Crossfire Collaboration, FINAL MIX & COMMENTS
Ivan Milenkovic
Sep 1 2009, 01:01 PM
Posts: 25.396
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From: Belgrade, Serbia
Hello my friends, here is the sum up of all the comments that I've done for the Crossfire collab. Thank you everybody for participating, and hope to see you on the next collabs as well! smile.gif


Rhythm: Good rhythmical phrases that usually come in pairs or quads here, you seem to play in that kind of a structure here, and relly more on a rhythmic aspect of the solo. Everything is fitted nicely, and almost all the notes came out pretty clear which is excellent cause lots of them are played in 16th triplets. I think the overall impression is good in terms of speed, but a bit more better structure could be used, one that would accent the dynamics of the solo better and make a better build up. For example I would like to see some slower paced licks in the first part and later possibly developing more complicated and faster passages. So focus on rhythm dynamics is something that requires more attention. Structure and execution alone are great.
Phrasing: Not bad at all, there are some cool phrases within, and most of them are connected the same way as rhythm ones. duo or quad groups of phrases with changed last phrase, and often turned into a fast passage/run. This is all very good, but I believe those end phrases could benefit from better note lands. In the second phrase in the end for example there is ending on the minor third (G), which is kinda acquard note to land on I have an impression the lick was started and stoped somewhere before the end. SO main focus for you should be on more longer notes, and really having a time to stop and thing about the licks and runs that you want to do, so they really form a nice story when played together. Story that will have introduction, main part, and conclusion. All the elements are there but matched in a more raw way that woudl require a bit more careful note choice.
technique/effects: Great technqiue and well executed solo, almost all the notes are there, and they are all very clean even the fast runs are nice and pleasant to listen. I found the solo quite effective in terms of technique just because of shear cleanness of playing.
Sound: Good sound, lots of mids so it cuts trough very sharply, it's a bit louder than backing but I will fix that. Just right amount of overdrive and everything, and the thing I would like to hear that is more overtones in sound, it is narrowly mid-focused. Although there is small amount of air in the sound, adding a very light reverb would sound cool.


Rhythm: Good rhythmical phrase that repeats throughout the solo, I like it and the pauses that you did are also very important. I think in overall, although the phrases are repeating several times, you managed to make it interesting because you inserted some subtle details here and there, and used different passages and different kinds of pauses in between them so it remains interesting. One thing that needs more work is timing. Gotta be perfectly in beat with the backing.
Phrasing: Good use of pentatonics, I like the melodies and I specially like the last couple of phrases in the end. You really started something there that sounds excellent, and in the end executed a small sequence that resembles on the stuff you played in the first part so it was "kinda" uneffective way to finish, but still very good. I just had an impression that after that great last part, you will finish in the same style - developing those few phrases. They were really inspiring. All in all good phrasing, and somewhat repetitive first part with an excellent shining second part moment.
Techniques: Solid playing, I like it. What could better are vibratos that are too narrow and fast/uncontrolled. They should be quite oposite, wide and controlled. I probably said this numerious times, perhaps I already spotted this, but still it's something to focus on, because I do believe you play great and I think you will benefit a lot from more vibrato exercises.
Sound: Very good sound, tasty and smooth. The reverb could be backed off a bit, but I like the dark texture of it. Sounds cool, possibly the tail should be shortened out just a little. Everything else is solid.


