Dynamics of Playing Lesson

Dynamics of Playing

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  • In this lesson we are going to work on dynamics of playing. You don't have to use pedals or amps to boost your signal, it all comes from your fingers.

    "Ups" and "downs" are extremely important in music. Those two terms could be explained as higher and lower peaks in music. As you may guess, higher peak would be the louder, more powerful sounding part of the musical piece, and lower peak would be something exactly opposite; quieter, subtle sounding part.

    So how to boost your playing and how to calm it down?
    Rolling off the volume pot on your guitar just a bit, to clear up the sound, is one of the best things you can do when you want to sound a bit softer. Some subtle palm muting will work great too. But the way you pick and the way your vibrato sounds are the most important things here.

    When you want to sound loud and powerful, dig into a note with your pick and do some wide vibrato with your left hand. You can also use a couple of double stops, if your sound isn't too dirty, or throw in some pinched harmonics.

    That's the territory you should explore more by yourself, to find out what you like and what you don't like and how to incorporate it in your playing, because it is very important.

    You can start by learning this solo :)

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