Building Complex Melody Lines Lesson

Building Complex Melody Lines

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  • Hi GMC!
    This is something on which I have been working for a long time, very complicated string skipping piece with lots of chords. All notes are played in alternate picking manner, and it is very important for you to pay attention on upstrokes, because in this kind of pieces guitarists are tempted to play upstroke-notes less louder and clear.
    It is best to start with 50 bpm on metronome and to gradually increase it to 100. Harmony contains of following chords: Bmin7-5m, Emin7, Dmin7, A min9, Dmin7, Bdim7, C7, C#dim7, Dmin9, Bmin7, Gmaj6, C aug, A7, Dmin7, G 7, C7, D min6, Amin7, E7, A min.A min, Dmin, Gmin, C, B7, Amin, E7. Bmin7-5m, Emin7, Dmin7, A min9, Dmin7, Bdim7, Gdim7, A#dim7, Fmin, G#min, A#dim7, C#dim7, G#min, Bmin, F, B, F, B, F, B, Bmin6.




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