Rhythm: Your rhythm choice is very good, couple of long notes, and followed by faster legato passage, then in the second part you kinda slowed down, and did more longer notes in general. I would like to see the other way around to be really effective. Since you have a good sense for rhythm, now it is time to consider analyzing the concepts of rhythm dynamics, and how notes should create an effective build up until the end. Nevertheless, you have perfect timing in this solo.
Phrasing: Your solo impressed me because of the fact you are not into blues. However, I can see that you really tried to play this properly, and respect you very much because of that, great attitude. You started with mixolydian feel, and used legato lick with major third to back it up, after that couple of bends, and then minor third legato lick. Simple and raw? Yes, but in essence proper way to do it. In the second part good use of minor box 1 on the 12th fret, and I only wish you played it a bit more faster or used some cool bends. This would give a more effective ending for the solo. In general, your soloing is good, phrasing techniques are well thought off, and although you have to learn a bit more about blues, you really managed to pull out some melodies that are structured in a good way. This is your way and I respect that. If you want my advise, I suggest learning those pentatonic boxes well in all positions, for example in this case all 5 boxes of E minor pentatonic scale would really give you plenty of familiar space to work in. They will help in metal very much, and complement powerchords in a very effective way. Learning the pentatonic scale is something that is good not only because of the soloing, but riffing as well, so you will benefit from it.
Technique: Although you haven't used any advanced techniques on this one, you managed to use those that will be most effective and they are. Execution is flawless and this is always what I would like to hear more than fast licks but played sloppy. You are a good player, just keep at it.
Sound: Nice smooth tone, sounds good to me. Delay is a bit louder than needed to me, so I think backing off a volume just a tiny bit would make a big difference in the mix. Your solo would push just a bit more forward comparing to other instruments.


Rhythm: Good rhythmic patterns that repeat over the whole take and have some form of a structure. As always, building a nice dynamics through your rhythm playing is just as important as anything else, so be aware of that. The notes that you play kinda sound like jumping from note to note using the accentuated notes on the quarters of the bar. This created an impression that you are slowing down the track with your solo, which is a good strategy to use sometimes, but not always, like in the second part. There were some timing issues as well that needs to be fixed.
Phrasing: Not too rich but good enough. Using the minor pentatonic box most of the time with occasional outside notes. All in all I think the structure could be a bit better. Lots of phrases are repeated in the same melodic (and rhythmical) way, so I think developing the phrases so that at least the landing notes are different could be a good example what should be done in the next take.
Technique: Good technique, but you need to tighten up the playing a bit. I get the impression that this whole take was done in-speed, or when not warmed up so bends and vibratos, and the playing in general were little clumsy. I believe you can do a lot better.
Sound: Good sound but too much space added. Try softening up that reverb a bit, increase the time, lower down the volume and make it a bit more brighter. No big modifications, just in small increments.


Rhythm: Good timing in the take, and good rhythmic structure as well. I can understand the way you were going with this take, and in overall the rhythmical build up is a very solid one, although one thing I would like to hear is more tighter execution and timing in general in this take. I like the way you progressed with faster passages in the second part, and all in all I think practicing those passages with the metronome would really make them even more effective.
Phrasing: Good phrasing, and a very nice development. Everything is very nicely fitted in. Again I note the importance of properly executed notes in this take to create a more defined solo. I believe your phrasing is very nice, and all the ideas are connected to each other, so your main focus should be perhaps on smoothing out those passages so they blend seamlessly into one another, possibly by incorporating some slides here and there, and keeping some of the notes sustaining. In the end I would like to hear the bended root on the treble strings instead of going sharply to the low E string root, so you finish more effectively.
Technique: You technique progress is audible, and I can see that in second part you are now inserting some a bit faster passages that do sound very cool and effective. I think overall quality of your playing could use some refinement, for example bends need to be spot on the pitch, vibratos need to be more stronger and controlled, and I would like to hear some slides as well. Other than that, I think your technique and picking style is probably something that is pretty good, but here you can improve as well, but taking a metronome and practicing some faster passage over and over. This will increase your overall playing ability, not just that particular passage.
Sound: Your tone is very good and it cuts well. There is some amount if hiss in the signal and a small buzzing presence blended in the overdrive, but you have very nice and smooth mids in the sound, so I think the sound is audible nicely in the mix. Well done


Your second take already sounds much much better, I really liked it! Thanks for taking the time to do another take.
In comparison to the first one, this one has lots of cool elements that are much better blended together to create a nice balanced story that is pleasing for listening and keeps attention for the listener.
Since the critique is what usually makes us realize some imperfections, there are few suggestions I can make for you for this new take for fine tuning:

