Jazz licks II-V-I in D major Lesson

Jazz licks II-V-I in D major

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  • Hello GMC! Welcome to my new lesson. Today we are doing some II V I jazz lines in key of D major. This lesson should just be starting point and give you some ideas that we will expand further in future lessons.

    Chord progression in this whole lesson is II V I in key of D major ( E min7 A7 and D maj7 Dmaj7).

    There is a lot of things that could be learned from this lesson. Here is list of some things I applied :

    - Chord tone soloing
    - Soloing with tensions
    - Superimposition soloing
    - Soloing using modes
    - Half vs Double time feel
    - Chromatic, diatonic and other approaches
    - Playing trough different positions
    - Repetition
    - Sequence
    - Motive development
    - Melodic shape soloing
    - Melodic quotation
    - Different picking types etc

    For this lesson I created effect from scratch using POD X3 live and named it Jazz :) If you are interested and want to get it please say so in feedback section.

    Please watch slow videos, especially Video 1 which is spoken video and check out guitar pro file as it has right hand picking for whole solo.

    I look forward to your responses regarding this lesson and hopefully some Video responses as well !


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