Satriani Melodic Rock Style Lesson

Satriani Melodic Rock Style

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  • In today's lesson we'll study a piece in the style of one of the most respected rock musicians in modern music: Mister Joe Satriani! One of the most interesting things to me in Joe's music is his ability to always come up with extremely effective simple melodic licks. We'll use very simple tools to create something in that style.

    The main key of today's track will be in A minor. We'll use mostly an A minor pentatonic scale in the first position. We'll also use some three note per string scales in F Lydian and G Mixolydian. Those scale positions are all related to each other since extracted from the common A minor scale. Before you work your way through the sections, make sure you are comfortable with the suggested fingerings below.

    As always, strive for precision and make sure to incorporate some of these ideas in your own musical vocabulary. Practice hard and keep it fun!

    G Mixo.jpg

    F Lydian.jpg

    A pos1.jpg
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