Violins & Hybrid Picking Lesson

Violins & Hybrid Picking

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  • Hello GMC!

    I have decided to break down the hybrid picking technique.
    This lesson starts simple and covers a part which is a bit more difficult towards the end so that I can push your limits a little.
    The orchestration uses violins, which, alongside the guitar lines, create a sunny, bright feeling.

    The aim here is to be able to keep a good, steady timing and use various combinations of fingers in a time signature of 4/4, while focusing on the dynamics of your picking: the pick and the fingers have to present the same attack on the strings for a piano sounding result. You may want to grow your fingernails for this technique - not necessarily too much but enough to grab the string a bit and the trim should be a little bit inclined towards your right side, as you look at your right hand, palm facing down (check out the spoken video).

    Let's see what is there to learn here :

    - basics of the hybrid picking technique : timing, finger combinations, an even attack
    - chordal ideas

    Time signature: 4/4

    Scales used: E major/ E minor

    Tempo: 100 BPM

    I used a Gibson Songwriter Deluxe studio Dreadnought guitar plugged straight into the soundboard and DAW with added reverb from the DAW.

    Practice slowly and focus on getting each note to sound clear and loud, just like you would play a piano!


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