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My Content
10 Oct 2014
Hello, everybody!

It is really nice to be back at GMC. I just love the motivation that
I get from the videochats and the collabs. Greetings to all of you, folks.

I intend to organize a sponsored guitar competition on YouTube in the near future.
One has to upload videos and "solve some guitar problems". More info coming soon.
I think it'd be a really fun and challenging event.

Who'd like to participate and win the big prize? smile.gif


22 Aug 2013
Hey, GMC!

I just recorded a brief cover of Joe Bonamassa's main solo in "Blues Deluxe".
Here it is:

Blues Deluxe Solo Cover

Here's the original song: (Solo at 03:48)

Blues Deluxe

I'd be glad to receive some ideas and thoughts on what to improve. : )

21 Jul 2013
Hey, guys!

Just did a video of the main solo from "Stone Cold Hearted".
The song is played by the rock band Bloodline and the lead
guitarist is Joe Bonamassa.

I'd be grateful to receive some feedback from you.


Stone Cold Hearted (Solo cover)
Original song
28 Mar 2013
Greetings, GMC Team!

A few weeks ago at Todd's videochat an idea came to my mind to use my left thumb while
tapping, because the stretch would be much wider that way.
So here's a brief improvisation in G Minor:

Thumb Tapping

I hope you like it. And don't forget to share ideas. : )
10 Feb 2013
Hey, guys! : )

This week I started choosing which lessons to cover at GMC
and I ended up pretty frustrated, having to deal with almost 3000 of them.
Later an idea came to my mind to write down a short story, which
really gave me peace over the fact that I have a lot more to do. (Which is actually great, isn't it? tongue.gif)

Every guitarist starts his journey from the base of the GMC ( The Grand Music Cliffs).
The task is to reach YOUR OWN peak and build a statue of yourself, thus becoming a Guitar Hero.
There are many different steepy ways that lead to the peaks. These pathways are called
Classical, Rock, Blues, Jazz and so on... You get the idea.
In order to build your own statue (let's say it'll be blue) on the top of a mountain, you should collect enough blue
stones and gems. (These are the lessons.)
If you start to wonder around and pick up every beautiful stone you find, it'll slow you down.
"Oh, this gem here's green, but it's marvelous, so I'll take it, too." The more stones you pick up,
the heavier your bag gets. Eventually, you won't be able to progress at all, because you have
so much baggage with you. You'd never reach your peak.

Now, there's another thing, that really got me thinking. I used to play classical guitar, as my mother
is a guitar teacher. Later I had to leave it aside, because I prefer mainly rock, blues and jazz music,
so I felt guilty about it. Then I made up the next part of the parable:

It's a fact, that every pathway can take you up into the mountains, but some of them can do it more
quicker than others. The Classical way is a WIDE road, which leads up. You collect many valuable
stones and gems (skills) while walking on it, but actually, it's connected to the other ones. So, one
can always take another route and proceed to his own peak, without feeling guilty of leaving the
main road. Why? Because it wouldn't lead him to his final destination. The positive side is that
the guitarist gets many useful skills from the first part of his journey though.

Another thing I pondered on is that many guitarists actually look upon the great statues, that
are already built on the different mountain peaks. Such are the statues of Yngwie Malmsteen,
Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert, BB King and so on. And they start making their way to these peaks,
instead of heading for their own. So, eventually what happens is, they arrive at the peak
with all these great skills and licks and guess what! - There's already a statue built there.
They don't get much of a recognition, because they didn't manage to do something unique
from their own soul.

Hope you like it and please share some thoughts.
We could write it further... smile.gif
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22 Oct 2014 - 5:29

20 Oct 2014 - 21:02

16 Oct 2014 - 15:47

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9 Apr 2013 - 0:01

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