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GMC Forum _ Gabriel Leopardi _ Phil66's Thread

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 13 2015, 07:52 PM

Hi Phil! Welcome to our thread for Gab's Army. At first I will share here some of the info that you shared with me as well as a link to Cosmin's mentoring thread to have everything as reference.

Your previous mentoring thread:


- Keeping motivated thanks to constant feedback.
- Developing your ear.
- Being able to play real music, not just scales and exercises.
- Composing your own music.
- Being able to play Surfing with the alien and always with you, always with me by Satriani and some SRV stuff.

Time for practice: 1.5 h each day.

GMC lessons level: 2/3.

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 13 2015, 09:39 PM

Hello Gab,

Thanks for creating my link. To clarify, 1.5 hours is the max in the week, some days I only get around an hour, occasionally, due to work commitments I get none sad.gif .

As well as Satriani and SRV, I like a lot of other music.

One of my favourite tracks, which may surprise you is here. I love the rhythm to this one.

I'll add more as we progress so that you can get a real good idea of things I like. smile.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 14 2015, 01:50 PM

Ok! Thanks for clarifying! And also thanks for that beautiful link. I always enjoy acoustic blues, it has a lot of emotion and makes me feel good. Have you worked on some of these lessons?

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 14 2015, 10:05 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Jan 14 2015, 12:50 PM) *
Ok! Thanks for clarifying! And also thanks for that beautiful link. I always enjoy acoustic blues, it has a lot of emotion and makes me feel good. Have you worked on some of these lessons?

I tried finger pickin a long time ago, I nearly threw my guitar through the window biggrin.gif

As requested, here are some examples of my playing, both video and audio, I'll add more as we progress.

I am currently working on this with Cosmin, until the end of the month anyway. I am struggling a bit but here it is for you to see.

Also here is my Christmas colab in case you haven't seen it.

Also here is a very simple rhythm I came up with. It's not very clean (I only recorded the first take) and it's real basic but I still kinda like it. It's called "Nora's Walk". It's named after a character called Nora Batty in a British comedy series. She was what we call a "battleaxe" and she had an admirer called Compo. This rhythm was inspired by her marching down the street, broom in hand to bash Compo with smile.gif




Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 15 2015, 04:31 PM

Hi Phil, thanks for this stuff!

As I said via PM, your power chord rhythm is close but there is some room to improve your timing. Sometimes you tend to play a bit after than you should. This lesson has the characteristic of chords player in the upbeat and that makes everything a bit more difficult. Doing some inner count and using your foot or head to tap tempo can really help. At this moment, you could even try tapping 8th notes instead of 4ths in order to be able to play tighter.

The collab solo sounds really nice. I think that it has a clear structure, tasty melodies and a very good use of call and response and silences. You did a very good job! The things that need more improvement on this one is your tone which is not clear, it's lacks presence and definition, but even with this lacks, it is neither a warm tone so I think that you should experiment a bit more with your sound.

Nora's Walk has a very nice groove. I can imagine that woman of the picture walking angry with that face ready to shout us because we broke her window with a ball. laugh.gif You should add bass and continue this idea, it sounds good.

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 15 2015, 08:35 PM

Thanks Gab,

Ok, I'm working on the power chord thing with Cosmin, hopefully I'll crack it very soon. If you want to give me an assignment I'm ready for one but as I said I'll be channeling energy into the Power Chord lesson at the same time.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 16 2015, 05:22 PM

Hi Phil, since you are working on your rhythm I was thinking that starting working on your soloing could be a good idea. I think that something that covers phrasing, including some vibrato and bending could be good at this point. Do you have some lessons that you like in sight?

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 16 2015, 06:17 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Jan 16 2015, 04:22 PM) *
Hi Phil, since you are working on your rhythm I was thinking that starting working on your soloing could be a good idea. I think that something that covers phrasing, including some vibrato and bending could be good at this point. Do you have some lessons that you like in sight?

Thanks Gab,

How about this? Or is it too much for me? The tone will be hard to get I think.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 16 2015, 09:22 PM

In a similar line but I think a bit more appropriated at this moment, I would suggest one of these:

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 16 2015, 09:33 PM

Thanks Gab,

I agree, I was just watching my selection again and it is beyond me. I never came across these lessons that you have chosen, they do look more suitable. I'll pick one and start on it tomorrow. Please remember that I won't be able to dedicate all of my time to it as I am still working on the power chord lesson with Cosmin wink.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 16 2015, 10:25 PM

Excellent! Don't worry, take your time and keep me updated. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 21 2015, 11:12 PM

Hello Gab,

I was getting frustrated with the stacatto power chord lesson and it was becoming counter productive so, for a break I have recorded The Chase, a manic rhythm I came up with whilst thinking about someone being chased through a forest, up to 00:10 they are darting between the trees, 00:10-00:15 I imaging the chaser catching the other person and them both rolling down a bank fighting, at the bottom the person being chased gets away and so it starts again wink.gif

I put this on for you so you can get an insight into my playing level when I'm not trying to learn a lesson by someone else. Your thoughts/advice as always are very welcome.

I'll be back on the staccato lesson tomorrow along with the Pop Rock solo smile.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 22 2015, 01:38 PM

Hi Phil, thanks for the update! It's always a good decision to work on your own stuff since that's the main goal after all! This idea is really cool, and I can feel the story that you told while listening to the chords combinations. I think that working on music with stories, photos, drawings, books, movies, or real life situations in min make our compositions deeper so congrats about working in this way!

It would be really interesting to hear this idea with a more worked drum groove, as well as bass guitar, and maybe a longer versions with more parts and repetitions. This could be a full song. The style sounds like a mix of Black Sabbath with the Ramones, so you could work on a song structure close to their songs.

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 22 2015, 01:59 PM

Hello Gab,
Thanks for your kind comments. The drum groove is just a basic beat that came with my DAW, it's the same as Nora's Walk but faster. I don't have a way to create drum patterns myself and I think it would be beyond me anyway. I've recently sold a bass as I wasn't using it.
Anyway maybe we can develop it as we go along.

By the way, The Ramones were the first band I saw live in 1980 smile.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 22 2015, 02:33 PM

You can use VST instruments and write both drums and bass with midi. I think that drum loops could be edited. What daw and drum vsti are you using?

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 22 2015, 04:28 PM

Hello Gab,

I am using Guitar Tracks 4 that came with my Cakewalk V-Studio 20 and the drum tracks are part of the package, they come in folders that appear at the bottom of the DAW.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 23 2015, 01:42 PM

Ok, and are you able to edit midi drum tracks? Do you know if it's possible?

If not, you could try getting another drum vsti like EZdrummer or Steve Slate Drums which are paid, or maybe try some of the free ones like these:

I don't know that version by version of cakewalk and guitar tracks, but it should be possible to edit midi, isn't it?

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 23 2015, 02:12 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Jan 23 2015, 12:42 PM) *
Ok, and are you able to edit midi drum tracks? Do you know if it's possible?

If not, you could try getting another drum vsti like EZdrummer or Steve Slate Drums which are paid, or maybe try some of the free ones like these:

I don't know that version by version of cakewalk and guitar tracks, but it should be possible to edit midi, isn't it?

I'll look later but I think they are just able to be used as backing.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 24 2015, 04:42 AM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Jan 23 2015, 10:12 AM) *
I'll look later but I think they are just able to be used as backing.



Ok! Then let me know. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 28 2015, 10:31 PM

Hello Gab,

OK, my time with Cosmin is nearly over and things that I mentioned in PM have settled a little so I've been taking a look at the pop rock solo.

I'm struggling with this last bit in part one (see below). It appears that the last two notes are hammered on but I am struggling to get them to ring out. Any tips?




Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 29 2015, 02:08 PM

Hi Phil! So welcome officially to Gab's Army! smile.gif

I just checked the part that is giving problems and I noted that the tab has an issue there, we will fix the original lesson soon, but by now here you can check the correct notes for that last beat: ( 502bytes ) : 992

Please let me know if this lets you learn the part and continue with the lesson.

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 29 2015, 04:52 PM

Thanks Gab and thanks for the welcome smile.gif

I'll try that when I get home, I could hear that it wasn't what the TAB was saying but I couldn't work out what it actually was, even watching it I couldn't see.



Posted by: Phil66 Jan 29 2015, 10:07 PM


That's much better, thank you. I'll get a video of the first four bars to you tomorrow if that's ok with you? I've also entered the AC/DC collab, my take is pretty poor but hopefully you guys will help to build it into something ok. I just played what came into my head with no thought at first then I spent 5 minutes working on the first section, after that it goes down hill rolleyes.gif

It's funny that I could hear it the pop/rock solo wasn't to the tab but I couldn't work out what it should have been. Anyway it's sorted now so onward and upward wink.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 30 2015, 03:25 PM

Hi Phil! Great to know that now you could learn the part. I re-checked the original lesson guitar pro and it wasn't completely wrong. It was tabbed with an effect called grace note that is an embellishment that is added by composer to certain notes. The problem with this effect is that the .txt tab is not clear, but don't worry, in the near future your ear should be ready to learn this type of licks by ear.

About the take for the collab, I imagine that you are receiving the right guidance by Kris to get the best from you for this one. If you want a second opinion or something feel free to share the idea here. wink.gif

I'll wait for the video!

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 30 2015, 08:25 PM

Thanks Gab,

OK here's my first take at the collab. It was mostly improvised, I did have a couple of goes at the first few bars and then I was winging it for the rest. That's why you will hear places where I just stop, I had a mental block laugh.gif I admit it's not very good but that's why I joined GMC wink.gif




Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jan 31 2015, 04:30 PM

Hi Phil! This is a very good first step for this one. Starting with an improvisation and then work to polish it is a good way to develop a guitar solo. When I compose in this way, I usually listen to the solo again, identify the weak parts and mute them. If I have many takes, I check it there is another take that has a strong phrase for the whole and it not, I try to create new phrases. I repeat this process many times until I have a finished solo that I like, to then record it putting my focus on execution, feeling, and tone.

This solo has clearly two great moment, the beginning and the double string phrase starting at 00:22. Then, I find repetition, and also uncertainly moments (silences and blocks). I think that your solo is lacking a bit of direction on the other parts. You need some more phrases to fill this sections and also apply things that can make the solo more interesting and entertained: different type of bending, longer notes, faster parts, harmonics, slides, more vibrato.

At this point I feel that you have to ways. The first one is the safe one, that would be to polish this one. Replace the section where you stop, and adjust some phrases here and there and work on interpretation. However, if this is your first improvisation over the tune, I can say that you have a lot of potential to create a more interesting take, just that you need to dedicate more time, more tries, and then more analysis of what you played.

Posted by: Phil66 Jan 31 2015, 10:24 PM

Hello Gab,

I haven't gone anywhere, I've had to build a new PC today and you know how long it takes to get everything installed mad.gif

Be back as soon as possible. Should get something to you tomorrow.



Posted by: Phil66 Feb 1 2015, 10:04 PM

Hello Gab,

Update: Crazy day today, wife's birthday tomorrow so we will be going out and I won't get chance to record anything. I'm so sorry to start with you like this, I normally play every single day but this last week has been crazy.

I'll be back on track on Tuesday, I want to get something for the collab and I also want to get the pop rock solo to you as far as I have got and also, I never managed to get the staccato power chord lesson good enough for the REC zone while I was with Cosmin so I need you to look at that for me please.

Cheers and apologies.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 1 2015, 11:05 PM

Hi Phil, don't worry! Thanks for the update. Have a great time with your wife, wish her a happy birthday and let's continue when you're back! wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 3 2015, 10:35 PM

Hello Gab,

Finally I am back, only one more distraction on the horizon and that's my birthday next Tuesday cool.gif

Ok, managed ten minutes tonight and had a go at the collab as the deadline is soon.

Here is my take from tonight..

Any guidance will be worked on tomorrow. I couldn't remember all of what I did in the first one so I kept it and added at the end. I hope this is ok to do.




Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 4 2015, 01:46 PM

Very nice mate! I like how you managed feeling, dynamics, and harmonics on this one. It gives the solo a new dimension, mostly on the first half.

There are mainly two things that I would improve on this one. The first half is catchy, but it's a bit repetitive. It doesn't need a big change but as it keeps the same rhythm all the time, and similar melodies, I think that it needs a longer note, a faster phrase or at least some silences, generated with shorter notes or staccato. Just work to make it funnier to hear, but don't make a big change, it's close!

The second problem starts around 00:26, to the end. There you seem to be playing and targeting notes that aren't on scale and the results is very weird sounding phrases. You could add "wrong notes" as passing notes but not stay and bend to them too much. Please review the scale there...

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 4 2015, 03:13 PM

Thanks Gab,
The first part is the same as before, I was short on time so I just added to the last ten seconds or so. I used a different guitar, an Epiphone Les Paul, the closest I have to an SG wink.gif I played the same shape pentatonic scale but twelve frets higher. It must be my bends you are talking about not being from the scale, am I correct in thinking that?
I'll have a good go tonight.

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 4 2015, 10:12 PM

Oh dear,

This evening I just can't get anything anywhere near my last take, I'm just playing monotonous junk rolleyes.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 5 2015, 03:15 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Feb 4 2015, 11:13 AM) *
Thanks Gab,
The first part is the same as before, I was short on time so I just added to the last ten seconds or so. I used a different guitar, an Epiphone Les Paul, the closest I have to an SG wink.gif I played the same shape pentatonic scale but twelve frets higher. It must be my bends you are talking about not being from the scale, am I correct in thinking that?
I'll have a good go tonight.

Everything sounds out of tune starting where I marked. It's a combination of the bends, but also the notes so if you've played the correct scale, the guitar must have been very out of tune, or with calibration problems.

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 5 2015, 09:45 PM

Hello Gab,

Ok, the pieces from 26seconds onwards were played on a different guitar to the rest, I have checked the intonation and it is as close as the realms of normality allow. I tuned it before I started so I must've shifted up to the wrong position to play the higher notes. My ear isn't good enough to tell the difference sad.gif Sorry Gab.

Anyway, I've put another one down using the original guitar. As the deadline for the collab is today I will now go back to the pop rock solo and the power chord stacatto lesson.

Playing it back I can hear that the lick at 30seconds start a little late but I'm out of time so I've had to leave it, sorry for that.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 6 2015, 01:55 PM

Hi Phil! This new take doesn't have the tuning issue, well done! The last phrases still lack some direction there but I think that this has been a good effort and the final result is ok for this one. I think that even knowing that you could continue improving this one, you have done a great job and this process has been really educative, so congrats! Please continue joining this type of initiatives since it's the best way to learn while making music.

So you don't have to say sorry! Just let's keep going. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 6 2015, 09:35 PM

Thanks Gab,

Ok, tonight I am practicing but I won't get chance to record. Tomorrow I am going away for a couple of days so on Sunday I should get a recording to you. I am working on the two things below.

I am struggling with the power chords lesson and have been for a few weeks. Is there anything you can give me to help me along? Maybe a similar but simpler lesson for the time being that will allow me to come back to this one at a later date and improve on it.

Thanks again.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 7 2015, 03:45 PM

Hi Phil! The date for new videos is ok for me! Let's go for it.

About your question regarding the staccato power chords, we have lots of power chords lessons, and in my archive there are many lessons based on punk bands that include different combinations and progressions of power chords. I think that it would be good for you to start working on some of those musical lessons as a complement for this one. Sometimes we need to go one step forward to then get back and master the current stuff. It's something more related with our mind and not a thing related to fingers or muscles.

These are some recommended lessons:

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 8 2015, 09:43 PM

Hello Gab,

Ok, almost back on track. This is the first time I've tried to make a video with this new PC build and for some reason I can't get my camera to stay connected, it keeps dropping out, so I had to hunt high and low in my house to find a card reader mad.gif This has swallowed some time but I have managed to post the first section of the pop/rock solo.
I think it is better to do it in sections as before I used to try and get the whole lot ready for the REC zone and there was too much to keep correcting so I think that getting little bits right and building the piece is better, do you agree?
I will always try to send videos but sometimes time will only allow a sound file, I hope this is ok with you.
I realised on playback that the double stop with the hammer on isn't quite sounding the two notes, I'll improve that tomorrow. It's amazing how much you miss when playing, it's as though your own brain fills in the gaps and when you play it back you notice it. blink.gif

And a ten second go at the first part of the power chord shifting lesson.

I know the tone needs work and the mix is low on guitar but I just wanted to show you that I am now back on track, things will be better if I can get my camera to work, saves keep removing the tripod to get the memory card out sad.gif

Cheers Gab


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 8 2015, 10:40 PM

Hi Phil! Great stuff! The video looks and sounds great! It will be a great help to check your posture, movements and also for you to detect what things can be improved to take your playing to a new level. It's awesome that you've already noted one of the things to improve. This is why recording yourself is extremely important.

That double string lick needs off course to sound more defined, it's not sounding as a double stop. Other two things that you need to have in mind is your vibrato and your bending technique. I don't notice that you are trying to do vibrato on this one, so you could start experimenting with it. Your bending is there but your finger is a bit weak yet. You should use more your other fingers to help the one that is bending.

The power chords audio is not sounding good, there is a problem with tuning or with the relation between your guitar chords and the bass. The bass start with one root, and you play another one, or maybe your guitar is out of tune, I'm not sure. Please re-check it.

Other than that, it's great to see you working hard. I think that working on small fragments and focusing on details is a great decision. You have a good timing and tone. Keep going!

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 8 2015, 11:11 PM

Thanks Gab,

Both the pop rock solo and the power chord lesson were played on the same guitar so I will have to look into that.
Cheers Gab.

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 9 2015, 12:18 AM

Thanks Gab,

Ok I can see in the pop/rock solo that the vibrato is very very subtle.
I will try tomorrow to get this to you. If not it will be the next day, oooops the next day is my birthday so much beer, wine and Jack smile.gif
Maybe Wednesday or Thursday biggrin.gif

Cheers buddy

Sometimes life gets in the way rolleyes.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 9 2015, 01:46 PM

Sure! Don't worry mate, take your time to work on the tasks correctly. Don't push yourself to upload videos before you feel you dedicated time to improve the lessons. So have a great time during your birthday and keep me updated. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 13 2015, 09:49 PM

Quick update,

Haven't had as much time as I expected, work work work rolleyes.gif I'm struggling a little with the timing in section 2 of the pop rock solo, I'll try to get something to you this weekend. It's the third bar in section 2 that catches me out, I'll keep going though, slowly slowly catchy monkey wink.gif It's the phrasing, for some reason it seems a little unnatural. It's a lovely piece though and I am determined to crack it.


I'm also trying to do the funk collab but I think maybe it is a little too advanced for me. I can't think of anything to play unsure.gif

Got fibre optic internet being installed tomorrow so will have to get the wireless network set up for the house myself, sometimes, as you may know, this can go sweet but other times it can be a nightmare.

