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Personal Statement
"It’s not about technique. It’s not about what kind of instrument you play or how many strings it’s got or how fast you can play or how loud it is or how quiet it is. It’s about how it feels and how it makes you feel when you play." Eric Clapton
Personal Info
Monica Gheorghevici
Learning Tone Master
46 years old
Bucharest, Romania
Born Dec-18-1977
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Monica Gheorghevici



My Content
9 Sep 2023
Hi everyone!

I just stopped by to present you my new guitar solo composition. smile.gif It's a bluesy ballad.
As most of you know, my purpose is to always push my playing and my composition skills at a high level. I constantly learn new things, I approach different styles, etc. Also, Darius is more demanding than ever, but I'm addicted to this. biggrin.gif

Less shredding today than I usually do, but my main idea was to show something else: more advanced articulation, dynamics, speed, more phrasing, etc. Anyway, the blues playing is a totally different school of playing: laziness bends, delayed notes, many rhythmical variations and fast notes that shine, especially because of the fact that they are not match in an exact time (of course, each note is very well calculated).

I know you guys have got used to seeing me playing on my Jackson. It's still my favorite guitar, but unfortunately, I have to admit that it has some limits. In this particular blues style, those limits would have been visible and also would not let me be able to translate the emotions in a good way.
Today I introduce you my second guitar. It's a premium guitar and I was very lucky because I can't afford such a guitar, but Darius helped me to have it at half of the price. smile.gif
It's not black, but sometimes we need to make compromises and the quality is much more important than color. The sustain, the feel, the quality especially visible by the equality of volume on the higher frets are amazing. I can just touch the notes very softly and it keeps singing and it reproduces 100% my emotional state. I know that this guitar will never let me fail to translate what I mean.

Hahaha...I didn't want to write so much but....I couldn't resist not sharing with you guys some thoughts. biggrin.gif

1 Mar 2022
Hi everyone!
If you're wondering what I've been working on with Darius lately, the answer is a new solo composition. smile.gif

I worked hard on this one because, as most of you know, Darius has really high expectations from me. He really likes to push me to the maximum in all the areas (playing, composition, tone, mixing and video editing) and I love the fact that he does this. So, I learned new things, I applied a bunch of details and I tried to do my best to come up with even more complex ideas.

Also, this time, I decided to use a second guitar to harmonize some parts. I can say that we really had a lot of fun. biggrin.gif
You know, it's more than easy to make the harmonization, but the hard part comes when you try to do this and to not sound like a japanese video game (hahaha…that's our private joke). laugh.gif Anyway, in the end it turned out how we wanted and we are very proud of the result.

Hope you guys will enjoy this. smile.gif

21 Jan 2021
Most of you know that I usually learn and post lessons in REC. Last year, Darek changed the direction of our mentoring and we started the composition workshop. smile.gif

When he told me about this task, I was more than happy but in the same time I was very afraid about what will come. It's a huge difference between playing lessons from the high level and being able to apply in compositions all the things learned behind those lessons.

From the start we knew that will be a hard journey because was something new for both of us. Darek, had to find the perfect method of work that can push me in the good direction without literally showing me what to do.

It was like a quest game where to make a step further, you need to solve a puzzle. In our case each step of mine it meant to follow some clues from Darek (such as..."you need to raise the tension", "use a different technique", "come with other idea and make it richer rhythmically and ornamental", "few slides and few bends will not deliver anything out of the box", "propose something's visible you tried to get more dense but it doesn't bring expected result", "focus on the cools stuff you spent years to learn", etc) and come up with ideas that he can like and strictly respect all his requirements.
Probably nobody will believe how much patience we both had and how many times I must came with millions of ideas for the same spot. But I really loved to do this because being forced to analyze and think more deeply, sometimes I came up with ideas that really surprised me. smile.gif

Apart from finding the basic melodic line which was always my strong point, for the rest of the skills that we needed, Darek had to work twice as hard with me to get them out. But…the fact that we have similar musical taste and we have been working together for so many years definitely helped us. smile.gif

Anyway…it would be a too long story to write about everything. All I can say it’s the fact that Darek pushed me over what I thought it’s my limit. Beside the fact that I used all the techniques that I know on guitar, he also taught me new techniques (tremolo picking). You guys have no idea how many times I said to him that I will not be able to play my own composition because technical he made me make this too hard. biggrin.gif But he is totally immune to such complaints from me (I say this very often and it always turns out to be untrue). biggrin.gif

Because it's my solo composition and to quote Darek "I have started a new era", it came the time to also make a step further in video editing and create visually something more interesting.
Of course, this thing it didn't happen overnight and meant an additional hard work and patience from both of us.

