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"Play from your heart every time"

"There are no such thing as bad notes, only bad choices"
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Learning Roadie
44 years old
Born Oct-22-1979
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22 Feb 2011
Hello GMC

Well, the month of february is nearly to its end, which probably means that the month of Slash is about to end.

Anyways, I just had a few things to say about Slash month here:
First of, I must say that this is an AWESOME initiative, and I am very much looking forward to more of these. This one was specially nice, because I really enjoy the works of Slash, and I must give my kudos Lucio, who has done an amazing job as Slash. Just amazing.
I am sure to be doing these lessons really soon when I am done with the ones I am currently doing.

Furthermore, I'd like to extend the above to include Walter. I really enjoyed and learned a great deal by his analysis, so a big kudos to him as well. It seems I get a lot more out of a lesson when this sort of thing is included.

Now, I would like to propose that, if possible, instructors would do a kind of analysis of their lessons in the future. The thing is, more often that not, I tend to pick a lesson because it sounds good, it's a style I want to learn, or its a practice method on a skill I need to improve.

The thing is, I learn the lesson, and move on. Perhaps you can blame it on bad homework ethics, or something else, but I rarely go into extreme details with a lesson.

Well, I guess I am just looking for answers to the question: WHY?
Why is the instructor using that scale? why is that particular scale working on this particular chord progression?

Reading the above, I guess what I need is some of the theory behind lessons. I've been studying a lot of theory but it seems to be a neverending topic, where you read and read and read for a long time and you just dont get it, until one day you read a single line, and suddenly the past two months of reading just makes sense.

Perhaps we could create some sort of theory classes, where an instructor could say: This week we will learn about f.ex. the major scale. The instructor can create a lesson to go with this (with NO GUITAR), and perhaps point to andrews theory board as well. At the end of the week (or during), questions could be submitted, or even homework could be given. Sort of like the old MTP, but with theory.

Anyways, enough rambling.
Kudos once again to Lucio and Walter. Great lessons.. biggrin.gif
17 Dec 2010
Hello everyone.

Just to celebrate the new arrival and share it with you guys here.

I got this one, first of all, because I got a really good deal on it.. I ended up paying $1700 (us). I bought it from a guy who just bought it back in july 2010 for $2700 (us), so it didn't matter if I had to borrow the money or not. I just had to get this guitar at this amazing deal..

The new guitar is going to complement my first guitar: The Gibson Custom 1958 Les Paul VOS, which I am absolutely happy about as well.

Anyways, say hello to my standard.

The guitar is a Gibson USA Les Paul Standard HoneyBurst made in 2009.
Gibson has made some modifications to this particular guitar.

  • *It has Grover locking tuners
  • *a lock for the guitar cable so you dont rip it out if you accidentally step on the cord
  • *you can "lock" the bridge and tailpiece at your specified height, so you dont accidentally move it during string changes
  • *the neck is asymmetrical, meaning it's fatter at the top, while thinner in the bottom, giving me an almost 1958 style neck in the top, while remaining slim in the bottom for the lightning fast killer licks (dont know about it tho since i'm not lightning fast)
  • *has BurstBuckers Pro 1 and 2 pickups
  • *is chambered which makes it a *LOT* lighter.
  • *dunlop strap locks

Notice the flags in the background.. I go into great lengths to celebrate a new member of the family (haha.. not.. my daughter just turned 2 years old.. can you guys believe how times just fly by?)

The build quality of this guitar is what you can expect from a gibson (USA). Of course it cannot match the quality of my custom (and rightly so), it's a good quality built guitar.

Like many before me, I had my doubts about a chambered gibson. Would it even sound like a gibson? A "real" gibson isn't chambered. etc., but after changing the strings and setting up this bad boy I can say that all my thoughts about a chambered gibson has been put to shame.

Although it does sound a bit different than my 1958, it DOES sound like a gibson, and because it is chambered it has a more twangy sound, a more trebly sound if you will. This more trebly sound makes it, dare i say it, better than my 1958 in certain areas of music (rock, hardrock).

Well.. no.. it's not better, it's just a bit different.. and more choices == win.. biggrin.gif

Rock on mates.. I know I will.. \o/

edit: apparently list items doesn't work anymore?
14 Oct 2010
Hey everyone..

I could use a little help..
I have just put my Blackstar HT-5 amp on sale, and someone has asked me if I wanted to trade it for a guitar..

I wasn't actually planning on this, but i am not really selling the amp because i need money, so now i am considering the offer.. But i could use some of your expertise.. i am considering this because i really only have one other guitar, so one more wouldn't hurt..

The guitar is an Ibanez Prestige RG 2610e, and the finish on the guitar is cracking.. i am guessing he has tried to spraypaint the cracks but the paint is also coming off now..

Now, i have put the amp on sale for 378 US dollars, and he is saying that he bought the guitar for 1600 usd (and now selling it for 378, which is why he wants to make the trade)..

What do you think?

EDIT: the guitar comes with case and two tremolo-arms, but back plate is missing.. It's from 2007, and he has also added a tone-control..

EDIT 2: my primary guitar is a Gibson Les Paul
22 Aug 2010
Hello everyone.

How are you all doing here? I've been away for quite some time now.. nearly 5 months.. wow.. that long? guess so..
So what happened was that I just became fed up with the constant struggle with improving my guitar playing doing stupid lessons and not getting anywhere..

Of course, none of the lessons are stupid, and even though one feels that you aren't getting anywhere, the fact is that you really ARE getting somewhere..

Nonetheless, I decided to take some time away from GMC, and try to focus my attention on trying to learn one of my all time favorite solos.. Just making some music instead of all these "stupid" (no they are not) lessons..

While going into this solo, I already knew that it would be no easy task, and I also knew that I would be in WAY over my head.. I mean WAY WAY WAY over my head.. After only two years of playing this was going to be no easy task..

Anyways, I have just completed a video of it, and I want to share it with you.. and please comment on it, whether good or bad.. doesn't matter..

It's not perfect, but I think it went alright.. And to not make it a direct copy I decided to put my own stuff in here and there.. oh well.. take a listen..

One thing I can say though, is that my bending, my vibrato, my hammer-ons/pull-offs and my overall playing ability have improved LOTS AND LOTS over the past months.. although there are still a couple of off bends, this has been a great improvement ride for me.. smile.gif

PS: remember to watch it in 720p.. ;-)

1 Apr 2010
You can listen to the entire album on spinner..

Slash on spinner

I like it so far.. definately gonna buy it..
Last Visitors

18 Apr 2020 - 10:01

5 Jul 2018 - 0:33

31 Aug 2012 - 14:11

14 Feb 2012 - 7:15

15 Dec 2011 - 17:55

happy b-day ;)
22 Oct 2009 - 15:46
Ian Bushell
Happy Birthday:)
22 Oct 2008 - 17:08
Congrats on the guitar, treat it well, and it will give you a lifetime of musical pleasure!
4 Oct 2008 - 3:31


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