Boogie Blues Lesson

Boogie Blues

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  • Welcome to my new lesson!

    Today I want to show you some nice Boogie pattern based Blues.

    So what is a Boogie?
    The boogie was originally played on the piano in boogie-woogie music and adapted to guitar. Boogie-woogie is a style of blues piano playing characterized by an up-tempo rhythm, a repeated melodic pattern in the bass and a series of improvised variations in the treble.

    Here is our 12 Bar Blues Progression we are dealing with :

    | I E7 | I E7 | I E7 | I E7 |
    | IV A7 | IV A7 | I E7 | I E7 |
    | V B7 | IV A7 | I E7 | V B7 |

    | I E7 | I E7 | I E7 | I E7 |
    | IV A7 | IV A7 | I E7 | I E7 |
    | V B7 | IV A7 | I E7 | V B7 |
    | I E7 |

    This Lesson will work on:

    - Boogie Pattern
    - Blues form
    - Picking Hand (Alternate Picking)
    - Basic Blues Rhythm



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