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43 years old
Stockholm, Sweden
Born July-10-1980
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Joined: 23-April 07
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Last Seen: 26th November 2013 - 09:36 PM
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13 Mar 2008
20:35:06 Jamesito: hey ivan
20:37:18 Milenkovic Ivan: hey man
20:37:23 Milenkovic Ivan: what's up?
20:37:38 Jamesito: not much, i was just trying out some recording software
20:37:39 Milenkovic Ivan: sorry for the hold up I've been on other tabs
20:37:43 Jamesito: hehe
20:37:55 Jamesito: ur new albert king lesson is great by the way
20:37:55 Milenkovic Ivan: what software?
20:38:03 Milenkovic Ivan: thanks man
20:38:08 Jamesito: im trying amplitube
20:38:17 Milenkovic Ivan: that's a nice piece of software
20:38:21 Milenkovic Ivan: 1 or 2?
20:38:25 Jamesito: 2
20:38:34 Jamesito: its great
20:38:41 Milenkovic Ivan: 2 is better than guitar rig imo
20:38:53 Jamesito: although i really need a better imput system
20:38:55 Slammer: Milenkovic Ivan
20:38:57 Slammer: Jamesito
20:38:59 Slammer: biggrin.gif
20:38:59 Slammer: Hello
20:39:00 Jamesito: slammerito
20:39:02 Jamesito: jeje
20:39:11 Slammer: Jamesita tongue.gif
20:39:28 Jamesito: i used to have m audio fast track usb but i lost it
20:39:32 Milenkovic Ivan: hey man
20:39:46 Milenkovic Ivan: lost it?
20:39:48 Milenkovic Ivan: how?
20:40:01 Jamesito: well i think slammer stole it from m house sad.gif sad.gif
20:40:08 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:40:09 Jamesito: lol
20:40:30 Jamesito: i don´t know it just disapeared, i live in two countries so i dont know where it is
20:40:57 Slammer: Jamesito is a Magician!
20:40:59 Jamesito: there is a similar pod usb device, do you know which one is better
20:41:13 Milenkovic Ivan: pod or fastrack?
20:41:18 Jamesito: yeah
20:41:26 Milenkovic Ivan: don't know, maybe Pod has better modelling options
20:41:31 Slammer: hey Bogdan
20:41:36 Milenkovic Ivan: don't know if fastrack has modelling at all
20:41:38 Milenkovic Ivan: hey bole
20:41:38 Jamesito: hey bogdan
20:41:44 Slammer: LOL
20:41:48 Slammer: bole?
20:41:51 Bogdan: Hello people wink.gif
20:41:58 Bogdan: yeah Bole is my nick name wink.gif
20:41:58 Milenkovic Ivan: that's hsi nickname
20:42:03 Jamesito: i have the CD for m audio session which is ok i guess that givers you plenty of effects
20:42:04 Milenkovic Ivan: Bole smile.gif
20:42:12 Slammer: Bole of Soup
20:42:18 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:42:20 Bogdan: smile.gif
20:42:24 Slammer: wink.gif
20:42:26 Slammer: LOL
20:42:37 Bogdan: whats up people
20:42:44 Jamesito: chuck norris is up lol
20:43:16 Milenkovic Ivan: there's a voker texas ranger here showing
20:43:21 Bogdan: smile.gif Chuck norris jokes rule wink.gif
20:43:25 Milenkovic Ivan: that's stupiest show ever
20:43:37 Milenkovic Ivan: voker texas ranger
20:43:40 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:43:42 Bogdan: whats that Ivan ?
20:43:43 Milenkovic Ivan: and chuck noris
20:43:48 Jamesito: lol
20:43:52 Jamesito: we have a hater
20:44:11 Milenkovic Ivan: i hate chuck lol
20:44:22 Jamesito: chuck norris invented the blues lol
20:44:47 Bogdan: Chuck norris done a commercial here for some fitness gadget wink.gif
20:44:48 Milenkovic Ivan: i'm kidding of course, he's a good guy
20:45:00 Milenkovic Ivan: i saw that that comercial was cool
20:45:03 Bogdan: can't remember its name wink.gif
20:45:12 Milenkovic Ivan: way better than voker texas ranger imo smile.gif
20:45:17 Bogdan: smile.gif
20:45:20 Jamesito: lol
20:45:20 Slammer: When chuck norris does Pushups, he doesn't Push himself up, he pushes the Ground Down
20:45:25 Jamesito: yeah yeah
20:45:27 Slammer: LOL
20:45:29 Bogdan: yeah laugh.gif
20:45:29 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:46:03 Slammer: hey Bogdan
20:46:12 Slammer: are you gonna make some more bass lessons?
20:46:23 Milenkovic Ivan: no he's quiting smile.gif
20:46:25 Slammer: maybe you could make a Beginner Bass Lesson
20:46:32 Milenkovic Ivan: he doesn't liek it here
20:46:34 Slammer: LOL
20:46:53 Bogdan: I'm doing lessons all the time smile.gif
20:47:02 Milenkovic Ivan: beginner bass lesson would be great indeed wink.gif
20:47:32 Slammer: I'd like to see some bass basics lessons, because Alot of people don't really know the basics of playing bass
20:47:34 Bogdan: I done one excercise lesson that will get your hands moving wink.gif
20:47:34 Jamesito: a lesson how to give up playing guitar? biggrin.gif
20:47:50 Slammer: so when they learn harder stuff first they might not learn right
20:47:51 Slammer: IMO
20:47:52 Bogdan: should be up soon
20:47:54 Slammer: LOL
20:48:37 Slammer: Jamesito
20:48:42 Slammer: come back
20:48:46 Milenkovic Ivan: you see Bogdan in santa clause suit telling us hey GMC, why are you playing guitar, check out the bass, sell your guitars and buy bass guitar then you can do slap and pop it is way more fun hohoho
20:49:52 Bogdan: I get your point Slammer smile.gif We look into basics more, but I always tend to explain all techniques used in every lesson wink.gif
20:49:57 Jamesito: how many bass players does it take to change a light bulb?
20:49:58 Slammer: LOL
20:49:59 Bogdan: I'll look
20:50:27 Bogdan: eheheh Jamesite I can see now that that is a international joke wink.gif
20:50:43 Jamesito: answer - non, just leave it out and nobody will notice biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
20:50:53 Milenkovic Ivan: biggrin.gif
20:51:15 Milenkovic Ivan: a band is playing a song
20:51:26 Milenkovic Ivan: can you gues wha teverybody is thinking about?
20:51:27 Slammer: well, what I had in mind was something like, Playing a Bass line over a simple Chord Progression, like Am-F-G etc. Well, I would only know how to play those Three notes A-F-G sad.gif
20:51:37 Slammer: LOL
20:51:39 Milenkovic Ivan: guitarplayer:
20:51:40 Slammer: I'm dumb
20:51:41 Slammer: :?
20:52:05 Milenkovic Ivan: i'm playing way to good, when will i find a better band
20:52:10 Milenkovic Ivan: singer:
20:52:19 Slammer: LOL
20:52:36 Milenkovic Ivan: I have a great voice, everybody likes me
20:52:41 Milenkovic Ivan: drummer:
20:52:53 Bogdan: Great point Slammer , I will do a basic one on how to construct simple lines
20:52:54 Milenkovic Ivan: are those chicks in the front row looking at me ?
20:53:03 Slammer: LOL
20:53:05 Milenkovic Ivan: bass player : E A D G E A D G
20:53:06 Slammer: thanks man
20:53:10 Jamesito: hahaahaaha
20:53:19 Jamesito: lol lol
20:53:43 Jamesito: what´s the difinition of a bass player????
20:53:49 Milenkovic Ivan: ?
20:54:00 Jamesito: answer - half way between a drummer and a musician lol
20:54:00 Bogdan: ok people should I go now or just look away wink.gif
20:54:11 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:54:29 Milenkovic Ivan: how do you know a bass player has died in a band
20:54:33 Jamesito: damm i could go all night with these bass player jokes lol
20:54:39 Jamesito: how?
20:54:40 Slammer: Q: How do you know it's a singer at the door? A: He doesn't know when to come in.
20:54:51 Jamesito: lol
20:54:57 Bogdan: thanks for taking part in my collab slammer , acoustic solo will sound cool smile.gif
20:55:04 Slammer: LOL
20:55:06 Slammer: well
20:55:09 Milenkovic Ivan: there's a bottle of whiskey intact on the bas amp and a bunch of comics behind it
20:55:10 Slammer: I'll try
20:55:17 Slammer: to come up with something
20:55:20 Milenkovic Ivan: that's a studip one
20:55:21 Jamesito: lol
20:55:50 Milenkovic Ivan: ok enough about bass players
20:55:53 Jamesito: yeah
20:55:53 Milenkovic Ivan: smile.gif
20:55:54 Bogdan: smile.gif
20:56:03 Slammer: Q: Did you hear about the heavy metal player who locked his keys in the car?
20:56:04 Bogdan: it started to rain outside wink.gif
20:56:07 Jamesito: howmany slammer´s does it take to cha nge a light bulb??
20:56:12 Jamesito: lol
20:56:13 Slammer: A: He had to break the window to let the drummer out!
20:56:19 Jamesito: hahaha
20:56:32 Bogdan: wink.gif
20:56:36 Milenkovic Ivan: biggrin.gif
20:56:37 Slammer: How many Electric Guitar players does it take to change a lightbulb ?
20:56:42 Bogdan: eheheh
20:56:43 Milenkovic Ivan: 5?
20:56:44 Slammer: Five. One to change it and four to discuss how Eric Clapton would have done it.
20:56:46 Slammer: LOL
20:56:48 Jamesito: lol
20:56:52 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:56:58 Jamesito: thats good
20:57:06 Milenkovic Ivan: i love this short question jokes
20:57:27 Milenkovic Ivan: what is the name of a person that hangs out wiht musicians?
20:57:30 Milenkovic Ivan: a drummer
20:57:33 Slammer: How do you get a guitarist to play more quietly ?
20:57:39 Jamesito: lol
20:57:40 Slammer: Give him a sheet of music
20:57:44 Jamesito: hahha
20:57:50 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:58:08 Slammer: How do you get an musician off your front step ?
20:58:14 Slammer: Pay for the pizza.
20:58:17 Slammer: sad.gif
20:58:18 Slammer: damn
20:58:21 Milenkovic Ivan: biggrin.gif
20:58:28 Slammer: I work for a pizza resturant
20:58:29 Slammer: LOL
20:58:30 Jamesito: Why don't bass players ever catch a cold? A: Even a virus has some pride.
20:58:36 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:58:37 Slammer: so I'm like that Joke ^
20:59:14 Jamesito: What's the first thing a bass player says when he knocks on your door? A: "Pizza!"
20:59:17 Jamesito: thats better
20:59:25 Jamesito: lol
20:59:26 Slammer: A bluegrass guitarist wants to improve his playing and decides to go to the academy of music and become a serious musician. But first he has to pass a little test in musical theory. The teacher asks him "What is the subdominant of "C"?" The bluegrass-guitarist doesn't come up with an answer, so the teacher says "Could it be, you don't know what a subdominant is??" "Of course I know that!", he says "So what's the problem?" "I always thought, that "C" IS the subdominant!"
20:59:57 Slammer: A fingerstyle guitarist wins £15 million on the National Lottery. When a reporter asked "What are you going to do now?" He replied "I'll carry on gigging 'til the money runs out."
21:00:14 Jamesito: lol
21:00:17 Milenkovic Ivan: biggrin.gif
21:00:25 Slammer: Q: How many bluegrass players does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. They won't touch anything electric.
21:00:27 Bogdan: smile.gif
21:00:35 Jamesito: lol
21:00:37 Milenkovic Ivan: cool
21:00:39 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
21:00:40 Slammer: What's the difference between a musician and a pizza ?
21:00:48 Slammer: A pizza can feed a family of four.
21:00:53 Slammer: LOL
21:00:54 Bogdan: hmm gmc forum stopped working for me now
21:00:57 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
21:01:01 Milenkovic Ivan: same here
21:01:28 Jamesito: What's the difference between a bass guitarist and God? A- God doesn't think he's a bass guitarist.
21:01:33 Milenkovic Ivan: what should we do, there's no forum :?
21:01:49 Slammer: LOL
21:01:53 Bogdan: whole site doesent work for me sad.gif
21:01:54 Jamesito: lets make bass player kjokes all night
21:01:56 Bogdan: oh no smile.gif
21:02:10 Milenkovic Ivan: i'm going to bed guys, see ya
21:02:10 Bogdan: chuck norris ones are cool wink.gif
21:02:13 Jamesito: What do a vacuum cleaner and an bass guitar have in common? A- Both suck when you plug them in.
21:02:15 Jamesito: lol
21:02:20 Jamesito: im going to bed too
21:02:21 Milenkovic Ivan: must go, don't feel so good
21:02:26 Jamesito: cya guys take care
21:02:27 Milenkovic Ivan: goo night all
21:02:27 Bogdan: see ya ivan
21:02:34 Slammer: LOL
21:02:41 Milenkovic Ivan: see ya
21:02:45 Slammer: CYa
21:04:10 Bogdan: where is everyone ? smile.gif
21:04:44 Bogdan: damn wink.gif

12 Mar 2008
Congratulations Nemanja to your new board! biggrin.gif
5 Mar 2008
04:33:11 RIP Dime: Dude the voice that says welcome is creepy
04:40:57 RIP Dime: I just farted
14:18:36 Slammer: Lol look at rip dime ^^
14:18:52 Gen: LMFAO
14:20:13 Slammer: Rodstrupe
14:20:21 Robin: yes slamber
14:21:29 Slammer: Rodstrupe would you like to sing a duet
14:21:31 Slammer: ?
14:21:35 Robin: sure man
14:21:43 Robin: or actually
14:21:46 Robin: no i dont think so
14:21:47 Slammer: a duet with the GIrl singer
14:21:52 Gen: im dying
14:21:59 Robin: ah no thanks man, i cant sorry.
14:22:07 Gen: why robin?
14:22:25 Robin: well guys
14:22:26 Robin: got to go
14:22:27 Robin: see ya
14:22:33 Gen: you coward
14:23:08 Slammer: Gen remember robins blues song
14:23:10 Slammer: he sang
14:23:12 Gen: yeah
14:23:26 Slammer: that would sound good vocals with a duet
14:23:28 Slammer: with her
14:23:54 Slammer: don;t you think?
14:25:27 Gen: yeah he sings pretty good
14:25:43 Gen: *slap*
14:25:59 Slammer: must sing Louder wink.gif
14:26:03 Gen: mate wink.gif
14:26:34 Slammer: Automatic...
14:26:40 Slammer: it's Catchy
14:26:49 Slammer: the Song from the Funk Collab
14:26:59 Gen: yeah
14:28:39 Gen: slamber? :?
14:29:30 Gen: slammer! :
14:29:32 Gen: biggrin.gif
14:29:37 Gen: smile.gif
14:29:40 Gen: ohmy.gif
14:29:41 Slammer: Automatic....automatic
14:29:52 Slammer: can't get out of head
14:29:54 Slammer: wink.gif
14:30:06 Slammer: sup GEN?
14:30:06 Gen: yeah
14:30:10 Gen: not much
14:30:15 Gen: just trying to sing
14:30:16 Gen: a bit
14:30:21 Slammer: how is life in GENeva
14:30:26 Gen: its cool
14:30:31 Slammer: How is Heidi
14:30:31 Gen: how's life in vice city?
14:30:33 Gen: miami i mean
14:30:38 Slammer: btw is your car
14:30:40 Slammer: ...
14:30:41 Slammer: a
14:30:45 Slammer: Automatic?
14:30:49 Gen: man
14:31:01 Gen: i dont have a car
14:31:07 Gen: i got a van
14:31:20 Gen: i usually drive with it around elementary schools
14:31:31 Gen: there is "free candy" written on it
14:31:41 Gen: by myself!
14:32:21 Gen: but yeah
14:32:23 Gen: my van is
14:32:28 Gen: AUTOMATIC
14:32:31 Slammer: nice
14:32:37 Slammer: I should get a car
14:32:58 Gen: cant you borrow some motorbikes from papa john?
14:33:00 Gen: lol
14:33:02 Slammer: even tho I don't know how to drive
14:33:05 Slammer: LOL
14:33:10 Slammer: or som wink.gif
14:33:12 Gen: LOL
14:33:56 Gen: that jeff healy collab looks promising i must say
14:34:14 Slammer: yes
14:35:00 Slammer: gen you should join the Chick Collab
14:35:09 Gen: why?
14:35:29 Gen: why?
14:35:49 Gen: ohh haha that was a joke i think, not really funneh .. wink.gif
14:35:58 Gen: keep practicing jokes mate wink.gif
14:36:24 Gen: *whip*
14:36:33 Slammer: biggrin.gif
14:36:55 Gen: that smile looks dumb
14:36:59 Gen: that's the best : wink.gif
14:37:31 Slammer: this is the best
14:37:38 Slammer: :|
14:37:41 Slammer: Conan
14:37:43 Slammer: o
14:37:45 Slammer: Brien
14:38:17 Gen: yes sorry
14:39:10 Gen: how was the your job today?
14:39:26 Slammer: LOL
14:39:29 Slammer: not too hard
14:39:38 Slammer: only worked from 8 am to 1 pm
14:39:48 Slammer: made pizza
14:39:58 Slammer: and swept the floor
14:40:00 Slammer: LOL
14:40:05 Slammer: that's about it
14:40:12 Slammer: and Folded Boxes
14:40:14 Slammer: or som wink.gif
14:40:44 Gen: lol cool
14:40:52 Gen: are you better at sweeping now ?
14:41:03 Gen: lol
14:41:03 Gen: ok that sucked sorry
14:41:24 Slammer: :|
14:41:29 Gen: lol
14:41:31 Gen: lol
14:41:32 Slammer: max
14:41:33 Gen: lol
14:41:36 Gen: what?
14:41:44 Gen: what's up with max?
14:41:47 Slammer: Max Weinberg :|
14:41:50 Gen: oh hahah
14:41:58 Gen: la bamba!
14:42:02 Slammer: and La Bamba!
14:42:04 Slammer: HEY!
14:42:05 Gen: haha
14:42:06 Gen: !
14:42:14 Slammer: remember that video yesterday
14:42:15 Slammer: tongue.gif
14:42:22 Gen: yeah dude i was going to talk about it
14:42:23 Gen: lol
14:42:24 Gen: with
14:42:27 Gen: triumph!
14:42:39 Gen: i want a dog like that
14:44:16 Gen: sad.gif
14:44:48 Slammer: *whip*
14:45:17 Gen: hey there
14:45:18 Gen: gmcer
14:45:46 Gen: what's up in miami?
14:45:51 Gen: how's the weather?
14:46:24 Gen: *whip*
14:46:26 Slammer: LOL
14:46:30 Slammer: nice and sunny
14:46:39 Gen: cool
14:46:43 Gen: hey kyle
14:46:48 Kyle Logue: hey
14:46:51 Slammer: Kyle Logue
14:47:04 Slammer: Last person I chatted with last night
14:47:05 Slammer: LOL
14:47:08 Gen: lol
14:47:12 Slammer: third person todsy
14:47:15 Kyle Logue: haha
14:47:36 Kyle Logue: nice to know a fellow addict i guess
14:47:42 Gen: lol
14:48:01 Kyle Logue: *slap*
14:48:05 Kyle Logue: *whip*
14:48:06 Gen: *whip*
14:48:07 Slammer: brb
14:48:10 Gen: *meow*
14:48:59 Slammer: back
14:49:00 Slammer: in
14:49:10 Slammer: Tan shirt
14:49:12 Slammer: ohmy.gif
14:49:25 Gen: ohmy.gif
14:49:25 Slammer: sup guys?
14:49:32 Gen: not much
14:49:37 Gen: sup slamber?
14:49:51 Slammer: Jennifer's FLowers
14:50:00 Gen: bad
14:50:00 Gen: bad
14:50:01 Gen: bad
14:50:04 Slammer: biggrin.gif
14:50:07 Slammer: biggrin.gif
14:50:07 Gen: try again wink.gif
14:50:07 Slammer: biggrin.gif
14:50:08 Slammer: biggrin.gif
14:50:14 Slammer: Gotta get a SLIDE
14:50:22 Gen: then get it
14:50:27 Slammer: LOL
14:50:34 Slammer: COME BACK
14:50:41 Gen: but according to what i ve heard from you
14:50:46 Gen: you cant play with a slide
14:50:54 Gen: neither a pick actually
14:51:17 Slammer: Ooohh
14:51:28 Slammer: that Hurts
14:51:29 Gen: what?
14:51:32 Gen: did i offend you?
14:51:37 Gen: cool then, it was on purpose
14:51:40 Slammer: why do you ask sad.gif
14:51:46 Gen: lol
14:51:47 Gen: tongue.gif
14:53:13 Slammer: I think we scared Kyle Logue
14:53:23 Gen: yeah :?
14:53:24 Robin: you sure did
14:53:32 Gen: so robin, what about that duet
14:53:33 Gen: ?
14:53:36 Slammer: now he's playing Triplets on his kit
14:53:41 Robin: man im too shy to sing in collabs
14:53:53 Slammer: me to
14:53:55 Slammer: too*
14:53:59 Gen: LMFAO
14:54:00 Robin: wink.gif
14:54:10 Gen: why do you guys are shy?
14:54:11 Gen: i mean
14:54:15 Gen: robin you got a super cool song
14:54:19 Gen: you can sing
14:54:26 Gen: why dont you want to do that duet?
14:54:30 Robin: yeeeah but man, in a collaboration dude. its super scary
14:55:39 Gen: really?
14:55:45 Gen: i didnt know you were that scared?
14:55:56 Kyle Logue: collabs make it easier...your only responsible for 1 part sucking
14:55:57 Kyle Logue: lol
14:56:06 Gen: but what about that something or nothing song you are doing for the virtual band that? isnt that kinda same as a collab?
14:56:22 Robin: nah but im so used to sing that song wink.gif
14:56:30 Gen: yeah right tongue.gif
14:56:45 Gen: and is it okay for you slammer?
14:56:58 Gen: *whip*
14:57:09 Slammer: what?
14:57:13 Gen: the duet
14:57:38 Slammer: idk
14:57:45 Slammer: maybe Kyle can sing a Duet
14:57:50 Gen: lol
14:57:57 Slammer: what do you think Kyle Logue?
14:58:10 Kyle Logue: lol...i don't sing
14:58:14 Slammer: ohmy.gif
14:58:15 Kyle Logue: but i'll do it
14:58:17 Kyle Logue: !
14:58:18 Slammer: biggrin.gif
14:58:22 Gen: lol
14:58:39 Slammer: Kyle and Angelica duet
14:58:47 Gen: and slammer aswell
14:58:47 Kyle Logue: what am i singing?
14:58:50 Robin: does any of you know of any cheap delay pedals?
14:58:52 Gen: singing the blues
14:58:58 Kyle Logue: lol
14:59:00 Slammer: in the Jeff Healy Collab
14:59:11 Kyle Logue: oh man
14:59:15 Slammer: I got da BLues Baby
14:59:26 Slammer: (Johhny Bravo talking)
14:59:29 Slammer: ^^^
14:59:32 Gen: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
14:59:54 Gen: automatic
15:00:03 Robin: does any of you know of any cheap delay pedals?
15:00:12 Slammer: no sad.gif
15:00:27 Robin: ok sad.gif
15:00:31 Slammer: well
15:00:35 Slammer: go look online
15:00:40 Gen: lol
15:00:44 Robin: i am
15:00:59 Robin: know any brands except for Boss and Behringer that might make delay pedals?
15:01:14 Robin: boss was too expensive, and i couldnt find any from behringer llol.
15:01:16 Kyle Logue: nope...i use a digitech gnx3
15:01:42 Slammer: Danelectro Delay is $14.99
15:01:53 Slammer: well
15:01:58 Slammer: Echo actually
15:02:01 Slammer: Close
15:02:02 Slammer: LOL
15:02:16 Slammer: Robin
15:02:17 Slammer: *slap*
15:02:26 Slammer: HOw much is Cheap?
15:02:32 Slammer: like what Price
15:02:35 Robin: i would prefer it if you called me mr. rødstrupe
15:02:39 Robin: 90$
15:02:40 Slammer: are you willing to pay
15:02:52 Slammer: is Ibanez a good brand for you?
15:02:59 Robin: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
15:03:00 Robin: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
15:03:01 Robin: idk
15:03:06 Slammer: $69.99
15:03:11 Robin: ooooooooooohhh
15:03:12 Slammer: for Ibanez Delay
15:03:14 Robin: ibanez... hmmmmmmm
15:03:15 Gen: good numer smile.gif
15:03:16 Gen: 69
15:03:24 Robin: iii...i-i got to think about that
15:03:38 Slammer:
15:05:34 Gen: *whip*
15:05:36 Gen: *meow*
15:05:44 Slammer: *slap*
15:05:57 Gen: *fart*
15:06:16 Robin: gen
15:06:19 Gen: yes?
15:06:20 Robin: thats funny wink.gif
15:06:25 Gen: robin?
15:06:27 Robin: yeah
15:06:34 Gen: hehehehe *droolings*
15:06:39 Robin: wink.gif
15:06:42 Gen: wink.gifwink.gif
15:06:44 Robin: disgusting dude wink.gif
15:06:45 Gen: wink.gif wink.gif
15:06:51 Gen: why? :?
15:07:15 Slammer: LOL
15:07:16 Slammer: LOL
15:07:17 Slammer: LOL
15:07:18 Slammer: LOL
15:07:18 Slammer: LOL
15:07:19 Slammer: LOL
15:07:19 Slammer: LL
15:07:20 Slammer: LOL
15:07:21 Slammer: LL
15:07:21 Slammer: LOL
15:07:22 Slammer: LOL
15:07:23 Slammer: LOL
15:07:23 Slammer: LOL
15:07:24 Slammer: LOL
15:07:25 Slammer: OL
15:07:25 Slammer: LOL
15:07:26 Slammer: OL
15:07:26 Slammer: OL
15:07:27 Slammer: OL
15:07:33 Gen: hehe
15:07:35 Slammer: that's why ppl think I'm crazy
15:07:36 Slammer: sad.gif
15:07:37 Gen: hoho
15:07:41 Gen: lohohohol
15:07:57 Robin: lohohol wink.gif
15:08:03 Gen: k
15:08:04 Gen: mm
15:08:06 Gen: heheh
15:08:08 Gen: :9
15:08:13 Kyle Logue: i'm out guys...later
15:08:13 Robin: :0
15:08:16 Robin: ahhh doesnt wrok here
15:08:18 Robin: seeya
15:08:18 Gen: look at the silly maaan looook
15:08:22 Robin: LOOOOOOOOL
15:08:23 Robin: look gen
15:08:24 Robin: look
15:08:25 Robin: :9
15:08:28 Robin: look at the silly man
15:08:29 Robin: :9
15:08:33 Robin: there he is, look :9
15:08:34 Gen: LMFAO
15:08:38 Robin: lol
15:08:41 Gen: hehe
15:09:12 Gen: SLAMBR
15:09:16 Gen: SLAMBER
15:09:25 Gen: *slap*
15:09:30 Gen: stop eating pizza
15:10:06 Slammer: LOL
15:10:21 Slammer: I brought 2 extra large CHeese Pizzas home with me today
15:10:27 Robin: delay pedal and echo pedal = same thing?
15:10:36 Slammer: no
15:10:41 Gen: come in switzerland if you want echo
15:10:43 Slammer: Echo is like a ECHO
15:10:48 Slammer: and Delay
15:10:48 Robin: i see
15:10:51 Slammer: you can
15:10:53 Slammer: Set it
15:11:00 Robin: i already have a REAL echo "machine" actually.
15:11:01 Slammer: for like
15:11:06 Robin: a big box with things inside it
15:11:07 Slammer: 1-2 seconds
15:11:08 Robin: yeah i see
15:11:40 Robin: slamber
15:11:42 Robin: there is
15:11:46 Robin:
15:11:47 Robin: and?
15:11:49 Robin: andother similar site
15:11:52 Robin: another*
15:12:28 Slammer: ebay
15:12:30 Slammer: .
15:12:31 Slammer: com
15:12:33 Slammer: or
15:12:34 Slammer: som
15:12:35 Slammer: wink.gif
15:12:45 Robin: wink.gif
15:12:49 Gen: wink.gif
15:13:02 Gen: automatiic
15:13:50 Robin: cool gen. my car is manual
15:15:07 Gen: my car is that free candy van pic
15:15:14 Robin: ahh cool
15:15:23 Robin: why does it say "free candy" on it?
15:15:29 Robin: i mean, whats the point?
15:15:35 Gen: fu?
15:15:43 Robin: FU B****
15:15:50 Robin: GEN
15:15:50 Robin: DAMNIT
15:15:55 Gen: assh0le
15:15:56 Robin: i have had enough of this!!!
15:15:58 Robin: stfu
15:16:09 Gen: a$$hole
15:16:21 Robin: moderatoooors!! gen is being mean to me!!!
15:16:25 Robin: tell him to stopppppppp
15:16:38 Slammer: what key is a song in the key of C?
15:16:40 Gen: no, im not going to fall in this trap robin
15:16:46 Gen: ABC?
15:16:48 Robin: C mate wink.gif
15:16:50 Slammer: ohmy.gif
15:16:50 Slammer: ohmy.gif
15:16:51 Slammer: ohmy.gif
15:16:52 Slammer: O
15:16:52 Slammer: :
15:16:55 Gen: tongue.gif
15:16:57 Slammer: never thought of that
15:17:01 Robin: cool
15:17:03 Slammer: Lol lol lol lol lol
15:17:03 Robin: then i guess
15:17:05 Slammer: cul
15:17:05 Robin: you learned something
15:17:08 Gen: yeah
15:17:11 Gen: i guess :/
15:17:16 Robin: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
15:17:21 Robin: yeah...
15:17:22 Robin: :/
15:17:26 Slammer: Gen taught me Cul and Robin taught me Kuk
15:17:32 Robin: cool
15:17:39 Slammer: Now I
15:17:40 Robin: hi me213
15:17:44 Slammer: will teach you
15:17:46 Gen: hey there me213
15:17:46 Slammer: to say
15:17:48 me213: hi
15:17:52 Slammer: SLAMBER
15:17:59 Robin: thats pretty cul
15:18:02 Slammer: me213
15:18:03 Robin: slamberzz
15:18:05 Slammer: sup?
15:18:06 Gen: i can teach you stuff aswell slammer
15:18:06 Slammer: Dude
15:18:07 Gen: like
15:18:08 Gen: lite dase
15:18:13 Slammer: hows it's going?
15:18:14 me213: not much
15:18:29 Slammer: Whats on your mind
15:18:33 Slammer: we're here to help
15:18:34 Slammer: biggrin.gif
15:18:38 me213: whats everyone up to?
15:18:43 Robin: not much
15:18:46 Gen: not much
15:18:54 Robin: im just trying to put some sense into Gen's little brain
15:18:55 Slammer: Gen is a Amazing Guitarist, in fact his name is Gen Petrrcci
15:19:03 Gen: yeah
15:19:05 me213: Ha ha
15:19:06 Gen: robin i cant stand you
15:19:09 me213: ha
15:19:09 Robin: gen
15:19:10 Robin: stfu
15:19:11 Robin: k?
15:19:15 Gen: No not okay
15:19:21 Robin: its not ok?
15:19:22 Slammer: Robin is that Funtwo kid from Youtube
15:19:24 Gen: :{
15:19:24 Robin: well
15:19:26 Robin: fu gen
15:19:33 Gen: robin is a sami guy from norge
15:19:33 Robin: i sure am
15:19:45 Robin: Its spelled noreg you piece of #¤"#!
15:19:51 Gen: shut up troll
15:19:54 Slammer: me213 how long you've been playing?
15:19:55 Robin: gen
15:20:00 Robin: stfu right now
15:20:04 Robin: or im going to kill you
15:20:04 Gen: well
15:20:05 Gen: now
15:20:08 me213: just coming up to 2 yrs
15:20:09 Gen: what about that?
