Legato And Picking - Intermediate Lesson

Legato And Picking - Intermediate

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  • Hello folks and welcome to Legato and Picking lesson on Intermediate level!

    In this very lesson we'll try to improve our both Legato and Alternate Picking by simply playing the same thing twice but using these 2 techniques. This approach is also a fine test to notice types of licks that cause you more problems one way or another so you could focus more and fix those errors.

    The lesson is in a key of Em and we'll be using straight natural E Minor scale, tempo is 100 bpm, 4/4 bar.

    I used GuitarRig 3 tho, let me know in my Instructor Forum if you would like the preset and I'll post it! :)

    Happy practicing.

    Muris Varajic

    From this course:

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