New Wave Collaboration, UPLOAD & COMMENTS THREAD
Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 2 2009, 11:19 PM
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From: Belgrade, Serbia
Here you can post your takes for "New Wave" Collab! smile.gif

Here is the backing
and here is the sign up thread for details.

have fun! smile.gif

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Jul 10 2009, 06:25 PM
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From: Vienna/Austria
Well someone has to be first I guess! laugh.gif

I hope you like this take as I have to confess I like it myself (and that´s very seldomly the case ;-)

Looking forward to your feedback - cheers!

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Attached File(s)
Attached File  Berglmir_New_Wave.mp3 ( 985.5K ) Number of downloads: 175
Attached File  Berglmir_New_Wave_NBT.mp3 ( 985.5K ) Number of downloads: 150
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+Quote Post
Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 11 2009, 11:30 AM
Posts: 25.396
Joined: 20-November 07
From: Belgrade, Serbia

Rhythm: Great rhythmical build up in the first section using quarter notes on the upbeat followed but couple of eight notes after it, followed by longer note (usually bend) and continuing to use that rhythmical phrase couple of times. In the middle section there is nice logical progression, but I got the impression there are too many quarter notes towards the end of the solo. This is something that could easily be made even more interesting by breaking the equal note sequence and using eight notes here and there between those quarters. Two good lesson exercises that I can recommend for this is speed burst are these:
first one handling horizontal and second one handling vertical movements. Tempo is not important just the main concept.
Phrasing&Melody: Your phrasing ability is one of the best aspects of this solo. Good phrases and good logical connection between them. As I commented in the other collab on some previous takes, main thing is to keep the last strong note changing, this already gives a sense of movement within a melody. You are doing a very good job of it, by using very similar licks but changing the last note and inserting some effects as well to accent it more. Part with bends in the middle was very good, after that there are two faster sequences with the part between them that has a bend that doesn't have a very strong function there, it's a dead end, probably a moment of inspiration or fingers just went there not knowing what to do next in the same style, so you came back on that run once again. Small detail, but important to mention cause that bend could be used a bit more effectively by just changing timing of it.
Phrasing effects: Good use of pinched harmonics really stands out here, and accenting strong notes with it turned out great. Your vibrato is not very well controled, it is shallow and too fast, but it does have a certain positive character to it here, as it somehow goes along nicely with this kind of style. I would still prefer for you to achieve a better control with it, cause there is difference between controlled fast vibrato and uncotrolled one. Usually that difference is that controlled one is more even and steady. Here is one small video with some tips about doing hte bends that I've made for Toroso some time ago, you may find if useful:
Sound: Good intense sound that cuts well through the mix, with lots of treble and lots of gain. You inserted some (a bit dark) delay on it which adds nicely to the space, very subtle and not very audible in the mix which I find a positive thing, cause this kind of a track I think requires more of a natural dry raw type of sound. One thing that you should work on is muting techniques to remove all the unnecessary noise from your playing which will then really make your tone more defined and even sharper.

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+Quote Post
Jul 11 2009, 01:10 PM
Posts: 384
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From: Vienna/Austria
Good lord! - thanks for the very fast and (as always) immensely helpful comment.
Vibrato is on my exercise agenda from now on and I hope you will see some improvement on my next upload (another collab perhaps? laugh.gif)

I also think that my tone is better here than in the stormy monday collab and I´m really working on that as well.

Joining GMC was one of the best things I have done - I feel that I have never been playing guitar better than today and still knowing how much (oh my! huh.gif ) I still have to learn and work on to improve to a level where I´m satisfied with my skills (no such thing I´m afraid, is there?! wink.gif )

I REALLY appreciate you comments and tips and your offers to help even more - somtimes I wish we could be living a little bit closer to each other so you could be my "real life" guitar coach (and I could buy you a couple of drinks also wink.gif )

Thanks again - ....must...go......practising..... laugh.gif

PS. I just looked up the lessons you have recommended! laugh.gif They are 7 in difficulty - SEVEN!! - I see myself between 4 and 5 - but I like a challange!