15:20:13 Slammer: nice
15:20:13 me213: u?
15:20:14 Gen: kill me then
15:20:17 Robin: yeah what about it?
15:20:18 Slammer: what kinda guitar you have?
15:20:18 Robin: yeah
15:20:20 Robin: maybe i will?
15:20:21 Gen: what are you waiting for?
15:20:26 Robin: your mother?
15:20:33 me213: Its an SG copy
15:20:36 Gen: that's not funny
15:20:39 Robin: gen
15:20:43 Robin: its super funny, trust me
15:20:44 Robin: it i
15:20:45 Robin: s
15:20:47 Gen: how's going with gunnar?
15:20:58 Robin: great. howbout your mommy?
15:21:05 Gen: she's going well
15:21:06 Gen: but
15:21:16 Gen: this is not your buisness ok? stfu? maybe??
15:21:21 Robin: gen
15:21:23 Robin: how many times
15:21:23 Gen: no
15:21:24 Gen: shhhh
15:21:26 Gen: you talk too much
15:21:27 Robin: do i have to tell you
15:21:28 Gen: shhhh
15:21:33 Gen: trolls dont talk
15:21:34 Gen: shh
15:21:36 Robin: its totally my buisiness
15:21:47 Robin: sure they do
15:21:57 Gen: they run around in forests
15:21:59 Gen: with axes
15:22:05 Robin: well
15:22:13 Robin: you run around in your kitchen with a plastic spoon
15:22:49 Gen: yeah sure robin
15:22:56 Gen: (he just needs his medics, dont worry guys)
15:23:08 Robin: yeah
15:23:09 Gen: *whip*
15:23:17 Robin: medics because im allergic to gen
15:23:36 Slammer: So hey guys
15:23:39 Gen: hehe yes robin, we all agree that this was the best joke ever....right guys?? (dont offend him)
15:23:48 Slammer: you Scared me213 away
15:23:55 Robin: yeah Gen did
15:23:56 Slammer: you should be ashamed of yourselfs
15:23:58 Gen: no Robin
15:23:59 Slammer: Bad BOy
15:24:02 Slammer: BOYS*
15:24:03 me213: no im still here
15:24:04 Robin: sad.gif
15:24:06 Slammer: LOL
15:24:07 Robin: biggrin.gif
15:24:08 Robin: hurray
15:24:08 Gen: so slammer
15:24:11 Gen: what about the duet?
15:24:15 Robin: yeah slammer
15:24:16 Robin: what about it?
15:24:25 Slammer: I think I'll let her sing herself
15:24:33 Gen: why?
15:24:38 Slammer: because
15:24:39 Gen: are you too shy?
15:24:41 Slammer: she
15:24:43 Slammer: is
15:24:44 Slammer: a
15:24:47 Slammer: Soprano
15:25:05 Robin: ahh ok
15:25:21 Slammer: I'm a Wannabe BLuesman who can't find his slide
15:25:22 Slammer: sad.gif
15:25:25 Robin: sad.gif
15:25:28 Gen: well
15:25:35 Gen: i have to agree with that sad.gif
15:25:39 Slammer: LOL
15:25:42 Gen: tongue.gif
15:25:44 me213: sorry to cut in but when i practice the top af my picking arm ACHES does it happen with you guys
15:25:45 Robin: wink.gif
15:25:54 Robin: ohh damn dude
15:25:56 Gen: be careful
15:25:58 Robin: you should take a break
15:26:00 Robin: yes be careful
15:26:17 me213: it happens after 20 mins im not sure why
15:26:18 Robin: no need to apologize for breaking our conversation, we're just messing around wink.gif wink.gif
15:26:24 Gen: use only the wrist for alternate picking,not the elbow
15:26:25 me213: k
15:26:27 Robin: really? that doesnt sound very good
15:26:28 Robin: yes
15:26:34 Robin: wrist, not your whole arm
15:26:41 Robin: also, do you warm up before playing?
15:26:51 Slammer: so robin what did you win?
15:26:51 me213: i do use my wrist and warm up
15:26:56 Robin: ok
15:27:08 Robin: pedal for around 90$ and 3 packs of Ernie Ball strings
15:27:10 Gen: a skap in the a$$
15:27:13 Gen: slap*
15:27:15 Robin: well how long have oyu been having this problem?
15:27:18 Robin: in your arm
15:27:25 Slammer: nice
15:27:27 me213: um
15:27:40 me213: about a year
15:27:43 Robin: ohmy.gif
15:27:49 Gen: take a little break man
15:27:54 Gen: does it really hurt much?
15:28:00 me213: not much
15:28:01 Robin: maybe you should see a psyiotherapist
15:28:05 Gen: yeah
15:28:19 Robin: and remember: RELAX while playnig
15:28:23 Robin: very important
15:28:28 me213: its like when you leave your arm up in the air for a while
15:28:38 Robin: hmm ok
15:29:36 Gen: hey there slammer
15:29:48 Robin: see you guys later, bye
15:29:51 Gen: no
15:29:55 Gen: you stay
15:29:58 Gen: i got a shotgun
15:30:03 Robin: ¨no im not wink.gif
15:30:09 Gen: omfg
15:30:12 Gen: stfu
15:30:37 Gen: well cya guys
15:30:39 me213: im gonna go too there be some theory need to be learn't
15:30:45 me213: see ya
15:32:18 Slammer: HEY!
15:32:36 Slammer: sad.gif
15:32:45 Slammer: and now I'm Alone
15:33:53 Slammer: if anyone comes in be sure to *slap* or *whip*
15:41:55 Slammer: ok bye
16:25:28 signularis: hi
16:35:23 g-forcelover: *meow*
16:35:30 g-forcelover: anyone there?
16:39:41 g-forcelover: *slap*
16:39:48 g-forcelover: *whip*
17:45:44 USAMAN: sup.
17:45:48 OrganisedConfusion: hey man
17:45:55 OrganisedConfusion: How are you?
17:46:15 OrganisedConfusion: Whereabouts in USA are you from?
17:46:17 USAMAN: Pissed...depends oh where your from as to what that means
17:46:23 USAMAN: on
17:46:27 USAMAN: Minnesota
17:46:30 OrganisedConfusion: I'm from UK
17:46:36 OrganisedConfusion: I pissed also lol
17:46:41 OrganisedConfusion: I'm
17:46:41 USAMAN: so pissed means drunk there?
17:46:52 USAMAN: or angry
17:46:55 USAMAN: or both
17:47:03 OrganisedConfusion: lol. Yeah.
17:47:06 OrganisedConfusion: biggrin.gif
17:47:14 USAMAN: i hope to be pissed later
17:47:14 OrganisedConfusion: hey Slammer
17:47:15 Slammer: Hey, yesterday I made a "Monday Chat" Thread
17:47:23 Slammer: tongue.gif but you knew that I think
17:47:28 USAMAN: Thats what promped mine dude
17:47:48 OrganisedConfusion: I'm just waiting for pizza to be delivered to me and then I can eat and collapse in bed smile.gif
17:47:48 Slammer: let's see how many ppl will come
17:47:53 Slammer: Pizza!
17:47:59 USAMAN: are both of you in pavels new colab?
17:48:02 Slammer: no
17:48:06 USAMAN: mmmmmmmmmm
17:48:08 Slammer: pizza from where?
17:48:13 Slammer: Pizza hut
17:48:25 OrganisedConfusion: I'm getting in from local pizza place here in Nottingham
17:48:33 OrganisedConfusion: I'm in Pavel's collab USAMAN
17:48:37 USAMAN: luv pizza
17:48:43 USAMAN: i thought so
17:48:47 USAMAN: have you posted yet
17:48:48 Slammer: I spend the first half of my day around pizza
17:48:49 Slammer: tongue.gif:
17:48:58 OrganisedConfusion: I'm not gonna be very good in it but I need to progress
17:49:07 Slammer: I make pizza for a living
17:49:08 OrganisedConfusion: I haven't yet
17:49:11 USAMAN: i did mine yesterday...i kinda rushed it
17:49:15 Slammer: tho I'm not to good at it yet
17:49:16 OrganisedConfusion: My guitars are all injured and being fixed
17:49:17 Slammer: LOL
17:49:20 OrganisedConfusion: 3 guitars injured
17:49:24 USAMAN: but thats a great jam track
17:49:33 USAMAN: i heard
17:49:40 USAMAN: sup deep
17:49:47 DeepRoots: hey guys
17:49:50 USAMAN: man this is awsome
17:49:51 OrganisedConfusion: hey deep and ibanex
17:49:58 OrganisedConfusion: ibanez
17:50:00 OrganisedConfusion: even smile.gif
17:50:02 DeepRoots: Hey OC- hows things
17:50:07 ibanezkiller: hey guys...
17:50:13 Slammer: Deeproots just in time, I have another Theory question about a Out of Scale Chord progression
17:50:16 OrganisedConfusion: Things are great. How is Wales currently?
17:50:31 DeepRoots: oh god- you know im no good at those
17:50:34 Slammer: LOL
17:50:41 USAMAN: count me out
17:50:43 DeepRoots: Wales- is still wales unfortunatley lol
17:50:45 USAMAN: wheres andrew
17:50:52 OrganisedConfusion: I haven't been in a while
17:50:52 Slammer: btw you left yesterday without saying Bye sad.gif
17:51:10 DeepRoots: countryside is good, good weather at the moment too
17:51:21 DeepRoots: me slammer??
17:51:22 USAMAN: whats the question me in suspense...
17:51:24 Slammer: yes
17:51:27 OrganisedConfusion: Yeah it isn't bad currently is it
17:51:28 Slammer: sad.gif
17:51:31 DeepRoots: sowwie sad.gif
17:51:35 USAMAN: it cold here,,,,
17:51:36 Slammer: :
17:51:47 Slammer: I don't forgive you :{
17:51:50 DeepRoots: anyhow- lets see if i can do this progression
17:51:53 Slammer: LOL
17:52:00 Slammer: it was a joke tongue.gif
17:52:04 DeepRoots: dont worry- i forgive myself
17:52:08 DeepRoots: wink.gif
17:52:26 OrganisedConfusion: What's everyone upto currently?
17:52:35 OrganisedConfusion: I'm waiting for pizza and watching Dexter
17:52:41 DeepRoots: oh bugger- slammer you got me out of bed for that
17:52:42 USAMAN: Dexter?
17:52:45 USAMAN: cartoon
17:52:51 DeepRoots: Pizaa? its almost 11?!
17:53:03 Slammer: just chilling on a tuesday afternoon, after work
17:53:06 USAMAN: Hey dude
17:53:11 DeepRoots: hey max
17:53:11 Slammer: Chast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
17:53:16 chast: SLAMBER!
17:53:21 USAMAN: lol
17:53:24 OrganisedConfusion: Dexter the American show. Pizza at 11 is good biggrin.gif
17:53:24 Slammer: did you catch the Football?
17:53:28 chast: hey jordan
17:53:31 chast: no
17:53:34 OrganisedConfusion: Yeah I watched it
17:53:36 chast: i think gen stole it sad.gif
17:53:40 Slammer: who's Jordan?
17:53:43 DeepRoots: mee
17:53:44 OrganisedConfusion: Good results
17:53:46 DeepRoots: wink.gif
17:53:55 Slammer: damn, I thought your name was Deeproots
17:53:55 OrganisedConfusion: We have Cardiff City on Sunday in the FA Cup biggrin.gif
17:54:00 DeepRoots: lol
17:54:06 DeepRoots: if only
17:54:12 Slammer: that would be cool
17:54:27 Slammer: "This is Ben, David and Deeproots"
17:54:27 DeepRoots: nah i prefer Jord - quicker to type for u too
17:54:35 DeepRoots: lol
17:54:37 DeepRoots: haha
17:54:44 DeepRoots: would get lots of funny looks
17:54:59 USAMAN: what is everyones real patrick
17:55:02 Slammer: I think Ibanezkiller would get more fuuny looks
17:55:09 chast: max
17:55:10 OrganisedConfusion: Do you guys have help on lessons I should practice. I want to practice down picked only, ap and sweep picking mainly
17:55:15 DeepRoots: more worried looks though
17:55:18 Slammer: LOL
17:55:32 Slammer: Chester
17:55:36 DeepRoots: did you look at Kai's lessons
17:55:38 DeepRoots: ?
17:55:39 ibanezkiller: oh Andrew...
17:55:51 DeepRoots: kai's were good for downpicking
17:55:54 OrganisedConfusion: Nope but I remembered he did a great one
17:56:03 DeepRoots: check those out
17:56:05 USAMAN: go learn master if puppets
17:56:11 ibanezkiller: Yes metallica!
17:56:12 Slammer: ok chast
17:56:15 Slammer: you ready?
17:56:15 USAMAN: the album
17:56:19 DeepRoots: and there are millions for Ap and sweping
17:56:20 USAMAN: go
17:56:23 OrganisedConfusion: I can play most of MOP
17:56:30 DeepRoots: cool cool
17:56:30 USAMAN: great music
17:56:32 Slammer: Chast! *slap*
17:56:34 ibanezkiller: yes
17:56:36 chast: im ready bob
17:56:42 USAMAN: hit me
17:56:45 Slammer: ok you must pick one...
17:56:49 USAMAN: go
17:56:52 DeepRoots: bob? who's bob?
17:56:54 Slammer: SRV or Hendrix?
17:56:58 USAMAN: srv
17:57:03 chast: srv
17:57:05 chast: no
17:57:05 DeepRoots: srv
17:57:06 chast: hendrix
17:57:08 OrganisedConfusion: SRV
17:57:10 chast: i dont know
17:57:11 chast: biggrin.gif
17:57:13 Slammer: Judas Priest or Iron Maiden?
17:57:14 DeepRoots: lol
17:57:17 USAMAN: maden
17:57:17 DeepRoots: maiden!
17:57:19 USAMAN: maiden
17:57:19 OrganisedConfusion: Judas Priest
17:57:19 DeepRoots: up the irons
17:57:26 Slammer: Judas Priest or Def Leppard?
17:57:31 OrganisedConfusion: Judas Priest
17:57:36 DeepRoots: neither...
17:57:38 chast: slammer or bb king ?
17:57:39 USAMAN: 6 6 6 the number of .....
17:57:43 Slammer: Strat or LP?
17:57:45 USAMAN: slammer of course
17:57:48 DeepRoots: slammer lol
17:57:49 USAMAN: lp
17:57:51 OrganisedConfusion: neither tongue.gif
17:57:54 DeepRoots: strat
17:58:01 USAMAN: ibanez though
17:58:07 USAMAN: i have both
17:58:14 DeepRoots: im cheap tho
17:58:17 Slammer: niether for the LP or strat OrganisedConfusion ?
17:58:23 DeepRoots: i have a $100 guiar
17:58:26 USAMAN: caparison
17:58:29 DeepRoots: its reall naff
17:58:31 chast: jord do you have your guitar back now ?
17:58:36 OrganisedConfusion: not me.I like the weird rare guitars with modern looks and feel
17:58:40 DeepRoots: no will have it tommorrow
17:58:44 chast: smile.gif
17:58:46 Slammer: JEM or Nitefly?
17:58:49 chast: jem
17:58:50 DeepRoots: and as it has taken so long the repair is free biggrin.gif
17:58:50 USAMAN: nite
17:58:52 OrganisedConfusion: Nitefly
17:58:59 USAMAN: dont like jems
17:59:01 DeepRoots: jem
17:59:03 Slammer: Jolie or Pam Anderson?
17:59:06 chast: i want to try a caparison
17:59:07 USAMAN: they need to tone them down a little
17:59:12 DeepRoots: jolie!oh yeh tongue.gif
17:59:13 USAMAN: pam
17:59:16 chast: hm
17:59:19 chast: depends tongue.gif
17:59:19 OrganisedConfusion: Jolie
17:59:21 USAMAN: a few years ago
17:59:26 chast: one night ?
17:59:28 Slammer: Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan?
17:59:30 chast: then pam
17:59:31 DeepRoots: both tongue.gif
17:59:36 USAMAN: same
17:59:38 DeepRoots: duff tho
17:59:47 chast: i dont know hilary duff
17:59:52 Slammer: David W or David O?
17:59:56 USAMAN: they are both the same person
17:59:56 OrganisedConfusion: Both would do
17:59:58 ibanezkiller: what is a good metal scale or mode?
18:00:01 OrganisedConfusion: not those 2 lol
18:00:04 Slammer: LOL
18:00:12 DeepRoots: phrygian! or aelion (minor scale)
18:00:13 chast: phyrigan
18:00:17 DeepRoots: wink.gif
18:00:21 USAMAN: dorian
18:00:26 DeepRoots: bluesy
18:00:28 Slammer: Muris or Marcus?
18:00:30 USAMAN: harmonic minor
18:00:32 DeepRoots: ouch
18:00:33 USAMAN: both
18:00:34 ibanezkiller: i got the phyrigan but ill work on the aelion
18:00:39 USAMAN: muris
18:00:40 DeepRoots: yep harmonic minor rules
18:00:42 chast: murcus 8)
18:00:49 DeepRoots: phrygian dominant works for me too
18:00:52 ibanezkiller: yeah that was one of the first i learned
18:00:53 Slammer: Dahl or Pavel?
18:01:00 DeepRoots: muris
18:01:02 Slammer: LOL
18:01:04 USAMAN: who is dahl
18:01:07 DeepRoots: lol
18:01:09 ibanezkiller: thanks boys peace!
18:01:13 chast: cya
18:01:14 USAMAN: kidding
18:01:16 DeepRoots: no porblem
18:01:23 USAMAN: pavel
18:01:27 Slammer: Guitartube or Kristofer Dahl?
18:01:31 chast: guitartube!
18:01:33 DeepRoots: steals our opinion and leaves! bloody cheek tongue.gif
18:01:35 chast: biggrin.gif
18:01:40 USAMAN: dahl is king sh!t
18:01:48 OrganisedConfusion: Dahl is awesome
18:01:53 DeepRoots: indeed
18:02:01 chast: bad mother fingerrrrrr
18:02:02 OrganisedConfusion: but we need more of his lessons smile.gif
18:02:05 USAMAN: the big giant head of gmc
18:02:30 USAMAN: y"you ready"
18:02:31 chast: petrucci or chast ?
18:02:37 chast: hard question..
18:02:37 USAMAN: petrucci ...sorry
18:02:39 chast: biggrin.gif
18:02:52 OrganisedConfusion: petrucci sad.gif
18:02:52 USAMAN: no offense
18:02:53 chast: beer or whiskey?
18:02:57 USAMAN: B
18:02:58 USAMAN: e
18:02:58 USAMAN: e
18:02:59 DeepRoots: petrucci (sorry max)
18:02:59 USAMAN: r
18:03:00 OrganisedConfusion: but your ace too. tongue.gif
18:03:07 OrganisedConfusion: you're even
18:03:16 OrganisedConfusion: whiskey
18:03:18 DeepRoots: hehe
18:03:21 DeepRoots: beer
18:03:26 USAMAN: wait
18:03:27 chast: yeah i argree
18:03:28 USAMAN: wait
18:03:31 DeepRoots: i got waay too ill of whiskey- almost in hospital
18:03:35 USAMAN: beer or beers?
18:03:38 DeepRoots: never again!
18:03:44 DeepRoots: beersrsrsrsrs
18:03:48 USAMAN: better
18:03:51 chast: jord prefers tequila biggrin.gif
18:03:55 DeepRoots: indeed!
18:03:56 OrganisedConfusion: Whiskey is bad lol. But yet very good biggrin.gif
18:04:05 DeepRoots: tequila is fun
18:04:16 USAMAN: tequila makes you reverse engines
18:04:21 DeepRoots: ?
18:04:25 USAMAN: spew
18:04:28 DeepRoots: hehe
18:04:34 chast: bob or patrick ?
18:04:36 USAMAN: but its fun thill then
18:04:38 chast: patrick for me
18:04:38 DeepRoots: i managed half a liter okay the other night
18:04:40 USAMAN: Patrick
18:04:43 DeepRoots: patrick!
18:04:48 USAMAN: <8)
18:04:51 Slammer: Bruce Lee or Jet Li?
18:04:54 chast: bruce
18:04:55 DeepRoots: jet li
18:05:01 DeepRoots: too cool for school
18:05:02 USAMAN: they call me bruce
18:05:05 Slammer: Lee or Norris?
18:05:10 USAMAN: lee
18:05:11 DeepRoots: norris
18:05:13 chast: mac gyver
18:05:15 Slammer: LOL
18:05:24 USAMAN: he rules
18:05:28 OrganisedConfusion: I bought Short Circuit today for £2 biggrin.gif
18:05:31 Slammer: Star Trek or Star Wars?
18:05:34 chast: wars
18:05:37 OrganisedConfusion: neither ohmy.gif
18:05:38 DeepRoots: did anyone search on google yet "find chhuck norris" and hit im feeling luck instead of search- awesome
18:05:39 USAMAN: trek
18:05:46 Slammer: Yep
18:05:51 DeepRoots: *find chuck norris
18:05:51 Slammer: @ deep
18:06:30 OrganisedConfusion: I think my new guitar arrives tomoz biggrin.gif I'm gonna keep this one in a metal container full of foam biggrin.gif
18:06:46 USAMAN: What did you get
18:06:55 OrganisedConfusion: Parker P10e acoustic
18:06:59 chast: gibson or fender?
18:07:01 USAMAN: cool
18:07:15 OrganisedConfusion: 1500 dollars
18:07:18 OrganisedConfusion: Bargain smile.gif
18:07:20 USAMAN: both and an ibanez and a warmoth
18:07:26 chast: 5 + ? = 10
18:07:29 chast: slamber ?
18:07:31 USAMAN: 17?
18:07:44 USAMAN: wait .....17?
18:07:44 chast: *slap*
18:07:47 chast: *meow*
18:07:59 chast: close
18:08:00 chast: tongue.gif
18:08:03 USAMAN: i knew it
18:08:30 USAMAN: math is my friend
18:08:34 OrganisedConfusion: doing your homework chast tongue.gif biggrin.gif
18:08:39 chast: nah tongue.gif
18:08:42 USAMAN: sad.gif
18:08:46 chast: i already did them
18:08:52 OrganisedConfusion: Maths is awesome
18:08:53 chast: the first time for this school year biggrin.gif
18:08:58 USAMAN: fender or marshall
18:09:00 OrganisedConfusion: Made up most my engineering degree
18:09:05 chast: im so proud of myself
18:09:12 OrganisedConfusion: Fender for clean, marshall for dirty. can't decide
18:09:28 chast: seymour duncan or dimarzio ?
18:09:28 USAMAN: 5150 or jcm900
18:09:40 OrganisedConfusion: jcm900 but i got an 800 which is even better biggrin.gif
18:09:48 USAMAN: i know
18:09:50 OrganisedConfusion: dimarzio
18:10:19 OrganisedConfusion: people know everything about me now lol. I need to hide in the wilderness for a bit
18:10:22 USAMAN: jcm800 or switchblade
18:10:32 chast: hm
18:10:35 OrganisedConfusion: jcm800
18:10:42 OrganisedConfusion: I only prefer one amp to the 800 smile.gif
18:10:53 OrganisedConfusion: Fender '65 Twin Reverb ohmy.gif
18:11:02 USAMAN: el34 or 6l6
18:11:20 chast: transistor
18:11:29 USAMAN: argggggggggg
18:11:50 USAMAN: lol
18:12:01 USAMAN: 6l6 or el84
18:12:17 USAMAN: and then there was silence
18:12:25 chast: tongue.gif
18:12:40 USAMAN: pod or gnx
18:12:53 chast: pod for recording
18:13:13 chast: gnx for
18:13:17 chast: ahm
18:13:25 chast: connecting to the amp
18:13:51 USAMAN: gotta hook the pod up using four cables to make it sound right
18:14:05 chast: well guys im off now
18:14:12 USAMAN: google it ......pod four cables
18:14:14 OrganisedConfusion: buy chast
18:14:21 USAMAN: later dude
18:14:22 chast: got to go to school tomorrow :S
18:14:31 chast: cya and have a good night tongue.gif
18:14:36 OrganisedConfusion: night
18:14:39 USAMAN: peace
18:15:08 USAMAN: org how many guitars do you have
18:15:32 USAMAN: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
18:15:38 USAMAN: zzzzz
18:15:40 OrganisedConfusion: i have 5
18:15:46 OrganisedConfusion: u?
18:15:53 USAMAN: 10 or 11
18:15:59 OrganisedConfusion: christ
18:16:08 USAMAN: for now biggrin.gif
18:16:09 OrganisedConfusion: My cheapest in 1000 dollars sad.gif
18:16:15 USAMAN: im close
18:16:27 USAMAN: lose the mexi tele and i can say that 2
18:16:37 OrganisedConfusion: my pizza has arrived smile.gif
18:16:42 USAMAN: mmmmm
18:16:45 USAMAN: pizza
18:16:53 USAMAN: drool
18:17:03 OrganisedConfusion: im gonna turn into a pizza soon smile.gif
18:17:15 USAMAN: i gotta go any way..enjoy the za
18:17:23 Slammer: but it's your chat
18:17:26 OrganisedConfusion: later man
18:17:27 Slammer: you're the host
18:17:30 Slammer: you must stay
18:17:32 USAMAN: i have passed the torch
18:17:52 USAMAN: i need to make a quick beer run....just upstairs
18:17:56 USAMAN: brb
18:18:19 OrganisedConfusion: i want another beer but i have work tomorrow
18:18:22 USAMAN: Ill stay for a little wouldnt mind chatting with you guys a little longer
18:18:30 USAMAN: me 2 5am
18:18:48 USAMAN: you dudes are all over the posts
18:18:50 OrganisedConfusion: 7am here. leave at 5
18:19:08 USAMAN: very active here
18:19:15 USAMAN: i try to be
18:19:27 USAMAN: this is my favorite site lately
18:19:39 OrganisedConfusion: i try to post as often as i can
18:20:00 OrganisedConfusion: especially if i can help people with any knowledge i have
18:20:09 USAMAN: lots of lessons llately....marcus need to post again
18:20:50 OrganisedConfusion: marcus is an incredible guitarist
18:21:05 USAMAN: hes been sluffing off.....kinda jones-in for a neo classical rip fest
18:21:18 USAMAN: yes he is
18:21:29 USAMAN: got my muris pick yesterday
18:21:42 OrganisedConfusion: cool smile.gif
18:21:52 OrganisedConfusion: Muris is too kind to us all smile.gif
18:22:02 USAMAN: He seems a really nice guy
18:22:19 OrganisedConfusion: everyone at the site does
18:22:33 USAMAN: did you guys check out his last lesson..the neo classical one
18:22:39 OrganisedConfusion: good place to be
18:22:43 USAMAN: holy @##
18:23:07 OrganisedConfusion: ?
18:23:11 USAMAN: he is so fast and clean.....i know he is a robot
18:23:31 USAMAN: or alien or ninja
18:23:41 OrganisedConfusion: he's a superhero lol smile.gif
18:23:54 USAMAN: thats it
18:24:08 USAMAN: able to leap strings with a single bound
18:24:38 OrganisedConfusion: he should be making thousands
18:25:20 USAMAN: More than that....his skill level is head and shoulders above 99% of players
18:25:54 OrganisedConfusion: i'm glad he got the Elixir deal
18:26:16 USAMAN: marcus you mean....i was talking about muris...but marcus as well
18:26:44 USAMAN: hows the pizza
18:26:52 OrganisedConfusion: i actually think marcus is even cleaner ohmy.gif
18:26:57 USAMAN: hummmmm
18:26:59 OrganisedConfusion: great pizza smile.gif
18:27:03 USAMAN: thats not possible
18:27:11 Slammer: IE7 or Firefox?
18:27:20 USAMAN: they are both flawless
18:27:32 Slammer: WHAT!
18:27:35 USAMAN: ie7
18:27:38 Slammer: LOL
18:27:42 USAMAN: i dont care for firefox
18:27:49 OrganisedConfusion: ie7
18:27:51 Slammer: me neiter
18:27:55 OrganisedConfusion: firefox constantly crashes on me
18:27:58 Slammer: but IE keeps crashing on me
18:28:02 Slammer: just happened
18:28:09 OrganisedConfusion: lol
18:28:13 OrganisedConfusion: depends on computer i guess
18:28:14 USAMAN: ie7 has been screwing up my email
18:28:21 OrganisedConfusion: internet is evil
18:28:32 USAMAN: Yes it is
18:28:35 OrganisedConfusion: Hey Angelica
18:28:36 USAMAN: Howdy
18:28:40 USAMAN: Angle
18:28:42 Angelica: hi there
18:28:45 USAMAN: angel
18:28:47 USAMAN: lol
18:28:59 Angelica: smile.gif
18:29:10 USAMAN: and there is silence
18:29:12 USAMAN: lol
18:29:19 USAMAN: how are you today
18:29:23 OrganisedConfusion: How are you Angelica?
18:29:29 USAMAN: beat you to it
18:29:29 Angelica: fine thanx
18:29:47 Angelica: smile.gif
18:30:05 USAMAN: so working on any new lessons here on gmc ...(all)
18:30:23 OrganisedConfusion: Nope sad.gif But been recording with my band
18:30:36 Angelica: actually i'm not practicing so much :|
18:30:48 USAMAN: shame...shame
18:30:56 Angelica: i canìt gett the right sound, wanna buy a dist pedal first
18:30:59 USAMAN: *whip*
18:31:12 USAMAN: metal muff.....all the way
18:31:12 Angelica: biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
18:31:33 OrganisedConfusion: I have a Metal Zone but I don't actually like it but always use it lol
18:31:43 USAMAN: its relatively cheap and covers everything
18:31:43 Angelica: so everybody's from the USA?
18:31:50 Slammer: yes
18:31:53 USAMAN: Im not.....wink.gif
18:31:59 Angelica: lol
18:32:04 USAMAN: oh wait
18:32:16 USAMAN: that might not be so true
18:32:25 OrganisedConfusion: I'm not
18:32:29 USAMAN: where are u from
18:32:32 Angelica: Italy
18:32:36 OrganisedConfusion: I'm from UK and it's nearly my bedtime lol
18:32:47 USAMAN: the boot...i wanna go there sometime
18:32:48 Angelica: yeah in Milan it's already bedtime
18:32:54 USAMAN: it looks beautiful
18:33:06 OrganisedConfusion: Is it half midnight there Angelica>?
18:33:08 Angelica: lo
18:33:11 USAMAN: ive only been over seas once
18:33:12 Angelica: yeah
18:33:28 OrganisedConfusion: You don't support football do ya?
18:33:31 OrganisedConfusion: AC Milan?
18:33:58 USAMAN: football football or soccer football
18:34:04 OrganisedConfusion: soccer football
18:34:22 Angelica: lol yeah
18:34:25 OrganisedConfusion: I'm emigrating to USA all being well
18:34:36 OrganisedConfusion: I can get in with the job I'm qualified for
18:34:41 USAMAN: cool a city in mind
18:34:46 Angelica: i kinda support Milan but er...first of all I'm a woman lol and I'm not so interested in football
18:34:57 OrganisedConfusion: I really wanna go to Bridgeport or Greenwich Connecticut
18:35:02 Angelica: and bad thing is that the owner of Milan si Berlsconi
18:35:06 Angelica: berlusconi
18:35:12 Angelica: which i hate lol
18:35:15 OrganisedConfusion: lol
18:35:18 OrganisedConfusion: fair enough
18:35:27 USAMAN: nice weather
18:35:35 USAMAN: head for the coast man
18:35:44 USAMAN: just not san fran
18:35:50 OrganisedConfusion: Isn't Bridgeport on the coast?
18:35:59 USAMAN: home of the fruits the nuts and the flakes
18:36:01 Angelica: ohh damn that has to be COOL
18:36:04 OrganisedConfusion: and Greenwich really
18:36:17 Angelica: :?
18:36:19 OrganisedConfusion: I don't where to move to be totally honest
18:36:35 USAMAN: me either
18:36:36 OrganisedConfusion: I'm gonna search for jobs in my area as a Systems Engineer and plan around that
18:36:49 USAMAN: i live in minnesota
18:37:02 OrganisedConfusion: What's it like there?
