Red and White Stripes Lesson

Red and White Stripes

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  • Hey GMC'ers! This song is based on the playing of one of the most creative/original and at the same time roots guitars players around, I'm talking about Jack White. This particular song is based on his work with The White Stripes.

    To learn how to play, and specially to learn how to compose a song like him, first you have to be ready to tweak your current idea of how a guitar works. You will be exploring tempo changes, weird key changes, and in some cases you will have to make a guitar fill the space of a whole band.


    E Blues

    In case you are wondering how i made the "chorus" effect:
    Guitar -> Guitar Rig 4 -> Octaver -> Fuzz -> Split Signal -> Totally Panned Stereo Plexis -> Phaser

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
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    * General Forum

    Have fun!/ Adrián
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