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46 years old
CPH, Denmark
Born Mar-28-1978
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Joined: 3-May 07
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6 Aug 2007
It seems no forum can do without a topic like this... But it shouldn't all be about guitars and music, and to make it more of a discussion, I'd like to hear - in addition to how people get around - why you chose this way of getting around. And your story - we all like stories smile.gif

- It may be that you're too young to get a license, and you fell off your bicycle as an 8-year-old and never sat on one again.
- It may be that you're too old to get a license.
- It may be that you live on a 40 square feet island and need a boat to get anywhere.
- It may be that you have 8 kids to stack in the back of the mini-bus.
- It may be that you're a socialist and prefer public transportation (hey, I use public transport too)
- Or it may be that you don't like motors, but don't want to walk.

With that over with, you need to read no more in order to reply wink.gif Now for the long story...

So, for me, motorcycles. Since it seems I must have two of everything, I currently have a Ducati S4R and a Suzuki GSX-R 1000. At some point the new Ducati 1098 (the latest dream) might replace the Suzuki.

Why motorcycles? Because I've always hated cars with a vengeance. Cars are practical. I'm not. Cars tend to take a lot of space, even to move just a single person in the driver's seat around (that describes 19 out of 20 cars I meet on the road). Unless they cost over $150.000, they're ugly, (sometimes) aerodynamic boxes. And I get this feeling like some beast is trying to suck all air and concentration out of me whenever I'm in one.

Bikes, I love. I love the being outside, I love the community, the closeness to the machine, the physicality of riding compared to driving, the sound, the feel, the aesthetics, the history, the power for less money than a Ferrari.

I tend to walk whenever I can. Mostly ride the bikes to get out of the city, or whenever I need to get fast from one end of the capital to the other. Or whenever I need some attention wink.gif In reality, I don't need a bike - or a car. It's a luxury (and we have insane import taxes on cars, even more on bikes, which makes it even more of a luxury), when you're in a city - always in walking distance from whatever.

But it's such a great de-stresser - you can't really get into that comfort zone, as you can in a car, where you're just rolling along - constant awareness means all those annoying thoughts from the job have to be left behind. Love that too.

So... Do you love your mode of transportation, or is it a necessity? Or do you have a dream car/bike/boat/train? smile.gif

(EDIT: I should probably add, that the reason for this most unoriginal of unoriginal thread topics was a discussion I had with a co-worker today, who complained about the ordeal of driving to work. I never understood driving as an ordeal - well, for me it is, because I hate it, but that's why I chose different wink.gif)
6 Aug 2007
I know from time to time we have questions here and there in the forums about the title/composer of this or that piece of music.

Somewhere among all the books I've stashed away while moving I have a book called "Dictionary of Classical Themes" which is just that - by transposing a theme you know to A minor or C major, you could look up what piece it was alphabetically, like "C C E E G G E F F D D B B G" for Haydn's Symphony no. 94 "Surprise" (which didn't need transposing, since it's C major in the first place).

Well, things got even easier, when I stumbled upon this website:

It offers several similar ways to search for a piece of music based on its themes. Probably the easiest one (and the only one I've tested) is Contour Search. Which allows you to simply enter whether the intervals go Up or Down - or if the note is Repeated. After writing out some of the theme like that, you can then click search, and Musipedia will give you its "guesses".

It will often require some trial and error - especially if there are "decorative" notes, which you might have to leave out (or didn't notice in the theme and were supposed to leave in), but generally, after a few tries, it will find the piece - and even let you listen to the theme played through MIDI in rhythm and with the actual notes, to see if it's the right one.

Had my first actual use for it today, because in my lack of education, I didn't know what the theme was called that is often used in circuses when the elephants enter wink.gif So, I tried the following:


Just added a space at the end of the first phrase, to make it easier to read. The star is used to indicate the first note, which has obviously neither gone Up or Down or been Repeated.

Sure enough, musipedia came up with "Baby Elephant Walk" by Henry Mancini (of Pink Panther fame).

Very nice smile.gif

The Haydn piece mentioned above would be *RURURD URDRDRD (first note, repeat, up, repeat, up, repeat, down... up, repeat, down, repeat, down, repeat, down)
10 Jul 2007
For those not in the know, the Roskilde Festival is one of the largest music festivals in Europe - and was a muddy mess this year - the worst since it started in 1971. Example - this is usually grass:

Attached Image

... and no, there's not supposed to be a lake here:

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... or here... Actually lost an old acoustic guitar in the muddy "lake" one day - plump mellow.gif

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Anyway, things got better through the course of Saturday and Sunday. Almost looks idyllic (and as usual at Roskilde, it is) smile.gif

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So, Muse... As some will know, our band does covers in addition to original songs - lots of Muse covers, covering most of their entire repertoire. Some cover bands have a blessing in that the band they cover really don't do too well on the stage compared to in the studio, so they can actually at times give a better concert than the real thing. Not so here tongue.gif

Muse was utterly, astoundingly, flabbergastingly amazing.