Cheers for your patience Gab, it's been a mad couple of weeks here blink.gif

All teh best


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 14 2015, 02:41 PM

Hi Phil, thanks for the update. It would be really important and helpful for you to give a try to the Funk Collab. It's awesome how much we learn by making music and that's a killer opportunity because you have real time feedback during the process. So, go for it! Start with slow melodies, just to get familiar with the tune. Post your pre-ideas at the thread and enjoy the journey. wink.gif

For that lick that you shared, pay special attention to the pick movement used by the instructor in the lesson, and share here a short video playing it to check if you want.

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 15 2015, 12:20 AM

Hello Gab,

Ok, here's where I am at so far with the Rock Pop Solo. For some reason I keep hitting the double stop way too hard, I think it's a bit of tension as I have had trouble with this.

Still trying to come up with something for the funk collab rolleyes.gif

Will have another go at the Changing Power Chord position lesson tomorrow.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 15 2015, 01:46 PM

Hi Phil, nice new take. Yeah, I note that you play that double stop lick a bit aggressive and also before the beat. It's because your mind becomes anxious because the tricky lick comes. This will disappear with practice. The whole thing is sounding good but can be played with more feeling, better groove and dynamics. But don't worry, just have it in mind while you practice and from time to time, listen to the original lesson again and pay attention to those elements.

I'll wait for an update regarding the power chords lesson. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 15 2015, 09:54 PM

Hello Gav,

Only managed an hour this evening, had family visiting today. I think I will develop the feeling/dynamics/groove a bit better once I have the note sequence in my fingers and I don't have to try and remember it, then I think I will relax more. I seem to play ok when it is my own stuff as it is from my heart and mind and so I am more relaxed, so I need to get other people's music into my heart and mind before I can get feeling/dynamics/groove and, to do that I need to get it into my fingers first, am I making sense? Do you agree or am I wrong?

Anyway, due to short time I've only managed to get a sound file to you. Tomorrow I am hoping to get something down in the power chord lesson, I got lost in this tonight though, time disappeared rolleyes.gif




Posted by: Phil66 Feb 17 2015, 05:23 PM

Hello Gab,

Sorry nothing has come to you apart from the above. Last night I got a bad virus on my PC, tonight I have to reinstall operating system.


Tomorrow hopefully.

Hurdles hurdles hurdles sad.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 17 2015, 07:36 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Feb 15 2015, 05:54 PM) *
Hello Gav,

Only managed an hour this evening, had family visiting today. I think I will develop the feeling/dynamics/groove a bit better once I have the note sequence in my fingers and I don't have to try and remember it, then I think I will relax more. I seem to play ok when it is my own stuff as it is from my heart and mind and so I am more relaxed, so I need to get other people's music into my heart and mind before I can get feeling/dynamics/groove and, to do that I need to get it into my fingers first, am I making sense? Do you agree or am I wrong?

Anyway, due to short time I've only managed to get a sound file to you. Tomorrow I am hoping to get something down in the power chord lesson, I got lost in this tonight though, time disappeared rolleyes.gif




Awesome improvement compared with the previous take! That lick in question sounds more natural now and the whole thing starts to have more feeling and groove. You are definitely going on the right track with this one! It's true that you will be able to improve this one as soon as you get more familiar with the lines, and you can play without thinking too much on each note and feeling instead of thinking. That's the next goal for this one.

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Feb 17 2015, 01:23 PM) *
Hello Gab,

Sorry nothing has come to you apart from the above. Last night I got a bad virus on my PC, tonight I have to reinstall operating system.


Tomorrow hopefully.

Hurdles hurdles hurdles sad.gif



Don't worry mate! Thanks for notifying. I'll wait for your news. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 17 2015, 09:52 PM

Computer fully functional again now wink.gif Just need to get some plugins on there form my DAW and I'll be back on the case.

Thanks for your patience Gab cool.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 17 2015, 09:54 PM

Ok! Good luck with it. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 19 2015, 09:33 PM

Hello Gab,

Computer nearly up to 100% how it was before. Always takes longer than I think rolleyes.gif

OK, here is a sound file of the power chord lesson. first eight bars.

As usual, I need to learn it bit by bit with some advice along the way then once it is in my fingers I can start to refine it.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 20 2015, 02:21 PM

Hi Phil, this one is sounding good. There are two wrong chords at 00:13 and 00:14 so please re-check tabs with what you are playing. Besides this, I notice that some of the chords don't sound totally tuned, and this can be related to the pressure that you are doing with your fingers. Be careful with it.

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 23 2015, 10:10 PM

Hello Gab,

Ok, tonight is the first time I've manage to have a go at the powerchord lesson again. I've been trying to relearn the Rock Pop Solo. After my BIG computer problems and then the virus I had forgotten a lot of it rolleyes.gif \i've also been sidetracked trying to come up with something better for the FunkIt collab cool.gif

Here is my attempt from tonight. I've been trying to get the slides in there. I'm struggling a bit to get the vibrato on the power chord at the end of this piece.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Sorry about the camera shot, it's not the best for seeing everything. I need to get a new camera with a front facing screen. Any suggestions?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 24 2015, 01:52 PM

Hi Phil! Good news! That computer has been giving some headaches! Great to see a new video from you.

I think that the power chord shifting lesson is evolving well. The main issue that I note is that lose a bit timing precision when you reach each new chord. You tend to play the first strum after the beat and that makes the whole thing irregular. I think that the best would be to work a bit more over the slower backing and focusing on making the changes totally tight.

About the camera, there are lots of possibilities, what's your budget?

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 24 2015, 02:13 PM

Thanks Gab,
I'll work on the slow method. I was keen to get something to you so I rushed a quick practise.
About the budget, it's a hard one because I could say £300 but then see something for £500 that is worth paying the extra for. I tend to look at various items of different value and then decide if I want to pay a lot or if it's not worth paying extra over a perfectly good budget model.
I have a new Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 coming this week, that is supposed to record HD but I don't know what is like in lower light.
If that works I'll buy a mount for the tripod. I may experiment a bit more work the still camera, I have to put a mirror behind it to see the screen laugh.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 25 2015, 01:47 PM

Hi Phil! The cellphone should really work for this purpose! Even more if you add a mirror and a light in order to use the main camera instead of the frontal one. I wouldn't invest on a camera now just to record guitar videos, your cellphone will do the job ok if you add some lightening.

If you get one or two of these you'll increase the performance of your camera:

And these are not expensive.

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 25 2015, 01:51 PM

Thanks Gab. The Galaxy Tab S 10.5 is a tablet, if I'm going to use a mirror I can stay with my Sony RX100 stills camera as I am doing now. I just need to set it up better.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 25 2015, 02:30 PM

yeah, that's not a bad camera, just add lights as I suggested and you will notice big improvements. And it seems that your camera has some monitoring possibilities, at least the RX100 II has.

Check out if you have HDMI output or this possibility of using your cellphone or tablet.

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 25 2015, 02:38 PM

Cheers Gab,

Out for a meal with wife tonight so time will be spent practicing. I'll investigate at the weekend, I have the RX100 MKI (First edition)



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 25 2015, 03:32 PM

Ok! Have a great time, and then check the camera's manual. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 25 2015, 10:44 PM

Thanks Gab,

A good time was had by all smile.gif too much wine though blink.gif

Ok, I've learnt a couple more bars of the Rock/Pop solo. I think I'll wait until I've got all of the notes under my fingers before I put another video of it up, (Only the last three bars to do and they're not very easy smile.gif ), Then I'll post a video and we can work on polishing it for the REC zone. Is this ok with you?

Tomorrow I'll work on the power chord shifting and maybe the rock pop solo too.

Cheers Gab

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 26 2015, 03:06 PM

hehehe good wine? Which ones? smile.gif

The plan sounds good, I'll wait for the videos.

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 26 2015, 03:09 PM

A nice Pinot Noir, I did steal some of my wife's Pinot Grigio when she wasn't looking too smile.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Feb 26 2015, 03:49 PM

Cool! If you ever have the possibility of trying some Argentinian wines, go for it! wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Feb 28 2015, 10:46 PM

Will do, thanks.

Ok, been in London most of today, just got back, had a go at the rock pop solo, the last two bars (I dont count the very last one as it's just a double stop smile.gif ) are proving a little tricky, I should get them down tomorrow night though. Broke my first ever string last night, I was playing the high E bending section at around bar 14, it broke at the ball end. Never broken a string playing before laugh.gif Then I discovered I had no spares mad.gif Having to swap to my strat.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 1 2015, 04:36 PM

So congrats on your first broken string! biggrin.gif It's good to see you working hard and focused. Please take your time to work on the licks that are giving more problems, try to find out what's exactly the tricky part and if it's necessary create variations of the licks and use them as alternative exercises.

I'll wait for your new video with the strat! smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 1 2015, 09:44 PM

Sorry Gab,

I know I said I would get something to you tonight but I had to do some "end of month" production figures for work. February always throws me out of sync with 28 days rolleyes.gif

Tomorrow hopefully.



Posted by: Phil66 Mar 1 2015, 10:14 PM

This is the killer lick for me at the moment. I think it is the sequence that feels unnatural, that's all. Don't worry, it won't beat me I just can't seem to get the note sequence in my head and my fingers want to go somewhere else laugh.gif


And I'm sure the next bar will be just as demanding.


One other problem is I get so tied up with this, it has that "one more try" element to it and I end up running out of time and not practising the power chord lesson rolleyes.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 2 2015, 02:28 PM

Well, this kind of licks are classics for blues and rock so it would be good to practice them. The tricky part is that they use not many notes on each string and this requires a good control of crossing strings. This exercises are cool to detect which type of licks give problems and work on it:

About the practice time, try to be more organized with it, if it's possible respect the blocks or practice. However, sometimes some flexibility based on motivation is acceptable so don't feel bad about it. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 2 2015, 10:10 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Mar 2 2015, 01:28 PM) *
if it's possible respect the blocks or practice. However, sometimes some flexibility based on motivation is acceptable so don't feel bad about it. wink.gif

Thanks Gab,

Please explain the bit above, I don't really know what you mean unsure.gif Sorry

OK for some reason I'm still struggling to remember those two bars that I put the tab for. Don't know why but they just aren't getting into my head. I've recorded the piece up to that point for you to listen to, I wanted to get something to you. I notice that my bends aren't very accurate, I don't notice it when playing as much as I do when listening. What can I do to improve this? Also I find the bends on the high E string quite tricky, it may be the neck on this crappy Chinese strat, the neck on the Peavey tele is one of the best I've played and it is only a budget guitar. I'm thinking about getting this in the next couple of weeks, what do you think? The humbuckers are coil tapped so it should still get some of that Strat tone.

Tomorrow I will give this a rest and go back to the powerchord lesson. I did the same tonight, I just keep trying to get this lesson right and keep having "just one last go" rolleyes.gif Then the time is gone blink.gif I think I need to set an alarm after half time to make me switch lessons laugh.gif

Thanks Gab.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 3 2015, 02:26 PM

Hi Phil, I was meaning that if possible you should follow the schedule of practice to cover both lessons each days. But then, I said that sometimes this can be less strict, and be based mostly on your motivation. Does it make sense?

About your take, it's true, the main thing to improve is your bending technique. I've learnt this exercise from an old Joe Satriani video, but here Ben explains it even clearly:

I think that it's the best exercise to improve the pitch of your bending technique. Practice this diary and your bending will become better and better.

About the guitar, nice choice! I love that combination of colours. If you like Strats, this is a good one, but I recommend you to check the one that you'll buy before buying it. Try it, play it and see how it feels in you hand. It's fundamental.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 3 2015, 02:38 PM

Thanks Gab,

Apart from the bends how do you think the rest is coming along?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 3 2015, 02:57 PM

Apart from the bends I think that the lesson is evolving really good. There are little moments with timing problems and appears mostly when you play 16th notes. And off course, always having in mind to improve dynamics and vibrato. Bu honestly them main issue appears with bends, you even loss a bit timing when they are coming...

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 3 2015, 10:11 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Mar 3 2015, 01:26 PM) *
Hi Phil, I was meaning that if possible you should follow the schedule of practice to cover both lessons each days. But then, I said that sometimes this can be less strict, and be based mostly on your motivation. Does it make sense?

Thanks Gab.

Yes it makes perfect sense.

I've only had chance to have a go at Ben's bending lesson tonight sad.gif I'll use that as a warm up each day I think. I picked up some new strings today and spent 2 hours talking with the shop owner and two other blokes, ooops rolleyes.gif , it was all interesting though.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 4 2015, 02:10 PM

Cool! Please keep me updated. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 4 2015, 09:48 PM

Midweek meal with wife tonight, much wine cool.gif

Gave that bending lesson a good try, I will definitely use that for ten minutes every day picking a different string/note and do semi tone and whole tone bends. It really does seem to help and I've only tried it once. I find it useful to have a tuner running. I don't use it to get to pitch but I do use it to check if I am correct when I think I am at pitch. Sometimes sharp, sometimes flat, sometimes very very close.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 5 2015, 02:07 PM

That's a cool trick to check the pitch of your bending in real time, good idea! wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 6 2015, 10:38 PM

Hello Gab,

15 minutes string bending exercise.
30 minutes playing the power chord lesson along at 50% with GP6
30 minutes on the rock pop solo.

I am really struggling to remember everything for some reason. What I do remember I've forgotten by the next day. I'm hoping it will suddenly lock into place, I think it's because I have so much going on at work lately blink.gif My brain needs a defrag unsure.gif

For some strange reason I was -20 to -30 cents on the high E string but as I worked across the neck, the thicker the strings were the more accurate my bends were, then, when I went back to the high E I was -20 to -30 cents out again. My method is this. Play the note three times then look at the tuner (if I'm not sure of the note) close my eyes, play the note again, move down a fret and bend until I think it is correct then open eyes and check tuner. I repeat this two frets down also.

I think this is a good way of ear training and also to gradually learn the notes on the neck.

Slowly slowly catchy monkey smile.gif




I am away form home this weekend. I need a travel guitar rolleyes.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 7 2015, 04:07 PM

Hi Phil! Great update.

Yes, sometimes we are very busy and our mind things to say, ok, it's enough, so going out during the weekend to refresh your mind is a great idea. You'll start next week renewed and things will start to work normally again. wink.gif

Your way of practicing bending sounds really good and I agree that it's a good method to train your ear. Keep working in this way and also record your self doing some improvisations that include bending to then check the pitches.

About, how to remember a lesson. I like dividing the parts of a lesson in days, and work on 1 part each day of the week. It's the best way to incoporate each of the licks that a lesson offers and be able to remember the whole thing, mostly when you are busy or working on many things at a time. I usually work on part 1 on monday, then on tuesday, refresh part 1 and start with part 2, and so... it really works.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 8 2015, 09:07 AM

Thanks Gab,
Sorry things take me so long. It may not seem like it but I do try hard, it's just that I work from 06:30 - 17:00 on my feet for ten of those hours and using my brain a lot so when I get home I'm pretty weary.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 8 2015, 04:56 PM

Oh I see. Do you like your job?

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 8 2015, 05:02 PM

It's very interesting, I am one of the owners so I have a lot to look after.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 8 2015, 05:16 PM

Wou! That site looks really futurist! Congrats on having your own business and also on working on something that your like. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 8 2015, 06:36 PM

Thanks Gab,
it was started by my father and two others about forty years ago. One partner and my father bought the third partner out and now me, my father, the other partner and his son run it. The two fathers are semi retired. This is why my time and energy are low smile.gif I do try my hardest with the guitar but I also have a wife to spend time with. I hope this explains why things take me longer than your other students wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 8 2015, 10:20 PM

Hello Gab,

Ok, just got home 21:00, had a great weekend, a micro holiday as my wife and I call them, two days out with a hotel stopover inbetween, with meal in the restaurant, drinks in the bar and a late breakfast.

I tried one of those new strats at the weekend, lovely, it had different pickups (HSS) but the bloke in the shop said that it was the same as the one I want. I've ordered one now and it could be 3 months before I get it. It was only release at NAMM 2015. It looks lovely with the chrome bits on the pickups.

As It's too late to start practising tonight I thought I might show you some tracks from one of my favourite bands to give you an insight into the kind of things I'd like to be able to lay one day rolleyes.gif , I'm seeing them on Friday night in Birmingham UK smile.gif They've been going since the 80's. I love their rhythms and lead guitar work.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 9 2015, 02:44 PM

Hi mate! Welcome back! Great to know that you had a great time during the weekend. Mine has been full of music and nice moments with family, girlfriend and friends. I had a gig with my band at the biggest Latin american Tattoo Show on Saturday and some jamming with a group of friends on Sunday that later could convert into a side project / album.

That guitar looks fantastic. Congrats on your new purchase. smile.gif

I'm listening to Thunder while I write this and I can say that they rock. I didn't know them. Thanks for the link. As you have been working on the two current lessons for many days, I think that maybe you're starting to feel a bit bored or need something new so what do you think if we add a new lesson that is close to Thunder's style?

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 9 2015, 03:45 PM

That would be great Gab, maybe I could alternate the lessons a little. To be honest I rarely get bored but I do get frustrated when I hit a sticking point for a few days, this in itself can be counterproductive ( Sometimes going back to lessons after trying something new can break a sticking point. I don't want to leave them altogether though, I still need to master the staccato power chord lesson too once I have got this one down.
Life's been a bit hectic lately, fun but hectic.
Glad you like Thunder. Their finest hour is Backstreet Symphony if you fancy getting an album. Luke Morley is the star guitarist, a left handed Les Paul player.
Cheers Gab.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 9 2015, 10:25 PM

Ok, worked on those last three bars tonight, I was struggling to remember them and get them into my fingers if you remember. It took longer than I wanted tonight but I had to keep plugging away, I was so close I couldn't go onto the power chord lesson because getting the notes into my fingers was only just out of reach.
I managed to get them now, the phrasing isn't right, the bends aren't very good etc etc BUT, the notes are in the right order. Now I have to hook them up to the rest of the piece, this can sometimes be difficult when I've been playing a small part in isolation but tomorrow I'll give it a go and the power chord lesson of which I have forgotten most of it in this last crazy week.

Here are the last three bars.

Cheers Gab


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 10 2015, 04:30 PM

Hi Phil! That video scared me! hahaha, do you feel like that while you practice? ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

Please stay calm and enjoy this process. It doesn't make sense to get frustrated because our goals are always like a mirage. Once you reach them, you'll already have new ones. So honestly the journey is the whole thing and if we don't really enjoy it, things don't make sense.

This lesson are excuses to develop your playing so as soon as we go for trickier lesson you'll forget the previous ones and this is not a problem, it's natural. An regarding this, there is another method to work that can be working on shorter lessons / exercises. This would have a similar impact on your playing and you won't have that memory thing all the time on your mind. You can do it even with the current lessons. for example you can decide to work only on two part during the whole week and see what happens.

