Lesson Series: “0 To 60, An Introduction to Alternate Picking” - Lesson 400

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Todd Simpson
Todd Simpson

LESSON #400 - Yup, 400!

Lesson Series by Todd Simpson

FINGER YOGA! (Always Warmup BEFORE Playing)

First off, THANKS!! To GMC and to you guys for having me for 400 Lessons user posted image


This lesson is based on the IN FLAMES collab by Gabe. Here is the link to the collab. If you have not joined up, GO JOIN! user posted image The Deadline isn't til OCTOBER 3rd so you have plenty of time. Playing against a backing and getting feedback is one of the best ways to grow as a player. Here is the link.

Here is the Backing Track

It's in the key of C Minor so the Scale of C Minor

and C Pentatonic will work great user posted image

Here is the backing with a solo over it. We are going to examine these licks.


Let's try a simplified version of one of the solo licks.

GP5 Tab
GP6 Tab
