John Mayer Crossroads Licks Lesson

John Mayer Crossroads Licks

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  • Hi GMC!

    In this new lesson, you'll learn an improvisation by John Mayer that's heavily inspired by SRV, one of his biggest influences. In addition to the licks and theory behind them, we'll also explore blues concepts, as we did in the John Mayer Blues Licks lesson.

    In this case, we'll look at one of the most commonly used scales in blues improvisation, as it's also very present in this solo.

    The backing track is a 12-bar blues progression in A, and the arrangement is based on Eric Clapton's Crossroads Live version.

    My lead guitar sound was recorded using the Neural DSP Tone King Imperial MKII plugin. You can download it here: LINK

    Okay, let's get started!

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