What do you say?

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 10 2015, 05:09 PM

Thanks Gab,
I'm not quite as bad as the bloke in the video biggrin.gif but I do get frustrated. I am getting better. I usually concentrate on two bars at a time, get them into my fingers then learn another two. I try to polish the first two while learning the next two, then I try to polish the first four while learning the next two. I will try to break the lessons down a little more.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 10 2015, 05:26 PM

It sounds good. Try it and let me know what happens. smile.gif

and remember, smile and enjoy.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 10 2015, 10:18 PM

Hello Gab,
Had a good go at the Rock Pop solo again, got carried away with it again, ran out of time for the power chord lesson again. I'm struggling to get it all together. I can play the last three bars on their own but at the end my fingers start to play a similar part of the piece (bars 10/11). I was nearly like that bloke on the video laugh.gif

Just to show you I have been practising, take a look below, the little finger has a blister starting but it's hard to see in that pic rolleyes.gif Also the fingers were clean before I started, new strings and a lemon oiled fretboard too.

Click the pic for a larger view.

Cheers Gab cool.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 11 2015, 01:52 PM

hehehe that pic is a great signal of motivation and hard working!! I'm proud mate. It seems that our talks here are having some effect on your diary playing. Keep going! smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 11 2015, 10:30 PM

Mid week meal with wife, came back had ANOTHER go at the rock pop solo. Mate, I am hooked on this melody rolleyes.gif I just can't try anything else, I am determined not to let it beat me. It is like one of those 1980's arcade games where you keep trying to beat your last score, gotta have another go!!!!!!! That last bit is still proving hard to get the phrasing right but it is getting better. Tomorrow I will have to go to the power chord lesson, my little finger is on fire from all the little finger pull offs in the rock pop piece sad.gif My fingers look worse than in that last picture. Is it true that white spirit will harden the finger tips?
At least the power chord lesson will give my little finger a break laugh.gif
Friday there will be no practise sad.gif as I am going to see Thunder, (how are you enjoying them by the way?) and stopping in a hotel near the venue. Hopefully this micro break will fire me up for a good session on Saturday.
I may get chance on Friday night to try this, what would you recommend from the
Cheers Gab.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 12 2015, 03:10 PM

Hi Phil! You are very motivated and focused! That's great!! I remember using band aids when my tips weren't strong enough to be able to continue practicing! So I feel identified with you. One day your tips will be really strong, by now, you have to resist. biggrin.gif

If you feel motivated to switch to the chords lesson, go for it, if not keep on the other one. It's great when this motivation appears.

That restaurant is amazing!! Everything is great there if they do it right. My favorite part of Asado is called "Vacio" which combined with Morrones asados, and maybe a salad or fried potato would be majestic!

If this is the first time you go there and you are hungry, you could go for the "Parrilla Mixta" which includes everything so you can taste all the things that are done "a la parrilla".

Then, there is something called "Asado de tira" which gives the name to the whole thing which is a cut really tasty. It's not my favorite but people here loves it.

This should be combined with a good Argentinian Wine from Mendoza. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 12 2015, 09:22 PM

Thanks Gab,
We aren't going to book a table as I have to go to work and hopefully leave early, the restaurant is city centre so traffic could be a problem. We will see how it goes and try to walk in if we get chance. Got to get to the gig for 6:30.

Ok, I've had a go at the solo again, can't resist. This is take number 666. I was quite tense as I kept getting the last three bars completely wrong so I was thinking about that all the way through rolleyes.gif You will here many little mistakes, I think this is due to the tension in me while I was playing, the ending is a total mess but I've put it on here so show you I am doing something wink.gif . If you listen to my recording a few posts back, just of the last three bars, it is much better than this, for some reason it just doesn't happen when I add it onto the rest. Hopefully, now I have done it once and jumped that hurdle it will start to come together. Mind you, with no practise tomorrow my fingers will probably forget what they have done tonight laugh.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 13 2015, 03:25 AM

Hi Phil! Nice to find a complete take of this one! I think that it sounding good! I can note that you are working really hard with this one and the first half shows it clearly. Another part of the practice is practicing to be on a recording situation. You need to practice it, to be able to control anxiety and tension while you play so I recommend to record a new video at the end of each practice session, if it's possible.

I'm sure that your fingers and mind will remember much more than what you think! Be positive! And also be positive that you'll try that amazing Argentinian food. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 14 2015, 09:17 PM

Never made it to the Argentinian restaurant sad.gif Time was against us and it was just a little too far away to be sure to get to the gig in time. We are going to go there later in the year, there is a hotel right opposite so we can have a good time and not think about driving smile.gif

The gig was AWESOME. Line up was Tax The Heat, Reef and Thunder.

This song had me in tears, it was sung with such passion, I had tears streaming down my face.

I don't think that kindness is a weakness
I don't have a problem with compassion

Tell me what you're thinking? Would you like to be so high?
Could you give consideration to something that you did not realize? Yeah
Would you close your ears to the things you did not believe?
Tell me would you be strong? Would you be the one to carry on?
Tell me would you be strong? Would you be one to carry on

I don't think that kindness is a weakness
I don't have a problem with compassion
Would you close your ears to the things you did not believe?
Tell me would you be strong? Would you be the one to carry on?
Tell me would you be strong? Would you be one to carry on

Half don't come here, half don't come here
Half don't come here, so I do

It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright

Thunder also had me in tears with this song, I didn't realise until last night what it is about. One of the guitarists, Ben Mathews has been going through cancer treatment. They introduced him, just before this song as "our resident cancer patient", then sung this song below. After it had finished they said "Put your hands together for the man who beat cancer". The crowd went wild. The song is about his difficult time through it all and how the band felt, the title is how it felt when he said he was in the clear. I hope it gave anyone in the audience going the the same, the strength to fight.

Resurrection Day
Live acoustic version, watch how the singer looks at Ben every now and then, Ben is the one nearest the camera. Lyrics below.

Album version

I was just living on
On the day they dropped the bomb
I was numb with a hard road in front of me
In the eye of the storm
So many long days I won’t mourn
But I wept with joy when the black clouds disappeared

From a long, lonely night
I’m back into the light
And it feels just like it’s resurrection day

Battle lines been drawn
You’re in the dark before the dawn
And you’re wondering why luck’s such a random thing
Every plan from before
In dust upon the floor
And it’s tough has hell when you’re lower than a submarine

But you live through the fight
And you touch the other side
And it feels just like resurrection day
It feels just like resurrection day
Somehow you break the barricades
While the fires are burning
Sometimes you fall on your knees and pray

From a cold, lonely night
I’m back into the light
It feels just like resurrection day
Yes it feels just like resurrection day
I’ve been waiting so long for resurrection day.

Here is tonight's Rock Pop solo. I tried a new pick, there is a lot of work to do on it but it is better. I know there is a wrong note a 0:42 but couldn't re-record, ran out of time. I think the ending is a little better. One area where I am struggling is on the high E bends, I find they don't sustain for very long, is this me, the guitar, or something else? They just seem to fade really quick and I end up re-picking them, that's how I made the wrong note at 0:42. I also noticed, when I played this back, that the guitar sounded a little flat, I checked it on the tuner and it is a little flat. I usually tune up first but was short on time and forgot. Why don't I notice it is flat when I'm playing instead of when I'm listening back. At least I noticed which, I suppose is a step in the right direction eh? rolleyes.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 15 2015, 07:13 PM

Hi Phil, I'm sorry about missing the Argentinian food! Your life will change when you taste it. tongue.gif But it's cool to know that the concert has been amazing! Both songs that you shared here are really nice. I really appreciate that you shared them with lyrics here. It's beautiful when music and songs has those deep meanings. I particularly love the one called "Resurrection", and I can't say that I had tears watching the video but I've been very close. Music is wonderful. smile.gif

Your take on the pop rock is definitely a step forward. The whole things is sounding good and you already noticed the things that you can work to improve this one. Be careful with that bend at 00:42. When you are playing a solo, you have many things in mind and that's why you can miss some important ones like your tuning. This will change with experience and when you feel more comfortable with your playing and technique.

The reason why your bends on E string has not enough sustain can be:

-Your tone: Maybe you don't have a tone with enough sustain, or you have a noise gate that is killing it.
- Your guitar: it can be a problem related to calibration and frets.
- Your fingers: Maybe you are not doing a strong vibrato or you are muting the note to early with any part of your hands.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 15 2015, 07:56 PM

Thanks Gab,

The Reef song just hits me somewhere and the live version that I saw blew my heart out. I've never been a big fan and I had actually forgotten I had the album with "Consideration" on rolleyes.gif
"Resurrection Day" probably strikes a chord with me because I lost three close family members to cancer over a two year period, also I've been listening to and going to gigs of Thunder for around 25 years, I feel like I know them, Harry the drummer is on my Facebook friends too.

I probably won't record tonight, I need to work on those high E bends. Speak soon.

Here's another classic Thunder for you. Lyrics below. I think you'll like this one, listen to it all though, it does change wink.gif

Low Life In High Places

Mama tell your children not to go
Down to the city where the desperate people go
And mama don't you let them stray
They won't find piece of mind in such a lonely place

Wannabes and losers all trying to get a break
They don't give a damn they'll do whatever it takes
If they climb the ladder they get to play for higher stakes
That's why there's low life in high places

Mama things have changed since you were young
When you scream in the dead of night
Now no one ever comes
And the poor man, he's cast as the villain and the thief
See him down on the street begging for enough to eat

Waiting on the corner, I saw her waiting for the man
When the limo pulled up I saw what was changing hands
I should've tried to warn her and make her understand
There is low life in high places

There is low life like you never even knew
There is low life and it lives in me and you
But we don't all let it through

Don't you let 'em go, you've got to have some pity
Don't you let 'em go
You've got to keep 'em away from the big bad city


Waiting on the corner, I saw her waiting for the man
When the limo pulled up I saw what was changing hands
I should've tried to warn her and make her understand

Mama tell your children not to go
Down to the city where the desperate people go
And mama don't you let them stray
They won't find piece of mind in such a lonely place



Posted by: Phil66 Mar 15 2015, 10:13 PM

OK, I managed to record a video as you said I should to overcome nerves etc. There are many mistakes especially after the 00:50 mark whcih is where I've been struggling anyway and the REC button made it worse. Hopefully you can see why my high E bends aren't singing. I've just had this guitar setup so it shouldn't be the guitar.

Cheers Gab


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 16 2015, 03:20 PM

Hi Phil, thanks for this new video! It's important to keep on recording this kind of videos to start feeling more comfortable while you record. Let's make this a normal things for you!

I can say that the main things to improve on this take at this point are bending and vibrato. You are not reaching the correct pitches when you bend and you are not adding vibrato on them, and when you play vibrato on other notes, it's not consistent. I think that your E string bends are short because of this two reasons, your bending is weak and you are not adding vibrato on it to make it last more. When you reach the higher pitch, your finger starts to do less strength and the note dies. How to solve it? Practice!

Let's add this two exercises into your diary practice:

The first exercise from this video:

and this lesson:

You don't have to learn the whole thing at once, but start working on some parts diary.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 16 2015, 03:35 PM

Thanks Gab,
I didn't notice the instructor applying vibrato on the big bends so I didn't do it. I will practise tonight and every night. The bending exercise i do with my tuner is pretty much the same as the Satch exercise so I will continue to do that and I will also add Ben's lesson, then I will practise the solo.
Here is my first attempt at the vibrato lesson. I find I have to put a finger on the B string because my vibrato hand keeps catching it and basically plucking it. Is this normal?

Can we look at another chord lesson please. I'm finding that the current one, (Ben's Power Chord Shifting) is not pulling me in for some reason.
How do you like "Low Life In High Places"?
Speak soon

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 17 2015, 01:24 PM

Hi Phil, thanks for the new video. It's a good first step. You need to continue working on this two vibrato rhythms to get the correct pitch of the bends done. When you play the slower one, you hit a higher pitch that you should, and when you do the faster, you hit a lower pitch so you have to calibrate both. Playing along with the original lesson can help to compare the pitches.

I liked "Low Life In High Places", it also creates that kind of melancholy and let's us thinking after a heard. Once again nice music with a deep message. Good stuff!

About Power chords lessons, what about one of these?

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 17 2015, 02:18 PM

Thanks Gab,
I know my mechanics need work but I think my biggest problem area is my ear. When I used to try and use TAB books, sometimes I would find an error in the TAB because I knew it didn't sound right BUT, I struggled to find the correct note for some reason. I can't explain that but it's how it works with me.
I will work hard with the time I have. I have a blister on my middle finger tip from last night's practice of Ben's Odyssey biggrin.gif
I like both of those new rhythm lessons, much funkier than the power chord lessons.

Not had much time tonight, worked until 20:30. Had a little go at the FuManchu piece, intro is trickier than it sounds as the C isn't at a regular space ohmy.gif
WIll do everything tomorrow night and get a video to you. Hopefully this blister on my middle finger won't burst. I think what has caused it is the downward vibrato that Ben uses. I always go upward so I am using a different part of my finger, it's bloody sore blink.gif


P.S This is one guitar intro I love, I love the snappy tone of it, very lively.

Oh place your hands, on my hope,
Run your fingers through my soul,
And the way that I feel right now,
Oh lord it may go.

So place your hands, on my hope,
Run your fingers through my soul,
And the way that we feel right now,
Oh lord it may go.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x4)

You know you cannot hide, from what’s inside,
You know you cannot hide, from what’s inside.
So I ask of you to help me through,
I ask of you this thing to do.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x2)

So lay me down, for a while,
Join my body with my mind,
And I cried at the common one,
For weeks after he died.

Put your hands on, put your hands on. (x4)

And the way that we feel right now,
Oh lord it may go.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 18 2015, 01:23 PM

Hi Phil! Thanks for the update. I'll wait for the new video! smile.gif

The guitar work on that song is really catchy and tasty. I like that intro idea as well as the simple but groovy and effective guitar solo. Interesting!

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 20 2015, 10:26 PM

Hello Gab,

I don't know what happened but I posted two videos last night, I've just checked as you haven't commented and for some crazy reason the post isn't there.

One thing I want to ask, is it ok to post music videos here? I post them to give you an insight into what I like for when you are choosing lessons for me, if they introduce new music to you then that is a bonus but, if you would rather me not post them I won't.

Anyway, here are the videos.

I don't think the tone is very good on this one, this guitar has P90 pickups, not good for a clean tone I have just found out. I'm wondering if I would get more sustain on the bends if I went through my amp instead of Amplitube???

Not practised much tonight, went out for a meal with my wife at a local eatery within walking distance and bumped into some old friends smile.gif Much time was spent talking about the old days and much ale was poured down my throat tongue.gif

Back tomorrow.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 21 2015, 02:38 PM

Hi Phil! Thanks for this new update!

Great to see you working hard. These videos show that you are really practicing and also that there is more work to do on many things related to technique, timing and dynamics. "Rock Pop Solo" is excellent to note what things you need to improve and also with the pass of days and takes we will be able to note your progress and how the most "technical exercises" affect your playing.

The vibrato lesson has many pitch issues that need to be polished and this is noted also on the rock solo lesson in which your vibrato is not consistent and your bending is not precise.

I also note some timing issues on the rock pop lesson as it happens with the last lick, and also that your alternate picking could be more defined so we have a lot of work to do. But don't worry, you are on the right track. wink.gif

About sharing music here, I really enjoy it! Keep it happening! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 21 2015, 03:13 PM

Thanks Gab,
I am slowly learning that it doesn't matter how long a lesson takes to complete because, as long as the student doesn't get bored with it, there are many many areas that are slowly improving. It's developing skills within the lesson that will help in other lessons.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say wink.gif

I think my mechanical skills will improve quicker than my ear but slowly does it eh?

OK, tonight I had my first go at the new collab. Below is my attempt, I like some parts but 90% of it I don't like. I like from 00:37 to 1:00, after that I tried to play softly with the fade out. The beginning isn't very strong at all.

Here is a song I like, someone tried to teach me this intro but I couldn't get it.

One night, downtown, young girl, head down
Walked in, sat down beside me
One look was enough, and this boy was in love
The cold sweat was burning up inside me
You're not shy like a little girl, you don't cry like a kissin' doll
Little Jeany was just too much, she said, baby baby, look but don't touch
She got up and walked by, a little teaser with one thing on her mind
The jukebox at number twenty-five
Next thing that I knew, she was dancing on the bar
Twistin' on and a-shakin', lookin' like a movie star
Hot sticky stuff and close enough to touch
And this is what she said to me, she said baby baby baby, baby baby baby
Baby baby baby, baby baby baby baby baby baby
Baby baby baby, baby baby baby, she said baby baby baby
Baby baby baby baby baby baby
(Baby baby baby) Look but don't touch
(Baby baby baby) Look but don't touch
(Baby baby baby) Look but don't touch
(Baby baby baby) Look but don't touch me
(Look but don't touch) Look but don't touch
(Look but don't touch) Look but don't touch me
(Look but don't touch) Look but don't touch
(Look but don't touch) Touch me, no no no
Look but don't touch me, no
Don't touch my legs, don't touch my hips
Don't touch my ass, don't touch my lips
Don't touch me there, don't [show a hair]
Don't touch my cheeks, don't touch me there, there, there, and there
Don't touch me there, don't touch me there, no no no, ow...



Posted by: Phil66 Mar 22 2015, 09:47 PM

Hello Gab,

Please read post above so you don't miss it. wink.gif

Ok here is what I did tonight.

19:15-19:30 Bending to pitch.
I actually managed to get to within 5 cents on some notes tonight, others were way off. For some reason I had a lot of success on the D played on the G string and bending up from the C and C#.
I don’t know why but when playing a piece it’s much much harder, maybe because of so much to think about. blink.gif

19:30-19:45 Ben’s Vibrato Oddysey.
Still struggling. Still choking notes, it must be me because it’s not all the time. unsure.gif

19:45-20:15 Rock Pop Solo practise.
Still struggling with the last few bars. Is there a technique lesson that will help with these? (You mentioned my alternate picking needs work). On the bends, I actually notice that they aren’t to pitch while I'm playing them now, whereas before I only noticed when I listened to the play back, so there is some improvement. I find I don’t have time to adjust the bend while I’m playing. Hopefully I will be able to go straight to pitch with more practise.

20:15-20:30 Rock Pop Solo video takes.
Took lots of takes to manage to get the last two or three bars anywhere near rolleyes.gif .

20:30-20:40 Creating video and uploading to You Tube

20:40-20:55 Collab time.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 23 2015, 03:54 PM

Hi Phil, thanks for the video and detailed descriptions.

