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GMC Forum _ Electronic Entertainment _ Your Favorite Moments In Gaming

Posted by: Ayen Jan 15 2008, 09:08 PM

I've got to say, my favorite games are the ones that evoke a certain feeling, whether it be an "Oh cool!" feeling, or just bursting out in tears. My favorite moments are:


1- The ending to FFX, when Tidus killed Jecht, and him and Auron went to the Farplane, I almost broke down. The entire moment just filled me with semi-happiness and depression.

2- Aeris's Death in FFVII. It was completely unexpected and something I've never had happen to me in a game (until that point). She was sorely missed, until she showed up later on smile.gif.

3- The first Colossi you take down in Shadow of the Colossus. The epic-ness of taking down something that huge as such a small person just makes you feel powerful.

4- When Alma grabs you near the end of F.E.A.R., I almost **** my pants.

5- Getting inspected by lowbies in World of Warcraft. It's just refereshing to think that your character looks cool to other people too smile.gif

What about you guys?

Posted by: OrganisedConfusion Jan 15 2008, 09:11 PM

Sephiroth walking through the flames in Nibelheim if that is how you spell everything in Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth is a legend.

Posted by: Ayen Jan 15 2008, 09:12 PM

Ah, I agree 100%. That part was great too, and he had that expression on his face, proving his madness.

Posted by: Smikey2006 Jan 15 2008, 10:29 PM

Halo 2 end.. Master Cheif saying Sir.. Finishing this fight.. lots of moments from halo 2 and 3.. the graphics are awe inspiring smile.gif

Posted by: Toni Suominen Jan 15 2008, 10:37 PM

The whole Zelda-Ocarina of Time game on the Nintendo 64, just so epic and beautiful game! smile.gif My favourite game of all time!

Posted by: Ctodd Jan 15 2008, 10:39 PM

The ending conversations that occur after the credits roll in the MGS series (Metal Gear Solid)

and the ending sequence to MGS 2: Sons of Liberty especially

I'm talking about the conversation between Snake and Raiden and the codec conversation between the Colonel, Rose, and Raiden.

that whole game is really deep and very hard to understand, with all that commentary on what the meaning of life, and war is and all that jazz.

Posted by: Robin Jan 15 2008, 10:39 PM

1. Kicking ass in Counter Strike, specially in the wonderful old days when me and my friends had a clan and we played online amateur tournaments and stuff.

2. Kicking ass with my undead warrior in outdoor PvP.

3. Healing with my druid in EGI's. I hate it now though, it's just too much farming, waiting and "be online at this time blablbla".

4. Finally managing to get past difficult parts in Half Life 2 after lots of trying.

I don't play WoW anymore and I only play some CS public once in a while.

Posted by: The Uncreator Jan 16 2008, 12:29 AM

In No Order.

01. Final Fantasy VII - The death of Aeris.
02. Final Fantasy VII - The ending, the scene of ruined midgar is awesome
03. Final Fantasy VIII - The ending, the whole thing about the past, present, and future folding onto itself was weird.
04. Final Fantasy IX - The ending, Where Zidane shows up for Garnet in the play, Beautiful ending.
05. Final Fantasy X - The ending again, same as Ayen said.
06. Half Life 2 - Ravenholm, and When the citadel falls, and when time stands still....Incredible.
07. Half Life 2: EP 1 - The entire game, just incredible, the story is breathtaking
08. Half Life 2: EP 2 - The ending where Alyx is sitting there holding her dad, Eli Vance, as he dies, amazing!
09. Metal Gear Solid - The death of Meryl
10. Metal Gear Solid 2: SOL - The whole thing, it was weird as hell, the patriots, Solidus snake, return of Ocelot, and the "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo"
11. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - The death of The Boss, the whole ending brought tears to my eyes, when EVA left Snake the letter
12. Mass Effect - The entirety of it, the story was incredible, especially when you had to choose between 2 of your party members, one lives, one dies. and the incredible ending with the death of Soverign
13. The Legend Of Dragoon - The death of Lavitz, the black monster, and the ending.
14. F.E.A.R. - When Alma grabs you, i peed my pants and and punched the TV.
15. Assassins Creed - The ending, how it left you hanging on that high note, just awesome!
16. Call Of Duty 4 - Where you carry a wounded teammate to the chopper, and the bomb goes of before you escape, and you are left there, blood red skies, and an apocalyptic city before you....Epic.
17. Knights Of The Old Republic - The entire experience, and the ending was great
18. Knights Of The Old Republic 2: Sith Lords - The ending, where you get to slay the old hag!


