Slow Blues Solo - B Minor Lesson

Slow Blues Solo - B Minor

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  • Hey GMC, and welcome to my new blues lesson. This time we are doing a slow minor blues style.

    The most important thing with this style is phrasing and feel for the blues. Since the tempo is so slow, the most effective way to keep the soloing interesting is to be articulate with various techniques and use them for phrasing. Melody and timing and equally important, and less can mean more, if you do it right.

    For this lesson I used a preset from Gearbox. If you are interested in that preset, post a request on my board, so I can share it with you. If you don't have a Gearbox, post questions about the tone, and I'll try to help as much as I can.

    This lesson contains:

    - Slow minor blues style
    - Phrasing
    - Vibrato
    - Bends

    b minor.jpg
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