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ANNOUNCEMENT, Let's Rock!! Lcsdds (Monte) Main MTP Thread
Feb 24 2009, 05:25 PM
Learning Tone Seeker
Posts: 2.054
Joined: 2-September 08
Alright guys lets get going. First of all call me Monte. I hate my screen name. laugh.gif What I would like everybody to do first off is to start their own thread in this board and answer the following questions:

1-What is your level of theory knowledge? Do you know your diatonic and pentatonic boxes? Do you know your triads?

2-Do you know how to count rhythms along with a metronome? Do you practice with a metronome?

3-If you could play any lesson on GMC what would it be?

4-Give me a brief introduction about yourself and what you are hoping to get out of this MTP program.

I will post a little later and tell you guys how I would like to run this program. If you want to know a little more about me you can check out my MTP thread with Muris.


Here is how I would like to run this guys. There are 2 basic things that I want us to work on as a group and they are these:

A)Know your Diatonic and Pentatonic Boxes
B)Know your basic Major and Minor triad shapes

2)Timing-Practicing with a metronome

I will give an assignment for the week every Sunday and I would like you guys to work on it and post it sometime during the week. It will be an easy assignment, one that can be completed by practicing 10-15 minutes a day. In my opinion knowing these things are important as not only a guitarist but as a musician.

The rest of the time I would like to be a bit more personal. You are all at different levels and have different goals as a guitar player. I see myself as a resource for you. You can tell me what you want to work on and I will point you in the right direction and give you as much or as little feedback as you want.

You are only gonna get out of this program what you put into it and I am willing to work as hard and as much with you guys as you would like me to. But know this, I am not your mom and I am not a babysitter. laugh.gif If you want to participate and learn that is great and I will do whatever I can to help you progress as a guitar player and musician. I am not gonna chase you down and ask you where your assignments are. It is your responsibility to do them and if you choose not to that is fine. I can't make you learn guitar I can only help you if you already have the desire. smile.gif

Lets try and keep this board as clean as possible. I will post your assignments here but please everybody start their own thread so that we can have more of a personal touch with this program. You can PM me anytime and I am on these boards A LOT. I will post your first assignment as soon as everybody has started their own threads and I will address everybody individually at that point. I'm excited to work with you guys and I hope I can teach you a thing or two smile.gif .

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This post has been edited by lcsdds: Feb 24 2009, 06:21 PM
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+Quote Post
Feb 24 2009, 07:54 PM
Learning Tone Seeker
Posts: 2.054
Joined: 2-September 08
Alright guys lets get going. Here is your first lesson I want you to go over.


It is how to use a metronome. Kanzie you don't have to do this one since your timing is OK already. laugh.gif laugh.gif Just kidding. laugh.gif

Do I think you can be a good guitarist without using a metronome? Probably, but I think most of us need a tool like this. The man who started this website that we all love so much says you can't be a great guitarist without using the metronome. Those are his words not mine but I echo that sentiment. smile.gif It is never gonna get any easier to learn how to use it than now so just dig in and do it!!

For the second Assignment I want you all to download the Guitar Pro file and look it over. It contains the tab for the 7 diatonic box shapes and the 5 pentatonic box shapes as well as the shapes for the Major and Minor triads. These are the building blocks of music. I am going to make you responsible for one shape each week. So for this week I want you upload a video of the following:

Each of you playing the following in time with a metronome. Except Kanzie because his timing is fine. laugh.gif laugh.gif I'm not gonna let it die buddy! laugh.gif

-Play the first diatonic box shape, Ionian, as written in the tab in time to a metronome. I don't care what tempo you use I just want to hear you play it in time. This box is tabbed using triplets which will be explained in the metronome lesson by guitartube....errr I mean Kris. laugh.gif

-Play the first pentatonic box shape, Position 1, as written in the tab in time with the metronome. Agan, tempo is up to you. This scale is played as eighth notes which is explained in the metronome lesson.