In the first part you had 3 cool pairs of call & response phrases. What I noticed is that all the response phrases were finished on notes that leave the impression of unfinished musical sentence. If you listen carefully I think you will understand what I mean. Possibly the last note on every response phrase could be a bit different, possibly ending on a root or something. This would give a good meaning to the phrases, and make impression that they are complete.
In the second part of the solo, there are some very cool legato sequences. 1st and 3rd ones are Em arpeggio triads, while the second one is a bit acquard A# major triad but with flated 5th. It sounds a bit dissonant in this solo so I suggest just using some note from Em pentatonic scale instead of A#. A# is in fact the note from E blues scale, but when used in this triad it can sound strange, specially if you put it between two Em triad shapes that have the same pattern and where the E note is actually parallel to the A# note so to the listener A# becomes the root.
All in all I think your take was great, major improvement from the previous one. I would like to hear some more vibrato on some notes, specially on those endings of the phrases in the first part, but it is very good as it is. It think you well understood what can be done to make your take better, and this proves that you are thinking about the way you play. Well done! smile.gif

Again I say, there are always room for improvements. If you feel that you can make even better take and you want to do it, feel free to do it, there is no harm in doing it and fine tuning your solo to become even more better. I appreciate the fact that I can follow your progress through this collaboration so it will mean a lot in future ones as well.


Rhythm: Very good rhythmic structure that repeats in the first part. In the second part again some cool variations. Towards the end you had some slightly unusual 16th note quad groups here and there in between slower notes. This leaves the impression you are practicing mostly 16th notes with the pentatonic scale, so I suggest tried to insert triplets in your regular daily routines. Regardless of that, it all came out very solid, not a note missed, all very well defined until the end. Great rhythm work.
Phrasing: Very nice melodies, specially in the beginning. Sounds really cool with the panned overdubbed octave licks as well. Until the very end, you have great melodic build up, and I can say it is one quality solo. I would prefer a bit more better ending, possibly just holding the last note a bit and vibrating it would mean a lot.
Technique: Good use of blues techniques, nice raking effects throughout, and great bends, very tasty and musical. All in all you did really well on this collab in terms of execution and really progressed a lot from previous collabs. I really dig this solo, and hope to hear even more progress from you. The thing you should perhaps spend some time with the metronome in order to balance out your playing is the vibrato and triplet feels.
Sound: Decent clean sound, but I think it is a bit thin. Compressing a bit, and adding some light overdrive would definitely make it more alive. All in all it is good.


Your new take was excellent, you really managed to play everything great, and I really liked the middle part with the repeated sequence. The last part still sounds a bit acquard to me in some way, specially the last bend, I get the impression that some dissonant note was played, and bended, perhaps it is not the case tho.. I think perhaps there is some work that could be done when the chords are changing, so you can better connect your soloing in those moments. You seem to handle I IV V pretty good, but I can see some difficulties when progression goes out of there.
Anyway, thanks a lot for sending the new version, this one is really cool, and you play blues great my friend.


Rhythm: Great rhythmical figures, really cool use of the palm muting technique to accent some notes, and good build up until the end of the solo. Everything was very nicely balanced and although I expected an ending with a bit more notes and some slightly faster passages, I think this sounds pretty good as it is. Great job in having the whole take very rhythmically defined, no notes are off timing wise.
Phrasing: Good phrases, and good connection between them. Some phrases in the take are leaving an impression of not finished story at some points, probably due to some landing notes that are used, but all in all I think again everything is properly matched, no dissonant notes, and played really nicely. There are few shot bluesy licks, but you have the style of playing that is more heavy oriented. This means you used not so standard blues licks, but this is not something that is bad, since you managed to play all the parts very nicely and really blended all the phrases with the backing track.
Technique: More heavy oriented technique, precise and aggressive sounding. Very cool, and good control over the tone, there were almost none of the additional string noise in your playing so that makes it very nicely defined and effective. Your muting is very good. Palm muting especially, and you used PM as a good effect to accent many notes in this solo. The thing that I think you lacked to play in this solo are vibratos, and bending vibratos. These would really give a whole new dimension to your take, so possibly concentrate on making those notes sing when you apply a nice string wide vibrato to them. With your style of playing this will sound great.
Sound: Good sound, smooth and balanced bottom end and mids, with a bit pronounced hi midrange and presence. There is some degree of buzzing in the overdrive preset, but it is very small and not so noticeable in the mix. The amount of space was just enough, possibly a bit less would be even better to make your dry signal more pronounced and in front.