18:37:22 USAMAN: I live in St. Paul.....capitol
18:37:36 OrganisedConfusion: Nice place?
18:37:40 USAMAN: weather ranges for hot summer to very cold winter
18:37:52 USAMAN: Well .....want the truth
18:37:59 USAMAN: yes but
18:38:02 OrganisedConfusion: weather ranges from cold in summer to colder in winter here biggrin.gif
18:38:08 Angelica: waht time is it there guys?
18:38:19 USAMAN: 5:38 pm
18:38:25 OrganisedConfusion: It's 11.35pm here in UK smile.gif
18:38:28 USAMAN: tues
18:38:42 USAMAN: 3 4 08
18:39:05 USAMAN: not sure how many time zones from here to italy
18:39:05 OrganisedConfusion: You confused me then lol
18:39:13 OrganisedConfusion: I thought I'd missed all March biggrin.gif
18:39:26 OrganisedConfusion: 3rd April smile.gif
18:39:44 Angelica: cool
18:39:45 USAMAN: oh thats right you guys do it backwards from us......4 3 08
18:39:49 Angelica: so you all in office?
18:39:58 USAMAN: in office?
18:40:01 USAMAN: at work?
18:40:09 USAMAN: not me.....
18:40:17 OrganisedConfusion: I'm at home drinking beer and eating pizza lol
18:40:19 USAMAN: home drinking suds
18:40:44 USAMAN: just one.........or maybe two......rough day at work
18:41:07 USAMAN: my boss is a fool
18:41:15 USAMAN: lol
18:41:18 OrganisedConfusion: Who you voting for in elections USAMAN?
18:41:22 OrganisedConfusion: or you not voting?
18:41:36 USAMAN: are you sure you want the answer to that
18:41:50 USAMAN: clinton...................................not
18:41:58 USAMAN: obama.....................................not
18:41:58 OrganisedConfusion: lol
18:42:09 USAMAN: mcain .................................not
18:42:16 USAMAN: i dont knoe]
18:42:21 USAMAN: I got it
18:42:24 OrganisedConfusion: Not a good situation is it
18:42:27 Angelica: lol
18:42:32 Angelica: how's obama?
18:42:34 USAMAN: Me for evil lord emperior
18:42:39 Angelica: is he as good as he seems?
18:42:41 OrganisedConfusion: smile.gif
18:42:42 USAMAN: n
18:42:52 USAMAN: hes a showman....that is all
18:43:01 Angelica: i never trust somebody who gets so close to the white house lol lol
18:43:04 USAMAN: really a bad policy dude
18:43:06 OrganisedConfusion: He is sensible I think
18:43:17 OrganisedConfusion: He's got his head firmly on his shoulders
18:43:27 OrganisedConfusion: whether that is good though I don't know
18:43:31 OrganisedConfusion: Step up from Bush
18:43:36 USAMAN: i hate taxes he on the other hand has never seen one he didnt like
18:43:38 OrganisedConfusion: Clinton would be a step down biggrin.gif
18:43:47 USAMAN: agreed
18:44:00 OrganisedConfusion: 20 years of Bush and Clinton biggrin.gif
18:44:23 OrganisedConfusion: depressing thought smile.gif
18:44:28 USAMAN: im gonna open a can of worms.....
18:44:34 Angelica: yeah that's true
18:44:45 USAMAN: true answers only
18:44:47 Angelica: always the 2 fucking same families holding alla merica
18:44:50 USAMAN: I have a thick skin
18:44:52 Angelica: all america
18:45:02 USAMAN: opinion of America
18:45:08 USAMAN: ?
18:45:31 DeepRoots: good bye all- after length pirvate chat with slammer i must sleep
18:45:33 Angelica: Well I'll express myself with a jim morrison sentence....
18:45:36 OrganisedConfusion: I really love America but some aspects of it I think are really bad
18:45:39 Slammer: LOL
18:45:40 USAMAN: real thoughs and feelings only dont sugar coat anything
18:45:44 DeepRoots: laters all x
18:45:44 Slammer: LOL
18:45:49 USAMAN: later
18:45:56 OrganisedConfusion: laters
18:46:00 Angelica: "the spirit of the Indian people tastes his revenge"
18:46:02 Slammer: cya
18:46:18 OrganisedConfusion: I think the fact guns are legal is crazy
18:46:23 OrganisedConfusion: Always have and always will
18:46:25 USAMAN: I carry one
18:46:37 Angelica: but out of those already-made sentences...
18:46:59 Angelica: I think that I can't have opinion about a so big country
18:47:05 OrganisedConfusion: I just think the law should be changed
18:47:13 Kyle Logue: hey
18:47:16 USAMAN: i think the people here a are gresat
18:47:16 OrganisedConfusion: I want to move there for sure
18:47:19 USAMAN: great
18:47:21 Angelica: i can have opinion about the country, the laws
18:47:25 Kyle Logue: it's good to see that people are actually using this now
18:47:30 Angelica: the behaviour
18:47:31 OrganisedConfusion: But I don't like death penalty, gun laws etc
18:47:36 Angelica: but not the people
18:47:39 USAMAN: you are fully intilted to any and all opinions you hold
18:47:48 Slammer: Kyle Logue is ass
18:47:51 Slammer: I mean
18:47:52 Slammer: Add
18:47:53 OrganisedConfusion: hey Kyle
18:47:54 Slammer: Sorry
18:47:56 Slammer: LOL
18:47:59 USAMAN: hehe
18:48:10 Kyle Logue: hey OC
18:48:12 Slammer: at least he said last night
18:48:16 Slammer: I'm add
18:48:17 OrganisedConfusion: Where are you in USA Kyle?
18:48:21 Slammer: whatever that means
18:48:25 Kyle Logue: East Texas
18:48:26 OrganisedConfusion: I'm emigrating in a year
18:48:33 Kyle Logue: i'm a.d.d.
18:48:36 Slammer: OHH
18:48:39 Kyle Logue: attention deficit disorder
18:48:41 Angelica: and i think that if USA doesn't stop all of his absurd politic around the world
18:48:42 Slammer: I thought it meant
18:48:45 Slammer: Addicted
18:48:49 Slammer: to GMC
18:48:52 Slammer: or somehitng
18:48:54 Gen: hey everyone
18:48:55 Kyle Logue: that too
18:48:57 Slammer: LOL
18:49:24 Angelica: especially related to environment...the world will be finished very soon
18:49:33 Angelica: that's what i think
18:49:40 USAMAN: what do you feel we are doing?
18:49:45 USAMAN: im curious
18:49:50 Gen: Hey everyone
18:49:54 USAMAN: howdy
18:49:56 Gen: lol
18:50:13 Angelica: well I've seen that Al Gore film and it touched me so much
18:50:15 OrganisedConfusion: A lot of people are to blame for the state of the world
18:50:21 Gen: slammer, you tell me to come in the chat and you dont even say hello :?
18:50:25 Angelica: even though i'm not a fan of al gore it has made me think
18:50:26 OrganisedConfusion: Don't listen to Al Gore
18:50:33 Angelica: about the pollutions from Usa
18:50:34 OrganisedConfusion: He's a hypocrite
18:50:38 USAMAN: al is a pawn
18:50:42 Angelica: and the refusal to put a stop on it
18:50:56 Angelica: wll but in Italy all te scientists say same thing
18:50:59 USAMAN: might wanna talk to china bout that
18:51:03 OrganisedConfusion: His car and house and god knows what else dishes out tonnes of pllution
18:51:09 Angelica: global warming, and so on
18:51:18 Angelica: the main responsibe is now America
18:51:27 USAMAN: not so
18:51:29 Angelica: yeah sure
18:51:45 Angelica: but china does respect the kyoto least says to
18:51:48 OrganisedConfusion: America is a huge place. It doesn't proportionately add more
18:51:49 Angelica: usa neither this
18:52:03 USAMAN: kyoto was made to hamstring the USA
18:52:04 Slammer: Hello GEN
18:52:08 Kyle Logue: I'm the cause of world depression
18:52:11 Angelica: anyway I love america for a lot of things
18:52:12 Angelica: music
18:52:13 USAMAN: lol
18:52:14 Gen: hello slammer :{
18:52:21 OrganisedConfusion: you make us at GMC happy Kris biggrin.gif
18:52:25 Angelica: and it has to have astonishing landscapes
18:52:33 OrganisedConfusion: Kyle
18:52:37 OrganisedConfusion: Kris lol
18:52:50 OrganisedConfusion: I've got Dahl on the brain smile.gif
18:52:51 USAMAN: We should probably stop this topic...i dont think that they like it here
18:53:08 Angelica: well but I think Usa should be a little hamstrected....typed well?
18:53:15 Angelica: they're ruling the entire world
18:53:21 Angelica: I'm so tired of it
18:53:27 USAMAN: how so?
18:53:38 Angelica: well a simple thing
18:53:52 Angelica: every year, on 9 11
18:53:55 USAMAN: I am curious
18:54:00 USAMAN: go on
18:54:14 Angelica: there are plenty of politicians here in Itlay who go on saying"we're all americans"
18:54:20 Angelica: but what????
18:54:24 Angelica: we are ITalians
18:54:28 USAMAN: I agree
18:54:41 USAMAN: you have a very great history and culture
18:54:49 OrganisedConfusion: Italy is awesome
18:54:52 USAMAN: so does America
18:54:52 Angelica: and it's so sad to see our history and culture
18:54:57 Angelica: being wasted
18:55:08 Angelica: yeah
18:55:32 OrganisedConfusion: Every country has great people and people runing things. It's a fact
18:55:36 USAMAN: we are not the great melting pot any longer and people dont respect our culture either
18:55:37 Angelica: but I think that the globalization has made every "western"
18:55:39 Angelica: american
18:55:44 Angelica: which is not true
18:55:47 Angelica: we are sooooo different
18:55:59 USAMAN: Hum
18:56:05 USAMAN: I find that curious...
18:56:12 Angelica: yeah
18:56:20 Angelica: we have different values
18:56:26 USAMAN: I had no idea that anyone from another country thought that
18:56:27 Angelica: for example about death row
18:56:35 Angelica: or wars
18:56:49 USAMAN: about the western "american thing" i think thats wrong
18:56:50 Angelica: in itlay nobody wanted wars but they've pushed us in it
18:57:04 Angelica: just because america's in it
18:57:05 OrganisedConfusion: Nobody wanted war in America
18:57:11 USAMAN: cast your hate at me now...however......
18:57:12 Angelica: yeah
18:57:21 Angelica: but those pieces of sorry
18:57:22 OrganisedConfusion: Nobody wanted war in UK
18:57:26 Angelica: bush and co
18:57:29 Angelica: they rule the world
18:57:38 USAMAN: no they dont
18:57:39 Angelica: lol
18:57:55 USAMAN: truely
18:58:08 Angelica: no i dont hate americans
18:58:19 Angelica: i think there are great persons out there
18:58:22 Angelica: like everywhere
18:58:25 OrganisedConfusion: Do you agree with the voting system USAMAN or do you think the votes should be counted and the person with most votes the winner
18:59:13 USAMAN: I think the popular vote should be the decider.....however cant change the rules mid game
18:59:26 OrganisedConfusion: Clinton has won 13 states and Obama 23 states. If that happened in UK Obama would have won it with ease
18:59:27 USAMAN: if thats what your getting at
18:59:39 OrganisedConfusion: yeah
18:59:51 USAMAN: im not sure i like any canidates
18:59:53 OrganisedConfusion: the guy who is most popular doesn't necessarily get in as president
19:00:11 Angelica: i don't like the fact that usa has so few numbers of parties to vote for
19:00:14 Angelica: so little choice
19:00:23 Angelica: and here they want to become like that
19:00:39 USAMAN: it a bad move
19:00:42 USAMAN: its
19:00:55 Angelica: it's a limit to democracy
19:00:57 OrganisedConfusion: We have the Mad Raving Loony Party biggrin.gif
19:01:04 Angelica: lol
19:01:17 USAMAN: im a low tax...high responsibility ....small gov type of guy.....thats not offered here anymore
19:01:22 OrganisedConfusion: Some of their policies were to paint grey squirrels red to even out the squirrel population
19:01:43 USAMAN: that never works
19:01:51 OrganisedConfusion: And to release a 99p coin to save on change biggrin.gif
19:01:55 Angelica: actually if i have to say what i think.... I think that USA , despite all the statement of being so democratic
19:02:00 USAMAN: they are trying to do that here now
19:02:06 Angelica: is not so democratic at all
19:02:29 USAMAN: know.....thats a fair statement
19:02:42 OrganisedConfusion: I can't wait to move to USA
19:02:47 USAMAN: as much as i wish you were wrong ......
19:02:52 OrganisedConfusion: I just hope I move to a place where I'm happy you know
19:02:56 USAMAN: its a great place dude
19:03:06 USAMAN: the political sys is broken though
19:03:13 OrganisedConfusion: such a huge place and many great states
19:03:18 Angelica: but anyhow i have to distinguish
19:03:28 USAMAN: you have to go to .......................wait......................
19:03:28 OrganisedConfusion: cya later Angelica
19:03:33 Angelica: if anyone askes me about italian government
19:03:36 USAMAN: Vegas
19:03:40 Angelica: good night oc
19:03:46 USAMAN: I would like ot know
19:03:47 Angelica: i'd say s...t
19:03:58 OrganisedConfusion: Or did you not mean you were off lol
19:04:02 USAMAN: see ya bud, thanks for the chat time
19:04:06 Angelica: but if someone askes me about the country, the place and the peolpe
19:04:10 Angelica: i'd say lovely
19:04:37 Angelica: italy is so a beautiful place and so bad as its politics
19:04:39 USAMAN: The thing about Europe that i think is so cool is
19:04:54 USAMAN: you have History......Old history....
19:04:58 Angelica: yeah
19:05:03 USAMAN: we dont
19:05:11 OrganisedConfusion: Cya later all. I'm gonna go to bed and be wide awake for work and band practice tomorrow. And more importantly the beer festival on Friday biggrin.gif
19:05:20 Angelica: me too i think
19:05:33 USAMAN: I need to go to........
19:05:33 Angelica: i'm really sleepy! biggrin.gif
19:05:44 OrganisedConfusion: Goodnight all
19:05:52 USAMAN: its been fun ,...thanks for sharing your view points with me
19:06:03 Angelica: oh thank you
19:06:10 OrganisedConfusion: I'll let you know where I decide upon smile.gif
19:06:11 Angelica: it's great to talk with someone so far
19:06:11 USAMAN: n/p
19:06:13 USAMAN: Peace all
19:06:20 OrganisedConfusion: night
19:06:34 Angelica: and i surely wished to be in florida than in milano right now!!! lol
19:06:34 USAMAN: and im out in
19:06:35 USAMAN: 3
19:06:36 USAMAN: 2
19:06:37 USAMAN: 1
19:06:41 Gen: bye
19:06:42 Angelica: bye!!!
19:06:44 USAMAN: bye
19:06:54 OrganisedConfusion: bye Angelica
19:07:06 Slammer: LOL
19:07:20 Gen: damn lol
19:07:44 Gen: that was a huge talk
19:29:05 Nemanja: any body here
19:30:15 Slammer: I'm here
19:31:09 Gen: me too
19:31:19 Gen: hey!
19:31:27 Nemanja: hi guys smile.gif
19:31:41 Gen: what's up?
19:32:02 Nemanja: nothing working on my album every night for the last 4 days
19:32:17 Gen: oh cool
19:32:29 Nemanja: you
19:32:50 Gen: just playing some guitar, and chatting
19:33:04 Nemanja: where are you from man smile.gif
19:33:13 Gen: switzerland smile.gif
19:33:16 Gen: geneva
19:33:26 Nemanja: fedderer country smile.gif
19:33:27 Gen: welcome back slammer
19:33:30 Slammer: that;s why his name is Gen
19:33:31 Gen: yeah haha biggrin.gif
19:33:33 Gen: no
19:33:34 Gen: NO
19:33:43 Slammer: LOL
19:33:44 Nemanja: no what? smile.gif
19:34:00 Gen: im not called gen because i live in geneva
19:34:05 Gen: slammer is just teasing me
19:34:09 Nemanja: oh
19:34:14 Slammer: never
19:34:19 Slammer: it's the Truth
19:34:21 Gen: slammer lives in vice city anyways
19:34:22 Slammer: actually
19:34:24 Slammer: Muris said so
19:34:25 Gen: how's tony montana slam?
19:34:30 Gen: how is he going?
19:34:38 Slammer: tony?
19:35:38 Nemanja: so hov is there in geneva
19:35:55 Gen: its cool
19:36:21 Slammer: Nemanja how long have you been singin?
19:36:33 Nemanja: uf...let me think
19:36:54 Nemanja: 7,8 years mabe more
19:37:03 Nemanja: my mom is opera singer
19:37:10 Slammer: have you thought of going onto a show like american idol or som
19:37:36 Nemanja: I vas just waching it tonight on youtube
19:37:41 Slammer: LOL
19:37:43 Nemanja: pol pots
19:37:57 Nemanja: answer is no..
19:38:10 Nemanja: building my own carier...
19:38:15 Nemanja: and alone
19:38:46 Nemanja: and it woiuld not be american idol
19:38:51 Nemanja: but Serbian smile.gif
19:38:51 Slammer: LOL
19:40:10 Nemanja: is there Rock in your countries...I mean what young people listen the moust
19:40:32 Gen: everything lol
19:40:38 Gen: mostly metal
19:40:40 Gen: but rap aswell
19:40:41 Gen: lol
19:40:48 Slammer: here in US sadly it's mostly Hip HOp
19:41:09 Nemanja: everything is a gud music direction lol
19:41:44 Nemanja: rap is not bad:?
19:41:48 Nemanja: kiddding
19:41:56 Nemanja: off course damn repers
19:42:24 Nemanja: welcome bham
19:42:32 Nemanja: and welcome ser Ivan
19:42:38 bham: thank you
19:43:11 bham: yeah, it's all rap in the US. occasionally there'll be some trashy radio rock song that comes on
19:43:27 Gen: hey there ivan and bham
19:43:32 bham: sup
19:43:56 Slammer: Hello Milenkovic Ivan
19:44:17 Nemanja: rep is eating the art of music..and making it to a fast food
19:44:18 Milenkovic Ivan: Slammerbham
19:44:41 bham: there is a little bit of decent rap out there
19:44:56 bham: the guitarist in gym class heroes is decent
19:44:56 Nemanja: off course
19:45:05 Nemanja: but moust is fas food
19:45:15 bham: yeah, definitely
19:45:31 Milenkovic Ivan: hey guys
19:45:35 Milenkovic Ivan: what's up!
19:45:44 bham: not much at all
19:45:45 Nemanja: nothing talking a bout rap
19:45:49 Nemanja: you
19:46:31 Milenkovic Ivan: rap was cool in 90ties
19:46:38 Nemanja: ice vanila
19:46:41 Nemanja: smile.gif
19:46:47 Nemanja: vanila ice
19:46:50 Nemanja: sorry
19:46:56 Milenkovic Ivan: coolio, early dr. dre, da luniz
19:47:05 Milenkovic Ivan: i got 5 on it
19:47:09 Milenkovic Ivan: great songs
19:47:25 Nemanja: that thing vith mishele pheifher
19:47:32 Nemanja: is so good
19:47:35 Milenkovic Ivan: yeah that wa a world hit
19:47:44 Milenkovic Ivan: gansgtas paradise
19:47:51 bham: that stuff is so old school
19:47:54 Milenkovic Ivan: it's a cover tho
19:47:54 Nemanja: yeh that one
19:48:01 Nemanja: of what
19:48:12 bham: 2pac?
19:48:16 Nemanja: oh..
19:48:24 Nemanja: did not knowe
19:48:25 Milenkovic Ivan: i've herad the original song, sounds like sting or something, not sting but similar style
19:48:26 bham: i think, not entirely sure
19:48:30 Slammer: bham where ya from?
19:48:41 bham: minnesota, united states
19:48:48 Milenkovic Ivan: 2 pac of course
19:48:51 Slammer: Lol just like usaman
19:48:53 Milenkovic Ivan: he is great
19:48:58 bham: where are you guys from?
19:49:07 Slammer: Florida usa
19:49:09 Milenkovic Ivan: we're from serbia
19:49:15 Nemanja: Srbia Belgrad
19:49:16 Milenkovic Ivan: i mean nemanja and i
19:49:21 bham: nice.
19:49:26 Slammer: Gen is From Geneva
19:49:30 Milenkovic Ivan: Cool
19:49:31 bham: its really cold up here, man
19:49:36 Milenkovic Ivan: smile.gif
19:49:40 bham: -40F with wind chill today
19:49:49 Milenkovic Ivan: wow that's cold
19:49:58 bham: i wish i was in florida
19:50:00 Nemanja: is vlade divac known name up there
19:50:02 Slammer: LOL
19:50:12 Gen: thanks for pointing that out slammer wink.gif
19:50:15 Slammer: like 80 degrees nice and sunny today
19:50:36 Nemanja: in us I mean
19:50:36 Slammer: no prob mate wink.gif
19:50:47 Slammer: smile.gif
19:50:53 Milenkovic Ivan: so what do ya guys doing so late
19:51:00 Milenkovic Ivan: is it late there?
19:51:05 Slammer: well, it's 7:50 pm here
19:51:09 Milenkovic Ivan: smile.gif
19:51:12 bham: 6:50 pm here
19:51:24 Nemanja: here 1 51 am
19:51:25 Slammer: what time is it in GENeva?
19:51:26 Milenkovic Ivan: it's 1:51AM here
19:51:36 bham: dang yo
19:51:42 Milenkovic Ivan: i'm not late i'm early
19:51:47 Milenkovic Ivan: wink.gif
19:51:55 Gen: almost 2 am
19:51:55 bham: haha
19:51:56 Gen: lol
19:52:20 Slammer: Milenkovic Ivan
19:52:23 Milenkovic Ivan: do you know what's the difference between a violin and viola?
19:52:34 Milenkovic Ivan: who cares..they are not a guitar!
19:52:35 Slammer: did you see the Jeff Healy collab?
19:52:39 bham: tuning, IIRC
19:52:41 Nemanja: smile.gif
19:52:46 bham: viola is higher pitched, i think
19:52:51 Milenkovic Ivan: wink.gif
19:52:57 Nemanja: no it is lower
19:53:01 Milenkovic Ivan: i didn't see it
19:53:06 Milenkovic Ivan: Slammer
19:53:11 Slammer: well, it's for blues rock
19:53:17 Slammer: and the uncreator
19:53:24 Milenkovic Ivan: really? cool!
19:53:26 Slammer: needs a BT do you have any spare ones?
19:53:38 Milenkovic Ivan: i can make one sure, but tomorrow
19:53:40 Slammer: and he needs 15 ppl for a solo
19:53:43 Slammer: GREAT
19:53:46 Slammer: let him know
19:53:53 Slammer: he'll be REALLY happy
19:54:16 Milenkovic Ivan: if i don't forget sure, jsut pp me so that i don't forget it pelase
19:54:30 Milenkovic Ivan: i will forget it for sure i forget things easily
19:54:31 Slammer: pp?
19:54:41 Milenkovic Ivan: just send me a remnder what to do exactly
19:54:43 bham: do you guys use machines (IE dr. rhythm) or programs for your backing tracks?
19:54:55 Milenkovic Ivan: nope
19:54:59 Milenkovic Ivan: jsut software
19:55:02 Nemanja: me too
19:55:28 Nemanja: DAW is Nuendo 3
19:55:29 Milenkovic Ivan: too expencive machines are
19:55:42 Slammer:
19:55:48 Nemanja: I agre they are expencive
19:55:53 Slammer: angelica is gonna do the vocals
19:55:57 Slammer: smile.gif
19:56:01 Nemanja: smile.gif
19:56:15 Slammer: smile.gif
19:56:29 Gen: smile.gif
19:56:34 Slammer: smile.gif
19:56:38 Nemanja: smile.gif
19:56:41 Slammer: smile.gif
19:56:44 Nemanja: smile.gif
19:56:47 Slammer: rep is bad
19:56:51 Slammer: smile.gif
19:56:52 bham: i'm learning kyle's drum lessons on my keyboard so i'll be able to make backing tracks, because i'm too poor to afford software haha
19:56:52 Nemanja: ha ha ha
19:56:53 Milenkovic Ivan: wink.gif
19:56:54 bham: smile.gif
19:56:57 bham: ?
19:57:07 bham: angelica is a big deal, i guess
19:57:13 Slammer: smile.gif
19:57:14 Nemanja: what keyboad do y9ou have
19:57:14 bham: haha
19:57:21 bham: korg x50
19:57:41 Nemanja: howe much octavs does she havew
19:57:53 bham:
19:57:56 Slammer: 1 or somthing
19:57:58 Slammer: IDK
19:58:03 Nemanja: 1?
19:58:07 Slammer: IDK sad.gif
19:58:08 Milenkovic Ivan: that's a nice one
19:58:12 Milenkovic Ivan: great machine
19:58:21 bham: i got it for 400$ used, too
19:58:24 bham: perfect condition
19:58:26 Milenkovic Ivan: cool
19:58:31 bham: drum sounds are very realistic
19:58:32 Milenkovic Ivan: it looks sturdy
19:58:41 Milenkovic Ivan: with those handles
19:59:03 Milenkovic Ivan: that's quite a deal considering they are over 500$
19:59:14 Milenkovic Ivan: nice peace of machinery
19:59:16 Nemanja: Ivan got great mashine m audio midi controler
19:59:18 bham: yeah, it's great
19:59:26 bham: very light too, less than 10 pounds
19:59:44 bham: i need to buy a new audio interface that works with windows vista before i can start recording again
19:59:45 Nemanja: how muchi is 10 pound in kg
20:00:02 bham: about one really fat newborn baby
20:00:08 Milenkovic Ivan: smile.gif
20:00:12 Nemanja: smile.gif
20:00:16 Nemanja: vista is bad
20:00:16 Slammer: smile.gif
20:00:20 Milenkovic Ivan: nice comparison wink.gif
20:00:23 Nemanja: welcome Muris
20:00:28 Milenkovic Ivan: hey muris
20:00:29 Muris: hey guys
20:00:30 bham: muris!
20:00:37 Gen: hey there muris
20:00:39 Milenkovic Ivan: what's up man
20:00:39 Muris: what's going on?
20:00:40 Nemanja: was up
20:00:44 Milenkovic Ivan: back from gig?
20:00:55 Milenkovic Ivan: nothing we're cahitng along
20:00:56 Muris: Slamm is having another theory class? biggrin.gif
20:01:04 Nemanja: smile.gif
20:01:06 Slammer: now that you're here I am
20:01:09 Slammer: biggrin.gif
20:01:11 Muris: lol
20:01:12 Gen: lol
20:01:31 Muris: how was that G chord
20:01:37 Muris: was it on 3rd fret?
20:01:37 Nemanja: Muris what is going on in Sarajevo
20:01:45 Slammer: no on 10th
20:01:45 Muris: ahh nothing much
20:01:57 Muris: actrually,show started falling again
20:02:01 Muris: it's like a storm
20:02:08 Muris: I thought winter was over
20:02:12 Muris: silly me biggrin.gif
20:02:17 bham: i hate winter
20:02:19 Milenkovic Ivan: smile.gif
20:02:21 Nemanja: tomorow snowe here
20:02:23 Milenkovic Ivan: me too
20:02:27 Nemanja: they say
20:02:38 Muris: it's that wet snow
20:02:43 Muris: heavy for driving
20:02:52 Muris: I went onto gig in summer cloth
20:02:56 Muris: came but all wet
20:02:58 Nemanja: I am just learning to drive
20:03:04 Muris: and almost had an accident
20:03:07 bham: hate playing guitar in sweatshirts and jackets
20:03:12 Muris: couldn't stop on red light
20:03:13 Milenkovic Ivan: you're crazy man smile.gif
20:03:26 Nemanja: Muris what accident
20:03:30 Muris: luckily,trafic was kind a late
20:03:34 Muris: car
20:03:36 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:03:38 Muris: wet road
20:03:40 Nemanja: smile.gif
20:03:42 Muris: wink.gif
20:03:52 Nemanja: ha ha
20:04:12 Muris: switch to local
20:04:19 bham: totally unrelated question guys:
20:04:22 Muris: Ivane,jesi odnio one podatke u banku?
20:04:31 Slammer: Muris can I ask something?
20:04:36 Milenkovic Ivan: cekam da dodje isplata
20:04:37 Muris: just a sec Slamm
20:04:37 bham: what do you guys do when you hit a plateau (in speed) when performing a certain lick?
20:04:40 Milenkovic Ivan: sve je ok sa podacima
20:04:44 Muris: aha ok
20:04:55 Milenkovic Ivan: ne brini jos para dana bice sve ok
20:04:56 Muris: to sa Iban i Swift su malo zakomplikovali
20:04:57 bham: the paul gilbert lick is kicking my ass
20:05:20 Milenkovic Ivan: nemaju bazu za BiH tako da im treba samo IBAN da te pronadju nista vise
20:05:31 Muris: super,onda ce ici lako
20:05:36 Nemanja: ko je IBAN
20:05:39 Muris: lol
20:05:40 Milenkovic Ivan: cim sredim saljem pp
20:05:45 Nemanja: valjda IVAN
20:05:46 Milenkovic Ivan: smile.gif
20:05:50 Nemanja: smile.gif
20:05:53 Muris: dobra wink.gif
20:05:55 Muris: eee
20:05:58 Milenkovic Ivan: IBAH
20:06:03 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:06:04 Nemanja: smile.gif
20:06:06 Muris: znate kako se zvala krava od Nikole Tesle?
20:06:11 Nemanja: ne
20:06:14 Muris: zarulja
20:06:15 Muris: lol
20:06:18 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:06:25 Nemanja: lol
20:06:25 Gen: lol so funny
20:06:33 Nemanja: sorry guys
20:06:39 Muris: we're done
20:06:43 Milenkovic Ivan: ok wink.gif
20:06:44 Muris: so Slamm,go ahead
20:06:45 Gen: jk lol
20:06:57 Slammer: I forgot what it was 8)
20:06:59 Milenkovic Ivan: paul gilbert?
20:07:16 Slammer: oh well nvm
20:07:28 Muris: he's mad now
20:07:28 Milenkovic Ivan: what do you guys do when you hit a plateau (in speed) when performing a certain lick?
20:07:35 Muris: cause we used local language
20:07:35 bham: yeah
20:07:38 Milenkovic Ivan: i wait for tomorrow and practice again
20:07:39 Muris: I know Slamm
20:07:40 bham: who's mad?
20:07:46 Slammer: LOL
20:07:48 Muris: wink.gif
20:07:51 Slammer: Slamm
20:07:55 Slammer: LOL
20:08:06 bham: sweet
20:08:07 Slammer: My name is slammer!
20:08:10 Slammer: biggrin.gif
20:08:14 Milenkovic Ivan: slammer by hammer
20:08:17 Muris: I cannot use short one?
20:08:18 Slammer: YES!
20:08:22 Slammer: wait
20:08:24 Slammer: no
20:08:27 Slammer: sad.gif
20:08:27 Milenkovic Ivan: Slamm Bamm!
20:08:28 Muris: ohhh
20:08:35 Gen: slamber
20:08:38 Slammer: sad.gif
20:08:49 Slammer: :?
20:08:50 Muris: Slammy biggrin.gif
20:08:55 Slammer: :|
20:08:56 Gen: shaggy
20:08:58 Milenkovic Ivan: Slammington
20:09:02 Slammer: :{
20:09:04 Nemanja: any body seen Michael Clayton
20:09:08 Gen: frank
20:09:13 Muris: lucky you,many nicks
20:09:14 Milenkovic Ivan: who?
20:09:22 Muris: I don't have a single one
20:09:23 Muris: lol
20:09:29 Milenkovic Ivan: who's michael clayton
20:09:30 Slammer: Gen is name that because he's from Geneva, right Muris?