01. Call Of Duty 4 - Knifed 21 people on Wetwork, didnt fire a single bullet, the first 15 kills i didnt even die.
02. Call Of Duty 4 - Our entire team was snipers in Overgrown, Yeah, the other team, not so good that day
03. Call Of Duty 4 - Both teams were snipers, first 4 minutes nobody moved, finally i saw a guy move, got a headshot, then you hear bolt actions and semi-auto sniper rifle fire everywhere, all hell broke loose
04. Call Of Duty 4 - Kill/ Death : 30/2

Posted by: Smells Jan 16 2008, 12:53 AM

Favourite moment was probably going through Scholomance and Stratholme for the first time in WoW, total adrenaline rush laugh.gif

Posted by: Robin Jan 16 2008, 12:56 AM

QUOTE (Smells @ Jan 16 2008, 12:53 AM) *
Favourite moment was probably going through Scholomance and Stratholme for the first time in WoW, total adrenaline rush laugh.gif

Those were the days.

Posted by: SLASH91 Jan 16 2008, 12:59 AM

Battlefield games online.

Any one who's played Battlefield 2 knows what I'm talking about. Every once in a while you'll just get these moments where you feel invincible because you just singlehandedly blew up a helocopter with 5 guys in it biggrin.gif Until the sniper shoots you in the head. sad.gif

Posted by: Fsgdjv Jan 16 2008, 01:01 AM

1. The ending in Killer 7. I'm not going to spoil anything though, play the game!
2. The entire Ocarina of time and Twilight Princess. Two amazing games biggrin.gif
3. This will sound weird, but when I got rank 13 in world of warcraft, I stayed up all night looking at my honor chart and my awesome looking pvp gear. Or maybe the first raid boss kill in World of Warcraft, it felt so epic somehow. (How Lucifron can feel epic is beying my imagination though..) tongue.gif

QUOTE (Smells @ Jan 16 2008, 12:53 AM) *
Favourite moment was probably going through Scholomance and Stratholme for the first time in WoW, total adrenaline rush laugh.gif

Oh yeah, that felt so cool for the first time biggrin.gif

Posted by: Smells Jan 16 2008, 01:10 AM

QUOTE (Fsgdjv @ Jan 16 2008, 12:01 AM) *
Oh yeah, that felt so cool for the first time biggrin.gif

I dont play in a guild or anything , just a couple of other regular people I meet up with in there, none of us had been (b4 Burning Crusade Expansion) and we`d all been lvl 60`s for ages, we only play for a bit of fun and quite often dont play but just chat laugh.gif it was cool the first time, now we`ve been through it so many times helping lower lvls (coz we all 70`s now) the novelties worn off laugh.gif

frustrating moments in Wow? Being killed by someone 30+ lvls higher than you, why? dont quite get that to be honest, oh well it is PvP biggrin.gif

Posted by: Robin Jan 16 2008, 01:17 AM

QUOTE (Smells @ Jan 16 2008, 01:10 AM) *
frustrating moments in Wow? Being killed by someone 30+ lvls higher than you, why? dont quite get that to be honest, oh well it is PvP biggrin.gif

It must be a thousand times more frustrating to get killed by someone that are lower level than you biggrin.gif

Posted by: Tjchep Jan 16 2008, 01:29 AM

First time in MC.

I was the puller (I was a hunter) and I had so much adrenaline, then after the first boss drops I got my first epic. Was unbelievably happy. Another total rush when I found out that I could sell my account for real money. So I sold my account to some Vietnamese farmer guy!

And Mass effects, first day I got it, I was so engrossed in the story line, and (sadly) I almost felt as if I assumed the position of the main character.

