Strumming Patterns Lesson

Beginner Strumming Patterns

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  • Hey GMC!

    In this lesson I'll show you some of the strumming patterns which I find extremely useful. This lesson is perfect if you are just starting with the rhythm guitar and you know how to fret a few chords. You can use these strumming patterns when playing famous chord songs or just jamming as whey are pretty universal and should sound well. All the patterns are broken down, I'd suggest learning them all so that you can combine them and also create your own favorite strumming patterns or should I say rhythms.

    As a pre-study for this lesson, I'd suggest checking out my Beat Basics lesson and playing 4th and 8th note values. The strumming patterns in this lesson will be using combinations of quarter and eighth note durations to create interesting rhythms.

    My advice with strumming and playing chord songs is to just let loose and experiment. Most important is to have fun. You can create your own rhythms or try to copy rhythms heard in famous songs when strumming. At first, your goal should be to become comfortable strumming in both directions (up and down) as well as being able to keep a steady beat.

    See you in my next lesson!
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