20:09:30 Nemanja: the muvie...:0
20:09:41 Gen: LOL DAMN
20:09:42 Nemanja: o my
20:09:43 Muris: yeah,guess so
20:09:52 Slammer: see I told you
20:09:57 Nemanja: gret film
20:10:03 Gen: well i think i know better, ok slam? lol
20:10:18 Slammer: wink.gif
20:10:54 Muris: sranje..
20:10:58 Milenkovic Ivan: ?
20:11:01 Nemanja: nije
20:11:05 Muris: imam bobuljicu velicine klikera na prsima
20:11:07 Nemanja: nemoj tako smile.gif
20:11:11 Muris: majke mi
20:11:16 Slammer: A Dorian is the Relative Dorian of E Aeolian
20:11:16 Gen: jdj fjkhenfejif uidheie fjhfheifudheif fed?
20:11:17 Slammer: right
20:11:17 Muris: nemam pojma sta je ovo
20:11:22 Muris: ako je bobuljica uopste
20:11:26 Nemanja: malo aspirina u vodu i namazi na nju
20:11:27 Muris: boli ko sam djavo
20:11:37 Slammer: Hola, Vamos a la playa
20:11:40 Gen: LMAO
20:11:41 Nemanja: si
20:11:59 Milenkovic Ivan: proci ce mozda je potkozna
20:12:00 Slammer: Mi Llamo Alberto
20:12:14 Nemanja: znam mozda od brijanja
20:12:23 Muris: na prsima biggrin.gif
20:12:26 Milenkovic Ivan: lol
20:12:27 Slammer: damn can;t beat that sad.gif ^^
20:12:29 Nemanja: ha ha ha
20:12:40 Muris: oogrooomno
20:12:44 Milenkovic Ivan: mora da se bude lepo za snimanje a?
20:12:45 Muris: mozda je dlaka
20:12:52 Nemanja: urasla
20:12:56 Slammer: oye como va
20:12:59 Muris: aha
20:13:02 Muris: odoh provjeriti
20:13:03 Nemanja: te amo
20:13:06 Slammer: LOL
20:13:06 bham: A Dorian is relative to E Aeolian.
20:13:07 Muris: ako se nevratim brzo
20:13:11 Muris: you'll knwo what to do
20:13:12 Muris: lol
20:13:16 bham: 1 sharp
20:13:32 Nemanja: muchaco smile.gif
20:13:35 Slammer: Yo soy un Jugador
20:13:42 Milenkovic Ivan: A dorian?
20:13:53 Milenkovic Ivan: is realtive to E Aeolian?
20:14:07 Milenkovic Ivan: what does that mean? is it a question?
20:14:07 Nemanja: Aeolian je mol?
20:14:25 Milenkovic Ivan: Aeolina je eolski modus
20:14:39 Milenkovic Ivan: nautar minor
20:14:42 Slammer: Para Bailar La Bamba
20:14:43 Milenkovic Ivan: natural minot
20:14:43 bham: yeah, it was a question i think
20:14:47 Milenkovic Ivan: minor
20:14:53 bham: he was asking if A Dorian was relative to E minor-
20:14:57 Nemanja: understand
20:15:03 bham: they have the same number of sharps, so they are relative.
20:15:04 Milenkovic Ivan: relative?
20:15:06 bham: (1 sharp)
20:15:23 Milenkovic Ivan: of course
20:15:27 Slammer: Well they have the same notes right?
20:15:30 Milenkovic Ivan: Gmajor key
20:15:31 bham: yes.
20:15:34 Slammer: from the G major Scale
20:15:41 Milenkovic Ivan: G a b c d e f#
20:15:47 Nemanja: a minor is relative to Cmajor
20:15:51 Nemanja: >
20:15:52 Nemanja: ?
20:15:54 bham: yes
20:16:00 Milenkovic Ivan: they all have the same notes
20:16:01 bham: no sharps or flats, so they are relative.
20:16:02 Slammer: so could I play A dorian over a Em Progression
20:16:06 bham: absolutely
20:16:09 Milenkovic Ivan: sure
20:16:25 Slammer: and G mixolydian over a C Major
20:16:31 Milenkovic Ivan: you can play a lot of things on top of that
20:16:34 Milenkovic Ivan: depending on the music
20:16:37 bham: could also play F# phrygian
20:16:43 bham: woops
20:16:44 bham: i mean
20:16:49 bham: F# locrian
20:16:50 Milenkovic Ivan: locrian?
20:16:51 bham: G major
20:16:53 Milenkovic Ivan: yes wink.gif
20:16:54 Muris: that's not point of modes guys
20:16:58 Muris: imho
20:17:08 Muris: if you have progression in Em
20:17:14 bham: play in Em
20:17:15 Muris: then you play E Aeolian
20:17:26 Muris: you can call it A dorian if you wish
20:17:29 bham: the notes are the same though, and i think that was his question
20:17:32 Muris: but that's not A dorian
20:17:41 Muris: notes ARE the same,that's right smile.gif
20:17:43 Gerald: Hi all smile.gif
20:17:47 Nemanja: welcome Gerald
20:17:53 Nemanja: and Jamesito
20:18:00 Muris: hello folks
20:18:00 Slammer: Well, A Dorian is one of the Positions of the E Aeolian
20:18:02 Slammer: I think
20:18:04 Jamesito: omg there are people in here lol
20:18:08 Milenkovic Ivan: yes
20:18:09 Gerald: Hi Muris!
20:18:13 Jamesito: hey guys!!!
20:18:22 Muris: mode isn't positio Slamm,mode is mode
20:18:29 Gerald: <-- just took the plunge and purchased 3 month video membership. : )
20:18:31 Milenkovic Ivan: you can play a run involving dorian scale over a Aminor chord in Em progression for example
20:18:37 Slammer: Slamm is Slammer
20:18:39 Milenkovic Ivan: but mode is a scale
20:18:40 Slammer: biggrin.gif
20:18:46 Jamesito: lol
20:18:48 Nemanja: what is the actual diference betwen a mode and a scale
20:19:03 Gerald: a mode is a variant of a scale?
20:19:06 Milenkovic Ivan: it is not commonly used form note to note,
20:19:15 bham: a mode is a scale contained in another scale
20:19:16 Milenkovic Ivan: in the solo
20:19:17 Muris: I would explain it that way
20:19:34 Muris: per example,in key of Em,chords are Em,C and D
20:19:53 Muris: would you say you play C lydian over C,and D mixo over D?
20:20:03 Muris: I wouldn't smile.gif
20:20:08 Milenkovic Ivan: i would stick to mixolydian smile.gif
20:20:15 Slammer: LOL
20:20:15 Jamesito: slammer do you live in miami dude?
20:20:18 Slammer: Yes
20:20:18 Milenkovic Ivan: kidding wink.gif
20:20:32 Muris: it's all E natural minor right?
20:20:33 Jamesito: is there a guitar center near the airport?
20:20:38 Tuubsu: hello everyone!
20:20:42 Milenkovic Ivan: hi man
20:20:43 Slammer: not really
20:20:45 Jamesito: hey tuubsu
20:20:46 Slammer: But
20:20:46 Muris: some guys try to locate mode over each chord in progression
20:20:50 bham: It all depends on the tonic chord
20:20:51 Nemanja: oki..muris understud
20:20:54 Slammer: There is a Sam Ash close
20:20:57 Muris: no point for doing that
20:20:58 Jamesito: ahhh
20:21:02 Slammer: At the Dolphin Mall
20:21:18 Slammer: about 5-10 miles away
20:21:22 Slammer: from the Airpot
20:21:27 Gerald: would you all say playing music by ear > than playing with the knowledge of theory? Isn't the ear the end all be all - if it sounds good it is good?
20:21:30 Slammer: Pretty much the Same
20:21:35 Jamesito: bascially i have a connection to Ecuador and I have to spend a night in Miami and I thought it would be a good oportunity to buy a ibanez s series lol
20:21:36 Slammer: I mean
20:21:41 bham: why not both theory and ear?
20:21:41 Muris: sure
20:21:49 bham: you need both to succeed
20:21:56 Muris: theory is just the way to explain what are you play
20:21:57 bham: you need an ear to tell the key of a song
20:21:58 Slammer: you should James
20:21:58 Gerald: well many greats haven't had as much theory
20:21:59 Muris: nothing else
20:22:05 Jamesito: yeah it´s a great guitar
20:22:07 Gerald: music came before theory
20:22:10 Nemanja: I agree
20:22:13 Muris: absolutely
20:22:19 Slammer: are you gonna stay at a Hotel?
20:22:22 Jamesito: yeah
20:22:24 Muris: theory gaves names etc
20:22:27 Muris: explanations
20:22:29 Muris: not rules
20:22:30 Slammer: You could proably take a Bus
20:22:35 Slammer: to the Dolphin Mall
20:22:39 Jamesito: yeah that´s waht im thinking
20:22:42 Nemanja: ruels mak it complicated
20:22:44 Slammer: because Most buses go there
20:22:46 Jamesito: how much would a taxi be roughly
20:22:49 Tuubsu: Ear is what tells you what sounds good
20:22:50 Gerald: i feel that theory was created to explain and literally put a "theory" on what the master composers did with their creations
20:22:55 Slammer: Depends on where you're at
20:22:56 Muris: a bus to D mixo?
20:23:00 Muris: lol
20:23:03 Jamesito: its like 1 mile form the airport
20:23:10 Slammer: Taxi's can be pretty Expensive
20:23:11 Jamesito: lol muris
20:23:12 bham: i dont there's a reason not to learn music theory, though
20:23:25 Milenkovic Ivan: it is important thing to know
20:23:27 Jamesito: yeah, i know
20:23:29 Gerald: Muris - are you a fan of SRV? I know you have a lesson inspired by him
20:23:31 bham: it's expanded my songwriting abilities tenfold
20:23:37 Gerald: bham - I totally agree 100 percent
20:23:40 Milenkovic Ivan: of course
20:23:40 Muris: of course,who isn't biggrin.gif
20:23:44 swingline: Without it im list
20:23:49 Jamesito: but that´s cool i will ask the hotel where to get the bus, hang on a second how much is the bus in the states
20:23:57 Slammer: LOL
20:23:59 Slammer: well
20:24:04 Tuubsu: OFcourse theres reasons to konow theory but I thonk its ears that make the final judgement
20:24:15 Slammer: in miami the Miami Buses are 1.50 each
20:24:20 Jamesito: ok
20:24:26 Muris: absolutely,ear is final judge,no doubt there
20:24:27 Jamesito: that beats engñland anyway lol
20:24:31 Milenkovic Ivan: well you can practice ears to the point where you imagine notes in your head
20:24:31 Slammer: LOL
20:24:33 swingline: Ive only been on a school bus
20:24:37 Slammer: LOL
20:24:38 Milenkovic Ivan: just like htey are on the fretboard
20:24:39 Jamesito: lol
20:24:49 Jamesito: i think im too big to get on a school bus
20:24:55 Gerald: Ivan - doesn't BB King do something along those lines when he plays?
20:25:01 Milenkovic Ivan: yes he does
20:25:10 Nemanja: Muris sta koristis od bubnjeva za lekcije...
20:25:13 Tuubsu: And Marty friedman also
20:25:15 bham: Tuubsu - i think they're unrelated. music theory is just a tool that we use to make music sound good (or bad) to our ears
20:25:16 Milenkovic Ivan: you can feel that he is playing from his head straight on
20:25:23 Muris: Addictive Drums najcesce
20:25:41 Nemanja: start up?
20:25:45 Jamesito: but that´s cool, i arrive about 2 pm in miami so hotel, shower go and buy a guitar
20:25:45 Gerald: bham - one thing about theory tho is if you look at the blues it's all wrong
20:25:54 Gerald: but the blues sound good smile.gif
20:25:56 Jamesito: afterwards rock out the hotel wooooooooo
20:25:57 Muris: ne,napravio sam neke presete
20:26:03 Milenkovic Ivan: he has a great soul too, that's why his solos sound good
20:26:08 Gerald: yeah bb king does
20:26:15 Milenkovic Ivan: his one note says it all man
20:26:20 Tuubsu: I see what your saying bham
20:26:26 Gerald: I've been on a blues kick lately and I'm going to start on your bb king lesson
20:26:34 Milenkovic Ivan: i've done one more
20:26:36 Nemanja: jesi probao BFD
20:26:37 swingline: How old is bb king
20:26:39 Milenkovic Ivan: albert king lesson wink.gif
20:26:42 Gerald: nice!
20:26:46 Muris: jesam,previse mi je sirov
20:26:47 Gerald: any SRV lessons?
20:26:49 JVM: wow
20:26:52 Muris: nema internih efxs
20:26:55 Slammer: JVM
20:26:55 Milenkovic Ivan: his too old now, don't know if he can play
20:26:56 bham: Gerald - what about the blues is wrong?
20:26:58 Muris: sve moras extra dodavati
20:26:59 Tuubsu: isn't bb king almost 100
20:27:06 Gerald: SRV is one of my personal favs - the you tube of albert and srv playing is awesome
20:27:11 Nemanja: treba jak komp za njega
20:27:15 Milenkovic Ivan: albert and srv are great
20:27:17 Tuubsu: years old?
20:27:23 Muris: nije do kompa meni bio problem
20:27:27 Milenkovic Ivan: srv picked up a lot from him
20:27:30 Muris: soundom je presirov
20:27:34 Muris: za moj ukus
20:27:36 JVM: slammer
20:27:36 Gerald: bham - blues goes against music thoery and how music is supposed to be composed - if you played the blues to the old masters like Bach they would probably hate it
20:27:45 Milenkovic Ivan: he plays a gibosn flying V, left handed upside down string layot
20:27:49 Gerald: i know!
20:27:52 Gerald: i read that on wiki
20:28:02 Nemanja: aza album ..koji je super poslusao sa mojo oro na youtube sta si koristio
20:28:03 Gerald: im really surpised he played a V
20:28:07 Tuubsu: Omg! this chat lags!
20:28:15 Milenkovic Ivan: his a real character albert
20:28:16 Slammer: Pacmanproductionsreborn!
20:28:23 Muris: to je...mislim Artist Drums,nisam 100% siguran
20:28:26 swingline: Its the end of the world as we now it
20:28:36 Nemanja: sam si kucao
20:28:40 Muris: aha
20:28:45 Milenkovic Ivan: blues is the best, the basis of all music
20:28:50 Nemanja: super je ispalo
20:28:50 JVM: +1
20:28:52 Gerald: bham - also to clarify im not saying leaning music theory is bad - im just saying that I think the ear vs music theory - the ear wins but knowing theory is very important
20:28:55 Muris: hvala smile.gif
20:28:56 swingline: Whats Artist Drums
20:29:00 Nemanja: smile.gif_
20:29:06 bham: Gerald - they would probably not like it, but that doesn't have any bearing on theory. how "music is supposed to be composed" is all relative-
20:29:08 Milenkovic Ivan: very universal, like newton theory in physics
20:29:09 Muris: sad idemo sve zivo,bubanj,bass ,keys,sve
20:29:17 Nemanja: imaqs li muzicare
20:29:21 Tuubsu: I agree with you Gerald
20:29:25 bham: also gotta remember certain things were unacceptable to write in music back in those days
20:29:25 Nemanja: dobre naravno
20:29:26 Muris: imam,sve sredjeno
20:29:28 bham: flatted fifth, etc
20:29:33 Nemanja: kad ulazis i gde
20:29:36 Muris: bubnjar je jedan,ostalih imam vise
20:29:44 Muris: basista,klavijaturista...
20:29:45 Gerald: ivan - true true - im trying to really focus on blues to help with my playing to lay a foundation for other music styles
20:29:54 Nemanja: koji studio
20:30:01 Milenkovic Ivan: many jazz players started of blues
20:30:04 Muris: Almanah,ovdje u Sa
20:30:07 Muris: SSL wink.gif
20:30:10 swingline: I must say I hated theory to start but now its my Crack.
20:30:11 Milenkovic Ivan: they built on that
20:30:13 Nemanja: koji sto imaju
20:30:17 bham: many rock and metal players started with blues too
20:30:22 bham: theory is sweet
20:30:26 Milenkovic Ivan: blues is actually not so simple as people tend to thiink
20:30:26 JVM: what makes bach and other classical composers the judges of what is right and wrong to compose?
20:30:34 JVM: what about all the other styles of eastern music for example
20:30:36 Gerald: bham true - but blues is accepted knowadays because our "ear" as a society accepts it because it does sound good - irregardless of it being composed correctly according to music theoritical standards of the elder masters
20:30:37 swingline: Kirk hammett
20:30:39 Milenkovic Ivan: behind it is a whole lotta of theory
20:30:44 Muris: mixer kosta 500.000 eura
20:30:48 Muris: sta dalje reci
20:30:51 bham: It wasn't bach- it was the king and pope that decided what could be written and what couldn't.
20:30:58 Nemanja: ih...pola miliona..auuu
20:31:04 Muris: covjek ima top opremu
20:31:07 Muris: prejak
20:31:08 Tuubsu: or the emperor
20:31:10 Nemanja: neznas kako se zove
20:31:12 bham: word
20:31:14 Muris: cuo si za Josipa Pejakovica?
20:31:18 Nemanja: da
20:31:23 Muris: to mu je sin
20:31:26 Muris: Dejan Pejakovic
20:31:41 Nemanja: ih..cuo sam za njega na Rumskom forumu
20:31:54 Nemanja: ako znas koji je to forum
20:32:06 Muris: znam,bio sam par puta,ne previse
20:32:16 Gerald: ivan - would you say there is a theory per se behind blues guitar - like the call and answer phrasing
20:32:17 Nemanja: haha..ima ih raznih tamo
20:32:21 Muris: ma da
20:32:24 Muris: dangube
20:32:28 Nemanja: svi
20:32:32 Muris: zato i nisam puno na forumima wink.gif
20:32:41 Milenkovic Ivan: i think there is
20:32:42 Gerald: you start or end on certain notes withing the blues scale(s) to provide the feeling of blues guitar phrase etc?
20:32:45 bham: pentatonics, added flat fifth, out-of-key bends
20:32:51 Milenkovic Ivan: yes
20:32:54 Nemanja: srcno sa albumom stari smile.gif
20:33:01 Muris: hvala smile.gif
20:33:10 swingline: I think there is alot of theory behind blues just not quite as much as other genres
20:33:11 bham: 1-4-5
20:33:15 Muris: odoh sad u krevet,ko pas sam umoran
20:33:19 Gerald: yeah a lot of 1-4-5
20:33:22 bham: 12 bars, baby
20:33:22 Nemanja: laku noc:)
20:33:25 Muris: guys,see ya latter,bed time
20:33:26 Milenkovic Ivan: poz murise
20:33:29 Gerald: im working on 12 bars now
20:33:32 Muris: thanks smile.gif
20:33:34 Muris: bye
20:33:34 bham: later muris
20:33:37 Gerald: mostly in the key of E
20:33:48 Milenkovic Ivan: 12 bar is great
20:33:49 Nemanja: welcome the ucreator
20:33:50 Gerald: what would you say is the main keys of blues music?
20:33:52 The Uncreator: Wow that chat is packed
20:33:53 Milenkovic Ivan: I IV V
20:33:57 The Uncreator: Sweet
20:33:58 JVM: i know
20:34:00 Tuubsu: HI the uncreator
20:34:01 bham: dorian, aeolian
20:34:04 Milenkovic Ivan: and then you have some mixing of the pentatonics
20:34:08 JVM: i just got here a few minutes ago it suprised me
20:34:18 Milenkovic Ivan: you can do a whoel lotta impro on those prgoreassion
20:34:20 bham: mixolydian
20:34:27 Milenkovic Ivan: yes
20:34:43 Milenkovic Ivan: mixing dorian, minor and mixolydian progressions
20:34:48 Gerald: when you start learning/playing the blues what do you think is the starting point one should begin with?
20:34:54 Slammer: Hey Milenkovic Ivan
20:34:56 bham: pentatonic minor
20:34:57 Milenkovic Ivan: well, some licks
20:35:00 bham: learn all the positions of it
20:35:01 Milenkovic Ivan: hey
20:35:11 Gerald: bham - that's exactly what I'm workign on currently
20:35:13 bham: learn where the root and the fifth are in every box
20:35:16 Slammer: the Uncreator was making that Collab remember?
20:35:25 bham: kris' pentatonic lessons helped me tremondously
20:35:26 The Uncreator: Aye, that i was
20:35:32 Milenkovic Ivan: knowing your pentatonics and minor blues scale is a must
20:35:37 Slammer: LOL
20:35:39 Gerald: yeah those lessons are cool - im also working some of gabriel's blues lessons
20:35:53 swingline: All of Kris's lessons helped a ton for me
20:35:55 Tuubsu: The uncreator, would you be a sport and if I upload some lyrics tomorrow, maybe you can give me a little help.
20:36:07 The Uncreator: Yeah no problem
20:36:10 The Uncreator: Glad to
20:36:15 Jamesito: a sport lol
20:36:19 Tuubsu: great
20:36:22 Milenkovic Ivan: hey uncreator
20:36:23 Jamesito: the queens english there
20:36:25 The Uncreator: Yeah?
20:36:31 Milenkovic Ivan: can i participate>
20:36:37 Jamesito: hehe good job tuubsu
20:36:38 The Uncreator: Hahah, yeah!
20:36:44 Milenkovic Ivan: great
20:36:46 The Uncreator: That would be awesome
20:36:48 The Uncreator: I would love it
20:36:53 Tuubsu: comon its wasnt that fanny jamesito
20:36:56 Jamesito: havent heard that in ages, dosent go down to well in yorkshire lol
20:36:56 Milenkovic Ivan: do you need a backing or something?
20:37:02 Milenkovic Ivan: somebody mentioned it
20:37:05 The Uncreator: Yeah, Backing track would help a bunch
20:37:08 Slammer: I wonder who...
20:37:12 The Uncreator: I nice bluesy one
20:37:29 Milenkovic Ivan: like a blues progression or maybe something rock&blues?
20:37:31 Gerald: I practice to ivan's backing track for that blues collab
20:37:38 Gerald: a while ago
20:37:43 Jamesito: Tuubsu, it is common yes but only the upper class say it lol jeje
20:37:45 The Uncreator: Rock and blues would be great, cause Jeff has some awesome rock licks in him
20:37:58 Tuubsu: Jamesito, I love those good ol words
20:38:00 Milenkovic Ivan: ok i'll try to record something tomorrow
20:38:02 Slammer: with enough space for a Vocal smile.gif
20:38:03 Jamesito: hahahahahhaa
20:38:04 Slammer: LOL
20:38:06 Jamesito: damm right!
20:38:07 The Uncreator: Thanks Many !
20:38:15 Milenkovic Ivan: no problem glad to help
20:38:19 The Uncreator: Big weight off my shoulders, Thanks smile.gif
20:38:21 PacmanProductions Reborn: theres so much going on that i cant even enter the conversation....
20:38:25 Jamesito: how´s your weight training going tuubsu?
20:38:27 The Uncreator: lol
20:38:28 Slammer: PacmanProductions Reborn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:38:31 Gerald: hi packman smile.gif
20:38:36 Gerald: err pacman*
20:38:36 bham: tuubsu is weight training?
20:38:37 Milenkovic Ivan: i must go now to sleep see ya guys!
20:38:37 Slammer: It's been a lonnnng time!
20:38:40 PacmanProductions Reborn: Hola... lol
20:38:44 The Uncreator: Cya Ivan!!
20:38:45 Gerald: cya ivan
20:38:46 Jamesito: hola
20:38:50 Tuubsu: yeah, just fine going to the gym tomorrow
20:38:53 The Uncreator: Auf Widersehn!!
20:38:56 Nemanja: by Ivan I am going guys
20:38:56 Jamesito: cool dude
20:38:59 The Uncreator: Spelling
20:39:02 Jamesito: Chau ivan
20:39:05 Slammer: You've gotta send him like 3 pm's to remind
20:39:09 Slammer: LOL
20:39:11 PacmanProductions Reborn: lol
20:39:12 Jamesito: lol
20:39:12 The Uncreator: I shall lol
20:39:29 Tuubsu: Chest, tricepsm shoulders
20:39:30 The Uncreator: Thanks Slammer, for talking to him about it
20:39:31 bham: i'm an athletic trainer during the day
20:39:33 Slammer: NP
20:39:36 Jamesito: good call
20:39:44 bham: good stuff
20:39:49 The Uncreator: Alright well i gotta go for a bit, Cya you all around GMC!!
20:39:52 Jamesito: i have just done 2 days, Shoulders then bicepts and triceps
20:39:53 bham: peace
20:39:53 The Uncreator: Later guys!!
20:39:57 Jamesito: CYA
20:39:57 Slammer: ok man cya
20:40:05 Jamesito: chau hermano!
20:40:05 PacmanProductions Reborn: ok cya! btw, are you getting on xbox live?
20:40:11 bham: do you work your core or legs at all?
20:40:13 PacmanProductions Reborn: well nvm then
20:40:16 PacmanProductions Reborn: lol
20:40:23 Slammer: Oye Como Va
20:40:26 Tuubsu: OFCOURSe!
20:40:27 Jamesito: jajaj
20:40:32 bham: sweet
20:40:35 Jamesito: me va bien gracias a dios
20:40:38 Jamesito: lol
20:40:41 Slammer: Jamesito let's talk in spanish
20:40:44 Slammer: biggrin.gif
20:40:45 Jamesito: orale!
20:40:47 Tuubsu: Deadlift is a king excersice
20:40:51 Slammer: Como estas?
20:40:51 PacmanProductions Reborn: i guess ima go too
20:40:52 Jamesito: yeap
20:40:59 PacmanProductions Reborn: cya
20:40:59 Jamesito: muy bien
20:41:00 bham: yeah, deadlifting is sweet
20:41:02 Jamesito: y tu
20:41:06 Jamesito: cya dude
20:41:07 Slammer: PP y?
20:41:07 bham: i just started getting into them
20:41:10 Tuubsu: cya
20:41:13 bham: i was a squat man for a long time
20:41:15 PacmanProductions Reborn: XBOX LIVE
20:41:18 PacmanProductions Reborn: lol
20:41:19 Jamesito: Deadlifting is really good for all the body
20:41:30 bham: yeah, definitely
20:41:31 Jamesito: pp?lol
20:41:44 Tuubsu: very kinda "whole body " excersice
20:41:49 Jamesito: yep
20:41:51 Gen: Hey there people
20:41:51 Slammer: Mi llamo Alberto
20:41:58 PacmanProductions Reborn: PacmanProductions
20:42:00 bham: sup gen
20:42:08 Jamesito: good the the hammstrings, gluts, lats, lower back, traps
20:42:09 Gen: not much
20:42:09 PacmanProductions Reborn: so they call me PP
20:42:15 Jamesito: me llamo james
20:42:15 PacmanProductions Reborn: cya ppl
20:42:15 Tuubsu: if you could do only one I would do deadlift
20:42:20 Jamesito: musto gusto alberto
20:42:24 Jamesito: cual es tu apellido?
20:42:26 [Action] PacmanProductions Reborn: has left the building
20:42:26 Slammer: donde esta la playa?
20:42:27 Gen: paulo gilberto
20:42:33 Slammer: LOL
20:42:35 Jamesito: la playa está en miami!!
20:42:39 Slammer: Pablo Gilberto*
20:42:40 Jamesito: lol
20:42:48 Jamesito: jaja
20:42:49 Gen: tony montana
20:42:52 Jamesito: lol
20:42:53 Gen: slamerrito
20:42:57 Jamesito: say hello to myu little friend
20:43:00 Slammer: Gensita
20:43:02 Gen: muchacho
20:43:06 Jamesito: slammerito chavez 5th lol
20:43:09 Gen: moustakito
20:43:14 Slammer: Roberto
20:43:15 Gen: LA BAMBA
20:43:18 Slammer: LOL
20:43:22 Jamesito: hay arriba arriba
20:43:24 Gen: lol
20:43:24 Jamesito: lol
20:43:29 Slammer: Por ti se re
20:43:33 Jamesito: lol
20:43:40 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:42 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:43 Tuubsu: Andele andle, what does it mean?
20:43:43 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:43 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:43 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:44 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:44 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:44 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:44 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:44 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:45 Slammer: Rip dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:43:49 Slammer: Hi!
20:43:52 Jamesito: its like get to it
20:43:54 Jamesito: hurry up
20:43:56 RIP Dime: YO
20:44:02 Tuubsu: ok
20:44:05 Jamesito: hahaha
20:44:06 Gen: rip dime
20:44:18 Jamesito: have you triend good mornings tuubsu¡?
20:44:35 Gen: not good farting in the chat room dime wink.gif
20:44:39 Gen: lol
20:44:44 RIP Dime: lol
20:44:56 Slammer: Yo Quiero Ser
20:44:56 RIP Dime: That was a while ago lol
20:45:01 Gen: i know
20:45:02 Tuubsu: umm, I have tried but never got comftorble enough for it
20:45:04 Gen: i know everything ohmy.gif
20:45:12 Jamesito: que quieres ser alberto lol??
20:45:20 Slammer: porque?
20:45:23 Jamesito: its hard man
20:45:24 Gen: caramba
20:45:28 Jamesito: lol
20:45:34 Jamesito: porque si!!
20:45:36 Slammer: why do you call me Alberto?
20:45:36 Jamesito: lol
20:45:43 Jamesito: lol
20:45:44 RIP Dime: So, how's everyone's day going?
20:45:48 Jamesito: that´s ur spanish name
20:45:57 Jamesito: alberto slammerito Jr
20:45:58 Jamesito: lol
20:45:59 Slammer: that was just a Phrase I learn in Spanish Class
20:46:06 Slammer: Mi llamo Alberto
20:46:11 Gen: LOL
20:46:15 Jamesito: it´s Me llamo ""
20:46:19 Jamesito: lol
20:46:19 Slammer: ohmy.gif
20:46:20 Slammer: sad.gif
20:46:27 Gen: what's my name in spanish?
20:46:27 Jamesito: gues someone failed spanish class lol
20:46:30 Gen: ricky martin!
20:46:36 Tuubsu: My spanish nick would be El TUubsu
20:46:38 Jamesito: whats ur name in english or whatwver?
20:46:39 Slammer: so thats why
20:46:41 Slammer: ...
20:46:45 Jamesito: damm right
20:46:45 Gen: she bangs
20:46:46 RIP Dime: Je suis Jeff
20:46:47 Gen: she bangs
20:46:50 Jamesito: lol
20:46:52 Gen: haha
20:46:59 Gen: you can speak french?
20:47:00 Gen: dime?
20:47:00 Jamesito: she bangeritos
20:47:04 Gen: LLOL
20:47:05 Jamesito: je parle francais
20:47:10 RIP Dime: I'm taking a class
20:47:16 Gen: oh cool lol
20:47:18 Jamesito: lol
20:47:27 Jamesito: el tuubsu haha
20:47:28 RIP Dime: I speak and understand very little
20:47:38 Slammer: Gen is Fluent in French and English
20:47:43 Tuubsu: If my name is Teemu Tuuva what would it be in spanish?
20:47:45 Slammer: and Swiss
20:47:48 Jamesito: i have just stopped using Methyl E have you heard of it?
20:47:49 RIP Dime: That's cool man
20:47:51 Gen: lol yeah, maybe in french but not in english
20:48:00 Jamesito: Teemudo Tuvvito
20:48:03 Jamesito: lol
20:48:08 Gen: taco bell
20:48:10 Jamesito: lol
20:48:12 Slammer: SIm
20:48:14 Jamesito: i hate taco bell
20:48:17 Slammer: Bm chord
20:48:18 RIP Dime: lol
20:48:19 Jamesito: pizza hut for ever!!!
20:48:22 Slammer: ohmy.gif
20:48:23 Slammer: ohmy.gif
20:48:26 Slammer: ohmy.gif
20:48:27 Slammer: ohmy.gif
20:48:31 Slammer: Papa johns FTW
20:48:34 Slammer: LOL
20:48:35 Jamesito: jeje
20:48:41 Tuubsu: lol okay... Im glad Im finnish
20:48:41 Jamesito: KFC is god!!
