Phrygian Mode Harmonized with Triads Lesson

Phrygian Mode Harmonized with Triads

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  • Hi GMC! Today we continue with the work of harmonized the modes with triads. Now it’s time for the Phrygian mode.

    In this case we have to learn the minor 7th arpeggio well and then you have to add the minor second, perfect fourth and minor sixth.

    If we play the major scale starting at the third note of the scale and we finishing at the same note, we have the Phrygian mode. The next step is harmonizing the notes of the arpeggio with triads! And you have to do this work in all the neck.

    The Phrygian mode is composed by the root, minor second, minor third, perfect fourth, perfect fifth, minor sixth and minor seventh.

    We study the different boxes of this scale like in the other lessons. First starting in the fifth string of the guitar in note D (Dm chord), this box is to the back of the neck, then starting in the same string but to the front. Now is the turn of the sixth string in note D to the back of the neck and then in the same string but to the front, and the last one in fourth string.

    In this mode we can use a chromatic note between the seventh and the root.

    Here I harmonize any note of the arpeggio with triads. This means that now you can play a melody harmonize at the same time!

    I recommend practicing any box very well and pay attention to any notes!

    You can do this work in different keys for better results.

    I Hope you enjoy this lesson!

    See you!

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