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I'm I the only one who finds it impossible to only play guitar 5 minutes ???
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Learning Rock Star
38 years old
Montreal, Canada
Born May-15-1986
I'm doing a Master Degree in International Politics at the moment so I can only play guitar when I have time.

I'm interested in a lot of music style like: old rock, blues, funk/rock, a bit of metal, reggae, accoustisc. i like about everything.
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3 Mar 2015
Hi guys,
I play a lot of guitar lately but unfortunately I don’t spend much time on GMC anymore.

For years I have looked everywhere on the Internet and I have always found that the community at GMC is the best one. cool.gif

I am a proud Mesa Boogie owner since a few month and geezz I like the experience. I had an incredible deal on an old Nomad 45 1X12. I have red a lot of rant about this amp but I think it deserves better than that. I love mine and I have been able to achieve about any tone I had in mind with it, I haven’t use it live or with a band yet but seeing how versatile it is I don’t think I will have any problem tonally. I don’t have a lot of experiences with other tube amps. Maybe it won’t do the new hardcore metal but it is great for about any thing else. I use it mostly for blues/rock and hard rock.

I had a bit of free time while traveling and I have looked on the Internet for some tricks to EQ Mesa amps since the knobs are interactive. I have already red my manual several times just to be sure I grasp everything since the knobs reacts differently. Each read had brought me something new.

I red a lot of stuff on the Internet and that made me wonder how people generally approach settings some tone on these amps. rolleyes.gif rolleyes.gif

I’ll share my approach on dialing a good tone. I usually turn my presence, bass and mids all the way down. With my treble, gain and channel volume at 12 :00 I play with these 3 knobs until I find something I like. I then add some mids and bass and sometimes presence. It takes me less then 1 minute to dial a great sound. I don’t have a graphic EQ on this amp though. One of the biggest tricks is to be careful with the gain knob. After a certain point the sounds only gets crappier, I prefer the definition of notes and RARELY go past 3 :00. If I need more gain, I’ll try adding it by boosting my treble knob. Overdrive pedals with the gain low and the level high also helps getting a more aggressive sound.

Usually my settings looks like this :
Gain : 10:00-2 :00
Treble : 11 :00-1 :00
Mids : 9 :00-12 :00
Bass :10 :00-2 :00
Presence : 7 :00-12 :00

Maybe I can post a picture of my front panel when I arrive home.

I wanted to share with you my approach to Mesa Boogies and wonder how you guys do it. I hope this thread don’t come into a Mesa Boogie rant thread since I want to have constructive commentary and maybe help people if I can. I haven't find a good forum discussing the matters and I am sure that once again GMC can raise the Internet reputation biggrin.gif biggrin.gif .

Thanks for sharing !
17 Nov 2011
Hi everyone,

I haven’t been here for quite a while actually and it feels good to be back on tracks. I have not paid a lot of attention to my guitars in the last month since I didn’t have time. I had to finish my thesis on Oil dependency for my master degree. Once it was done, I moved twice in 2 months, and I’ve looked everywhere for a job. I am now a journalist for a newspaper and it took me quite a while to get the beat of writing so articles and to be able to have a life apart from all the evening events and the time at the office.

It’s all seems to come back now and I want to start back in guitar playing. For now I want to dedicate 1 hour per day for my guitar playing. I have return to basics of Alternate picking and funk rhythm (a la Frusciante). I would really like to work on my ear too (always been terrible with that aspect). I also bough a program that is supposed to brings me to entire fretboard freedom (hope it works), I have to sit down and figure it out.

Does anyone have some tips on some things to practice or on some GMC lesson to look at since I have not followed development lately. I know the classic like Joe Kataldo series on funk rhythm and Ivan Milenkovic lesson in the style of RHCP (I’ve never been able to get the rhythm in this one ).

I would also appreciate if someone could guide me in a way to divide my practice hour.

By the way I played quite a bit with the knobs on my Stratocaster yesterday and for the first time since I have it; I realized that it sounded wayyyy better with the volume set on 8 then on 10. Everything seems clearer and more like I always want. Just a thought I wanted to share.

Glad to be back !
27 Apr 2011
Hi guys,
I haven’t been around for quite some time now. I was so busy finishing my Master’s Degree thesis, but its finally done. I really didn’t play any guitar at all for the last 2 months and I find myself so bad now. My life as always followed that patterns with the guitar, I practice like hell, I start to get good and then the end of semester hits me like a car on the highway and I don’t find anytime to practice.

I remember that when I used to play a lot I start to notice some pain in my arms and shoulders. I was practicing some legato a few minutes ago and I notice that this pain could come back easily since I had some pressure in my arms. I am sure the problem comes from my posture with the guitar… so my question is

How do you find the optimal posture to practice and how can you fix the tension you have in your body ?

