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33 years old
Gentbrugge, East Flanders, Belgium
Born Dec-3-1990
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Joined: 7-May 10
Profile Views: 2.802*
Last Seen: 11th September 2011 - 03:32 PM
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My Content
10 May 2010
Hey there Lian!

In a few weeks I'm getting my guitar set up professionally by a very good Luthier.. But I'm in doubt about the actual tuning I should get it set up for. I'm mainly doubting between D standard and Eb standard tuning. I really love the D standard tuning heavyness, but I'm afraid it might not be 'tight' enough compared to Eb for alot of power metal stuff in the styles of Kamelot, I seriously LOVE that percussive palm muted sound:p

So I'm here to ask you, if I get my guitar setup for D standard using a 0.10-0.52 set of strings, do you think I'll lose tightness compared to Eb standard? Asking you since you seem to be the expert around here on symphonic and power metal;)

The guitar has a floyd rose so I really need to get it set up for a single tuning and keep it like that:p

Thanks in advance!
7 May 2010
Hey there all! tongue.gif

After lurking this place for ages and watching the free parts of all the lessons I finally decided to subscribe to the site, 27 dollars a month is alot for me but since this site seems to be awesome quality and a real life teacher is WAY too expensive for me to possibly afford (being a college student sucks:( ) I decided to give this place a shot, pretty sure I won't regret it^^

Now over to the boring introductory wall of text! xD

My name's Gertjan Goetynck (i dare anyone to try pronounce that hehe tongue.gif) and I play guitar! (Whoah what a surprise right?)
I'm 19 years old, 20 in december and was born and raised in Ghent, the imo most awesome city of Belgium:p

I started playing guitar a while ago when I was going through an emotionally rough time and I needed something to distract myself, and that something became music, more specifically guitar. smile.gif Also was fun to find out that my dad was a quite succesful bassplayer in a funkband that used to be known in Belgium back in the days:p My dad's name still opens doors in the music scene in my area, can come in handy when I finally get a band=D Both him and me really feel like we got a connection now I stepped into his tracks and picked up the guitar!:D (he gave me one of his basses in a desperate attempt trying to get me to pick up bass instead, but that failed horribly xD)

My musical tastes are quite diverse. I like to play anything ranging from acoustic stuff (even though I only got an electric but bleh, clean channel works too:p), alternative rock, some punk, hell even bluesXD I feel sticking to one genre is only limiting yourself. But in all honesty, my main love is and will always be metal, more specifically symphonic metal and power metal:) Something about the sound of a distorted guitar really gets to me.. I love it!
My favorite bands for the moment are: Nightwish, Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Firewind, Galneryus and Dragonforce (I used to be VERY sceptic about dragonforce, untill I went to Herman Li's workshop in belgium.. His passion for music was admireable, and he earned my respect as both a musician and a person, he's a really cool guy^^) smile.gif

Now for the reason I'm here: I feel like my playing really isn't going anywhere, where I am now just doesn't satisfy me. I want to be more clean, more accurate, more tight, basically a better player, so I decided to take a complete new start and build back up from the basics and this site seemed like a great way to do just that!

Sorry for the wall of text but bah, at least it'll make my introduction be remembered! All be it in a bad way, but like the saying goes, there is no bad publicity!

Greetz from Belgium and rock on all!;)

PS. I used paypal to pay for this place so my account is linked to the paypal email adress, but that e mailadress isn't my main one anymore.. I tried changing the adress this site is linked to to my main in the my controls area, but when it asks for my password it keeps telling me I filled in the wrong pass, even though it's the same one I used to log in to the site?:S Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong..?
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