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Attached File  Crossfire_Final_Mix.mp3 ( 4.55MB ) Number of downloads: 283

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Sep 1 2009, 05:23 PM
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From: Alabama USA
QUOTE (Ivan Milenkovic @ Sep 1 2009, 07:01 AM) *

Thanks for the comments and pointers.

I have learned a lot in the last month or so, but unfortunately I have also slacked off I guess you could say. My drive has suffered. Been kind of down in my practicing, playing and especially my attitude. Got to fix this somehow before it gets out of hand.

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This post has been edited by leedbreak: Sep 1 2009, 05:24 PM

- leedbreak

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Ivan Milenkovic
Sep 1 2009, 06:29 PM
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From: Belgrade, Serbia
Hey we all go through rough moments here and there, life is hard most of the time on us. Just keep it real, and make yourself happy no matter what you do. Thanks for participating in this one my friend smile.gif


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Sep 1 2009, 06:43 PM
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Thanks again Ivan. Plus.... the last take was very good! I dunno who's it was because the comments aren't in the same sequence.... for instance after my take, there's only one coming up, but in the comments it's two wink.gif

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Sep 1 2009, 10:57 PM
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Thanks again Ivan! smile.gif

QUOTE (kaznie_NL @ Sep 1 2009, 07:43 PM) *
Thanks again Ivan. Plus.... the last take was very good! I dunno who's it was because the comments aren't in the same sequence.... for instance after my take, there's only one coming up, but in the comments it's two wink.gif

That would be mine wink.gif Thanks! smile.gif

If the one before me is you, then where's Staffys take?

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Ivan Milenkovic
Sep 1 2009, 11:19 PM
Posts: 25.396
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From: Belgrade, Serbia
Thanks guys, yeah the comments are a bit misplaced as I can see now smile.gif I will fix it ASAP, only Toroso's comment is misplaced.

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Sensible Jones
Sep 2 2009, 05:18 PM
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Sorry I missed the close of this one Ivan! sad.gif
I won't miss the LA one though, should have that done tomorrow/Friday!!

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Ivan Milenkovic
Sep 2 2009, 09:20 PM
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From: Belgrade, Serbia
Jones, the LA Collab is finished as well mate, I already made the final mix. I will soon put another collab so you can join in on that one? smile.gif

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Sensible Jones
Sep 3 2009, 12:14 PM
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QUOTE (Ivan Milenkovic @ Sep 2 2009, 09:20 PM) *
Jones, the LA Collab is finished as well mate, I already made the final mix. I will soon put another collab so you can join in on that one? smile.gif

Sorry Ivan, I thought that you'd extended it until the 5th!!!
Oh well!!!
I still have Gabes Southern Rock and Davids Mixo ones to keep me busy for a while then!!
smile.gif smile.gif

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Sep 3 2009, 10:12 PM
Learning Roadie
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Hey didn'T see this thread earlier. Thank you for the great collab. All takes are great and it's a very nice mix.
I will try to participate at more collabs in the future.

Thanks again guys and Ivan



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Ivan Milenkovic
Sep 4 2009, 12:45 AM
Posts: 25.396
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From: Belgrade, Serbia
Thanks my friend, cheers smile.gif

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