-Play the first position A major triad shapes. These are written as quarter notes, again this is explained in the metronome lesson.

If you could upload a video by saturday that would be great. For the rest of the time I will be stopping by your individual threads and we will figure out what else to get you working on to get you where you want to go with your guitar playing.

Have at it guys and I am subscribing to all your threads so when you post I will know. Let's keep this board nice and clean so we can refer back to it for the assignments. Work hard guys!! wink.gif

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This post has been edited by lcsdds: Feb 24 2009, 10:21 PM

Attached File(s)
Attached File  Triads__Diatonic_and_Pentatonic_boxes.gp5 ( 5.47K ) Number of downloads: 192
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+Quote Post
Feb 25 2009, 02:26 PM
Learning Tone Seeker
Posts: 2.054
Joined: 2-September 08
QUOTE (kaznie_NL @ Feb 25 2009, 01:41 PM) *
I wish I'd never started bout the metronome xD Do you want a video or is mp3 ok? If it's gonna be video my sound quality is gonna be good enough to hear it all and stuff, but not for producing a song tongue.gif

EDIT: I just watched the metronome video again, and I have a question. When you play solos and stuff do you still count everything? Am I right when I say counting is great to get started, but after a while it should come natural?

Absolutely Kaz. After you use the metronome for awhile you will have and "inner metronome" that is alway going in your head or in the case of a backing track you will have drums or a drummer if you are playing a gig. The metronome is useful for developing you sense of timing. Some of Muris's lessons have you playing 16th triplets at 160 bpm mad.gif How are you supposed to get that up to speed without a metronome? The answer is YOU WON"T! smile.gif I don't count when I am playing solos either Kaz but I am counting subconsciously because I have worked with the metronome, or in my case a drum machine, so much that I can just feel where the beat it.

I know you said you don't want to shred and that is great, but you can't tell me that you don't want to throw the occasional shred run in your blues solos. Eric Johnson does and so did SRV!! smile.gif We'll go over it some more when you get to some of the faster runs in the Lukather lesson. I'll show you exactly how to use the metronome to get those runs up to speed. Unless of course you can already play them up to tempo. smile.gif You said you can play some Satriani until the hard legato parts start. How do you plan to remedy this? Just not play them? smile.gif The answer my friend is to get out the metronome and get to work. smile.gif

BTW, mp3 is ok but make sure I can hear a drumbeat so I know you are playing in time. smile.gif

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This post has been edited by lcsdds: Feb 25 2009, 02:27 PM
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+Quote Post
Feb 25 2009, 03:07 PM
Learning Tone Seeker
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QUOTE (kaznie_NL @ Feb 25 2009, 02:58 PM) *
Here you go tongue.gif Can u explain (or link to an explanation) about the triads? I know how to build them, but what are these? Are these just ways of playing an Amaj chord, or are we gonna use them for arpeggios? And about the shredding, I think some fast licks/runs are great!

80 BPM

I'm gonna post about the triad and scales today buddy, alright? smile.gif Do me a favor Kaz, Post any questions or anthing you want to talk about in your thread. That way we can keep this thread nice and clean and easy to navigate, OK? smile.gif Thanks buddy. I'm gonna have Skenny Move your posts to your thread now. Thanks.

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Feb 25 2009, 05:38 PM
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Guys, I'm gonna have Skenny clean this thread up and hopefully make it so only I can post in here. I want keep this thread clean so you can easily follow what we as a group will be doing. If you have any questions about anything in this thread just post them in your thread. I won't miss it, I promise. Thanks. smile.gif

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+Quote Post
Feb 25 2009, 10:19 PM
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Hi Guys.
Hopefully everybody has had a chance to watch the lesson on using the metronome aka the "KAZ-BOX". laugh.gif laugh.gif
If you haven't please watch it before reading on:


So as you guys know I am not a professional musician, never even been in a band. In fact before I found GMC I was in what I would call "musical purgatory". biggrin.gif From what I have gathered so far from talking with you guys not one of you practices with a metronome on a regular basis. I think this is a HUGE mistake. Now since I am just a "Dentist wannabe bedroom shredder" I don't expect you to take my word for it. After all I am not a professional musician. Sooooo....let's see what the man himself who started this website, none other than Kristofer Dahl, has to say on the subject of the metronome aka the "KAZ-BOX".



and my personal favorite!!