I note that there is something related the way your bend and do vibrato that could be improved and that will help you to feel more comfortable with both techniques. I'm sure that you know it, and that you do it when you practice the techniques isolated but when you are playing the lesson I note that in many cases you don't. I'm talking about the use of other fingers (mostly the closer one/s) of your left hand to help the one that is doing the vibrato and/or bend. Just check the first seconds and you'll note that poor finger 1 is doing the work alone (00:05, 00:07). Please try to improve this.

About alternate picking, yes! There are lessons that will make you train this technique.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 23 2015, 04:42 PM

Thanks Gab,

I will look at those lessons. I need to restructure my diary as I am getting too much to do with the time I have in one sitting. I think I need to alternate some things. What do you recommend?

I do actually use more than one finger when practicing in isolation but when it comes to playing the Rock Pop solo it seems to get forgotten sad.gif

Tonight's diary. (I am giving you this so you can maybe come up with a schedule for me if that's ok with you)

19:15-19:30 Bending to pitch.
Seem to be a bit better tonight. I think some of it is actually remembering the note sound. If I have a reference note droning on I can match it fairly quickly but when I play a note then stop it to play the bend I don’t seem to remember quite what it is. I got to within 10 cents on a lot tonight but some were still way off.

19:30-19:50 Ben’s Picking hand basics
Experimented with new guitar stool, seems better than sitting in a chair, halfway between sitting and standing. Videoed part one and two. Aim to learn the whole piece and play along with Ben.


19:55-20:30 Fun Manchu Lesson
Getting better at part one. Videoed it.

20:35-21.00 Creating video and uploading to You Tube/GMC. Had trouble with Movie Maker reporting corrupt sound files even though they were fine.

21:00-21:10 Collab time. Trying to tune tone. Then I will use the new tone to maybe give me inspiration. It’s now well past my 20:30 deadline for wife time.

Eye Opener Collab. Favourite part is from 00:37-1:00

Thanks Gab

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 24 2015, 04:46 PM

Hi Phil! Great stuff!

Your work on alternate picking lesson and Fumanchu is very good. I can only say good things about your playing on both so you are on the right track. Just to check, are you doing some right hand fingers movement when you play alternate picking? Am not sure if you are doing it, but if the answer is yes, you should try to avoid it since the motion should start from your wrist and a bit from your elbow.

About how to structure your practice. Well, at first it's important to avoid trying to cover a lot of things on the same routine so if you feel that the topics are too much we should give some for the future and focus on less things. I don't recommend to wok on different topics each day because I think that our mind and body needs to get familiar/used to what you want to learn and the best way is with diary practice. But there is something that you can do in order to get the most of each day. You can give more importance to a different topic each day, and double its time of practice. This means that you would practice everything every day but you practice more time one topic on each day.

Does it make sense?

The collab take has some cool things happening. I also think that the second half is more interesting and I relate it to the fact that you used more rhythm variations and silences, so that's the road you should take during the whole thing, and also work a bit more with other elements like dynamics, bends, vibrato. Your playing is tasty but you need to give it more life. You sound like "shy" and it can be related to the fact that you don't want to play something wrong... let yourself playing more freely and let's see what happens. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 24 2015, 09:40 PM

Thanks Gab,

Ok, I only got in from work 15 minutes ago, too late to have a proper lesson so I had a go at the collab. I was listening to Home by Satch on the way home.

Came up with this. What do you think? Where can I build on it?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 25 2015, 02:36 PM

Hi Phil, I think that this impro has a cool leit motive that is shown as soon as you start soloing. It's a good starting point to develop a whole idea so I would keep it but I would also explore with more variation on the following parts.

Listen to some songs from this album:

Analyze how Joe makes his phrases evolve through the whole song. In these cases, he has a long song to develop it so he frequently repeats the phrases many times, but always with different endings, intensities, using different octaves, etc. The collab needs has a short backing, so you have to do summarize a bit the ideas. Listen to some of those Satriani songs and imagine what you would do if you are asked to take the best parts of one of those songs and create a 20 seconds solo... just as an experiment...

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 25 2015, 10:15 PM

Hello Gab,

I have that album, listened to it on the way home, Joe seems to have twice as many notes in his scale as me laugh.gif I didn't come up with anything just yet.
I've had a decent practice but had to minimise recording due to time.
Picture proof of practice below. Is there anything that can be put on fingertips to stop them squashing in so much? I'm sure this is making my bends harder to do because of the flesh on the fingerboard causing friction, what do you think? I heard that white spirit hardens them.

Hopefully recordings tomorrow. Work is hectic lately so let's hope I don't need to work late.

Cheers Gab


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 26 2015, 03:01 PM

Hi Phil, yeah, Joe's phrasing is amazing, he can do a lot of things with a few elements. That's exactly what I was talking about. Listen to his playing and notice how he makes his phrasing evolve from phrase to phrase to make his playing entertained and to keep the attention of the listener. I also like his latest albums which are very melodic and interesting. Besides Satriani, there are lots of guitarists to analyze and listen to.

About your tips, trust me, they look really good! This is normal and we have to deal with it in order to get stronger tips that don't hurt anymore. If you cannot continue playing you can play a bit more or what I used to do when the problem become bloody, use bandages. But the best is to let the tips become stronger so the bandages solution is only on extreme cases. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 26 2015, 10:16 PM

Thanks Gab,
I can live with the pain it's just that they seem soft, I thought there might be a chemical to harden them.
ok time was very tight again tonight, work duties I'm afraid. I had a good go at the alternate picking tonight. I tried to not use finger movement as much but it doesn't feel natural doing little movements with my wrist.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 27 2015, 12:53 AM

Yes, be sure that they will become stronger with the pass of time. wink.gif

Your right hand movement looks good on the video. I'm comparing it with Ben's and the movement looks similar, and also, you are playing the lesson faster than the original. Keep on practicing to get used to this new way of picking.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 27 2015, 10:34 PM

Thanks Gab,

I will ignore the pain and play on wink.gif

19:45-20:00 Bending to pitch practise. Still struggling, my ear must be awful.

20:00-20:40 Rock Pop solo practise and video recording. I'm starting to think I'll never get this one to the REC zone sad.gif I get much closer on the bends when playing along with the instructor but when playing alone I can hear they don't sound right with the backing (maybe this is a slight improvement actually being able to hear they are out).

20:40-20:50 creating and posting video to youtube/GMC

20:50-20:15 Fumanchu practise. Recorded WAV at 50% 8 bars twice.



Update for Saturday 28/03/2015:
We took our 6 year old nephew out for the day and it turned out to be a longer day than anticipated, after all of the fun and taking him home we called in to a bar for some food, didn't get home until around 20:30 so I had a little practise but didn't have time to record and post.
Sorry sad.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 29 2015, 04:44 PM

Hi Phil, good job! I know that you feel that this is going slowly but don't think too much about it. I'm sure that you'll note important improvements after some months of practice if you compare older with newer videos. When we are on practice period, we don't really note the little improvements every day, but be sure that you are going forward. wink.gif

I feel that the main thing to work on the pop rock solo is the pitch of your bends. I think that you need to work more on the last section of this one where you have more bends and where the issue becomes more notorious. The other parts are better, but there is still room to improve vibrato, articulation and dynamics.

About the fumanchu lesson, it seems to sound good at this tempo, you could start working over the slower backings to see how you adapt to the drums groove. So I'd like to hear you playing over it.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 29 2015, 08:15 PM

Thanks for the encouragement Gab,
I am starting to think that I won't ever get bends right and will have to resort to sliding to pitch instead laugh.gif
I'd love to play along with the slower tracks AND record with them but I can't download them. Maybe this would be a good idea for admin to look at so students can put them in their DAW.
I downloaded the Cubase Elements software yesterday and had what I thought was going to be a "quick look" tonight. Before I knew it an hour had gone mad.gif I like the look of it but it is a bit complex. I couldn't see how to get Amplitube to work with it either.
I only had a little practise tonight due to this time lost BUT I have come up with an idea that may look like cheating but I don't think it is really because I would never ever use this method to post to the REC zone or for you to listen to unless I told you I was using it. What I have just tried, and this is my first attempt (see below), is to have a tuner displayed on screen whilst playing, I worked out what the big bends should be (I had to look at the GP5 file but maybe it would be good for the TAB to have them in so that students without GP5 can see what they are), and then while I played I used the tuner to help me reach pitch. I'm hoping this will help train my ear for when I'm not playing along with the instructor as a reference point. What do you think? Is it a good idea or do you think it will make me worse? I'm not planning on relying on it for recording stuff to help me pass, only as an ear training aid and I will always tell you when I use this method. I'm just thinking that my ear/tone memory isn't all that good just yet so it may help.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 30 2015, 01:44 PM

Hi Phil, I honestly never tried using a tuner for practicing bending but I know that many people tried it including our old instructor Alex Feather who used to recommend this to the students. He is a killer guitarist so if he says it works, it must work so it would be good if you experiment with this and share your experience. I feel that many other students could benefit from your conclusions about this method so it would be nice from you if you start a thread at Practice Room to share your experience, what do you say?

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 30 2015, 07:43 PM

Thanks Gab,

I did a about the bending.

I only had an hour tonight after posting to the forum about the bending so I did 20 minutes bending practise, 20 minutes of the alternate picking and 20 minutes of the Rock Pop solo.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 31 2015, 06:34 PM

Hi Phil! Well done with that post! It's really cool to see the great feedback and comments that you are receiving there! smile.gif

"I only had an hour tonight after posting to the forum about the bending so I did 20 minutes bending practise, 20 minutes of the alternate picking and 20 minutes of the Rock Pop solo."

Great! The most important thing is diary practice so at least some minutes for each lesson helps! Keep going.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 31 2015, 06:57 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Mar 31 2015, 06:34 PM) *
Hi Phil! Well done with that post! It's really cool to see the great feedback and comments that you are receiving there! smile.gif

"I only had an hour tonight after posting to the forum about the bending so I did 20 minutes bending practise, 20 minutes of the alternate picking and 20 minutes of the Rock Pop solo."

Great! The most important thing is diary practice so at least some minutes for each lesson helps! Keep going.

Thanks Gab,

I'm surprised at how many views there have been compared to how many comments and not a single poll input laugh.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Mar 31 2015, 07:06 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Mar 31 2015, 02:57 PM) *
Thanks Gab,

I'm surprised at how many views there have been compared to how many comments and not a single poll input laugh.gif



Sometimes people is shy and wastes the big opportunity of learning by interacting, by giving and receiving feedback. I'm sure that both Alex and you have learnt something thanks to that chat there. Imagine if everybody adds his input. This is why I always try to encourage students to join the mentoring programs and share videos and audios. Hope to see more feedback there.

Posted by: Phil66 Mar 31 2015, 09:07 PM

I used to be really shy but GMC has brought me out of my shell. It is because of the positiveness in the comments given when at the same time not giving false praise. Thank you.

I had to do my usual monthly production figures tonight so hardly had any time. I posted what I did as it was all ear training.

I'll try to get some sound or video to you tomorrow or the day after then I am going away for four days so no practise other than in my head.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 1 2015, 02:13 PM

Hi Phil, that's the great advantage of positive and constructive feedback. It's a win win situation, we all learn from it. smile.gif

I'll check how the thread has continued now.

Looking forward your new stuff.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 1 2015, 09:20 PM

Hello Gab,

I'm pretty disappointed with how this take has tuned out, I tried about 10 times and new problems appeared along with the old ones. I've had a very hard day at work today and have been awake since 02:15 (insomnia mad.gif ) but I've posted it anyway. I was using the tuner but only glancing at he last moment to see how the bend was. Not much time for alteration when playing along with the backing track anyway wink.gif

Rock Pop Solo

Alternate Picking. There are some left hand mistakes that made my picking go out out but I think I managed to recover. I've never been able to recover after a mistake before so something, somewhere is improving smile.gif

Hopefully I'll get you some Fu Manchu tomorrow if I sleep better tonight. My eyes are closing dry.gif

Cheers Gab


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 2 2015, 02:00 PM

Hi Phil, even finding out that all the bends played on the video are out of pitch I can see improvements in your playing. The phrases from the lessons sound more natural and your picking, timing and overall playing more consistent. Give time to bending and keep on working on it. It is not a technique that is master in a few days, so please be patient. wink.gif

Your alternate picking movement looks great. Keep going.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 2 2015, 02:24 PM

Thank Gab.
Nice to see that you noticed some improvements smile.gif I am a little better at bending to pitch when I'm just practicing that on its own; it's a whole different ball game when playing along with a backing track, more distractions; less time etc. I'll get there.
As I'm going away tomorrow for four days I've got a tuner on my phone that plays a reference note. I will try to copy it with my voice. This may help my ear training wink.gif
Have you even had a student that never managed to get bending to pitch right?

He is my attempt at the FuManchu lesson. 85bpm backing. First 16 bars BUT the 16th bar is altered until I can get the phrasing of those two bends, OH NO bends again blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif laugh.gif

How do I get rid of the sliding noises from 00:27 onwards when sliding on the double stop? unsure.gif

Ok, I'm away on a little break for four days now so hopefully I'll get something to you on Monday.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 3 2015, 08:01 PM

Yes, everything becomes a bit trickier in a real music situation, that's why exercises are used for training but practicing full music lessons is the way to go. I had students that never master techniques but the reason has been that they never dedicated time seriously to progress as guitarists. Those that has been disciplined and worked hard could master everything they wanted.

The sliding sound is something natural that can become more disturbing depending on the tone and compression that you are using. In these cases, when the tone makes it sound even louder than the chord, I try to avoid the sliding by separating the fingers from the strings while changing chords.

I think that the fumanchu lesson is evolving really good, keep going.

Have a good time during this 4 days vacation. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 3 2015, 08:35 PM

Thanks for your encouragement Gab,
I will apply myself as much as my time allows, I just worry that my ear will let me down. Mechanical problems I know I can work on but if the ear I was born with is no good I will be really upset sad.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 3 2015, 08:43 PM

Ear can be trained, don't think it's impossible, work on it. Be patient and enjoy the journey. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 3 2015, 10:09 PM

Thanks Gab
I really hope I can conquer my bad ear.
I will try my hardest.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 4 2015, 09:59 PM

You are on the right track, keep the hard work.

PS: I was distracted and tried to kill that insect in your profile picture. laugh.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 6 2015, 06:58 PM

Hola Gab,

Gracias por tu consejo!

A few people have said that about my moving ant laugh.gif

Do you think something like is worth getting? If only one which of the two or would it be better to go for both? I don't really want to spend that kind of money on that kind of thing but if you think it will work I would risk it.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 7 2015, 02:00 PM

Hi Phil, I've heard good things about it but I don't think that it's necessary. You need to keep on working on the things that we are already working and start learning songs and solos by ear. If you do it every day, you won't need a course, but if you like the "course" structure and have the money you can go for it.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 7 2015, 02:33 PM

Thanks Gab,

If you think we can do it together I'll keep my money wink.gif I am struggling to match bends to pitch so working out solos and songs is beyond me at the moment i think. Cosmin tried to get me to work out the vocal melody to "Let It Be" and I thought I had some of it but every note was wrong. You see that's the problem, I don't know when I'm right with the pitch unless I have a reference pitch playing at the same time. This is my big worry, that my ear will prevent me from progressing and eventually make me quit sad.gif

Update: I've just signed up for, what do you think? Nothing to lose really.

Only shot one video tonight, time is short but I did have a go at that ear training site and also my own bending to pitch practise and about 15 minutes on the FuManchu lesson, pretty rusty on the FuManchu after my little break.

I think some of the bends are closer but some are still way off, I can hear it better when I play back than when I am playing, maybe because I'm trying to hear for the pitch but run out of time getting there but when listening I can focus on one thing.

I was thinking in the early hours of this morning (02:30). I don't think it is my ear that is the problem, I'm not saying I have a perfect ear but I think it is more to do with my memory of the note/pitch and how it sounds. I can tune my guitar using my ear so long as one string is correct. My BIG problem is when I try and play from memory i don't remember the correct note when bending. If I use a TAB book and play a fretted note that is tabbed incorrectly I know straight away. I can't always find the correct note though.
What do you think about this theory?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 8 2015, 02:46 PM

Hi Phil, good stuff!

The bends on the new take are closer! Some of them are right while some are much closer than the previous take so this is evolving really fast. Again, this is not anything that you'll master in a few hours or days, it takes years of training to have a strong well educated ear.

Based on the last update / comment that you shared here, I can say that what you are lacking is some training singing / integrating intervals and scales with your voice / ear. If you cannot imagine how the scale continues or how the bend should sound, the issue is that you don't have the sound of the scale in your mind, and this is normal if you've never practiced intervals and scales and sing along with them.

I just started this workout that I'm sure you'll like to join:

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 9 2015, 08:39 PM

Hola Gab,

My answers for the assignment, I used my guitar to play along and find the notes, it got better as I went on and, with some I didn't have to play the second note. I know I will struggle to detect these in a proper recording but that will hopefully come in time. In the isolation of the assignment and with only three choices it did start to get easier. The major 3rd sometimes caught me out at first because for some reason the interval sounded bigger than it really was. Strange but at least I do feel like I am getting better smile.gif

1: A E Perfect 5th
2: A C# Major 3rd
3: A E Perfect 5th
4: A A Perfect 8ve
5: A C# Major 3rd
6: A E Perfect 5th
7: A E Perfect 5th
8: A A Perfect 8ve (Clever putting this at number 8 wink.gif )
9: A A Perfect 8ve
10: A C# Major 3rd
11: A A Perfect 8ve
12: A C# Major 3rd
13: A C# Major 3rd
14: A E Perfect 5th
15: A A Perfect 8ve
16: A A Perfect 8ve
17: A C# Major 3rd
18: A E Perfect 5th
19: A C# Major 3rd
20: A E Perfect 5th
21: A A Perfect 8ve

This is really helpful. Not only for ear training but it helps to understand the fretboard a little bit too. I did this little thing and I sing along saying "maj third, per fifth, octave" biggrin.gif Hopefully this will stick in my mind and help me out in other areas.

Unfortunately this assignment took longer than I thought so no vids or sound files tonight but I did have a bending practise and a go at FuManchu.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 10 2015, 01:46 PM

Excellent Job Phil! Please keep on practicing this stuff. Record a long audio track with random intervals and then write down the list just by using your ear and voice. Then, re-check with guitar to see if you did it right. Dedicate 10 minutes everyday to works like the next days until the new assignment is shared.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 10 2015, 01:56 PM

Thanks Gab,
How many were correct?
I will continue without using my guitar, then check with guitar as you said, I will also record as you said. Ten minutes disappears though and ends up being an hour laugh.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 10 2015, 02:01 PM

heheh ok! If you are enjoying this, it's ok if you work 30 minutes each day. The advantage to having a well trained ear is so big.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 10 2015, 08:32 PM

Hola Gab,

Ok tonight I tried just using my ear, then I checked with guitar. I have put the ones I think I got wrong in bold and put what I think it should be in brackets once I had checked with guitar.