20:48:43 RIP Dime: Taco Bell baby
20:48:47 Slammer: Papa Johns is where I work btw*
20:48:50 Slammer: LOL
20:48:52 RIP Dime: lol
20:48:55 Gen: yeah papa john ftw
20:48:58 Jamesito: taco bell is the poor mans KFC u know it guys lol!!
20:48:59 Slammer: LOL
20:49:01 Gen: slammers pizzas are the best
20:49:07 Slammer: GEN you've never eaten there
20:49:08 RIP Dime: 7/11 ftw!!!
20:49:09 Slammer: tongue.gif
20:49:13 Gen: yes i did
20:49:17 Slammer: ohmy.gif
20:49:19 Gen: remember
20:49:30 Gen: when you told me how much the tickets to miami costs
20:49:34 Gen: and then i said brb
20:49:36 Slammer: LOL
20:49:42 RIP Dime: lol
20:49:44 Gen: lol
20:49:57 Jamesito: good times...
20:49:59 Jamesito: lol
20:50:01 Gen: bad times
20:50:09 Slammer: you know I've had my shared
20:50:10 RIP Dime: Smelly times heere
20:50:16 Jamesito: lol
20:50:18 Gen: lol
20:50:24 Jamesito: only coz you noobs fart all the time lol
20:50:33 Slammer: when my women left home with a browned eyed man, ain;t nobody seemed to care
20:50:43 RIP Dime: Hey man don't make fun of my little problem!
20:50:46 Jamesito: lol
20:50:48 RIP Dime: lol
20:50:50 Slammer: *insert Crazy Jimmy Page solo*
20:50:54 Jamesito: that´s what u get from taco bell man
20:50:58 Jamesito: lol
20:51:03 Jamesito: jimmy page is sloppy man
20:51:03 RIP Dime: lol
20:51:19 RIP Dime: Wait Jimmy Page eats tacos?
20:51:23 Jamesito: yes
20:51:23 Slammer: LOL
20:51:26 Jamesito: yes he does lol
20:51:28 RIP Dime: YES
20:51:31 Slammer: his Wife is from Brazil
20:51:33 Slammer: LOL
20:51:37 Jamesito: lol
20:51:43 Slammer: so he probaly eats
20:51:44 Jamesito: i thought she was mexican
20:51:51 Slammer: arroz con Frijoles
20:51:54 Jamesito: lol
20:51:57 Jamesito: good choise
20:52:00 Slammer: Arroz con Leche
20:52:02 Jamesito: the poor mans choise
20:52:04 RIP Dime: He has a wife?
20:52:08 Jamesito: lol
20:52:10 Slammer: Arroz con Pollo
20:52:21 RIP Dime: I'm so behind
20:52:21 Jamesito: u can order this crap u see lol?
20:52:22 Gen: vamos a la discoteca
20:52:24 Slammer: Arroz cantones
20:52:32 Tuubsu: okay well, Adios amigos! I'm going
20:52:37 Gen: okay cya
20:52:38 Jamesito: vamos a la discoteca y compranos arroz con pollo en taco bell!!!
20:52:39 Slammer: NO you stay right here
20:52:43 RIP Dime: cya
20:52:44 Slammer: I've got a shotgun
20:52:45 Gen: yeah
20:52:50 Gen: lol
20:52:50 Jamesito: hes packing lol
20:52:52 Slammer: Gen has one too
20:52:58 Tuubsu: No are serious!
20:53:03 Jamesito: there only packing fudge these guys lol
20:53:09 RIP Dime: lol
20:53:12 Slammer: go or TJchep will play manhattan for you
20:53:18 Slammer: biggrin.gif
20:53:35 Jamesito: Cya Tuubsu good lucj with ur training
20:53:42 Tuubsu: cya
20:53:46 Tjchep: ahh
20:53:47 Jamesito: eat loads and u can become a real man like Kris lol
20:54:07 Gen: alpha male
20:54:12 Jamesito: lol
20:54:13 RIP Dime: I don't like fudge that much
20:54:15 Slammer: Tjchep you look like a young version of David Walliman in your video
20:54:21 Tjchep: do I?
20:54:22 Gen: LLOL
20:54:22 Tjchep: haha
20:54:25 Slammer: LOL
20:54:26 Slammer: yes
20:54:33 Jamesito: why do you guys in the states have all those university ferats things
20:54:42 Slammer: Frats?
20:54:46 Jamesito: like omega 3 - 2 wolf and that stuff lol
20:54:51 Slammer: LOL
20:55:00 Tjchep: Slammer, dave's my cousin.
20:55:01 Slammer: someone failed English Class
20:55:03 Slammer: tongue.gif
20:55:05 Slammer: JK JK
20:55:06 Jamesito: lol
20:55:13 Slammer: he is?
20:55:14 Jamesito: fraternaties ?
20:55:18 Jamesito: is that rigt
20:55:20 Jamesito: lol
20:55:24 Slammer: rigt?
20:55:25 RIP Dime: yes
20:55:32 Slammer: it's Right
20:55:32 Jamesito: lol
20:55:34 Slammer: biggrin.gif
20:55:45 Jamesito: yeah why do they exist?
20:55:54 Jamesito: we dont have anything like that here
20:55:58 RIP Dime: TO drink beer
20:56:00 Slammer: LOL
20:56:01 Jamesito: lol
20:56:06 Slammer: GENNIFER
20:56:12 Gen: ROBERT
20:56:12 RIP Dime: That's the best answer I can think of lol
20:56:13 Jamesito: yeah but for that i can just go out with my friends or wahtever
20:56:33 Jamesito: im thinking van weilder
20:56:35 Jamesito: lol
20:56:43 RIP Dime: Yea, but you get like a place to live with frats....I think
20:56:48 Gen: slammers father is tom selleck
20:56:51 Tjchep: Hmm, I do kinda look like him.
20:56:51 Slammer: LOL
20:56:55 RIP Dime: lol
20:56:57 Jamesito: lol
20:57:00 Slammer: Gen's father is Robin
20:57:01 Gen: he got the same moustache
20:57:02 Jamesito: dear me
20:57:05 Gen: LOL
20:57:17 g-forcelover: 8whip*
20:57:23 RIP Dime: I do like a good mustache lol
20:57:23 g-forcelover: dang
20:57:33 g-forcelover: *whip*
20:57:35 Jamesito: like magnum PI lol
20:57:44 RIP Dime: lol
20:58:08 RIP Dime: Hey is Rob Halford here?
20:58:10 Jamesito: lol i tell you what is good here in the UK, diagnosis murder is on everyday lol
20:58:14 RIP Dime: I heard a whip
20:58:17 Gen: hahaha
20:58:25 RIP Dime: lol
20:58:26 g-forcelover: *meow*
20:58:29 Slammer: *slap*
20:58:31 Gerald: is there a lot of subarus in the UK?
20:58:31 Tjchep: lol
20:58:33 Jamesito: the same bad story lines over and over again
20:58:34 Gen: *fart*
20:58:34 g-forcelover: *whip*
20:58:42 g-forcelover: wow
20:58:44 Slammer: *roundhouse kick*
20:58:45 g-forcelover: gen
20:58:49 Gen: LOLL slammer
20:58:52 RIP Dime: Someone is farting on, whipping and slapping a cat
20:58:53 Gen: how dare you
20:58:55 Gerald: slammer trying to do a chuck norris?
20:58:59 Slammer: *chuck morris*
20:59:01 Slammer: I mean
20:59:03 Gerald: lol
20:59:03 Tjchep: hahahha
20:59:04 Gen: LMFAO
20:59:04 Slammer: *norris*
20:59:05 g-forcelover: who wants to play rock paper scissors?
20:59:11 Gerald: <-- paper
20:59:17 g-forcelover: chuck norris
20:59:22 RIP Dime: lol
20:59:22 g-forcelover: ha
20:59:22 Slammer: <----Norris
20:59:23 g-forcelover: i won
20:59:28 Jamesito: *slap*
20:59:33 g-forcelover: *meow*
20:59:39 Tjchep: is it jamesito's corner?
20:59:42 Slammer: *Whip*
20:59:45 RIP Dime: *whip*
20:59:46 Gerald: chuck norris and mr t. once collided in an epic battle - the result was the 80s
20:59:47 Jamesito: lol
20:59:53 Jamesito: yes it is my corner
20:59:55 RIP Dime: lol
20:59:56 Gen: chuck muris
21:00:00 Gerald: LOL
21:00:00 Gen: *norris
21:00:02 Gen: lol
21:00:04 RIP Dime: lol
21:00:10 Jamesito: everyone whio disagerees gets their cat whipped lol
21:00:22 RIP Dime: Chuck Muris can shred and kick your ass
21:00:25 Tjchep: i dont have any sort of cat.
21:00:26 g-forcelover: chuck norris is currenly sueing myspace, for taking the of what HE calls everything around you
21:00:29 Jamesito: *whip*
21:00:34 Tjchep: ohmy.gif
21:00:39 Jamesito: lol
21:00:54 g-forcelover: i have a ton of chuck norris FACTS
21:01:01 Slammer: Gen has more
21:01:02 Jamesito: enlighten us then
21:01:03 Jamesito: lol
21:01:04 g-forcelover: takes forever to list them
21:01:05 Gen: yes
21:01:05 Gerald: hehe the chuck website is funny
21:01:13 Gerald: WWCND
21:01:13 Gen: im chuck norris's student
21:01:18 Tjchep: his workout videos - the best
21:01:24 Gerald: the total gym
21:01:27 Tjchep: mhm
21:01:29 g-forcelover: chuck norris can kill 2 stones with one bird
21:01:34 Gerald: wesley snipes is on that now
21:01:44 Slammer: TJ you're Left Handed?
21:01:45 RIP Dime: HOw does Chuck Norris find his way into everything on the net/
21:01:47 Tjchep: haha
21:01:52 Tjchep: no it was mirrored
21:01:56 Slammer: LOL
21:02:02 Tjchep: It was really bright too
21:02:05 Tjchep: so i look albino
21:02:10 g-forcelover: brb i got to go get better facts
21:02:33 Slammer: LOL
21:02:39 Gerald: what does everyone use to record on their pc? I'm trying to get my setup going so I can upload files for review etc.
21:02:55 Tjchep: I got's de tonezport.
21:03:04 Slammer: I have a PC
21:03:06 Gerald: chuck norris can play stairway to heave with one round house kick
21:03:07 Slammer: BTW
21:03:09 g-forcelover: if you have 5 dollars and chuck norris has 5 dollars, chuck has more money than you
21:03:11 Gen: lol
21:03:15 Slammer: how is the Tone port?
21:03:19 Jamesito: thats a good saying thatm has anyone actualy killed two birds with one stone?
21:03:22 Gerald: i heard the toneport is nice
21:03:23 Tjchep: jude for yourself.
21:03:26 g-forcelover: chuck norris built the stairway to heaven!
21:03:27 RIP Dime: I record with chuck norris
21:03:36 Gen: haha
21:03:36 Tjchep: I played. and gave a bad example smile.gif .
21:03:41 Tjchep: but it sounds nice I think.
21:03:42 Gerald: im going to get an audio card from a friend for the pc and use cubase but thought about using reaper
21:03:49 Slammer: pretty good tone
21:03:51 Slammer: I mean
21:04:00 Slammer: I have Line6 Products
21:04:01 Slammer: but
21:04:07 Slammer: how much does it cost?
21:04:07 Gerald: <-- line 6 amp
21:04:08 g-forcelover: oh yeah i got a good one
21:04:12 Tjchep: Its good for 100 bucks
21:04:15 Tjchep: real good
21:04:18 g-forcelover: chuck norris is the reason waldo is hiding
21:04:21 Gerald: lol
21:04:24 RIP Dime: lol
21:04:49 Gerald: what does chuck norris tell someone with two black eyes? Nothing - he alreadly told them once
21:05:03 Slammer: LOL
21:05:03 RIP Dime: lol
21:05:14 g-forcelover: contrary to popular belief, america is not a democracy, its a chucktatorship
21:05:16 Slammer: but Chuck Norris Couldn't help Huckabee win
21:05:22 Tjchep: hahaha
21:06:12 g-forcelover: there is no theory of evolution. just a list of animals chuck norris allowed to live
21:06:39 g-forcelover: each night the bogey-man checks his closet for chuck noris
21:06:46 g-forcelover: gotta go!
21:06:46 Gerald: lol
21:06:48 RIP Dime: lol
21:06:48 g-forcelover: siya
21:06:50 Slammer: LOL
21:06:50 Gerald: cya
21:06:53 RIP Dime: bye bye
21:07:06 Slammer: so did you guys listen to the Funk Collab Uploads
21:07:07 Tjchep: what to eat.
21:07:07 Tjchep: hmm
21:07:18 Slammer: there is a Vocal track
21:07:21 Gerald: slammer not yet are they good? I want to get in aon a collab asap
21:07:26 RIP Dime: no
21:07:31 Slammer: with a song called Automatic
21:07:33 Slammer: by
21:07:37 Slammer: Angelica
21:07:43 Slammer: check it out
21:08:01 RIP Dime: I shal
21:08:01 Gerald: do you all feel that learning to play covers helps with one's playing and if so how much time should you spend on learning them?
21:08:24 Tjchep: I don't know, they are fun.
21:08:33 Slammer:;#entry151149
21:08:37 RIP Dime: If you mean learning popular bands songs, that's how I learned to play guitar
21:08:46 Gerald: im learning some ac/dc stuff at the moment
21:08:58 Gen: automatic
21:09:02 Gerald: b/c while I can play guitar sometimes I don't think I Play "music' per se
21:09:16 Gerald: rip yeah popular bands like ac/dc - zep etc..etc..
21:09:48 RIP Dime: I think it's good to learn how to structure songs from them yes
21:10:18 Gerald: my thing is if someone says hey play somethign on guitar i cannot play a whole piece
21:10:23 RIP Dime: ANd there are many things you can pickup, so yes it helps alot
21:10:49 Gerald: i can jam out on something off the top of my head but not play a whole song - so now that im playing guitar again after a 12 year break im learning some covers
21:11:08 RIP Dime: I think that's good
21:11:16 Jamesito: i play more covers
21:11:24 Jamesito: because i have no creativity!
21:11:27 Jamesito: lol
21:11:29 RIP Dime: lol
21:11:46 Gerald: yeah some ac/dc stuff that uses a lot of a/d/b/e is pretty easy for me to pick up at my lvl - the solos are a different story - but currently im learning back in black and the jack
21:11:51 RIP Dime: Usually when someone asks me to play something I play something of my own
21:11:55 Tjchep: slammer where's the one she sings on?
21:12:02 Slammer: um
21:12:07 Tjchep: i checked both
21:12:08 Slammer: on the link^^
21:12:11 Gerald: rip - do you have full pieces you have written or do you just play some riffs etc?
21:12:12 Gen: lol
21:12:12 Tjchep: didnt hear any vocals..?
21:12:17 Slammer: well, I was showing because
21:12:18 Slammer: she
21:12:20 Slammer: is
21:12:22 Slammer: gonna
21:12:26 Slammer: sing on the blues collab
21:12:32 Slammer: in case you want to join
21:12:33 Jamesito: one question guys, is herman li cool? lol
21:12:35 Slammer: the Jeff Healy
21:12:37 Gen: a duet with slammer
21:12:41 Gen: that's gonna be great
21:12:42 Gerald: lol
21:12:44 Slammer: no
21:12:49 Gen: yes its gonna be
21:12:50 Slammer: she's gonna sing solo
21:12:51 Gen: why it wouldnt?
21:12:52 Gerald: he has is own ibanez now
21:12:57 Jamesito: yep
21:12:58 RIP Dime: I usually play what I got, it's usually not longer than a minuite or so
21:13:04 Jamesito:
21:13:08 Jamesito: look at that
21:13:15 Jamesito: its so funny, it kills dragonforce lol
21:13:57 Gerald: rip - my boss at work plays - been playing for like 25 plus years but its all covers not much original - no theory either just by ear
21:14:17 RIP Dime: I saw a jam vid with Satch, Friedman, and a couple other guys and Li was pretty good
21:14:27 Gerald: its cool cause we have 2 guitars in our pc lab and i jam out with him on some 12 bar blues and he shows me some cool licks and helps w/ covers etc..
21:14:57 RIP Dime: That's cool man, nothing wrong with covers
21:15:03 Gerald: has anyone seen the you tube of dragonforce doing a betcha can't play this and herman is trying to how an a minor appegio?
21:15:21 Jamesito: lol yep
21:15:34 RIP Dime: unfourtunately
21:15:37 Gerald: lol
21:15:45 Jamesito: i have been playing for 2 years so i only know power chords lol
21:15:54 Gerald: power chords own tho : )
21:16:01 Jamesito: lol
21:16:08 Tjchep: wish i could play a powerchord.
21:16:13 Jamesito: lol
21:16:21 Jamesito: look at the video i sent
21:16:23 Jamesito: lol
21:16:30 Jamesito: 3 powerchords lol
21:17:05 Jamesito: LOL OMG
21:17:09 Tjchep: i litterally almost threw up with just the intro
21:17:34 RIP Dime: That hurt my damn ears lol
21:17:37 Jamesito: lol
21:18:13 Tjchep: that guys a bit better than herman.
21:18:15 Gerald: so what is everyones guitar of choice? I play a sg classic and japanese fender strat
21:18:19 Jamesito: yeah i thyough that
21:18:41 Jamesito: I play a Epi les paul custom with EMG 81-85
21:19:19 RIP Dime: I play a Jackson Kelly pro, from like late 80's I think, manlius pickups
21:19:35 RIP Dime: And a Dean Vendetta 4F
21:19:46 Gerald: i also have an ibanez 470 dx with floyd rose
21:19:49 Jamesito: im gonna but a ibanez s series so i can be cool like herman li lolk
21:19:54 Gerald: lol jam
21:20:22 Gerald: i'd like to have a 58 spec les paul - don't quite have 6k to pony up tho : (
21:20:23 RIP Dime: IBANANAZ
21:20:23 Tjchep: aww he has an s series?!
21:20:28 Gen: lol
21:20:29 Jamesito: yeah
21:20:32 Jamesito: but a fancy one
21:20:40 Tjchep: well I gota sell myn then
21:20:40 Jamesito: its a good guitar though
21:20:46 Jamesito: lol
21:20:47 Slammer: Tjchep do you have the UX1 or US2?
21:20:50 Slammer: UX2*
21:20:52 Tjchep: ux1
21:20:58 Tjchep: ill make some more samples if you like
21:21:12 Tjchep: theres plenty out there thou
21:21:13 Tjchep: gh
21:21:18 Slammer: well, it's starting to look interesting
21:21:22 Jamesito: im gonna go into the guitar store and do some hammer ons and pull ofss like that vid lol
21:21:24 Slammer: I mean
21:21:27 Gerald: lol
21:21:31 Slammer: I really want a POD X3
21:21:38 Tjchep: mm..
21:21:43 Slammer: but, I could buy a Tone Port sooner
21:21:47 Tjchep: yeah
21:21:48 Gerald: im outie all - gd chat'n w/ u guys
21:21:51 RIP Dime: I want a yellow Ibanez, so I can say "It's my Ibananaz"
21:21:53 Tjchep: bye
21:21:57 Jamesito: cya
21:22:00 RIP Dime: cya
21:22:11 Tjchep: The x3 does have a bit better sound. I dont konw why though.
21:22:23 Tjchep: just a bit fuller, but you can get some nice tones out of the tone port.
21:22:23 Jamesito: i want a natural ash color one
21:22:46 Slammer: $500 > $100
21:22:47 Jamesito: so i can play through the fie and flames with an "enhancement" pedal and look cool
21:22:48 RIP Dime: How good are those Line 6's at higher volumes?
21:22:48 Tjchep: mm
21:22:58 Tjchep: well if you dont mind practicing near your computer.
21:23:02 Tjchep: then tone port all the way
21:23:25 Jamesito: one important question guys
21:23:39 Jamesito: i can change pickups and do guitar electronics
21:23:52 Jamesito: but when somesone says set up a guitar
21:24:06 RIP Dime: I farted
21:24:08 Jamesito: does that mean, tweaking the truss rod and that stuff, intonation or whatever
21:24:10 Tjchep: lol
21:24:12 Tjchep: yeah
21:24:20 Tjchep: and ajusting action and stuff
21:24:25 RIP Dime: Yes
21:24:32 Tjchep: adjusting*
21:24:33 Jamesito: is it hard to do?
21:24:41 Tjchep: not at all
21:24:57 RIP Dime: Adjusting action, truss rod, pickup height, floating the bridge if it's a floyd style
21:25:00 Jamesito: they should do a lesson on it here
21:25:06 RIP Dime: Totally
21:25:13 RIP Dime: YOu should suggest it
21:25:14 Jamesito: ok well i can do brige and pickups no probs
21:25:17 Jamesito: i will do
21:25:23 Slammer: it's official McCain has the Nom
21:25:25 Jamesito: i will send it to kris
21:25:54 Jamesito: who do you reakon would be the best instructor to do it?
21:26:02 Jamesito: Ivan is prettyy good at that stuff
21:26:02 RIP Dime: McCain? hmmm
21:26:30 RIP Dime: I'd say....I dunno, David?
21:26:33 Jamesito: don´t McCain make fries?
21:26:34 Jamesito: lol
21:26:39 RIP Dime: lol
21:26:52 Tjchep: jeeze there spam in skype too..
21:27:02 Slammer: yep Official, Huckabee's Dropping Out and McCain's got it
21:27:07 RIP Dime: I'd say post the suggestion, so whatever instructer wants to do it can set up
21:27:10 Slammer: so
21:27:14 Slammer: most likely
21:27:20 Slammer: McCain-Obama
21:27:26 Tjchep: Yeahm
21:27:28 RIP Dime: I agree
21:27:28 Slammer: or McCain-Clinton
21:27:34 RIP Dime: ugh
21:27:36 Tjchep: Clinton.. nah
21:27:52 Tjchep: shes psycho
21:28:11 Jamesito: i met bill clinton once
21:28:33 Slammer: "I did not have Sexual Relations with that women"
21:28:36 RIP Dime: Economy wise her husband did very well
21:28:41 Jamesito: thats what i was thinking
21:28:41 RIP Dime: lol
21:28:43 Slammer: LOL
21:28:53 Tjchep: he got it in too.
21:28:58 Slammer: ohmy.gif
21:29:01 Slammer: I
21:29:04 Tjchep: who said that?
21:29:05 Slammer: am
21:29:07 Slammer: Slammer
21:29:08 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:09 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:10 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:10 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:10 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:10 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:11 Jamesito: :? :? :?
21:29:11 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:11 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:11 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:11 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:11 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:12 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:12 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:12 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:12 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:12 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:13 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:13 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:13 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:13 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:13 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:13 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:14 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:14 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:14 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:15 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:15 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:15 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:15 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:15 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:15 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:16 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:16 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:16 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:16 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:16 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:18 Gen: lol
21:29:19 Tjchep: your impressive
21:29:19 RIP Dime: He's not the first president to do that
21:29:24 Jamesito: *whip*
21:29:26 RIP Dime: lol
21:29:28 Slammer: here we go again
21:29:29 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:30 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:30 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:30 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:31 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:31 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:31 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:31 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:31 Jamesito: lol
21:29:32 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:32 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:32 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:32 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:32 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:33 Gen: no
21:29:33 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:33 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:33 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:33 Gen: NO
21:29:33 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:34 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:34 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:34 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:34 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:35 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:35 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:35 Gen: NO
21:29:35 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:36 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:36 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:36 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:36 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:36 Slammer: biggrin.gif
21:29:36 Gen: STO
21:29:37 Jamesito: lol
21:29:38 Gen: P
21:29:38 RIP Dime: *meow* *meow* *meow*
21:29:41 Gen: OWNED
21:29:42 Tjchep: lol
21:29:46 Jamesito: *whip*
21:29:48 RIP Dime: lol
21:29:50 Gen: flood warning
21:29:50 Jamesito: re owned
21:29:52 Jamesito: lol
21:30:59 Tjchep: what happend
21:31:04 RIP Dime: dunno
21:31:06 Tjchep: it was all fun and games
21:31:29 RIP Dime: I like pickles
21:31:35 Tjchep: wow
21:31:37 Tjchep: thank you
21:31:38 Gen: i like potatoes
21:31:54 Tjchep: I'm eating a potatoe now.
21:32:03 Gen: great
21:32:05 RIP Dime: I'm starving
21:32:06 Gen: gimme some
21:32:16 Tjchep: dey very expencive
21:32:40 Gen: lol
21:32:56 Tjchep: gen dude.. how old are you?
21:33:00 RIP Dime: MORE BEER!
21:33:11 Tjchep: lol
21:33:58 Gen: im 19
21:34:05 Gen: and you?
21:34:09 RIP Dime: Cool me too
21:34:14 Tjchep: 16
21:34:21 Tjchep: I swore you were like way older.
21:34:26 Gen: lol
21:34:28 Tjchep: lol
21:34:48 Tjchep: did you ever have an avatar of an old guy or something?
21:35:08 Gen: lol where gmc?
21:35:13 Gen: avatar or profile pic?
21:35:13 Tjchep: yeah
21:35:19 Tjchep: I don't know
21:35:22 Gen: lol
21:35:23 Tjchep: either
21:35:24 Gen: ohhh
21:35:25 Gen: i had
21:35:28 Gen: an avatar
21:35:33 Gen: of larry carlton once
21:35:38 Tjchep: ahh
21:35:39 Gen: old guy yeah
21:35:41 Tjchep: mabye that was it
21:35:43 Gen: great jazz guitarist
21:35:45 Tjchep: yeah
21:35:55 Tjchep: Never heard of him back when I joined though
21:36:12 Gen: gmc does good things biggrin.gif
21:36:15 Tjchep: haha
21:36:37 Gen: well
21:36:41 Gen: slammerito left
21:36:46 Gen: and i gotta go anyways LOL
21:36:50 Gen: almost 4 am
21:36:54 Tjchep: owch.
21:37:01 RIP Dime: it's 4pm here
21:37:05 Gen: lol
21:37:08 RIP Dime: lol
21:37:08 Tjchep: 10 here.
21:37:13 Tjchep: pm*
21:37:24 Gen: well, that was a nice chat, cya later guys
21:37:27 Tjchep: But yeah, I think i'm giong to go make smy self a nice dinner
21:37:31 RIP Dime: cya
21:37:38 Tjchep: yeah, talk to you guys later.

5 Mar 2008
08:13:05 Staples: Gatorade. The Thirst Quencher.
08:13:12 Staples: Tang. It's a kick in the glass.
08:13:37 Staples: Muderknobs. Doorknobs for a new world.
08:13:47 Staples: ...I can't spell murder.
08:14:05 Staples: Baby, the otha otha white meat.
12:56:52 Slammer: LOL
12:57:00 Gen: lol
12:57:06 Gen: you cant sing the blues man
12:57:43 Slammer: LOL
12:57:46 Slammer: thanks
12:58:28 Slammer: dude
12:58:54 Gen: lol
12:59:40 Gen: Welcome back
12:59:53 Slammer: wink.gif
12:59:57 Slammer: dude
13:00:04 Slammer: chat is going really slow for me
13:00:11 Gen: oh
13:00:13 Gen: dam
13:00:14 Gen: damn*
13:00:14 Slammer: I'm going to exit and be right back
13:00:18 Gen: okay
13:02:29 Gen: LOLman long time noe see
13:02:31 Gen: no*
13:04:49 DeepRoots: whats up guys
13:05:08 DeepRoots: *whip*
13:05:20 Gen: hey there
13:05:23 Gen: what's up
13:05:25 Gen: not much
13:05:28 Gen: lol
13:05:28 Gen: here
13:05:47 Slammer: heel
13:05:49 Slammer: hello
13:05:52 Slammer: biggrin.gif
13:06:04 Slammer: man chats is back to normal now
13:06:11 Gen: kewl
13:06:23 Slammer: Sup Mr DeepRoots
13:06:52 Slammer: oh no! he left once I came
13:06:59 Slammer: it happens everytime
13:07:04 Slammer: :?
13:07:25 Gen: *whip*
13:07:27 Gen: hey there
13:07:32 Gen: the man with the mouth
13:07:36 Gen: lol
13:07:40 DeepRoots: hes back
13:07:50 DeepRoots: hehe hows it going
13:08:07 Gen: good
13:08:08 Gen: and you?
13:08:15 DeepRoots: could be worse smile.gif
13:08:41 DeepRoots: watching a paul gilbert dvd trying to get some licks down
13:08:42 Slammer: DeepRoots doesn't your Mouth hurt?
13:08:49 Gen: wich dvd
13:08:50 Gen: ?
13:08:50 DeepRoots: not all the time > lol
13:08:54 Slammer: after the Party Trick
13:08:55 DeepRoots: GOOMY
13:08:55 Slammer: LOL
13:09:01 Gen: lol
13:09:13 Gen: have you seen the "get out of my yard" instructional dvd?
13:09:18 DeepRoots: well yes it did hurt alot right after the trick
13:09:26 DeepRoots: gen- thats the one im watching
13:09:32 Slammer: LOL
13:09:35 Gen: its awesome
13:09:37 Gen: and hilarious
13:09:38 Slammer: GOOMY
13:09:40 Gen: that begining
13:09:42 Gen: with the bike
13:10:24 Gen: wb
13:10:38 Slammer: SO it seems DeepRoots has become the number 3 or 4 guy to go to with Theory questions
13:10:47 Slammer: so I have one for him
13:10:52 DeepRoots: really?
13:10:56 DeepRoots: oo yay
13:11:12 DeepRoots: go for it mate
13:11:40 Slammer: If I had a Chord Progression of, Bm-A-G-F# what key would that be 8)
13:12:14 Muris: wow
13:12:20 Muris: top crew in here biggrin.gif
13:12:20 Slammer: at first I would think Bm, but then the F# would have to be F#dim I think
13:12:26 Slammer: MURIS!!!
13:12:35 Gen: hey there muris
13:12:50 Slammer: no wait
13:13:00 Slammer: the F# would have to be F#M I mean
13:13:01 Muris: is this a thoery class Slamm?
13:13:11 Slammer: the F# would have to be F#m* I mean
13:13:14 Slammer: LOL
13:13:16 DeepRoots: not F# dim im sure
13:13:18 Slammer: I'm confused
13:13:53 Muris: you can have F# or F#m
13:13:59 Slammer: you can ohmy.gif
13:14:13 Muris: with F#m it'd be pure Bm progression
13:14:34 Muris: with F# major chord,it's mix of natural and harmonic minor
13:14:35 DeepRoots: yup
13:14:43 Muris: spanish kind a sound
13:14:47 DeepRoots: ooo
13:14:48 Slammer: DeepRoots what I meant was if it was in the key of G it would be F#dim
13:14:50 Slammer: I think
13:14:51 Slammer: LOL
13:15:02 DeepRoots: yeh
13:15:05 Muris: you dont have A chord in key of G
13:15:10 Muris: it'd be Am wink.gif
13:15:19 Slammer: Yeah
13:15:24 Slammer: thats why it's in Bm
13:15:29 Muris: yep
13:15:34 Slammer: *runs and hides*
13:15:48 DeepRoots: im not so quick with the theory- i like to write it all down first smile.gif
13:16:01 Muris: lol
13:16:03 DeepRoots: so Muris is a Ferrari compared to me tongue.gif
13:16:21 Slammer: so in retrospect... If the Progression was Am-G-F-E it would still be AM key?
13:16:23 Muris: an image of you swalowing the glass just runned before my eyes
13:16:24 Muris: lol
13:16:41 Muris: that video on YT was awesome
13:16:48 Muris: was it 6 or 7?
13:17:28 DeepRoots: cant remember lol
13:17:52 Muris: does it hurt?
13:17:52 DeepRoots: last one hurt tho!