These are Kris's words not mine so if you don't want to take my word for it take his. biggrin.gif

Do you need to use a metronome for everything you practice? NO.


Do I think all of you guys need to be shredders? NO
But I don't think one of you can honestly tell me that you don't want to be able to throw in some shred runs in your solos here and there. The metronome is just another tool to help you reach your goals. I want you guys to learn how to use it so that you can play ANY piece of music that you want to.

The alternative to learning to use a metronome is that you will just be relegated to playing music that is at whatever your natural playing ability is. If you don't have aspirations to play any music with fast passages in them then you won't need to learn to use the metronome that much, although even slower music can be difficult to play and the metronome can help here as well.

If you guys want to play a Satch tune or an Iron Maiden song I want you to be able to play the WHOLE song not the song "except for the fast legato parts etc."

It really isn't that hard, just takes a little patience and work. Once you get the feel for it it is easy. How hard was it to change chords when you first started? Now you do it without thinking about it. Same with the "KAZ-BOX". Once you get the feel for it it is an INVALUABLE TOOL!! Watch the video and we are going to work on using the metronome by using it with your lessons when you have a passage you can't get up to tempo.

I already told Dan that until he learned to use the metronome I was gonna be on him "like a rat on a cheeto" so that goes for all y'all as well!! laugh.gif

Again, please nobody post in this board but me so we can keep it clean. Any questions you have about anything should be posted in your threads.

Monte "the Dentist wannabe shredder" Stevens

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+Quote Post
Feb 26 2009, 01:45 AM
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I'd like everybody to read this lesson on Chords and their relationship to scales that Andrew did. No big hurry but it will help you with your theory knowledge. If you ever want to write your own music this is a must. When you want to know what chords you can use for a progression in whatever key it is you are using this will show you how to figure it out. Kaz, this is where the triads I am having you guys learn come from. smile.gif Post in your threads if you have any questions about it. smile.gif


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Feb 27 2009, 06:18 PM
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Alright guys first things first. Download the picture and put it on your desktop. This is a chart for you to refer to. When I tell you we are gonna be working in D lydian you can quickly refer to it and know which triads you can use to write chord progressions and compare it to other scales as well. I'll go into this more shortly. Keep checking back as I am gonna elaborate on scales, triads and modes and how we are gonna use them to make music. Should be fun. biggrin.gif

So both Kazareeno and Jer have asked me why do they need to learn triads. Rather than tell you why I am gonna show you why. I gave everybody a question this morning and you all did a good job answering them. I am gonna use the information that YOU GUYS gave me and we are gonna create a chord progression to collaborate on. Jer said he would mix everybody's take, including my own. Before I get started I want you guys to look at the picture in this thread of the diatonic keys, the one that I want you to download and put on your desktop for future reference.

You will notice that across the top I have the modes listed with a corresponding roman numeral underneath. This chart will allow you to find the notes found in any key/mode as well as the corresponding triads that are built from the notes in the key/mode. For more detail on how triads are built from the scales refer back to Andrew's lesson. He has already taken the time to do this and explains it better than me. For our purposes here is what I want you to know.

Ionian=Major scale=Major Scale of COMPARISON
Aeolian=Minor scale=Minor Scale of COMPARISON

When I refer to the Key of D minor I am really referring to the D Aeolian mode and when I am referring to the Key of D major I am really referring to the D Ionian mode. If you want to know what notes are found in the D minor scale then go across the top of the chart to Aeolian and down until you find D then the notes running across in that same row are the notes found in D minor. This will work for any mode in any Key. Now you have all this information easily accessible.