1: A E Perfect 5th
2: A C# Major 3rd
3: A E Perfect 5th
4: A A Perfect 8ve
5: A C# Major 3rd
6: A A Perfect 8ve (A E Perfect 5th)
7: A E Perfect 5th
8: A A Perfect 8ve
10: A C# Major 3rd
11: A E Perfect 5th (A A Perfect 8ve)
12: A C# Major 3rd
13: A C# Major 3rd
14: A E Perfect 5th
15: A A Perfect 8ve
16: A E Perfect 5th (A A Perfect 8ve)
17: A C# Major 3rd
18: A E Perfect 5th
19: A C# Major 3rd
20: A E Perfect 5th
21: A E Perfect 5th (A A Perfect 8ve)

I am starting to recognise the Major 3rd a bit better, well, in the isolation of this exercise anyway. I find it a strange interval, to my ears it almost sounds "wrong", can you understand why that might be? It sounds as though it is too flat to my ears, it sound "out of tune" for some reason. Any ideas?
I've tried listening to music on CD etc but can't do it as there is too much other stuff going on.

Another go at the Rock Pop Solo rolleyes.gif I am starting to notice when some of the bends are out, more so when they are sharp than when they are flat I just don't get time to alter them laugh.gif So I do think something is happening somewhere in my head smile.gif




I never thought I would be able to do this. I know it's not pitch perfect but for me I think it is monumental laugh.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 12 2015, 06:07 PM

hehe great job mate! I can see how your ear is improving faster than normal and this is thanks for your motivation and hard work. If you keep on working on this way on both lessons, tuner exercise and ear training your ear will be tight soon!

Your "post" corrections and good. You just missed the interval number 9 that you forgot to write, the other ones are perfect. There is nothing to fix. This shows that you need to continue practicing Maj 3rd interval. Try to sing it, at first with your guitar and then without it, maybe when you are doing another thing and then check with guitar if you are right. One trick to recognize intervals is to associate them to very known songs, for example, Argentinian national hymn starts with a major third and then a perfect 5th. Check it out:

As I will never forget our hymn, I'll never confuse these intervals. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 14 2015, 04:40 PM

Hello Gab,
Did you get my PM yesterday?

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 14 2015, 06:50 PM

Hi Phil, no, I don't have any message from you in my inbox.... blink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 14 2015, 07:16 PM

Hello Gab,

I've just opened Chrome and it was still sitting there (I set Chrome to carry on where I left off), I hadn't clicked "send".

Anyway, I've sent it now. Basically I had a phone call last night telling me I had lost a friend on Saturday and I wouldn't be posting anything. My head still isn't right but I will try to get something to you tonight. Ordered a guitar as a tribute see



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 14 2015, 07:35 PM

Now I received and answered your message. I'm so sorry about this mate. And I'd like to say that getting that guitar and calling it Bob is a very nice act and I'm sure that a part of his should be be there every time you look or play that beautiful guitar.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 16 2015, 08:39 PM

Thanks for your kind words Gab.

I will be back soon.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 17 2015, 03:02 PM


Posted by: Phil66 Apr 18 2015, 09:20 PM

Hello Gab,
Ear training, answers using guitar to find the notes and cross checking with diagram. I can recognise the major 3rd most times and the octave. Some of the newer ones are tricky and the perfect 4th is sometimes hard to tell from a major 3rd. I will do this exercise daily and eventually hope to not use my guitar to recognise the intervals.

1: Major 3rd
2: Perfect 4th
3: Octave
4: Perfect 5th
5: Major 2nd
6: Major 7th
7: Major 6th
8: Major 2nd
9: Unison
10: Perfect 4th
11: Octave
12: Major 3rd
13: Major 7th
14: Perfect 4th
15: Perfect 5th



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 20 2015, 01:04 AM

Hi Phil, there is only one wrong interval on the list, please re-check everything. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 20 2015, 08:12 PM

Hello Gab,

Ok tonight I noticed something I find odd. Maybe you can explain. I picked the guitar up, tuned it and switched on my Korg TM-50 tuner. I played each interval in the latest assignment. Each time I played the A followed by the interval and I tried to hum the second note just before I picked it. I noticed that my hum was close to the guitar note, (within 15 cents), I continued to hum the note and muted the string to double check and the tuner showed it was close. I find this very strange as I have trouble recognising intervals. Maybe it's because I can see where the note is going to be played on the guitar fretboard and can take a pretty good guess. It's definitely an improvement though, I think unsure.gif

Number two is incorrect. I looked at the diagram incorrectly. The Major 3rd and Major 6th are played on the same frets but different strings and I got mixed up rolleyes.gif I checked all of the others too, just in case. I guess the next step is to be able to associate the interval names with the sounds so I don't have to keep looking at the diagram.
2: Major 6th

What I am going to do next is to play the A and then try to get better at finding the other note, hopefully getting it in one try without hunting for it.

Ok, my head is now in a better place so I will be practising properly again, I have been playing but my friend's death knocked the wind out of my sails and made not so bothered about learning so I was just noodling away going nowhere, I lost my drive to achieve.

I have a question regarding the rec zone. At my level, how much error on bending to pitch would be allowed? It's just that I think it will be a long long time before I hit 100% accuracy on each and every bend. Just curious mate.

Thanks for everything and your kind words during this difficult time, it is gradually getting easier and I love having a few minutes with Bob (the guitar) each day.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 21 2015, 09:52 PM

Hi Phil,

yes, that's a very important achievement (being able to sing the note before you play it). When trying to recognize intervals, you should be able to help yourself with your voice. There is a trick when recognizing intervals from the major scale and it's that you can sing the major scale which most of us are very used to do, to connect the root with the interval played... so if you can sing the major scale: C D E F G A B, let's suppose that the interval is C G, you can fill the notes in between both notes singing the major scale and discover that it's a 5th. Does it make sense?

About your REC program question, our grades are based on a summary of things so I cannot say exactly if your take will pass based on how wrong your bends are. However, I can say that it would be great if you provide more REC takes to receive opinions from other instructors. That's the real goal of the program.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 21 2015, 10:29 PM

Thanks Gab,

Everything makes sense in your comments.

I will put a REC video up in the next few days. I wouldn't mind if I just about scraped through because we could find another piece with bends in as these need the most work I think, mainly due to my ear but I do feel that is improving.

Thank you for your patience this last week.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 22 2015, 01:04 AM

Great Phil, I'm enjoying this journey together, thanks for letting me be part of it. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 22 2015, 09:16 PM

Absolutely thank YOU, you are a great human being cool.gif

Ok, I need to get some of my limited skills back in the Rock Pop solo and also the Fu Manchu. I should get a video to REC by Friday for the Rock Pop solo but do you want me to post it here first? The Fu Manchu is evolving slowly at a slower speed than the original, it's a little quick for me at full speed so I want to master it ALL at a slower speed first then, once it is in my fingers I will increase the speed and hopefully get it to the REC zone.

Tonight I did my ear training and I did a little track for the Tone Workshop.

One small problem, I am in Spain from 1st-9th April so will lose skill again but life has to be lived eh?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 23 2015, 06:34 PM

Hi Phil! Great stuff and nice phrase! Life has to be lived... and also we must run risks if we want to achieve goals and dreams.. so let's go for the REC without checking it first! smile.gif

I hope to see your take at REC tomorrow.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 23 2015, 06:53 PM

Thanks Gab, Maybe Cirse could do a song called "Life has to be Lived" wink.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 23 2015, 08:06 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Apr 23 2015, 02:53 PM) *
Thanks Gab, Maybe Cirse could do a song called "Life has to be Lived" wink.gif

Or maybe we should do a GMC collab with this name, and every guitarist playing from his favorite place in town... biggrin.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 23 2015, 08:18 PM

Great but it might be a bit wild biggrin.gif

Just posting to REC smile.gif

Trying to post to youtube but stuck in processing sad.gif

Finally sorted, video in REC zone smile.gif

Wow! This is a crazy post laugh.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 24 2015, 07:59 PM

Great! I'll check it in a moment! smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 24 2015, 08:45 PM

Thanks for you comments on REC Gab,

I know the timing went way off in places, I was concentrating on my bends and then at one point I noticed I was rushing and tried to pull the timing back but didn't manage it. I think a lot of my problems, apart from the bending, is that I have noodled with no direction for years and my fingers have picked up some very bad habits like one finger bending and vibrato. They will take time to fix but I will get there eventually.
At least I have started to notice that my bends are off pitch, it's just developing the skill to get them to pitch by ear and within the timing of the beats that I need to master. I find it odd that I can tell the bends aren't at the correct pitch but struggle to get them there rolleyes.gif

Cheers Gab.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 25 2015, 05:35 PM

Hi Phil! yeah, these are great news. Now you are focused and working on the necessary things to take your playing to the next level. I feel that you are on the right track now so keep on the hard work. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 25 2015, 08:36 PM

Thanks for your advice Gab.

Here's another go. Can you see any improvement anywhere at all?

I'm really really struggling with bar 16 in the FuManchu lesson,


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 26 2015, 02:38 PM

Hi Phil, yes! I really note improvements on the three elements that I marked and said that you had to work. I notice more bends on pitch, tighter playing and your vibrato a bit more consistent. There is still work to do since there are still bends that don't hit the pitch but it's just a matter of time and practice, the progress can be noted. You are doing a good job.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 26 2015, 02:45 PM

Thanks Gab,

Would that score higher in REC? I'm keen to move on but not until I've scored a pass. Obviously I'm not going to get it as good as the teacher but I hope to get it good enough for a pass at my level.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 26 2015, 02:48 PM

I think that it's around 7.5 so maybe it passes maybe not, it's really close.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 26 2015, 02:59 PM

Thanks Gab,
I'll keep trying, it would be good if I can improve enough to pass before I go to Spain then when I come back we can pick a new solo. I'm still struggling with Fu Manchu rolleyes.gif it's bar 16 that I'm stuck at. Just can't get it. Hopefully one of these times it will just happen.

Ear training answers. I struggled a little bit working out the intervals. I didn't know what key they were in, for instance I'm sure #1 is a major 3rd because of the fret position but in A Major but when I looked at the scale generator I noticed that there is no C in A Major. This is why I have put the notes in brackets so that you can explain if I have got the interval name wrong but got the correct notes. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

1: Major 3rd (G# C)
2: Perfect 5th (D A)
3: Major 3rd (G cool.gif
4: Octave (C# C#)
5: Major 3rd (F# A#)
6: Perfect 4th (D# A#) This one confused me. I had to detune my low E to match the low note and I used the chord generator to find that C# Major has both of these notes in.
7: Octave (B cool.gif
8: Major 3rd (B D#)
9: Perfect 5th (G# D)
10: Major 3rd (F A)

I think I have matched the notes ok but not sure if I have worked out all of the intervals correctly. This took most of my lesson time tonight with all of the cross checking to find out which scales had the notes in so I could work out the interval. I know on some we can check back to the diagram in the 2nd assignment but not all. It was good fun though and hopefully the sound of the intervals will get into our heads so we won't have to cross check with diagrams wink.gif I did recognise a couple of the Major 3rds right away but still didn't have the confidence to enter the answer without checking biggrin.gif

It's all good.

Thanks for this workshop Gab, it's great.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 27 2015, 03:56 PM

Hi Phil! Good job with the intervals! It's great to see how your ear is being polished with the pass of the assignments. This is not an easy task, and you did a very good job. The intervals and note names are perfect except that there is 1 wrong interval. As I want you to get the most of this assignments, I won't tell you which one is wrong, so you should re-check them all...

I didn't get what you mean here:

"I didn't know what key they were in, for instance I'm sure #1 is a major 3rd because of the fret position but in A Major but when I looked at the scale generator I noticed that there is no C in A Major."

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 27 2015, 04:05 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Apr 27 2015, 03:56 PM) *
I didn't get what you mean here:

"I didn't know what key they were in, for instance I'm sure #1 is a major 3rd because of the fret position but in A Major but when I looked at the scale generator I noticed that there is no C in A Major."

Sorry Gab,

I meant that I was unsure of the interval because I thought the notes would all be in the key of A Major like the first two assignments. I didn't trust my ear enough and thought that it could possible be a 4th, then I checked the scale generator and found a key that had those notes in, that then confirmed that it was a 3rd. I hope this makes sense. I'm struggling to put it into words. rolleyes.gif

I'll do them all again tonight.



Update: Sorry about the faces, I didn't preview my post and didn't realise that the B follow by ) gave a cool.gif
There were a couple of mistakes on the note logging (9 and 10) and the incorrect interval was number 6. What I notice as I do these is that I am finding the first note much quicker than I used to, I am not hunting the fretboard like I used to, maybe a couple of frets away most of the time, finding the interval note is getting quicker too, I just struggle to remember if it's a 4th or 5th or major or perfect. The main thing for me though is that I am finding the notes quicker. I will continue to do this exercise every night. I am in Spain next week so will have to catch up on the next assignment when I get back. I'm really really enjoying these assignments and hope they go on forever wink.gif Maybe in later stages we can have three, four and five note runs and maybe more. They don't need to have a melody for now, just notes played like you play them at the moment, this gives our beginner ears time to match the notes wink.gif

1: Major 3rd ( G# C )
2: Perfect 5th ( D A )
3: Major 3rd ( G B )
4: Octave ( C# C# )
5: Major 3rd ( F# A# )
6: Perfect 5th ( D# A# )
7: Octave ( B B )
8: Major 3rd ( B D# )
9: Perfect 5th ( G# A# )
10: Major 3rd ( C E )

Only had a small amount of time today but I will always give my ear training priority. Do you think this is wise?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 27 2015, 04:23 PM

Ah ok! No, that's the main difference on this week's assignment. The intervals starts from different roots, wasn't it clear in the explanations? If not I should edit it...

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 27 2015, 04:34 PM

Well it may be clear to others but, I thought that all notes would be from the same scale, just different places on the neck. That is what confused me at first. So can we take it that the first note of each interval is the root note of the scale?



Posted by: Phil66 Apr 28 2015, 08:51 PM


Sorry, I updated my thread after you had answered yesterday so you will not have had notification of new post. I posted my corrects, please see

Sorry for the confusion.

Did you get my PM?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 28 2015, 08:54 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Apr 27 2015, 12:34 PM) *
Well it may be clear to others but, I thought that all notes would be from the same scale, just different places on the neck. That is what confused me at first. So can we take it that the first note of each interval is the root note of the scale?



Yes, that's right on this exercise.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 28 2015, 09:01 PM

Sorry Gab, we keep crossing paths.

Please look here >>>> it's my corrections that I did last night.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 28 2015, 09:13 PM

Well done, it's perfect now. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 28 2015, 09:17 PM

Thanks Gab,

I think all I did was actually forgot to count the first note as 1 and started from the second rolleyes.gif Worked late tonight, trying to get ahead of myself because I'm away next week. I'll put another REC up tomorrow.



Posted by: Phil66 Apr 29 2015, 09:26 PM

Hello Gab,

Low on time again tonight, ear training and a REC only I'm afraid. Working late to get things in place for next week while I am in Spain.

FuManchu practising tomorrow, must give that more attention, this Rock Pop solo has consumed my life laugh.gif I wake up in the middle of the night with it in my hear, it's like an earworm (If you haven't heard the phrase before look )

I really do think my ear is improving, I often can't recognise/remember the interval name but I am matching the notes much quicker on my fretboard.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Apr 29 2015, 11:30 PM

Hi Phil, these are all great news. It's cool to see you evolving on each of the elements that we are working here. And I have to say that having a trained ear is fundamental for every musician so this workout will have a big impact in your overall playing.

I haven't heard the word "earworm" before but I love the meaning.... I have it very frequently. For example, I had the chorus of a song for two years in my mind... my girlfriend said that every time I was walking I used to sing it.... laugh.gif

You are definitely on the right track with everything, keep on the great job.

Posted by: Phil66 Apr 30 2015, 09:39 PM

Hello Gab,

Thank you for everything.

I managed to do some ear training and a bit of Fu Manchu tonight, had to do End Of Month production figures for work and also some packing for my week in Spain.

I am hoping to pass this last REC take. I know I haven't completely mastered it but maybe you could think of another solo for me to learn, I really need something fresh in the solo department and rather than spend time mastering the Rock Pop one, I think it would be better for my mind to tackle something new that still challenges my weaker areas. Do you agree?

I am leaving tomorrow for my holiday in Spain for one week, I should still be able to access the forum so long as the wi-fi is working wink.gif

When I return, I will hopefully be able to tackle a new solo once I have dusted off the cobwebs biggrin.gif

La paz sea contigo


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 1 2015, 03:18 AM

Hi mate! So you are just leaving! I hope that you have a great time in Spain. smile.gif

What about working on this one when you're back?

Posted by: Phil66 May 1 2015, 02:35 PM

Thanks Gab,

Wow blink.gif that's for beginners??? Loving it, I'll be on it when I get back.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 1 2015, 09:09 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ May 1 2015, 10:35 AM) *
Thanks Gab,

Wow blink.gif that's for beginners??? Loving it, I'll be on it when I get back.



hehehe beginners who are close to intermediate... it's level 3.

Posted by: Phil66 May 4 2015, 09:51 PM

Hello Gab,

Just a couple of thoughts to run by you. I obviously can't do the current ear training lesson so I will have to fit it in next weekend and the next lesson all in one week. Is this OK with you or do you think I should try a different approach ?

The other thing is; would it be ok if I posted another Rock Pop solo to REC? Ben only gave me a 7 last time and I would like to get at least 3x8. I won't focus on it and I think that now in have got a pass I may relax a little. I was thinking that maybe at the end of each practise i could have a go at it and when I think it is better I could post it. Is this OK?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 5 2015, 02:48 PM

Hi Phil, how are you?

The answer to these two questions are 2 OK. hahaha. Everything sound good for me, feel free to post REC takes whenever you want, it's the best way to monitor your progress and receive feedback from different and great instructors. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 May 9 2015, 09:41 PM

Ok Gab,

Assignment 4 answers.

1: Perfect 5th ( D A )
2: Major 2nd ( G A )
3: Perfect 4th ( E A )
4: Octave ( G# G# )
5: Major 7th ( A# A )
6: Major 3rd ( C E )
7: Octave ( F F )
8: Perfect 4th ( G C )
9: Octave ( C C )
10:Major 6th ( E C# ) This one was really hard for my ears to find the 2nd note unsure.gif

They all seem right to me.

Do you think it would be good for you to keep the assignments to 10 examples and for the student to see how quickly they work them out? I was thinking it might show another area of improvement if they are solving the puzzles more quickly then they are finding the notes more quickly and/or remembering the interval names better rather than having to check the diagram. Just a thought.

