Status Quo Style Lesson

Status Quo Style

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  • Hi Guys!

    This lesson is dedicated to the Status Quo, a very popular classic Rock'n'Roll band of '80es. The combination of guitar riffs, Hammond organ and clean piano in the hands of these guys sound really fierce. Their guitar riffs are very simple and that's what makes them recognizable. This is a good opportunity to learn the basics of playing Rock and Roll songs!

    *Standard E
    * E - A - D - G - B - E

    * Down and up stroke strumming

    Chord Progression:

    * Ibanez SC 3120 saber j Custom
    * Amplitube 3 for guitar,Sonar 8 DAW, Addictive drums

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
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