Posted by: Ayen Jan 16 2008, 02:19 AM

Ahh I forgot Lavitz's death and that level in Call of Duty 4 with the nuke.

Posted by: Ctodd Jan 16 2008, 02:43 AM

Ahh I forgot Lavitz's death

ya know i was gonna put something from legend of Dragoon, but i didnt think that was a very popular game so i didnt

I personally put that game on the same level as the final fantasy series (which is awesome)

Posted by: The Uncreator Jan 16 2008, 03:09 AM

Its is a fantastic game, the 4 years they spent making it payed off! smile.gif

Posted by: blindwillie Jan 16 2008, 09:58 AM

Long time ago now but it was a "moment" first time completing MC in WoW with our small guild, back when MC was still the hardest instance. We had worked sooo hard for that.

Posted by: OrganisedConfusion Jan 16 2008, 10:12 AM

I like Legend of Dragoon also

Posted by: kyldeee Jan 16 2008, 10:17 AM

1- The ending to FFX, when Tidus killed Jecht, and him and Auron went to the Farplane, I almost broke down. The entire moment just filled me with semi-happiness and depression.

Yeah, I think thats one of my favorite moments also. But the Ending of Metal Gear Solid 3 was unbelievable, It almost made cry and I had goosebumbs all over, it was so powerful....

Posted by: The Uncreator Jan 16 2008, 11:53 AM

Yeah, it was an incredible ending.

Posted by: botoxfox Jan 22 2008, 05:38 PM

Just about anything in the MGS series as I'm too lazy to write at the mo.
The general feel of GTA:VC.
Beating the Path of Hades level in God of War.
+ some other things that I can't remember right now.

Posted by: Nick334 Jan 22 2008, 08:18 PM

8 man knife streak in about 15 seconds on Counter Strike: Condition Zero. 32 man public server and I managed to get behind them and wiped out half of their team with me trusty knife.

Posted by: Goliath Jan 22 2008, 09:20 PM

backstabbing medic/heavy combos on 2fort in TF2. Awesome.

FFVII when the highwind transforms.

Posted by: Chief Brody Jan 23 2008, 04:24 AM

I'll agree with the ending to Final Fantasy X - very well done and quite emotional too!

The ending of Shadowhearts:Covenent where Yuri gets the chance to reclaim his lost love.

Probably the entire duration of Panzer Dragoon Saga because quite frankly, everything in that game is awesome ESPECIALLY the storyline.

Anytime i get a hold of the gravity hammer in a Halo 3 deathmatch *mwahahaha*

Letting loose as the Hulk in Ultimate Destruction - the ultimate stress reliever!

The overall experience of Shenmue 1 + 2, i still haven't played anything like it.

I've got many more but i don't wanna go overboard laugh.gif

Posted by: PacmanProductions Reborn Feb 22 2008, 05:56 AM

Halo 3- Legendary Ending...
Call of Duty 4- "Aftermath"...
Call of Duty 4 (online deathmatch)- 2 Headshots w/ 1 bullet from sniper rifle happy.gif biggrin.gif
(now wayyy back)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- Final Ganon Battle
Soul Caliber I- laughing histarically at Voldo

THERES TOO MANY@!@!@!@!@!@

Posted by: Trond Vold Feb 22 2008, 06:54 AM

Call of Duty 4 had it's great moments

But there's still no game that will beat the awesomeness that Quake brought the first time you played it smile.gif .. i still play QuakeWorld online quite often

Posted by: Outlaw2112 Feb 22 2008, 08:32 AM

Playing in S&D CAL matches in COD, and winning... and using the lean left move to own people tongue.gif

Posted by: visi0n Feb 22 2008, 11:14 AM

When i was 1st with 1on1 first person shooter .. it was cool .. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Goliath Feb 22 2008, 02:42 PM

Whenever anything explodes in Lost Planet, especially larger VS.

Pretty much the whole game of Vagrant Story.

The first impression of Zone of the Enders and finally getting to feel like a monster in a mech. Nevermind that it becomes horribly repetitive a couple hours later, but INITIALLY, it's bliss.

Realizing that you're Raiden in MGS2 and not Snake as the demo made you believe.