I'll get onto the other ones tomorrow. It took longer to get sorted when I got home than I expected.

Cheers Gab, I've really missed this while I've been on holiday.

Posted by: Phil66 May 10 2015, 08:18 PM

Hello Gab,

Ok here are my takes for the timing assignment. I decided to do both just for the hell of it wink.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 10 2015, 08:47 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ May 10 2015, 04:18 PM) *
Hello Gab,

Ok here are my takes for the timing assignment. I decided to do both just for the hell of it wink.gif



Hi Phil! You can check my feedback on this at the timing thread. It's better if you share our next takes at that thread to inspire more students to work on the assignments. smile.gif

QUOTE (Phil66 @ May 9 2015, 05:41 PM) *
Ok Gab,

Assignment 4 answers.

1: Perfect 5th ( D A )
2: Major 2nd ( G A )
3: Perfect 4th ( E A )
4: Octave ( G# G# )
5: Major 7th ( A# A )
6: Major 3rd ( C E )
7: Octave ( F F )
8: Perfect 4th ( G C )
9: Octave ( C C )
10:Major 6th ( E C# ) This one was really hard for my ears to find the 2nd note unsure.gif

They all seem right to me.

Do you think it would be good for you to keep the assignments to 10 examples and for the student to see how quickly they work them out? I was thinking it might show another area of improvement if they are solving the puzzles more quickly then they are finding the notes more quickly and/or remembering the interval names better rather than having to check the diagram. Just a thought.

I'll get onto the other ones tomorrow. It took longer to get sorted when I got home than I expected.

Cheers Gab, I've really missed this while I've been on holiday.

Hey Phil! Good job with the intervals! There is only 1 wrong. Could you please re-check them?

About keeping 10 examples, yes, I think that it's a good quantity, and your idea makes sense. The faster we recognize intervals the smoother the connection between mind and guitar will be... so it's good to be able to notice the improvement in this area too.

Posted by: Phil66 May 10 2015, 09:04 PM

Thanks Gab,

Here is my correction.

Number 4: Perfect 6th (B D#) Can't understand how I got octave, it doesn't sound anything like an octave laugh.gif rolleyes.gif laugh.gif .

I have posted my soundcloud for the timing assignment in the thread, I will carry on with that and not put them in here. Is that ok?
Can you explain the nearly 3 beats per bar please Gab?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 11 2015, 03:56 PM

Exactly Phil! That was the wrong interval, good job. smile.gif

About triplets, please give a look at this thread and let me know if you have more questions:

Posted by: Phil66 May 12 2015, 08:42 PM

Thanks Gab,

I have looked at that thread, I now what triplets are now but I can't see me being able to do 8th note triplets, I will try to do 4th note triplets though.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 13 2015, 03:10 PM

Ok! I want to hear it. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 May 14 2015, 08:50 PM

Posted in timing thread smile.gif

Working on new solo and FuManchu, there is a brick wall for me in that FuManchu piece but I am determined to break through it.

On the new solo, I'm struggling to get the tapped harmonics, I just get dead notes, any tips please Gab?


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 15 2015, 04:42 PM

Hi Phil, do you mean this technique?

Could you please try to learn the part 1 of that lesson and upload a video here? It doesn't care if you can't play the slides, I just want to hear you playing (or trying to play) the harmonics....

Posted by: Phil66 May 16 2015, 09:09 PM

Thanks Gab,

I've had a go at the first part of that lesson but it is too hard. I will try to get a video tomorrow of me just trying to get the harmonics in the first part of Darius's lesson. I have manage to get a slight ringing harmonic with the 7th fret one but the 9th fret one is dead. In fact I have tried to pick a natural harmonic on the 9th fret on all of my guitars and they just don't happen.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 17 2015, 06:05 PM

Well, these are some important tips:

- Tapped harmonics happen when you tap a fret that is one octave (or two) higher than the note that you are playing with your left hand. This means that if you have your left hand finger on fret 3, you'll have to tap on 15.
- The tapping must be slight but aggressive. You don't press the string, you hit it.
- At first, when you are on a practice stage, it's good to use a tone with high drive, and treble. This will make harmonics easier.
- If your strings are too old, harmonics are weaker.

I'll wait for your video.

Posted by: Phil66 May 17 2015, 09:18 PM

Hello Gab,

I have got them now, I wasn't using enough gain, I went into Todd's video chat for some extra tips too.

Thank you

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 18 2015, 03:48 PM

Perfect! smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 May 18 2015, 08:52 PM

Spent my session on the creativity workshop tonight, I've posted there (no sounds yet).

Hope you don't mind me not focusing on our lessons, I got carried away rolleyes.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 19 2015, 04:16 PM

It's great to dedicate time to creative tasks! Our mind needs the same training than our fingers. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 May 20 2015, 08:42 PM

Ear training answers.

WOW, this was so hard, I couldn't do it by ear alone so I used guitar. I think I will go back to the earlier lessons though and see how I get on using only the ear. I have the answers to check. I'm not sure if ANY of these are correct, I really struggled.

1: Major 3rd
2: Major 6th
3: Octave
4: Unison
5: Unison (This one was the hardest)
6: Octave
7: 4th
8: 5th
9: Major 6th
10: Octave


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 22 2015, 02:59 PM

Hi Phil, good job! Most of them are ok, there are only 3 wrong, could you please re-check this?

Posted by: Phil66 May 22 2015, 08:19 PM

Hello Gab,

I posted to the timing workshop on Wednesday. Do you think it would be a good idea to pin the timing and creativity workshops at the top where the ear training workout is? Just make things a little easier for us to find wink.gif

Would it be ok with you if I start on the Hive lesson you gave me? I seem to have a mental block with the Fu Manchu lesson so if it's ok can I put it on the back burner and have another go at another time please?

I have got section one of the Darius beginner solo under my fingers, kind of. I'll get a video to you very very soon so you can tell me how to improve it.

Latest ear training answers: I got more than 3 different answers though rolleyes.gif I may have found my limit of ear skill unsure.gif

1: Maj 3rd
2: Maj 6th
3: Maj 7th
4: Unison
5: Maj 2nd
6: Octave
7: Maj 3rd
8: Unison
9: Maj 6th
10: Octave


P.S Did you read my PM about the creativity? wink.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 23 2015, 03:33 PM

Hi Phil! All great things happening here. smile.gif

It's ok if you start The Hives lesson! Every time you feel blocked, it's time to change something on the routine.

I think that it's a good idea to pin the new workouts, I'll ask admins about it and see if they also agree with us.

About the ear training, there are 3 wrong yet. It seems that you changed some that were ok... please re-check it.

I'll check your PM in a moment.

Posted by: Phil66 May 23 2015, 07:47 PM

Hello Gab,

Can you check my last timing submission please smile.gif

The reason I changed more than three in the last answers for the ear training is that I didn't look at my previous answers until I had posted my last ones. I thought it would be better to post them as they were hoping that if you can see where I am going wrong it might indicate something to you about my ear skills. I have done the same below. Maybe a certain area of interval will keep cropping up showing you where I need to concentrate.

I'm really really struggling with these two notes at once examples wacko.gif I've put down what they sound like this time. Sometimes I noticed that I put down maybe "unison" then when the next one is played I thought "no, that's unison!". So maybe something is happening slowly, very very slowly unsure.gif

1: Unison
2: Maj 6th
3: Maj 7th
4: 5th
5: Maj 2nd (This one is hard because there is a fluctuation that shows the notes are very close to each other. To me it doesn't sound unison or Maj 2nd but I went for Maj 2nd because unison wouldn't have the fluctuation unsure.gif )
6: Octave
7: Maj 4th
8: 5th
9: Maj 6th
10: Octave

I have noticed something about my ear. I struggle to match pitches when the sound is different. For instance, a digital tone from my tuner is something that I struggle to match with my guitar. Maybe this indicates something to you?

Here is my attempt at section 1 of the Darius solo. The tapped harmonics didn't really happen in this take but I had no more time to have another go. Sorry.

First attempt at Hives style:

Cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 24 2015, 09:52 PM

Hi Phil, good job with the ear training exercise! There is only one wrong on this one and it's the first one, please re-check it because it's not an unison. It's a good decision to re-do the exercise every time I say there are many wrong ones, since you are training your ear more often. I also recommend you to record your own exercises to keep on practicing this type of intervals even when I publish new assignments.

The beginner solo is evolving ok, but you will have to pay attention to details about rhythm and feeling to get the most from the lesson. Pay attention to accents, and the way Darius plays and reaches each note, vibrato and bend. There is a lot to learn from it. I also recommend you to dedicate some time to analyze the note choices, related to the chords sounding in the backing. There is something interesting to learn from this one.

The Hives first riff is played with a different rhythm on the audio that you shared, please listen carefully to the original lesson to be sure that you are going tight with the backing.

Please take care of these things and keep on the good job! smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 May 24 2015, 10:12 PM

Thanks Gab,

The hives piece is ok on the chords but the timing is tricky for me. The solo is something I think I need to get the whole thing under my fingers before I concentrate on dynamics. I find that the best for me. The ear training is hard for me. I think I would get different answers every time.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 24 2015, 11:01 PM

Just keep going! You are showing very notable progress, and that's why you've been at the front page. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 May 25 2015, 08:48 PM

Thanks Gab,

I think I have the rhythm better here. I didn't learn any more but I repeated the pattern.

Hives 2

I don't understand what you mean "I also recommend you to dedicate some time to analyze the note choices, related to the chords sounding in the backing. There is something interesting to learn from this one." My theory is pretty much zero unsure.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 26 2015, 03:34 PM

That sounds much better mate!

I don't understand what you mean "I also recommend you to dedicate some time to analyze the note choices, related to the chords sounding in the backing. There is something interesting to learn from this one." My theory is pretty much zero

Well, this is an easy way to do this. Write down the chords from the backing, and check out what notes are played over each chord. Check what grade of the scale is, and if the note that the player focus more is or not part of the chord. If it's part of the chords, try to find out if it's a root, a third, a fifth or a seventh, if not? try to notice what interval it's starting from the root of the chord (we've been working on intervals at the ear training course!).

Once you get this "numbers", use your ears and take your own conclusions. Which notes sound nicer? Which ones create tension? which ones are longer?

Experiment! Make your own theory about this. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 May 26 2015, 08:24 PM

Thanks Gab,

Another full attempt. This time it seemed a tiny little bit easier, I didn't look at my last answers.

1: Maj 3rd
2: Maj 6th
3: Maj 7th
4 5th
5: Maj 2nd
6: 8th
7: Maj 4th
8: 5th
9: Maj 6th
10: 8th

Well, this is an easy way to do this. Write down the chords from the backing, and check out what notes are played over each chord. Check what grade of the scale is, and if the note that the player focus more is or not part of the chord. If it's part of the chords, try to find out if it's a root, a third, a fifth or a seventh, if not? try to notice what interval it's starting from the root of the chord (we've been working on intervals at the ear training course!).

Once you get this "numbers", use your ears and take your own conclusions. Which notes sound nicer? Which ones create tension? which ones are longer?

Experiment! Make your own theory about this. smile.gif

This is something I need to do at the weekend when I have a little bit more time I think. Thanks for the info wink.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 27 2015, 02:20 PM

Awesome! It's perfect now!! Great job Phil. This shows that your ear is becoming more precise.

Keep on the good job!

Posted by: Phil66 May 28 2015, 09:14 PM

Posted in the timing workshop mate smile.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi May 29 2015, 02:35 PM

Ok! Thanks Phil. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 1 2015, 08:19 PM

Latest ear training results. You wouldn't believe how long this took me!! 30 minutes!!!!! So much for my diary practice laugh.gif Not sure of most and really really really not sure of three. I found that sometimes I can (or think I can) find one note on my guitar but really struggle to find the second.

1: Perfect 5th (DA)
2: Perfect 4th (GC)
3: Perfect 5th (EB)
4: Octave (A) Really hard to find these notes on guitar, still not sure at all)
5: Octave (F)
6: Major 6th (BG#)
7: Perfect 4th (CF)
8: Octave (D)
9: Octave (E)
10: Perfect 4th (AD)

Also posted in the creativity workshop. That took me 30 minutes. I really struggle to settle for 10 minutes on anything, it disappears so quickly biggrin.gif

Cheers Gab.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 2 2015, 01:54 PM

Hi Phil! If time flows like that, it means that you are really enjoying this work, and that's the most important thing! smile.gif

Good job with the ear training! There are only 4 wrong ones. Please practice a bit with your guitar how harmonic 5ths and 8ths sound and give this one more chance. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 2 2015, 02:09 PM

Thanks Gab,

I'll try again this evening, I'll probably get 10 different answer rolleyes.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 2 2015, 02:35 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Jun 2 2015, 10:09 AM) *
Thanks Gab,

I'll try again this evening, I'll probably get 10 different answer rolleyes.gif


hahaha I don't think so! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 2 2015, 08:33 PM

Sorry Gab,

Not much done tonight, had some surprise visitors mad.gif

Had another go at the ear training. Due to time I used my last answers and compared them to what i could hear to see if I still thought that they matched the reference tones from you.

I only found two that I thought were different.

1: Perfect 5th (DA)
2: Perfect 4th (GC)
3: Major 3rd (EG#)
4: Major 7th (A G#) Still really really struggling with this one. Probably spent 10 minutes trying to decide.
5: Octave (F)
6: Major 6th (BG#)
7: Perfect 4th (CF)
8: Octave (D)
9: Octave (E)
10: Perfect 4th (AD)

Looking at number four, can some people have difficulty recognising certain tones in the same way that some people can't see green/brown as different colours?


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 3 2015, 02:15 PM

Hi Phil! Good job! There are only 2 wrong ones, the number 8 and number 9. Could you please re-check them?

About that comparison with sight issues... mmm I don't think so. The trick here is recognize each interval at a time. There are two notes sounding, and if you first sing one and then sing the other you'll have the two notes separated so the exercise will become similar to the previous ones.

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 3 2015, 03:04 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Jun 3 2015, 02:15 PM) *
Hi Phil! Good job! There are only 2 wrong ones, the number 8 and number 9. Could you please re-check them?

About that comparison with sight issues... mmm I don't think so. The trick here is recognize each interval at a time. There are two notes sounding, and if you first sing one and then sing the other you'll have the two notes separated so the exercise will become similar to the previous ones.

Thanks Gab,

I'll try again tonight when I get back from taking my good lady out for a bite to eat. I wonder why I struggled the most with number four. I know it's correct now but I think it was more luck than judgment smile.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 3 2015, 03:19 PM

Maybe it's because the notes are close. I mean each one is in a different octave but A and G# are very close notes so many harmonics are similar and it makes them more difficult to differentiate.

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 3 2015, 08:58 PM

Hello Gab,

Next attempt. I got my 7 string out for #9. I'm guessing you used Drop D???????????????

8: Perfect 5th (GD)
9: Major 2nd (DE)



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 4 2015, 01:57 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Jun 3 2015, 04:58 PM) *
Hello Gab,

Next attempt. I got my 7 string out for #9. I'm guessing you used Drop D???????????????

8: Perfect 5th (GD)
9: Major 2nd (DE)



Great job Phil! Now everything is right. No, I didn't use drop D....

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 4 2015, 02:01 PM

Thanks Gab,

Hmmmm, I am intrigued. I could only get a low note like yours by playing the D on my bass E string on my 7. I had a similar thing in the first or second assignment too. My ears must be weird wacko.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 5 2015, 12:59 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Jun 4 2015, 10:01 AM) *
Thanks Gab,

Hmmmm, I am intrigued. I could only get a low note like yours by playing the D on my bass E string on my 7. I had a similar thing in the first or second assignment too. My ears must be weird wacko.gif


10 harmonic intervals right, your ears are really good mate!

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 5 2015, 01:55 PM

Thanks Gab,

I just can't understand why I couldn't seem to get a note as low on my six string. It sounded to me that the D played on the bass B was as low, the open D string sounded too high.

Very odd.

This week has been crazy Gab, not had much time to practise. Hopefully I can get back on track THIS week.

I thought you might like to hear a song I like. I like the lyrics and I love the solo (1:27), the bending sounds really controlled, to me anyway.

Enjoy smile.gif

You do something to me
Something deep inside
I'm hanging on the wire
For love I'll never find

You do something wonderful
Then chase it all away
Mixing my emotions
That throws me back again

Hanging on the wire, yeah
I'm waiting for the change
I'm dancing through the fire
Just to catch a flame an' feel real again

Hanging on the wire, yeah
Said I'm waiting for the change
I'm dancing through the fire
Just to catch a flame, an' feel real again

You do something to me
Somewhere deep inside
Hoping to get close to
A peace I cannot find

Dancing through the fire yeah
Just to catch a flame
Just to get close to
Just close enough to tell you that

You do something to me
Something deep inside



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 6 2015, 04:21 PM

Hi Phil! Thanks for the update, the link and lyrics. That's a very nice song, I like the message, and the overall feel, his voice and guitar arrangements are very tasty. I've never heard about him before so I'll explore his work. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 6 2015, 08:23 PM

He is known as The Modfather, he founded The Jam in the 70's as part of a mod revival. He is one of Noel Gallagher's heroes.
He also formed The Style Council in the 80's and went solo in 90's. There is another lovely ballad below called "English Rose"
I've put a few Jam tracks here, one Style Council track, I wasn't really into them so don't know much of the stuff. A couple of solo tracks too. Also, to show what a legend he is, I've included a video at The Royal Albert Hall with the one and only Pete Townsend.
Enjoy, and I hope my selection inspires you in your own music somehow wink.gif He has a big catalogue to discover wink.gif

Check out:

The Jam:

"In The City"

In the city there's a thousand things I want to say to you
But whenever I approach you, you make me look a fool
I wanna say, I wanna tell you
About the young ideas
But you turn them into fears
In the city there's a thousand faces all shining bright
And those golden faces are under 25
They wanna say, they gonna tell ya
About the young idea
You better listen now you've said your bit ha!

