The Beatles: Michelle Lesson

The Beatles: Michelle

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  • Hello everyone, today I bring this big hit by the Beatles: Michelle.
    This song is from the Beatles album "Help" (1965).
    This lesson features both guitar and bass.

    The rhythm guitar on the original is doubled, and probably one guitar plays very regular strumming patterns while the other gets to play the fancy ones.
    Guitar solo is a very old jazzy guitar, you should roll off the trebles from your guitar and as well your amp.

    Bts are panned to the right so you can hear the guitar/bass alone by panning to left.

    The structure is:

    Intro: M 01-04
    Verse 1 M 05-10
    Verse 2 M 11-16
    Chorus M 17-22 + 23-26
    Verse 3 M 27-32
    Chorus 2 M 33-38 + 39-42
    G. Solo M 43-48
    Chorus 3 M 49-55 + 56-59
    Verse 4 + coda M 60+65 + 66+69
    G.solo M 70-75 + 76+69 + ....

    As you can see, all parts are 6 measures long with the exception of the intro whenever its material is played.

    Here are all chord diags in alphabetical order for each section.

    Diag. notation:
    Circle is chord root, black dots are chord notes other than root and diamond means passing note, or note played by the bass when they are in a low register.

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