13:17:54 Muris: I mean
13:18:03 Muris: those are HUGE glasses
13:18:12 Slammer: Gmaj7-C7-F#7-Bm7 <<<---Thats a Chord Progression that my friend wrote, It's been bugging me for like 3 months what key it's in
13:18:12 DeepRoots: yeh lol
13:18:29 DeepRoots: may i try slowly??
13:18:52 Slammer: try what?
13:18:54 Slammer: LOL
13:19:02 Muris: another glass
13:19:03 Muris: ??
13:19:05 Slammer: LOL
13:19:07 Muris: lol
13:19:11 Muris: Slamm
13:19:11 Slammer: ouch
13:19:15 Muris: that progression
13:19:20 DeepRoots: your theory! not a glass lol
13:19:24 Slammer: LOL
13:19:26 DeepRoots: yeh the progression lol
13:19:27 Muris: it's not simple one key stuff
13:19:33 Slammer: sad.gif
13:19:37 DeepRoots: okay then- Muris in ding ding
13:19:46 Muris: no prob
13:19:51 Muris: you go ahead smile.gif
13:19:52 DeepRoots: i can only stick to one key stuff
13:20:01 Slammer: someone!
13:20:04 DeepRoots: i could try though
13:20:05 Slammer: anyone....
13:20:06 Muris: Deep?
13:20:08 Muris: ok
13:20:11 DeepRoots: muris can mark me on my effort
13:20:20 Slammer: GEN!
13:20:23 Slammer: sad.gif
13:20:31 Muris: Theory scares him
13:20:32 Slammer: we were Ignoring Gen sad.gif
13:20:36 Slammer: poor fella
13:20:39 Muris: you should have known better
13:20:40 Muris: lol
13:21:38 Muris: C7 is chord "out" of story
13:21:43 Slammer: so muris, I got the guitar Guitar Grimoire
13:21:49 Slammer: now I understand Modes
13:21:49 Muris: but it has purpose
13:21:52 Slammer: biggrin.gif
13:21:57 Muris: great smile.gif
13:22:00 DeepRoots: hmm
13:22:04 Muris: I haven't seen that book before
13:22:10 Muris: but I guess it's good?
13:22:13 Slammer: yep
13:22:20 DeepRoots: that C7 isnt in the Gmajor key like the rest right Muris
13:22:29 DeepRoots: ?
13:22:41 Muris: it's Bm key I would say Deep
13:23:03 Muris: lol
13:23:04 Slammer: because I played Bm Aeolian over it and it sounded good
13:23:13 Slammer: or B Aeolian*
13:23:15 Slammer: LOL
13:23:16 Muris: except over F#7
13:23:27 Muris: you have A# there
13:23:33 Muris: aeolian has A
13:23:37 Muris: right?
13:23:58 Slammer: Deep?
13:24:02 Muris: Slamm?
13:24:03 DeepRoots: ahhhh
13:24:04 Muris: lol
13:24:05 Slammer: LOL
13:24:07 Slammer: LOL
13:24:09 Slammer: man
13:24:10 DeepRoots: <head explodes>
13:24:15 Slammer: this is confusing
13:24:21 Slammer: so Muris the ANswer is
13:24:21 Muris: not really
13:24:23 Gen: hey there
13:24:28 Slammer: that it's in the Key of Bm
13:24:31 Muris: is your friend advance player Slam
13:24:33 Slammer: but C7 is Out chord
13:24:34 DeepRoots: no guitar atm so im just trying to work it out on paper sad.gif
13:24:38 Muris: the one who wrote the progression?
13:25:18 Slammer: well, he's really good technique wise, not so much Theory... I think he just played it because it sounded good to him
13:25:32 Muris: exactly smile.gif
13:25:52 Muris: so all 3 chords except C7 fit nicely into Bm key
13:25:53 DeepRoots: i can only analyse stuff that makes sense lol
13:26:04 Muris: scale wise it'd be Bm harmonic
13:26:23 Muris: tho you can play aeolian over Bm and Gmaj7
13:26:29 Muris: now,C7
13:26:51 Muris: it's taken from kind of B phrygian
13:26:55 Muris: but not totally
13:27:18 Muris: 7th is Bb,which ruins B tonality in a first place
13:27:23 Muris: soo
13:27:30 Slammer: ^^^ Thats why I like the Trusty Am Pentatonic
13:27:31 Slammer: biggrin.gif
13:27:35 DeepRoots: lmao
13:27:52 Muris: you'll have to play C Mixo#4 to get right sounding
13:27:55 Muris: sort of biggrin.gif
13:28:02 Iluha: yo
13:28:08 Muris: hi Iluha
13:28:09 Slammer: well I have that Scale in the Book I'll have to find it
13:28:15 DeepRoots: hey Iluha
13:28:16 Slammer: Thanks guys!
13:28:27 Iluha: hey whats up guys?
13:28:30 Muris: it's like Mixolyidian with #$4,nothing more
13:28:36 Muris: lol
13:28:46 Muris: 4th that brings $
13:28:48 Muris: lol
13:28:51 Slammer: LOL
13:28:57 Slammer: Yes
13:28:59 Iluha: lol
13:29:06 Slammer: GEN!
13:29:07 Slammer: *Slap*
13:29:11 Slammer: Wake up boy
13:29:14 DeepRoots: mixo#4 isnt that like a lydian b7 ?
13:29:27 Muris: it is Deep,same thing
13:29:30 Muris: different name
13:29:32 DeepRoots: biggrin.gif
13:29:35 Muris: wink.gif
13:29:50 DeepRoots: glad i can spot one thing in this convo
13:29:55 Iluha: any of you heard the eagles's new album?
13:30:02 Muris: me not
13:30:08 Muris: I'll have to excuse myself
13:30:10 Muris: have to go
13:30:11 DeepRoots: nope sorry man
13:30:15 Muris: just wanted to say hi
13:30:21 Iluha: Cya man smile.gif
13:30:23 DeepRoots: cya Muris!
13:30:26 Muris: PLUS we solved Slamm's issue wink.gif
13:30:30 Slammer: yes
13:30:31 Slammer: Thanks
13:30:32 Muris: latter guys
13:30:32 Slammer: biggrin.gif
13:30:35 Muris: bye smile.gif
13:31:14 Fsgdjv: well hello there!
13:31:19 Slammer: so which one of the Five Pentatonic MOdes are your Favorites?
13:31:38 DeepRoots: oooo
13:31:51 DeepRoots: well iv not really tried the pentatonic modes
13:32:07 DeepRoots: just regular diatonic modes
13:32:09 Slammer: Well, I mean the 5 different Shapes
13:32:14 Slammer: LOL
13:32:36 Slammer: I have the Book in my Hand and it says modes
13:32:38 Slammer: but
13:32:47 Slammer: you know the Five different shapes right?
13:32:53 Iluha: :s
13:33:03 Slammer: I like shape(or Mode) number 5 the Best
13:33:06 Iluha: I like the basic one most i guess
13:33:23 DeepRoots: just the 5 pentatonic shapes? sure
13:33:42 DeepRoots: yeh i know them- but only every use box 1 when soloing lol
13:33:51 Fsgdjv: I like the shape that's similar to the aeolian mode best, or the last one
13:33:52 Fsgdjv: lol
13:34:09 Iluha: I learned an Eagles solo by ear yesterday, I think it's the first solo I ever learned by ear lol
13:34:44 Slammer: the first thing I learned by ear was Ode to Joy
13:36:00 Iluha: *akward silence moment*
13:36:12 Slammer: come on everyone get Happy
13:36:18 Slammer: biggrin.gif
13:36:18 Slammer: put on a smiling Face
13:36:26 Iluha: smile.gif
13:36:27 Fsgdjv: biggrin.gif
13:36:35 Slammer: so guys
13:36:57 Slammer: there's something I want to discuss
13:37:02 Slammer: in private
13:37:05 Slammer: LOL
13:37:05 Iluha: Why does it call people Users?
13:37:14 Iluha: very rude to assume that all musicians are on drugs..
13:37:15 Slammer: hello Staples
13:37:23 DeepRoots: lmao iluha
13:37:42 Slammer: whoever wants to discuss this with me send me a private chat
13:37:45 Slammer: LOL
13:37:53 Slammer: hmm.....
13:37:56 Iluha: let me guess
13:37:58 Slammer: I see no one
13:38:03 Iluha: haha
13:38:09 Slammer: .....
13:38:11 Slammer: ......................
13:38:13 Slammer: ............
13:38:33 Slammer: come on it's important I'd like someones Opinion on it
13:40:10 DeepRoots: im in
13:40:15 DeepRoots: whats up man?
13:41:01 DeepRoots: slam?
13:41:07 Slammer: LOL
13:41:09 Slammer: dude
13:41:14 Slammer: On Private Chat
13:41:16 Slammer: LOL
13:41:21 DeepRoots: hows that work lol
13:41:40 Slammer: Click on my name OVER there >>>>>>
13:42:12 Iluha: lol Slammer what the hell tongue.gif
13:42:55 Slammer: tongue.gif
13:43:46 Fsgdjv: so what's up dawgs?
13:44:03 Slammer: yo yo yo
13:44:06 Slammer: What up
13:44:08 Fsgdjv: biatches
13:44:13 Slammer: LOL
13:45:21 Slammer: BOTOXFOX!
13:45:26 Slammer: been a long time
13:45:35 botoxfox: yeah
13:45:49 botoxfox: sup?
13:45:54 Slammer: not much
13:46:20 botoxfox: not much here either
13:46:32 botoxfox: just ate dinner
13:50:54 Fsgdjv: *meow*
13:51:10 botoxfox: *whip*
13:51:20 Slammer: *Kick*
13:52:41 DeepRoots: *kick*
13:52:56 Slammer: *Punch*
13:53:43 DeepRoots: *tackle*
13:53:50 Slammer: *slug*
13:54:26 DeepRoots: *hurt*
13:55:38 Slammer: *Ride on Strecher*
13:57:52 DeepRoots: *stretcher breaks*
13:58:04 Slammer: *falls on floor*
14:00:00 Slammer: *waits for Help*
14:00:39 Slammer: *still waiting*
14:00:40 DeepRoots: *doesnt receive any*
14:01:06 Slammer: *sues Deeproots*
14:01:14 Slammer: hey comeback
14:01:17 Slammer: sad.gif
14:01:24 Slammer: where did he go?
14:01:26 Slammer: sad.gif
14:03:06 Slammer: *meow* *slap* *whip* *slap* *whip* *meow* *slap* *meow* *slap* *whip* *slap*
14:03:09 Slammer: wake up!
14:05:08 Fsgdjv: *meow*
14:09:24 Slammer: where did everyone go?
14:09:41 Gen: lol
14:15:19 Slammer: Hello
14:15:46 mattacuk: hey Slammer, hey crew =)
14:15:58 Slammer: how's it going?
14:16:11 mattacuk: pretty good thanks, been doing alot of theory again today smile.gif
14:16:17 Slammer: nice
14:16:27 mattacuk: im looking to get more creative
14:16:28 Gen: hey there matty
14:16:36 Slammer: I've been delving into theory alot latlely
14:16:37 mattacuk: hey Gen my good friend =)
14:16:53 mattacuk: I really want to start composing
14:17:21 Gen: :0
14:17:25 Gen: ah, doesnt work here
14:17:31 Robin: :9
14:17:48 Robin: too bad:(
14:17:52 Slammer: I can just see you like a Conductor with a baton and a Orchestra
14:18:10 mattacuk: haha
14:18:15 mattacuk: well i like classical music =)
14:18:33 Slammer: Mattacuk Etude no. 8
14:18:38 Gen: lol
14:18:49 Slammer: The Saga of Buckethead
14:19:04 Slammer: tongue.gif
14:19:04 Slammer: Those are your Greatest hits
14:19:09 Gen: as
14:19:09 Gen: i can see slammer
14:19:15 Gen: papa johns owner
14:19:20 Slammer: LMFAO
14:19:36 Slammer: oops
14:19:39 Slammer: Oh
14:19:40 Slammer: know
14:19:45 Slammer: he left because of me
14:19:47 Slammer: sad.gif
14:19:50 Gen: lol no
14:20:02 Gen: hey there, welcome back
14:20:07 mattacuk: awww
14:20:12 mattacuk: my internet connection sux sad.gif
14:21:02 Slammer: sad.gif
14:21:03 Slammer: brb
14:21:18 Slammer: I have to go and get a Raisin bagel from the toaster
14:21:34 mattacuk: hey Robin
14:21:40 Robin: hi
14:21:42 mattacuk: your lick of the day totally kicks ass!
14:21:49 Robin: Roflskaters
14:21:55 Slammer: ohmy.gif
14:22:01 Robin: thanks LOL.
14:22:06 mattacuk: hehe smile.gif tis good
14:22:14 Gen: yeah it is
14:22:17 Robin: gen
14:22:19 Gen: top notch quality smile.gif
14:22:22 Robin: shut the F up, ok?
14:22:34 Slammer: did you guys know that Gen is a Amazing Guitarist?
14:22:37 Gen: okay then :{
14:22:39 Robin: yes ofc
14:22:40 Slammer: I heard him play
14:22:44 Slammer: on a video
14:22:48 Robin: :{
14:22:50 mattacuk: i was being nice sad.gif
14:22:50 Gen: robin your vid sux
14:22:51 Slammer: he had soooo much soul
14:22:53 Gen: you cant play guitar
14:22:55 Robin: i know gen
14:23:02 Robin: i know slamber
14:23:07 Robin: ohh matt
14:23:10 Robin: i wasnt talknig to you
14:23:12 Slammer: Gen is alot better than ME
14:23:12 Robin: i was talking to gen
14:23:13 Gen: slammer why are you lying liek that?
14:23:16 Robin: gen can just F off
14:23:17 mattacuk: ahhh ok! smile.gif
14:23:18 Gen: like*
14:23:22 Gen: you too robin
14:23:25 mattacuk: that Gen, needs putting in his place!!
14:23:27 Gen: okay then
14:23:27 Robin: thanks asshole
14:23:27 Gen: man
14:23:31 Gen: you did it
14:23:31 Slammer: WOAH!
14:23:32 Robin: i know man, he totally does
14:23:43 Gen: im gonna post a vid of your real car on gmc
14:23:44 Gen: that vid
14:23:56 Gen: wich says "free candy" badly written
14:24:02 Robin: sorry matt for confusing you, i would never say somethnig like that to you wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif
14:24:07 Gen: van*
14:24:13 Robin: gen on the other hand.... :{
14:24:18 mattacuk: Robin haha thats ok man biggrin.gif
14:24:26 mattacuk: im abuseing gen on msn right now tongue.gif
14:24:32 Robin: me too
14:24:36 Gen: yeah
14:24:39 Robin: im verbally kicking his ass
14:24:40 Gen: you have a crappy voice robin
14:24:45 Robin: i know
14:24:51 Gen: stfu
14:24:57 Robin: no you stfu
14:25:01 Gen: you laugh like a baby
14:25:33 Robin: :{
14:25:38 Gen: easy
14:25:38 Gen: boo
14:25:40 Gen: you suck
14:25:41 Robin: well
14:25:42 Gen: game over
14:25:44 Robin: you ARE a baby
14:25:48 Gen: no you are
14:25:56 Gen: you dont have hairs!
14:25:57 Gen: liek babies!
14:26:01 Gen: like*
14:26:21 Robin: well i look like sasquatch under my clothes douchebag
14:26:29 Gen: LMFAO
14:26:31 Gen: i knew it
14:26:35 Robin: Loooooooooooooooooool
14:26:53 Robin: well see you guys later
14:26:57 Robin: have fun with baby gen here
14:26:59 Gen: NO
14:27:00 Slammer: no rodstrupe
14:27:01 Gen: YOU STAY
14:27:01 Robin: he thinks hes so cool
14:27:04 Robin: bye biggrin.gif
14:27:07 Slammer: you stay right here
14:27:10 Gen: no
14:27:18 Gen: im gonna scream on the make , it ll make you deaf
14:27:24 Gen: mic*
14:27:26 Gen: damn
14:29:00 Slammer: mattachuk left again
14:29:07 Slammer: Mattacuk*
14:29:11 Slammer: LOL
14:29:24 Gen: hey matt omfg welcome back!
14:29:31 mattacuk: i really need to ring up my ISP sad.gif
14:29:47 Slammer: hey Mattacuk
14:29:52 Slammer: can I ask something
14:29:57 mattacuk: hello !
14:30:09 Slammer: hmm...
14:30:16 mattacuk: sure
14:30:26 Slammer: umm...
14:30:37 Gen: robin stop watching redtube
14:30:41 mattacuk: LOl
14:30:49 Robin: cant talk, busy
14:30:50 mattacuk: gens always showing me that site
14:30:58 Robin: cya in about... hmmm 4 hours
14:31:02 Slammer: Which movie would you say is a accurate Portrayal of like in England?
14:31:05 Gen: yeah well
14:31:06 Gen: you ask me
14:31:08 Gen: so i show you
14:31:13 mattacuk: good question
14:31:23 Slammer: because
14:31:35 Slammer: thats where I was born, but I don't remember it
14:31:46 Slammer: cuz I was only there about 1 year
14:32:04 mattacuk: well it depends onthe location of the movie i guess smile.gif
14:32:21 Slammer: Well I was born in Wembley
14:32:26 Slammer: area
14:32:36 mattacuk: thats a tricky one
14:32:47 Slammer: is that close to london?
14:32:54 mattacuk: I think so
14:32:56 Gen: robin what's those noises im hearing through the mic
14:33:01 mattacuk: i guess you could Watch Snatch !!!
14:33:04 Slammer: LOL
14:33:08 mattacuk: lol
14:33:09 Robin: *flap flap flap flap flap*
14:33:11 Robin: what noises?
14:33:16 Gen: LMFAO
14:33:41 Slammer: well, my mom want to go visit there again with me sometime this year
14:33:48 Slammer: I mean
14:33:51 mattacuk: i think no movie does it justice
14:33:56 mattacuk: a visit would be better smile.gif
14:34:05 Slammer: My mom and I might visit there later this year
14:34:06 Slammer: or som
14:34:12 Slammer: IDK
14:34:17 Slammer: Expensive from US
14:34:32 Slammer: LOL
14:34:40 mattacuk: check this out
14:34:41 mattacuk:
14:34:45 Slammer: I'll have to make ALOT of pizzas for that
14:34:54 Slammer: LOL
14:35:21 Gen: slammer would you please ask robin to give me the salt please :{
14:35:27 Slammer: LOL
14:35:35 Gen: please twice lol
14:35:38 Slammer: RODSTRUPE
14:35:39 Robin: slammer, would you please tell gen that his sex toys is still at my place.........
14:35:43 mattacuk: LOL
14:35:49 Slammer: If you don't give Gen the Salt
14:35:50 Gen: LLOL
14:35:52 Gen: that was mean
14:36:00 Gen: i told you not to tell anyone about this
14:36:10 Slammer: I'll throw my Slide at you... Once I find it :?
14:36:17 Robin: talk to the hand cause the face aint listening
14:36:20 Robin: oh sad.gif
14:36:38 Gen: well, go clean your hand full of *ehem* first
14:36:47 Robin: no, not done yet
14:36:49 mattacuk: ohmy.gif
14:37:27 Robin: :0
14:37:39 mattacuk: ===D
14:37:51 mattacuk: ohmy.gif
14:38:18 Gen: :9
14:38:19 Robin: wink.gif
14:38:24 Slammer: mattacuk have you ever played a Hello Kitty guitar?
14:38:30 Gen: i did
14:38:33 mattacuk: Slammer Sadly not, id like one...
14:38:37 Gen: i played on robin's one
14:38:37 Slammer: how was it?
14:38:48 Gen: it was good
14:38:48 mattacuk: its so pretty=)
14:38:52 Gen: yeah it is
14:38:53 Robin: yeah, untill you managed to break a string....
14:38:55 Gen: i envy robin so much
14:39:03 Slammer: what about the Hannah Montana one?
14:39:09 Robin: ahh that ones nice to
14:39:11 Robin: too
14:39:18 Slammer: and the Daisy Rock
14:39:19 Gen: robin?
14:39:27 Robin: yeah asshole?
14:39:34 Gen: hehehe *droolings*
14:39:37 Slammer: LOL
14:39:44 Robin: :?
14:39:53 Gen: dont be scared my child *wan
14:40:02 Robin: :?
14:40:11 Gen: ok f**k you then??
14:40:16 Slammer: so guys what is the Relative minor of Am?
14:40:19 Robin: yeah, F me....
14:40:23 Gen: LMFAO
14:40:26 Robin: its ABC
14:40:30 Slammer: LOL
14:40:34 Gen: sorry
14:40:38 Gen: robin needs his medics atm
14:40:39 Gen: sorry slammer
14:40:39 mattacuk: F me is the relative minor of F u tongue.gif
14:41:05 Slammer: what is the Relative minor of B Aeolian Robin?
14:41:10 Robin: yeah and you're just cranky cause you dnot have you shmex toys gen...
14:41:16 Robin: its 123
14:41:31 Gen: :?
14:41:40 Robin: :{
14:41:42 Gen: dont tell everyone :'
14:41:47 Gen: :?
14:41:54 Gen: oh you look so badass with that angry face
14:42:00 Slammer: LOL
14:42:06 Robin: :{
14:42:22 Slammer: alright guys
14:42:22 Gen: :|
14:42:26 Slammer: it's time for SLammer'
14:42:28 Slammer: s
14:42:33 Slammer: famous QUIZ!!
14:42:34 mattacuk: lol, i wonder if kris reads throug these logs haha
14:42:34 Gen: conan o brien :|
14:42:45 Slammer: you must pick of out of the Two
14:42:47 Robin: well then he can atleast see how bad Gen is behaving
14:42:52 mattacuk: i can imaging the title
14:43:02 Gen: LOLL yes totally you mf
14:43:09 mattacuk: "gen and robin discuss the relative minors of Fu "
14:43:12 mattacuk: pmsl
14:43:16 Robin: Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
14:43:16 Gen: LMFAO
14:43:20 Slammer: Clapton or SRV?
14:43:24 Robin: srv
14:43:27 mattacuk: Srv
14:43:33 Slammer: Zeppelin or Sabbath
14:43:36 mattacuk: Srv is muccch better
14:43:41 mattacuk: neither tongue.gif
14:43:44 Slammer: :{
14:43:53 Robin: neither indeed
14:43:57 Gen: yeah
14:44:01 Gen: dragon force ftw
14:44:03 Slammer: Clapton is my Favorite :{
14:44:05 Gen: herman li
14:44:06 Robin: yeah
14:44:07 Gen: !!
14:44:19 Gen: no but shmeriously
14:44:20 Gen: both
14:44:24 Robin: manowar owns dragonforce....
14:44:28 Gen: HAHA
14:44:32 Slammer: Gen or Robin?
14:44:33 Gen: the true metal
14:44:35 Robin: much better live outfits
14:44:39 Gen: whimps and posers off the hall
14:44:44 Slammer: Gen or Robin?
14:44:47 Gen: GEN
14:44:50 Gen: robin sux
14:44:52 Robin: slammer
14:44:56 Robin: you sux
14:44:59 Slammer: LOL
14:45:00 Gen: you see, he cant even pick himself
14:45:02 Robin: gen i mean
14:45:03 Gen: he sux
14:45:10 Gen: yes i love you too robin
14:45:14 Gen: (lying muahaha)
14:45:14 Slammer: Muris or Marcus?
14:45:15 Robin: FU
14:45:19 Robin: muris
14:45:22 Gen: both
14:45:24 Gen: idk
14:45:27 Robin: yeah i guess
14:45:27 Slammer: Gabe or Pablo
14:45:28 Gen: hard question mate wink.gif
14:45:32 Gen: gab
14:45:33 Gen: gabe*
14:45:35 Robin: gabe
14:45:41 Slammer: David O or David W
14:45:49 Robin: david o
14:45:57 Slammer: Strat or LP?
14:46:01 Robin: lp
14:46:04 Gen: lp
14:46:05 Gen: yeah
14:46:11 Gen: fu
14:46:11 Gen: dont copy me
14:46:11 Slammer: Jem or LP?
14:46:14 Robin: lp
14:46:14 Gen: LP
14:46:16 Robin: ROFL
14:46:23 Slammer: JEM or Strat
14:46:26 Gen: strat
14:46:27 Robin: strat
14:46:29 Slammer: LOL
14:46:30 Gen: copyer
14:46:31 Robin: LOL
14:46:35 Robin: not even a question
14:46:36 Slammer: JEM or Hello Kitty
14:46:38 Gen: LMFAO
14:46:39 Gen: indeed
14:46:42 Robin: hello kitty
14:46:43 Gen: hello kitty
14:46:46 Slammer: Damn
14:46:48 Slammer: no Jem lovers
14:46:51 mattacuk: hello kitty
14:46:53 Gen: oh ri ri?
14:47:02 Robin: gen? you chinese?
14:47:05 Slammer: Ben n or ben h?
14:47:06 Gen: bad
14:47:07 Gen: joke
14:47:09 Gen: fo
14:47:10 Robin: ben h
14:47:18 Gen: ben h
14:47:26 mattacuk: racer X style Ibanez or cheese on toast?
14:47:28 Slammer: Bogdan or Ivan?
14:47:33 Slammer: ohmy.gif
14:47:38 Gen: racer x style ibanez
14:47:42 Robin: razer x style ibanez
14:47:47 Slammer: Cheese on toast
14:47:50 Slammer: I'm Huyngry
14:47:51 mattacuk: LOL
14:47:52 Slammer: sad.gif
14:47:55 Gen: lol
14:47:56 Gen: lol
14:47:56 Gen: lol
14:47:58 Gen: lol
14:47:58 Gen: lol
14:47:59 Gen: l
14:48:06 Slammer: you know one time I told a dumb joke
14:48:08 Slammer: I said
14:48:33 Slammer: Paul was Hungary, so he slipped on Greece and Landed in Turkey
14:48:40 Gen: hehehe
14:48:42 Robin: nice
14:48:43 Slammer: but no one laughed
14:48:45 Slammer: sad.gif
14:48:46 Gen: funneh
14:48:48 Robin: you shouød be a commedian
14:48:52 Robin: i loled
14:48:59 Slammer: and Muris said "Wrong Sentance"
14:49:00 Gen: no you didnt liar
14:49:04 Robin: LOOOOOOOL
14:49:05 Gen: i didnt hear you laugh
14:49:07 Gen: you liar
14:49:13 Robin: geeen stfu :{
14:49:23 Gen: you said slammers sux at telling jokes
14:49:27 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:28 Gen: share your opinion about him here
14:49:29 Robin: LIAR
14:49:31 Gen: not on the mic
14:49:32 Gen: please
14:49:33 Robin: LIAR
14:49:33 Robin: LIAR
14:49:34 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:34 Robin: LIAR
14:49:34 Robin: LIAR
14:49:34 Robin: LIAR
14:49:35 Robin: LIAR
14:49:35 Robin: LIAR
14:49:35 Robin: LIAR
14:49:35 Robin: LIAR
14:49:36 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:36 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:36 Robin: LIAR
14:49:36 Robin: LIAR
14:49:36 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:36 Robin: LIAR
14:49:36 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:36 Robin: LIAR
14:49:37 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:37 Robin: LIAR
14:49:37 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:37 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:37 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:37 Robin: LIAR
14:49:38 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:38 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:38 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:38 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:38 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:38 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:39 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:39 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:39 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:39 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:39 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:39 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:40 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:40 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:40 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:40 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:40 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:41 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:41 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:41 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:41 Slammer: sad.gif
14:49:42 Gen: LOL
14:49:43 Robin: LIAR
14:49:43 Robin: LIAR
14:49:44 Robin: LIAR
14:49:44 Robin: LIAR
14:49:45 Robin: LIAR
14:49:45 Robin: LIAR
14:49:45 Robin: LIAR
14:49:48 Gen: STFU
14:49:50 Slammer: but I tried my best sad.gif
14:49:55 Robin: gen im gonna kill
14:49:55 Gen: i know
14:49:58 Gen: but i didnt say anything
14:49:59 Robin: you
14:50:00 Slammer: :?
14:50:00 Gen: he said
14:50:10 Gen: robin likes mooses
14:50:13 Gen: and sami people
14:50:17 Robin: and strap
14:50:19 Robin: ons
14:50:28 Gen: LOL!
14:50:38 Robin: you know, strap on hats
14:50:41 Robin: they look neat
14:50:44 Gen: LMFAO
14:51:14 Gen: so slammer
14:51:19 Gen: how is it going at papa john?
14:51:31 Slammer: fu
14:51:48 Slammer: LOL
14:51:52 Slammer: Matty !
14:51:59 mattacuk: Slammy !:p
14:52:09 Slammer: Cukky!
14:52:24 Slammer: GENNY!
14:52:30 Slammer: robin
14:52:35 Robin: wink.gif
14:52:35 Slammer: tongue.gif
14:52:39 Slammer: wink.gif
14:52:40 mattacuk: LOl
14:52:46 Gen: kuky
14:52:49 Slammer: I can teach you bass wink.gif
14:52:56 Robin: Looooooooooooooooooool
14:52:58 Robin: Looooooooooooooooooool
14:52:58 Robin: Looooooooooooooooooool
14:53:01 Gen: LMFAO
14:53:02 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:03 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:03 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:03 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:03 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:04 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:27 Gen: wink.gif
14:53:29 Gen: wink.gif
14:53:30 Gen: wink.gif
14:53:32 Gen: wink.gif
14:53:33 Gen: wink.gif
14:53:34 Gen: wink.gif
14:53:35 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:35 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:35 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:36 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:36 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:37 Robin: wink.gif
14:53:39 Gen: wink.gif
14:53:42 mattacuk: wink.gif
14:53:42 Robin: wink wink
14:53:43 Robin: wink wink
14:53:43 Robin: wink wink
14:53:44 Robin: wink wink
14:53:45 mattacuk: wink.gif
14:53:46 Gen: oink oink
14:53:54 mattacuk: >___<
14:54:14 Slammer: Once there was a Norwegian named Ole who took his wife with him wherever he went so that he wouldn't have to kiss her goodbye
14:54:27 Slammer: LOL
14:54:57 Gen: lol
14:55:27 Gen: im a hippoponymous and i like to hop, and i also like to drink soda pop
14:55:28 mattacuk: there once was a man from venus
14:55:37 mattacuk: who had a rocket ship for a
14:55:40 Robin: you sure are ge, you sure are....
14:55:41 Slammer: Ole and Sven went on a fishing trip to Canada and come back with only three fish, and Sven says, "The way I figger it, Ole, each of them fish cost us $400. Well. At dat price it's a good ting we didn't catch any more of em than we did."
14:55:55 Robin: lol
14:55:56 Slammer: "I need to buy some boards there, Sven." "How long you want 'em, Ole?" "Long time. I'm building a house, ya know."
14:56:10 mattacuk: PMSL"""""
14:56:13 Slammer: So Lena was competing in the Sons of Norway Swim Meet and she came in last place in the hundred-yard breast stroke and she said to the judges, "Oh say, I don't vant to complain, but I tink those other two girls were using der arms"!
14:56:24 Slammer: LMFAO
14:56:50 Slammer: Sven and Ole went out duck hunting, and they worked at it for a couple hours and finally Sven says: "I wonder why aren't we getting any ducks, Ole?" "I don't know. I wonder if we're throwing the dog high enough."
14:57:28 Robin: wel brb
14:57:30 Gen: no
14:57:31 Gen: man
14:57:32 Gen: you liar
14:57:37 Gen: you said you dont want to type anymore
14:57:41 Slammer: Did you hear about Ole's nephew Torvald who won the gold medal at the Olympics? Yeah, he had it bronzed.
14:57:43 Gen: and you said you re gonna say brb
14:57:45 Gen: you liar
14:57:57 Slammer: So Sven and Ole are walking home from the tavern late at night and they head down the railroad tracks, and Sven says, "This is the longest flight of stairs I ever climbed in my life." And Ole says, "Yeah, it's not the stairs that bother me so much, it's these low railings."
14:58:14 Slammer: LOL
14:58:47 Gen: LLOL
14:58:50 Slammer: Mama, I have da biggest feet in da third grade. Is dat becoss I'm Norvegian?" "No, it's because you're NINETEEN."