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This post has been edited by Berglmir: Jul 11 2009, 01:14 PM
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Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 11 2009, 01:33 PM
Posts: 25.396
Joined: 20-November 07
From: Belgrade, Serbia

Good lord! - thanks for the very fast and (as always) immensely helpful comment.
Vibrato is on my exercise agenda from now on and I hope you will see some improvement on my next upload (another collab perhaps? laugh.gif)

No problem man, it is really my pleasure to help, otherwise I wouldn't be here! There will be at least one collab every month so you can always sign up and I'll try to keep it interesting smile.gif

I also think that my tone is better here than in the stormy monday collab and I´m really working on that as well.

yes it is, the effects are more subtle, and it really brought out your playing in front of the band, instead of being somewhere behind it with lots of delay/reverb added. Very good to see progress, and fast learning! smile.gif

Joining GMC was one of the best things I have done - I feel that I have never been playing guitar better than today and still knowing how much (oh my! huh.gif ) I still have to learn and work on to improve to a level where I´m satisfied with my skills (no such thing I´m afraid, is there?! wink.gif )

I REALLY appreciate you comments and tips and your offers to help even more - somtimes I wish we could be living a little bit closer to each other so you could be my "real life" guitar coach (and I could buy you a couple of drinks also wink.gif )

Thanks again - ....must...go......practising..... laugh.gif

Just practice, play, practice, play, no such thing as success over night, we all have to work hard, and if you believe in your success and in you, you will accomplish it, no one can stop you! smile.gif

PS. I just looked up the lessons you have recommended! laugh.gif They are 7 in difficulty - SEVEN!! - I see myself between 4 and 5 - but I like a challange!

Yeah, lessons are a bit difficult, but I recommend the burst method from them just to get idea, of it. Not really necessary to go on the lesson tempo, you can go half the tempo, there are backings and GP files. Still it's a minor recommendation from me, don't feel that you have to go through them. There will be more from me! smile.gif

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Jul 13 2009, 04:34 PM
Learning Rock Star
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From: Merseyside, UK
ok collab No.2!!

again, first take and no editing, so mistakes are expected!! However thats my goal so here it is!!

I really wanted to get some arpeggios in here but it was a bit fast to think about them laugh.gif oh well!

Attached File  new_wave_collab.mp3 ( 668.67K ) Number of downloads: 173

Attached File  new_wave_collabNBT.mp3 ( 668.67K ) Number of downloads: 150

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Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 16 2009, 11:03 PM
Posts: 25.396
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From: Belgrade, Serbia

rhythm: Very good rhythmic placement can be heard throughout the whole solo. THe key word here is not logical but interesting in my opinion. ALthough all the solo parts are not connected and function together as a whole in rhythmic sense, they do keep the focus for the listener, and maintain a flow, although these are some simple rhythmic patterns (some eight note sequences, with a touch of swing feel here and there followed by longer duration, usually bended quarter or half). In essense all the parts were nice and solid, but what I can suggest is paying more attention to overall rhythmical structure. You understand when to insert a longer note to keep things more interesting, now try to possibly tie all those rhythmical phrases together to form a meaning, and possibly insert smaller note durations towards the end, maybe a mini run for a more effective ending wouldn't be a bad idea. Good thing to practice thins kind of stuff would be to take only 2 notes and make various combinations with them, this sharpens the rhythmic feel even on faster paced tracks.
Phrasing: You have a good sense for phrasing and the highlight of the track is actually first two phrases that have two parallel pairs of major seconds melodic sequences played at the end of each phrase which sounded like a great opening to me. After that you were kinda lost out there, using roots for landing, and on several phrases after that, perhaps 3 or 4 out of 5 prhases you landed on a root in a similar fashion. It is very important to keep things interesting and to land on several different notes to build a story from your phrases. This kind os structure resembles on a call/response structure with pairs of similar licks evolving but sounding similar cause the landing notes is often the root. Gotta fix that root and keep it more interesting. In the end the ending was a bit acquard as well cause of that C note, and then out of the sudden, without any logical connection playing a bluesy interval in the very end. Sounded cool to me, but I think more connection between those elements is needed, either by involving C somehow and inserting more notes to create a logical sequence to that last lick, or by keeping things simple and just dropping the C out of the equation completely, leaving only the bluesy lick in the end and possibly spicing it up with vibrato.
Phrasing effects: Very good and solid bending throughout the solo. I would prefer to hear a bit more vibrato use, and it has to be more solid, but with those kinds of bends you are on the right track. Keep it up.
Sound: The sound sounded buzy to me simply put. Very little dynamics, no punch and buzzy in the higher register mean one thing - too much distortion. Try to clip the sound lot less for the recording purposes - it will become more distorted later in the mix.