I want to say one more thing and I will end. Darek, thank you so much for your huge patience and for the fact that you never let me to give up on doing something that I think I can't do it. Every time I fail (and I fail many times tongue.gif ) you are there to catch me and help me. You are a brilliant instructor and I'm grateful every day for all you do for me. smile.gif

BTW guys, I didn't had in mind to write so much but....a woman always have a lot to say. biggrin.gif

31 Jan 2019
Original lesson: Heavy Funkin' Soloing by Darius Wave

Hi guys, Darek's team returned with new skills smile.gif

Few years ago, one of the first things that I told to Darek, was that I would love to play this lesson someday, but I never believed this would happen. Today Darek made my dream come true.
For us this take it’s a reward for all the work that we put in over the years and we are very proud by result.

Darek, you are a killer instructor and I will always be grateful for all you do for me. It's really unbelievable what you can do with my playing smile.gif

9 Sep 2018
It's very hard for me to make this post because the pain that I feel, burns me and cuts my breath. I'm sure that all animal lovers will understand my pain.

I have two cats Max which has 16 years old and Thomas (Tom) which have 13 years old. Unfortunately Tuesday (04.09.2018) we had to say goodbye to our sweet boy Tom. Four months ago, he got sick and from that moment we started a huge battle for his life. All these months, he fought like a true warrior because he wanted to live, but every time when we had a disease under control, a new disease appeared on other organ. We went through diabetes (we have learned to make insulin injections), kidney failure, stroke, liver failure, pharyngitis, decubitus abscess (because it has dropped from 6 kg to 2 kg), pancreatitis. All these months we were with Tom every day at vet to made intravenous infusions. The best veterinary doctors from different veterinary clinics from our city, made a team together and worked to heal him.
One week ago he felt better, finally he started to eat alone (until then we fed him with the syringe) and I believed that everything will be ok. After two days from that moment, the pancreatitis appeared again and the kidney failure was almost at the final stage. We still tried to fight another few days but Tuesday, his blood analyzes showed that his liver stopped to work and the kidneys failed. We made also an echography to be sure but the result was the same. To put him to sleep was the hardest decision for us, but when you love so much such a little angel, you must know where to stop for his good (to not let him die in pain). We kissed him over and over and he slept in Dan’s arms (my husband and Tom’s dad) where he always felt protected.

We lost the fight and now I can't describe in words how hard is for us. Tom was not a pet for us, he was a member of our family (we don't have kids and we always considered and treated our cats like our children).
We buried him in "Pets heaven" cemetery where we can visit him anytime.

I know that I should be grateful (and believe me I’m more than grateful) for all the magical moments that Tom gave us in these 13 years. He was very loving and every day his task was to kiss us for hours. He always trusted in us and he loved us from all his heart.
We have a history together, millions of moments of joy and Tom really gave us his soul on the tray. Now he left with a huge piece from our soul sad.gif
The house it's empty without him because he was that kind of "boy" which was present everywhere. Wherever we were, he was with us. In all these 13 years we have never been separated, not even for 1 day.
In my life I lost many members of my family and few friends who passed away too fast but I swear, I never felt such a huge pain. I miss so much my boy and I can't stop crying. I would give anything to bring him back, keep him in my arms and kiss him one more time.

I try to think that now he run and play with other friends in animal heaven where he is happy and released by any pain. I hope with all my heart that someday, when my moment will come, to meet him again.

Max is our first "boy" and same as Tom, he also has a special place in our heart. Each of them came up with a different personality. Tom was the boy who was addicted to show you his love on each second and Max is the docile and wise boy, always obedient and the one who feel very well our emotions.


Last Visitors

17 Apr 2024 - 16:11

16 Mar 2024 - 13:37

29 Jan 2024 - 15:36

27 Jan 2024 - 14:36

28 Nov 2023 - 10:11

Your beginner solo #1 on rec was awesome. Well done!! :)
17 Mar 2014 - 23:08


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