viggo Lofstad of Pagans Mind, and the styles of bands Hammerfall, Anberlin and Alter Bridge, Bullet for my Valentine, Disturbed, early John Mayer, Sonata Arctica and Shinedown.

Bit many to chose from there, but I think all deserve a mentioning..

Does this give you any ideas for future course of action ? smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Feb 25 2013, 02:50 PM

Sure smile.gif You like a lot of the bands I like biggrin.gif

I suggest we aim for rhythmic development, alternate picking and legato (this will be a good base for tapping later on) and learning, 'in the style of' lessons, so that you may learn how to emulate the styles of the bands you like. There's tons to learn from that, as long as you don't fall into the trap of wanting to be a copy of your favorites smile.gif

How does this sound to you? Let me know and I'll set up your assignments for this week biggrin.gif

By the way, have you been practicing on ear training lately?


Posted by: Scorpiotic Feb 25 2013, 03:07 PM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Feb 25 2013, 02:50 PM) *
Sure smile.gif You like a lot of the bands I like biggrin.gif

I suggest we aim for rhythmic development, alternate picking and legato (this will be a good base for tapping later on) and learning, 'in the style of' lessons, so that you may learn how to emulate the styles of the bands you like. There's tons to learn from that, as long as you don't fall into the trap of wanting to be a copy of your favorites smile.gif

How does this sound to you? Let me know and I'll set up your assignments for this week biggrin.gif

By the way, have you been practicing on ear training lately?


yea that sound great smile.gif
and I'm ashamed to say I've not done any ear training since last report...
But I'll have another round of listening to the first recording again soon, and see how it goes smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Feb 25 2013, 05:14 PM

Ok smile.gif I'll pretend I won't be angry with you - but it's just this once! biggrin.gif

Now, how does this sound - will you be able to take care of the assignments in 14 days let's say?

That means, recording - either video or audio - the choice is yours, but I'd rather have them video so that I may see your positions:

Alternate picking:



In the style of:

How do these look and feel to you mate?


Posted by: Scorpiotic Feb 25 2013, 11:27 PM

yea, those look good, the first 2 bit easy, 2 others more challenging I think, but we'll see wink.gif
I'll do one round of ear training pr recording upload, so at least 4 times over the next 14 days

As for video recording - both internal laptop cam and webcam are too slow to capture guitarplaying, but my iPhone seems to follow it alright, if I can just get a tripod or something to support it with, I'll be able to do video smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Feb 26 2013, 08:36 AM

Sounds like a plan and I think the iPhone can be the device for the job - I can usually get very good pictures with my Samsung Galaxy SII so, the iPhone fits the job description as well smile.gif Let me know when you have'em up and of course if you feel like there's any trouble along the way, don't hesitate to tell me


Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 4 2013, 04:32 PM

Hi Cosmin - update time

I've learned the picking and legato exercises, even made a video - problem is, the file is about 200mb, so not quite sure how to send it to you... I used a simple "trial" version of a stock program on my laptop (PowerDVD Director) for putting the files together, and it worked fine, but it seemed a bit restrictive on number of video/audiotracks etc (unless upgrading, ofc...) as well as the size of output. Do you know of any freeware that can do the trick?

For some reason, my ZoomH4 refuses playing the backing track for the legato lesson, so I'll get back to you on the recording of it...
Edit - A quick search of the manual revealed my mistake. Will do the Legato thing tomorrow.

Also, did another round of ear testing. Still getting tonalities right, and this time had 6 correct.
The answers were
Cmaj - Gmin - Dmin - Gmaj - Amaj - Emin - Fmin - Fmaj - Bmin - Dmaj
My guesses were
Bmaj - Bmin - Dmin - Gmaj - Amaj - Gmin - Fmin - Fmaj - Amin - Dmaj

Cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 4 2013, 05:01 PM

found a video compressor - here is my first take.
No editing/eq'ing or anything, just raw vid&audio smacked together

 Picking_Exercise.mp4 ( 14.85MB ) : 132

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 4 2013, 11:31 PM

Hey mate! Thanks for the update and for the vids! First time that I actually see you play and I am impressed smile.gif

I think you did a very good job with this and I am looking forward to the legato piece! What I noticed though - towards the phrases at the end, you tended to rush the last note and it doesn't sound like it's completely there - but it's a uber minor detail smile.gif

Go on with the chords man, 6 out of 10 is good but you can do better! If you wish, you can ask your brother to play intervals and you can recognize them! biggrin.gif Turn your back to him and ask him to play random notes in respect to the C note smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 4 2013, 11:48 PM

