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Marcus Desaiha
Age Unknown
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Music and video games basicly.
Joined: 27-November 11
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Marcus Desaiha



My Content
28 Dec 2011
Hello brothers and sisters of GMC!
I would like to announce the debute of my new band that was put togheter late this year.

We will be releasing our first single titled 「Wisteria」 on January the 6th!

You can listen to the preview here:

And check out the band here:


Your sincerely
24 Dec 2011
So I had an "Amp day" all day long yesterday. Went to four diffrent music stores and tried out several amps.

The one I fell for was the dual rectifier. It was just the thing I was looking for.
AMAZING amplifier, but so was the price-tag.

Though, I've noticed that they're alot cheaper in the states, so I was wondering if it is safe to import one of theese babies from the US and plug them in to a wall socket in Sweden? Or will the thing pop?
Since you got 110V in the states while we got juice worth of 210V here in Sweden coming out of our walls.

Do you need a voltage converter/transformer, or is it safe to just plug and play without one? I'd hate having to bring that to every gig I play though, it would be a burden!

Anybody in the EU here on GMC that has any knowledge in this area?
Please share your thoughts!

24 Dec 2011
I'd thought I would wish everybody a Merry christmas and Happy holidays here at GMC!
Hope santa has brought everyone a custom made guitar, made in his own workshop this year!

Anybody ever thought of having a green flying V as a christmas tree this year? laugh.gif
13 Dec 2011
Hello everybody!
I was sitting here practicing the same lick for an one and a half hours straight, increasing the speed by 1% each time I had repeated it 10 times.

Now my head feels like scrambles eggs..


I would like to hear how you practice to build up speed and technique.

I've got some theories of my own regarding the matter of practicing "the right way".

First I wonder if it really pays of to practice hours and hours every day. And if you always should do it slow? Shouldnt you sort of let your mind get used to the higher speed some times just to remind it of where the finishing line is?

When I started getting serious with my guitar playing (while still in school) I remember skipping school days just to sit at home and practice, I could do that for 6-8 hours straight almost every day of the week. Though, now when I think about, was it really worth it?
Could I have wasted thoose days learning and evolving my guitar skills the worst possible way?

I wonder
Is pushing youself, sitting through five hours straight of full on practicing really the answer? Or could it be better to practice 1 hour, take a break 1-2 hours and then do the other hours of practicing after your brain processed the info you just put in it?

Lets make an example!

Billy wanted to become lightning fast, he heard that all of his favorite guitar players sat countless of hours practicing in their rooms, so he decided to do the same thing. Billy practiced for six hours straight without any break, he ate dinner and went to bed, during the night his brain tried to process the information he just put in there, and here is the thing, maybe the brain got too much on its hands and maybe thoose last 5-6 hours of practicing was for absolutely no good? Because you see the next day Billy tried to play the same thing and this time he only got an increase of lets say 3%.
If we rewind and tell billy that he should only practice for two hours, take a break, eat dinner, watch some TV, go back and practice one more hour, then go to bed. Maybe the precentage would be even higher the next day, maybe he would have had a 5 or even 10% increase?

Should you perhaps restrict yourself to a max of lets say two hours a day, just to avoid some sort of "overload" in your mind and optimize your learning ability?

The brain works in mysterious ways and I've always been fascinated by how we humans learn things.

I remember when I was a kid, my mom got me a Super Nintendo, you could sit through countless of hours, trying to beat "That certain level" without any achievement, til you gave up, took a break, went back and all of a sudden you cleared it flawlessly?

There are always better and worse times in your guitar career, some times you got such a flow, and you feel unstoppable, other times you feel like you're going nowere. Could it be that you were practicing in a slightly diffrent way during thoose periods of time without knowing it?

Please tell me your stories about how you practice, what you've learned from practicing in diffrent ways, and how you obtain maximum focus when practicing.

Your sincerely

10 Dec 2011
I'm a huge noob when it comes to guitar equipment, I've been that kind of player who've been sitting in his room practicing with an amp simulating software or at best a 50W combo amp. I've got very little knowledge about amp heads and how they work, but I am in need of one now since me and my band are moving in to our own rehearsal premesis. During my years playing in various bands it has always been a stack that I could borrow, and I never really cared about getting one for myself. Thought times are a changing!

I'm of course planning on going to the nearest music store and try out some amps, but first I would like for you guys to share some of your knowledge in this matter.

This is good sample of the distortion I usually play with while messing around with guitar rig.
I like the heavy and slightly muddy/dirty sound of it.

I've been looking around the web, listening to playthrough's with various amps and reading alot of reviews.

Theese are the ones that have caught my attention

And the peavey 5150 which I could not find at Thomann.

Which one of theese would you recommend? If you wish to hear what kind of style I play you can check out my band at, only got a couple of samples up but you should be able to get the idea.
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