Swing Comping Lesson

Swing Comping

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  • Hello everyone, today I'm starting a two lessons song series covering swing comping in the style of Freddie Green.

    Freddie Green was Count Basie's Big Band player, and we will be covering several techniques and tricks.

    The chord progression I choose is Am-D7-Gmaj7-Cmaj7-F#m7b5-B7-Em-E7. You can find this progression in standards like "Autumn Leaves".

    Each example has its particular didactic marking and at the en in example number 5 I have mixed several of the techniques covered in previous examples.

    Don't forget to download the PDF for a full fingered score.

    The bts are "jam1" that has drums, bass and horns. "Jam2" is the same track with no bass as "a challenge" to your ears.

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