When you want to know what triads are in the key of D minor find the D Aeolian key and any note that is in a column with a lower case roman numeral is the root of a minor triad and any note that is in a column with an upper case roman numeral is the root of a major triad.

For simplicity this is what I want you to know.

Ionian, Lydian and Mixolydian= Major Modes

Aeolian, Dorian and Phrygian= Minor modes

Locrian=Diminished (we aren't gonna worry about this mode yet) smile.gif

Notice from your chart that the Ionian, Lydian and Mixolydian modes have Major triads associated with them and the Aeolian, Dorian and Phrygian modes have Minor triads associated with them. This is the reason I want you from now on to think of each mode as either a Major mode or a Minor mode.

So now that we know the names of the modes and if they are Major or Minor we need to figure out how to use them in our playing.


As I stated up earlier it is as follows:

Ionian=Major scale=Major Scale of COMPARISON
Aeolian=Minor scale=Minor Scale of COMPARISON

So what I would like to do rather than going into a big theoretical discussion is show you how to use the modes. For the next 2 or 3 months we are gonna focus on one mode. Since I am a big Vai and Satch fan, and I'm in charge laugh.gif laugh.gif, I'm gonna pick my favorite mode.....THE LYDIAN MODE.

So our assingment for the month of march is to COMPOSE in the key of D Lydian. I am gonna pick the chord progression for this month and set some parameters that I want you to work on in your takes. I'll go into this more later. For now we need to figure out how to create a chord progression in the Key of D Lydian. Here is the thought process I use and I want you to refer back to it when I ask you guys to come up with chord progressions for us to jam over.

So I need to figure out a D Lydian chord progression. Here are the questions and answers that need to be going through you mind when doing this for ANY mode!!

1) Is D Lydian a Major or Minor Mode? MAJOR

2) What is the Major scale/mode of comparison for D Lydian? D MAJOR/IONIAN

3)What are the notes and triads found in D Lydian? Dmaj-Emaj-F#min-G#dim-Amaj-Bmin-C#min

4)What are the notes and triads found in the scale of comparison D Ionian? Dmaj-Emin-F#min-Gmaj-Amaj-Bmin-C#dim

5) What notes are found in D Lydian but not it's scale of comparison? G#

6) What triads are found in D Lydian but not it's scale of Comparison? Emaj-G#dim-C#min


So...In order to come up with a chord progression that sounds like D lydian and not D Ionian I need to emphasize the chords found in D Lydian and not its scale of comparison...D Ionian. So in the case of D lydian we can use a chord progression using D maj and then try and work in E maj, C# min as well. We can use other chords as well but by using some chords found in D Lydian and not D Ionian it will give us a Lydian feel rather than an Ionian feel.

The Chord progression I am going to use is D-D-E-E. Think Satch's "Flying in a blue dream".

Read this post a couple of times guys as I am going to edit it to make if flow better if needs be. I am gonna do a separate post and give you parameters for doing your takes and show you how to solo over this progression. Jer is gonna make us a backing track and I'll post it in this thread when it is done. Thanks Jer!! smile.gif

Any questions about this stuff should be posted in your threads. Thanks. smile.gif

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This post has been edited by lcsdds: Feb 27 2009, 09:43 PM

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+Quote Post
Feb 27 2009, 10:58 PM
Learning Tone Seeker
Posts: 2.054
Joined: 2-September 08

Alright guys....We have figured out how to come up with a modal chord progression so now it is time to figure out how we can solo over it. smile.gif

I am going to be referring to some of the things we talked about in the previous post so if you need to go back and review that post the please do so. smile.gif

I told you in the previous post that there are 2 types of Modes: Major Modes and Minor Modes.

I already covered which ones are which so I'm not going to go into that. Here is how I want you to think when thinking about them though:

Major Modes=Associated with a Major Triad>Associated with its Modal Diatonic Scale>Associated with Major Pentatonic scale

Minor Modes=Associated with a Minor Triad>Associated with its Modal Diatonic Scale>Associatd with Minor Pentatonic scale.

