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Learning Roadie
36 years old
Born April-16-1988
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6 Oct 2019
So i recently found this guy, and i'm in love with his tone and this is just the kind of music that i really enjoy playing, but i'm a little confused about his tone.
Cause it like screams alot if you can call it that, but i'm not sure if that is just how his tone is, or if he is doing alot of pinch harmonics ?
Cause at the same time i think it sounds more like a half pinch harmonic, it's not just a note, but it is not a full screaming pinch harmonic and it just adds so much to the song.

So can you guys clarify for me what is actually going on ? cause, atleast with my skills i can only make either a full screaming pinch harmonic or just a note with nothing.
10 Aug 2019
Hi again.

I'm using Bias FX.
So i have all my time playing the guitar just been using other peoples sounds they've created or whatever there has been of presets in my ealier amps and such.

So now i've found a sound that i really like, but it comes out slighty more to the right than the left, and it runs in a dual path, i could make it single path, but that changes the sound drasticly, if i make the volume knob on one of the amps the same as the other i kinda get it centered, but it also changes the sound slightly.

is there something completely wrong with the way it's set up or what can i do to make it like 110% badass ?

Attached Image

I will also start looking up some "lessons" to all this, cause one thing is finding a good sound by someone else, but if it needs small tweaks to get what you really want i'm kinda screwed cause i never really messed with this myself, i litterly just learn the playing guitar, and skipped everyrthing else, and it kinda comes biting me back now biggrin.gif
6 Jul 2019
Hi guys.

So i was watching a youtube video of a guy playing one of Steve Vai's song called "whispering a prayer", surely you guys are familiar with it.
I asked him for what guitar he was using cause i was really interested in sustain pickup and how that whole thing worked with the mode switch too.

So the guitar he told me was a washburn X - series with a fernandes sustainer, now i've been searching around in my country for guitars with fernandes sustainers but i walk right into a wall, there's nothing, so i'm wondering if this is something you have to put on yourself, is it called something else or is it just not a popular thing at all ?

Now what i idealer would absolutely love to have is buying another Ibanez Jem Jr and have that with that setup, but is that even possible ?

i'm really lost here, what options do i have if i want a guitar with that system without it being crazy expensive ?
25 Dec 2018
I've recently bought the Ibanez Jem JR, which has a floating bridge, i absolutely love the guitar, but it's my first guitar with this kind of system on, and i'm having some issues regarding tuning.

I do not understand how to tune it, or i thought i did, but it aint working.

So i've put on new strings since the ones it came with broke, i followed a youtube video and changed 1 string at a time to avoid the bridge to "fall down". It all went smooth, and i'm at the tuning part.

I know the strings goes out of tune as they stretch when they are new, i've changed on my stratocaster a trizillion times, but my issue is that whenever i go about tuning the strings, i go string 4-3-5-2-6-1, but whenever i come back to around, it sits flat again, but the bridge raised slightly, so to me it seems that when you tune it up, you just raise the bridge and you just go around in a circle, getting the bridge sitting higher and higher.

Am i doing something wrong ?
5 Feb 2015
Hello smile.gif

I am starting to dig a little into playing the acoustic too, i pretty much always played the electric guitar and been doing that in about 7years.
I currently have a Fender CD-60 acoustic, but i must admit i feel very uncomfortable playing it, due to the size and the amount of pressure i need to put down on the notes, maybe this is just something i have to "force" myself to getting used to, but...

my first problem is the amount of pressure i need to put down on the notes for them to ring clear, i know it's a bit tougher than the electric, but my fingers hurt, and they keep doing that, even with my finger tips as hard as stone, i just can't play for very long, is this just something i need to deal with ? oh and barre chords is a big no, i can do it somewhat fine on the electric, but it's impossible for me to do on the acoustic.

Then there is the size, my back is a little messed up and therefore i can't sit fully upright, i sit with my back bend a little more than normal which means i feel like i'm sitting with my chin right on the top of the guitar, now, while i would like if there was a little smaller guitar than the standard size i ofcourse is not looking for an ukulele or something baby size, but just maybe a tad smaller than standard so i can feel comfortable sitting with it.

Then there is my strumming arm, this might be a technique issue, i don't know, but basicly my right arm goes num after about 2minutes of playing, i rest my upper arm on the edge of the topright of the guitar

My electric guitar feels good and comfortable to sit with and to play, but the acoustic is really causing me issues sad.gif

So i was wondering if there's guitars that is maybe a little smaller than the standard size and maybe a little easier to take notes with, or is this just problems i have to learn to play with ?
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