Anyway, Muse held - or so it looked to me (and some friends who were further in the back) - the entire audience of 60.000+ at the Orange stage in check for 1 hour 40-or-so minutes. Every song anyone could have wished for (except Bliss and Hyper Music) was there. As mentioned in another thread, I'm not a big fan of Black Holes and Revelations - but in a live setting those songs suddenly sound much more ingenious, and comparable to the earlier albums, while still bringing lots of new stuff.

Matt showed that he is an underrated guitar player, even if he's rated high (by some of us) - tapped solo in New Born was astonishing, Knights of Cydonia was such a meticulously crafted wall of sound that I'm finally beginning to like it.

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His singing was out of this world - I've heard lots and lots of live recordings, and seen their live shows a few times before, but now I have a new standard to live up to - not least in Feeling Good (which was so beautifully done and so perfectly phrased I could have cried biggrin.gif).

And Dominic and Chris did their part and more - constantly being so accurate in tone and dynamics that everything just clicked while allowing room for spontaneousness. All in all, they let out a sound more powerful than many a metal band who have played on this demanding stage.

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(a look away from the stage right before the encore started - some day I'd like to say, "that's taken from the Orange stage right before our encore" wink.gif)

Most people I talked to during the night after the last concert agreed that this was by far the best concert of this year (although, to be fair, the standard was pretty low this year). Some said it was the best they'd heard at Roskilde ever. I wouldn't go quite so far - there's lots of acts - also (or especially) on the smaller stages - in the past 15 years, that have such a fond memory of, I can't pick a favorite. But it's up there.

Oh, I should also mention that The Who still rock to this day smile.gif

Any great festival experiences for others this year? smile.gif

Editorial note: published July 17.
11 Jun 2007
Photosynth - probably the greatest, most innovative, inspired, trippy, wonderful thing Microsoft has ever created (well, bought, actually - as usual). Right now it requires a plethora of components to be downloaded (and I couldn't get it to work in Firefox, although it should work there too), but it's really worth it to start up Internet Explorer:

Here's a video to look at it, and get it explained, without installing anything (except Flash Player, which we're using here anyway).

Don't know how much of a net connection it requires - since I have a fairly fast one. Will also probably require a relatively new computer (although mine is ancient for a guy working in IT).

Yes, non music related. And yet, it inspires me in more than a visual way biggrin.gif It's more than a photo collection.
11 May 2007
Hi smile.gif I'm always slow at finding my way to these introduction sections...

Just started out on the guitar - I've been playing (mainly classical) piano since I was 8 (I'm now 29), heavily "burdened" with training in music theory...

Started as lead singer in a rock band a couple of years ago - we do a bit of original songs, but mainly covers of everything from The Doors and The Eagles over The Police to Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Muse etc. etc. - pretty much anything we like. Hypermusic smile.gif Also play piano/keyboards when needed.

But having two guitar players in the band would be a great plus in a lot of the music we do. So I just began practicing it for real a few weeks ago - been wanting to do so since my teens. Hope to be able to make myself useful on that in a year or two (there's a long way to the playing ability of our guitarist). Plus it should give me something else to do while singing other than acting crazy wink.gif

So, now have a Montego Black American Deluxe Strat and a Cherry Gibson Standard SG in the corner of my living room. Yes, they're supposedly "overrated cliches", yes, I love them smile.gif

Favorite genres: Everything from classical (mainly romantic) music to metal, punk, jazz, blues - I listen to everything except rap and Danish oldies. Other interests than music: Waaaay too many to list - I'm a motorcycle nut, an NFL freak, study film and media studies, and work as a computer programmer (which means I spend no time on that in my free time).

I'll probably spend quite some time on the theory board - and post the occasional newbie question on the other boards. I'm very impressed with the quality of posts, and the atmosphere on this forum - hope to be able to add to that biggrin.gif

Also, I have a way of stuffing my (overly long) posts with smileys - can't help it, so bear with me.
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29 Jan 2024 - 21:22

9 Oct 2019 - 20:52

30 Apr 2013 - 2:14

31 Oct 2012 - 10:33

27 Dec 2011 - 16:02

Glad to see you back around man! :)
5 Feb 2009 - 0:23
Happy Birthday :)
28 Mar 2008 - 14:52
Happy Birthday Kaneda. I expected you to me much older because you are so wise!
27 Mar 2008 - 22:04

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