Cheers smile.gif I havent listened to/seen the video myself (i recorded it about 2am so just wanted to go to bed... tongue.gif) so from what I recall, the rushed notes, in my mind, was my own "groove of it". It sound a bit like an excuse though, or simply not playing right, so I'll keep your comment in mind wink.gif

Well, I think "impressed" should wait for something better than a fairly straightforward picking exercise to be honest, but thanks anyway wink.gif Looking forward to be done with legato lesson (just cus of the hassle of not getting the recorder to work last night) and get on with some proper pieces - Gerbino's and yours smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 5 2013, 09:43 AM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Mar 4 2013, 10:48 PM) *
Cheers smile.gif I havent listened to/seen the video myself (i recorded it about 2am so just wanted to go to bed... tongue.gif) so from what I recall, the rushed notes, in my mind, was my own "groove of it". It sound a bit like an excuse though, or simply not playing right, so I'll keep your comment in mind wink.gif

Well, I think "impressed" should wait for something better than a fairly straightforward picking exercise to be honest, but thanks anyway wink.gif Looking forward to be done with legato lesson (just cus of the hassle of not getting the recorder to work last night) and get on with some proper pieces - Gerbino's and yours smile.gif

True indeed, but it was the first piece I've heard from you and as simple as it is, playing it right does not come as taken for granted smile.gif Since your words sound like a request for raising the bar - I find myself indebted to oblige biggrin.gif But first, let's see the other ones smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 5 2013, 03:09 PM

Here's the legato lesson wink.gif

I think the difficulty of yours and Lians lesson will be sufficient, and hopefully soon I may tackle some "easy" 5's wink.gif

 Legato_Lesson.mp4 ( 7.18MB ) : 268

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 6 2013, 09:31 AM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Mar 5 2013, 02:09 PM) *
Here's the legato lesson wink.gif

I think the difficulty of yours and Lians lesson will be sufficient, and hopefully soon I may tackle some "easy" 5's wink.gif

It's clear that the previous one and this one are in your grasp, so after taking care of the other two, we'll pump new ones into the mix smile.gif I like the fact that you have a nice clear tone and good intonation when you play!

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 10 2013, 05:20 AM

next lesson - Lian's how to riff

the mix is a little low on my guitar, so i can send you a remix with the guitartrack a bit louder if you feel you need to hear it better.
besides that im happy with the outcome. what was most challenging was the 3rd fret pinch harmonics i think, as well as the overall fluency. it was a good learning experience smile.gif

and i gotta get a grip on my guitarplaying/recording face tongue.gif

starting the alter bridge style now. lets hope my guitar/strings can deal with the tuning wink.gif

 Lian_How_to_Riff_pt1.mp4 ( 4.21MB ) : 128

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 10 2013, 11:21 AM

Hey mate!! Sounds like it's a straight ten all the way, although I would love to hear a mix with the guitar a lil bit louder biggrin.gif

I think I have to throw in some more challenges to bring you further along the path, because you have the skills man smile.gif

Let's see the Alter and then, new tasks for you!


Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 10 2013, 12:07 PM

Cheers smile.gif
upon remixing I heard my second 5th fret harmonic missed, and the first 3rd fret harmonic was a bit short (stressing a bit getting to the octave slides). But yea, was fun smile.gif

 Lian_How_to_Riff_pt1_remix.mp4 ( 3.88MB ) : 106

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 10 2013, 01:33 PM

Ok, now after listening to this mix, I think you can get this a little tighter - it seems a bit loose at points, by that I mean that you are not playing some notes with a clear and strong spirit. The timing is good but, the intention could be better! let me know if I was clear smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 10 2013, 01:49 PM

yea i understand. i'll circle back to it after the Alter Bridge style smile.gif hopefully it wont take me too long.

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 10 2013, 02:00 PM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Mar 10 2013, 12:49 PM) *
yea i understand. i'll circle back to it after the Alter Bridge style smile.gif hopefully it wont take me too long.

Sure thing! It's just a matter of approach wink.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 2 2014, 04:47 AM

Hey man long time no see !

I've been off for a while but I'm back with a new project - Symphonic metal

Just started an Honors of Music and my university where, among else, I will make an album consisting of 5 tracks (20-30mins of playtime) to use for a survey (the survey really just being an excuse to spend a year on music haha).

What do you think ? smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 2 2014, 01:26 PM

Welcome back man!

Very nice smile.gif Well, you can share the progress here and I will be the 'listener' and tell you my opinion and what I would do to improve things, if and where necessary. If you wish, of course wink.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 3 2014, 06:28 AM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Mar 2 2014, 01:26 PM) *
Welcome back man!