This tells us what triads or arpeggios and scales we can use to solo over ANY modal chord progressions. Now we can actually get a little more creative than this but for now we are gonna keep it basic and then we will build from there.

Let's look at our example of D Lydian.

Our Chord progression is D-D-E-E

So let's go through our thought process again and ask ourselves some questions.

What type of Mode is D Lydian? Major

What Diatonic Scale is D Lydian associated with? D Lydian

What is the RELATIVE IONIAN scale for D Lydian? A Ionian

What Pentatonic Scale is D Lydian associated with? D Major pentatonic

Those questions and answers just gave you A LOT of options for soloing over a D Lydian progression and can be applied to ANY modal progression.

So looking at those questions and answers here are the scale options we can use for our solos.

D Lydian=A Major/Ionian
D Major Pentatonic=B Minor Pentatonic

Use your chart to figure out the relative keys guys. So for D Lydian, find the Lydian column and go down until you find D and then go across to the Ionian column and whatever note is there is your relative Major/Ionian. In the case of D Lydian, A Ionian is the relative Major/Ionian scale. To find out which Major Pentatonic scale is the same as the Minor pentatonic scale Do the same thing except go to the Ionian column and then down and over to the Aeolian Column. In this case D Ionian is the same as B Aeolian.

Again post any questions in your thread and I am gonna make another post laying out the parameters for our March D Lydian collaboration, and give you some soloing ideas as well. smile.gif

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This post has been edited by lcsdds: Feb 28 2009, 12:58 AM
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+Quote Post
Feb 28 2009, 01:36 AM
Learning Tone Seeker
Posts: 2.054
Joined: 2-September 08
Alright so here I am gonna layout the Parameters of our March collaboration in the Key of D Lydian.


D Lydian/A Ionian and D and E Major pentatonic OR their relative minor scales B and C#Minor pentatonic.




So there are the tools you have at your disposal to compose your takes.

Here is how I want you to approach it.

When playing over the D Major chord I want you to find a D major triad box. You can find this by taking your A major triad shapes that I gave you and moving them up or down the neck as needed to make them D major. If anyone doesn't know how to do this you can ask me in your thread. I think you guys are smart enough to figure it out tho. smile.gif

I want you to find the boxes for D Major that are found within the Diatonic and Pentatonic boxes I have assigned you to focus on. Then I want you to use the notes of the D major triads as your target note or your landing notes. So here is our first rule:

Any note that lasts longer than half a beat, or an 8th note, HAS TO BE A NOTE THAT IS FOUND IN THE MAJOR TRIAD THAT YOU ARE SOLOING OVER.

So if you are soloing over the D maj chord and you play a note longer than an 8th note it has to be either a D, F# or A....The notes of D maj.

If you are soloing over the E maj chord and you play a note longer than an 8th note it has to be either an E, G# or B.....The notes of E maj.

This will make sure that your landing or target notes sound good over the chord you are soloing over.

So if you want to play a run of triplets starting over the D chord for instance you could bend up to an F# for beats 1 & 2,
play a triplet run using the pentatonic or diatonic boxes I am wanting you to focus on ecompassing the next four beats and then end with a wide vibrato on the D note for the last 2 beats. A lick like this would fall within the parameters I am wanting you to stick to.

As you are gonna find out the only thing that is limiting you is gonna be your creativity and this is what music is all about.

For next month I'm gonna expand the parameters and give you even more ideas and options for your solos.

One more thing. I don't want anybody to upload any takes until the last week of March. I want you guys to work on COMPOSING something cool. Not just jamming and throwing something together quickly. Not that that isn't cool as well, but I want you to focus on composing something for this collab.

