Notes On The Guitar Lesson

Notes On The Guitar

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  • Hi GMC!

    In this lesson we'll focus on learning notes on the guitar. We'll go through everything grounds up which means that you'll learn the names of the notes, in which order notes go, how to remember them easily etc. I'll try to keep the theory at the minimum level and really simplify everything so that you can go through this learning step as smoothly as possible.

    Learning notes should be one of the first steps you make on the guitar as you'll notice that everything you'll be learning more or less will be referenced to it. Also being more comfortable with notes and where they are on the fretboard will prove helpful when jamming with other people as you'll no longer need to communicate in this way: "I'm playing this fret here and then I go to that fret there" ...rather be able to communicate in much easier and understandable ways which are pretty much universal when talking to any musician.

    If you start learning notes early on when just starting out on the instrument, you'll be developing a very good habit as learning all the notes on the fretboard takes time and having a head start is a good thing.

    Last but not least - don't be bothered if you can't identify every note on the fretboard by its name - this is perfectly fine. What you should strive for is to understand rules behind note names, order and how to find them on the fretboard. Everything else will come naturally, through practicing other things.

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