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Jul 17 2009, 12:28 PM
Learning Rock Star
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From: Merseyside, UK
QUOTE (Ivan Milenkovic @ Jul 16 2009, 11:03 PM) *

rhythm: Very good rhythmic placement can be heard throughout the whole solo. THe key word here is not logical but interesting in my opinion. ALthough all the solo parts are not connected and function together as a whole in rhythmic sense, they do keep the focus for the listener, and maintain a flow, although these are some simple rhythmic patterns (some eight note sequences, with a touch of swing feel here and there followed by longer duration, usually bended quarter or half). In essense all the parts were nice and solid, but what I can suggest is paying more attention to overall rhythmical structure. You understand when to insert a longer note to keep things more interesting, now try to possibly tie all those rhythmical phrases together to form a meaning, and possibly insert smaller note durations towards the end, maybe a mini run for a more effective ending wouldn't be a bad idea. Good thing to practice thins kind of stuff would be to take only 2 notes and make various combinations with them, this sharpens the rhythmic feel even on faster paced tracks.
Phrasing: You have a good sense for phrasing and the highlight of the track is actually first two phrases that have two parallel pairs of major seconds melodic sequences played at the end of each phrase which sounded like a great opening to me. After that you were kinda lost out there, using roots for landing, and on several phrases after that, perhaps 3 or 4 out of 5 prhases you landed on a root in a similar fashion. It is very important to keep things interesting and to land on several different notes to build a story from your phrases. This kind os structure resembles on a call/response structure with pairs of similar licks evolving but sounding similar cause the landing notes is often the root. Gotta fix that root and keep it more interesting. In the end the ending was a bit acquard as well cause of that C note, and then out of the sudden, without any logical connection playing a bluesy interval in the very end. Sounded cool to me, but I think more connection between those elements is needed, either by involving C somehow and inserting more notes to create a logical sequence to that last lick, or by keeping things simple and just dropping the C out of the equation completely, leaving only the bluesy lick in the end and possibly spicing it up with vibrato.
Phrasing effects: Very good and solid bending throughout the solo. I would prefer to hear a bit more vibrato use, and it has to be more solid, but with those kinds of bends you are on the right track. Keep it up.
Sound: The sound sounded buzy to me simply put. Very little dynamics, no punch and buzzy in the higher register mean one thing - too much distortion. Try to clip the sound lot less for the recording purposes - it will become more distorted later in the mix.

laugh.gif "not logical but ineteresting" laugh.gif theyll put that on my gravestone I reckon! I wasnt entirely pleased with this one and feel the rhythym really suffered because of the tempo and my lack of other scale knowledge, I suppose I could have taken time to write a solo but every time I do this it feels contrived and unnatural, my goal is to be able to play off the cuff in any key in any scale and I really want to focus on "seat of the pants" rather than sitting down and developing ideas, if you know what I mean!
I do tend to always resolve to the root, I think mainly because im playing on the fly I always need to have the security of a strong note to aim for, this is because of my lack of confidence in arpeggios which I would think would free up my faster licks by giving me the stronger tones of the progression, I am constantly practicing other scale forms now and need to get these ideas into my playing, along with some arpeggios too!