I have a few hypotheses on the elements that cause the pain.

First, I am wondering if all the time spent with my laptop is getting my wrists, arms and shoulders tired. If this is the case unfortunately, I don’t thin I can reduce the usage of my laptop. I a hope this is not the problem.

Second, I was practicing on a regular chair and I put my right foot on the horizontal bar under my chair. The result was that my guitar lifts a bit and my position seems more comfortable. I felt that I could practice my legato for a longer time in that position. Still that position wasn’t an ultimate one and my feet start hurting from that bar. I then question my self about using a foot stoole.

I have never seen anyone in my entourage practicing guitar with a foot stoole and I really wonder if it is a real solution or if I’m analyzing myself too much instead of practicing.

I want to do a real practice including AP, scales, legato… but I feel that the tension in my body is preventing me from getting the best out of my practicing routine.
Oh yes and I forgot…. I am not at home since a few weeks and I don’t know when I will get back, these means that I don’t play on my beloved Stratocaster but I play on an old beat up acoustic guitar.

Anyone can help me on finding solution to get the best posture possible and preventing any pain ?

Thanks for your help !!!

30 Jan 2011
Hi guys,

I was away from home this weekend. And nothing much to do.... I was playing on my old electric guitar (since it's the only guitar I have with me at the moment). I founded that the guitar played really great and that I love the feeling it gaves me when I vibrato.

Just did a whole tone bend on my high e-string and SCHDOIIINNNGGGG !!!! .. I suddenly remembered why I bought another guitar at that time. The licensed Floyd Rose as always been a big deception for me with that guitar. I am not really using the diving/pulling option that much because my strings are popping out from the bridge all the time. I know how to change a string even some luthier has change some strings on it and it keeps popping out.

Is there anyone of you who have some tips on making the strings in the bridge more solid. It could be a great guitar if the Floyd Rose was a bit better. I have taught about changing the bridge but I am not sure all the money invovled would be a great deal.

Beside my guitar is a ESP LTD F-200 (this precise model is now discontinuated I think). I would have love to learn the new Lesson on phrasing with the whammy bar but I can't even bend a whole tone witout the string popping out.

I hope someone on this site has a trick to block the string in the bridge.

Thanks !!!
13 Dec 2010
Hello Gmc friends,

I have been really busy lately, doing an internship in politics and working part time on the weekend. I have worked 60 hours per week for the last 3 months. I finally finished my internship last friday and I found out that my guitar skills had decreased and that my guitar really need to be fix since it buzz almost everywhere.

Yesterday, the weather was terrible (perfect time to play the blues cool.gif )one of my friend and I start jamming with a few beers and we decided to record something. The lyrics and the lead part where pretty much improvised. The rythm guitar was written in 2 minutes and it was just jammed, without a metronome or a click, plain feeling.

The lyrics are in french (with a strong slang from where I live)

We did a few comp here and there and I think the result is ok. It is not perfect but it was a hell lot of fun. Furthermore, it was the first time that I recorded a tube amp instead of digital modeling. It sounds great but it is hard to modify your sound at the end. I found that I didn't like the rythm guitar sound in the first part, it seems to lack some tone.

Anyway here is the link, I'm waiting for some feedback on this but don't expect anything professional only plain fun while jamming.

There is 2 parts. The second one is in B minor and the first one ..... well I don't know I just jammed in E blues cool.gif .

Attached File  No_time_blues.mp3 ( 2.43MB ) Number of downloads: 1048

The gear:
Epiphone Sherraton
Fender Stratocaster
Fender Blues Junior

Everything was recorded in Logic and the only effect that were used are in the DAW.

The lyrics aren't important since we do not say anything important, just messing around.
In the middle of the two parts here is the dialogue translated biggrin.gif
- No time to live in B minor
- Can we play in E instead ?
- Man, man. Just play !
- Allright then

IMO, a few things are bugging in the track. The rythm guitar lack a lot of mid, wich the eq on the amp wasn't adjust properly. The lead guitar was also done on my stratocaster wich have dead notes, buzz and some bends get cut. Had trouble mixing the vocals also. Another thing is that since the wall in my appartment are thick has paper we couldn't crank the amp at all so I found that the lead lack of sustain in some parts.

I will like to hear your comments and advice on this !!!
Thanks and enjoy the No time Blues

Edit: Forgot to mention that I play the lead part and my friend the rythm and vocal
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2 Nov 2017 - 20:58

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Happy birthday mate :)
15 May 2010 - 12:59
14 Mar 2010 - 22:43
Thanks a lot, my friend! :)
24 Feb 2010 - 14:13


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