GOW/DMC having to make you actually play like an Fin BA to make the hero live up to his potential.

Posted by: The Uncreator Feb 22 2008, 04:42 PM

QUOTE (Goliath @ Feb 22 2008, 05:42 AM) *
Realizing that you're Raiden in MGS2 and not Snake as the demo made you believe.

I love all MGS games, but i really hate raiden.

Solid Snake > Raiden


Posted by: Goliath Feb 22 2008, 07:19 PM

yeah, but (i'm going to sound old now). I was about your age when MGS2's demo dropped with the Zone of the Enders game. I spent a TON of time playing it to the point where I could beat it without using a full clip. Everyone was buzzing about the demo. Then the full release hits and the first level is near identical, but wait, now you're Raiden. He is a bit of a girl, but the samurai sword was lots of fun to use.

Posted by: Siggum Feb 22 2008, 07:21 PM

QUOTE (Toni Suominen @ Jan 15 2008, 10:37 PM) *
The whole Zelda-Ocarina of Time game on the Nintendo 64, just so epic and beautiful game! smile.gif My favourite game of all time!

I couldnt agree more, in that genre it was my favorite too smile.gif

Posted by: The Uncreator Feb 22 2008, 08:20 PM

QUOTE (Goliath @ Feb 22 2008, 10:19 AM) *
yeah, but (i'm going to sound old now). I was about your age when MGS2's demo dropped with the Zone of the Enders game. I spent a TON of time playing it to the point where I could beat it without using a full clip. Everyone was buzzing about the demo. Then the full release hits and the first level is near identical, but wait, now you're Raiden. He is a bit of a girl, but the samurai sword was lots of fun to use.

I remember Zone of the enders, i was only like.....12 or 13 when i got it, i remember the demo, I got it just a few months before MGS2 was set to release, got excited, then.....Raiden..... sad.gif

Posted by: erik Feb 25 2008, 10:07 PM

1. When I got a playstation (the first one) for christmas, I think I played mostly Rayman

2. The first time I played Age of Empires at home (I played for countless hours)

3. The first time I played GTA 3

Posted by: The Uncreator Feb 25 2008, 11:34 PM


The end of disc 1 to "Lost Odyssey", the whole funeral scene, and the death of whos funeral it was, really got to me, i actually shed tears over it sad.gif

Posted by: Fran Feb 26 2008, 12:03 AM

My favourite moments in gaming belong to the good old MMORPG Asheron's Call for sure.

That very first day running in the middle of the night trying to find a town... a person!... reaching L50 with my BattleMage.... And the day I finally got my PPGSA. Oh well, I'd be surprised if anyone even knew what I'm talking about but I had to say it...

Best game EVER.

Posted by: audiopaal Feb 26 2008, 12:11 AM

Everything about Final fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, Legend of dragoon, Atelier Iris I II & III, Final Fantasy III (DS), The legend Of Zelda - Ocarina of time, The legend Of Zelda - Wind waker, The legend Of Zelda - Twilight Princess, The legend Of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass, The first Super Mario bros., Super Mario Galaxy, Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King, and quite a few others..

I'd go into detail but then I'd spend the rest of my free week here and I need to record a song for a competition,
so sorry laugh.gif

But man do I love games (role-playing for the most part..) smile.gif

Posted by: SLASH91 Feb 26 2008, 12:14 AM

QUOTE (erik @ Feb 25 2008, 03:07 PM) *
3. The first time I played GTA 3

Yes! What an awesome game

We sure have a lot of MGS fans here. I never got into those really.

Posted by: Guitarman700 Feb 26 2008, 12:18 AM

Well, i was playing Mass Effect today, and i was exploring a planet in the rover. so im coming down a hill, and i see an enemy. now this rover is about the size of a very large tank and goes pretty fast, so i hit the guy and he flys about , oh, 900 feet and hits another guy who also dies. totally awesome.

Posted by: Outlaw2112 Feb 26 2008, 12:27 AM

Does anyone play COD? Or is anyone in a COD clan?

Posted by: ZakkWylde Feb 26 2008, 12:37 AM

First time Playing a beat em up, first Resdient Evil, First Halo and Diablo 2

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