Thanks Ivan, great collab mate, stretching my playing as always! smile.gif

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Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 17 2009, 09:27 PM
Posts: 25.396
Joined: 20-November 07
From: Belgrade, Serbia
Yes mate, you were definitely spot on with all the things that needs to be focused! smile.gif More attention to the arpeggios will definitely increase ability to land on strong notes and form a nice structure. You are right about soloing on the fly - this is the main goal after all, improvising over any given harmony. This is what it is all about, not writing down solos, they are two separate things, although writing down solos can be useful in some situations.
I think your playing was great in this one, and I hope to see you on the next collab as well man! smile.gif

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Jul 22 2009, 03:02 AM
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From: Alabama USA
Well its off topic as usual with me dry.gif (Can we call it a metal wavey thingy?) Might be my worst yet but got to move on

I had trouble finding a grove on this one so we end up with more writing than feel, which may have added to the problem. But I still got to knock out the storm now. smile.gif

Attached File  Leedbreak_New_wave_BT.mp3 ( 330.51K ) Number of downloads: 146

Attached File  Leedbreak_New_wave_NBT.mp3 ( 330.51K ) Number of downloads: 150

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This post has been edited by leedbreak: Jul 22 2009, 06:55 PM

- leedbreak

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Jul 27 2009, 08:25 PM
Learning Tone Master
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Thanks for the extended deadline! Here goes smile.gif

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Jul 27 2009, 09:21 PM
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You are not the latest!

So I went back and forth with this. Away from the music, I'd get ideas. Back at my desk, I'd realize they had no relation to this particular backing. I kept hearing some old (and in many cases even more mellow tempo) Clash songs. I tried to think of Sex Pistols skill level instead. I also employed some "method acting" so to speak.

1. Only downstrokes
2. Palm mute, but don't worry if you're fretting an extra string
3. No vibrato unless it's wild and manic

Finally went back to my first idea and suddenly it sounded like what I imagined for this song and style, so here it is:

Attached File  imnw_jafomatic_wbt.mp3 ( 1.61MB ) Number of downloads: 144

Attached File  imnw_jafomatic_nbt.mp3 ( 1.61MB ) Number of downloads: 122

Edit: re-rendered with far far less compression.

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This post has been edited by jafomatic: Jul 27 2009, 09:41 PM

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+Quote Post
Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 30 2009, 08:00 PM
Posts: 25.396
Joined: 20-November 07
From: Belgrade, Serbia

Rhythm: Starting solid with the rhythm, but problems with the middle part. Some notes are a bit off, specially in that accending run. Other than that I think you played everything very nice, sounds pretty solid to me.
Phrasing: Good use of pentatonics, first couple of phrases are great, and second couple is great as well, but the ending on the last one is that descending run that is a bit undefined rhythmically. After that there are some ascending/descending runs and not too defined phrases, so this part could use a bit more structure. In the end you finished nicely using build-up phrases, and god ending, although I would like to hear the root one octave higher, possibly bended.
Technique: You technique is in general good, and everything you play is pretty solid, leaning a bit towards metal styles mainly because of the palm muting that is often heard. This is not bad however, I think you managed to achieve a very cool HM vibe here. What I would like to hear more, and bends and vibratos, specially towards the end, and in the end itself.
Sound: Your sound was good, but as I said on the stormy collab, it lack some volumen, punch and cutting through the mix. This all can be very easily adjusted by using some EQ, and possibly lowering down ovedrive knob juust a tiny bit to increase overall definition.

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Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 30 2009, 08:38 PM
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From: Belgrade, Serbia

Rhythm: Good rhythmical structure, very interesting in the first part, and good in the second part as well, very similar compared to the first one. I like the fact you took a main theme approach and it sounds very good. One thing that could be inserted are perhaps some longer notes in the middle or possibly developing rhythmically the main theme when you played it in second part of the solo. Not too much tho, but just inserting note here or there to keep it interesting and with some rhythmical jump outs.
Phrasing: Good main theme on the solo, catchy. Nicely balanced solo, but I feel you could do nicer climax and build the solo up in the middle part, specially on the second phrase in the middle part.
Technique: Everything is very good, I think your playing is pretty solid. I would like to hear couple of more bends, and possibly even a vibrato in the middle part on the second phrase tho.
Sound: Good sound, but I have a feeling it is not cutting well through the mix. I think spending a bit more time on adjusting the EQ will do the trick with that. Other than that it is good and smooth.