Again, post any questions on this in your threads. Should be fun. ROCK ON!! \m/ \m/

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This post has been edited by lcsdds: Feb 28 2009, 01:40 AM
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+Quote Post
Mar 1 2009, 05:39 AM
Learning Tone Seeker
Posts: 2.054
Joined: 2-September 08
Here is the backing track for this Month's D lydian collab guys. Thanks Jer!! \m/\m/

Any questions regarding this and other general things can be posted in the new General Discussion thread. smile.gif smile.gif

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Attached File  D_Lydian_MTP_Collab.mp3 ( 1.3MB ) Number of downloads: 197
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+Quote Post
Mar 2 2009, 07:43 PM
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Joined: 2-September 08
So here are our assignments so far. You don't need to necessarily submit videos on all of these although if you have time then by all means do it.

Triads-All 3 Major and Minor positions

Diatonic Boxes-Know the Ioninan, Dorian and Phrygian positions

Pentatonic boxes-Know positions 1, 2 and 5. I know this is out of order but I'll show you why later.

Kaz-Box licks-2 Monthly Kaz-Box licks with the parameters set in the "Kaz-Box" thread.

Monthly Collab-"D Lydian this month".

I would use the scale boxes and triads as a warm-up. These are things you just need to know to be able to do the Kaz-Box licks and collabs etc. Don't need to spend tons of time on these, just a little bit each day.

I will Post in everybody's thread what they should be working on individually as well.

The individual assignments should be taking up the majority of your practice time. wink.gif smile.gif

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This post has been edited by lcsdds: Mar 2 2009, 07:44 PM
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+Quote Post
Mar 3 2009, 07:57 PM
Posts: 2.348
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From: Enschede/overijssel/Nederland
Hey Monte:) Been an odd time for me sorry for that stuff before. I'm in a EXAM week at school so, might not be as active since I dont rlly have much time for anything at the moment but learning. So, after that I'll dive back in. Thanks for another chance.

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Don't just play it. Feel it!
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+Quote Post
Mar 3 2009, 08:23 PM
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QUOTE (Jesse @ Mar 3 2009, 07:57 PM) *
Hey Monte:) Been an odd time for me sorry for that stuff before. I'm in a EXAM week at school so, might not be as active since I dont rlly have much time for anything at the moment but learning. So, after that I'll dive back in. Thanks for another chance.

No problem. Dive in and catch up when you get a chance. smile.gif

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Mar 6 2009, 06:38 PM
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Alright guys, first things first.....A moment of silence for Dan's poor dog..... huh.gif laugh.gif

Good news....We are DONE with theory for awhile....hope you are OK with that Dan. tongue.gif \m/\m/

It is now time for everybody to focus on ACTUALLY PLAYING your guitar!!

Try to get through the first beginner's lesson ASAP and get your takes posted. Then I got one more little twist for ya and then it's on to the intermediate level. Let me know if you have any questions about anything. smile.gif

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Mar 8 2009, 06:20 PM
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From: Washington DC
QUOTE (lcsdds @ Feb 24 2009, 07:54 PM) *
Alright guys lets get going. Here is your first lesson I want you to go over.


It is how to use a metronome. Kanzie you don't have to do this one since your timing is OK already. laugh.gif laugh.gif Just kidding. laugh.gif

Do I think you can be a good guitarist without using a metronome? Probably, but I think most of us need a tool like this. The man who started this website that we all love so much says you can't be a great guitarist without using the metronome. Those are his words not mine but I echo that sentiment. smile.gif It is never gonna get any easier to learn how to use it than now so just dig in and do it!!

For the second Assignment I want you all to download the Guitar Pro file and look it over. It contains the tab for the 7 diatonic box shapes and the 5 pentatonic box shapes as well as the shapes for the Major and Minor triads. These are the building blocks of music. I am going to make you responsible for one shape each week. So for this week I want you upload a video of the following:

Each of you playing the following in time with a metronome. Except Kanzie because his timing is fine. laugh.gif laugh.gif I'm not gonna let it die buddy! laugh.gif

-Play the first diatonic box shape, Ionian, as written in the tab in time to a metronome. I don't care what tempo you use I just want to hear you play it in time. This box is tabbed using triplets which will be explained in the metronome lesson by guitartube....errr I mean Kris. laugh.gif

-Play the first pentatonic box shape, Position 1, as written in the tab in time with the metronome. Agan, tempo is up to you. This scale is played as eighth notes which is explained in the metronome lesson.

