Chordal Song pt #1 (harmony) Lesson

Chordal Song pt #1 (harmony)

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  • Hi GMC!

    This is lesson for beginner/intermediate level, it’s pretty easy to play though it contains important topics such as:

    -simultaneous bass notes playing
    -Maj 7 chord shapes and vocings
    -accurate rhythm playing

    Harmony is simple, it contains two chords, G maj7 and C# maj 7. When we add bass notes to it we get, Gmaj7-Gmaj7/C#-C#maj 7, then in the second part Gmaj7-Gmaj7/C#-C#maj7-C#maj7/G#. The song is in the key of C# major. One thing that I want to point out is that playing in such slow tempos can be very difficult, so you really need to listen to backing tracks and keep your strumming even!

    Enjoy playing this lesson!


    Vasilije Vukmirovic

    From this course:

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