Sequenced 8-Finger Tapping Lesson

Sequenced 8-Finger Tapping

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  • Hello GMC! This new lesson is again about tapping. It is an exercise that will not only help you to develop your 8-finger tapping skills, but it will also help you to better synchronize your hands.
    It's a totally different way of playing arpeggios by tapping notes in sequence between right and left hand fingers. It uses both hammerings and pull-offs.

    It is made out of 12 different arpeggios:


    Time signature is: 4/4;
    Tempo is: 100 BMP;
    Note durations are: 16th triplets.

    The best advice I can give you on practicing this lesson is the well known one, and that is to first practice at slow, moderate rate and at the end at full speed. So, good luck!









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