Variations in C Minor #2 Lesson

Variations in C Minor #2

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  • Hi GMC-ers!

    Here is the second level of Variations to C minor! I hope you liked the first level and here is the following! In the second part, as I said, we’ll play more notes and the scales in different positions.

    The first part is similar as to the previous lesson. This is also in C minor at the 8th fret and it begins with a simple C pentatonic scale but these are a bit more skilled runs. The end of this part is closed with the fifth mode of the C pentatonic scale.

    The continuing part is at the third fret henceforward in C minor. Also in this part I play the starting theme three times and it is varied only at the end. Pay attention to the run at the end of the second part, where are some sixteenth notes and some triplets following each other. Try to play it evenly!

    The lesson contains the following techniques:

    -alternate picking
    -palm mute
    -pull off

    Good practicing!

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