And I know what you're thinking
You're sick of that kind of crap
But you'd better listen man
Because the kids know where it's at

In the city there's a thousand men in uniforms
And I've heard they now have the right to kill a man
We wanna say, we gonna tell ya
About the young idea
And if it don't work, at least we still tried

In the city, in the city
In the city there's a thousand things I want to say to you

"Town Called Malice"

Better stop dreaming of the quiet life
'Cos it's the one we'll never know
And quit running for that runaway bus
'Cos those rosey days are few
And...stop apologising for the things you've never done
'Cos time is short and life is cruel
But it's up to us to change
This town called Malice

Rows and rows of disused milk floats
Stand dying in the dairy yard
And a hundred lonely housewives
Clutch empty milk bottles to their hearts
Hanging out their old love letters on the line to dry
It's enough to make you stop believing
When tears come fast and furious
In a town called Malice

Struggle after struggle, year after year
The atmosphere's a fine blend of ice
I'm almost stone cold dead
In a town called Malice

A whole street's belief in Sunday's roast beef
Gets dashed against the co-op
To either cut down on beer or the kids' new gear
It's a big decision in a town called Malice

The ghost of a steam train echoes down my track
It's at the moment bound for nowhere
Just going 'round and 'round
Playground kids and creaking swings
Lost laughter in the breeze
I could go on for hours and I probably will
But I'd sooner put some joy back
In this town called Malice

"Going Underground"

Some people might say my life is in a rut
But I'm quite happy with what I've got
People might say that I should strive for more
But I'm so happy I can't see the point

Something's happening here today
A show of strength with your boy's brigade
And I'm so happy and you're so kind
You want more money - of course I don't mind
To buy nuclear textbooks for atomic crimes
And the public gets what the public wants

But I want nothing this society's got
I'm going underground (going underground)
Well, let the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground (going underground)
Well, let the boys all sing and let the boys all shout for tomorrow

Some people might get some pleasure out of hate
Me, I've enough already on my plate
People might need some tension to relax
Me, I'm too busy dodging between the flak

What you see is what you get
You've made your bed, you'd better lie in it
You choose your leaders and place your trust
As their lies wash you down and their promises rust
You'll see kidney machines replaced by rockets and guns
And the public wants what the public gets

But I don't get what this society wants
I'm going underground (going underground)
Well, let the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground (going underground)
So let the boys all sing and let the boys all shout for tomorrow

La la la la...

We talk and we talk until my head explodes
I turn on the news and my body froze
These braying sheep on my TV screen
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream!

Going underground, I'm going underground!

La la la la...

These braying sheep on my TV screen
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream!

I'm going underground (going underground)
Well, let the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Going underground (going underground)
Well, let the boys all sing and let the boys all shout,
Going underground (going underground)
Well, let the brass bands play and feet go pow, pow, pow
Going underground (going underground)
So let the boys all sing and let the boys all shout for tomorrow

This is Paul doing a Jam song called English Rose from 1978, this was done about 30 years later.

"English Rose"

No matter where I roam
I will return to my English rose
For no bonds can ever tempt me from she
I've sailed the seven seas,
Flown the whole blue sky.
But I've returned with haste to where my
Love does lie.
No matter where I go I will come back to my English Rose
For nothing can ever tempt me from she.
I've searched the secret mists -
I've climbed the highest peaks
Caught the wild wind home
To hear her soft voice speak
No matter where I roam
I will return to my English Rose
For no bonds can ever keep me from she.

I've been to ancient worlds
I've scoured the whole universe
And caught the first train home
To be at her side.
No matter where I roam
I will return to my English Rose
For no bonds, nothing and no-one can ever keep me from she

The Style Council:

"You're The Best Thing"

I could be discontent and chase the rainbows end
I might win much more but lose all that is mine
I could be a lot but I know I'm not
I'm content just with the riches that you bring
I might shoot to win and commit the sin
Of wanting more than I've already got
I could runaway but I'd rather stay
In the warmth of your smile lighting up my day
(the one that makes me say, hehe)

'Cause you're the best thing that ever happened to me or my world
You're the best thing that ever happened, so don't go away

I might be a king and steal my peoples things
But I don't go for that power crazy way
All that I could rule but I don't check for fools
All that I need is to be left to live my way
(say listen what I say)

I could chase around for nothing to be found
But why look for something that is never there
I may get it wrong sometimes but I'll come back in style
For I realize your love means more than anything
(the song you make me sing, yeah)

Paul Weller (Solo)


I know a place not far from here
Where lifes sweet perfume fills the air
And if you want I'll take you there
If you want I'll take you there

Into the light out of the dark
Where only love can heal your heart
And if you want I'll make a start
If you want I'll make a start

This place I say half hour away
Is that so far to go so near
And further on we'll find the time
And lose the discontent we feel, that we feel

I feel the time we've yet to reach
Is not yet within our own belief
But I feel sure that time'll come
If it goes on at all
Said if it goes on at all, whoa if it goes on at all
Hey, it goes on and on and on and on

I know a place not far from here
Where fresh cut grass will fill your hair
And if you want we'll lay a while there
If you want we'll lay a while there, yeah
If you want we'll lay a while there, yeah

Can You Heal Us Holy Man (Because the video is live the lyrics don't fully match these but I wanted to put the live version on video for you)

Crystal words that hang so fine but none will stop us falling
Pulling faster all the time powerless to warnings
If you feel the hand of God, can you guide it holy man?
But you are only flesh and blood, waiting too for judgment

Still saying, daddy don't weep momma don't cry
Everybody gets their time
Don't be sad don't be blue, pray for me
I'll do the same for you

Split the father and the son, hand words to ease them
If you have the hand of God, can you heal us holy man?
But you are only flesh and blood, waiting too for judgment

Still saying, hang on tight hang on strong
How much longer can this go on
But don't be sad don't be blue
It's one more thing set to confuse

Daddy don't weep momma don't cry
Every fear must have its time
Don't be sad don't be blue, pray for me
I'll do the same for you

Can you bring the hand of God?
Can you stop the killing?
Get us back to hope and love
Never more be needed

Still saying, bloods gone bad bad to worse
Worse to bad and back again
Don't be sad don't be blue
It's one more thing sent to confuse

Momma don't weep daddy don't cry
Every fear must have its time
Don't be sad don't be blue, pray for me
I'll do the same for you

Random video with Pete Townsend.

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 6 2015, 09:28 PM

Put my attempts into the timing workshop unsure.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 7 2015, 07:22 PM

Awesome info and videos Phil! Now that I'm listening to The Jam, I noticed that I've heard some of those track before. I like their classic punk rock sound... maybe a lesson could be a good addition to my classic punk series... biggrin.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 8 2015, 09:20 PM

Glad you like it Gab.

Ok, again not had much time. We had a worker leave three weeks ago, every single component went through his section, we are struggling to replace him so three of us are trying to do our own work and cover his 45 hours blink.gif Impossible and very tiring sad.gif

Anyway, as I have been neglecting the Hives lesson I spent my only half hour on this tonight. I do struggle with this kind of rhythm, also as it changes I struggle to remember everything, maybe "Row Row Row Your Boat" is more my thing for rhythm playing laugh.gif

I do find it tricky to listen to the drum beat and play with this piece for some reason. It gets better when the bass comes in though.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 9 2015, 01:56 PM

Hi Phil, I'm sorry about the work issues, I hope that you can solve it soon.

About the Hives lesson, you are not playing the riff correctly. You can note it by checking the bass which should go unison with guitars and it's not happening. Please re-check the riff and how it goes with drums.

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 9 2015, 02:42 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Jun 9 2015, 01:56 PM) *
Hi Phil, I'm sorry about the work issues, I hope that you can solve it soon.

About the Hives lesson, you are not playing the riff correctly. You can note it by checking the bass which should go unison with guitars and it's not happening. Please re-check the riff and how it goes with drums.

Thanks Gab,

You know; when I play it back something sounds wrong but I can't put my finger on it. It can be a confusing rhythm for some reason. Out of interest could you explain theoretically what the rhythm guitar is doing please. As I said, it's just that it interests me how the beats lie with the drums.

Cheers buddy

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 9 2015, 04:04 PM

Hi Phil, what I think it's confusing is the 8th silence at the second and fourth beat followed by a 8th note. Check out how it looks:

The drums are going with this but there is still a snare sounding on those silence beats. In other words, the riff goes with the kick of the drums. Please listen to the original lesson and try to hear what I mean.

So, in order to get familiar to this rhythm, this is the pattern for practicing over the drums or metronome:

 Hives_rhythm.gp5 ( 1.71K ) : 363

Let me know if you get this. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 9 2015, 08:48 PM

Thanks Gab,

I tried again, your last post did help. I sat there with the backing and my mouth going "baba bababa bababa bababa" and my head nodding and I got it like that, then I just strummed the muted string and that seemed ok, then I had a go at playing. I was mainly concentrating on the rhythm not the left hand. It does sound better to me, nowhere near perfect but better. What do you think?

I've also put a version with you panned hard right and me panned hard left. I think I play it better with you alongside.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 10 2015, 03:16 PM

Hi Phil, this is ok now. These new takes show that you understand the rhythm, not it's time to make it sound tighter. The rhythm sound good on both takes so you don't need me. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 10 2015, 09:17 PM

Hello Gab smile.gif

Posted timing attempt in the timing thread.

Please read too, I don't want you to think I've spoken your name out of turn wink.gif

Cheers buddy.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 11 2015, 01:52 PM

Hi Phil, I'm with Kris about this. Honestly this is up to you and I wouldn't offend about it. I want the best for my students, and if you ask me, the best is to receive different opinions and points of view, so if not passing doesn't affect students, I even prefer that they always share takes at REC and give feedback there. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 11 2015, 02:46 PM

Thanks Gab,

I won't submit total garbage but I will submit when I have the notes under my fingers and half decent. I always thought the REC zone was only for takes when the student and/or the instructor thought it might pass. Maybe it should be called "The Assessment Zone". As I said I always thought it was where you went for your exam, to try top pass, and only for this.

GMC is awesome..


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 11 2015, 03:24 PM

Don't worry about names or labels and get back to practice! biggrin.gif tongue.gif

There are news at every workout. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 11 2015, 09:23 PM

Thanks Gab,

When I was answering you earlier I wasn't taking time out of practice, I was grabbing a tea break at work tongue.gif You are -3 hours to me wink.gif

I have a new phone adn it has a countdown time on it, because I keep on getting carried away on one thing I have started using that tonight. I set it for 30 minutes countdown and work on one topic, then repeat for another topic, If I only have an hour I will do 3x20 minutes, whatever time I have I will divide equally. I find the alert tone snaps me out of the lesson and allows me to switch to something else regardless of where I am. This stops me having "one more try". It seems pretty useful so far.

In my rhythm tonight I have tried to remember the first 20 bars of the Hives lesson, it's getting there smile.gif .


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 12 2015, 03:18 PM

Hi Phil! Great idea! That's a fantastic trick to make your sessions totally effective. If this works good for you and keeps you practicing and motivated it's perfect!

I'd like to know how you feel after a week of this kind of work. I'm really curious if you keep the method, since it's very promising.

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 12 2015, 09:00 PM


It really makes practise session more effective. I am going to share in the practise room. I won't be here tomorrow night and have been out with my wife tonight for a meal and beer and wine and more wine now blink.gif I am in a hotel tomorrow.

I have sent you a PM. Please read.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 13 2015, 06:36 PM

Hi Phil! Great to see you enjoying life. I'll check your message in a moment.

See you back!

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 15 2015, 09:31 PM

Assignment 7 ear training answers. First attempt. smile.gif

1 8th (E)
2 Major 6th (A F#)
3 Perfect 5th (G D)
4 Major 7th (D C#)
5 Major 2nd (C D)
6 Perfect 4th (F A#)
7 Major 6th (A C#)
8 8TH (F#)
9 Major 3rd (A C#)
10 Perfect 5th (B F#)

Cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 16 2015, 02:31 PM

Hi Phil! Good job! There are only 2 wrong ones. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 16 2015, 08:05 PM

AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif

I thought I was going insane wacko.gif blink.gif

I was trying tonight again with the ear training. I wrote all of my answers down and then checked against last night's answers, I thought to myself, "My ears are hopeless, NONE of these are the same as last night". So I tried again. Then I spotted, I still had assignment 6 in my DAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rolleyes.gif I hadn't saved it with assignment 7 and just pressed "play" laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Anyway here's the latest attempt.

1 Perfect 5th (E B )
2 Major 6th (A F#)
3 Perfect 5th (G D)
4 Major 7th (D C#)
5 Major 2nd (C D)
6 Perfect 4th (F A#)
7 Major 6th (E C#)
8 Major 7th (G F#)
9 Major 3rd (A C#)
10 Perfect 5th (B F#)

You asked me to let you know how the timer thing was going after a week, I am already convinced that it is working well. I find that I am getting more done in less time smile.gif I used to get stuck in one thing then try to cram the rest in before I had to finish. At the moment I am doing ear training 20 minutes, Darius solo 20 minutes, and The Hives 20 minutes, Timing 20 minutes. When I do creativity I reduce the ear training to 10 minutes and the timing to 15 and do creativity for 30 minutes. I know creativity is important but I don't do it daily because I get a lot of ideas in my head that I don't have the skill to get to my fingers yet so I tend to think about the creativity for a while, when I'm at work, when I'm driving, when I'm eating etc, then when i think I have something simple enough I give it a go. Sometimes though, I purely let the picture or backing guide my for an improvisation, sometimes it's a bit of both.

I need to fine tune the splits as I go along but I'd definitely recommend setting an alarm for splitting sessions up. I did put the idea in the practice room but only one person (Daeron) commented.



Posted by: Phil66 Jun 17 2015, 09:02 PM

Hello Gab,

OK, I've put a .wav here of the first 20bars of the Hives lesson at 70bpm. I haven't done a soundcloud because I can't see how to record the metronome and I don't have the slow versions of the backing so, if it's ok with you, I've done it this way so you can put it into your DAW and switch the metronome on. Sorry I've had to do it this way, I don't want to be a pain. If you know of any way to record the metronome in a DAW (if there is a general way) it would be great to know.

Cheers smile.gif


Can you explain what the music notation means here please. Not the notes themselves but the stems and flags, ie, note lengths. Cheers. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 18 2015, 09:03 PM

Nearly got the first 20 bars of the Hives under my fingers at 100% speed. Not perfect execution but once I can remember it all I'll start to polish it. smile.gif

Very slowly getting the Darius solo under my fingers. It doesn't feel natural to me at all, which is a good thing, it really doesn't stay in the box does it? wink.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 19 2015, 03:04 PM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Jun 16 2015, 04:05 PM) *
AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif

I thought I was going insane wacko.gif blink.gif

I was trying tonight again with the ear training. I wrote all of my answers down and then checked against last night's answers, I thought to myself, "My ears are hopeless, NONE of these are the same as last night". So I tried again. Then I spotted, I still had assignment 6 in my DAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rolleyes.gif I hadn't saved it with assignment 7 and just pressed "play" laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Anyway here's the latest attempt.

1 Perfect 5th (E B )
2 Major 6th (A F#)
3 Perfect 5th (G D)
4 Major 7th (D C#)
5 Major 2nd (C D)
6 Perfect 4th (F A#)
7 Major 6th (E C#)
8 Major 7th (G F#)
9 Major 3rd (A C#)
10 Perfect 5th (B F#)

You asked me to let you know how the timer thing was going after a week, I am already convinced that it is working well. I find that I am getting more done in less time smile.gif I used to get stuck in one thing then try to cram the rest in before I had to finish. At the moment I am doing ear training 20 minutes, Darius solo 20 minutes, and The Hives 20 minutes, Timing 20 minutes. When I do creativity I reduce the ear training to 10 minutes and the timing to 15 and do creativity for 30 minutes. I know creativity is important but I don't do it daily because I get a lot of ideas in my head that I don't have the skill to get to my fingers yet so I tend to think about the creativity for a while, when I'm at work, when I'm driving, when I'm eating etc, then when i think I have something simple enough I give it a go. Sometimes though, I purely let the picture or backing guide my for an improvisation, sometimes it's a bit of both.

I need to fine tune the splits as I go along but I'd definitely recommend setting an alarm for splitting sessions up. I did put the idea in the practice room but only one person (Daeron) commented.



Hi Phil, good job with the intervals, the problem is still on the first interval that is the only one is wrong. The other 9 are perfect. Good job!

About the routine and time organization, it's great to know that this method is giving effect. And I think that it's ok to give more priority to things that you things are blocking your creativity. However, if you feel so inspired and the ideas are clear, record them to work on them in the future. It's good to have a library of ideas for future projects.

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Jun 17 2015, 05:02 PM) *
Hello Gab,

OK, I've put a .wav here of the first 20bars of the Hives lesson at 70bpm. I haven't done a soundcloud because I can't see how to record the metronome and I don't have the slow versions of the backing so, if it's ok with you, I've done it this way so you can put it into your DAW and switch the metronome on. Sorry I've had to do it this way, I don't want to be a pain. If you know of any way to record the metronome in a DAW (if there is a general way) it would be great to know.

Cheers smile.gif


Can you explain what the music notation means here please. Not the notes themselves but the stems and flags, ie, note lengths. Cheers. smile.gif

Hi Phil, the audio seems to be ok but as I don't have rhythm or metronome as reference I'm not completely sure that you are doing it right. So it would be a good idea to record this over one of the slower backings.

About the figures, those are three 8th notes. This bass tutorial has good stuff about note values:

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 19 2015, 03:23 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Jun 19 2015, 03:04 PM) *
Hi Phil, the audio seems to be ok but as I don't have rhythm or metronome as reference I'm not completely sure that you are doing it right. So it would be a good idea to record this over one of the slower backings.

About the figures, those are three 8th notes. This bass tutorial has good stuff about note values:

Thanks Gab,

I will have to ask Bogdan for the slower backing tracks. I thought that if you put it into your DAW and switched the metronome on it would be ok. I can't find a way of recording the metronome in my DAW.

Cheers Gab. smile.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 19 2015, 03:48 PM

Ok, cheers mate. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 19 2015, 04:03 PM

Thanks Gab,

With the notes in the image I was wondering why the second two are joined but the first one isn't.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 20 2015, 07:40 PM

That's a writing rule. The notes are usually grouped to differentiate the beats from the measure and to make it easier to sight read. The beat is based on 4th notes, so if you have 8th notes, they are grouped in 2, if the notes are 16th, they are grouped in 4. Does it make sense?

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 20 2015, 07:49 PM

Yes thank you Gab, sorry if I ask too many questions.

Ok here is my Hives take, first 20 bars at 80bpm. Fluffed a couple of chords but it's the timing I'm asking about. I think it's ok but your ears will know better.

Still struggling along with the Darius solo but really enjoying how hard it is, it is hard but I am slowly progressing, it is not like anything I have ever learnt before, lots of string skipping and diving around the neck, not to mention the dynamics which is probably the hardest to get right. Once I have 12 bars down in some sort of scruffy fashion, I'll send you a video so that you can give me advice if that's ok with you?

Cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 22 2015, 02:19 PM

Hi Phil, good job!

The hives lesson is on the right track now, you are playing the riff as it is over the backing. You just have to continue playing it to make it sound tighter and to be able to play it at faster tempos.