Very nice smile.gif Well, you can share the progress here and I will be the 'listener' and tell you my opinion and what I would do to improve things, if and where necessary. If you wish, of course wink.gif

Thanks smile.gif
its early in the project still, and I was wondering if you could help me get started. For instance, what sort of intervals and scales is used in this kind of music ? I've done a few googles but haven't found any concrete answers...
And any other tips you could have for composing this kind of music


Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 3 2014, 04:21 PM

Hey mate smile.gif I think that you should master the major scale, the minor scale, the melodic minor and harmonic minor and its modes and the diminished scale. You can find them all here - I suggest we take them one at a time and then I can give you assignments as lessons here which are based on them smile.gif Deal?

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 23 2014, 08:05 AM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Mar 3 2014, 04:21 PM) *
Hey mate smile.gif I think that you should master the major scale, the minor scale, the melodic minor and harmonic minor and its modes and the diminished scale. You can find them all here - I suggest we take them one at a time and then I can give you assignments as lessons here which are based on them smile.gif Deal?

sounds good. I'm fairly familiar with the regular major and minor and the modes around them so can probably skip those.
Ionian (major), Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aolian (minor) and Locrian correct ?

I seem to remember that Aolian is either the harmonic minor or melodic minor, can never remember which..
But whichever it is not the synonym for I'll need to work on indeed, as with the dimished.


also quick question; do you know where I can check how long I have left of my current (paid) membership ?

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 23 2014, 10:24 AM

Hey mate smile.gif

The Aeolian mode is the natural minor mode, belonging to the 6th step of the major scale. The harmonic or melodic minor modes do not belong to the major scale. Now for the subscription, you should definitely write Bogdan Radovic a PM wink.gif He is the big kahuna around here when it comes to site administration and such things.

keep me posted!


QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Mar 23 2014, 07:05 AM) *
sounds good. I'm fairly familiar with the regular major and minor and the modes around them so can probably skip those.
Ionian (major), Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aolian (minor) and Locrian correct ?

I seem to remember that Aolian is either the harmonic minor or melodic minor, can never remember which..
But whichever it is not the synonym for I'll need to work on indeed, as with the dimished.


also quick question; do you know where I can check how long I have left of my current (paid) membership ?

Posted by: Scorpiotic Mar 29 2014, 12:59 PM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Mar 23 2014, 10:24 AM) *
Hey mate smile.gif

The Aeolian mode is the natural minor mode, belonging to the 6th step of the major scale. The harmonic or melodic minor modes do not belong to the major scale. Now for the subscription, you should definitely write Bogdan Radovic a PM wink.gif He is the big kahuna around here when it comes to site administration and such things.

keep me posted!


did a check; so aeolian is the natural minor aka melodic descending. So I assume the other melodic is the ascending one, (assuming that alters the structure with regards to intervals). Does this seem right ? I guess the descending is called natural while the ascending is called just melodic minor for easier distinction between the two...

Ok do you have any exercises or lessons to make the scales interesting ? smile.gif


Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Mar 30 2014, 09:37 PM

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Mar 29 2014, 11:59 AM) *
did a check; so aeolian is the natural minor aka melodic descending. So I assume the other melodic is the ascending one, (assuming that alters the structure with regards to intervals). Does this seem right ? I guess the descending is called natural while the ascending is called just melodic minor for easier distinction between the two...

Ok do you have any exercises or lessons to make the scales interesting ? smile.gif


First of all, the Aeolian is all minor back and forth and the melodic is ascending as melodic and descending as natural minor, out of what I know smile.gif More on that can be found here:

I haven't used the melodic minor at all so far - so I'd strongly advise you to read the theory in the thread above. As for Aeolian based lessons, here it is at work:

What better way to hear the natural minor sensibilities than in a ballad? smile.gif

Posted by: Scorpiotic Aug 20 2014, 07:08 AM

QUOTE (Cosmin Lupu @ Mar 30 2014, 09:37 PM) *
First of all, the Aeolian is all minor back and forth and the melodic is ascending as melodic and descending as natural minor, out of what I know smile.gif More on that can be found here:

I haven't used the melodic minor at all so far - so I'd strongly advise you to read the theory in the thread above. As for Aeolian based lessons, here it is at work:

What better way to hear the natural minor sensibilities than in a ballad? smile.gif


Long time no see (sorry)

I've finished my first track, one in the mastering process and one still in writing.

Made a thread on it, hope you will take part.
Cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Cosmin Lupu Aug 21 2014, 08:11 AM

Howdy mate smile.gif

I'll go check it out! In the mean time, how have you been? What have you been working on lately?

QUOTE (Scorpiotic @ Aug 20 2014, 06:08 AM) *

Long time no see (sorry)

I've finished my first track, one in the mastering process and one still in writing.

Made a thread on it, hope you will take part.
Cheers smile.gif

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