14:59:00 Slammer: ohmy.gif
14:59:30 mattacuk: slammer whereyou from man
14:59:38 Slammer: FL
14:59:40 Slammer: US
14:59:43 Slammer: of A
14:59:46 mattacuk: cool !!!1
14:59:57 mattacuk: btw, that duck hunting one was pretty funny tongue.gif
15:00:06 Slammer: LOL
15:00:43 Slammer: Saint Peter is checking ID's at the Pearly Gates, and first comes a Texan. "Tell me, what have you done in life?" says St. Peter. The Texan says, "Well, I struck oil, so I became rich, but I didn't sit on my laurels--I divided all my money among my entire family in my will, so our descendants are all set for about three generations." St. Peter says, "That's quite something. Come on in. Next!" The second guy in line has been listening, so he says, "I struck it big in the stock market, but I didn't selfishly just provide for my own like that Texan guy. I donated five million to Save the Children." "Wonderful!" says Saint Peter. "Come in. Who's next?" The third guy has been listening, and says timidly with a downcast look, "Well, I only made five thousand dollars in my entire lifetime." "Heavens!" says St. Peter. "What instrument did you play?"
15:01:45 Slammer: LMAO
15:02:30 Gen: lol
15:03:08 Slammer: Yo' Mama is so stupid, she bought a video tape on how to fix your VCR!
15:03:52 Slammer: LOL
15:05:01 Slammer: LOL
15:05:03 Slammer: LOL
15:05:03 Slammer: LOL
15:05:03 Slammer: LOL
15:05:04 Slammer: LOL
15:05:04 Slammer: LOL
15:05:04 Slammer: LOL
15:05:04 Slammer: LOL
15:05:04 Slammer: LOL
15:05:05 Slammer: LOL
15:05:05 Slammer: LOL
15:05:05 Slammer: LOL
15:05:05 Slammer: LOL
15:05:05 Slammer: LOL
15:05:06 Slammer: LOL
15:05:06 Slammer: LOL
15:05:06 Slammer: LOL
15:05:06 Slammer: LOL
15:05:06 Slammer: LOL
15:05:06 Slammer: LOL
15:05:07 Slammer: LOL
15:05:07 Slammer: LOL
15:05:07 Slammer: LOL
15:05:07 Slammer: LOL
15:05:07 Slammer: LOL
15:05:07 Slammer: LOL
15:05:08 Slammer: LOL
15:05:08 Slammer: LOL
15:05:08 Slammer: LOL
15:05:08 Slammer: LOL
15:05:08 Slammer: LOL
15:05:09 Slammer: LOL
15:05:09 Slammer: LOL
15:05:09 Slammer: LOL
15:05:09 Slammer: LOL
15:05:09 Slammer: LOL
15:05:10 Slammer: LOL
15:05:10 Slammer: LOL
15:05:10 Slammer: LOL
15:05:10 Slammer: LOL
15:05:10 Slammer: LOL
15:05:10 Slammer: LOL
15:05:11 Slammer: LOL
15:05:15 Slammer: goodbye guys
15:05:37 Gen: NO
15:14:59 Gen: hey there slamber
15:19:01 Slammer: goodbye
17:54:17 iainsteward: hello all smile.gif
17:59:17 chast: *slap*
17:59:26 iainsteward: hi chast
17:59:49 chast: how are you doing ?
18:00:41 iainsteward: good thanks, just joined earlier today so still trawling through the never-ending libraries of lessons and forum stuff tongue.gif
18:01:23 chast: biggrin.gif
18:01:26 chast: yeah its a lot
18:01:43 chast: you always find something new smile.gif
18:02:18 iainsteward: i always knew about GMC but didnt know too much about it until speaking with Marcus, he told me it was great and that I should join so I went for it, already learned quite a lot in the few hours ive been a member, mostly from Marcus and Muris
18:02:49 chast: do you know marcus personally ?
18:03:13 iainsteward: not personally, i have spoken to him many times via e-mail and through Youtube
18:03:41 chast: ah ok smile.gif
18:03:53 chast: he is an awesome player
18:04:30 iainsteward: i always knew he was amazing, and I knew how good his video's are but its Muris who has surprised me, he is unbelievable and he is unbelievable playing any style!!
18:05:00 chast: yeah muris, he is so versataille
18:05:20 iainsteward: so what level are you at? can you play any of Marcus' lessons?
18:05:39 chast: lol
18:05:43 chast: good joke tongue.gif
18:06:03 chast: i recorded his neo classical beginner lesson
18:06:09 chast: but well
18:06:56 iainsteward: lol tongue.gif i can play lots of Marcus' stuff but nothing all the way through yet, I seem to struggle at the minute when going from a slower lick up to a faster lick......I get caught or stuck or something, so Im trying to work through that
18:07:09 chast:
18:07:11 chast: here it is
18:07:13 chast: tongue.gif
18:08:31 chast: but i can i improved tongue.gif
18:08:42 chast: my improvisation is still crap
18:09:01 chast: and my solo writing aswell
18:09:03 iainsteward: im going to try and record Winding Roads and Muris' Knopfler lesson
18:09:25 chast: winding roads is my favourite of marcus smile.gif
18:10:36 iainsteward: yeah, its amazing!! im hoping to have it down at full speed in the next 2 weeks and recorded in the next month hopefully
18:11:27 chast: i just watch some videos of myself
18:11:35 chast: im lucky my playing got better lol
18:13:18 iainsteward: lol i hope mine will improve......with a bit of luck at least!!
18:14:48 iainsteward: im pretty good with slow stuff, and bending/vibrato i just have the one problem to work on at the moment and that is speed, i need to increase my speed and also stop fumbling and being as sloppy when going from a slow lick or a melody line into a fast burst of speed
18:14:51 chast: for long do you play guitar now ?
18:15:37 iainsteward: about 8 years, just not serious for that long.....i spent the first 3 just sitting learning chords, not being too into it.....then I heard Malmsteen and it was like uh-oh! i want to get good lol
18:15:44 chast: biggrin.gif
18:15:54 chast: im playing for 3 years in april
18:15:56 chast: i think
18:16:05 chast: im not sure when i begun tongue.gif
18:16:13 chast: march or april
18:16:56 chast: < if you are a nice guy, please buy me that amp tongue.gif
18:17:20 iainsteward: i am a nice guy......just not a RICH nice guy!!
18:17:45 chast: ;D
18:17:56 chast: its so expensive sad.gif
18:18:48 iainsteward: im nice enough to buy you this one:
18:18:50 iainsteward:
18:18:53 iainsteward: tongue.gif
18:19:01 chast: oh you are so nice
18:19:04 chast: lol
18:19:27 iainsteward: haha! wow....theres still over 100 members online....its been like that all day!!
18:20:10 chast: yeah
18:20:18 chast: but the chat is always empty sad.gif
18:20:22 chast: almost
18:22:33 iainsteward: i thought it would be full...yet i came in and it was empty!! then you came and cured my loneliness tongue.gif
18:22:41 chast: wink.gif
18:23:03 chast: everybody is practicing probably
18:25:04 iainsteward: too late to practice im spending all night designing guitars on this website ive found!
18:25:12 chast: biggrin.gif
18:25:16 chast: its fun
18:26:00 iainsteward: do you have msn messenger?
18:26:05 chast: yep
18:26:19 chast: [email protected]
18:26:45 iainsteward: is that just your name "chast" ?
18:26:57 chast: after chast is a _
18:27:06 chast: and my real name is max wink.gif
18:27:26 iainsteward: pleased to meet you max, im iain.... and ive added you!!
18:28:12 chast: im also off now
18:28:20 chast: just some minutes more in msn
18:28:28 chast: so lets talk there smile.gif
22:10:17 Kyle Logue: yup...i'm here
22:12:45 Tjchep: hello
22:12:48 Kyle Logue: hi
22:12:56 Tjchep: how you doing man
22:13:08 Kyle Logue: better than yesterday...that's for sure
22:13:17 Tjchep: why's that?
22:13:53 Kyle Logue: i was just tired
22:14:14 Tjchep: yeah.
22:14:24 Kyle Logue: i went to the Seether, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace Concert....way too much driving
22:14:47 Tjchep: who opened up?
22:14:54 Tjchep: seether?
22:14:55 Kyle Logue: HURT
22:14:58 Tjchep: oo
22:15:03 Kyle Logue: never heard of them before the concert
22:15:24 Tjchep: I heard breaking benjamin where terrible in concert
22:15:34 Tjchep: live*
22:15:38 Kyle Logue: yea...i thought they were boring
22:15:45 Kyle Logue: Three Days Grace....they were great though
22:15:52 Kyle Logue: pyrotechnics and everything
22:16:03 Tjchep: very cool
22:16:42 Tjchep: yeah but, I got to go do home work man.
22:16:50 Tjchep: cya later
22:16:58 Kyle Logue: haha alright...take it easy
22:29:50 Kyle Logue: hey staples
22:30:04 Staples: Hey
22:30:11 Kyle Logue: what's going on?
22:30:22 Staples: Not much, on lunch break, about to go back to work, you?
22:31:33 Kyle Logue: messing around with my gear...looking for a new sound
22:31:42 Kyle Logue: it's 9pm though...way past lunc
22:31:44 Kyle Logue: lunch*
22:31:55 Kyle Logue: for me
22:32:08 Staples: Ahh yeah, I'm in Japan now. Waiting on new gear to get in, Digitech RP350
22:32:51 Kyle Logue: nice
22:33:26 Staples: I'm not all that advanced of a player but I love having a wide array of options so I said screw it, let's get a multi-effect.
22:34:09 Kyle Logue: I'm messing around with a Digitech GNX3...the father to the RP350
22:34:10 Kyle Logue: lol
22:34:16 Slammer: hello...
22:34:21 Kyle Logue: hey slammer
22:34:26 Slammer: LOL
22:34:35 Staples: Yeah I looked at that as well. It's basically the 350 with a few more bells and whistles. Work well?
22:34:38 Slammer: how's it going guys?
22:34:43 Staples: Not too bad
22:34:46 Slammer: just stopping by to say hello
22:34:54 Slammer: gotta go to bed soon
22:35:00 Slammer: work in the morning sad.gif
22:35:07 Staples: Everyone else is going to bed and I'm at work blah
22:35:13 Slammer: gotta get up at 6:30
22:35:17 Slammer: to shower
22:35:18 Slammer: LOL
22:35:32 Staples: xD
22:35:48 Kyle Logue: this is the best time of night for's where all the sweet grooves start coming
22:35:59 Slammer: damn... 10:30 here
22:36:00 Staples: Ha
22:36:05 Staples: So that GNX3 work out nice?
22:36:14 Staples: <12:40pm
22:36:22 Kyle Logue: i've had it for 4 years...for me it's better than a POD
22:36:46 Staples: Yeah as I said I debated one, but just went with the 350.
22:36:52 Slammer: btw Kyle great job on the lessons
22:36:59 Staples: Pretty limited budget and that still has a lot of great reviews.
22:37:23 Kyle Logue: thanks...i'm constantly trying to find something to do that seems almost out of place here...guitar stuff is plentiful
22:37:47 Slammer: I wish you would have been here before... my subscription ran out
22:37:51 Slammer: LOL
22:37:58 Kyle Logue: lol
22:38:09 Slammer: I'm thinking of Renewing soon, esp since there are drum lessons
22:38:31 Slammer: although I don't have drums...
22:38:34 Kyle Logue: renewing soon would be smart...I'm about to start kicking out 1-2 lessons per day
22:38:35 Slammer: damn
22:38:52 Slammer: cool
22:39:19 Staples: I have a lot of bad habits I've got ot unlearn, that crap is frustrating.
22:39:24 Slammer: I used to Jam with a "Drummer" I wish he could have seen your lessons
22:39:35 Slammer: LOL
22:39:44 Slammer: what Kind Staples?
22:40:28 Staples: I played for a bit when I was younger [geetar] downstroke downstroke, just one way for the most part, lack of metronome, that kind of thing. Got those habits unlearned, but now it's a pain to make good ones.
22:40:31 Staples: Blaggh
22:40:40 Kyle Logue: brb
22:40:43 Staples: Crap I gotta get going, time to head back to work.
22:40:44 Slammer: don't worry it'll come
22:40:49 Staples: You guys have a good one.
22:40:52 Slammer: ok man
22:41:01 Slammer: I gtg in about 15 minutes or so
22:41:03 Staples: Later
22:41:06 Slammer: cya
22:41:44 Kyle Logue: ok i'm back
22:41:53 Slammer: wb
22:42:14 Kyle Logue: how long do you think i've been playing drums?
22:42:21 Slammer: 3 years
22:42:25 Kyle Logue: hahaha
22:42:28 Slammer: 2...
22:42:32 Slammer: 1....
22:42:33 Kyle Logue: i think 1.5
22:42:35 Slammer: 7!
22:42:37 Kyle Logue: maybe 2
22:42:52 Slammer: are you in school?
22:42:58 Kyle Logue: I'm out
22:43:11 Slammer: LOL
22:43:18 Kyle Logue: I own and operate my own web development business
22:43:26 Slammer: nice
22:43:34 Kyle Logue: it pays the bills...i'm bored with it though
22:43:44 Slammer: so you work from home?
22:43:47 Kyle Logue: yup
22:43:53 Slammer: Awesome man
22:43:56 Kyle Logue: i want to take my music and turn it into a career
22:44:00 Slammer: I wish I could sometime
22:44:06 Slammer: work from home I mean
22:44:09 Slammer: LOL
22:44:12 Kyle Logue: it's not as awesome as it seems
22:44:17 Slammer: I don't like waking up early
22:44:17 Kyle Logue: I'm like add
22:44:21 Slammer: LOL
22:44:33 Kyle Logue: that's why i play the drums and the guitar
22:44:37 Slammer: well, I just started a job like 2 weeks ago
22:44:38 Kyle Logue: haha...i can't stick with 1 for long
22:44:43 Slammer: first job for me
22:44:52 Kyle Logue: where are you working?
22:44:58 Slammer: Papa Johns LOL
22:45:02 Slammer: Pizza
22:45:04 Kyle Logue: I love that place
22:45:10 Slammer: It's yummy
22:45:11 Kyle Logue: barbecue pizza's are my favorite
22:45:15 Slammer: oh yeah
22:45:16 Kyle Logue: and they have the best mushrooms
22:45:31 Slammer: did you ever try the Tuscan meats?
22:45:37 Kyle Logue: no
22:45:45 Slammer: pretty good stuff
22:46:09 Slammer: But I work the Morning Shift
22:46:11 Slammer: like
22:46:14 Slammer: 8-2
22:46:30 Slammer: and It's only 1 mile away
22:46:34 Slammer: so I walk back
22:46:41 Slammer: and play guitar the rest of the day
22:46:47 Slammer: LOL
22:46:58 Kyle Logue: dream job would be to either be a rock star...haha...or get kris to partner with me and make a drummasterclass site
22:47:15 Slammer: dude your Song was Awesome
22:47:26 Kyle Logue: which one?
22:47:26 Slammer: Cocoon or something
22:47:40 Kyle Logue:'s definitely not my best
22:47:45 Slammer: the Lyrics really hit close to home for me
22:48:10 Slammer: as far as letting God show you what do etc.
22:48:19 Kyle Logue: I actually didn't write the song
22:48:24 Kyle Logue: my buddy Joel did
22:48:24 Slammer: at least I think thats what the song was about 8)
22:48:44 Slammer: Well, Joel is a good songwriter
22:48:47 Kyle Logue: I just played a lot of the instrumental parts and recorded it for him
22:49:07 Kyle Logue: I ought to make a topic with my songs
22:49:13 Slammer: yes
22:49:16 Slammer: Kyle
22:49:18 Slammer: 's
22:49:25 Slammer: Greatest hits vol. 1
22:49:27 Kyle Logue: haha
22:49:52 Kyle Logue: I'm putting together a band right now...we've all got some serious talent and we play good together
22:50:00 Kyle Logue: i can't wait until we all live in the same city
22:50:08 Kyle Logue: we're all friends or family
22:50:35 Slammer: thats awesome man
22:50:46 Slammer: I'll come watch you guys jam
22:50:47 Slammer: biggrin.gif
22:51:23 Kyle Logue: I'm thinking about starting something new on GMC too... I know of a couple of sites that let you stream webcam feeds to them... So I was thinking of doing a live video lesson
22:52:24 Slammer: nice
22:52:31 Slammer: Innovative
22:52:41 Kyle Logue: that or add
22:52:42 Kyle Logue: lol
22:52:54 Slammer: dude
22:53:00 Slammer: do you ever make collabs?
22:53:09 Kyle Logue: story of my life
22:53:15 Slammer: ...
22:53:33 Kyle Logue: i play and write songs with other people all the time
22:53:44 Slammer: I mean on the GMC forums
22:53:44 Slammer: biggrin.gif
22:53:48 Kyle Logue: "go for broke" is the only band on GMC that i've done a collab with
22:53:55 Kyle Logue: i did a drum loop...nothing fancy
22:53:57 Slammer: oh ok
22:54:06 Slammer: you should make some
22:54:08 Slammer: cuz
22:54:20 Slammer: no one else knows jack about drums
22:54:20 Slammer: tongue.gif
22:54:23 Slammer: on GMC
22:54:25 Slammer: well
22:54:26 Slammer: maybe
22:54:29 Slammer: like 5 ppl
22:55:05 Kyle Logue: i'm not the best at anything, but i'm more creative than most people on GMC
22:55:11 Kyle Logue: that's why it seems like i'm better
22:55:12 Kyle Logue: lolo
22:55:17 Kyle Logue: i just practice A LOT!
22:55:21 Slammer: yes
22:55:25 Kyle Logue: my guitar is in my lap at the moment
22:55:27 Kyle Logue: smile.gif
22:55:44 Slammer: Practise the Am scale biggrin.gif
22:57:13 Slammer: anyways man I gtg to bed
22:57:20 Kyle Logue: alright...nice talking with you
22:57:20 Slammer: Nice talking to you
22:57:25 Kyle Logue: 'night
22:57:33 Slammer: see you around the Forums..
22:57:44 Slammer: hope to Collab sometime
22:57:45 Slammer: LOL
22:57:48 Kyle Logue: invite me!
22:57:50 Kyle Logue: lol
22:57:56 Slammer: cya
23:09:30 iainsteward: hi guys
23:09:36 Kyle Logue: hey
23:09:45 iainsteward: hows things?
23:10:01 Kyle Logue: slow at the moment
23:10:27 iainsteward: ahh, im just enjoying my first day as a GMC member smile.gif
23:10:48 Kyle Logue: awesome!
23:10:51 Kyle Logue: like it so far?
23:11:23 iainsteward: love it.... ive spoken with Marcus for months now, and he told me to join up! So I went for it and ive already learned so much in the first day!
23:11:35 Kyle Logue: that's great!
23:11:55 Kyle Logue: i was a member for a little while and then decided to be an instructor
23:12:02 Kyle Logue: definitely an awesome community
23:13:26 iainsteward: thats cool, i teach guitar for a living....just not at GMC, but since coming here Ive tried more and more different things and learnt so much, mostly from Marcus and Muris lessons......more so Muris as I normally play neo-classical Malmsteen stuff so not as much to learn from Marcus, where as Muris has millions of vids in dif styles
23:14:45 Kyle Logue: his blinking pick distracts me though
23:14:45 Kyle Logue: lol
23:16:08 Kyle Logue: I'm somewhat good at guitar...and decent at drums
23:16:20 Kyle Logue: i know quite a bit about the music industry though and producing
23:17:10 iainsteward: lol yeah, that pick 8) i dont see the point in a blinking pick myself!! probably just a showman thing like Vai and his light glove and headset
23:17:32 Kyle Logue: haha yea...i think my creativity makes up for where my talent lacks
23:17:33 Kyle Logue: lol
23:18:51 iainsteward: lol so when are you putting up your first vid?
23:19:11 Kyle Logue: i've got about 8 already up
23:19:40 Kyle Logue:
23:19:41 iainsteward: really? let me look....
23:20:36 iainsteward: ahh no wonder, i was looking in guitar lesson's hehe....some great, informative stuff in there man, i particularly enjoyed the studio for under $1000 vid
23:21:00 Kyle Logue: thanks
23:22:29 iainsteward: i cant work that fruity baffled me!! i had to take it off and just stuck to Hydrogen and EZDrummer for drums, and then Cubase/Audacity for recording my guitar
23:23:06 Kyle Logue: i'm quite the computer don't feel bad
23:23:18 iainsteward: smile.gif
23:23:20 Kyle Logue: i work with computers every day for a living
23:24:29 iainsteward: that must be pretty cool...i like working with computers, i like designing animations/paintshop stuff and also websites with html/css
23:24:35 iainsteward: hi mellon
23:24:41 Mellon: Hey
23:24:49 Kyle Logue: hey mellon
23:24:55 Mellon: Hello
23:25:18 Kyle Logue: yea i actually own and operate a web development company
23:25:39 Kyle Logue: that's what I do...but it's not what I wish I was doing...I dream of being in music
23:26:45 iainsteward: yeah, i wish i was a touring guitarist.....touring the world with some cool band, creating and learning and having hours of practice time on the tour bus.... but instead i teach guitar in bleak, rainy, cold, miserable england lol
23:27:40 Kyle Logue: lol i guess it pays the bills though huh?
23:27:58 iainsteward: hi Vinod
23:28:17 Vinod: Hi
23:28:22 iainsteward: yeah, well it does at the minute but business drops off a little more every month....going to have to look into other avenues
23:28:52 Kyle Logue: be a GMC instructor
23:29:42 iainsteward: Marcus asked me the same thing, I don't have time to be one at the minute and I dont think it pays enough for me to quit teaching and do that full time... tongue.gif
23:30:06 Vinod: I AM again HERE at gmc AFTER few weeks
23:30:16 Kyle Logue: welcome back Vinod!
23:30:35 Kyle Logue: iain...maybe it can be something to compliment your full-time work
23:31:05 Vinod: heavy work in cmps life exams exams exams!!!
23:31:10 Vinod: I am so bored
23:31:16 iainsteward: lol
23:31:51 Kyle Logue: being an instructor at GMC is helping me afford the gear I've always wanted and in turn become better at what I
23:32:15 iainsteward: I would need about 500,000 video's to get all the gear I wanted sad.gif
23:33:16 Vinod: sad.gif
23:33:51 Kyle Logue: what gear costs $50,000,000?
23:35:33 iainsteward: well I would need around 10,000,000 for all the guitars I want, 1,000,000 for the amps, 9,000,000 for effects and recording gear, 1,000,000 for a recording studio built into my home...... and 10,000,000 for a bigger house to keep everything in tongue.gif
23:35:47 iainsteward: the rest i would spend on my 2nd biggest weakness after guitars..... pizza!!
23:35:54 Kyle Logue: haha...cheapskate
23:35:59 Kyle Logue: :_
23:36:00 Kyle Logue: smile.gif
23:36:45 iainsteward: it would probably cost me more than that for the guitars I wanted.... I would need about 4,000,000 just to buy one of Yngwie Malmsteen's personal collection Strats smile.gif
23:37:44 Kyle Logue: well guys it's been fun, but i'm off to find some ice-cream and something on tv
23:37:54 iainsteward: night Kyle, nice meeting you smile.gif
23:38:05 Kyle Logue: 'night
23:38:10 iainsteward: wow....Vinod, your Etude in E Minor by Tarrega is beautiful!!
23:40:17 Vinod: you practises it
23:43:44 Vinod: ?
23:43:55 Vinod: practised*
23:44:25 Vinod: *slap*

5 Mar 2008
01:46:00 ZakkWylde-Dimebag: if anyone gets on the chat,can this person explain me what does Em7 or F#m7 means?thanks
01:46:16 ZakkWylde-Dimebag: or Gmaj7
01:46:22 ZakkWylde-Dimebag: or A7
07:27:10 Staples: I have no clue what that is but what I can tell you is that I know nothing about theory and that alternate picking is up down up down.
15:56:32 DeepRoots: Zakk (for when you log back in) they are chords
15:56:53 DeepRoots: they will be easier to explain inthe forum- post a topic smile.gif
16:28:56 beebo: hello
16:28:57 beebo: ?
16:29:13 beebo: sad.gif aww noones ever here when i am
17:35:33 Nemanja: evo me
17:40:10 Nemanja: hi tuubsu
17:40:14 Tuubsu: hi
17:40:27 Nemanja: what is going on
17:40:56 Tuubsu: not much, should go to sleep soon the time is almost 1am
17:41:00 Tuubsu: how about you?
17:41:38 Nemanja: nothing..working on my solo album(late at night)and waithing Ivan to come to the chat room
17:42:11 Tuubsu: your making a solo album... gotten how far?
17:43:11 Nemanja: well...have all the song..arr.but new comp just at the moment I am working on the druns for all the songs..and it is going ..ok I think
17:43:45 Tuubsu: What type of songs are composing?
17:44:51 Nemanja: well...betwen James Blunt..and mofern Serbian pop
17:44:53 Milenkovic Ivan: napravicu sobu na chatu posto se chat loguje jel ok
17:45:06 Nemanja: vazi samo kako da udjem u sobu
17:45:07 Milenkovic Ivan: ti udji u sobu a mozemo chatovati i ovde ali javno
17:45:12 Milenkovic Ivan: cek sek
17:45:27 Tuubsu: ahhh... now I feel too left out....
17:45:30 Milenkovic Ivan -> soba 1: sifra - kao ona tvoja sifra
17:45:39 Soul_Decision: Lol, yeah
17:46:02 Tuubsu: whats up soul?
17:46:10 Soul_Decision: Not too much
17:46:22 Soul_Decision: Just practicing on the guitar
17:46:29 Soul_Decision: you?
17:47:10 Tuubsu: just finished paractising for today... going to sleep soon, what are you practicing or just excersices?
17:47:34 Soul_Decision: I'm practicing a Dream Theater solo and sweep picking for a Jason Becker song
17:47:51 Tuubsu: what jasons song?
17:47:55 Soul_Decision: Altitiudes
17:48:00 Soul_Decision: Altitudes*
17:48:05 Tuubsu: Same here
17:48:10 Staples: o.0
17:48:12 Soul_Decision: Cool
17:48:36 Soul_Decision: Once I get the Sweep part down everything else will be easy to learn
17:49:02 Tuubsu: that sweep part is so Cool from altitudes.
17:49:08 Soul_Decision: Oh yeah
17:49:13 Tuubsu: My favorite song ever possibly
17:49:31 Soul_Decision: I can only play the sweep part at 75% speed
17:49:44 Soul_Decision: That last 25% is tough lol
17:50:04 Tuubsu: yeah
17:50:13 Soul_Decision: What's going on Staples?
17:50:50 Staples: Not much, just woke up.
17:51:00 Soul_Decision: Where do you live?
17:51:06 Staples: Japan for now.
17:51:19 Soul_Decision: Ooooo
17:51:21 Soul_Decision: Nice
17:51:22 Staples: Yepp
17:51:27 Staples: It ain't bad.
17:51:29 Soul_Decision: I Want to be in Japan
17:51:38 Tuubsu: oh taht explains, I'm srom Finland and going to sleep soon. Japan is cool
17:51:44 Staples: I'm not on mainland though, I'm on a little offshoot island Okinawa.
17:51:56 Soul_Decision: Cool
17:52:38 Tuubsu: well, I guess I'll be going to sleep now... C ya!
17:52:43 Staples: Have a good one man.
17:52:44 Soul_Decision: See ya
17:53:26 Staples: Anyways.
17:53:35 Soul_Decision: Lol
17:53:45 Soul_Decision: How long are you in Japan for?
17:53:58 Staples: Originally 2009 but I extended until June 2010.
17:54:10 Soul_Decision: Cool
17:54:13 Soul_Decision: School?
17:54:27 Soul_Decision: Or job?
17:54:38 Staples: Military
17:54:49 Soul_Decision: Cool
17:55:18 Staples: Yeahh it ain't bad.
17:55:39 Staples: It's a pain to get guitar stuff over here, two-three weeks wait so basically when you buy, stock up on what you need.
17:55:54 Soul_Decision: Ahhh, that sucks
17:55:56 Staples: They sell some no-name brand stuff for ridiculous prices.
17:56:05 Soul_Decision: :/
17:56:23 Staples: Ha
17:56:27 Staples: Whadya play?
17:56:56 Soul_Decision: You mean as in what guitar I play?
17:57:13 Staples: Yeah
17:57:30 Soul_Decision: I play a Schecter Damien FR
17:57:40 Staples: Nice
17:57:46 Soul_Decision: Thanks
17:57:49 Soul_Decision: How about you?
17:58:10 Staples: Little old epiphone LP custom silverburst.
17:58:20 Staples: On my pay kiss anything over 800 goodbye.
17:58:47 Soul_Decision: Ahh, that really sucks
17:58:57 Staples: Yeah but I was surprised, it's a great guitar.
17:59:05 Soul_Decision: Cool
17:59:33 Staples: I played for a while before I went in, never had any lessons... Learned ALOT of bad habits so now I have to unlearn them all. Frustration.
17:59:42 Soul_Decision: Yeah
17:59:55 Soul_Decision: How long have you been playing?
18:00:13 Staples: A few years.
18:00:51 Staples: Never learned AP sweep picking, learned a little finger tapping... So my picking habits are pretty wretched. Just got my guitar about a month ago and working on fixin that.
18:01:36 Soul_Decision: Nice
18:02:00 Staples: Ha
18:02:49 Staples: What kinda stuff you play?
18:02:56 Soul_Decision: Hold on a sec
18:05:05 Soul_Decision: Ok
18:05:09 Staples: K
18:05:26 Soul_Decision: I play a lot of Rock Metal and Neo-classical stuff
18:05:34 rokchik: Wow been a while since I've been in here smile.gif
18:05:39 Soul_Decision: Yeah
18:05:45 Staples: Ah
18:05:48 Soul_Decision: I should bug you on FB more tongue.gif
18:05:55 rokchik: smile.gif
18:05:59 Staples: This is my first time with me not having to make conversation with myself in here.
18:06:09 rokchik: LOL!!!!
18:06:18 Soul_Decision: How are you Rokchik?
18:06:23 rokchik: as long as you never answered yourself it's all good smile.gif
18:06:43 Staples: Errhhh
18:06:46 rokchik: I'm good Soul Decision How about yourself?
18:06:52 Soul_Decision: I'm doing great
18:07:01 Soul_Decision: I got a awesome new guitar 2 weeks ago
18:07:08 rokchik: cool what kind
18:07:18 Soul_Decision: Schecter Damien Fr biggrin.gif
18:07:27 rokchik: Hey Staples I don't think I've ever chatted with you. How are you?
18:07:39 Staples: Tired. How about yourself?
18:07:40 rokchik: I'm looking at a new guitar soon to
18:07:50 rokchik: good...just getting ready to head out actually
18:07:56 Staples: Fun stuff?
18:07:58 Soul_Decision: What type?
18:08:33 rokchik: Bar stuff smile.gif and SD I'm looking at Schecter, Ibanez and ESP....just haven't decided which yet
18:08:50 Staples: Bar stuff works.
18:08:52 Soul_Decision: Schecter plays pretty good
18:08:54 rokchik: yep
18:09:01 Soul_Decision: The one I got is very versatile
18:09:13 rokchik: I've never played a schecter so right now they are based on looks
18:09:41 rokchik: Staples a buddy of mine is playing at a bar tonight so I'm going to show my moral support
18:10:10 rokchik: I have to work in the AM so won't be out very late and no liquor. I'm DD
18:10:16 Staples: Ha, well that works too.
18:10:23 rokchik: yep
18:11:02 rokchik: So Staples where are you from?
18:11:21 Soul_Decision: Time to order my new amp biggrin.gif
18:11:33 rokchik: cool....have one in mind?
18:11:37 Staples: From Michigan, in Japan.
18:12:03 Soul_Decision: Yeah
18:12:07 Soul_Decision: A pocket pod biggrin.gif
18:12:10 rokchik: very nice. I've been to Detroit to see the Red Wings but that's about it.
