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52 years old
Uppsala, Sweden
Born Nov-15-1971
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Joined: 13-March 07
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My Content
21 Apr 2008
A little over a year ago I was surfing the web hunting for good guitar sites. I had recently decided to start playing again after taking a long ten year break. I can´t remember which site I was visiting, but suddenly there was an ad with this guy, apparantly without talent, who claimed that he could teach me to be better than him. "How hard can that be if he has no talent" I thought for myself before signing up.

I guess I am not the average GMC user. I am a bit older, I ´ve got a wife, kids and a house (including a mortgage) and playing the guitar is not something I do every day, even if I try to. I don´t really aspire to be a shredder. Not that I don´t want to, I just realise how much time that would take, and I am not willing to dedicate myself to that degree (at least not at the moment). And I haven´t completed more than 5 or 6 lessons from beginning to finish.

So, why am I still a member after more than a year?

Because GMC is the best guitar community I know. When I joined, there were only a few instructors with a handful of lessons, but they were really good. Both from how Kris explained things, to camera angles and alos providing interesting content. All that combined is a rare thing. The Forums was also very good. Admittedly a lot of posts are really not that informative, but considering how many people that are involved, the ratio of good posts is very high.

I check the GMC Forum almost daily. I watch at least half of all new video lessons, even if I am not interested. The inspiration I get is more than enough. That is how I use most of the lessons I practice. I find 2 or 3 videos that I am interested in, and pracice that. Then I get carried away and try to change it into a song. Maybe do some recording and mixing on the computer. Talk about it with my friends The Drummer and The Bass Player (neither of them live in the same city as me). I have realised I am more interested in making and recording songs, than being a guitar virtuoso.

All in all, my GMC membership have given me all that I need to continue on my musical path, the guitar is and always will be, my main instrument. GMC has grown to be bigger than just a guitar community. Even though the guitar is the focus on most lesssons you can also practice drums, bass and even singing. I only lack some keyboard lessons, but more of that in another post (soon in a forum near you).

I must warn you though. Even though the actual monthly fee is just above a movie ticket and some popcorn, it is going to cost you A LOT of money. I have bought two new guitars (sold one already), a keyboard with built in external sound card, a Pod XT (resold), a Pocket Pod and a Vox pedalboard.


I just wanted to say thanks to Kris and staff. What you provide here is excellent content at a very reasonable price. I will be around for a long time.
19 Feb 2008
So I decided to do some closet cleaning. I had some stuff, not all guitar-related but most, that I didn´t use but could sell for some cash. Mainly it was my Line6 Pod XT and my Washburn electric. Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the XT, but I also have e Line6 Toneport KB37 which provides me with Gearport and most of the modelling amps and pedals and I also have the Line6 PocketPod when traveling or just for practicing. So, somewhere down the road I stopped using it. The Washburn electric I didn´t use either. I have decided that I can´t handle a Floyd Rose. It is more likely than not my fault, not the Floyd Rose´s. Another thing I didn´t like about the Washburn is that it just is too small. The body is too small and the neck is to thin. It makes my hand get in weird, stressful positions when I play so I stopped using that as well.

So I started looking and found a used solid-body Rickenbacker 230 in a guitar shop in Sweden (Jam Guitars on Roslagsgatan) and tried it out there. I talked a bit to one of the oldtimers in the store and he claimed that they hade bought it in the US a couple of years ago. The colouring (mapleglo) is a bit unusual and it had proved hard to sell. So, after talking about it, he had the guitar technicians in the shop go over it and he also gave me nice discount and voilá, I had a new guitar! It plays wonderfully and it fits me perfectly!

More info on the Rickenbacekr 200 series for the curious

My shopping spree didn´t stop there. In another shop I found a used Vox ToneLab LE. I have been thinking about a pedalboard for some time but I dodn´t want to buy yet another Line6 product. When I saw the ToneLab, I thought that my Rickenbacker needed a Valve. I don´t want to start a flame war over nothing, I really like the Line6 products, but the Rickenbacker and the Vox are a perfect match! It´s so extremely cool to use a ToneLab patch and change the tone just by using the volume and tone knobs on the guitar (I know this has more to do with the guitar, but I think the ToneLab has something to do with it as well).

Just wanted to tell someone who understands, how extremely nice it is to have such a genuinely good rig!
7 Jun 2007
Well, I know there are more Nuno fans than me here on GMC and for those of you who doesn´t know, he is back...

Perry Farrell, frontman of Jane´s Addiction, has a new band called Satellite Party where Nuno is the guitarist and has co-written the songs. Quite an unorthodix pair for many perhaps, but for us who stayed with Extreme for a bit longer than More than Words, perhaps not as much.

Don´t expect metal, but if you like Nuno, I don´t think you´ll be disappointed.

The album, Ultra Payloaded, was released recently and is available on iTunes (and more likely than not, in your favourite record store).
23 Mar 2007
OK, just thought I´d post this youtube link. It´s not the average shredder but legendary country/jazz guitarist Danny Gatton, aka the Telemaster. It´s not everyday you see someone speedpick, sweep and tap(!) on a clean sounding Fender Telecaster.

Really cool to watch his right-hand technique with a pick and two fingers. Really awesome melodic playing, even if it´s not shredders paradise.

Danny Gatton at Gallaghers
20 Mar 2007
Howdy y´all!
I used to play while I was a bit younger. I actually started playing the violin (weird story) at the age of 8 an continued doing that for five years, but at the end it can hardly be described as enthusiastically. Picked up the guitar at 16-17, I had a really cool purple Kramer and a Roland amp with built-in delay and chorus. Played in a couple of bands but mostly at home for a few years. Traded my gear for an ESP strat and bought a Zoom Player 9002.

After a while I found myself without a band and traded my gear for a Washburn acoustic. But my interest kind of faded away. A couple of years later I was asked by a friend if I still had a band and if we could play a gig at a student place in Uppsala I quickly said; "Sure, we still play". Guess if my former band mates were surprised when I told them we had a gig in a weeks time when we hadn´t rehearsed for four years.... tongue.gif The gig went really well and I started practising again. I found a Rickenbacker Session Rocker (it was an experiment by Rickenbacker to mass produce guitars in Japan/Korea/China/don´t really remember) at a sale and bought it. Unfortunately the band split up so I was on my own again, and it stayed that way. Eventually I stopped playing. Can´t understand why...

Anyway, recently I picked it up again, bought a Line6 Pod XT and a "new" used guitar, a Washburn Maverick BT-10 and started playing. I´ve got a wife and two small kids so I play whenever I get a chance, mostly at nights. GMC helps me get back on track and beyond! I am really impressed by the wealth of quality content here, I really am!

As for inspiration. I sure admire the technical guys, Vai, Satriani, Petrucci, Gilbert, Malmsteen amongst others, but when I think of my favourite players, other names pop up; Vivian Campbell (the Dio days), Gary Moore, Eddie Van Halen and what I really like about them is their rythm guitars. It´s easy to miss, but Eddie is perhaps an even better rhythm- than lead player (/me hides from the flying bottles). And knowing that about me, it probably isn´t a big shock when I say that my by far favourite axeman is Nuno Bettencourt. Man, he is good! Doesn´t matter if he plays rhythm, lead or acoustic, it just rocks!

Well, that´s more about me than you asked for! I´m gonna use this space to detail how I am progressing; studyplan and results. At least that is my intention...

Keep it up!
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