-Play the first position A major triad shapes. These are written as quarter notes, again this is explained in the metronome lesson.

If you could upload a video by saturday that would be great. For the rest of the time I will be stopping by your individual threads and we will figure out what else to get you working on to get you where you want to go with your guitar playing.

Have at it guys and I am subscribing to all your threads so when you post I will know. Let's keep this board nice and clean so we can refer back to it for the assignments. Work hard guys!! wink.gif

hey monte,
for the triads in the gp file, would it be too much to ask which fingers you use? I can figure out most of them, i just want to be sure im doing the right fingering.

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Mar 9 2009, 12:36 AM
Posts: 1.881
Joined: 16-January 08
From: Washington DC
I was just goofing around with the major scale and made a little workout on guitar pro... its a common
one thats been used alot, but it is still a good one...

here it is, this one is in A ionian 1st position from montes daily workout gp file... Ill do them all when i get a chance, it
takes a little bit to make them..

If thats ok with monte, i just do them this way to make them longer and they stick in
my head better this way... it also seems to make them more fun to play with

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Attached File(s)
Attached File  Major_scale_workout.gp5 ( 2.7K ) Number of downloads: 132

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Mar 9 2009, 01:02 AM
Learning Tone Seeker
Posts: 2.054
Joined: 2-September 08
QUOTE (Outlaw2112 @ Mar 8 2009, 06:20 PM) *
hey monte,
for the triads in the gp file, would it be too much to ask which fingers you use? I can figure out most of them, i just want to be sure im doing the right fingering.

Hi John...I'll notate the fingering I use and reupload them. Probably won't get them uploaded until tomorrow though. smile.gif

QUOTE (Outlaw2112 @ Mar 9 2009, 12:36 AM) *
I was just goofing around with the major scale and made a little workout on guitar pro... its a common
one thats been used alot, but it is still a good one...

here it is, this one is in A ionian 1st position from montes daily workout gp file... Ill do them all when i get a chance, it
takes a little bit to make them..

If thats ok with monte, i just do them this way to make them longer and they stick in
my head better this way... it also seems to make them more fun to play with

Awesome John...That is what I am wanting you guys to do with these scales. Mess around with them and make them fun. I almost NEVER practice them straight up and down. I'll mutate them and make some licks out of them and then play them in the different boxes. Good job John!! smile.gif

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+Quote Post
Mar 9 2009, 01:05 AM
Posts: 1.881
Joined: 16-January 08
From: Washington DC
QUOTE (Outlaw2112 @ Mar 9 2009, 12:36 AM) *
I was just goofing around with the major scale and made a little workout on guitar pro... its a common
one thats been used alot, but it is still a good one...

here it is, this one is in A ionian 1st position from montes daily workout gp file... Ill do them all when i get a chance, it
takes a little bit to make them..

If thats ok with monte, i just do them this way to make them longer and they stick in
my head better this way... it also seems to make them more fun to play with

I need to add 3 notes to this gp file to make it correct... does anyone know how to do that without erasing
all the other notes? Seems like when i add a bar to add the notes then it stops after playing those added
3 notes before going to the next notes.. If that makes any sense... tongue.gif

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+Quote Post
Mar 9 2009, 01:25 AM
Learning Tone Seeker
Posts: 2.054
Joined: 2-September 08
QUOTE (Outlaw2112 @ Mar 9 2009, 01:05 AM) *
I need to add 3 notes to this gp file to make it correct... does anyone know how to do that without erasing
all the other notes? Seems like when i add a bar to add the notes then it stops after playing those added
3 notes before going to the next notes.. If that makes any sense... tongue.gif

where do you need to add the notes? In the middle of the tab?

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