18:12:16 Soul_Decision: Brb
18:12:23 rokchik: Ahhh i just got a podxt
18:12:27 rokchik: ok
18:12:40 Staples: Michigan ain't bad, just cold.
18:12:53 rokchik: I'm from Canada so I knwo about the cold smile.gif
18:12:59 Staples: Bah, I just ordered one of those digitech multi-effects, RP350 or something, can't remember the model.
18:13:03 Staples: Touche'
18:13:08 rokchik: smile.gif
18:13:11 Staples: Been to Canada once or twice.
18:13:26 rokchik: I'm from the east coast
18:13:45 Staples: ah
18:13:53 Staples: I've only been to the nearby areas.
18:14:17 rokchik: Ontario I'm assuming
18:14:59 Staples: Yeah basically right over the bridge. Not sure which area along the east of Michigan, that was years ago, but my most recent one was Sault St. Marie... I think.
18:15:22 rokchik: cool. So what type of music do you like/play?
18:16:18 Staples: Basically rock/metal that kind of thing, new and old. I like some stuff in the other genres but mainly just the rock side of things.
18:16:35 Staples: Now let me guess you like rok?
18:16:55 rokchik: how'd ya know? smile.gif
18:17:00 rokchik: LOL
18:17:21 Staples: I'm just that good.
18:17:50 rokchik: Yeah classic rock, hard rock whatever it's all good. I like metal too but not the growling stuff. Haven't really got into that
18:18:29 Staples: Meh I'm not too into that either, I have my exceptions but for the most part bleh.
18:19:09 Soul_Decision: Lol
18:19:11 rokchik: Opeth I like....children of Bodom some stuff but I think that's as heavy as I get
18:19:18 Milenkovic Ivan -> soba 1: is there anybody here
18:19:26 Milenkovic Ivan -> soba 1: what's up guys
18:19:33 Staples: In Flames, Dethklok, along those lines
18:19:41 rokchik: cool
18:19:41 Soul_Decision: Ooo
18:20:33 Staples: Yessum
18:20:33 rokchik: Mostly I'm a Led Zeppelin, RATM, GNR, Tragically Hip kind of girl with some Flogging Molly thrown in for good measure smile.gif
18:20:52 Soul_Decision: Rok have you head of a band called Revis?
18:20:57 Staples: Good bands
18:21:03 rokchik: I don't think so....
18:21:17 Soul_Decision: They are a good rock band
18:21:25 Soul_Decision: They only made one album though
18:21:39 Soul_Decision: Hi Pavel
18:21:42 Pavel: hey there
18:21:47 Soul_Decision: How are you?
18:21:50 rokchik: Hi Pavel
18:21:52 Pavel: fine thanks
18:22:08 Nemanja: hi Pavel
18:22:09 Soul_Decision: Great
18:22:14 Pavel: Hey Nemanja!!!
18:22:34 Nemanja: what is going on
18:22:53 Pavel: Just bumped in to have time go faster biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
18:23:12 Nemanja: smile.gif
18:23:21 Soul_Decision: Lol there is actually people here for once
18:23:38 rokchik: Hi Nemanja
18:23:43 Pavel: hahaha nah - there are often people here
18:23:53 Pavel: the day before yesterday we had a huge chat session smile.gif
18:23:57 Nemanja: hi rokchik
18:23:58 Staples: Not when I'm around. I think I scare the kiddies.
18:24:21 rokchik: I saw that....I was working and missed that chat sad.gif
18:24:23 Nemanja: interested what is your internet speed
18:24:29 Soul_Decision: Oh
18:24:34 Soul_Decision: No one is on when I was here
18:24:40 Soul_Decision: I was here for 5 hours yesterday
18:24:41 rokchik: Who me Nemanja?
18:24:48 Nemanja: every bodu
18:24:55 Soul_Decision: T1
18:24:56 Nemanja: body:)
18:25:07 Nemanja: what is T1 speed
18:25:25 rokchik: I have no clue....I know how to get on GMC and use Gearbox...that's my computer knowledge smile.gif
18:25:26 Pavel: 2Mbit/512Kbit
18:25:38 Pavel: that's my speed
18:25:44 Pavel: T1 is 1Mbit speed
18:25:45 Nemanja: 2..that is fast
18:26:00 Nemanja: oh..thaks pavel
18:26:11 Pavel: T3 is considered to be over 2Mbit...
18:26:18 Pavel: 2Mbit is pretty fast but still nto fast enough hahaha
18:26:20 Staples: Mine is bottomend DSL.
18:26:32 Nemanja: me 512 sad.gif
18:26:56 rokchik: according to the little icon when I right click it says speed 10.0 Mbps...whatever that means
18:27:09 Pavel: Hey cheer up! u was on 312Kbit 2 years ago hahaha
18:27:25 Pavel: rokchik the icon in teh system tray?
18:27:31 Nemanja: haha
18:27:38 Nemanja: fast
18:27:41 Pavel: if you ahve router connected to your LAN card than it's not your Internet speed
18:28:03 Pavel:
18:28:13 Pavel: rokchik could you please do a test to find out your speed?
18:28:31 rokchik: Ok you've gon way over my head but yeah I think it's connected to a LAN card
18:28:33 Pavel: because the system try icon shows the speed of your ethernet adapter
18:29:32 Soul_Decision: ahhh
18:29:51 Nemanja: Pavel...what is going on in Croatia(Hrvatskoj)
18:30:28 Nemanja: will you go to Hvar..uf the best place on a seeside
18:30:48 Pavel: I usually stay in Rijeka - don't go around too much smile.gif
18:31:09 Pavel: you know - to go somewhere you need to ahve a good company and most of the time people i hang out with study for UNI - together with me!
18:31:17 Staples: My DL is apparently 5956kb/s and my upload is 421
18:31:28 Pavel: WOW!!!!!!!
18:31:33 rokchik: Pavel it says 1357kb/s on download and 424 kb/s upload. But they did not have our server here listed so used the recommended one.
18:31:34 Pavel: now that's a SPEED
18:31:35 Nemanja: what do kids wow..yeah
18:31:37 Staples: But it's a load of crap.
18:31:41 Staples: Doesn't run that fast.
18:31:55 Nemanja: sory..ment to say the internet speed
18:32:01 Pavel: rokchik You have a bit slower connection than me than
18:32:24 rokchik: OK...I'm a bit computer illiterate so you'll have to excuse my ignorance smile.gif
18:32:36 Soul_Decision: Mine got 7835 kbit
18:32:44 Pavel: rokchik no worries wink.gif
18:32:44 Soul_Decision: 8735*
18:32:48 Staples: Does anyone else have the lessons here load slower than things on most sites?
18:32:52 Soul_Decision: No
18:33:03 Nemanja: ok..guys must go work in the album...see
18:33:09 Staples: Later
18:33:14 rokchik: But then again I basically like in the middle of nowhere so it makes sense it would be slow
18:33:25 Pavel: Nemanja see you around m8!
18:33:29 rokchik: see ya
18:33:42 Nemanja: good night
18:33:48 Nemanja: smile.gif
18:33:50 Staples: Yeah here on base we're pretty limited, but everyone on this island whose offbase whether it's military or locals get some blazing fast speeds.
18:34:38 Pavel: we hacve a crazy speed at UNI
18:34:52 Staples: Yeah?
18:34:55 rokchik: Well guys I must go too. Almost time for my buddy to start his set at the bar and he'll be really mad if I'm late
18:35:10 Staples: Alright have a good one.
18:35:10 rokchik: it's his first show
18:35:12 Pavel: building next to us is the center of croatian academic internet at UNI we can achieve speed up to 35MB download
18:35:24 Staples: Nice.
18:35:31 rokchik: bye
18:35:35 Staples: An internet pirateer's dream.
18:35:40 Pavel: you click the ATI drivers to download and the window jsut closes - you're like WTF?
18:35:47 Staples: Ha
18:35:55 Pavel: than i check the desktop and see the EXE file of 45MB ready biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
18:36:15 Staples: Mine screws with your mind. Speeds up. Oh sweet thirteen seconds to go! Come back twenty later and it's at five minutes. WTF.
18:36:37 Staples: Then it'll get down to 3 minutes and then just suddenly finish.
18:36:43 Pavel: haha yeah well that's what usual users get biggrin.gif
18:36:47 Staples: Ha
18:37:01 Staples: So how long you been playing for Pavel? I know it's been a minute.
18:38:27 Staples: Agh my chat box just went stupid.
18:38:57 Pavel: around 6 years....
18:39:03 Staples: Ah
18:39:06 Pavel: to be honest i lsot the count biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
18:39:13 Staples: Hey it happens
18:39:14 Pavel: i started electric at 15 - now i am 20...
18:39:21 Pavel: well it's a bit over 5 years
18:39:25 Staples: So it's been a bit
18:39:38 Pavel: yeah
18:39:51 Staples: I'm 19 been playing since 13... One problem. Never had any lessons until after I got in the military... So I've got nothing but bad habits.
18:39:52 Pavel: it has more to do with the hours i spent with guitar than actual years
18:40:04 Staples: Yeah years just gives ya a little idea.
18:40:09 Pavel: i never had electric guitar teacher myself
18:40:16 Staples: Where'd ya learn?
18:40:30 Pavel: video instructionals, and jsut watching and lsitening to my influences
18:40:35 Staples: Ah
18:40:53 Pavel: i was playing classical guitar in music schooč - but my teacher hated electric and i never picked the pick up before i bought the electric
18:41:03 Staples: Ha
18:41:16 Pavel: in music school i played stuff like Kosei is teaching
18:41:22 Staples: I never had any instruction of any kind. Ended up playing all downstroke, no metronome.
18:41:28 Pavel: but i'm not a fan of classical guitar and i stopped playing it
18:41:34 Pavel: switched to electric and carried on on my own
18:41:34 Staples: I heard some of his stuff
18:41:48 Staples: Yeah I love my electric.
18:42:03 Pavel: somehow i ahd a feeling for this stuff from the beginning and i bnever layed only downstroke
18:42:10 Pavel: never played*
18:42:14 Staples: Ah
18:42:22 Pavel: i picekd up the guitar and AP was so natural to me...
18:42:29 Pavel: but now i'm working hard on building speed
18:42:32 Pavel: that's the biggest problem
18:42:47 Staples: Well from what I see, any of this takes time.
18:43:01 Pavel: yeah it does
18:43:05 Staples: I have a hard time with AP, when I stop focusing I end up getting into economy, but I do that well.
18:43:08 Pavel: you get to a certain level and than you are stuck at that level
18:43:15 Pavel: than you get anther level up and you're stuck again - i ahte it
18:43:20 Pavel: hate*
18:43:35 Staples: Yeah I bet everyone just about does, never fun to hit a wall.
18:43:41 Pavel: i suck at economy picking biggrin.gif
18:43:48 Staples: So for the past month I've been unlearning downstrokes and learning the metronome.
18:44:01 Pavel: sweeping and AP are my best friends biggrin.gif
18:44:09 Staples: I can't wait to get sweep down.
18:44:12 Pavel: that's a good thing to do m8
18:44:21 Pavel: once you pass by it you'll never have to get back to it
18:44:32 Staples: I'm focusing on AP just to get the basics down before I move to sweeping.
18:44:38 Pavel: yeah sweeps are beautiful but nasty to learn
18:44:50 Staples: I do like the metronome, everything I do sounds so much more fluid, but just slowed down so much.
18:44:50 Pavel: sweeping is a whole new level and i'm still learning it...
18:44:58 Pavel: every day i discover something new
18:45:31 Staples: My biggest problem, I started sweeps, it's muting. I have to really concentrate to get it down, so it's not too natural to me yet.
18:45:44 Staples: Yeah your lessons and Muris' are the big ones I'm going off of.
18:46:28 Pavel: muting is the worst part in all techniques
18:46:41 Pavel: it's almsot impossible to explain in words - you have to feel it
18:46:52 Staples: Yeah I know. I'll play something clean, sound great, pop on distortion and get smacked upside the head by noise.
18:47:06 Pavel: hehe that's why i ALWAYS practice with distortion
18:47:14 Pavel: i never practiced on clean sound
18:47:27 Staples: I try to but sometimes my roommate is sleeping or it's late at night so I just play w/o amp infront of my computer.
18:47:32 Pavel: controlling the noise is a big skil land you can't practice that on clean sound
18:47:39 Staples: Yeah I noticed
18:47:52 Pavel: i was playign at my friend's house and his dad is a guitarist his whole life
18:48:06 Pavel: and i crancked the distortion and gain up all the way and played some sweeping...
18:48:27 Pavel: his dad came in and asked: how the hell are you muting that? You ahve awesome control of distortion!"
18:48:46 Staples: Oh man, a good sweep.. There isn't much like it.
18:49:03 Pavel: it's all in your RIGHT hand
18:49:15 Pavel: you get that down and you're a king of the hill
18:49:19 Pavel: not many players have clean sweeps
18:49:21 Staples: AP, EP, tapping have their sounds and those are more the fundamentals, but sweeping just produces it's own sound that's so appealing.
18:49:35 Staples: Yeah I thought I had some sweeps down, put on the distortion when my roomie woke up, and puke.
18:49:43 Pavel: hahaha
18:49:48 Pavel: don't worry mate
18:49:55 Pavel: you can't even imagine my start with sweeping
18:50:01 Staples: Ha
18:50:05 Staples: Bad?
18:50:07 Pavel: i was like: "Ok, maybe i should seel the guitar?"
18:50:11 Pavel: sell*
18:50:19 Pavel: i saw TOTALLY no future in sweeping
18:50:31 Pavel: but i was amazed by MAB and his sweeping and i carried on
18:50:38 Pavel: today it's my favorite technique
18:50:49 Pavel: you can be EVERYWHERE you want to go on the neck in just seconds
18:50:54 Staples: It's a great sounding one that's for sure.
18:51:11 Pavel: chord changes are unlimited so it's unlimited fun
18:51:16 Staples: Yeah I can keep my hands in sync, but it's the muting that's making it nasty.
18:51:32 Staples: I'm still having troubles with the metronome.
18:52:05 Pavel: don't be afraid of moving the right hand up and down the bridge
18:52:15 Pavel: once you get the movement down you'll gain tons in your muting
18:52:33 Staples: I do that sometimes, most of the times I do do it, but my palm just isn't placed right to mute it.
18:52:47 Pavel: that's what you'll hve to find out on your own
18:53:00 Pavel: jsut a few months ago i found out the best way to mute for me
18:53:14 Pavel: i've been sweeping for 3 years and jsut recently discovered new things...
18:53:20 Staples: Like what?
18:53:23 Pavel: it sucks but you'll always have to elarn...
18:53:32 Pavel: like: how to mute properly
18:53:41 Staples: Ha
18:53:54 Pavel: the basic concept is alwas the same but to me and my hand - i found the right position and angle
18:54:07 Pavel: so that's what you ahve to find for yourself
18:54:16 Staples: I can find it but I always have to concentrate, doesn't come too naturally yet.
18:54:38 Staples: Then my left hand USUALLY can play fairly clean but sometimes I don't mute or I pull off to hard and it rings.
18:55:39 Staples: Frustrating but it's getting a little better.
18:56:12 Pavel: it will get better over time
18:56:34 Staples: My biggest focus ATM is AP and the metronome. That thing can drive you insane.
18:56:37 Pavel: you know 2 years ago i was: "hey i can sweep 6-tuplets at 70 - WOW"
18:56:43 Staples: ha
18:56:44 Staples: Nice
18:57:01 Pavel: today i can sweep 6-tuplets at 140 - and in a year it will be even faster - it's an ongoing process...
18:57:32 Staples: I think the fastest I got with a decent sound, but couldn't keep it consistent everytime was 120bpm 8ths. Nothing too spectacular.
18:57:49 Pavel: no worries - time solves many things - and practice of course
18:57:56 Staples: Yeah
18:58:53 Staples: I'll probably start that bending heaven solo today.
19:00:01 Pavel: cool! What time is it there?
19:00:06 Staples: 9am
19:00:14 Pavel: 01:00 here biggrin.gif
19:00:24 Staples: Nice
19:00:41 Pavel: sleeping time in a 20 minutes biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
19:00:48 Staples: Understandable
19:00:54 Pavel: practiced a lot today - need to ahve some rest and continue tomorrow smile.gif
19:01:04 Staples: How many hours you usually put in a day?
19:01:53 Pavel: it depends on what i practice
19:02:00 Pavel: before i used to practice up to 6 hours and even more
19:02:08 Pavel: right now even 3 hours of constant practicing are enough
19:02:17 Pavel: because now i practice stuff which is really killing you
19:02:33 Staples: 6 hours dang.
19:02:53 Pavel: my all-time record is 11-12 hours
19:02:55 Pavel: only did it once
19:03:04 Staples: I bet.
19:03:19 Pavel: there is realyl no point in it
19:03:31 Pavel: the best learning process is while you are not tired and can concentrate
19:03:36 Staples: I'd think so, after a while you'd just get exhausted and then that can become counterproductive.
19:03:38 Pavel: as soon as you're sick of what you're doing you can't learn
19:03:53 Pavel: hey Owen
19:04:10 Owen: hey guys
19:04:33 Staples: That's why I try to mix up lessons.
19:04:48 Staples: Even if they're all AP I learn a few.
19:05:00 Owen: Pavel, I have to say, I <3 you, I was at my mates today and I just about made him cry and my much improved ability in sweep picking tongue.gif
19:05:11 Owen: with my*
19:05:28 Staples: Nice
19:05:51 Owen: I really appreciate those first vids you made, because without them I'd have absolutely no clue at all
19:06:16 Owen: heh, sorry, have I killed this conversation sad.gif
19:06:31 Staples: Ha don't worry about it man you didn't
19:06:37 Pavel: You're welcome m8! I'm really glad they can help someone smile.gif
19:06:48 Pavel: no, no worries, we were talkign about sweeping and practicing in general smile.gif
19:07:01 Owen: cool
19:07:18 Owen: I'm still crap at 3 string sweeping LOL, I started on the 5 string patterns and I like them so much better
19:07:30 Pavel: hehehehe you'll love them both alter
19:07:37 Pavel: it's even better when you combine those 2 shapes
19:08:42 Staples: Soon I'm going to try to get some theory down, for now I'm trying to get some decent habits again.
19:09:14 Owen: yeah, I need to learn some theory, I cant compose that great and it would help quite a bit
19:09:24 Pavel: i suck at theory biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
19:09:29 Staples: Ha
19:09:35 Staples: So all that stuff just kinda comes to ya?
19:09:53 Owen: hah, you know a few scales
19:10:09 Pavel: yeah you learn scales and that becomes part of the skill
19:10:11 Owen: I'm not going to swallow the whole book, just set a few paths to follow tongue.gif
19:10:13 Pavel: i never think in theory way
19:10:26 Pavel: i jsut play around and see what fits and in general i hear a melody in my head smile.gif
19:11:02 Staples: Yeah that's kind of what I'm going for. Get some basic scales down, skim over other things to get an idea of where I'm going and just play.
19:11:08 Owen: I can hear it sometimes, I just have trouble getting them melodies down tongue.gif
19:11:27 Pavel: i wish i could handle theory liek Andrew biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
19:12:17 Owen: really?
19:12:38 Pavel: yeah
19:12:43 Pavel: he OWNS theory
19:12:51 Pavel: i jsut don't ahve enough will to learn theory
19:13:00 Pavel: sorry for typos...
19:13:21 Staples: I'm sure it's good to know but I find that sometimes it gets a little dull or I find myself entirely clueless.
19:13:31 Staples: So I go practice AP.
19:13:43 Pavel: hehehe
19:13:57 Pavel: you know so far i never found myself stuck in theory - i mean - i never saw a need in theory...
19:14:10 Pavel: i am sure once life is gonna kick me in the face and i'll start learning theory biggrin.gif
19:14:42 Staples: I see it's purpose, but it seems for most guitarists it's something to probably get the jist of it and just go with it. I don't see the need to be a theory master
19:15:07 Staples: Learn your scales, some patterns, basic shapes and some of the rules of the game.
19:15:56 Pavel: theory opens doors to new stuff but for now i don't need it
19:16:02 Pavel: i first want to nail technique
19:16:13 Pavel: than i will be able to learn theory together with having fun on guitar
19:16:21 Staples: Ah
19:17:39 Staples: Some of it's nice to just understand. I see people talking about Amaj7# or something like that and I have a total brain fart. Things along those lines.
19:18:17 Pavel: yeah well i know what that means biggrin.gif but that's considered to be basic stuff
19:18:31 Staples: That's why I'm trying to get the basics. Ha
19:18:39 Pavel: ok - cool than smile.gif
19:18:52 Pavel: Owen! You're quiet!
19:19:04 Pavel: still amazed by ripping your friend's ass with sweeps? wink.gif biggrin.gif
19:19:37 Pavel: he's away i think
19:19:51 Staples: I believe so
19:20:30 Owen: still here
19:20:35 Staples: Hey Pavel. What lessons of any instructor do you think are no shit great ones to get down? You, Muris, Kris, Andrew, anybody.
19:20:39 Owen: just got caught up on msn
19:21:05 Owen: people are talking to me about my career plans, I may be doing a university course on sound engineering
19:21:15 Staples: Join the Marines! Ahahaha
19:21:20 Pavel: hahahaha
19:21:30 Pavel: Owen sound stuff is amazing
19:21:33 Owen: NOOOES
19:21:35 Pavel: if you ahve a chance - go for it
19:21:38 Owen: @ marine bit tongue.gif
19:21:50 Pavel: Staples I like Marcus's stuff
19:22:01 Pavel: i think his stuff is the craziest, together with some Muris's AP lessons
19:22:01 Staples: <Marine w00t
19:22:10 Owen: yeah, I really want to do it but at the same time I want to know I can get a job out of it and not just waste 3 years of my life on something thats not going to pay off
19:22:13 Staples: Hmm... ::goes to look::
19:22:36 Pavel: Owen well - i would have studied that if i had a chance
19:22:44 Pavel: but you're right about the job
19:24:18 Staples: Hmm
19:24:31 Owen: cos like 60% of sound engineers are either self employed or only work part time or freelance
19:24:52 Pavel: Owen same goes for musicians biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
19:24:53 visi0n: hey there guys biggrin.gif
19:24:56 Pavel: hey m8
19:24:57 visi0n: hey Pavel biggrin.gif
19:25:02 visi0n: how are you ?
19:25:07 Pavel: goo
19:25:10 Pavel: good* biggrin.gif
19:25:13 visi0n: biggrin.gif
19:25:46 Owen: Hey! smile.gif
19:25:53 Owen: theres a lot of grinning going on
19:26:01 Owen: someones eaten all the cheddar biggrin.gif
19:26:18 Staples: I did it.
19:26:47 Pavel: hehehehehe
19:28:02 Staples: Blerghrghaasshghz
19:30:35 visi0n: i really need to sleep, im so tired
19:30:39 visi0n: worked 6 days this week
19:30:49 Staples: Then sleep man, do whatcha gotta do
19:31:04 visi0n: but i want to play guitar lol
19:31:15 Staples: Play in your sleep.
19:31:21 Staples: It's an admirable skill.
19:31:25 visi0n: yeah doing it often
19:31:35 Owen: I'm so awesome at sleep picking
19:31:38 visi0n: i think, people can also practice without a guitar
19:31:48 Staples: I try to sleep pick, just can'
19:31:53 Staples: t mute properly.
19:31:56 visi0n: just thinking about the moves with your fingers and think about the notes
19:32:00 Pavel: i often write lessons and exercises while in a bus biggrin.gif
19:32:02 Staples: lose focus really quick.
19:32:14 Pavel: i jsut hear a thing going in my head and i immediately start to air-play it biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
19:32:33 Owen: heh, I have nowhere near that level of musicality
19:32:43 visi0n: but pavel if you play air .. how do you gonna now it sounds right
19:32:56 visi0n: biggrin.gif its just the flow of aaaaaaair
19:32:56 visi0n: haha
19:34:48 Pavel: i've been playing scales for so long that i make it right in 98% wink.gif
19:35:10 Pavel: really, i come home pick up guitar and just find the starting note and all the shapes i actualyl thought of - are right there
19:35:25 Pavel: it's not hard - if yu practice it
19:35:33 visi0n: i know what you mean
19:36:01 visi0n: sometimes i also can pick the note that i just want, and without thinking of it
19:36:09 Muris: evening biggrin.gif
19:36:13 visi0n: goodnight sir varajic
19:36:16 visi0n: lol
19:36:22 Muris: i'm not sir
19:36:30 Muris: that'd be Elton John LOL
19:36:33 visi0n: well Mister
19:36:34 visi0n: biggrin.gif
19:36:49 Staples: ooo Muris and Pavel. Nice.
19:36:50 Muris: how's it going here?
19:36:58 Staples: Makes me learnz de geetar bettar.
19:36:59 visi0n: well i just came few minutes ago
19:37:14 Pavel: hey Muris
19:37:16 visi0n: think its going good..
19:37:23 Muris: hi Pavel
19:37:31 Pavel: can't sleep? wink.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
19:37:34 visi0n: haha
19:37:37 visi0n: same .. :X
19:37:38 Muris: well not really
19:37:43 Muris: came from gig
19:37:48 Pavel: cool
19:37:51 visi0n: how did it go ?
19:37:52 Muris: so will try to sleep in few hours wink.gif
19:37:59 Muris: same as always
19:38:00 Staples: Man I'm in Japan. When I'm up everyone else is going to sleep or already passed out.
19:38:14 Muris: private party for Tuborg
19:38:24 visi0n: cool
19:38:26 Muris: and I'm non alcoholic...pssstt wink.gif
19:38:38 visi0n: wink.gif
19:39:11 Muris: Staples ,you are originaly from Japan?
19:39:19 Staples: Nah
19:39:22 Staples: US, Michigan
19:39:26 Muris: ahh right
19:39:28 Muris: Navy?
19:39:37 Owen: The japanese dont handle their drink well do they?
19:40:05 Muris: have you seen any ninjas btw? biggrin.gif
19:40:23 Owen: he's been too busy with his dragon tongue.gif
19:40:24 visi0n: hahahaha
19:40:34 Muris: ninja rules dude
19:40:36 Muris: trust me
19:40:37 Muris: wink.gif
19:40:40 visi0n: yea
19:40:53 Muris: Sho Koshugi
19:40:55 visi0n: but Muris you had also some ninja reflexes right ?
19:40:56 Muris: my man biggrin.gif
19:41:10 visi0n: lol
19:41:15 Muris: yeah..was long ago...i miss that biggrin.gif
19:41:31 Staples: Marines
19:41:35 Muris: imagine shred with ninja reflex
19:41:36 Muris: man
19:41:39 Muris: ultra stuff
19:41:41 Staples: I saw Grass ninja's.
19:42:01 Muris: grass ninja?
19:42:21 Staples: They cut lawn and do hedging but they're covered head to toe by some kind of drab or another, all you see is their eyes.
19:42:22 visi0n: what is a grass ninja ?
19:42:25 Staples: Hence grass ninja's.
19:42:32 Muris: ahh
19:42:32 visi0n: haha
19:42:35 Muris: awesome
19:42:43 Muris: real size or?
19:42:51 visi0n: Muris
19:42:58 Pavel: MIddle size Muris wink.gif
19:43:02 Muris: lol
19:43:05 Staples: They're about normal height for the Okinawans. So about 5'6 and below
19:43:10 visi0n: that last lesson of yours, i forgot wich one .. but your t-shirt matched very good with the color of your guitar
19:43:20 Muris: may I ask for a favour?
19:43:20 Pavel: orange one wink.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
19:43:23 visi0n: yea
19:43:35 Staples: Maybe?
19:43:36 Pavel: i thnik he wants himself a ninja from Japan haha
19:43:44 visi0n: haha
19:43:56 Muris: take a picture of those ninjas and post it in forum?
19:43:59 Muris: please biggrin.gif
19:44:06 Staples: Hmm I'll do what I can
19:44:17 Staples: They're around once or twice a month so I'll have to keep my camera handy.
19:44:22 Muris: put guitar in his arms
19:44:28 visi0n: haha muris
19:44:28 Pavel: hahahaha
19:44:29 Muris: that'd be cooooooolnessssssssss
19:44:31 Muris: lol
19:44:34 visi0n: lol
19:44:44 visi0n: flying guitar grass ninja's
19:44:48 Muris: looking forward to it,thanks man wink.gif
19:45:07 Staples: My friend has one on his myspace.
19:45:19 Staples: Normally theres swarms of them but he only has one, would you be happy with that for now?
19:45:39 visi0n: i have also a picture when im standing with the kyokushin tournament
19:45:57 Muris: you mean one ninja with guitar?
19:46:02 Muris: on picture
19:46:16 Staples: No no guitar. But I do have photoshops.
19:46:22 Muris: nahhh
19:46:34 Muris: that doesn't count
19:46:39 Owen: so muris
19:46:45 Muris: so Owen
19:46:49 Owen: wy did you not get a ninja custom guitar!?
19:46:53 Owen: why* tongue.gif
19:46:55 Staples: I'm pretty sure I'd scare the hell out of them. Some Marine comes running outside in cammies with a guitar HOLD THIS HOLD THIS HOLD STILL IMA TAKE PICTURE!
19:47:14 visi0n: HA HA HA
19:47:18 Muris: wink.gif
19:47:33 visi0n: i can imagine that
19:47:35 Owen: it should have been big, black, with shuriken tuners and a stealthy ability to disappear when danger is near
19:47:36 Muris: well,dunno what ninja guitar should be...any ideas?
19:47:38 Staples: I might get stomped if he really does have the lightning reflexes of a ninja.
19:47:40 Owen: it'd be the ultimate guitar tongue.gif
19:48:17 Staples: It would fire ninja stars out of the headstock and right beside the output jack there would be a foldout knife. Flat black paint with chrome humbuckers.
19:48:25 Muris: to disappear when YJM is near LOL
19:48:50 Staples: Yes. That's the beauty. You can never get the guitar. Everytime you go to grab it it's suddenly sitting behind you.
19:49:06 Owen: it would be so stealthy the audience would think you were playing som awesome air guitar tongue.gif
19:49:12 Muris: yeah that might be the problem
19:49:17 Staples: It can fly too.
19:49:22 Staples: Ninja's can do anything.
19:49:46 Staples: They can teleport from place to place, but they live an active life so they prefer to pounce from place to place.
19:49:50 Muris: i prefer climbing on trees and smoke bombs
19:50:02 Muris: but shurikens tunners would be cool wink.gif
19:50:47 Staples: Everytime you solo it spews homemade smokebombs into the audience.
19:50:53 Staples: If you can grab it.
19:51:45 Muris: but is there a point in having gig and throwing bombs in audience?
19:51:47 Pavel: ok i'm off to sleep! Dream some ninjas biggrin.gif:D
19:51:49 Muris: lol
19:51:53 Owen: biggrin.gif
19:51:54 Staples: No but Ninja's do as they please.
19:51:56 Staples: Later Pavel
19:51:58 Muris: lol
19:52:01 Muris: sure biggrin.gif
19:52:03 Pavel: night guys!
19:52:08 Muris: I'm off too guys
19:52:13 Muris: just wanted to say hi
19:52:15 visi0n: i was too late
19:52:16 visi0n: sad.gif
19:52:17 Muris: tired a bit
19:52:17 Staples: Later
19:52:21 visi0n: yes same
19:52:28 visi0n: good that you came to say hi muris
19:52:30 Muris: latter guys
19:52:37 visi0n: im going off too bed too
19:52:40 Muris: see ya next time smile.gif
19:52:42 Owen: yeah
19:52:42 Owen: same
19:52:42 visi0n: see you muris smile.gif
19:52:42 Owen: tongue.gif
19:52:43 Staples: Would a non guitar grass ninja do?
19:52:43 Muris: bye
19:52:47 visi0n: byebye
19:52:48 visi0n: goodnight
19:52:53 Owen: Bai guys, keep on ninjaing!
19:53:00 visi0n: haha see you ma wink.gif
19:53:03 Staples: later

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