Stamina School Lesson

Stamina School

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  • Hi and welcome to Stamina School !

    The focus of this lesson is to build stamina and speed but using our natural hand position.
    What do I mean by 'natural hand position' ? I'm talking about the way you strike chords, strum chords, palm mute, pluck notes - the normal way that your hand rests against the strings when performing basic, easy movements on the guitar. We all have a natural hand position. It doesn't matter whether you are a beginner or advanced, anyone can do this lesson using what we already have at our disposal.

    The structure of this lesson is slightly different to others due to the exercise involved. I've presented my stamina & speed building approach in the following way:

    Part 1 - introduction to the concept of using your natural hand position and why it works.

    Part 2 - the exercise itself.

    Part 3 - following on from the lesson, how to apply this to yourself.

    I hope you'll take the time to listen to the spoken videos as they will present a much more detailed explanation of this concept and will help you to understand the main exercise.

    Remember, the only opponent is within !


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