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Nicola Mandorino

Nicola Mandorino

Location: Palagianello, South Italy
Date of birth: January 05, 1963
Been playing guitar since: 1980

I’m was born in Taranto, Italy in 1963. I started studying the piano when I was 14 and at the same time began teaching myself the guitar. After a short period of interest in a classical guitar, I found that classical guitar has a close relationship to the jazz and fingerpicking styles. I learned by listening and studying the recordings of the great guitarists and by attending numerous courses and master classes.

In 1986 I started a long concert career as a guitarist of many jazz bands. I worked intently at improving the technique of fingerstyle jazz and continued the study of advanced technical fingerpicking.

With the wealth of experience and studies accumulated over the years, in 1992 I began working as an instructor teaching modern jazz guitar, blues, fingerpicking and also taught many basic courses for beginners and adults.  I gradually abandoned the traditional methods of teaching and began to develop my own methods that were more modern and closer to the real interests of my students. These methods are proving to be very effective and hundreds of students over the years have enrolled in my courses. My courses make learning to play the guitar fun and help students develop a passion for their instrument.

Currently, I am a teacher of modern guitar at the Music Learning Center and at several Italian musical associations in the province of Taranto, Italy. My courses help students maintain a high level of interest and participation. Simultaneously, I continue to play concerts for the public by offering a repertoire of songs consisting of fingerpicking, jazz, country, bluegrass and Irish folk.

Playing and Influences
I love all aspects Joe Pass' technique and the sound of George Benson. Wes Montgomery for his improvisations. When it comes to fingerstyle acoustic guitar, I prefer the trio of the great masters Chet Atkins, Jerry Reed and Merle Travis. Also, I like to play bluegrass, especially the solos of Tony Rice.


I want to give my contribution to this great site with lessons suitable for beginners to intermediate guitarists. While those who are already good guitarists can learn by themselves, beginners need a lot of help.

More: My Website, My Facebook, My Youtube, My Twitter

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