About Darius lesson, I'll wait for your video. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 22 2015, 07:41 PM

You may be waiting a long time Gab rolleyes.gif This solo is a real struggle for me biggrin.gif

Sorry, but the ear training assignment slipped my mind. I have sat here for over half an hour trying to work out number one, for some reason, I keep getting 8th (E) or Perfect 5th (E B ), they both sound close to me but you said that both of them are incorrect so I am lost. I don't understand why this particular interval is so hard for me to recognise, nor do I understand how both of them can sound like they match:rolleyes:

Been practising the other stuff and also been having a dabble in the feelings collab.



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 23 2015, 03:19 PM

Hi Phil, it's a 3M, please check it with your guitar and let me know if it's clear now.

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 23 2015, 08:12 PM

Thanks Gab,

I wouldn't have got that in a million years. I can hear the E matching but not the G# at all huh.gif . I thought that Major 3rd was my strongest interval because I was getting those the quickest before.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 24 2015, 02:30 PM

Yeah, but maybe it's tricky on lower strings, don't you think so?

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 24 2015, 09:05 PM

To be honest I'm not sure, this is the first one where I haven't been able to hear each note in tune with the guitar. All of the other, once I had found it, I could identify each not with the guitar. Strange huh.gif

Ok, this is scruffy but I've had a go at The Hives Style, first 20 bars at full speed. Somehow, rhythm works best for to learn this way whereas lead seems to work best with me learning the whole thing slowly and scruffy and then speed and refining at the same time. Weird I am laugh.gif

Still working hard on the Darius solo but my fingers just don't seem to want to go where his do laugh.gif I guess for years and years I've noodled with the minor pentatonic scale shape that has the root on the E string. My fingers protest at going out of that box rolleyes.gif

I'll get there, slowly but surely I will climb this mountain cool.gif

Thanks for your patience Gab wink.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 25 2015, 02:43 PM

Hi Phil! Good job with everything! The hives first riff sounds good now, so you are ready to go for the following sections. I think that it's a good idea to work on small blocks and then connect everything so keep working like that.

About expanding pentatonics, it's a must! If you want to make your phrasing richer so it's great to know that this lesson is helping to do it.

So well mate, keep on the hard work!

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 25 2015, 08:31 PM

Thanks Gab,

I'm really really struggling with the first 3 notes of bar twelve in the Darius solo, It's all hard but when Darius plays those notes, they are almost ghost like. Any tips?

I've put a video together, no backing just guitar, I didn't want any distractions. I just hope you can help me. After watching my lst video of this lesson I actually think I've got worse at the first few bars. Maybe this is too much for me at the moment?????



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 26 2015, 03:32 PM

Hi Phil! This is not sounding bad! I think that it's very promising. There are obvious things to polish, but that's the next step: working on details. At first you should focus on:

- Timing
- Bending

Once you master these two elements, you can start to pay attention to vibrato, dynamics, other ornamentation stuff, and also on that tapped harmonics that are not bad. If you want more info about this technique, check out the explanations on this lesson:

I think that working over the backing track is important to be sure that you are playing the rhythm right, so please use the slowly backings but use them. wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 26 2015, 04:04 PM

Thanks Gab

Yeah it's OK but the beginning of bar 12 is so hard to play as lightly and smoothly as Darius does. I understand what you are saying about playing with the backing, I usually do but just threw that together at the last minute when I was finishing because I was so frustrated. I think I will just try to get the rest under my fingers and then refine it later, otherwise I'll just keep stopping at bar 12 mad.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 26 2015, 04:27 PM

Hi mate, do you mean the bend at fret 18, string 2?

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 26 2015, 08:16 PM

Hello Gab,

No mate, I mean this part, it is just after 00:24, those first three notes Darius plays so so quick and sooooo softly, like a whispering ghost blink.gif

--------------------------- --------|

Cheers Gab.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 27 2015, 04:53 PM

Ah ok, I see. I'd like to see you at least trying to play the part to see how I can help you.

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 27 2015, 05:25 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Jun 27 2015, 04:53 PM) *
Ah ok, I see. I'd like to see you at least trying to play the part to see how I can help you.

Cheers Gab,

It is there mate, I "play" all of bar 12. It's the last bar I "play" wink.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 28 2015, 02:39 AM

QUOTE (Phil66 @ Jun 27 2015, 01:25 PM) *
Cheers Gab,

It is there mate, I "play" all of bar 12. It's the last bar I "play" wink.gif

Ah yeah, now I got it. Well, you are not playing it with the right rhythm. I don't mean that you are playing this slower, you are playing with a wrong rhythm. A good idea would be to use the guitar pro file and play along with it setting a slower tempo. There is a 50% tempo tool there that is good for practising.

Do you get what I mean? I know that you cannot play the lick, but the idea is that you start at a very slow tempo but practice it with the correct rhythm. Then, with repetitions, you'll be able to increase speed.

Posted by: Phil66 Jun 28 2015, 10:10 AM

Thanks Gab,

I have been trying in GP5 at 50%. I think that basically my impatience is coming back. I must control myself more and try not to rush. I try to get something to you most days but with this solo it is hard. For me anyway smile.gif

I am really enjoying the challenge with this one though, even though it feels totally unnatural to me, I know I will eventually manage it at some level, I just worry that when things take a long long time that you might think I'm not putting the time and effort in. I don't want you to think you're wasting you time with me, maybe this is part of the reason I am getting impatient rolleyes.gif

Cheers smile.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jun 29 2015, 04:20 PM

No mate, I can note that you are focused and working hard on these tasks. Don't be impatient, keep the hard work, and enjoy the journey because the journey is everything... there will be always a new goal so we need to learn to be happy now! smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 2 2015, 01:13 PM

Thanks Gab smile.gif

Ok, here is my latest recording of the Darius solo. After listening long and hard to it, I have realised another aspect that makes this very tricky. A lot of the notes, even first notes of a lick, don’t start on the beat or even on the offbeat. Like the 12th bar, the first note comes in somewhere in between, I can’t technically explain where it comes in, maybe a 16th after the beat????? The worry I have with this kind of thing is that I will be learning it “parrot fashion” rather than technically knowing when to come in. What I mean is, if I halve the speed I won’t know when to come in with that first note, I guess time will prove me right or wrong rolleyes.gif .

Anyway, here it is, I think it is a big improvement but your ears will know better smile.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 2 2015, 02:36 PM

Hi Phil!! Yes! This is a enormous improvement! Your take over the backing is much better than the previous takes that you shared and this shows that this is the way to go. Practicing over the backing makes you play with the right rhythm. You still need to feel totally comfortable with the phrases here, but the good news are that you are getting very close.

About the rhythm composition of this solo, yes, it's right that most of the phrases don't start on the first beat of each measure. That's a good trick to let the solo breath. I don't think that you are having important rhythm issues on this take so you are understanding it right.

Keep on the great job!

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 2 2015, 07:56 PM

Thanks Gab,

I've been neglecting the Hives lesson recently, lack of self discipline again rolleyes.gif but at least the Darius solo has improved rolleyes.gif . Had a lot of distractions lately, slowly getting back on track but really enjoying this lesson. I like it when they are hard but achievable and that each lesson I can notice something getting better, it's when you hit a brick wall and struggle for weeks that it gets mentally difficult.

Thought I'd share a track with you before I start my lesson this evening, you may have heard it before. I like all of the guitar work on it and the chorus is very catchy. Enjoy.


Visions, our love is a series of visions
A taste on my lips, a whispering word in your ear
Oh passion, we're children just playing with passion
Losing our grip, falling asleep at the wheel

Still we hold on to the bitter end
Thinking we can never lose
Baby it's a cold night
And the winds of change are blowing

And these are the innocent days
Standing on the rocks, waiting for the tidal waves
Dreaming of love, living inside the lands
And these are the innocent days
I know we're the last of the runaways
Never return, till love takes us home

Lover, we're drowning our doubts in each other
Closing our eyes, we bury the truth in the sand
I cannot take it 'cos when we don't feel it, we fake it
Oh someday these nights come back to haunt us again

Oh we lie here at the water's edge
Wishing we could float away
'Cos it's too late to turn back
When the only bridge is burning

And these are the innocent days
Standing on the rocks, waiting for the tidal waves
Dreaming of love but living inside the lands
Just tell me these are the innocent days
I know we're the last of the runaways
Never return till love takes us home

Still we hold on to the bitter end
Thinking we can never lose
Baby it's a cold night
And the winds of change are blowing
Oh they're blowing, they're cryin', they're cryin'

And these are the innocent days
Standing on the rocks, waiting for the tidal waves
Dreaming of love, living inside the lands
Just tell me these are the innocent days
I know we're the last of the runaways
We'll never return till love takes us home
These are the innocent days


Tonight I got the following section under my fingers. It's a bit scruffy but the finger memory is there smile.gif





E Am

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 3 2015, 04:22 PM

Hi Phil, thanks for the update and the song (I'll check it later). I hope that you find the way to avoid distractions. Remember that quality is most important than quantity, so 1 hour of focused practice is much more effective than 3 hours with distractions...

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 3 2015, 05:31 PM

Thanks Gab,

The distractions have been big and unavoidable, one you know about from our private chats, the others are mainly work related, life gets in the way sometimes plus I've got two weeks in Portugal in two weeks time. That old roller coaster called life eh? rolleyes.gif I don't get distracted during my actual practice because I lock the door and stop incoming calls smile.gif wink.gif but sometimes life/work reduce my practice time rolleyes.gif

I am pleased with current progress with the Darius solo though it just seems to take over once I start, even the alarm on my phone doesn't distract me, I just reset it. huh.gif


Ok, Saturday update.

Given myself a kick up the backside. Am now refocused on everything, Hives, Darius, ear training, timing training, I'm back smile.gif

Cheers Gab

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 5 2015, 09:10 PM

Hello Gab,

I tried to edit this into the post above but I don't have the option which is strange as I have edited it before unsure.gif

Been on the Hives lesson tonight, struggling with the chord changes in the A5 D5 F C section. Those chords are new to me so I'll need to spend some time just training my fingers into the shapes.

Been working on the Darius solo too, that is slowly slowly improving. Should get something to you mid week showing my progress on it.

What did you think of the Giant song?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 6 2015, 12:08 AM

Hi Phil, thanks for the update. Yeah, I know about what has been happening in your life lately and I also know that you are working hard. Just wanted to remind you about how important is practicing totally focused, even if you only have 30 minutes.

I've checked the song and they are a very good band, top quality 80's hard rock. I'm not very into this style nowadays but I've heard Whistenake a lot in the past, and that's the first name that comes to mind when I hear this band. Great singer, and great musicians.... it was awesome when this combination was played on radios and tvs. Mainstream music was top quality. Thanks for sharing!

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 6 2015, 08:51 PM

Hello Gab,

OK, I've put another piece in the timing workshop.

Here are my answers for the ear training.

1: Minor 3rd (A C)
2: Minor 2nd (A A#)
3: Minor 6th (A F)
4: Minor 7th (A G)
5: Minor 6th (A F)
6: Minor 3rd (A C)
7: Minor 2nd (A A#)
8: Minor 7th (A G)
9: Minor 2nd (A A#)
10: Minor 3rd (A C)

Practised Hives bars 21-28 because the D5 and F chords are new to me played like this so need to get the changes under my fingers.

Also practised the Darius solo and had a go at an idea for the new creativity picture. Menacing vultures flying over a stranded cowboy at dusk smile.gif



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 7 2015, 04:11 PM

Hi Phil! Thanks for the update! I'll wait for your new audios or videos.

The answers for the ear training exercise are perfect. If you want you can start experimenting changing the root and also with harmonic minor intervals since these are the next steps on the workout.

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 7 2015, 08:02 PM

Thanks Gab,

I'm struggling to remember the sounds of the intervals BUT, what I am noticing is that I am listening to the notes that you play when they aren't the same as the examples and I say to myself, "hmm, that's about there" and I fret a note and a lot of the time, in this exercise I was only one or two frets out smile.gif For me, this is the most important factor in ear training, I'm not saying I don't want to learn theory because I do, I find it very very interesting but I need to have time on the instrument and these exercises train my ear and put my fingers on the fretboard and train ear/mind/fretboard association, the theory will have to be absorbed as we go along.

I was confused because I always thought that a major 3rd was the third tone in a scale, I found out it is related to the music staff, this makes sense now wink.gif

I have found this site to be really good. there are trainers at the bottom of each page.

Do you think I should share this in the ear training thread?



Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 8 2015, 06:52 PM

Hi Phil,

yes, that's exactly the main idea of the course, connecting your mind with your guitar, so that's why we need to train your ear and if possible your singing, so keep going!

About the exercises, sure! Feel free to share it at the ear training thread! wink.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 9 2015, 09:35 PM

Hello Gab,

Ok the Darius solo again, here I have recorded the first 24 bars with the backing and Darius on panned left and my panned right. The funny noise near the end was when my pick slipped in my fingers. I can hear myself coming in a little bit early at times and the tapped harmonics need work.

This solo takes over my life, all of the tricks I use to get a balanced practise session go out of the window!!! 30 minute interval alarm on phone: switch it off, wife calling me every 30 minutes: tell her to be quiet, alarm clock set in another room: run in and turn it off for ever!!!! I've even tried to put it at the end of the session but then I go on for so long, my wife is saying "goodnight" as she goes to bed, I feel terrible when that happens. For some reason I have to keep having "one more try" rolleyes.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 10 2015, 03:39 PM

Hi Phil! Good job!

I can hear your progress on this one and it's based on hard work! Well done!! This off course needs to be polished yet, but the notes are there, you just have to focus on expression details as vibrato, bending, and the sound of each note.

It would be also interesting to tweak a bit your tone, there is some high frequency info there that is no sounding very good, it makes the tone sound like by line... what set up are you using for this one?

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 10 2015, 08:07 PM

QUOTE (Gabriel Leopardi @ Jul 10 2015, 03:39 PM) *
it makes the tone sound like by line

Thanks Gab,

Yes I have worked hard but at the expense of the Hives, I guess I lean more towards lead playing than rhythm but I will get back on it. I am trying to learn this whole piece because I fly out to Portugal on July 18th for two weeks and won't have access to a guitar sad.gif I know it needs lots of polishing but I will do that once it is under my fingers. I love playing the first bend, (B to C) and releasing it along with the backing, it does something to me wub.gif

I can hear that the tone is more fizzy than Darius, but when he plays that B to C bend it seems to brighten up, maybe a very slight pinch harmonic is what he does there??? I could lower the treble on the amp or the guitar or maybe switch to neck pickup? Too many combinations laugh.gif laugh.gif

Ok, setup is.

Bridge pickup, tone up full, volume up full.

You mentioned Whitesnake, my wife and I have seen them live many many times from small to large venues. I've put a couple of my favourites here, from the earlier days with some cheeky lyrics wink.gif

You talk too much
Never saying what's on your mind
It's written on your face
And in the words you hide behind

I know what you want
I can see what you're looking for
I know what you want from me
And I'm gonna give you more

I'm gonna slide it in right to the top
Slide it in, I ain't never gonna stop
Slide it in right to the top
I'm gonna slide it in, slide it in, slide it in baby

Sometimes you seem
Just like a stranger to me
But all the games you play
Make it so easy to see

You're looking for love
Though you try to deny
The things you put me through
Tell me what I've got to do to you

I'm gonna slide it in right to the top
Slide it in, I ain't never gonna stop
Slide it in right to the top
I'm gonna slide it in, slide it

You talk too much
Always treating me so unkind
I know what I've got to do
To get me some peace of mind

I'm gonna slide it in right to the top
Slide it in, I ain't never gonna stop
Slide it in right to the top
I'm gonna slide it in, slide it in

Slide it in right to the top
Slide it in, I ain't never gonna stop
Slide it in right to the top
I'm gonna slide it in, slide it in, slide it
Slide it in, slide it in
Right to the top, baby

I never knew what a kiss could mean
Until the first time I kissed you
You took my love in the palm of your hand
An' showed me what a woman could do

Now I don't want sugar coated loving
Just silver tongue tenderness
You gotta give me a certain satisfaction
The kind of love you seal with a kiss

An' spit it out, spit it out, spit it out
If you don't like it
Spit it out, spit it out, spit it out
If you don't like it

I can remember, I can recall
When I first set my eyes on you
I'll never forget the thrill of it all
Dreaming of the things we could do

Baby, you must be crazy
Fooling with a man like me
'Cause I roll my dice with a heart of ice
An' make it clear to see

Spit it out, spit it out, spit it out
If you don't like it
Spit it out, spit it out, spit it out
If you don't like it

I never knew what a kiss could mean
'Til the first time I kissed you
You took my love in the palm of your hand
An' showed me what a woman could do

Your sweet caress an' tenderness
Can take the pain away
The things that you do make a queen out of you
An' make me a king for a day

If you don't like it, spit it out

Now I know what your love can do
I'll be hanging 'round your door
An' I'm gonna love you baby
I'm gonna give you more than you bargained for

Spit it out, spit it out, spit it out
If you don't like it
Spit it out, spit it out, spit it out
If you don't like it

Spit it out
Spit it out
Spit it out

I've put this one in from a little later on, purely because Tawny Kitaen is stunning in this video wink.gif

Thanks again for all of your help Gab, I really appreciate it. smile.gif

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 12 2015, 01:46 AM

Great band Whitesnake!! We played with Cirse in a festival where there biggest acts were Whitesnake and Aerosmith. It was a killer night full of rock and guitar solos! My favorite album is 1987.

About your tone, I think that the problem start with the amp choice which is too metal for this kind of tune. Try to use something less metal that has more "body" and less high noise... does it make sense?

Your tone will sound cleaner but with sustain, and with good mids.

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 12 2015, 01:00 PM

Ok thanks Gab,

I'll have a mess around tonight, cheers.

Just to let you know, I have cancelled my monthly membership subscription that ends early August and I am taking out a yearly subscription instead. I am committed to this and I am enjoying our journey even though things take me a long time to learn rolleyes.gif

So you're stuck with me for at least another year mate laugh.gif tongue.gif


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 12 2015, 06:58 PM

hahaha congratulations mate! I'm happy to know this. smile.gif

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 12 2015, 08:36 PM

Ok Gab,

Changed to a Marshall type amp and left everything else. This is just a quick piece, I didn't practise first so it's scruffy but it's a tone test more than anything.


Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 13 2015, 03:26 PM

This is sounding better. I'm not totally convinced of the mic choice and position, what did you used?

and also, could you please share a print screen with the whole patch?

Posted by: Phil66 Jul 13 2015, 09:06 PM

Hello Gab,

I don't know anything about mic and mic position so I just leave it as it is. I've put some stuff in the timing and creativity workshops. Here is my patch, I used the same as before but called up a different amp.


Cheers Gab.

Posted by: Gabriel Leopardi Jul 14 2015, 05:23 PM

Ah, the fist thing that I would try is another cabinet since you still have the metal there. Also, I would change one of those mics and use one that looks like the SM57, I don't know the name used on this plug in but it will look close to this one:

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