Rhythm: Very interesting rhythmic "islands" and phrases man. The solo progresses in a very interesting way and definitely has a great vibe to it. Some notes need some polishing, they are not perfectly in time, but this is technique issue not rhythmical. Overall, really well done on the rhythm part, sounds pretty cool.
Phrasing: Good phrasing, reminds me on British rock, and it is a very positive thing. There are 6 phrases here, actually 3 pairs of phrases, and the finishing one that is number 7 and seems similar to phrases 5 and 6. All pairs are great, and middle pair is brilliant. Sounds like a true british hit rock song from the 80ties. I think the weakest link is the ending itself, cause I woudl make a big build up using intervals and climb it up, possibly using tremolo playing or something like that. Similar build up techniques would make this really a stand out material.
technique: Pretty solid in my opinion. There are some noise issues, and not all notes came out perfectly clear, but I think everything is played on a very decent level, just needs a bit more polishing.
Sound: Very nice sound, really feels like British rock tone, but I would say it needs a bit more punch and mids to it to really make it nasty. Ovedrive is just right perhaps liiitle over the top (on the top end). All in all very good, and cuts nicely. I'm please to hear this take, it is very interesting.

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+Quote Post
Jul 31 2009, 06:09 PM
Learning Tone Master
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Thanks for the comments (and the PM reminder xD)! Yeah, I definitely should have built up a climax, and had some stronger vibrato and bends. Thanks for a great collaboration, looking forward for the next one! smile.gif

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Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 31 2009, 07:18 PM
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From: Belgrade, Serbia
Thank you my friend for leaving the comment and participating! smile.gif Will see you on the next collab smile.gif

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Jul 31 2009, 07:47 PM
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From: Austin, TX
QUOTE (Ivan Milenkovic @ Jul 30 2009, 02:38 PM) *

Rhythm: Very interesting rhythmic "islands" and phrases man. The solo progresses in a very interesting way and definitely has a great vibe to it. Some notes need some polishing, they are not perfectly in time, but this is technique issue not rhythmical. Overall, really well done on the rhythm part, sounds pretty cool.
Phrasing: Good phrasing, reminds me on British rock, and it is a very positive thing. There are 6 phrases here, actually 3 pairs of phrases, and the finishing one that is number 7 and seems similar to phrases 5 and 6. All pairs are great, and middle pair is brilliant. Sounds like a true british hit rock song from the 80ties. I think the weakest link is the ending itself, cause I woudl make a big build up using intervals and climb it up, possibly using tremolo playing or something like that. Similar build up techniques would make this really a stand out material.
technique: Pretty solid in my opinion. There are some noise issues, and not all notes came out perfectly clear, but I think everything is played on a very decent level, just needs a bit more polishing.
Sound: Very nice sound, really feels like British rock tone, but I would say it needs a bit more punch and mids to it to really make it nasty. Ovedrive is just right perhaps liiitle over the top (on the top end). All in all very good, and cuts nicely. I'm please to hear this take, it is very interesting.

Rhythm: this wasn't something I was intending to allow "slippage" for the musical style, so those are true mistakes on my part. Thankfully they weren't too large it seems, but that's an aspect of playing I usually feel pretty confident with. Thanks for spotting the flaw, I'll listen close and see what I didn't there.

Phrasing: The secret ingredient in failing to build up that ending is ... poor counting. I skipped a measure and had to try to build AGAIN above that, which sounds weak as the higher notes in the ad-hoc extended phrase were not picked as strongly as I'd have liked. Apparently even the original build up wasn't clear enough, perhaps the "this makes punk" techniques I chose (all downpicks, lack of muting, etc) were not helping here either.

Sound: I'm not totally happy with the compression job we changed either. It was clearly FAR too much in the first submission but I think I could give it some better lovin' in the mix. I'll pay attention to the mid range if I go back to do that.

Thanks for the feedback smile.gif

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+Quote Post
Ivan Milenkovic
Jul 31 2009, 09:04 PM
Posts: 25.396
Joined: 20-November 07
From: Belgrade, Serbia
Well those observations are really precise man, and this is what I really like to see. When a person is so precise in observing what was going on in his playing, this is a good sign that tomorrow those problems will be overcomed or good things developed even more. Very good! smile.gif

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