Baiao do Capiroto Lesson

Baiao do Capiroto

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  • Hey Folks!

    I am back with a very exciting challenge for you!

    This song is in the Key of "A", I play a riff over "D" which is the Lydian mode followed by "E" the Mixolydian. Be aware that I am using a mix of Hybrid Picking and Hammer-ons.

    In this song you will find a high level of difficulty of Alternate Picking technique, I really suggest you to practice the passages very slow in order to acquire speed and precision, specially because you will have to move between the Alternate Picking technique and Hybrid Picking.

    This is a Metal/Progressive style and I brought in Baião which is Brazilian Folk music, originated with the native people in the northern part of the country, incorporated with elements of indigenous.

    The original Baiao is played with Zabumba (a flat, double-headed bass drum played with a mallet in one hand and stick in the other, each striking the opposite head of the drum), accordion and a triangle.

    PS: You can hear a triangle in the beginning of this song! I tried to move the most of the style into Metal/Progressive as it is in this song.

    The Mixolydian mode is the best way to represent the feel of this style,
    You can also add 4# on which then belongs to the Melodic Minor mode of scales.

    The name of the song is "Baião do Capiroto", by translating the portuguese language from the North of Brazil it means " Baiao of the Devil", as I play it with distortion and drums in a kind of aggressive way I could not think of a better name.

    Learning this song will provide you with a lot of new experiences and I hope you get very serious when learning this song and have fun with it.

    If you win this battle you will you be amazed and transcending into a new level of Alternate Picking and Hybrid picking techniques.


    Guitar used: Fender USA Highway 1
    Strings: Dean Markley Blue Steel 0.10
    Effect: I used Guitar Rig 4, the chain was guitar + Focusrite 24 pro + iMac into my Cubase 5, and to get this sound I used a combination of Gratifier on the Vintage mode + 4X12 Angl VintC by The Wall of sounds III which is my new endorsement by Two-Notes from France I also have the green distortion pedal on the top of everything called "Screamer" with the Delay from Cubase plugins called "MonoDelay" and here is what I´ve changed there to get this sound on the solo guitar: Delay/1/4, Feedback/10.5, Mix/10.0 then you are ready to go!

    Tempo: 130 bpm

    Key: A

    Recording Gear:

    Cubase 5
    Guitar Rig 4
    The Wall of Sounds III - Two Notes
    iMac 27
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